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Pathway to Ascension

Welcome! You are about to explore the essential elements of your life journey, as well
as that of the rest of creation, as all existence returns to its Source. In this series of
discussions, that process will be referred to as Ascension.

So what is Ascension, anyway?

The dictonary defines ascension as rising to a higher level or degree. We are using the
term to describe the rise of the consciousness of man and of the Earth--because they
are intertwined--as they manifest their divine nature and purpose.

While Ascension is inevitable, individual choices determine or influence its pace. We

can be active participants, cooperating to the extent of growing availability. We can
be passive, riding the coattails of those in the vanguard. Or we can resist, delaying
our progress and to some extent, impeding others. But ascend, we will. The pace and
degree of pain and frustration is up to each of us.

2001-2011 All Rights Reserved. Spiritual Journeys, LLC.
Pathway to Ascension

Where and how to begin?

Having determined to participate actively in
our own Ascension, we must understand that
The Wheel of Releasing Resistance
there is no fixed destination. We will never
arive, but endlessly explore and expand the
perfection of our being.

What will we need on the way?

This is possibly the most difficult and painful step
we will take but it is also the most critical. The
single indispensible element is our Self. While
the core of our being is a facet of the Infinite
Creator, it is overlaid with environmental and
social conditioning. We have to get rid of a
lot of baggage as we drastically re-assess our
inherent attitudes and habits.

2001-2011 All Rights Reserved. Spiritual Journeys, LLC.
Pathway to Ascension
Step 1: Welcoming Change
Its amazing how resistant we are to change and its challenges. Even Positive change
causes a degree of disruption or discomfort. Since our Self is the single constant in the
journey and has accumulated experiential and socially conditioned ways of viewing
and dealing with our world, we are now required to subject that Self to some ruthless,
unflinching examination.

The first challenge we face is the realization that our enviroment is a mirror to our Self.
The feedback we get from others reflects our own attitude and expression, as does the
quality of our physical surroundings.

While all challenges entail change, by no means are all of them painful, especially
when we become open to the lessons that lie behind the obvious. The most valuable
perspectives are often revealed by the challenges that show us who or what we are
not. As we become more adept at seeing behind appearances, the more effortlessly
we learn the lessons.

2001-2011 All Rights Reserved. Spiritual Journeys, LLC.
Pathway to Ascension
There are three ways to learn...

1. First, is to heed the gentle prodding of Spirit. This may appear as an intuitive
instruction,an inner voice or visual signs appearing either during the dream state or
while we are awake.

2. We can wait for the hard knocks--the 2x4 on the head as Spirit tries to wake us
from our nightmare.

3. Grace allows an instantaneous awakening. When grace occurs, those

dysfunctional elements in our lives stand out like sore thumbs, begging to be brought
into harmony. Living in grace allows us to hear the whispers of Spirit and make
decisions based on the highest reflection of who we are.

As we learn to embrace our challenges, our spiritual journey is greatly accelerated.
Within our challenges lie our deepest insights, and insight brings power; therefore,
challenges are our power sources.

While learning to embrace change, it is important not to get stuck on one set of truths.
Todays truth is not tomorrows truth, so hold your beliefs lightly. Truth changes because
perception changes, and what we call reality is merely a perception.

2001-2011 All Rights Reserved. Spiritual Journeys, LLC.
Pathway to Ascension
Science has led us to discount the magic behind life to the extent that we tend to
believe the only reality is that which can be proven with the limited tools available to
us or through the direct experience of our senses.

Linear time is one example of this peculiar perception. Someone once said that
humanity invented time to keep things from happening all at once. That makes it a
particularly valuable learning tool because it enables us to see the relation between
cause and effect. The denser the physical environment, the longer the gap between
cause and effect. We created the dense planet on which we live to give us time to
make mistakes and experience the unknown parts of ourselves.

Step 2: Revealing the Perfection

It is our sacred duty to be healthy and whole; otherwise, we send a discordant ripple
through the consciousness of mankind. Sickness is indicative of something being out of

Healing isnt merely removing the physical symptom. We need to look at why there is
imbalance, because our aches and pains are Spirits way of signalling us to deal with
the root of the problem. Spirit says, through the language of pain, This aspect needs
to be brought back into harmony.

2001-2011 All Rights Reserved. Spiritual Journeys, LLC.
Pathway to Ascension
The body desires that all its parts function in perfect harmony. That is why it alerts us
when something needs to be brought into alignment. Be aware, that includes our
emotions, thoughts and actions. If anything is out of balance, it eventually manifests in
the physical body.

If we develop a sickess or disease or injure ourselves, keep in mind that we created it.
When we embrace the root problem and correct it, the pain goes away. Wholeness
is what remains when we heal ourselves on every level; mentally, emotionally and

However, becoming balanced on all of these levels is no easy task, for during this
incarnation we are integrating all of our lifetimes and solving all of the problems
incurred during each. As a result, we need to be patient with ourselves as we walk the
spiral of healing over and over until not one cobweb from any lifetime remains.

Healing Others
Assisting others to heal is a great service. but we need to remember that ultimately
everyone heals himself. The highest service is to show others how to make themselves
whole. If we simply healed without educating the person about why the disease
manifested, the same problem woud recur in one form or another. If we heal a man
without guidance as to cause, we are not honoring the fact that he masterfully
manifested that condition for potential personal growth. We would be seeing him as a
helpless person needing to be rescued.
2001-2011 All Rights Reserved. Spiritual Journeys, LLC.
Pathway to Ascension
We Create Our Reality
Our most prominent thought coupled with feeling is really a prayer and it is that
which creates our reality. Thoughts flow into the reservoir of the heart and act on
the substance of things hoped for. It is a living, delicate substance that fills the entire
universe and responds to our thoughts and feelings, setting in motion that which results
in physical manifestation.

It is important that we start taking absolute responsibility for our lives and the condition
of the world. We created the seemingly imperfect conditions on our planet through
our limited thoughts. When millions of people are thinking negative thoughts, it
registers on the grid and they manifest more easily.

Guarding our thoughts has become more imperative than ever, especially since the
time lapse between what we think and its physical manifestation is becoming shorter
and shorter.

When we realize that we create our destiny, we know we are in control of our
abundance. The Infinite wants us to have abundance, wealth and beauty. We
must learn to trust in ourselves and know that we are connected to the Source that
breathed life into us. Then we can lie back in the arms of the Infinite and simply be,
having faith that we will be taken care of.

2001-2011 All Rights Reserved. Spiritual Journeys, LLC.

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