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Analysis of Jollibee Commercial Vow

I. Plot

The story was about two people who met in a fast food chain who later on
becomes the best of friends. The guy in the story always accompanies the girl
through good and bad times and even fetches her after work. The guy best friend
tries to cheer the girl up whenever shes going through hard times and hes
always there whenever she needs her until the day of the girls marriage arrived.
The conflict arises when it showed that he is not the groom. He will always be
just the best friend and nothing more.

II. Characters
The guy best friend
The girl

III. Point of View

The narrator used a first person point of view wherein he described all his
feelings toward the girl that he loves.

IV. Theme
A major theme of the clip was about love and friendship. It is about loving
without asking for anything in return. The guy showed how unconditional his
love for his best friend.
V. Setting

VI. Symbolism
Pineapple Juice

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