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by the losses, had not made full dis-

closure. As the story unfolded at the

Friday, May 30, board meeting, it be-
came obvious that this wasn't going to
t age 41, Jim La Fleur had be the usual one-day session.
When GTI's auditing firm, Arthur
fulfilled the entrepreneur's dream. A Andersen & Co., was called, a man-
mechanical engineer, he had founded aging partner started work to deter-
La Fleur Corp. and Industrial mine accurate figures by Monday
Cryogenics, both based on some of his morning.
130 patents. After 13 years of managing As the real numbers were pro-
one company, then the other, he sold duced, some board members began to
out in 1971 and walked away with a bag talk about finding the best buyer for
full of money. He and his wife, Helene, the nearly bankrupt company. But not
went sailing off on their 5-foot ketch,

Jim La Fleur. He was convinced that
Seaflower. the company had a sound product
In May 1975, after a three-year sail base. He wanted a thorough analysis of
around the Caribbean and through the
Panama Canal, La Fleur was sitting RESCUE BY THE all the figures before he bailed out.
Says La Fleur, "I asked for a month to
beside the swimming pool at his Los
Angeles home when the phone rang.
NUMBERS see what the alternatives were."
_ That was Tuesday, June 3. The
"Jim," a voice from the receiver said, A board member said he'd try board cleared out and La Fleur started
"we have a real problem. We need the to save GTI from bankruptcy. to work as chairman of GTI's audit
audit committee at headquarters He did it by making the figures committee. He called the SEC and
immediately." announced discovery of a material
add up right.
La Fleur threw an extra shirt and a discrepancy that he promised to define
shaving kit into a battered briefcase and By Michael Ball and correct. Then he called the
set off for a one-day meeting in INC. Associate Editor American Stock Exchange and asked it
Pittsburgh. to halt trading on GTI's stock.
The meeting to which he'd been That quick, direct approach did
summoned was at GTI Corp., a $10- marvels. "We self-policed so fast," says
million-a-year, multi-plant maker of La Fleur, "we didn't even-have any
electronic components. La Fleur had lawsuits."
been one of seven board members since Next came the bankers. La Fleur
1973, flying in for meetings from told them that if they waited they
whatever port he was in. would probably get paid. "Bankers
Along with most of the industry, GTI never like to hear bad news," admits
had succumbed to growth fever. In the La Fleur, "but both Equibank in
1960s, many managers kept their eyes Pittsburgh and our second bank, US.
glued to the profit-and-loss statements Trust Co. of New York, said they'd do
and were willing to pay what was whatever they could. People almost
necessary to increase sales. "They always help you when you tell them the
borrowed like crazy," as La Fleur facts."
describes it, "and the balance sheet was When he turned his attention to the
supposed to take care of itself." new financial figures, La Fleur saw
That strategy worked until economic they were even worse than they had
downturns hit in 1969 and again in Jim La Fleur sold his company, but he couldn't seemed. He plugged them into a
1972. Many companies began to have stay retired. stockbroker's tool he had used on his
trouble servicing the debt they had own companies, the Altman
shouldered to get higher sales. wrong if you can't put your hands on bankruptcy indicator. The results were
During this period, GTI continued to your profits." But his warnings didn't dismal.
register growth on paper. But by convince either management or the The Altman formula combines five
1974, even though the numbers still said board. ratios - equity / debt, capital / assets,
the company was successful, La Fleur sales / assets, earnings / assets, and
was telling GTI's management that the Then, early in 1975, GTI started retained earnings / assets - weighted
debt was too high. When he ran his own losing money. It was about to lose according to their importance to a
companies, La Fleur had learned to be over $2.5 million on sales of $11 mil- company's financial strength. The
wary of paper profits. He was also leery lion. To top it off, the company's au- result is a "Z value" of corporate
of financial terminology. diting firm had just found that the health. (See box, page 48.) A value
"It doesn't make any difference how first-quarter 1975 figures reported to above 2.99 indicates financial health;
much you appear to make," he had told the Securities and Exchange Com- between 2.99 and 1.81 is a danger zone,
the management, "if you can't flow mission, the American Stock Ex- and a company rated below 1.81 is
cash. You're doing something change, and the stockholders were not near death.
accurate. Management, stunned According to the figures produced
on June 2, 1975, the Z for GTI was Fleur took a long look at the jobs that morning, I told them-workers and
only 0.7. $1 million paid for, and trimmed the managers who would do what," La
It didn't help that three years earlier headquarters crew from 32 to 6. He Fleur says. Some upper- and middle-
the Z had hit a high of 5.2, or that one also slashed staffs at two unprofitable level managers felt the new order
year earlier it was still a safe 3.3. Now plants. This freed one asset, cash, for would not work, and they left shortly
the Z was about to drop off the bottom the recovery. afterward.
of the bankruptcy scale. Cutting staff at the four division But most employees adapted to the
La Fleur had a lot of faith in the plants was harder. He set up a grid for new way of working quickly and with
validity of the Z value formula. So, he each location, showing each relief. Because they participated in the
reasoned, why not work the bankruptcy changes, because the plant was ripe for
indicator backward? If he could bring change, and because they knew how
each ratio back into the favorable badly the company was doing, the
AS LA FLEUR LOOKED UP plant's employees really tried to make
range, he ought to be able to turn the
company around. He knew GTI had FROM THE BOTTOM, HE the reorganization work. In May 1976,
sound products. Now it needed sound BEGAN TO IMPLEMENT only a month after La Fleur walked in
numbers. ARECOVERY STRATEGY the door, the plant was profitable
GTI's president, who was a board again.
member, resigned when the revised
DESIGNED TO SEND THE That news boosted morale at the
figures were disclosed. The board Z VALUE STRAIGHT UP plant, but it did not overly impress the
began to look for a new president; stock market or GTI's other managers.
meanwhile, La Fleur was made And since the company's Z value was
chairman and CEO, so he would have partially a function of its stock price,
management position, what work and market value, it did not leap as a
the power to operate during his month
each manager performed, and how result of this change. But for the first
of assessing the situation. He spent the
much each was paid. Where he time in four years, it began to nose up
next weeks gathering more detailed
found overlap or duplication, he slightly.
information about GTI's corporate
consolidated positions. To La Fleur, who was keeping tabs
As La Fleur was trimming here on the five ratios, that was an impor-
From his position on the audit
and there, his one month stretched tant change-the first proof GTI had a
committee, he had seen GTI forced to
into six. Seaflower languished at an- chance.
borrow even when it had record sales
chor in California. Helene visited Toward the end of the year La
and profits on paper. Now, from the
him, but most of his evenings were Fleur was ready to put his application
CEO's chair, he was able to locate the
spent in his room at the University of Altman's indicator to a major test.
root of that problem. It was in
Club in Pittsburgh. He thought he had found, in one
inventory. Work in process had
increased disproportionately to sales. In January 1976, when he saw his product line, the wasted assets that
Often, defective materials had been set first snowy winter from his room's would allow him to make a tremendous
aside and buried in the warehouse. one window, La Fleur was made change in the company's Z value by
With that unwelcome information, La president of GTI. The company's Z affecting all the ratios simultaneously.
Fleur adjusted the auditor's historical value was still around 0.4. The Crystal Base line seemed healthy
figures to even more accurate current By April, he felt he had done enough. But La Fleur thought its
ones. The new figures had a negative enough economizing from product quartz crystals for citizen's
effect on both the balance sheet and headquarters. It was time for some band radio oscillators was not
GTI's position in the stock market. The decisive action at one of the plants. complementary to the other four
company's subbankruptcy Z value He chose the company's largest, divisions' products. And although the
dropped even further, to 0.4. located outside Pittsburgh. La Fleur line made a small profit, he expected
As La Fleur looked up from the handed out questionnaires to the 250 its products to face decreasing demand.
bottom, he began to implement a re- employees, asking what they He figured the line would need
covery strategy designed to send the Z thought the plant's problems were, increasing attention and capital to
value straight up. why they felt it was no longer maintain profitability. So he put it on
He started by focusing on corporate profitable. "And they knew," he the market and got $550,000 in cash
assets, the most important factor in says. "No one had ever asked them and $798,000 in notes for it.
Altman's indicator. Since four of the before, not even the 20-year Now La Fleur had cash in hand to
five ratios result from dividing by veterans." apply to GTI's recovery. The company
assets, misused or underused assets La Fleur did the same thing at was free of what La Fleur saw as a
drag down a company's Z value the other Pennsylvania plant. There misfit product line. And the sale was
quickly. La Fleur began examining he analyzed the plant's facilities and the jolt to the Z value that La Fleur had
everything the company had, from personnel and drew up a new been preparing for.
people to plants to product lines, to see organizational chart for everyone All the ratios were affected imme-
what was being wasted. "down to the janitor." The next diately. GTI's Z value shot up from
In the previous year, with profits weekend, he and Helene moved the below 1.0 to 2.95 since as assets
listed at $1.5 million, the corporate office furniture at the plant to dropped with the sale of the division,
staff budget had been $1 million. La positions that reflected the new the lower figure translated into
organizational chart.
"When people came in Monday

46 INC.
improved sales, capital, and earnings.
This brought it from nearbankruptcy to THE Z VALUE: THE HIGHER THE NUMBER,
the safe zone.
At this point, in late December 1976, THE HEALTHIER THE COMPANY
La Fleur felt the turnaround had been
accomplished. More work would be Jim La Fleur used a formula to guide GTI to safety; and he and his managers
needed to make GTI what La Fleur calls check that formula regularly to make sure the company stays on track. The for-
"a company worthy of being on the mula is Z = 1.2X, + 1.4X, + 3.3X3 + O.GX 4 + LOX,.
American Stock Exchange." But he felt It looks complex, but it provides a simple measure of a company's health.
the hardest part had been done. Here's how it works:
"To many people on the outside, the X, is working capital divided by total assets (what someone would pay for
company would not turn around for the company if it were for sale).
another year and a half," he says. Those X 2 is retained earnings divided by total assets.
people would measure by profits on sales X 3 is earnings before interests and taxes divided by total assets. X, is market
or return on investment figures. But La value of equity divided by. book value of total debt. XS is sales divided by
Fleur had brought the company from near total assets.
death to a point where it could con- Z is the overall index of corporate fiscal health.
centrate on strengthening products and If you plug your company's numbers into the formula, you should get a
finding managers. number between -4 and +8. The higher the number, the healthier the company.
The formula was developed 12 years ago by Edward I. Altman, now
La Fleur no longer had to hide his
chairman of New York University's M.B.A. program. He studied 33
books about corporate failure and
manufacturing companies with assets averaging $6.4 million, all of which had
bankruptcy indicators. Now he could
filed Chapter X bankruptcies. As controls; he looked at 33 others randomly
enlist his managers' aid in getting the Z
selected from manufacturing firms with assets between $1 million and $25
firmly in the safe zone. He soon had million.
headquarters and division managers He found five weighted ratios that proved a pretty accurate guide to a com-
figuring the Z value and calculating how pany's financial state. His system of multiple discriminant analysis (less
a proposed new product or other change formally, a "bankruptcy indicator") is used by stockbrokers to determine
would affect it. whether a company is a good investment.
The upward trend continued. In 1978, According to Altman, financially strong companies have Z's above 2.99.
GTI showed its first profit since its near- Companies in serious trouble have Z's below 1.81. Those in the middle could
bankruptcy. go either way. '
Profits in 1979 were $1.5 million on According to La Fleur, "When the trend is down and you can't control it,
sales of $21 million. The Z is over 7.0, you're in trouble." .
10 times what it was when La Fleur The closer a company gets to bankruptcy, the more accurate the Z value is as
stepped in. He has succeeded in keeping a predictor. In his group of 33 failed companies, Altman reports an accuracy of
equity and debt moving in opposite 95% using last year's numbers. The other 5% fell in the bottom of the gray
directions. area. Numbers from four years earlier would have predicted bankruptcy for
As a result, GTI is in a harvest pe- only 36% of the companies.
riod. "As you get that Z up, all sorts of In GTI's case, La Fleur admits he had the advantage of a cold eye. He came
opportunities just present themselves," in through the audit committee, so he knew the company primarily by its
La Fleur says, "and you have the cash to numbers. "The beauty of this formula is that by changing assets, you affect all
do something about it." When a new but one of the ratios," he notes. "It got us headed in the right direction and got
market segment is identified, GTI has the the Z value pointing up. Following through on the details of those changes
money and staff to enter it. As customers' could be , done more leisurely.
needs change, GTI has the resources to With considerable justification, La Fleur is sold on the Altman predictor.
offer products for those new require- While he may have been the first company head to work it backwards, he
ments. thinks nearly anyone can do the same. His only caution is that the system does
Sales and profits continue to increase, not work well on the divisional level, since there are so many independent
and productivity has almost doubled in variables from the corporate level. .
the past five years. GTI's managers say "I know Dr. Altman never intended his predictor to be used as a turnaround
they, not outside forces, control the tool, but it can be," La Fleur says. "It works so well as a predictor because
company's future. "I was far ahead of my most people are inflexible" (that is, they go on doing whatever it was that
managers at the beginning," says La brought the Z value down). "But it can work as a preventer if people get scared
Fleur. "Now I hardly lead them at all. enough to change, or if there is someone new at the top to force change."
I've done my job. They can run the With all his faith in the Z, La Fleur does not look at the predictor as magic.
company without me." "It won't let you turn a company around by itself," he says. "There is simply a
To Jim La Fleur, a company is like a lot of validity to the theories behind why Z values are accurate. Managers can't
machine. If it's broken, you take it apart afford to ignore such a useful tool."
and put it back together the way it was Altman says the best approach is to keep an eye on the Z as one more check
when it ran right. on performance. La Fleur adds that-using the predictor has taught him and his
He's done that with GTI. managers the importance of reacting quickly when the numbers start going in
the wrong direction.
If you want more detail on the derivation of the formula or its implications,
you can . find it in Corporate Bankruptcy in America, by Edward I. Altman,
published by D. C. Heath, or Corporate Collapse: The Causes and Symptoms,
by John Argenti, published by John Wiley & Sons.
La Fleur suggests that it might be wise not to carry the books under your arm
at headquarters. .

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