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Kyle Irene Z.

BSED 421
When Pilandok was Finally Defeated

One afternoon, the sun is shining so bright that is why the clever mouse-deer
decided to go to his favorite clean pond to cool himself and have some drink.

One enormous and starving wild boar was hiding under the bush and was
waiting for anyone to be his meal. His eyes lit with excitement when he finally saw a
mouse-deer. He quickly blocked the mouse-deers way. My meal has finally arrived.
I am so famished for not eating the whole day. Be ready Pilandok for you will be my
dinner tonight, said the wild boar while grinning. The mouse-deer saw how big and
sharp the wild boar has.

The mouse deer was very afraid because he knew that it would only take one
attack for the wild boar to crush and grind his bones and skinny knees but he did not
show how frightened he was. Pity you wild boar, you havent ate for the whole day,
Pilandok said pretentiously showing mercy to the fellow.

You may eat me and be your dinner but look how tiny I am and with that
hunger you feel, for sure it wouldnt be enough to quench your hunger, the mouse-
deer added.

If that is so, what should I do? Im very famished! the wild boar exclaimed.

Ha! I can help you with that, Baboy-ramo, Pilandok said while thinking.
Human. You must eat human for you to satisfy yourself. Ill come with you to look
for a human who will give you the best satisfaction, reassuring his supposedly

What is human? Are you sure I will be satisfied by this? asked the wild boar.

Humans are the strongest animal in the world, answered the mouse-deer.
Really? Even stronger than as I am? asked the wild boar while lifting his
chest to boast his strong muscles/

Yes, the strongest indeed but with your sharp teeth and how fast you run, you
can surely grab and eat a human, Pilandok said in flattering the wild boar.

The wild boar fell into the trap of the mouse-deer. He really believed
everything that he said. Now, lets go find that human for me to have something to
eat. But remember, if I wont be able to eat human you will still be my meal wild
boar said to the mouse deer.

Sure. You can count on me. You will be really satisfied, my friend, assuring
the wild boar.

They walked into the forest until they reached a falls. They heard a child who
seemed to be enjoying the water. They saw a child who was swimming in the pond
below the falls. Is that it? Is that the human you are talking about? I will now attack
and eat him, quickly said the wild boar.

My friend, thats still not the human. He is still sprouting and you will still
not be satisfied there, answered the mouse-deer.

Now, where will we find the human that I will be eating for supper?
anticipating question of the wild boar.

There, in the north direction, answered the mouse deer.

They saw a field full of camote. There is an old man planting. He was aging
and was walking with a help of cane.

"Is that it? Is that the human I'll be eating? I don't like it. It is so skinny and
looks like his flesh will never reach my throat," said the wild boar.
"You're right my friend. That one is thin and skinny. You will not be satisfied
with that. He's already a left over. He is not suited for a strong wild boar like you,"
said again by the mouse deer.

The wild boar is now raged. "If the,n, where will we find this human that I will
eat? Maybe you're just fooling me around. I will now make you as my dinner," said
angrily by the wild boar.

"Don't. No, don't. There it is, the human that will be your dinner," the mouse
deer said while pointing to the strong and tall hunter who is walking on the of the

"For sure you will be satisfied with that one and you'll never wish again to eat
a small animal like me after eating that," said the mouse deer while grin ning.

"You're right Pilandok. This will be my dinner," shouted the wild boar the
attacked the surprised hunter. Even he was shocked and fell. He quickly got up and
used the rifle to the wild boar.

The mouse deer sighed with relief. Now, he became more thirsty that's why he
thought of coming back to drink again in the pond. He was silently drinking when he
felt somebody grabbed his other foot. When he turned around, he saw the crocodile
whom he outwitted many times. He knows that this crocodile is mad at him because
he cunned this for many times but he was also mad because the crocodile does not let
him drink peacefully in the pond.

Instead of shouting in pain the clever mouse deer quickly think of a way to
escape. "Hay. Poor you crocodile, he doesn't know the difference between a stick and
leg of a deer," the mouse deer sarcastically said.

But the crocodile did not let go of his leg. He was used to it that the mouse
deer deceives him and now he has learned. He thinks this is one of the many traps of
the mouse deer.
The mouse deer did not stop. "Buwaya, are you blind? You are biting a stick.
This is my leg. See?" he said loudly while raising his other foot. The crocodile let go
of the leg and tried reaching the other one but the mouse deer instantly escapes him.
The crocodile was full of regret, he was deceived again by the clever deer.

While walking on his way home, he met a snail. Because the snail is small,
Pilandok thought that he could boast to this little fellow. He challenged the snail in a
race and he was surprised when the snail accepted it and said that he can easily beat
the mouse deer.

Beyond the mouse deer's idea, his arrogance was known to the whole forest
and the snail was ready if there would be a chance that the mouse deer come in his
way and test him. He talked to his brother snails. You will think that it is just the same
snail because they looked very similar.

The race started. The mouse deer run as fast as he ccould. But when he
stopped in the middle of the race to see where is his opponent, he was in great
surprise when he heard the snail spoke. "Oh Pilandok, are you already tired?" he
asked. He was shocked on how did the snail come first that is why he quickly get
back in his quick pace for him to be the first one to reach the finished line. He was
very tired and tgere he saw that the snail reached the end of the race before him and
other animals were rejoicing for the snail's victory. The mouse deer couldn't believe
that he was defeated by a small snail. He was able to outwit a wild boar and a big
crocodile, he even outwit a wise sultan but here he is, defeated by a small snail. He
shook hands with the snail and humbly greeted it, "Suso, in any way you have done it,
I am accepting that you defeated me. You are indeed intelligent. I commend you with
that and, I promise you that I will try to avoid cunning and taking advantage to my
fellow." Then every animal had rejoiced for what they have heard from Pilandok.

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