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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)

ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-4, April 2015

Mobile Cloud Computing: A reverberation in the

field of Giant Computational Ubiquitous Network
Wani Irfan Ul Haq, Shailendra Narayan Singh
phones such as iPhone, palmtops & tablets and utilize the
Abstract Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) has services from mobile application (e.g. iPhone apps, Google
revolutionized the way in which mobile subscribers across the apps, etc.) irrespective of their location i.e. not bounded by
globe leverage services on the go. The mobile cloud computing time and space. The capability of mobile devices has also
(MCC) has been introduced to be a potential technology for been largely increased through the use of sensing technology
mobile services with an explosive growth of the mobile and better data exchange capabilities.
applications and emerging of cloud computing concept. In terms
of storage ability, computation, enhanced feature support,
The combination of Cloud computing, wireless network
mobile devices have been improving very quickly. technology & portable computing devices generates a new
Notwithstanding, these versatile applications are still naturally computational model namely Mobile Cloud computing which
restricted by a relative absence of transmission capacity, allows the user to access the unlimited storage space and have
processing force, and vitality contrasted with their fastened high computation power. Thus Mobile cloud computing (Fig
partners. This paper gives an overview of Mobile Cloud 1) can be defined as:
Computing, which helps users to have an outline of the MCC
including the definition, architecture, and characteristics. The Mobile cloud computing is an infrastructure where both
issues, existing solutions and approaches are presented. In
data processing and data storage takes place outside of the
addition, the future research directions of MCC are discussed.
mobile devices.

Index Terms Cloud Computing, Mobile Computing, Mobile

Cloud Computing, Issues in MCC, Research Directions.

There has been a significant development in various
application models. Cloud computing is one of the emerging
research topic through which various IT services and
functionalities are delivered to the users as a utility to be sold
as a service. Cloud computing can be thought as the cluster
of Personal computers providing the safe, reliable and
convenient services to its client. The services offered by the
cloud computing is provided on-demand in a self service
fashion. According to the Gartner (a famous global analytical
and consulting company), in the next 3-5 years cloud
computing will be globally accepted by all the organizations
and will have a high impact on the working of the various
organization and enterprises [2]. According to the Sean
Fig 1: Mobile Cloud Computing
Martson [1] one of the greatest achievement in the history of
the computing is the evolution of the cloud computing in
Thus MCC enriches the mobile user with the higher
which the various hardware and software services are
capabilities to utilize the services of the cloud computing to
delivered on demand to the customers over the network. The
the fullest. Various applications have already been developed
end users simply log on to the network without installing the
and served to the user. These applications include Googles
software and access the products and the services from the
Gmail, some Android applications, Live Mesh, MobileMe
remote location.
The market of the mobile phones is rapidly increasing.
Inspite of the various benefits that a Mobile Cloud Computing
According to the Cisco IBSG [3] mobile phones have
has there are numerous challenges and problems. Although
revolutionized our lives and more than 80% of the world use
there are various developments in the field of Mobile
mobile phones. Mobile phones are the effective means of
hardware and networks, they are still less secure, resource
communication connected to the internet through the rapidly
poor and limited by battery life. The primary concern in
growing wireless networks. Mobile users use the smart
Mobile Cloud Computing is to secure users privacy and
integrity of applications and data. Since mobile cloud
Manuscript received March 30, 2015. computing is a combination of mobile computing and cloud
Wani Irfan Ul Haq, Computer Science & Engineering Department, computing therefore we need to consider security issues of
Amity University, Noida, India, Mobile No.: +91-9910847459. both mobile network users and mobile cloud.
Dr. Shailendra Narayan Singh, Computer Science & Engineering
Department, Amity University, Noida, India, Mobile No.: +91-9871910087.

Mobile Cloud Computing: A reverberation in the field of Giant Computational Ubiquitous Network

II. OVERVIEW OF MOBILE CLOUD COMPUTING business services architecture is explained in [7] & [8]
The term MCC was introduced in 2009. The cost incurred in respectively.
the development and running the mobile applications is highly The layered architecture of Mobile Cloud Computing is given
reduced and thus has attracted the attentions of entrepreneurs. below in Fig 3.
The mobile users achieve rich experience of mobile services
at a low cost. The mobile users can leverage the services of
the cloud computing even when they are on the go not
bounded by time and space. Mobile users access the services
on the cloud using a web browser. When the mobile user
requests to the cloud the cloud management responds to the
request by allocating the resource to the user and establish a
connection. The other sections of the cloud ensure that the
Quality of service is maintained until the connection is
A. Architecture
Fig 1 explained a general architecture. Fig 2 presents a more
detailed architecture of Mobile Cloud Computing [4].

Fig 3: Layered Architecture.

1) Software as a Service (SaaS): The cloud infrastructure

in software as a service (SaaS) is such that the applications
running on a cloud is used by the consumer. A web browser is
used to access the applications from various client devices
and pay only for that they use. The mobile user that requests to
the cloud does not manage or have any control on the cloud
infrastructure. Salesforce, Microsofts Live Mesh provides
this service model.
2) Platform as a Service (PaaS): Platform as a
service (PaaS) is a category of cloud computing services that
provides a computing platform for building, testing and
deploying applications. The cloud infrastructure in PaaS is
not in the control of the consumer but can deploy on the cloud
infrastructure using some programming language. The
developers here need only to concentrate on developing their
applications as the management is done by the service
Fig 2: Mobile Cloud Computing architecture provider. PaaS is cost-effective, simple and robust but is
complex of the three.
As depicted in the Fig 2 base stations are used to connect the 3) Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): In Infrastructure as a
mobile nodes to the mobile network. The base stations may service the deployment is done by the consumer. IaaS is also
include BTS, access point, or satellite. These base stations are known as Hardware as a service (HaaS). The consumer here is
responsible for establishing and maintaining the connection also responsible for running arbitrary software. Here the
between the mobile devices and the mobile network. It acts as consumer has control on the operating system and deployed
an interface between the mobile nodes and mobile networks. application but has no control over the cloud infrastructure. In
Whenever a mobile user requests a service its request is IaaS the organization outsources the equipment required to
transmitted to the central processor which in turn is connected support the operations in delivering the service.
to the servers. The users request is then sent to the cloud
B. Characteristics
through the internet where the users request is processed and
is allotted with the desired service. However depending on the 1) Resource Pooling: A cloud is a resource pool [9] where
type of context, the cloud architecture can be different for the consumer consumes large number of resources on
different context. In order to compare the cloud computing demand. A model known as multi-tenant model enables the
with the grid computing a four layer architecture is explained consumer to assigns and reassigns the resources depending on
in [5]. Aneka (service oriented architecture) was introduces so the demand and is used to serve multiple consumers. A web
that the developers can use APIs and multiple programming browser is used to access the data available on the cloud and
models to build .Net applications [6]. Alternately the consumer has no knowledge about the location of the data.
architectures for creating market-oriented clouds and web 2) Reliability and usability: The user need not to worry
about their data present on the cloud as the data on the cloud is

International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-4, April 2015
safe from the virus, attacks and data loss. The cloud also B. Availability
provides the backup to the data in case of any failure on the One of the main issue in the MCC is the availability of the
cloud. It may also transfer the data to other machines in case it service. Problems such as network failures, traffic congestion
senses any failure. The cloud then performs a checkup to find or out of service may prevent a mobile phone to avail the
the failure nodes to remove them from the cloud and resume services of the cloud.
the halted operation to its normal state. The cloud also has the
capability to process the numerous requests coming from A solution is to find the nodes who have failed and cannot
thousands of nodes. Thus in a large network cloud can be establish a connection to the cloud. The target application is
assumed to be available in the both axis i.e. horizontally and then changed and the mobile users can use its neighbouring
vertically. nodes to connect to the cloud instead connecting directly to
3) Autonomy: Cloud system is an automated system. Here the cloud [14].
the resources on demand are automatically allocated to the
consumer on pay per use basis. The computing capabilities C. Heterogeneity
are independent of the human involvement and are MCC is useful in a heterogeneous networks where mobile
automatically assigned to the consumer depending on its nodes use the cloud through radio access technologies such as
need. WCDMA, GRPS, CDMA2000 and WLAN. Now here the
4) Mobility: In Mobile Cloud Computing environment problem in wireless connectivity occurs.
MSS is used to establish the connection with both mobile
A solution is to provide architecture which delays effectively
nodes and fixed nodes even when they are not stationary.
the heterogeneity of access networks using intelligent radio
5) Multiple networks: Depending on the bandwidth the
network access [15].
mobile networks can either be wired or wireless.
The mobile networks with high bandwidth are wired while as
D. Resource Poverty
the mobile networks with the low bandwidth are wireless.
The battery limitations of mobile nodes is one of the major
6) Low reliability: MCC are not reliable as the signals concern in the development of the mobile applications
involved are prone to snooping and interference. Therefore it because with the development of the mobile devices (faster
is must to consider the mobile network system to address the processors, sharper screens, inbuilt sensors) the capability of
security issue. the smart phones in terms of battery life is reduced effectively.
7) Disconnection: Mobile phones usually suffer from The users demand for applications that consume much of the
frequent disconnections due to the limitations incorporated in battery life is increasing.
it. The poor battery life, low bandwidth etc. prevent the
mobile phones from keeping the connection always. The solution is to enhance the CPU performance and to
reduce the power consumption by managing the resources
availability. Computation offloading avoids the mobile
devices to take large execution time by migrating the large
III. ISSUES AND APPROACHES IN MCC and complex processing from the mobile devices to the cloud
infrastructure. According to Alenxey Rudenko [16] 50% of
the power consumption can be reduced by the remote
Effective utilization of the cloud resources is the primary goal
execution of large tasks. Also about 29% of the power
of the mobile cloud computing. There are various factors that
consumption for computers can be saved if we transfer mobile
prevent from accessing the effective service from the cloud
components to the cloud(Eduardo Cuervo [17]).
that include the limitation of both mobile devices and cloud
infrastructure as well as the means of accessing the cloud
services. Mobile cloud computing faces many technical E. Data Storage and Processing
challenges because of the integration of cloud computing and Mobile phones suffer from the problem of having limited
mobile networks. storage. This problem has been solved to major extent by
MCC which permits the user to store the large amount of the
A. Low Bandwidth data on the cloud. A few examples include Facebook which
provides an unlimited storage to the users for sharing the
One of the main issue in the mobile cloud computing is that
images. Thus the mobile devices does not suffer from the
the resources in wireless networks is limited as compared to
limitation of storage capacity as the data is now available on
the wired networks.
the cloud.
A solution to this problem is to allow the mobile users who are
in a certain area and interested in the same content [12] to F. Security
share the same limited bandwidth. Each user is then allowed Just like standard computers, mobile devices also pose
to transmit/exchange a portion of the video to the other security threats. The threat detection services involve the
consumer and there exist no transmission policy. intensive usage of resources in mobile devices. To prevent
Another solution involves the allocation of available this we can move these detection services to the cloud and
bandwidth among the shared users in a distributed manner i.e. thus enrich with the benefits of better malicious software
as per the users requirement [13]. It employs the use of MDP detection and reduced on-device resource consumption.
algorithm to create a decision table so as to collect the user Security, availability and performance are the top three issues
profiles periodically. in the cloud computing that one must account for. Security
holds the first position and is depicted in the Fig 4.

Mobile Cloud Computing: A reverberation in the field of Giant Computational Ubiquitous Network

devices cannot be direct. Thus further effort should be made

to find suitable interactive services for mobile devices.
D. Security
Security and privacy of data involved in Mobile Cloud
Computing poses a serious issue because of the absence of the
standards. Mobile Cloud Computing must have standard
protocol, signaling, and interface for interaction between
mobile users and cloud to ensure seamless services.
E. Quality of service
While requesting services and resources in the cloud, Mobile
Cloud Computing may face some problems such as network
disconnection, congestion due to the low bandwidths and the
signal attenuation caused by mobile users mobility and thus
QoS is reduced significantly when users want to communicate
Fig 4: - Results of IDC survey ranking security challenges with the cloud. To solve this problem two research directions
are CloneCloud and Cloudlets.
IV. OPEN RESEARCH ISSUES 1) CloneCloud: The power of cloud computing in your
smart phones is highly increased by CloneCloud [20].
Various projects of Mobile cloud Computing have been CloneCloud uses nearby computers or data centers to increase
already been deployed and there is still far away to go. Here the speed of running mobile phone applications by cloning the
are some of the research aspects that must be considered in entire set of data and applications from the smartphone onto
future work. the cloud. Smartphone can have multiple clones and clones
A. Low Bandwidth pretend to be more powerful smartphones.
The bandwidth limitation is a big hurdle in Mobile Cloud 2) Cloudlets: A cloudlet is a cluster of computers which is
Computing because the number of mobile and cloud users are connected to the internet and used by nearby mobile devices.
rapidly increasing. To overcome this limitation we consider Thus, a nearby cloudlet can be used when mobile devices do
two emerging technologies i.e. 4G network and Femtocell. not want to offload to the cloud. The result is that the mobile
1) 4G Network: 4G network [18] significantly increases users meet the one-hop, high-bandwidth wireless access to the
the bandwidth for the mobile subscribers and is capable of cloudlet. A virtual machine is exploited on a nearby cloudlet
providing up to 100 Mbits/s. Widening mobile coverage area, to initiate customized service software and then use that
smoothening quicker handoff, etc are some other advantages service over a wireless LAN [21]. Thus cloud computing
limitations such as WAN latency and low bandwidth can be
of 4G network.
overcomed with the help of this technology. But there are
2) Femtocell: Femtocell [19] is designed for use in a small
some considerations that need to be addressed before this idea
area, consisting of small cellular base station. Cloud
is implemented such as how policies for the cloudlet can be
computing and Femtocells are combined to deliver a secure
managed? How trust and security for cloudlet can be attained?
and economical network for mobile operators. It allows the
resources to expand or contract depending on the users F. Pricing
demand. Thus the additional resource is automatically added Mobile Cloud Computing services involve the usage of both
and the surplus resource is automatically removed. cloud service provider (CSP) and mobile service provider
Femtocells connect to the cloud via the internet and the (MSP). Due to the varying services management, methods of
Mobile operators connect with the cloud via standards-based payment and prices of both MSP and CSP many issues such as
A and Gb interface step by step instructions to set cost, how the cost will be
connections, providing access to their network when using a separated among distinctive entities, and how the customers
femtocell connected to cloud. pay may arise. For example the price paid by the game player
B. Task Division playing the game on the cloud has to be divided among the
three entities i.e. mobile service provider, game service
Efforts are being made by researchers to find the optimal
provider (providing a game license), and cloud service
strategies and algorithms to offload computation tasks from
mobile devices to cloud. Mobile device tasks are divided into
multiple sub-tasks and some of them are made to run in cloud. V. CONCLUSION
Since the market is flooded with the variety of handsets and
different application require different computational Mobile Cloud Computing has become the hot research topic
requirements an optimal strategy is this area is to be explored in the recent years. It is the fast growing technology as Mobile
which could decide which one should be processed by cloud Cloud Computing is the extension and the development of
and which one by devices. Mobile Computing and Cloud Computing. According to the
ABI Research, a New York-based firm, the revenue of mobile
C. Better Service cloud computing will be pushed to $5.2 billion and more than
The core objective of mobile cloud computing is to provide 240 million business will use cloud services through mobile
PC-like services to mobile terminals, but due to the devices by 2015. This paper covers several representatives of
differences in features between mobile devices and PCs, the mobile cloud approaches. The purpose of this paper is to give
transformation of the services from PCs platform to mobile an overview of mobile cloud computing. It covers an

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