Cuestionario 4

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Cuestionario # 4

Hola a Todos!

Hacer uso de lo aprendido en el reportech speed para resolver este

cuestionario. Luego Traducir las oraciones al espaol.


Q1 of 10: "I'm hungry," Tom said.

Tom said that he was hungry

Q2 of 10: Sarah asked, "Are you busy tonight?

Sarah asked me if i was busy that night

Q3 of 10: "I am working in a hospital," she said.

She said that she was working in a hospital

Q4 of 10: "We made a great dinner last night," he said.

He said they had made a great dinner the night before

Q5 of 10: "They were living in Chicago when their son was born," she said.

She said they had been living in chicsgo when their son was born

Q6 of 10: "I have been to India three times," Melissa said.

Melissa said that she had been to india three times

Q7 of 10: "We have been waiting for the tickets for three hours," they said.

They said that they had been waiting for the tickets for three hours

Q8 of 10: He asked, "Had you ever been to New York before?"

He asked me if I had ever been to new York before

Q9 of 10: "I am from Australia," Pam said.

Pam said that she is from Australia

Q10 of 10: "You must drive slowly here," the police officer said.

The plice officer told me that i had to drive slowly here

1. Tom dijo que el estaba hambriento

2. Sarah me pregunto si yo estaba ocupado aquella noche

3. Ella dijo que estaba trabajando en un hospital

4. El dijo que ellos haban hecho mucho dinero la noche anterior

5. Ella dijo que haban estado viviendo en chicago cuando su hijo naci

6. Melisa dijo que ella haba estado en la india tres veces

7. Ellos dijeron que estuvieron esperando por los tiquetes por tres horas

8. El me pregunto si yo haba estado en Nueva York antes

9. Pam dijo que ella es de Australia

10. El oficial de polica meconto que yo tenia que conducir

lentamente aqu

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