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Newsletter of the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES

41397 Buecking DriveTemecula, CA 92590-5668

951.296.6261 FAX 951.296.9117

Volume 25 Number 1 March 2014


Given the death in December 2013 of the Foundations President Dr. Kenneth Wapnick, we are departing from our usual format
for this newsletter to share excerpts from some of the tributes we have received over the past several months. We regret not being able
to include more extensive excerpts, or more letters and faxes, but to do so would have far exceeded the space-availability of this news-
letter. You may also view additional tributes on our Website at:
In addition, Gloria Wapnick extends her heartfelt and deep gratitude for all of the gifts, cards, and letters Kenneths students and
friends have sent to her and the Foundation Staff.

Invitation to Awakening
There within a dream did a voice appear, disguised as a man who taught no fear.
A symbol of love, in a loveless world he did walkone who consistently walked his talk.
Giving freely to all who would listennothing withheld from anyone, for all were made welcome.
We were strengthened by the voice that knew no doubt, as he gently showed us our whole way out.

A clarity that could not be claimed or ownedrepeatedly pointed to our only home.
Its source, far beyond the form that expressed Its words, effortlessly done in perfect accord.
Always speaking to the strength within us all, to the one who will inevitably answer the call.
Gently unwinding an ancient tale, only to reveal a resplendent love that could never fail.

He spoke not to bodies, but to the mind that still believes its darkened tales.
He fearlessly led us into the depths of what we had to see, in order to ever truly be free.
He invited us out of our darkened world, as the golden light beyond its borders unfurled.
He taught us what forgiveness is, as he unassumingly demonstrated its kind effects.

He continually reminded us to smile, when all we wanted to do was frown.

Lightening up our world, reminding us that we could choose peace instead of this.
Trusting fully. without any concern for when that decision would finally be made.
Knowing its inevitable ending because of where he clearly stood,
As he gently and lovingly invited us all to join him there.

Firm and unrelenting with the teacher of untruth, but never condemning.
He cleared away the fog, only to reveal the truth it tried to hide.
Teaching us to Look, and fear not, as the hope of a new world appeared before our tired eyes.
Slowly but surely from the ashes of our despair did forgiveness arise to unfold its wings.
Gently lifting us above the battleground we once believed to be our only home.

His smile spoke of what could not be touched by a world mad by guilt.
And in his freedom, were we reminded of our own inherent liberation.
In true humility, did he demonstrate that specialness had no place within his world.
As we saw the cost of our own specialness, were we freed from its ceaseless demands.

Through his love of music he taught us to listen for the melody hidden between the notes.
He spoke of a nod to God, and a golden thread, helping to free us from our hidden dread.
A resting place for our weary hearts and minds, gently undoing our belief in the world of time.
A journey that would soon have its endonly to find there was never truly a beginning.

As all things come to pass within the world of timeyet does love live on untouched and unchangeable.
Love, always giving what is neededalways pointing us in the direction of our eternal home.
Never confusing content with the formknowing that love could never be a body.
In gratitude, we give thanks for this gentle, powerful symbol that lives on in the mind that chose it.
FURTHER, FURTHER, it sings, as its joyous melody gently lifts us up to join with Him.
Ken Goulet
A Sharing of Gratitude (continued)

... His generosity of time, thought and wisdom never faltered. What he keep listening to music and its loving melos will gently guide me to the next
understood changed my life in every particular. But he never didnt love me. chapter in my life. I will miss you, Ken, but I am glad your work will be
By seeing who I truly am, he gave me back my innocence.... Love always love. continued by others, the staff of the Foundation for A Course in Miracles.
And so much gratitude. Diane Brook Gusic Daniela Schultheis

Over the last 25 years or so, Ken has exemplified this way of being (internal Im so grateful that I as a decision making mindwrote you in my script.
alignment of thought, word, and deed) for me. He is truly instrumental as a The image of the symbol of your face in formand the content of Love that this
guide, helping me move towards that experience of the Light within. He is that representswill remain in my right mind foreverand will make it easier for
light bearer humbly standing on a street corner at night, silently beckoning. All me to choose once again when needed. My ongoing tribute and gratitude to
the words a person may say are meaningless if they do not live those words. It is youwhich of course is for meis to continue to practicepractice
who they are that matters. Ken is this principle. Yes, he was very good at practiceand to observe without judgment when I dontremembering to be
explaining principles and helping students, but his living example is what will soft and gentle. Melody Vantucci
continue to resonate in my heart. He serves as an example to all of us, gently
reminding us, There is another way. Eric Oddleifson I never left the peace of God to cross a dark abyss;
What God created shines in perfect unity and bliss.
Ken was my teacher and my friend. When I had a pressing question, I would A moment more I walk the world in innocence and fun,
write to him and always received an answer immediately! Sometimes they were Till with a gentle smile illusions melt before the sun.
one liners, often they were laced with humor, but they were always caring and
Thanks for your guidance, humor and your gentle smile. Regina Troyer
profound! Pearl Fertell
Ken Wapnick is my most beloved teacher. I love him with my whole heart
Of my remembrances of Ken over the past 24 years, this one is my most
treasured. In the fall of 2012, I asked Ken What do you really hear me saying? and soul. I would follow him anywhere he asked me to go. He took me through
several seemingly impossible situations to a peace that I didnt think was
His answer was: You are afraid to take the next step and you are terrified of life
possible. Without his help, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I could not
without Benny (my husband of 60 years). Then he added I will help you.
Later I wrote asking, Who is the Ken who will help me? The following was have done it. But most of all, I will miss being in his presence. The love that
he radiated was unbelievable; it was not of this world. It was truly a gift to have
his reply: As for the Ken who will help you, who else could it be but the Self
him as my teacher. What does his death mean? For me, I see him almost literally
that we both share? But you knew that, silly. You were just testing me. With
deepest gratitude, Allison Hughes in front of and a little above me. He is saying, Nothing here matters. None of it.
Leave it all behind and come to where I am. It will make you so happy. When I
Ken was my teacher, a living example of the Course and dear friend. My think of being in his presencethat loveI know the only way to have that
first experience of Ken was hearing a cassette of this guy from New York who again is to go to where he is. And so I continue on the journey that I started with
edited that course explaining why Id immediately forget the paragraph in the him until one day I know that I am not separate from him. Lisa Conaghan
text that I just read. My last experience of Ken was at the Foundation workshop
I cherish this memory of one of my first workshops at Roscoe. It was during
I attended last year where he once again illuminated the Courses holy trinity:
Forgiveness, Love and Joining. Ken truly brought the Course to life. I sought his the summer of 1992 and I asked Ken, If God doesnt know about this, why do
it? He answered, quick as a flash, Good question. He then continued his
help when I was in a desperate heart of darkness period. This was just one of the
teaching, leaving me sitting there, questioning further, which I am sure was his
many conversations we had during that dark time. Through tears I said, Ken, I
feel as if Ive painted myself into a corner and cant get out. Ken reflected a intention. Over and above my memories of him teaching in person though is
this: Kens body of work when viewed in its entirety is truly breath-taking. His
moment, and looking at me lovingly with his familiar impish smile said, You
works should be known as were J.S. Bachs; the Bach-Gessellschaft,
dont have to wait for the paint to dry. I see his smile and feel his love now and
always. Jack Brooks (monument). Ken writings constitute a comprehensive and thorough
presentation of the principles and metaphysics of A Course in Miracles. They
I saw Ken as the sanest, kindest, most functional human being I had ever are truly monumental; Kens great bequest to us. In place of my joy at being
met. The only way that I could be with him and not be terrified was when we able to listen to him lecture in person I will re-read and study them in order to
were doing our music together, along with Phil, in our broken down Tennanah broaden my understanding of the Course. That way I need never miss him.
Lake Trio (1 professional and 2 cripples!). I became his teacher of notes and Wade Alexander
rhythm, and he was my Teacher of Truth. In 1997, I was presented with the
long (15 year) walk through my own personal valley of the shadow of death. I finally integrated what you were trying to teach me since so long
repeating and repeating with so much patienceand finally all the misery of
Ken held my hand and helped me every inch of the way, even when I wasnt
depression and needless suffering went away for good. This dream became a
sure that I wanted his help. In these last years, as we had less frequent
external contact, he became heavily integrated with my Inner Teacher. I talked happy dream and a real blessing because of your presence in it. No other
teacher was able to succeed in doing it as you did. Your way was without any
to him every day in my mind and felt his continued presence and guidance. Now
that his physical body is no longer available, nothing has changed in terms of his compromise, as Jesus taught, but it has certainly functioned miraculously for
me! What a relief to live this way! Your personality was so dimmed, that
Inner Help presence thats with me. If anything, it only feels stronger. I am
greatness was radiating through you very easily. Please watch over me until we
committed to using the tools that he gave me in my daily practice of playing
only the notes on the page in front of me, as he counseled me to do. Ken has meet again! Stella Pilon
been, hands down, the most important and influential figure in my dream, and I Kens reply [to a diary entry as a child]: Perfect love is all there is,
am eternally grateful. The only way I know to thank him is to pass it on. everything else is borscht. Is that not a treasure? Marianne Alexander
Nancy Blum
To teach is to demonstrate, and Kenneth was among the finest
Thank you for all your loving support and advice in thoughts and words demonstrations of love in this world. I am grateful for having him as my teacher
through the last 17 years of my life. Thank you for being such an adorable, and friend, even if it was only for a brief two years. His energetic, and
respectful and humorous teacher for me. As you so often told me, I will always sometimes even frisky vitality was irresistible; love poured, extended, lived

A Sharing of Gratitude (continued)

through him. We students couldnt help but grin as wed feel him impishly Whatever the story has in store for us next, you can rest assured that I know that
sneak from behind and deliver a smacker in surprise. We were enamored; he you know that I know its only a story. Love is all there IS. You are a miracle
brought us with him from the ego domain, reminding us where we are supposed worker, a living work of art, and an integral part of all that is good in my heart.
to be. We were like moths to a flame. So this is what love looks like. To our dear You raised me up so high at times Heaven held me in Its breath. You will always
love: it is you who straightened our path! You who brought us nearer our One be My Beloved Papa, my symbol of Gods Love for me. There are no endings in
True Self. Even in our mistakes you were kind, showing us that it is in our Love...(smile!) Jenny Somers
mistakes that we can find our innocence and learn, and grow and see and that
As I am reading other ACIM students tributes to Ken I find that what they
seeing is not done with our eyes. And mostly, because you forgave them. Love
have written about him also reflects what I have individually experienced and
never changes. It stays the same. Thank you, Kenneth, for reminding us every
received from him. And isnt this what we are trying to learn as ACIM students?
day, every moment that forgiveness is an earthly form of love. Thank you for
That we are all One; and therefore all of us are fully and equally deserving of the
remembering for us and teaching us to remember too, what we are in truth.
Love that was so freely passed around by Ken. Ken, thank you so very much for
Marisa Cuenin
being our beloved teacher. Without your crystal clear clarity I would not have
The first time I met KenI told him I worked at a Catholic school founded understood the depth and importance of the Course. I feel so lucky that
by an order dedicated to Mary. He said to me then something which took years Iwas personally able to feel and experience your never wavering gentleness,
to understand, Jesus and Mary, really two symbols for the same reality. So and kindness. And your constant reminder not to forget to laugh. I still feel
when I read and re-read the last Lighthouse essays, I appreciate that like the deeply sad that Ken is no longer in this illusion. eventually I will have to let
Course, he led me in spirals, revisiting old lessons with new insights. In his go of the sadness but not the gratitude that I feel for this beloved teacher.
responses (to letters I wrote) he taught me to call him friend. He saw that I Liz Bolza
needed to do that before I recognized it myself. And slowly I recognized that
Dear Ken, I wish you (eternal) peacefrom above the battleground.
any advice he ever gave me was just a rewording of something in the Course.
Peter J. Murphy
If there was anyone who ever taught me not to take myself so seriously by
smiling at it all, it was Ken. Im pretty grateful for that lesson, learning not to I have always thought that Kens mission was to be a beacon of consistency;
make the mistake real. As I look back over his notes and remember his to keep the Courses message clear and unwavering. No matter how students try
comments, my tears turn to smiles. Every day I hear him say, Keep it simple, to shape it to the egos needs, he always calls us back to the path. When my own
Jim. Okay, then, Kenthanks for all. That should be simple enough. picture becomes cloudy, I can listen to a workshop recording and be pulled
Jim Schulte instantly back into focus. My tribute to Ken will be to keep doing the daily
work, despite resistance and following his example, to grow up. I understand
Unlike some of my friends who had known Kens books and listened to his
why you are not having a public memorial and appreciate the chance to offer my
lectures before, I knew Ken only as a man on the other end of the line who
thoughts and condolences in this way. Sally Miller
was answering dozens and dozens of my questions concerning the meaning and
nuances of the individual phrases in the Course. the main genuineness of his Remembering Ken Wapnick
healing love was in something else than in his words (which surprised me
O hear the song of Heaven
because I knew he is a psychologist and a teacher who usually heal with words).
A symphony of grace~
Kens love was in touching. When Ken approached someone and touched them;
The universe is singing
he usually put his arm around their shoulders, hugged them or took them by
Vibrations dance through space~
hand. I felt that the Holy Spirit is healing people through Kens touches. I
personally felt that during my touching encounters with Ken all my mental The veil of sleep is raised now
blocks were falling from me and I was getting closer and closer to myself. The drama now is done~
The journey home has ended
Thank you, Ken, for your hands. Tom Koloc
A journey not begun~
When I was first introduced to the Course, I knew it was mine though, O hear the song of Heaven
really, I had no idea what it said. Enter Kenneth Wapnick. I listened to tapes Illusions disappear~
and CDs. Slowly I got it. And, yes, it was still mine, even as I grasped exactly All innocence remembered
what it says. Then Kens teaching seemed to become more practical: he told us The Miracle is here~ Terry White
how to do it. This is how you practice this course in your daily life. This is how
you forgive. Yes, I hear what you are saying, Ken. Thanks for the information For us, Ken Wapnick brought with him over the years, the very heart
and I am so glad to know what to do. Ill do it tomorrow. Well, tomorrow and soul of the course. We feel deep gratitude for his inspirational presence and
finally became today. I did practice periodically. Now it is different. There was work on the planet as a loving brother in Christ. To honor Kens life is to
something about his form disappearing that felt like a kick out of the womb demonstrate A Course in Miracles principles in our everyday lives. We will
directly to adulthood. Im left without a visible crutch and I must now stand continue to do so and ask that you join with us as we move forward on this
with an invisible pillar beside me. The time is now and we will carry this journey. Hal Lafler and Beth Griffith
forward, Ken, with your continued thoughts. We will practice. We will forgive
My beloved wise brother Kenneth, thank you for being my physical teacher
each instant and then forgive again, trusting this process you helped us
in this life. You have been my mother, father, brother, sister, counselor and
understand. And we will do it with gratitude and a light spirit. That is what we mentor. You have shown me guidance, kindness, compassion and love. You
will do. Thank you. Debby Rushton Fleischer
gave me more than I could ever express in words. I am overwhelmingly grateful
My Beloved Papa, Every day, and every minute of every day, you are in my to you. I could not have done the last 20 years without your assistance, and
heart. You cannot die when I demonstrate that you did not die. Your wisdom appreciate all the advice and support you gave me. You grew me up in a way
and Love are the steady glowing Lights that lead my heart Home. You left a that I could not have possibly imagined. I will remember you and always love
beautiful peaceful clear path Home for all of us to follow. No worries...I wont you and keep you in my heart and mind for eternity. Thank you for bringing the
lose my way Home because I have your and Jesus invisible Hand in mine. Course alive for me and so many others. May our Father the Lord thy God keep

A Sharing of Gratitude (continued)

you and hold you in His arms. The world loves you and appreciates everything am so thankful that the recordings of his workshops and academies allow his
that you have given. We have learned well from you and now it is time that we words, wisdom and wonderful sense of humor to remain available to current and
demonstrate our ability to be right minded. You live on through our thoughts, future Course students. Marion Yaglinski
words and actions and I am so grateful to share your wisdom with all my
From the moment I met Ken, I assumed a totally unjustified familiarity.
brothers and sisters. Love your little sister. LC
Upon reflection, it was very funny. Part of me kept waiting for him to say, leave
Dear Ken, Thank you. Amy Larson me alone stranger! Aside from classes, I wrote letters and called. I did manage to
limit the phone calls, but I think I may have sent hundreds of letters! Thank you
Ken Wapnick was a true teacher of God and my spiritual mentor for many
for this opportunity to express my eternal gratitude to my dear teacher. He
years. After my first meeting with Ken, I began to write him and he always
opened my eyes, told me where to look, and helped me see. For the rest of my
replied; we exchanged well over a hundred letters. Ken was so kind and he never
life I hope to offer nothing but the smile he never failed to offer me. I love you
forgot to send regards to my wife, Candace, whom he had also met; hed often
Ken. Anonymous
remind us tickle each other and to laugh. I still have Kens books and audios to
school me in Course wisdom and right-mindedness. Ken was the voice of the Ken was an amazing man, he had a way of inspiring others and a great sense
Course for me, and others, and he is forever alive in our minds and hearts. I am of humor. I only met Gloria and Ken once and found them both to be so
blessed to have known such a gifted teacher; he taught me that forgiveness is our welcoming and cheerful. I am very grateful to Ken for his dedication and for all
purpose until we awaken into the Heart of God, and our dream of separation the work of the foundation. Sylvaine Lelong
ends. Thank you, Ken, for being an advanced teacher, and having completed
We didnt have the opportunity to meet Kenneth in person, but wed like to
your work, gently laying your body down, as another act of spiritual awakening.
acknowledge his contribution in helping us to better understand the message of
You continue to teach us all to give up our ego-fears and accept our true identity
ACIM through his Lighthouse newsletters and several of his many books. He
as Love. Sincere blessings, Jerry YahKov
will continue to be an inspiration on our spiritual path.
Dear, Dear Ken, Thank you so very much for being such a brilliant, loving, Linda Rost and John Vasilio
compassionate, authentic, funny, and amazing Teacher for us all! Ken, your
Thank you Ken. I cannot begin to express my gratitude for the teaching
brilliance, humility, and infinite generosity knock my socks off and inspire me
tools you have provided and without them I believe I would not understand
so very much! You really understand A Course in Miracles and are so incredibly
A Course in Miracles at all. With them I may really be able to live it. Thank you
patient as a Teacher of God. Youve written so many books, recorded so many
for this lesson in forgiveness and for the lessons you continue to teach. I am
talks, and answered so many questions that we all ask of youand as a great
saddened that I will never meet Ken. As I would have liked to feel the peace and
Teacher, you are always so clear, so real, infinitely patient, compassionate, and
gentle laughter many have spoken about. I want to be a reflection of that
funny. I love your sense of humor! You harmonize so well with our barriers and
peace and to show that he did not die by demonstrating that he lives in me.
do everything possible to get us to understand this amazing course that is so
Something that brings a smile to me every time I think I have a question I would
simple and yet so difficult for us. You have devoted your life to sharing with us
like to ask Ken; I find myself asking them and then hearing Ken give a little
your very great gift of understanding, and I am forever grateful to you! Thank
laugh and saying are you kidding me? Didnt you get the part about the joke? Or
you for tutoring us so skillfully, so lovingly and so patiently! I send you my
some other response that reminds me there is only one question and one Answer.
loving prayers and heartfelt thanks, Ken, as you continue on in your mysterious
Thank you. I will have this as one of my own tools that I will use whenever
and amazing journey! Thank you so very much for all of the love, understand-
needed. With love and kindness, Ms. Jamie Williams
ing, patience, and intelligence with which youve shared your amazing life expe-
rience and your lifework with us! Were all going home together, for sure, and To See Without Judgment
thanks to your fine tutoring. were going to get there faster than predicted! With
much love and heartfelt thanks, Rhonda Tarr I woke up from my dream about the world.
And in my awakening I recognized your face,
Within the confusion we believe we live in, Ken Wapnick represented a my brother. Without judgment.
powerful light in the darkness, a lighthouse that unequivocally guided us to the
truth; that guidance did not come from him, but was within him and masterfully I woke up from my dream about my life.
And in my peace I recognized your face,
we all sensed it, since it is our universal heritage. We hope the light of Ken will
my brother. With love.
continue pointing the way, even after his physical disappearance. Now we feel a
loss. It is paradoxical that his absence seems to provoke such tremendous I woke up from my dream about time.
desolation. The constant teacher that he is corrects me sweetly and lovingly, And in my freedom I recognized your face,
telling me gently but with great emotion that I am not sad because his vibrant my brother. As one.
figure has disappeared; Im feeling [sad] because part of my desire to be special
has died. His death reminds me of my belief in my own, but only he who I woke up from my dream.
believes he can die dies. My wrong mind serves now to point toward the light And in forgiveness I recognized your face,
and I see more than ever the futility of the dream. Kenneth Wapnick continues my Brother.
to be The Voice of the Course, motivating us to choose once again, to understand I wrote this poem for Kenneth in the winter 20122013. I had just started
it in its authentic dimension and voluntarily forgo our special desire, our insanity, my translation of What It Says, and I felt very grateful and happy after a long
our illusions, our lies, to regain our innocence and acknowledge the error. period of depression and confusion. Kenneth will remain our guide and
Felix Lascas companion on our journey through A Course in Miracles. Through his many
books and articles he will continue to inspire us, through our translation work
Ken had a profound influence on my life. It is because of him that I became
and studies he will make us understand. We are forever grateful and humble. His
a committed student of the Course and remained so for the last twenty years. I
generosity and sense of humour will be deeply missed. Tove and Svenn-Arne
am deeply grateful for Kens lifetime of dedication to teaching the Course. He
was an exceptional and brilliant teacher. Without him, I would not have been The first time I heard Ken speak was at a conference in the early eighties. I
able to understand the Courseor expand my understanding over the years. I remember that I left the gathering feeling dismayedKen had addressed some

A Sharing of Gratitude (continued)

fundamental misconceptions about the course that went around at the time, all of An Invitation to the Dance
which I held! It felt as if he had taken my course away from me. It was
He will dance us Home I promise
through his books and recordings that I eventually reconnected with Ken. After
If we let him lead the way.
waiting in vain for him to come to Europe to teach a class, I traveled to
Temecula and told him: If the mountain doesnt come to Mohammed, He will dance us Home together.
Mohammed goes to the mountain! He laughed and gave me a wonderful hug,
the first one of many. On another occasionafter a week-long classI left the We can feel him in the quiet
We can sense him; Hes the Song.
room with other people waiting for a final Ken hug. When it was my turn, I
told him how bad I felt that I kept getting it wrong with my practicing of the
course. Ken quickly took me aside, held my arms, looked in my eyes and He was never ours for holding
His dance is only meant to share.
impressed on me: But Frans, that was the whole point of this week, not to feel
guilty! And everything fell into place for me. Ken and I shared a love for Catherine Ricchetti
classical music. When I asked him last year for advice on a course-class that I
had started teaching in Belgium, he replied: First give them Stockhausen, then Ken was my spiritual teacher in the forgiveness of the dream. Although I
Mozart. I knew exactly what to do. Ken Wapnick, a dear, dear friend, a great did not have the chance to meet him, I am familiar of his work about A Course in
teacher, a mentsh. Frans Baert, Ph.D. Miracles. This helped me to assimilate many ideas and shortened the time of
my wandering. Four years ago, I asked him about a tiny mad idea, I had at
You Take My Breath Away that period. His answer in my letter ended as follows: So take heart, my friend,
and continue your journey to the union of your self with your Self. I continue,
You take my breath away and place a song within my heart.
my teacher, the journey as you encouraged me to do. My gratitude, you are
The melos seems to say we will never be apart.
sharing LOVE with all. Konstantinos Kourtis
You tell me time does not exist and surely this is so,
How or why I do not care I do not need to know. I was so sad to learn of Kens transition as I had always hoped to one day
soon make my way to Temecula and meet him in person; now there is no need to
You take my breath away, the child within is singing,
travel to converse with him in spirit, but I am sad to have missed my
The tune I know is soft and slow, a song without beginning.
opportunity to look into his eyes and take his hand in mine. What I want to say
I hear the beauty of your thoughts, whose words have set the music,
about Ken is that he truly lived the teachings. I know this because he took the
a tone so full of peace and grace with love if you but choose it.
time to personally respond to each and every letter I sent him over the years,
You take my breath away, the man within has risen, despite what I know must have been a grueling schedule and nearly infinite
with outstretched arms he lifts the child, who now is just a vision. responsibilities to all the other many people who reached out to him. Yet, Ken
A man whose heart is full of love and generous of Spirit, not only responded to my letters, he even offered to read my book and give me
Who shares the song within my heart because he placed it in it. feedback on ita person he had never met and owed nothing to, nor had any
thing to gain from. He took the time to connect; he made himself available
You take my breath away, as we travel on together.
something I have experienced in literally no other person of his stature in the
We share the Spirit and our song and journey up the ladder. world of spiritual teachers. So I say, Ken was the genuine articlehe walked
Spirit now, our song is sung; we made it home where we are One.
the walk. He is free now from physical constraints and I sense his joy. I am both
He kept His promise to His Son. You~Take~My~Breath~Away.
delighted for him, and bereft for myself and for all of us who remain behind to
Bunny Moazed do our best to carry forward the work of living the teachings of the Course. I say
thank you, Ken, and God bless your legacy and may it thrive. Susan Hunt
It is with great gratitude and humility that I send you this simple poem as a
thank you to Ken. I am not a poet but I do know that Ken loved poems and I What I am so thankful for, and will miss the most is Kens work and
loved Ken. He saved me thousands of years. His death was heartbreaking. dedication to the Course, and the prolific writings, books, & lectures which
Although I miss him, in my soul I feel him with me. My gratitude to himis created a body of information, that will never be matched in this world again.
immeasurable. A few weeks after Ken died I noticed that the symbol of dance His calling, understanding and interpretation was deepened by his close and
kept showing up in my so called life. The symbol was stirring something kind personal relationship with Helen, which he so gracefully shared with us. He will
within me. I felt it but it was escaping me in my choice for sadness. Then I was be missed by course students, until we collapse this universe, and are all re-
listening to a classical music station when a piece of music titled Invitation to united in the Atonement! I cant wait to hug him again! A very thankful student
the Dance by Carl Maria von Weber (1819) came on the radio. I listened with who was blessed to be taught in person, by such a learned, great and important
the intention of understanding the symbol. This piece helped me bridge that gap Teacher! His work truly changed my life and mind-set. Jim Pappas
where I was feeling lost and separated from Ken. It filled me with great joy and
hope. My heart was dancing with Ken and I was delighted. I truly felt in that The first time I interviewed you one-on-one at the foundation, you took both
moment that Ken would dance us through our ego fears helping us take them my hands in yours and simply met my eyes. For the first time in my life, I felt
lightly if we would simply be his partner in the dance. If we let him lead. The truly forgiven, aligned with your absolute certainty of my innocence. And I
symbols have been a comfort so I wanted to share them. somehow knew beyond all shadows of doubt and the blur of tears that this

THE LIGHTHOUSE (ISSN 1060-4987) is the newsletter of the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES. The Foundation is a not-for-profit organization
founded in 1983 to help students of A Course in Miracles through educational programs and publications.
THE LIGHTHOUSE is published and sent out four times a year (March, June, September, December) by the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES, 41397
Buecking Drive, Temecula, CA 92590-5668. Periodicals Postage Paid at Temecula, California and additional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE LIGHTHOUSE, Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES, 41397 Buecking Drive, Temecula, CA 92590.
Articles published in THE LIGHTHOUSE are copyrighted by the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES.

A Sharing of Gratitude (continued)
awareness was all I really wanted to know and learn to offer everyone and I have often said that Dr. Wapnick is the only reason that I understand a
everything. Without having known you, I would not have the growing trust word of the Course. My husband Chad and I had the privilege of coming to the
that 1 will reach this unwavering certainty when Im ready. You always seemed Foundation in Temecula in August of 2009. The first thing that I remember upon
to effortlessly embody the presence of our loving-to-all inner teacher, who sees walking in the door was Dr. Wapnick bouncing around the room joking with
only our uninterrupted union. You were the most generous person I have ever everyone and hugging everyone.To see Dr. Wapnick so engaged and
encountered, treating each and everyone of us like a long, lost friend, graciously available was really touching. He walked up to the podium and for the next
giving the gentle, boundless treasure of your full attention; whenever we three days, unraveled mysteries of the Course that I had never even come close
believed we needed it. Listening for the real call for love beyond the words of to understanding. His energy and focus never wavered. His commitment to the
whatever struggle with practicing forgiveness wed dreamed up, and responding Course and what it says was 100 percent. His enthusiasm was contagious. It
consistently, in every circumstance and without a moments hesitation, with made me want to be a more dedicated student of the Course. He did the work
love and complete acceptance. I learned, and continue to learn from you, that of three lifetimes in one and I consider myself very lucky to be his student as I
even though Im not ready to accept Im not a body, I can decide right now make my way slowly up the ladder to greet him once again. Brian Allen
which inner teacher I want to listen to. I can decide right now to challenge, as
Some twenty-seven years ago, I was fortunate enough to be led to A Course
you advised, every unkind thought. To remember. regardless of how real
in Miracles and over the space of about eighteen months, I devoured the Text,
whatever seems to be happening seems, that I am never upset for the reason I
followed the 365 lessons in the Workbook and finally read the Manual. Since
think and could choose and experience peace right now. The rest will follow!
then, it has been the guiding spiritual influence in my life. But only a mere six
I cant really bemoan your lack of presence in form when your true presence
weeks ago, did I discover Absence from Felicity and the work of Dr Kenneth
continues to provide moment-to-moment, palpable evidence to the contrary.
Wapnick. Then in December, in the midst of reading this remarkable book I
What I feel most now is the enduring gift of your faith in me (us) to really live
learned hed slipped away home on the 27th of that very month. So, alas, I will
this work. A faith I dont always feel in myself. Recalling you as I practice
not be able to tell him in person how much I value the honesty and clarity of his
forgiveness throughout my day. your faith feels contagious. You often told us to
insight. Nor let him know the gratitude I feel for his integrity and sensitivity, his
trust that the process that led us this far wont fail us nowthe happy ending to
faithfulness and his clear and loving vision.The love and wisdom that
all our stories is sure! Our teacher remains alive and well within. As you said
emanates so strongly from his written work will continue as long as we have a
during the August 2012 Academy: Its an insane idea to think we can lose what
need for words. His contribution to the spiritual growth of those of us on the
we love. You remain here, right now, in our hearts and in our work. Your
planet now, and indeed those to come, is incalculable. Anna Clemence Mews
gentle smile and all you have taught us instantly available for consultation as we
quicken our steps in our journey home to the place we never really left. Where Ken, you have been the sane part of my mind. To meYou saved my life! I
all dreams of guilt are gone and love for all still abides. With never-ending love hear you say What life?! I am eternally grateful for your gift you have given to
and gratitude, Susan Dugan the Sonship. I now return that to others and with thatI am awakening. Elke
While on one level I feel the loss of Kens presence; his teachings and spirit A Teacher of God and of A Course in Miracles, Ken Wapnick was here
are with me always and are very dear to me. As the Course says: Awareness of only to be truly helpful. (T- 2.V.18:2) Working ceaselessly in service to Truth,
dreaming is the real function of Gods teachers. I believe Ken was ready to he amassed a truly amazing volume of clear Course teachings, making
awaken from the dream and for that I am joyous. Caryl Browne understandable any passage that might seem puzzling to students. His clear and
It was with shock and deep sadness that I learned of Kenneths passing. I consistent teachings exposed the working of the egos thought system. Ken
am most happy that I have the opportunity to attend his classes daily on my helped Course students with the daily living of Course principles when
CDsand I am deeply and eternally grateful that Kenneth is my external interacting with others. He stressed the importance of kindness in all situations.
teacher. I believe he is most likely the ONLY mentor that truly grasps and And to help overcome an ego-centric view when relating to others, Ken
practices what the Course is really imparting to the student. Kenneth remarked a suggested a concept he called making it about themconsidering the needs
couple of times that A Course in Miracles contains reflections of the highest and viewpoint of the seemingly other person, rather than acting or reacting
forms of Buddhism. I recently re-read (after almost 50 years!!) Hermann from the needs and desires of ones own ego-self. Ken always made it about
Hesses Siddhartha. Siddhartha crosses the river to a higher expression of others, not himself, turning no one away who asked him for help and literally
Reality guided by the ferryman whom he ultimately embodies. Kenneth is my embracing everyone who attended his classes or entered his life. The first time I
ferryman. In profound gratitude, Roslyn Shaw met Ken (around 2008), we had traveled to Atlanta to attend his workshop and
arrived at the conference hall somewhat early. As I approached the classroom, a
Ken was my teacher and my friend. I shall miss his physical presence but I man seated near the entrance in deep conversation with several people close to
am eternally grateful for finding A Course in Miracles through a workshop in him, arose quickly, upon seeing me, to give me a welcoming hug, as if I were a
Akumal, Mexico that he gave several decades ago. It has transformed my life family member or close friend. As I walked away, I thoughtwho was that
and influenced my work as a Marriage and Family therapist, author and teacher. man? And then I realized it was Ken Wapnick, a Teacher of God who left no one
Peace has become my only goal. Nadya Giusi out and embraced everyone. So, although we feel sad at Kens passing from
our earthly sight, we also feel blessed and uplifted by his loving presence in
...I became addicted to Kens humor and confident teaching style along with
Spirit that cannot be taken from us. We can feel his love with us (the joint Love
the message of the Course. From the beginning, I have had a whole list of
of the Sonship) and know that we are one with him in Mind/Spirit.
Kenisms that remain with me and have provided me with insight, smiles and
Lynne R. Matous
even laughter at the most poignant of times. My favorite being, Im telling you,
you LOVE IT. I find that most helpful in the midst of drama and, when I am If I am a soothsayer and full of that soothsaying spirit which wanders on a
taking myself too seriously, You arent doing anything anyway. He showed high ridge between two seas, wandering like a heavy cloud between past and
us through his love, his brilliance, humility, and kindness that we are loved and future, an enemy of all sultry plains and all that is weary and can neither die nor
thankfully he did not bend in the interpretation of ACIM, for it says what it livein its dark bosom prepared for lightning and the redemptive flash,
says.... In gratitude, to the teacher who filled my life with help to a new way of pregnant with lightning bolts that say Yes and laugh. Yes, soothsaying lightning
seeing, as well as being a bright light when all seemed lost. Ken, we thank boltsblessed is he who is thus pregnant! And verily, long must he hang on the
youand I will get on with it. Robbin Lisa Gaskin mountains like a dark cloud who shall one day kindle the light of the future: Oh,

A Sharing of Gratitude (continued)
how should I not lust after eternity and after the nuptial ring of rings, the ring of did. Now, I really need your encouragement once again to write this tribute to
recurrence?... For I love you, O Eternity. For I love you, O Eternity! From The you, because Im certain I dont have it in me to do it alone. When I reflect upon
Seven Seals or: The Yes and Amen Song, again by F. Nietzsche (Thus Spake on our early years, I wasnt quite sure what to do with you, as you were like no
Zarathustra, Third Part, p. 340, The Portable Nietzsche, Walter Kauffman, trans.). one Id ever known. So, 1 did what any healthy ego would doI tried to argue
Patrick Lysons with you, to prove you wrong, and to push you away. I was continually met by
your firm, but loving, defenselessness. Of course, this just upped my egos ante,
Perhaps Helens poem With Thanks sums up our feelings of gratitude for
but my antics had no effect upon you. You continued to demonstrate pure and
the loving influence Ken still has on our lives today:
unconditional love towards me in ways that I had never experienced. Your
No one can know just what his part will mean consistent and non-judgmental mannerwhenever I took what you called a
When God from little lights completes a star detourwas unwavering, You helped me learn to forgive myself of my past
From what we give to Him. Each is unseen and to understand that my sins were just mistakes. As my teacher, you
Until the other parts from near and far embodied everything you taught in A Course in Miracles. You demonstrated
Are joined by Him into a form that He through your words, by your actions, and by your very essence that there is
can use to light the darkness..... indeed another way to live in this world, peacefully, and the Course offers that
way. Kenneth, I will never, ever forget you. How can I? You will always
Peace be to us all. Ben and Miryam Andriessen remain in my heart and mind. My final tribute to you will be to teach that you
If there is any time or date for this, it might be this one. On my second did not die in vain, but to teach rather that you did not die by demonstrating that
anniversary with the Course I express in this form my deepest gratitude, my you live in me, To do this, I will need your help to choose differently; I have no
happiness, and my love for and to Ken Wapnick. What is behind this form here doubt that you will be there for meas my teacher, my friend. As in our brief
needs not to be expressed, because it cannot. It is known and does neither have a past, all I have to do is just ask. In gratitude and love, Your faithful student
date nor a name. All that is left to do, is accept his teaching, the Courses
How many teachers of God are needed to save the world? The answer to
teaching for ourselves to stop with the baby business, as Ken called it many this question isone. One wholly perfect teacher, whose learning is complete,
times. Simple, but not easy. There is a period of unsettling, then there is one of
suffices. (Manual for teachers, p. 31.)
achievement. It does not have to be in that order, since there is no linear time,
but it is highly probable that we just cant skip or gloss over the unsettling part This was Kenneth Wapnick.
to directly hurl into a state of constant peace of mind. Yet, achieving the latter is
What are the characteristics of Gods teachers? Trust, Honesty, Tolerance,
doable. Ken did it, and if one thing is certain in this world: he was not
Gentleness, Joy, Defenselessness, Generosity, Patience, Faithfulness, Open-
special.It is great to have known you (PRESENT perfect), mein lieber
mindedness. (Manual for teachers, pgs 9-16)
Freund! And, yes: I got it. Andi Wagner
This was Kenneth Wapnick.
In 2001, along with a friend, I attended the 25th Anniversary of the Courses
coming out in Anaheim, California. We sat directly behind Kenneth and Gloria. A student of the Course for 30 years, I was still somewhat confounded until
Kenneth was one of the main speakers, for that week-end. I was moved by I went to hear Ken at an academy class. I left everyday with joy because I
Kens devotion to the Course, and to his wife Gloria. It was wonderful to understood every word he said. the light in one awakens it in all. (T-21.I.10:6)
observe. No one else has helped me in sticking with the Course and its When watching him at the recess come up behind his wife Gloria and put his
teachings, as much as Ken has, and I am truly grateful for this kind and loving arms around her and lean his head on her shoulder, God came rushing into my
man and for all he gave, and taught. Martha Street heart with gratitude for this example of his love. I know in my heart that he was
carried home on peaceful wings of love Karen Knapp
Kenneth (affectionately thought of as Ken) was and is such a teaching
model. Rather like the metaphor of a comet that leaves a trail of light, such is his Thank You Kenneth
effect as a teacher, an earthly brother and friend, a way-shower, a manifest
Although we never met
example of vision attained through a willingness to allow and follow a higher
I know you more each day
leading. The reflection we knew as Ken cannot be gone from any of us
Through every moment spent
when what he represented and shared remains as an extending integrated
In loving grace with Him.
awareness, the gift of an ongoing teaching presence being one of content rather
A thousand suns do shine
than form. Twenty-two years ago, I found myself teetering on that very
On every word you made
edge trying to find some kind of balance; and ACIM and Ken all but dropped
That light my way up to
into my lap! Forever grateful! Barbara Dillingham
The One we share as kin.
I would say that Ken was so beautifula beauty that you could feel with Anonymous
your heart, as he gave you compassion, acceptance and hope. I will miss him so To my beloved Music Magister, I wish you sweet conducting in Heaven.
much and love him forever, although it seems that everything that made him
Thank you for teaching me how to hear that joyous melody in my brothers
what he was, that made him so beautiful was his knowledge of the sameness of
Heart. Farewell, dear Gandalf! Enjoy the white shores of that far green country
everything. I am thankful to Ken for teaching us the real meaning of ACIM and under a swift sunrise. Joerie aka Aragorn
for showing us the gentleness, the patience and the love of the right mind. I once
said to him that I didnt know how to thank him for all his help in turning my life We feel blessed to have known Kenneth as our physical world teacher and
around, in turning myself around. He said the way I am is thanks enough. It appreciative of all the many kind words of wisdom he spoke and wrote to us in
seems that would be the best way to thank him and share his beautiful gift and counsel as ACIM students together. Kens kindness and encouragement have
blessing with all the others in our lives. Maneesha Weerasooriya and still are a cherished resource to us. We are greatly appreciative of having
him as our trusted teacher since my (Alice) first meeting him and Gloria in 2005
Dear Ken, Over the years, I have written you so many letters asking for your in Alexandria, Virginia. Every occasion after that whenever he presented on the
help with lifes classrooms. Even though most of my letters didnt come easily
east coast we attended his talks in Philadelphia, Atlanta and multiple times at
to me, you always encouraged me to continue with the effort. I am so grateful I
A.R.E. in Virginia Beach. Kens great skill at encouraging us to look at the

A Sharing of Gratitude (continued)
ego together with the Holy Spirit/Jesus in order to recognize its insanity and away, I encountered rock-hard unbelief: What!!!??? It was a colossal wall of
unreality has greatly helped me become less invested in its delusions. His unbelief, and I crashed into it very hardand bounced back. But when I got
encouragement to look but not let it deceive us further has been immensely back on my feet, and carefully looked at it, I also saw a gate in that wall, and
helpful. As an artist Kens analogies from classical literature, music, the visual thus a possible passageway through it. The word UNBELIEF was written on
arts and theater sang to me as my song of prayer. We both greatly admire and the gate in large letters. And because I had decided to no longer believe in closed
appreciate Kenneths unwavering dedication through his prolific writings and gates, but only in open gates, and dont want to hold anything back anymore, so
video talks that are now a great legacy for all ACIM students. May we all see that I believe in possibilities and opportunities, I saw this gate, with the word
peace instead of this as our Lesson 34 reminder to see beyond the veils of ego UNBELIEF on it, as an invitation. I decided to go through it, guided by
illusion and worldly distractions to find the Reality of Spirit as Our own. Trust, symbolized for me by Jesus and now also by Ken. And I stepped right
Alice Yeager and Fred Hawker through the gate, which had now become transparent. Effortlessly. And in this
way, I could step through all the stages of unbelief-sadness, anger, distrust,
My earthly teacher in the illusion was Ken Wapnick but in reality he IS a
missing him-safely holding the hand of Jesus, who had shown me time and
Holy Son of God aka the Christ, but he never pretended to be the Christ or
again that, by turning around all the emotions I was feeling at any given time, in
special or claim to know it all, even though he did. I wept when I heard of his
reality nothing has happened. By going through the gate of unbelief in
passing because I did so love him and all the Academys and absorbing the
complete Trust, holding hands with Jesus and Ken, I find myself once again
knowledge that emanated as he spewed forth non-dual reality that washed over
with Belief and a new certainty that there is no death, that the idea of death of a
me like a healing balm. I know there is no death really but still I feel sorry for
body is but a tiny, mad idea that offers me the opportunity to make a choice
myself because he is longer teaching in the illusion but I am happy for him that
between either making this idea real by believing in bodies that can die, or
he is not. Our youngest son died suddenly three months before Ken. I like to
seeing the idea of death as a gate through which I can forgive this idea by
think that perhaps he now has Kens wonderful company and guidance.
joining with Jesus.That is the incomparable gift that Ken gives us for eternity.
Sally McKirgan
Annelies Ekeler
Its not even close. In terms of positive influence, no one comes close to the
We know you are Happy and Laughing on this only Mind of ours, maybe
influence that Ken Wapnick had in my life. Of all the people whose paths
with a sense of gratitude of a great productive life on this bad dream of
intersected with mine, Ken Wapnicks influence was in another league entirely.
ours. I only started to understand what the Course means better after I was
It was if Jesus walked the earth again. When I first met Ken, I shook my head.
introduced to you and your teachings back in 2002. Since then I read your books
How could such a man really exist? Im still shaking my head. He did exist.
and heard your seminars hundreds of times. You kept pushing me along the
And, fortunately, he exists still, within all our hearts. In wonderment and
stages of development of trust all the way to where I am at now and you keep
thanksgiving, David Chisholm
doing just that. I met you in a seminar in 2011 and you kept helping me with
I have listened to many of Kens recorded workshops and talks, and I have all of your lovely letters. Dr. Ken when I heard you had moved to this new
read most of his books, but I only met him once in person at an Academy course vibration of yours I must confess I was very sad for several days. I would have
in Roscoe in August 2000. Three aspects of Kens vocation stood out for me: In to communicate with my best friend through some other way. And now your
all of Kens writings and teachings there was no ego interference. In a Voice and the Voice of the Holy Spirit are the same Voice for me. It made me
disciplined, enormously erudite and intelligent manner, he faithfully dedicated realize that I have been hearing the Voice of the Holy Spirit all along. Mine and
himself to facilitating our understanding of Jesus course. He never succumbed whole humanity Gratitude and Love for You are Total. God bless You my good
to being commercial, or to promoting himself. He just taught what the Course friend and father Ken! Roberto Gaensly
said, without personal embellishment, and his notes and commentaries always
In 1992, I took a group of students to Hararit, a small settlement in the
rang true. Ken loved Helens poems. He invariably read and quoted from the
Galilee, for a ACIM retreat. In a place full of plants and forests we came upon
Gifts of God. For me, this was a living witness to his joining with Helen, inviting
Ortho Netofa, a place that was built in July 1967 by Jacob, the monk. We were
her to accompany us as we studied and practiced what she had brought into the
walking up the top of the mountain when we saw Ortho. We went inside taking
world. I loved Kens sense of humor which was always near the surface during
a few steps down into the cave. There was Jacob, the monk, with his beautiful
his talks. On my visit to Roscoe, I remember the Foundation had laid on some
blue eyes, and a smile full of light. We asked if we could pray in this place. He
ice cream for our final dinner. I was standing in line waiting to be served, and I
asked who we were, and wanted to know more. I told him that we were students
happened to mention to Ken how much I enjoyed ice cream. No, Clive, he
of ACIM. Oh! He said Ken Wapnick was here with me, before he left for the
replied. The ice cream is not there to be eaten. Were just going to look at it
Course. I had met Ken months before this meeting and now I was wondering
without judgment. His humor was always fun and, above all, gentle. Ken was a
could it be a coincidence that we had arrived at this place? Ken had worked with
light shining in the dream. Forgiveness and love flowed through him. He truly
us, the Hebrew team, and it was such a deep and life changing experience for us
lived the course. Jesus did not die in vain. Ken demonstrated that he did not die
all. He did not remember much of his Hebrew, but yes, he knew the difference
by showing us that Jesus thought system of resurrection lived in him. Joy and
between Shechina and Ruach-Ha-kodesh, the two terms used for the Holy Spirit
gratitude are what I place at his altar of tribute. Thank you, Ken, for not passing
in Hebrew. Kens precision with the Hebrew translation made us all good
us by. For as long as we chose to continue in the dream your work will be a
students, not only for ACIM, but also for life itself. Kens life project continues
lighthouse, guiding us home. We thank you, Father, for the light that shines
to follow every student of the Course in Israel. The wisdom of the Course was
forever in Ken. And we honor it, because You share it with us. We are one,
translated into Kens words and understanding. His way has become our way, in
united in this light and one with You, at peace with all creation and with
which we walk with gratitude. I can still see this picture from the translators
ourselves. (W-pll.239.3) Clive Bayne
meeting in Tiburon: Ken is jumping from one person to another for a greeting, a
I no longer see any thought that springs from the ego-mind (always an hug, with laughter, kind words, love, at all times. He seemed to be recognizing
expression of separation) as what it pretends to say, but as an opportunity-an each and every one of us. I was looking at it with amazement. Suddenly I knew.
invitation-to start seeing things differently. I now see such thoughts as gates that Ken was seeing everyone as Christ. He was greeting Christ. Thank You Ken for
I can pass through by joining with the Holy Spirit. Thus, they change from the Love and Light that you are spreading in the World. Efrat Sar Shalom
horrible, closed, scary gates of fear and sadness into open gates, passageways to
I and all the translators are deeply grateful for the meeting in October last
the Light of Gods Love. Thus, when I first heard the news that Ken passed
year where we had the chance to meet Ken. It was such a happy time and will

A Sharing of Gratitude (continued)
stay with me forever in fond memories. Kenneths work with A Course in Presence within me and confirmed for me that I am truly a mind, who can
Miracles was a formidable task, as are his books and tapes. Thank God we still choose how I want to see this world, myself and the seeming darkness of things
have them to turn to and hear his dear voicewhich I do practically daily. within and without. Through the Course and Kens teaching I have more peace
Lets not mourn that his body is not any more with us, but let us be grateful that and have at least partially let go of unforgiveness in many relationships. The
he spread the word and Truth about our souls that will go on forever. With much Course and Kens wisdom has truly helped me understand the nature of the
Love, Pirkko world, that I always felt deeply inside and to have hope in the midst of
challenges, increasing my faith that there is another way of being in this
On August 18th 1980 I set down the glass containing my last drink. Within
lifetime. While I am still on a journey with all that I have learned and integrated,
a month I was opening the Text of A Course in Miracles for the first time. I
I remain deeply grateful for Kens teaching of the Course and his abiding
was at that time what you would call a reluctant Buddhist having studied and
presence in my life. The best way to thank him truly seems to be to trust in the
tried many other belief systems finding them all too easy to discredit and
inner Love more and more and to demonstrate this in my life as much as
discount. Buddhism was going to have to suffice, that is, until I began to read the
possible. Joanne Kraemer
Course. As soon as I read the words of the Course I recognized it was telling me
what I already knew but could never clearly comprehend nor express. I began In Kenneths workshop on Death & Dying during a question and answer
following Kens guidance a short time later. The first seminar taught by Ken I period, a lady commented that she was worried about the day that Kenneth
attended was at Edgar Cayces Association for Research and Enlightenment in would one day die, and I suspect that she was expressing a fear many of us felt.
Virginia Beach in the summer of 1984. I continued to attend his seminars during Kenneths lovely response was to remind her that he had simply become a
the summers in Roscoe, NY and since retiring from Ithaca College, Ive made symbol of Love to her and that one-day when he exits this world, another
two trips to Temecula and am looking forward to another academy class there in symbol of love will take his place. Indeed Kenneth was a symbol of Love to
March. I own and have studied every book Ken has written. Ive also been many of us and like A Course in Miracles, the presence of love that one would
receiving the Lighthouse newsletter since its inception and have kept them all. experience anytime we were near him was palpable. Im not ashamed to say that
So from the start, my Course in Miracles curriculum has been integrated with I cried privately about Kenneths passing. To me, he was the third spoke of the
Kens teaching and guidance. As Ken pointed out in the December 2013 trinity that consisted of Helen Schucman and Bill Thetford. He helped me to
Lighthouse newsletter, it may be helpful to have an external teacher as a understand A Course in Miracles in a way that would have likely taken many
temporary stand-in for the real One as long as such a person is at least slightly years longer to have done so without him. I loved this man and dare I say it, but
ahead of the pupil. Such a help may indeed be almost mandatory in helping I feel special to have known him. Love indeed is expressed in many forms and
students discern the true Voice from the false one. Ken fulfilled this role with for me; Kenneth was just that. He was Love reflected here in this world and I
near perfection for many thousands of students. He taught kindness by example. will carry the warmth of his light for the rest of my days. Rick Bechard
He was my one and only Course in Miracles teacher and although I didnt spend
Now that you are free and we here to mourn our loss we can only think of
very much time with him personally, I know he wouldnt mind me calling him a
you with deep gratitude for illuminating the path so brightly, so succinctly and
true friend. Ken knew the Love that is the Source of the material we studied
so beautifully. Remembering so fondly on our visits to Temecula (far fewer than
together. Thus he was able to point us toward that Love, that Truth, so
I would have liked) your kindness and patience in generously offering your
effectively. Ill never be able to thank Ken adequately for all the gifts he gave. I
wisdom for our many questions as we attempted to decipher the Course. And
will remember him always with pure gratitude. Fred T. Estabrook
lest we get too serious about it, there were always jokes and a little teasing to
Kenneth Wapnick is for me that expression of perfect clarity and lucid lighten up our silly consternation. (And who could forget the blue dot!) As
awareness that is really within me. When I was in his presence at a workshop, you have now-assumedly-joined again with Helen and Bill, in our limited way
my experience was of this amazing lucidity and awakeness. All the clouds of we think of you enjoying the freedom, reveling in the reunion and continuing to
confusion and obscuration simply dispersed, dissipated and completely shine the light for the rest of us. We join your family in sending love, admiration
disappeared. The same occurred and still occurs when I listen to him on a CD or and deep appreciation for who you have been in our lives. Thank you from the
a DVD, but now it has been dawning upon me, since his death in physical form, bottom of my heart. So much love Sunni Gibbons
that the clarity is in me. His emphasis that the teaching and practice of the
Dear Ken, I only met you once during an Academy class in Temecula but
Course is never about changing the world or healing the body, but of healing our
from my heart, I miss you. I will miss the manifestation of your presence. I
mind of the one sickness known as our belief in the unholy trinity of sin, guilt
will miss what Ive received while reading, listening to and watching what you
and fear, that are Kens ongoing gifts to me. He is very alive in my heart and in
understood, have experienced and forgiven from your journey with the Course.
my mind, a child, a man and a spirit (as one of Helens poetic birthday
With sincere and deep gratitude for your demonstration of the Course principles.
presents lovingly honoring Ken expresses) of beauty, blessing, honesty and
AMEN! Eugene Goszczycki
gentle loving humor and kindness. He was unequivocal when it came to
explaining the truth of what the Course is really saying. I feel such delicious Dear Gloria, I was moved to reach out to you in your time of mourning the
gratefulness for Jesus being with me (and for Ken for being his and the Courses apparent loss of your beloved husband, Kenneth. Without any doubt, you are not
living embodiment) showing me that he and I are no different and that he and I alone in your seeming loss. I, among so many brothers and sisters who have
and everyone is the one ego in illusion and the one Son of God, Christ, in reality. been guided and inspired by Ken, mourn along side you. I believe it was some
With him comes infinite clarity, patience, kindness; non-judgment, time in 2005 when I found Ken, after I once again picked up my study of
encouragement, forgiveness and love. What more could I ask for? Really and ACIM. From that point on he became the most important Spiritual Teacher/
truly, what more could I ask for? Respectfully and lovingly, Norman Babbitt Mentor of my life. I feel deeply blessed to have had his Light shining in my
dream since then. I am grateful beyond words for his legacy, and although he
Ken has been the most important and influential person I have had in my life
left the worlds dream far too soon for me (and all who knew him, I am certain),
the last 20 years or so. I have always had the utmost trust and respect for him
his Spirit remains in the work he left behind, which will continue to guide and
more than anyone else I have met in my lifetime. Ken taught me so much it is
inspire me in my awakening (and so many others who choose this path). I had
difficult to even describe all of this. From him, I have learned to be aware of my
the honor of meeting your husband several years ago while he was speaking at
ego and to look at it all without so much judgment and fear. I have also learned I
an A.R.E. conference (your beautiful self was also there!). My son had recently
indeed have a right mind and to trust in this more. Kens loving, kind and
died prior to Kens appearance in Virginia Beach. I had the opportunity of
encouraging presence in my life has allowed me to trust more in the Loving

A Sharing of Gratitude (continued)
sharing my loss with Ken. I will never forget his words, which I would like to for hundreds of others throughout the world. He was unassumingly powerful
now share with you. Ken told me that my son was still with me (in my mind, the with a heart of gold and a Brooklyn sense of humor. He could slip in witticisms
mind we all share as One Son) and would always be with me. Ken reminded me and come on strong effortlessly as an academician. I could always count on him
that there is no death and love never ends. My son and I remain as One beyond as could the thousands of others who shared knowing him. Maybe its that Im
this dream world. From studying ACIM I knew this intellectually, but hearing so far away physically that I dont feel Ken is gone. And in the same breath I
Ken reinforce this reached me at a deeper level. This conversation with Ken was say, I cant believe he died. He would want us to stay calm and carry on
a balm to my soul. I know in my heart that you already knew Kens words to me, with the Course. Kindest regards and love, Spring Thomas
how could you not with ACIM being such a major part of you and your
My friend and teacher;
husbands life path. Please forgive me, as a seeming stranger attempting to
You told me the truth.
comfort you at this time, should what I write be inappropriate right now. I trust
Thank you, dear Kenneth.
my good intention to reach out comes from the Holy Spirit in my mind and
My love and gratitude.
not from ego. Im still working on discerning the difference. Ive written to you
as a sister who knows the sorrow of profound loss. Again I ask your forgiveness
during this extremely vulnerable time if I have been insensitive in any way. I Dear Ken, It seems fitting to write to you because your many letters
wanted you to know how much Ken has encouraged and supported my waking continue to be treasures beyond description. I cherish them and I have no doubt
up as no one else has ever done (and will continue to do). Kens life was a that your books, articles, workshops, videos, and letters will endure as long as
blessing beyond words to the brothers and sisters whose lives he touched. It was any member of the Sonship needs your help to awaken from the dream of
only through the Wisdom and Love poured forth in ACIM that I found comfort separation. I have no words that would fully express my gratitude to you. I
and Peace, when nothing else in this world was able to bring this to me. Kens send immense gratitude for your courage in staying true to the non dualism of
deep understanding of the Course expressed through his words, in his books, A Course in Miracles, while teaching in such a way that students at all levels of
and in his CDs, clarified and reinforced the Courses message for me, most understanding can benefit. I know of no other western spiritual teacher who can
especially with my sons apparent death. I dont know how I would have made it achieve that as you do. In addition, I continue to benefit immeasurably from
through without Jesus and Kens Love for us, the separated ones who still your extraordinary knowledge of Catholicism, great classical composers,
struggle with our split minds, and Jesus and Kens desire, above all else, to show classical literature, Vedanta, Bhakti Yoga, and of course, Freuds work. In the
us the way Home. My prayer of Peace for you is sent from my heart, Gloria, words of the German childrens song, Danke (English translation): Thank you
Rachelle for everything you give us, thank you for everything we share, thank you for
simply being with us. Thanks for being here. We know you havent gone
Kenneth Wapnick is clothed in true forgiveness and has unveiled the
anywhere. Love always, Miriam, your name for me (aka Marilyn Melcher)
ultimate state of Innocence & freedom in doing so. His effects to pave this road
are undeniable and defeats every excuse to defend this life of contradictions. His Dear Ken: This will be my last letter to you. As I write these words my ego
gentle teaching of Release leads to clarity and the soft opening of ones self to the is telling me to be sad. It is telling me that I lost a good friend. It is telling me to
Atonement. He proves the death of all judgment is not only attainable, but the be faithless. It is telling me that death is real. Yet as you me and all our brothers,
only frontier in the Land of the Living. He shows us the width and depth of our the ego lies. It lies when it tells me that you will no longer teach me. It lies when
potential to Love ourselves and find happiness. Kenneth Wapnick is as wide and it tells me that you will no longer comfort me. It lies when it tells me you are
true as they come. I am a painter and my work is influenced everyday by the gone. It lies and lies and lies. My dear brother, I know you are still with me, with
effects of this great teacher and his consistency in the pursuit of Truth. I will all of us. I remain the beneficiary of your wisdom. I smile as I remember your
continue to study all his insights into A Course in Miracles and mark my work wonderful sense of humor. I still feel the warmth of your hugs. How can I miss
by them. I am forever grateful for his loyalty to this end. nobody not even the you when you are always with me? You Ken, my teacher, our teacher, you still
rain has such small hands. Thank you Kenneth for opening my heart, if only guide me through this desert. You still point the way to forgiveness. You are my
petal by petal to my Awakening. I am homeward bound. W.S. Rolfe present memory. You appear to me whenever I call to you. Literally. Even now,
at this moment, I see your smiling face. I feel your love and peace. So silent, so
With a loving smile on his face, Kenneth quipped that someone once
still, so sublime. Your Love enfolds me in its Light. Les Breisblatt
compared his students to autistic children (and that would include me as well),
making him a teacher of the autisticnot too far from the truth, if were being As a Catholic Maryknoll missionary Sister in 1975, I returned to the New
honest here. Its not that we cant learn, we can. But we take on attributes similar York area from Chile after having experienced tremendous turmoil and
to the autistic when we willingly draw the veil of forgetfulness across our minds upheavalboth personally and politicallyin the years prior to and after
by continually choosing the ego and its results in the world. Kenneth certainly Chiles military coup. I returned home realizing that I needed help in
knew where our pain originated (in the mind), and he addressed our choice for understanding what I had undergone in my personal and spiritual life. I met Ken
the ego within the context of the Course consistently, repeatedly and without shortly after and he began to teach me the principles and practice of the Course
fail. Id like to thank Kenneth and Gloria for a lifetime of helping us to direct in counseling sessions, over a period of several years. I knew from the beginning
our attention inward and to hear the music within by gently presenting the facts that Ken himself and this teaching embodied some very deep and mysterious
(in this case, asking us to recognize what is really going on in our minds) and level of Gods Spirit, far beyond anything I had known before. I was attracted to
urging us to reconsider our position (change our minds). Anonymous this teaching as well as frightened and disturbed by it. Kens gentle patience and
steadfast commitment to my learning process enabled me to continue. Most
The moment I met Ken at baggage claim in July 1982 at SeaTac Airport I
importantly, he taught me by his own loving, sensitive example. The fact that
knew Id met someone extraordinary. During the days that followed at Miracle
Ken also stuttered made him somehow more accessible and like one of us. At
Mountain, the first Course in Miracles Retreat which was held in rural
that time Ken, based in his New Yorks East Side studio apartment, lived a very
Washington State, it became clear to myself and those who were seriously into
simple, yet busy, life as a monk in the world, selflessly helping others. What
the Course that he was the one who knew. I had the privilege to be there to
impressed me was that he was always unfailingly happy, loving and kind, even
remember his first coffee grounds talk and his smile; that smile that has melted
as he showed me the murderous attack thoughts of my own ego. When I
so many hearts. And that is where our friendship took root. He was a regular
expressed gratitude to him, he would thank me for my efforts in learning
guy, an extraordinary guy, a fun guy, and a most compassionate man. From
forgiveness. Over these many years, I have come to realize how much Ken lived
those early days he became my spiritual mentor and my brother, just like he has

A Sharing of Gratitude (continued)
in the world, but was not of it, knowing he was bathed in that resplendent love of go with it and see what happens. It began with a dream and went from there.
Godeven while he joked, teased, exhorted and admonished his students, to To make a long story short, I remembered a life in which Id raped and
get out of the sandbox and Join him in the Oneness of Being. While he taught murdered Ken. I was a very powerful man and Ken a servant. What she
us the machinations of the ego, he looked upon us with the vision of Christ in his possessed was something I did notpeace. I was outraged and ended up
loving eyes. We could not have had a better elder brother to guide us along the destroying the very person I admired most in the world. This memory literally
wayand make us laugh, as well! Gisela Merker left me vomiting between sobs as I clung to my toilet. When I shared the details
with Ken I expected him to suggest I find a therapist. I just knew he would never
In gratitude to our brother Kenneth Wapnick, symbol of a Love that is not of
write me again. His unexpected reply read, I loved you then, I love you now
this world. May we all continue to walk toward the boundless grace and peace
and I will always love you. Healing began for me that day. There are no words
which you extolled and exemplified, faithfully, in all you said, in all you did.
that can describe the gratitude, respect and love I feel for this man, a man who
We still hear your voice, we feel your presence, encouraging us to step beyond
walked his talk. I would also like to express my gratitude to his wife and family
each little hinderanceto go further! We will not stop until we join you where
for enriching his days so he could be such an inspiration to us all. Lauren Rose
you arewhere only perfect peace abides as all there Isyes Ken, our Home
we never left! Received in the gentleness of what we thought you were, do we I just wanted to say that after my initial shock and sorrow upon learning that
now turn in gratitude to join with you as what we are in Truth! Dave Kahle Dr. Wapnick had passed away, I was able to gradually feel the comfort and
security that came with the certainty that his teachings would always be with
Dear Ken, You no doubt know you were the most important person in my
me. I was able to look at my sadness and understand that I would always hear
life. You hooked me with your sudden statements and with your wit before I
his guiding voice as I continue on my path. He came into my dream when it was
noticed there was so much more you gave. You gave and gave and gave and
time for me to start awakening. When it was time for me to discover the path of
gaveyou gave yourSelf. The first jolt I received from you in 1989 after a
A Course in Miracles. He brought me hope and light and it is because of his
workshop in Canterbury where I first got to know you and Gloria. You asked me
teaching that I have become much more aware now. Dr. Wapnicks teaching has
when we met by chance where I was going, and on my replying that I was going
changed my life. I am so grateful. With Much Love Alexandra Vardas
home you said: You are home. And then the day Gloria and you invited
Margarethe and me to your house (must have been in 1992) we went in to find Thank you for bridging the distance, for your devotion and for reminding
Achie-pooh on the sofa. Gloria shooed him away, and then you bent down, me without my smile the world cannot be saved. Anonymous
stroked the cat and said: Daddy still loves you. The work with you on the
In this world, each mans life touches so many other lives. That seems
translation is simply unforgettable. Never ever was serious work so light and full
especially true for Kens life and work which continues to touch many other
of laughter. Staff walking past us stopped to ask whether we were working, or
lives. His life first touched mine in 1987 when I began studying the Course.
what? Another jolt I got when it dawned on me that you were loving, helpful and
Many years later I realized that Kens life, work, and thoughts were shining
wonderfully witty with and towards everyone. Ever since Ive been coming to
through in many waysin my understanding of the Course through his writings
the Foundation to see you do this: being the same towards everyone. Like Jesus,
and books, tapes.and more. In 2011 I got to meet him briefly before a
you taught from the mind. You were a master, yet never letting on. I cant hug
seminar. His warmth, kindness, and generosity remained with me the rest of the
you any more, but I still do, Franchita
day, and I understood later when others described his kindness. No thought of
I first met Ken and Gloria at the conference in Hawaii in 1985. I told him I Gods Son can be separate or isolated in its effects. Every decision is made for
was much impressed by the Indian philosopher J. Krishnamurti. He told me that the whole Sonship, directed in and out, and influencing a constellation larger
he had nothing but the utmost respect for J. Krishnamurti. Then he turned ever than anything you ever dreamed of. That quote is one of many to sum up and
so slightly to me and uttered one word Krishnaji. A holy instant. And that beautifully describe Kens life. I imagine all of the tributes received will still
after giving an earlier talk, he overheard someone say Oh, how like only shed light from a fraction of those blessed in a great constellation
Krishnamurti, which made him very happy. Krishnaji. What a generous influenced by Kens decisions. So, with love and appreciation, thank you Ken.
comment. I was overjoyed! Years later when I sent in a donation for The Dave Vomberger
Lighthouse I told him that the issue I liked best was the one on kindness.
I began reading A Course in Miracles when I was 21 years old, and I began
When the Foundation acknowledged my gift, he penned a note That was my
corresponding with Ken the following year. Im now 38, which means he was a
favorite issue too. Great happiness! I recently read his book Absence of Felicity
part of my life for a period spanning from nearly my teens until nearly middle
for the second time in twenty years. What a beautiful story. I wanted to tell him
age. During that time, he became one of, if not the, most important mentors Ive
I thought the bit about Helens back field walking down the streets of New
ever had. Ken was one of the main people to help me come to terms with the loss
York was worth the price of admission. I hope it would have tickled his great
of my stepfather in 2001. I remember asking Ken, What happens when we
sense of humor. His use of the tragedies of Shakespeare to teach the Courses
die? He responded, You know the answer to that. You just keep living.
concept of guilt was brilliant. As a good Course student and of Kens writings,
During one of our conversations, I said to Ken, This is so difficult for me. How
never will you believe that two plus two equals four. For it is written in the stars
will I ever cope if you die? His response was, Well, well work on that when
that if you wish to rise above the battleground into the starry, starry night, sever
the time comes.... As for me, Im not as evolved as Ken was. When I learned of
the surly bonds of earth, reach up and touch the face of God, you must believe
his death, I became so upset that I became physically ill for an entire week. Its
two plus two equals five. He had the smell of eternity in his nostrils! Thank you,
hard to consider that hes not here anymore. I feel pretty much the same way I
Ken Wapnick, thank you! Thomas L. Andrus
felt when I lost my stepfather, and so I strive to remember the support Ken gave
For the last four years I have been honored to call Ken Wapnick my friend. me during that time. Andrew Parodi
While doing the Course I felt a need to write him a ten page hand-written letter.
I had the feeling Mr. Wapnick was profoundly aware of the fact that the fate
After mailing it I felt silly. Why would a man like him ever write me? Before the
of the Course might go the same way as so many other sacred text, as shows
week was out I received a reply and received one every week for nearly four
his latest Lighthouse article. I always had the feeling much of his teaching
years. I felt like I was writing Jesus. His total lack of judgment, his compassion
circled around this. I wouldnt call it worry as I dont think he [took] either
and humor was an example of everything I want to be. Let me give you an
himself or the world very seriously. Lets say I felt it had his attention. So very
example. After writing him I started having dreams of a life I lived in Egypt long
often he talked about confusing form and content, taking the text literally instead
ago. I felt the need to focus on the now so I asked Kens advice. He suggested I
of listening to the music behind the words; the music which speaks to the truth

A Sharing of Gratitude (continued)
in us. I respect his wisdom in this and Ill remember his words. I am profoundly through a situation she considered fearful. As Helen demonstrated both ego and
grateful to him for all his lessons. Ill miss him, (yes I know hes still there) just Spirit with lightening changes of mind, I watched in awe at Kens unique
to know he was there (for me on the other side of the world) was a kind of patience with this brilliant yet ambivalent woman. It was clear that Helen loved
consolation, security, just to know that such a man existed felt good. And yes I him deeply and relied upon him to keep her on course. As I became slowly
know: Im as holy as he is, or anyone else. J. de Jong absorbed into the group, Helen explained that Ken was to teach the Course and
that I had the role of publishing and disseminating her book. She acted as if
Ken was the epitome of kindness. He willingly listened to my history of
she were introducing Ken and me to each other. This is your older sister, she
victimhood. He encouraged me to seek regular counseling to help me face
said to him. And to me she continued, This is your younger brother. Having
childhood shame and adult phobias. His gentle observations provided a soft
no children of her own, it seemed from the beginning that Helen was forging a
landing for my ego faults and perceived slights. His example changed my
family with a joint goal. She liked me to call her Mama and it was a good
perception of what the best of us can be. Jannette Wesley
thing my own mother did not mind. Early in our relationship Bill had decided
One of the things I keep in my box of life treasures is a letter from Ken that it would be a good idea for Kens and my Brooklyn Jewish parents to meet.
dated 21 January 1989. He wrote so lovingly and with such great perceptiveness So it was arranged and our mothers became excellent friends. Helen was very
and kindness. I have reread the letter several times over the last few weeks and pleased at this. So were Ken and I. It was clear as Ken practiced the Course
the message in the letter seems so fresh and pertinent in my lifesome 25 years that he was becoming its message. I think his growing self confidence was
later.Through a series of coincidences I found myself travelling to Roscoe reinforced by three abiding elements in his personal life: his commitment to
to be part of a small workshop led by Ken. It was a very powerful experience Helen; his partnership with Gloria and the persistent challenge of his public
and I was struck by Kens humour (why shouldnt there be a spiritual path for teaching role, which he played with the confidence he had as one who knows
intellectuals?), unwavering commitment, and great teaching ability. He was/ Who is with him. Now, with twenty/twenty hindsight, I realize that what I had
still is a great Teacher of God. Best wishes to you and your family at this time. been privileged to witness between Helen and Ken was indeed a holy
May your hearts be healed by hearing about the impact Ken had on so many relationship. There was no question in my mind that this duo shared Gods
people like myself. With love and enormous gratitude, Susan Dobinson purpose and was part of His plan. The faithfulness Ken exhibited to Helen, the
selfless way that he served and honored her taught me the meaning of
What a friend Ive had in Kenneth; the perfect model of what it is to live the
unconditional love. Helen trusted Ken to work with her on the final editing of
message of A Course in Miracles, a message I would never have understood, let the manuscript of the Course while being guided by its Author. As they
alone had hope of experiencing. He has helped me bridge the distance between
performed this assignment, they never seriously argued, they just asked for and
myself and Jesus in much the same way Jesus speaks of helping us bridge the
received Higher Guidance. For eight years, Helen gifted Ken with the strong
distance between us and God (T-l.II.4:3-5). I think of the two of them bond of not only teacher/student but also mother/son connection. He was
interchangeably now because they symbolize the same thing for me. When I call
constantly with Helen throughout her last days until she died. Observing Kens
to mind the way Ken loved us all I can experience the love of God in a form I
flowering, his commitment to Helen was an introduction to yet another equally
can understand and aspire to live. With unspeakable gratitude, Doug Sparks if not greater love story that lasted many more years. I watched as Helens
I was guided to ACIM in 2009, and that is when my spiritual journey got passing gave way to an even stronger, more dynamic love in Kens life; a love
really serious. Having bought, listened and read to almost everything I could that supported and allowed him to be who he became for all of us. In 1981,
about ACIM, I quickly realised Dr Wapnick was an authoritative voice among Gloria stepped in to help fulfill Kenneth, the man, through their radiant husband/
the many teachers out there. His deep understanding, faith and trust about the wife equal partnership connection. I watched and appreciated how the power of
message ACIM was delivering were abundantly clear; truly a shining light Glorias love, guided by the principles of the Course, helped transform Kens
towards our truth. I remember reading that Dr Wapnick realised his lifes personal life and enabled him to step into a stronger leadership role to become
purpose was ACIM, and for me he unassumingly, and quietly, with little or no the teacher we were all blessed to experience. Without Helen, there would have
ego involved carried out his purpose with such grace and love. I will be forever been no Ken, the Teacher of God, as we now remember him. But without
grateful for the shining light of faith in ACIM delivered by him. Without that, Gloria, there would have been no Foundation, either literally or figuratively for
my initial fear and grief involved in giving up the ego which at times may well Ken to do the work he was given to do. She inspired and fueled the Foundation
have stopped me learning more, or listening to my own right mind, would have for A Course in Miracles. We all reaped the benefits of Kens superb
taken over. With love and gratitude Christina Lattimer understanding and analysis of the Courses principles. And we all got to see
Kens steady evolution into the smiling and glowing light that he became. From
For almost 40 years Ken Wapnick was the man who was appointed my the beginning I was privileged to witness first hand how the pairing and
brother. I use the word appointed as it was given me by Helen, Scribe of grounded-in-love partnering of Ken and Gloria made all that possible. Ken was
A Course in Miracles. It was May 29, 1975, after lunching at Columbia my dear brother, my partner in fidelity to the Course and my assigned brother
University Medical Center at the invitation of Drs. Helen Schucman and on the path. In the ego world, like any siblings, at times we had our differences
William Thetford, I was ushered into their office where I first met Ken. While of opinion yet our commitment to healing and love pervaded. So, when I look
they gave me their account of the birth of the Course, it was immediately back on our almost forty years of this focused journey without distance, what
apparent that Ken was a significant part of that story. I listened in fascination as stands out the most is that there is nothing more sacred than when special
both Helen and Bill related their impressions of the inner Voice that dictated relationships transform into holy relationships. As we are reminded, The ark of
this material. I remember asking Helen if the Voice had a name. She seemed peace is entered two by two, yet the beginning of another world goes with
quite reluctant to admit it, He says Hes Jesus. Well, is it?, I asked. Oh them. Farewell, my dear Kenneth, First Graduate of A Course in Miracles.
yes, she quietly affirmed. In the days that followed, as we continued to meet, Your sister Judy thanks you.Judith Skutch Whitson, Foundation for Inner Peace
my impressions of Ken were of a shy, quiet, unassuming, gentle young man who
was remarkably devoted to Helen. They both shared magnificent minds and, Dear Ken, I had gone to your website to check on the progress of your
along with Bill. Ken was Helens support system, care giver and intellectual recovery and there was the announcement, It is with utmost sorrow... My
equal all at once. He laughed at her jokes, chided her when she chose ego over initial reaction, like so many others, was shock. I was stunned and could only
Spirit and reminded her to pray in difficult situations. His humility in her ask How can this be? The newsletter said that he was getting better and would
presence was not without deep respect; yet his eyes danced when he helped her be holding the Academy in March. How could they all be that wrong? Then
came the pain of your lossthat my friend, my mentor, my teacher, my

A Sharing of Gratitude (continued)
answerer of questions was dead! There was nothing but tears of devastation, guidance and lifes work. I feel so fortunate to have you as a teacher. You have
abandonment and despair. The anger passed, to be replaced by quiet grieving. left us everything we need and now I know it is up to me to live and practice
Yet sometimes, that also recedes and I remember what you taught us repeatedly A Course in Miracles. With Love and Gratitude, Judy Voth
over the years, that there is no death. You said Do you know what happens at
...I was at the Apple store, learning how to download/upload music to an
death? Nothing. And when I am in my right mind, however briefly, I accept
iPod nano. I brought along some CD sets which a friend bought for me in
that thought and Im at peace. In your last letter to me, you told me to do my
Temecula. My trainer located the FACIM website and said Wow, this guy has
practice with Jesus (and me) standing by you. When I do that, I know that you
a LOT of content! (the trainers word, I swear) I replied something like Yes,
are both there in my mind, that thats where you really were all along, and that
he is the real deal. He has almost single handedly morphed western thought to a
you are with me now. In Helens poem, The Second Easter, I saw these words
new level. This was a random teachable moment for both of us. When my
which I will try to take with me as I say goodbye to your body:
iPhone 5 arrived, (after driving over my iPhone 4 at a gas station) all of Kens
For those who grieve cannot behold the light audio mp3s were re-synced to it, so his voice still calms me, in traffic or even
Through veils of sorrow. They forget the Word when I am walking my dog. Anonymous
That promised to redeem their failing sight.
Dear Ken, I would like to express my deep gratitude for all you have done
I love you. Kirk for us Course students. When ACIM fell into my lapliterally!I felt that it
will be my book even though I wasnt quite clear what its all about. Then I
During my first trip to the Foundation (Roscoe) I remember now being very
discovered you, and you were a godsend to me for translating the meaning of the
excited, and at the same time a little wary. There was definitely some of that
desire in me to prove this great teacher wrong, not that I recognized the feeling Course, both in Roscoe and in Switzerland. In the past 20 years I have listened
to innumerable tapes and videos you and your team made, and the YouTube
at the time. But as the week-long academy progressed it seemed that Kenneth
video Im always coming back to is entitled Q & A: Transforming Darkness
wove a spell in which my doubts were put further and further to the side. I
continued to try to see that he was not right on all accounts, but the effort and Despair. Its so helpful. You will always be my teacher as long as Im
identifying with this body of mine. Thank you so much, Love, Dieter Shoop
seemed tiring and pointless. Then I asked to see him for a personal interview, to
which he agreed. As I approached the door to the little meeting room on the set What an egoless presence, still shining in my mind. Thank you Ken.
time and day, I remember feeling a wave of apprehension. Something was about John Witzig
to happen. As I looked at him, I couldnt take my attention off his eyes. Or at
least, that was the spot where I was focusing, but my sight went far past that Dear Ken, I speak to you now from my heart. When I first heard of your
place on his kind and smiling face. To say that I seemed to enter a different passing, my heart grieved and I shed my tears. I came to realize just how much a
world would be putting it mildly. Nothing seemed to matter except that part of my life you are. I was privileged to have many visits to Roscoe, NY, and
experience of pure gentleness and knowing. He saw all my faults and intentions, I loved the one trip I made to Temecula. When I began an ACIM study group in
and brushed them away to lead me as if by the hand to a far more peaceful, Syracuse, NY, I started with the Manual for Teachers, and utilized your
happy place. I seemed to stay there a while, just a few minutes, in that land of Journey through the Manual. I have read your books, listened to your talks,
freedom to which he had invited me, and my life has not been the same since. I and have been nurtured by your kind and loving presence. This year I began the
write this tribute to the one who has led me, and so many others, to that happy workbook again for the eighth time, and your Journey through the Workbook
and peaceful place, far beyond this world. That place is there; it has not passed. is my companion. You will continue to be a significant part of my life. Thank
Thats where we first met him, and where he waits for us. He lives permanently you for all you have given us, my teacher. I am one student of many, but happy
now in that special, timeless place, the memory of which he brought to us, as to be among those who filled a small place in your life. May we meet again in
these lines from A Course in Miracles capture so beautifully: the Light, where you surely now reside. Nancy West

It is here that miracles are laid; to be returned by you from holy When I first heard that Ken had passed away, it was like someone pulled the
instants you receive, through grace in your experience, to all who rug out from underneath me. My guide, my teacher, my foundation (excuse the
see the light that lingers in your face. What is the face of Christ but pun) for the past twenty-five years was gone. What was I to do? What am I to
his who went a moment into timelessness, and brought a clear do? I am sure Ken would tell me it is not about him, but Him. And, of Course, he
reflection of the unity he felt an instant back to bless the world? would be right. I will be forever humble and grateful for Kens presence and
(W-pI.169. 13:2-3) influence in my life. In loving memory, Steven Millette

His light still lingers and shall certainly never fade nor die. Bernard Dr. Kenneth Wapnick was a wonderful teacher of A Course in Miracles.
Ken taught with great clarity, love and humor; brought the scholarship of a well
A tribute to you Kenneth for being the loving teacher, so willing to repeat trained mind and psychological insights of a therapist to his teachings and
and teach A Course in Miracles by repeating the same thing over and over and writings on ACIM. In the early 90s I attended many workshops at FACIM, then
over to my defended and resistant mind, and to do it willingly, with so much located in Roscoe, NY. FACIM was established to teach a deeper understanding
love that is authoritative yet kind and non judgmental. You have made your and appreciation of the theology of the Course, and Ken was a master teacher.
teaching available in books and articles and commentary and on tapes, CDs, Through Kens teaching of ACIM my way thinking has been forever changed.
MP3s and even on YouTube, as well as in person. You have touched the world As a fellow student once saidattending a workshop at Roscoe brought
as much of this work has been translated into many foreign languages with your memories of ancient worlds where the great philosophers played with ideas.
guidance to keep the message pure. This teaching and modeling extends through Thank you Ken for your dedication to and teaching of ACIM. With love and
your demonstration of your love for your wife Gloria and the loving staff who gratitude, Joyce E. Storms
continue to carry the message of A Course in Miracles. You have been and
modeled the walking ever presence of love, never excluding anyone, always I can take solace in knowing Ken has left US with many invaluable,
finding time for loving interaction for everyone in whatever form is needed. uncluttered, straight-forward insights to help us carry on along our path. I
Thank you for making teaching and demonstrating A Course in Miracles your think of us all as budding teachers of God with many lessons to learn and
lifes work for all those who know you and those yet to meet you as they join us understand as students, thanks to Ken, we had our first teacher of God. I have
all in opening our mind to the presence of Love with the help of your gentle never looked back. My wondering days as a seeker of truth ended in 2007 when

A Sharing of Gratitude (continued)
through a process of circumstances I found ACIM and Ken. Kens clarity of inspire numerous students in the decades to come, helping them to find their
explaining what Jesus is teaching us in the Course has led me farther along the way Home. His spiritual work will gloriously outlive the frailty of his body.
path than I could have ever done on my own. I feel truly honored, blessed and What Ken has achieved for the Course world-wide is phenomenal. He made a
grateful to be around at this point in time to have seen the beginnings of ACIM fundamental contribution to all of the 24 translations which are published now.
and Ken. Thank you Ken and everyone involved who have unselfishly given Over the years he has answered probably over 15.000 questions of all the
their time and insight and love to advancing this course to everyone. Ken, you translators. Undoubtedly the most asked question among them being: Where
have brought us closer to our wish of Lesson 185 (I want the peace of God), does this it referring to? We, as the Dutch team, faxed him (there was no
may it someday become our will. Grace and peace be with all. Kent email yet) our numbered questions with our proposed answers: could it be a, b,
or c? Often we received his answers (1b, 2c, 3a etc.) within 24 hours, which was
Along my journey with A Course in Miracles, Kenneth has been my
amazing knowing his very busy schedule and the time difference. He always
invaluable companion, the deeply estimated brother and friend, the advanced
added some jokes, gentle admonitions and patient explanations. Issues which we
teacher on whom I can safely count to help me better understand and practice
as a team were beating our minds out and having lengthy discussions about, he
the sublime lessons of forgiveness, love and peace. Through his work, his
solved in a few seconds, seemingly even without thinking. Ken had a great
presence in my life helps to continually deepen my comprehension of the
mind, he could overview much and do much at the same time. We were sitting
Course, as if by his absolute dominion over the content and meaning of the
in the kitchen in Roscoe, I asking questions about the translation of certain
teachings of Jesus, he represents a giant on whose strong shoulders I climb to
passages, or translating them back for him from the Dutch into the English, so
have a clearer view of the spiritual landscape conveyed by the Course. Far
he could hear if all the meaning was still contained in it. Every now and then his
beyond such importance on a personal level for me, his is a work that has an
right hand Elizabeth Schmit entered the room with urgent matters that needed to
inestimable significance for humankind. Endowed with an extremely acute
be organized, or important papers that needed to be read and signed, and Ken
intelligence and sensibility, he leaves us a legacy composed of true
did this fully concentrated in a few minutes, and went on with the translation
masterpieces, that stem from the wisest understanding and lived experience of
exactly on the comma we left it. Always loving, even when we said stupid
the Atonement. By getting in touch with his teachings, one can behold a
things, always with humor, and always a very good host. Knowing that I was a
beautiful thing taking place: he is so absolutely in tune with Jesus, he so truly
chocolate lover, he took care that it was within hands reach. Ken is without a
chose once again and transcended the ego, that the flow of his discernment
doubt the best and most pure explainer of the message of the Course, no one else
pours straight from the Holy Spirit within. And the softness, the gentle kindness
understood the Course as profoundly as he did. Thanks to him we can
are seals that reveal which internal voice is heard and expressed. How soothing
understand its metaphysics and just for this alone we cannot be grateful enough
to be surrounded by the delicateness, the sweet love and peace that emanates
to him. He was very firm in his complete nondualistic approach towards the
like a heavenly perfume from this brothers presence! Ken, may the love and the
Course. Here he was absolutely without compromise, totally clear, literally a
unbounded, eternal gratitude that stream from my heart reach yours! Your light
lighthouse, symbol of his Newsletter, attracting others with his light. To us
goes on, a powerful beacon in the sky, forever shining strong and bright!
translators he said: Dont bend the Course to the reader, but bend the reader to
Brother, even as I find myself still in the grip of time and the worlds illusion, I
the Course. This was always his approach. When there is in the Course a ladder
see I am with you, I regard our Oneness in the loving embrace of our Father in
where everyone is helped on the level he thinks he is, leading him towards the
Heaven. From a kindred spirit, Mirian Sanches
next rung, and up to the next and the next, then one can say that Ken is standing
You came when I cried in my restless sleep at the end of the ladder, encouraging us to climb further, and never tired to
You did not delay, not for an instant explain it again. In this respect he is, as Jesus, an elder brother who is leading us
Your beauty brought light to a senseless weep the way. When people asked him if there is anyone who became enlightened by
But how can it be? Were you not distant? the Course, he said with his usual humor that they kept a secret list of names in
the Foundations safe. Maybe we know now one name on it. He was a very kind
You asked me to learn there is so much more
and loving man, he had fully integrated the Course in his mind and life. He was
Than what I have thought was all that I had
without judgment, even when one could notice that he preferred things
That my two plus two is not really four
otherwise. He was patient with our stupid requests, and patiently let himself be
That life as I see could only be sad.
photographed with anyone who asked, smiling. He remained friendly and calm,
You taught me the world is not what it seems giving himself. When he entered a room, for instance Roscoes classroom,
I thought this nightmare was where you would be where an audience of over hundred people were waiting for his lectures, he
With you now I learn that I dream the dreams seemed to know exactly who was in need of a hug, a touch, a kind or joking
And your gentle eyes watch calmly with me word. For the person involved always an healing experience. This direct contact
Where are the tears of sorrow and grief? is not possible anymore. And his long awaited book on Freud, Jung and the
Have I not been taught old lessons so well? Course will probably never be published. But his work will continue, not only
We smile sweetly at my disbelief in his numerous books, CDs, DVDs and audiotapes, but mainly in the countless
Gratitude the place where my tears dwell. many who he touched with his shining example. As Judy (Skutch Whitson)
Eliana Burkel wrote in her In memoriam: Ken devotedly fulfilled his function and we know
he will continue to do so, teaching, guiding and inspiring us all to journey along
Let us commemorate the life and work of Kenneth Wapnick. He was the this path. Let us honour and thank him, and let us end with paraphrasing a short
first teacher of A Course in Miracles, as Judy rightly wrote. Because he was the poem he wrote for Helen, at the end of Absence from Felicity, being his wording
one who explained even to Helen Schucman what was in her own book, while of Helens last journey, which we now can use for him:
on another level she understood it very well. Ken was the pivot in the field of the
Now is Kens most holy purpose done.
Course, supporting Helen till the end of her life, editing the Course with her,
For he has come. For he has come at last.
stimulating her to write poems and the Supplements to the Course, preserving
Into Christs Presence has he entered now,
her archives and being her biographer. But first and foremost he was the most
And be us glad and grateful it is so.
pure and faithful interpreter of the Course. He has written dozens of books and
AMEN. Willem Glaudemans
there are thousands hours of audio and video material which will remain to

A Sharing of Gratitude (continued)
My soul sings thank you to Kenneth, who used the uplifting spirit of music One day I found myself going to lunch with Ken and about 10 others. As
to lift us all up into the arms and continuous song we sing as One in Ken was pulling up his chair directly across from me our eyes locked for a
Heaven.Countless times Ken took me out of my ego perspective and moment. A kind of a twinkle in his eye connected with mine and I experienced a
interpretation of the Course, into its true meaning of how I am only mind in the sense of the infinite. In that micro-second in which everything disappeared, all
Mind of God and that I as a decision maker, wanted the separation from God, was eternity; this has stayed with me hence forth. I will be forever grateful to
and it is my choice through the miracle of forgiveness to return my dreaming Ken for his love and extending the twinkle. David Louis DeFebo
mind to Gods, where I, as the One Son of God never left. I have read other
When I first met Ken in 1981, even in my wildest imagination I could not
material, and have studied some Buddhism, but I always come back to ACIM,
have predicted that he and I would spend thirty years in a partnership dedicated
and Kenneth. He is the teacher that I consistently pick up, and will continue to
to translations of A Course in Miracles. However, before that joining began
do so. In my mind Ken is completely joined with Jesus.In my mind I have
seven years later, meetings in Crompond, Roscoe, New York and California
joined Jesus and Kenneth, and see them both smiling, nodding their One Head,
buoyed my deep sense of respect for the intellectual courage, clarity of thought,
and inviting me to merge into the Great Oneness and Love we share. My
abiding spirit of inquiry and limitless energy that seemed to sustain Ken and
principle teacher with Jesus has and is Kenneth, so my depth of gratitude and
Gloria. If the ambiguity of Shakespearean English sentences ever baffled me, I
love reaches beyond this world to the place they continuously sing from to us
always felt confident that I could rely on Kens scholarship for the correct
all. Thank you all so much for your love and dedication. You have made a
meaning. In 1988 we signed the first contract to translate the Course into
difference in my life that words cannot express. Sincerely, Rose Johnston
Spanish. As if by an intuitive message from Holy Spirit, my relationship with
I remember Ken not only as a very kind person, but also as a clear teacher of Ken was immediately challenged by the need to combine our strengths for this
A Course in Miracles. In the early nineties I met him in a workshop he gave in new adventure. Our division of labor seemed clear. I would manage the process
my country (Holland) and I remember him explaining the metaphysics so of selecting and negotiating contracts with translators and publishers. He would
clearly that I could understand it very well. All his books I read, lately Healing teach translators the meaning of the Course and answer questions. Together we
the Unhealed Mind, helped me along my path as a student and as teacher of would evaluate candidate translators and their work. Through the next quarter of
ACIM and a teacher of God. I am deeply grateful for all he did for me and for a century, Ken often listened to my proposals to translators and publishers about
the world as the very first teacher of God. And I also know that he will continue prudent work schedules and payments, printing formats, color of covers,
to inspire and guide us all. With love, Gemma Blaauw copyright protection, number of copies in a first edition and so forth. Over time,
we began to evaluate the complexity of each such issue with a grade: the number
Dear Kenneth of Oy Veys it deserved. Above all, we needed to discover new levels of
Your articles, commentaries and books, removed layers of veils. patience. We learned that each translation required at least five years from
Your understanding, humility and acceptance, gave me gods speed. selection of a translator to publication of the work. Thanks to Kens experience
Your deep insight and symbol interpretation, humbled me. with new students, his patience and kindliness were already mature. Our
Your view on death merely as a transformed symbol, gave me hope. occasional disagreements challenged both of us to rise above the battleground
Love and peace, Inge and practice forgiveness. Thus did our collaboration foster our friendship and
my deep confidence not only in Kens understanding of the Course but also in
Though I never had the good fortune to meet him in person, I think of Ken
his commitment to its practice when we faced complex decisions. In October
as a much-loved mentor. I wanted to write essays and books about ACIM, 2012, we met with twenty-one translators in Tiburon, California. Ken and Gloria
and needed to know if my thinking was on the right lines. There was only one
helped inspire a three-day mood of incomparable spiritual harmony and joy. I
person in the world I trusted for advice. Very kindly, Ken answered my letters
like to think that Kens central message to all of us reflected the lessons that he
without delay, with encouragement and reassurance. What a blessing! Two had learned from the translation experience. He said, A translation is a great
words in capitals have stayed firmly in my mindDONT STOP! Ive been a
achievement. But you will not understand the Course until you learn to practice
student of ACIM for over twenty years, but only began to really understand it
and apply it. Little did we know that this would be Kens personal farewell to
after reading Kens books. I feel great gratitude for all his dedicated years of most translators. Less than a year later, he began to address physical challenges
teaching expressed in his many books, and for the lovely model of personal
in this world of dreams. How would Ken react to this issue? remains an
interaction shown in the workshop videos. When I began to study the Course, I
intrinsic habit. In my mind I continue to have periodic discussions with him
followed just the Workbooknot knowing that wasnt the best method. Now about the fundamental dilemma of any translation, especially the Course. How
that I have Kens Journey Through the Workbook, I can understand much better
could we help a translator find a balance between accuracy and fluency? Word
how the Workbook fits with the Text. Insights such as the poetic use of loose
for word accuracy would certainly ruin fluency; misplaced fluency would surely
language were essential to me. Even my first solitary year was one of startling sacrifice accuracy. Long familiar with Kens forgiving compassion for
revelationsnow with Kens books revelations have become bombshells
translators who faced that dilemma daily, I will be forever grateful for his social
(Kens own word!). For all this help and more, I think of Ken with much love
and intellectual partnership, which sustained our uncompromising commitment
and gratitude. Lisa Riddick
to preserve the Courses content while having to change its form. Whit Whitson
I never met a truly selfless person before Ken. He rarely spoke about
Not just above is heaven found, it is really here and all around. It is within
himself, but demonstrated the impersonal life, fully identifying with the us too where it is still, we will all go home by our common will. Kenneth is not
Atonement, and the common purpose we share. He was always truly present
with us nowbut only in form, he lived a life of purpose from the day that he
with each of us, as we felt his peace, wisdom, and unconditional love for us.
was born. Yes, We will miss him and his words that were True. For he was a
Humorous, Humble, and Happy, along with all the qualities of an advanced living demonstration of the Christ that is in you. Thank you Kenneth.
Teacher of God, Ken was impeccable in his thoughts, words, and deeds. He
Matthew Judge
wasnt special, He was Holy. He gave us his all wholeheartedly, fulfilling his
function perfectly, so that he could bow out gracefully, to encourage the Christ Dear Ken, Oh, how we loved you, Jack and I, from the first time we met you
in us to continue the work. We agreed to go through time together to remember on your first trip to Atlanta in 1982. As you and Jack collaborated on the
Eternity, Truth, Love, and the Peace of God. Heres to the sacred communion recording of your classes at Olivias house that week, he remarked to me that
that forever dwells at home in our heart and to the Love between the words. I you were the most like Jesus of anyone he had ever met. We so loved the time
love you. Thank you. Mary Woods we spent with you and Gloria that week as we drove you to the various venues

A Sharing of Gratitude (continued)
where you spoke. I am so very grateful for having known you as a dear friend, end his life itself was his teaching, exemplifying all the Courses major lessons
teacher, and therapist for so many years. And now I see you and Jack together and showing us the unlimited possibilities of the willingness to be a vehicle for
there in that peaceful realm where you abide. You lift me up as I see you through the healing of Gods Son. It was a gift to have known him in this lifetime.
my tears. Dotty Clowdus Alice Broner

How wonderful it is to know the Son of God cannot die, the figure in the Dearest Ken, I was very sad to hear of your passing not so long ago.
dream never lived. I thank him for sharing the light of truth with me. The Although I never had a chance to meet you in person, I feel like you are one of
Sonship only gets brighter as we share with each other. He has left the dream but my very best friends. I have been listening to many of your MP3s over and over
the Truth remains with us on our journey home. The truth in his mind has again for the last couple of years. Although I had been studying the Course for a
reached out to the Truth in all minds. Thank you most Holy Son of God. We are number of years prior to that, my learning has been exponential since taking
and will always be as God created us. Your journey could never be in vain, it part in so many of your workshops. When I think of how much you have
accomplished Gods Holy Will. Patricia Powell helped me to understand the principles of the Course and to apply them to my
everyday life, I feel an incredible sense of gratitude for all the work that you
Ken quietly slipped away Dec. 27, 2013. Each day brings another reminder
have done over the years. I am constantly amazed at your ability to express the
of all he did with us and for us. As our hearts feel an ending, our trust assures us
simple and purely non-dualistic message of the Course in so many interesting
that Ken continues to live in our minds. Ken was totally committed to A Course
and varied ways. I really enjoy and admire your gentleness, humility and your
in Miracles so we thank him for his wisdom, sense of humor, integrity and
great sense of humour! Theres still plenty of your workshops, books and
above all his kindness and love. We are richer in our sense of belonging due to
newsletters that I havent read or listened to, so I am looking forward to many
his presence and we thank him for revealing to us the compassionate face of
more years of studying this beautiful and awe-inspiring Course with you. With
Oneness. We can only believe that the best tribute we can give our beloved
much love and gratitude, Sean Kelly
teacher is to follow his example with the gentle smile he often mentioned. There
are two words, favorites of Kens, which characterize him. They were dear to Listening to Ken from the later eighties onward, he was a voice calling in
him because they touched his deepest desire and identity. The two words are the wilderness of my mind. That voice of truth was (is) with me in the morning
WITHOUT EXCEPTION. Those of us who were the recipients of his getting ready for the day, in the car commute, during the day when cleaning at
genuineness can look back on his kindness to everyone, without exception, as home and later in my iPod during walks. I have spent more hours listening to
genuine gifts to us. We will continue to be inspired by his example and him than with some family and friends. The voice was available when they were
teachings. One of the most frequent themes that Ken taught us was that we are a not. The electronic outreach from Temecula (California) has no boundaries. His
mind and only a mind. So it is our role to keep the content of ACIM pure. We meticulous teaching style, broad range of knowledge of the literary arts; of
are called day in and day outthrough our actions, our words, or intentions to philosophy; of music; of psychology; of religions; of jokes and of course,
provide an example to others. The best part of all, simply the best, was that Ken complete mastery of ACIM and its teacher, Jesus, made that voice very
shared his journey and his freedom with usscurrying us along as a Father compelling to listen to. His books also reflected all of the above. My gratitude
Abbott herding his flock with wings of love and grace. He made indelible (to whomever) is boundless. The voice exuded caring, warmness and love, as he
impressions on so many, teaching all of us the gentle art of peacefulness and also did in person. The Ken is gone (not really!), but we have a legacy by which
serenity of the mind. We thank you, Ken, for still sharing your love with us to grow up and become a voice (being) of truth also. Now he is fully in truth. We
you were a turning point in our lives. You will be missed until we awaken from are following, brother. Thank you. Mary
the dream and return HOME to the Oneness joined as One. We are richly
I am eternally grateful to Kenneth for what he reflected to me. He showed
blessed by your efforts, your wisdom and your great sense of humor. We are all
me Who I really am, by demonstrating Love, Gentleness, and Kindness. When I
better off for having been part of your life in this dream knowing we feel your
forget Who I am, I will think of Ken and remind myself what I already know. He
presence forever in the imprint of love that remains in all our hearts.
exemplified the ultimate teacher by his demonstration of the Course. His
Rita and Oscar
scholarliness and erudition about the Course was the instrument he played, the
Ken was in every way a true teacher of Truth. It was not until I heard Ken form. What truly emanated from Ken Wapnick was its content of Love,
on a Workshop tape that I first had some understanding of the Course principles. Gentleness, Kindness, and Peace that came from doing what it says, by
Over the next twenty years plus I listened to Ken almost daily and he took me accepting our inheritance. Being vigilant about doing what the Course says
through a journey of deeper levels of understanding. His ability to convey the perception by perception is how I will honor Ken and ultimately, myself. I am
Courses teachings in both spoken and written word has been the brightest light humbled by his unwavering practice and know that I can choose to do the same.
shining into my mind to help me on the path to awakening. I know Kens books I am aware of his still, quiet presence all around me and know this is the essence
and audio programs will inspire ACIM students for generations to come. His of Who I am, who we all are. Thank you, Ken for singing the Song. With Love
voice will be with me as I awaken from the egos dream. My deepest gratitude and Humility, Karen Doshay
for his role as teacher and mentor. In Peace, Julie Bolwell
For Kens wife and spiritual partner, Gloria, close family and FACIM
It has been the great blessing of my life to have had Ken Wapnick as my colleagues, Judy and Whit and everyone at the Foundation for Inner Peace, we
teacher in the study and practice of A Course in Miracles. His life and teaching send our heartfelt condolences. It is not easy to lose the presence of one so kind,
were a living demonstration of the loving, non-judgmental, total forgiveness that true and wise and loving. There is no death. Ken lives and extends his love in
he taught, and in his presence it was contagious. The depth of his understanding our minds. He has left an amazing legacy of teaching what the Course means,
combined with the lightness of his gentle humor, made it clear to me that my for now into eternity. Numerous YouTube five to ten minutes bite sized spiritual
search for a teacher was over. Patience was the quality in Ken that I most subject explorations; audio/visual DVD versions of seminars filmed at
valued, since he never implied that I should already know something, no matter Temecula; audio CD sets of workshops and books; MP3 downloads; printed
how often he had answered the same question. He was always willing to be Books, varied scholarly in depth explorations numbering about thirty; Archives
asked again. Im so grateful for the sheer volume of his work, since I feel Ill of the quarterly Lighthouse written by Ken, all designed to re-mind us each to
never run out of learning aides in my continuing study of the Course. The bring the illusion to the light, not the other way around. In addition I am sure
resources he left behind also include the many people he taught, who can there are many of Ken and Glorias courses and works that FACIM staff may
continue to extend his teaching by demonstrating the truths that he lived. In the find valuable to publish in the future. We are truly blessed. I love the man and

A Sharing of Gratitude (continued)
his work. Our Path on the way Home has been well lighted by Kens prodigious Words are inadequate to convey the breadth of love & teaching that Kens
output. In the mind, there is no death. Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing life offered, but I want to extend my heartfelt appreciation and gratitude for
unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God. ACIM Brian Wark Kens shepherding of the teaching into the larger worldof how to apply the
lessons in our daily lives; for his integrity, never wavering from the truth of pure
I am still shocked and feeling very sad to know that Ken is no longer with us
non-duality; for his humour; and for the beautifully written, literate essays
in physical form as our teacher and mentor of ACIM at the Foundation. I am
which made the Light brighter every quarter. Hes left a tremendous body of
aware that I am not alone with these feelings and he will be greatly missed by
work. His Light still shines. Merci. Thank you so much. Virginia Hart Nelson
countless students, friends and family. Ken Wapnick may very well be the most
significant and influential person I have had in my life. Being his student for 25 Ken helped me to understand the Course. I am so grateful to have attended
years, his profound understanding of ACIM and his clarity in communicating many of his Academy classes and am thankful he left for us all a treasure of
what it says along with his unwavering demonstration of the principles stands books, articles, Lighthouse newsletters, DVDs, CDs and MP3s. His explanations
like a shining light in the darkness. Ken would remind us that Jesus would say and examples enabled me to dive deeper into the Courses profound Truth. And
that we seem to only drink from the ocean of Love in small increments because I appreciated his dedication to keep the Course pure, unalterable. And to be in
of our fear of Love. My experience was that Kens presence and teaching Kens presence was an object lesson in what the Course teaches: kindness, a
methods provided an ever growing vessel from which I learned to drink. In deep sense of humor, acceptance and forgiveness. He was an embodiment of the
gratitude and sadness, Sue Mistretta Course. Kens teachings changed my life, and I only hope I can demonstrate that
he, like Jesus, never died, but that he lives in me, in all. In deep gratitude,
Ken has been my teacher since he and Gloria recorded a set of audio tapes
Connie Wernet
for Nightingale Conant many years ago. Kens books and recordings since then
have become a bright beacon of light in the world. The clarity of his ...In the years since that first encounter, I came to love and respect him more
explanations, his humor and his gentle guidance have given me a place to grow and more. He always encouraged me gently but consistently in my work with
in the awareness of loves presence. I am deeply grateful for the thoughtful the Course; continually clarifying the teachings while reminding me not to take
attention he devoted to his writing and recording over these many years. His everything so seriously. I have observed his interactions with many people over
love will indeed live forever. Patricia Peabody the years and he always demonstrated love, impartiality and gentleness. He
taught by example, demonstrating the teachings of the Course by his words and
...Over the years, Ken has been the Course teacher I have found myself able
actions. To say that he has changed my life is an understatement. When I first
to fully trust. One reason for this is that, as well as being a wonderful teacher,
began my studies of the Course I found it extremely difficult and I dont believe
Ken was a scholar. Of all the Course teachers I have known, he alone had what I
that I would still be practicing it without Kenneths guidance and
regard as a credible knowledge of Christianity, along with other contemporary
encouragement. His death has come as an incredible shock to me as I am sure it
thought systemshis magisterial Love Does Not Condemn is a masterpiece of
has to everyone. I am very grateful to the Foundation for this opportunity to try
erudition and remains the first really scholarly book about the Course (hopefully
to express my appreciation and gratitude for the work that Kenneth and the
others will follow as ACIM gains wider acceptance in the academic and
Foundation have done for all of us. While he made it look so easy, I think his
ecclesiastical worlds). Kens brilliant Course scholarship has been extremely
lifes work was challenging for him and yet he did it lovingly, giving of himself
helpful to me personally. As a practicing Anglican (Episcopal) priest who has
so generously. When I read the quote that accompanied the announcement of
been committed to the Course teachings for over 30 years, I have come to realize
Kenneths death, Teach not that I died in vain, teach rather that I did not die by
that ACIM and Christianity are essentially incompatible (some will disagree)
demonstrating that I live in you, I was deeply touched. That quote struck me as
again, Ken put it best with another pithy admonition: You cant have it both
the best possible message. I definitely think it would be his message to us now
ways, Hugh! This advice literally changed the course of my entire ministry in
and as I go through the rest of my life I will strive to remember and live by it.
the Church. Hugh Magee
With love and gratitude, Cynthia Quast
As a student of the Course and a study group leader for many years, I have
Ever since I went to your workshop for the first time, writing and receiving
always known there is a source of completely reliable information and guidance
letters from you had been the greatest source of comfort and support for me.
on ACIM. Kens incisive grasp and living demonstration of the Course and
Your letters back to me were exquisite. Just short lines, full of humour, but I
clear, brilliant scholarship have never failed to help unfold the depth of my
could really feel the love, support and all the guidance I needed. It was the
experience. His legacy of writings and videos holds us all in a safe embrace as
perfect example of the true music behind the notes. Your early departure was a
we proceed. Some years ago, I was blessed to spend an afternoon with Ken and
shock to me. I always knew it would be a forgiveness lesson for me, but it was
Gloria, along with my husband Hugh, in Roscoe, New York. I fell in love with
much too soon. However at the same time I really feel your gentle smile in my
Ken and his sense of humor within seconds of meeting him, as his opening
heart all the time. I know that you havent really left us. From the bottom of my
words to me were (pointing to Hugh): Dont believe a word this man tells
heart, thank you Ken. I will love you forever. God bless you. Hiroko
you! Yvonne Magee
We are forever grateful to our friend, Ken, for preserving the integrity of
Dear Gloria and family, and Foundation Staff, It was with a heavy heart that
A Course in Miracles while deepening our understanding of it through his
I learned of Kenneths passing. My deepest sympathies and love are extended to
inspired teaching. And, as important as his lifes work was to him, it was always
you and your loved ones and the Foundation staff during this time. Many of us
secondary to any opportunity for him to show kindness to others. He was a
have grown up with the Course through Kenneths teachings. He led the way
perfect example of how to live in the world and not of it, and we will miss him
up the ladder and always with great clarity, love, gentleness and laughter. He
tremendously. Jack and Arnette Cookerly
was Christs messenger as we all shall become. In truth, he lives on eternally in
our hearts and minds. He is as near to us as the Christ, a mere thought away. He ...I had visited the Foundation in Roscoe for a weekend workshop in 1986.
demonstrated the greatest lesson of them all in his passingthat we cannot die. There I met Ken as he was walking across the dining room. When I was
In my minds eye, he teaches us still. I, like so many others, am extremely introduced to Ken, his love and kindness overcame me and I began to cry as I
grateful to you and to him for the incredible groundwork you laid in creating the saw the light in Ken and was happy to know Id found my way or at least I
Foundation. With deep love and gratitude for the legacy of his teachings, I wish was on the path. Kens presence during the years I attended his lectures and
you peace, love and the comfort of Gods angels. You are never alone. Love, workshops always gave me strength and I would remember Lesson 70 that he
Lucille Pica referred to often My Salvation Comes from me. Kens passing, leaving his

A Sharing of Gratitude (continued)
body, at first made me very sad. I knew he would want me to see him as a mind. all of Heaven. Every leaf that falls is given life in you. Each bird that ever sang
About two weeks after he passed, I had an out of body experience. I remember will sing again in you. And every flower that ever bloomed has saved its
going up and up and passed through some darkness before I arrived into the perfume and its loveliness for you. (T-25. IV.5) David Parrish, M.D.
light. There was beautiful bright shimmering light and melodious sounds and
Dearest Ken,I do consider myself one of the lucky few to have met you
then .... I joined with Ken for what seemed to be a short time and then came back
and to have received a hug and a welcome from you at the Temecula
to my body. Thank you Ken for showing me how to trust and experience the
Foundation. What you and Gloria have created along with your dedicated staff is
Love of God. Trish Lawson
a gift beyond measure. Since all minds and hearts are joined I havent a doubt
... Ken has been that very perfect example for me, and probably will be for a that you know the depth of my gratitude for your contribution and devotion to
long time to come. No one demonstrated peace more convincingly and more being the Teacher of Teachers. And as I strive to comprehend and live the
thoroughly to me than he. Id never have believed someone like himand the Course you will never be far from my thoughts and for that I am eternally
peace and kindness he extendedcould actually grace this planet had I not met grateful. Still, I want you to know I miss you so. Annie Simone
him myself. If Kens only purpose was to help us wake up, then I imagine the
We are saddened by the death of Kenneth Wapnick. It is from sadness that a
only purpose of his death is to help us wake up. He did everything for us.
feeling of gratitude emerges. We feel honored to have known him and blessed
Rod Smith
that his passing serves as a reminder to us that our time on this beautiful earth is
Kenneth Wapnick taught us terrifying concepts, such as that were not here limited and that we should seize the opportunity we have to forgive, share,
at allyet we flocked to hear him say it again and again. He taught us to be kind explore, and love. We can think of no greater way to honor Kenneth Wapnick
and we waited in throngs for a smile from him, perhaps a hug or a three-word than to live this way. Pamir Kabob House
answer to a question asked years ago but not forgotten. He taught from A Course
in Miracles, Plato and Shakespeare and other great minds and advised us to read Thank You Kenneth
for the silence between their words. And just when we thought we knew what to Thank you for your patience
expect, Kenneth changed into a capricious child, dunking a pair of spectacles With all our questions through the years.
from a hapless admirers face into coffee light and sweet. He demonstrated Although you understood the mystery so well
universal love. He taught us well and thoroughly. He left us in our own hands, to You helped us grow, from child, to man, to Spirit ...
accept the Holy Spirit within us as our right-minded selves to lead us home.
Anonymous Thank you for your never ending love
To use the symbols, and more symbols
Ken Over and over again to give us understanding
High above the sky the In revealing the veils to our hidden Love
arc of Kens rainbow shines in all its glory So that we could learn to rise and shine
robbing Death of its darkness In our Glory and Oneness.

Kens light forever illuminates the splendors of his gardens Thank you for being one of us
His sunlight welcomes the budding flowers A brother and a friend
As bees gather the love nectar for honey So that we could feel the love of Jesus
In our hearts through you.
Kens flowers are perennials that blossom everlastingly
our work is to tend his gardens flowers that grow from Kens loving seeds Thank you for showing me the Light
In teaching me forgiveness
Inspired by his love we will care for his gardens as he smiles from Heaven
So that finally I could recognize
above Who walks with me ...
Maurice Shilling

If the Course symbolizes the lighthouse to me then Dr Wapnicks voice is In this dream I will miss you,
the foghorn calling me home. Over and over and over again. Patiently, always, and every day ...
steadfastly it calls, explaining the thought system so alien to my ego world of But in Oneness I will rejoice with you,
torment. My resistance has always been strong. I once ejected a cassette tape of and all my brothers One with me:
one of his workshops and threw it over my head while driving my car. It landed There is no death, the Son of God is free.
on the back windshield where it stayed for about 3 months. I retrieved it when I In love and Light. Thank you, Ruth Groeneveld
could take my pain no longer and it called patiently from the back of the car.
...I was first introduced to A Course in Miracles in the 1980s. I soon
Now I actually fall asleep every night listening to one of more than 60
learned of Ken Wapnick, his relationship with Helen and Bill and his role in
workshops on my iPod which I place under my pillow. And it is pretty
assisting to organize the material. It was only after I began to read his books and
amazing how I sleep quite comfortably with this sound in my ears until
something someone says wakes me up. One night I woke to hear Ken say that listen to his CDs that I realized what an absolute treasure this man was. Here
was a person that had been on a spiritual quest for much of his life, was trained
you cant learn this by putting it under your pillow and expecting to learn it by
in psychotherapy and was a gifted and inspirational teacher. His understanding
osmosis. I laughed. My greatest learning and also my greatest resistance is
just to practice, practice, practice. Although I did not know him personally, I of the Course and his expertise in explaining it bring a clarification that is
helpful beyond anything or anyone I have ever encountered.I listen to or read
cannot help but feel an enormous sense of love and gratitude for his brilliance,
his works almost daily and know I will continue to tum to him for clarification.
his generosity and his dedication to the teaching of this life saving work of art.
Thank you Kenneth, Gloria and staff of the Foundation for your dedication to His teachings are consistent and truthful. One feels that he really got it. He
inspired us all to try to practice forgiveness every moment of every day, to be
this work of love. Maureen Doherty
kind to each other. He was a perfect example of principle #8 in Chapter 2 of the
The Noble Shepherd of the Unconscious Mind, Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D. Text, Special Principles of Miracle Workers; I am here only to be truly
Delay does not matter in eternity, but it is tragic in time. (T-5.VI.3) In you is helpful. I am here to represent Him Who sent me. The Course says that we do

A Sharing of Gratitude (continued)
not die because we are not bodies and I know that Ken fully believed that. We Ken has always been there, whenever I needed him. He suddenly appeared
are only spirit. And so I say to you, Ken, thank you for all your hard work, into my life twenty years ago, whenafter studying almost alone the Course for
dedication and shining example. You were, and will continue to be, immensely about 5 yearsI invited him and Gloria to lecture in the Institute I was directing
helpful to me and countless others as we continue along our journeys. In love in my town in Italy. In my life there has been a before Ken, and an after
and gratitude, Barbara Leonard Ken. Ken has always been there, in all my years of sorting out. I used to go to
Roscoe whenever I could to take his Academy Courses, while engaging at home
Although I have not been long familiar with ACIM, I am deeply conversant
in my daily study of his books and records. Without his profound understanding
with its principles. I simply want to say Thank You! to a Son of God I shall
of the Course, his extremely detailed comments, his convincing clarity and
not meet face-to-face in this dream-life. It is the Course and Dr. Kenneth
vision, I would have probably wandered for a long time in the egos tortuous and
Wapnicks vision and teaching of it that have inspired what I know to be my
diverting interpretations of it. I am sure he has saved me years and years of
concluding spiritual development. Dr. Wapnicks work is breathtaking in its
work, facilitating my understanding, and helping me to consciously go through
range and penetration. Every page I read brings more light. It is my fondest hope
the snares my ego was laying in front of me as I was proceeding. Thanks to him
that the work of this remarkable and brilliant Teacher will continue to be
I have understood the importance of a careful and systematic study of the theory
available for future generations of learners. As a Teacher of the Course he is
of the Course. And from such an understanding came my decision of
without peer. Heart-thanks to Ken, Gloria & family, and to Foundation staff for
transforming what until then had been a solitary spiritual choice into a
their selfless and loving service to Truth. His work goes on. Blessed be his
professional activity, giving birth to my school in Italy. Until then, for more
memory. Sincerely, Michael J. Langlais
than 10 years, I had focused almost all my work on the study of the theory. Ken
Dear Ken, I have tried to write, but tears come flooding my eyes. I know started to gently but inflexibly bring my attention to the practical application of
you would laugh your loving endless laugh saying with your eyes: No, Lillian, I the Course to my daily life, encouraging me to go through the seeming tragedies
am not dead. I am here with you. Right away tears come, I am afraid of this life of life with the Mozartian lightness of a spiritual giant. The value of his teaching
without you. No, Lillian, I am here with you. I would never leave you. It must be has been immeasurable. His example, exactly as in our first encounter in 1994,
that I still doubt that I can survive without your voice, your hands, your infinite was the perfect demonstration of the same principles he was so masterly
patience with my lack of trust. It must be that I still doubt I will learn to forgive. teaching in his courses and books. In the following almost seven years I have
It must be that I feel alone in the universe now that I know I will not see your submitted him dozens and dozens of topics, both on personal issues and on my
face again. No, Lillian, you are seeing my face now. Yes, it is true. I can hear practice as a teacher.He demonstrated how being faithful to the content
your voice, I can read your books, I can see your eyes in my eyes. I know how doesnt necessarily mean a formal consistency; how you have to steadily walk
you worked so that I would have your words, your love imprinted in every page with small, equal steps, distrusting your egos urge to rush. Therefore I
you ever wrote. I am so deeply grateful for every minute I spent with you. Tears adopted a policy: whenever I would disagree with him, I just didnt judge. I
keep coming. Tears keep coming. Tears keep coming. Thank you, Ken, thank looked at my thoughts and I waited....I knew that I would understand him later.
you, Ken. Love, Lillian Paes In time I would realize this was true. While supervising my writings Ken
always put himself aparthe, who was such a brilliant writer!for helping me
Ive been following the teachings of A Course in Miracles since 1980 and
to trust a strength that is within me even if doesnt come from me. He taught me,
first met Ken Wapnick when I had the great good fortune to hear him speak in
in a very practical fashion, to be extremely vigilant for a Voice That I had
California in 1980 or 1981. Ive been following him ever since. ...I called him in listened to since my childhood, in order to let It become, in a future time, the
New York from California. I had a question for him and was so pleased that he
only Voice I will hear within my mind. I know that Ken is, and always will
took the time and was willing to schedule a call and talk to me.I was slightly
be, there whenever I need him. His luminous example sparkles in the inner sky
star struck and put him on a pedestal. I will be amazed if I ever again meet a of my mind and his teaching is the solid bedrock on which I steadily found my
teacher of A Course in Miracles on a level with Ken. I felt he truly knew what he
steps. With profound gratitude I feel I belong to his legacy and with as much
was talking about and expressed it in a way that I could take in. Seeing him in
profound humility I try to witness it. Dr. Patrizia Terreno
person a few times at Tennanah Lake and Temecula (not enough!) I felt the love
he radiated, teaching, speaking, and as he went from person to person warmly ... I have always felt that Ken was the strict teacher who was leading us to
greeting everyone. Some people you put on a pedestal and they stay there, for miracles, not to magic. I really appreciate his teaching. After he passed, I am
good reason. Elaine Miller becoming closer and closer to him. I am feeling him stronger and stronger in my
mind. I see him everywhere. I especially see open-mindedness and generosity.
Over the years that Ive been studying with Ken, his response to my ego
Whenever I feel it, I have to stop whatever I am doing for a moment because I
machinations often included a reference to musicjust listen to Mozart,
am overwhelmed by it. I am now slowly getting to know him and receive him.
Beethoven or Renata Tebaldi and youll be fine. With Kens gentle guidance, Of course, it was Ken to teach me thisall relationships start as a special
Im beginning to recognize the blocks to really hearing the melody and at times
relationship, but you should correct your mind and see a holy relationship with
I can also perceive Jesus calling me through the music. Ill miss Kenhis
the person. Ken, thank you very much. We are your students and are
hugs and kisses, his tickles, his confidence in me, his refusal to judge (although I
demonstrating your teaching through the experience of accepting you, love
tried hard on that one), his consistency, his clarity, his patience, his creativity,
itself. Ken, I now truly accept that I dont need to be a good student, just because
his scholarly brilliance, and most of all, his sparkling and pure loving presence. I am a happy student of you. Love, Yasuko Kasaki
Ruth Gillman
Kens dedication to not compromise the message and thus keep us honest,
Im incredibly thankful that Ken spent his life as a translator of the
has earned my undying gratitude. And yet how delightful is his impish sense of
Course in Miracles, bringing his depth of understanding of the Course into humour that might suddenly arise if the moment calls for it and no matter how
simple terms and language that I could more easily understand. Although I only
often I may listen to the same CD, I find myself always laughing at his little
attended his talks twice, I have a large collection of his recorded talks, which I
quips that endear himself to me constantly, a subtle reminder in itself, not to take
gratefully play whenever I travel. His lessons have been a blessing, and have it all too seriously. Ken tirelessly teaches me to remember that I am a decision-
helped me immeasurably. I have enjoyed his humor, and I particularly
maker with the choice to see differently in any given moment instead of seeing
appreciate his gentle, elegant responses to audience questions about the Course,
the world as the cause of my unhappiness. I was therefore very surprised when
since I can relate to the issues discussed. I will miss him like a father. Godspeed only recently it dawned on me that things in my world very often do change
Jacob Volkov
when I practise forgiveness but I have been taught so well not to look there that
A Sharing of Gratitude (continued)
I hadnt even noticed! And having discovered that, it doesnt matter anyway in my mindwhich I had totally disengaged from. While I continued to think
because inner peace from changing my mind has become more valuable to me. my pain, suffering and tears were due to your deathI am slowly coming to the
There are no words to describe my gratitude to my extraordinary teacher. realization that my ego is clinging to the life I allowed it within my thoughts:
sincerely P. S. Gloria I dreamt I hugged you just after I heard the news about one that believes death is real and Ken is gone. Your commentary on What is
Ken ........ lots and lots of love to you always xoxoxooxoxo winnie wildflower Death? followed by What is the Resurrection? helped give me the insight that I
am mourning the loss of my egohaving nothing to do with your not being
K = Kindest Master Teacher I/we ever will know in the experience of the
present. For fleeting moments, I find it impossible to feel separated from you
Miracles Course content & materials, so grateful to have studied with you at
your words are indelibly printed in my heart. I just need to read them or hear
Roscoe, NY & continued learning through your Oasis of Peace, S. Cal., FACIM
them, and I am reminded of your Eternal Presence. Thank you for always being
the mench that you are. Paul and I Love You as no other. Judila
E = Encouraging & inspiring other minds with our Elder Brother, Jesus, to
join in forgiving with integrity what never happened. For Ken
N = No separation, no death as you would say, and not the notes, but With every word, gesture and smile
the whole song. We will join our Mind with yours now & forever, dear Dr. It was his purpose to teach that we are one
Ken Wapnick in the Arc of Golden Light. That nothing in this world of devastation is true
W = Wisdom Teacher & our guide for our Miracles journey without That we are holy, forgiven and united with Him forever
distance, time and space, one with our right Mind. That our true nature is one of love and peace.
A = Author of 36+ books about ACIMs content, DVDs of numerous
seminars, teachings and epistles for all of us, your many studentsthank you so Friends, let us be still together
muchin the Lighthouse Publications & your living legacy of Internet You And go forward now with hearts and hands and feet
Tubes. To teach the world that love and joy
P = Professor, Ph.D. Emeritus of the Miracles Course content, now Lie in each one of us. Brigid
graduated into the Arc of Golden Light, having personally responded to my/
My deepest condolences to Kenneths wife Gloria and her family, to
our written letters about the Course when weyour many studentsrequested Kenneths brother Alan and his family, and to the Foundation staff. Kenneth
clarifications. You faithfully coached us with patience, your sense of humor and
was far more than an inspiration to me. Through his example, he showed me
wit by neatly typing your letters on point back to us. These letters were/are full
what the end result of my journey will be if I continue to diligently practice
of profound insights that we treasure forever, pearls of spirituality alongside the A Course in Miracles. For this I am forever grateful. Anonymous
garden of lilies of forgiveness.
N = No unholy trinity as you say, of sin, guilt, and fear because I was very shocked and saddened to hear that Kenneth had died. For about
nothing happened, the tiny mad idea/ego ceased the instant it seemed to 20 years now Ken has been my spiritual teacher and the most loving mentor I
occur as the Holy Spirit, the Answer, is in our right Mind eternally. With you, ever allowed myself to experience, I hardly can express my deep gratitude for
brother Ken, we will choose our right Mind and join with you through the this wonderful, precious gift of his guidance and companionship along my
decision maker. journey with the Course. Gloria, I remember once (many, many years ago)
I = Intelligence you commanded, Dr. Ken Wapnick, Ph.D., about classical, you and Ken saying to me: Tell the Austrians that the brain and the mind are
ancient traditions, Biblical archaeology and modern psychology after Freud and not the same! Kenneths consistent demonstration of unconditional love, his
Jung. You were well-versed in Hebrew, Judaism, studied Gnosticism, early and gentle patience, and his sweet sense of humor allowed me to open up more and.
modern Christianity, Catholicism, the Gospels including the lost Gospels, those more over the years. And in spite of all my silliness, all of my stubbornness, and
found at Qumram caves, the Apocrypha and finally your lifes work found all of my fearI felt loved!!! Which is, was, and always will be the most
youA Course in Miracles, the late 20th Century transcribed, transmitted important lesson of my life. Now we are called to teach by demonstration as
spiritual communication, a Great Book of Life for our escape from time lighting Ken has taught us so beautifully. Kenneth was and still is my model, my
a path for those who will experience this dimension in linear time perhaps for beacon for Jesus love. Dear Ken. thank you. thank you, thank you! Ill always
500 years to follow. You, Ken Wapnick, were the only person capable of putting love you! Gloria, I am so grateful for your teachings and your love. Please
the Courses message in proper perspective, we know this to be true, and you so accept my sincere sympathy. With love, Monika Guttmann
beautifully fulfilled your mission with this wondrous document.
Dearest Ken, You continue to help us navigate through time and space. You
K = Key Instructor, our beloved brother, Ken Wapnick, who did not see
guide us on our journey through the far country of guilt and fear with the light
yourself as better than us, but humble and loving to us, your students who are all
of forgiveness as our guide, and the light of heaven as our goal.I deeply
escaping madness through practice and application of ACIM principles and
express my gratitude to you for helping me hear the Song of Truth. I could not
workbook lessons. We were all destined in our happy experience to study with
have done this on my own. Your leadership, humor and unconditional kindness
you, who taught us the meaning that the ego does not exist and that we are truly
was such a stirring symphony, and it continues to bless a wide community of
Home when we remember that God Is.
love. We will all surely meet again in the place that we truly never left. And may
Concluding Prayer for Ken Wapnick your joyful coda of redemption herald the journeys end for us All. You have
May you rest in peace, dear brother Ken Wapnick, now in the Light of our meant a lot to me. Thank you. Ever love, Eileen Kenney
Creator. We are all eternally grateful for everything you wrote for us about I would like to add my words of gratitude to all the thousands of others who
A Course in Miracles, all that you did, and what you will continue to do to have listened to Kenneths lectures over many years and benefited so very much
educate us reminding us to return to our Source of Light and Happiness in quiet from them. He has made A Course in Miracles understandable in a way I know I
peace. We do remember as we awaken together with you in fields of fragrant could never have achieved on my own. He had a wonderful gift of bringing this
white lilies of unchanging, lovely spirit. Pacem aeternae. E Francesca Caulfield Course off the pages into ones daily difficult life. Just to hear his voice so
Dear Ken, If I have neglected to Thank You, I Thank You now for allowing earnestly and honestly explaining it was something always to look forward to.
me to experience the worst and most excruciating pain ever in my lifecaused He was a scholar with a sense of humor that always infused his commentary.
by your seeming death. For the first time (today) there appears to be some clarity Hes left an inestimable legacy in those lectures as well as his many essential
books. Thank goodness his voice will still always be there for us!. If

A Sharing of Gratitude (continued)
reflections of divinity find a presence here on earth, Kenneth is for certain one of Lighthouse newsletter article about the Treachery of Images conveys a reminder
those reflections. I am very grateful that his voice is still just a tape or CD away to always seek the higher truth beyond the form, whether it be a physical
and he will continue to help me and others. Heaven knows we need it!He was teacher, a book, or any other specific that we might attempt to forge a special
the most wonderful of teachers because one just knew that he really cared about relationship with. Even though words can never fully convey our experience,
our understanding of the Course. Judith E. Meier they can reflect that awareness. Thank you, Ken, for your inestimable generosity
of Spirit that has blessed us beyond measure. Bruce Rawles
I was interested to hear the stories about seeing Jesus in Kens eyes. About
1989 I was in Roscoe and mentioned to Ken I would like to talk to him about a Ken Wapnick has been the most profoundly positive person in my life. He
book 1 wanted to write, Healing the Cause. Whilst in the dinner que he came was one of the most brilliant and kindest persons I have ever known. And a very
up and said lets talk about this book of yours. After a minute into the funny guy. Incredibly gracious, kind, unpretentious, he was the pinnacle of
conversation Kens eyes started to change into anothers. It struck me forcibly. integrity. Kens book, Forgiveness and Jesus was hugely helpful to me. The
He then said I will help you with this book. Afterwards I was so affected by recordings of his talks and seminars have been especially helpful. To this day I
this I left the dining room, went around the corner to a quiet place and shed a listen to them-now on my iPhone, with deepening benefit. Kens personal
few tears. I wondered, is there a Ken left anymore? Ken went onto help me with example amplified the power of his work. Kens works have been an ever-
my second book. I would joke with him about when did he have time to sleep present often-relied-upon essential support to me in using the principles of
but he told me not to be nosy. Michael Dawson A Course in Miracles. His works have vastly improved my life. I am eternally
grateful. Harleigh Ostella
The first and only time I attended a lecture in person with you was in the late
80s at Unity Church in San Antonio, Texas. I had been studying the Course for ...Kens death gave me another opportunity to look at the temporal
three or four years . As all lectures that you give, most of which I have seen condition of this life on earth and review once again and grow up. When my
on YouTube, thank goodness there are so many, you were going into great husband and I went to bed the night of his death, I woke up about 2 am. Ken was
depth You, beloved Dr. Wapnick, danced around a white board delving in the middle of our bed between me and my husband. He was holding my left
into the layers of guilt, trying your best to help us remove the veils with your hand. He did not talk, but assured me that he was always present. Wow!! Ken
tireless explanation. All of a sudden you referred to Jesus as Mr. Smarty Pants! came to me. Thank you Ken, for showing me once again the truth and the
The whole congregation burst into riotous laughter. That was when I knew that way. You are a MIRACLE of LOVE. Kathleen A. Walterscheid
YOU were my amazing, devoted, loving and hilarious teacher.
Thanks Ken for your teachings, dedication and brotherhood, but above all,
Oh, Beloved Teacher thanks for your Love. Each day, and each minute of the day your voice resonates
that which appeared in the form of a man from New York City, within, guiding my steps, caring for me, giving me strength and reassuring me
that which appeared as Helen and Bill and Gloria and Judy that soon I will be there. You are the living proof that Jesus Course does work.
and every single one of us, The rest is but our own willingness to reach you there, so we are just with you as
let us rejoice that it is all just a bit of sand in an eye that dreamt of nothing you have always been with us. Elizabeth Damm
and is not an eye
but the heart of love From Colombia we join in this deserved tribute that the students of
singing the song of love to itself! Margaret (Mugoux) Varra A Course in Miracles want to offer Dr. Kenneth Wapnick.
Ken, as we usually say when referring to him, has been and will remain
From my first visit to the FACIM in 1991, I knew that Ken Wapnick was present in our daily practice of the Course, shining his light and guidance on us;
the teacher who could answer my questions and erase any doubts that I had shedding his clarity and comprehension on our understanding; stressing love,
about my choice to become a student of A Course in Miracles. How grateful I respect and kindness in all our relationships; shaking us up so we let go of the
am that I, who had been a life-long skeptic, found my way to his classroom and unloving thoughts we are enmeshed in; and as though that were not enough,
he found a way to open my heart with his kindness. Ken, along with his wife, encouraging us to actually live the Course. We did not have the good fortune of
Gloria presented a shining example of how to be in the world and also how to meeting him in person, but through our permanent contact with his valuable
rise above it. Each time I remember to laugh at my egos foolishness, I materials he became a close and familiar presence evidence of which shows up
remember Ken. Cynthia Waage all the time. It is as though we were having an intimate conversation with him.
Words are not enough to express our affection for Ken, our huge gratitude for
We are so blessed by the sheer volume, prolific quantity and quality of
his legacy, for everything he gave us and for the mark he has left on our lives.
the work that Ken has given to the world both in print and electronic media. Not
to be overshadowed by the volume of work left behind, Ken personally touched He taught us to love the Course, to understand it, to apply it, to live it and to
recognize its full import. With his example, he showed us respect for the purity
thousands of lives individually with his inimitable kindness, brilliance,
of the message, he taught us how simple and practical it is; and he enabled us to
generosity, keen ability to listen and truly hear, unforgettable humor,
scholarship, and unparalleled therapeutic skill. I experienced all of these gifts on clearly see with perfect certainty that the Course need not be complemented
with anything else. Ken, thank you for being part of our lives. Thank you for
a first hand basis over multiple decades. As the world wakes up, no doubt in
time he will be revered among the giants of this age, Freud, Jung, Krishnamurti, bringing within reach the experience of the plan for salvation that Jesus is
showing us through the Course. Thank you for being a light in the darkness of
Ghandi, ML King, but not for who he was but rather for who he knew he wasnt
illusions. Thank you for witnessing to awakening and certainty. A thousand and
and what he gave to the world. Love, David Hunt
one thanks! You are always in our heart! Leon Illidge
Thank you, Ken, For gently guiding me down the Road to Damascus and
I just want to extend to Dr. Kenneth Wapnick my heartfelt and INFINITE
into the Presence of Jesus. June
THANKS! The best tribute I want to pay him is to uphold my commitment to
...Ken Wapnicksteaching lives on in our hearts and minds, every time live this experience choosing the Holy Spirit in everything, with everyone,
we practice kindness, forgiveness, mindfulness and inclusion. It would be always. Thank YOU, Dr. Wapnick, for your wisdom, your teaching, your humor
impossible to put into words the profound impact that Kens teaching has had on thank you for extending your LOVE. Student of A Course in Miracles
my life and so many others, just as it would be equally daunting to attempt to
convey the ineffable nature of ACIM itself; it seems so appropriate that the last

La Jolla Branch
7843 Girard Avenue, Suite E La Jolla, CA 92037 858.551.1227

Classes are held each Thursday from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
The fee for these lectures is $5, payable at the door.


Tuesday: 10 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 10 a.m. 1 p.m. $15 fee
Pre-registration is required at the La Jolla Branch. Call: 858.551.1227. No registration required.
Dates: April 1 April 15 (Tuesday) Dates: July 8 July 22 (Tuesday) Date: April 6
Fee: $15.00 plus CD set Fee: $15.00 plus CD set
Registration ends: March 20 Registration ends: June 26 FW-4 The State of Sinlessness
Date: May 4
Dates: May 6 May 20 (Tuesday) FW-5 Choose Once Again
Fee: $15.00 plus CD set Date: July 27
Registration ends: April 24

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 CD 2 3 4 5 1 2 3
Study Lecture
6 7 8 CD 9 10 11 12
4 5 6 CD 7 8 9 10
FW-3 Study Lecture FW-4 Study Lecture
13 14 15 CD 16 17 18 19 11 12 13 CD 14 15 16 17
Study Lecture Study Lecture
20 21 CD 22 CD 23 24 25 26 18 19 20 CD 21 22 23 24
Study Study Lecture Study Lecture
27 28 29 30 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Lecture Lecture


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 CD 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Study Lecture
6 7 8 CD 9 10 11 12
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Study Lecture
13 14 15 CD 16 17 18 19
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Lecture Study Lecture

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 20 21 CD 22 CD 23 24 25 26

Lecture Study Study Lecture

29 30 27 28 29 30 31 31
FW-5 Lecture

Temecula Center
Faculty: Rosemarie LoSasso, Loral Reeves, and Jeffrey Seibert

Pre-registration is encouraged for all programs, and REQUIRED for the 5-day
Academy classes.

Time: 2:00 p.m. 5:30 p.m. Fee: $30.00
S-3 THE WAR OF THE WORLDS Saturday, April 12
S-4 I WANT THE PEACE OF GOD. Saturday, May 17
S-5 SALVATIONS KEYNOTE Saturday, June 21

Faculty: Rosemarie LoSasso, Loral Reeves, and Jeffrey Seibert
Times: 10:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m.


Dates: May 18 20 Fee: $100.00 for entire program; $40.00 for each individual day.
A-3D1 May 18 Fee: $40.00 A-3D2 May 19 Fee: $40.00 A-3D3 May 20 Fee: $40.00


Dates: July 14 18 Fee: $175.00 No registration for individual days.


Dates: August 17 19 Fee: $100.00 for entire program; $40.00 for each individual day.
A-5D1 August 17 Fee: $40.00 A-5D2 August 18 Fee: $40.00 A-5D3 August 19 Fee: $40.00


Dates: Sept. 14 16 Fee: $100.00 for entire program; $40.00 for each individual day.
A-6D1 Sept. 14 Fee: $40.00 A-6D2 Sept. 15 Fee: $40.00 A-6D3 Sept. 16 Fee: $40.00

Morning Discussion and Evening Study Groups on A Course in Miracles

The Foundation conducts weekly ninety-minute discussion and study groups on the Course (except on days when
an Academy class is in progress). These Wednesday sessions (11:00 a.m.12:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.8:00 p.m.) are
facilitated by the Foundation Staff. There is a fee of $8.00 per session.

Morning Excerpts Study Group on A Course in Miracles

The Foundation conducts a weekly ninety-minute (11:00 a.m.12:30 p.m.) study group that focuses on themes
drawn from excerpts of printed and audio publications of the Foundation. These Thursday sessions (except on days
when an Academy class is in progress) are facilitated by the Foundation Staff. There is a fee of $8.00 per session.

41397 Buecking Drive
Temecula, CA 92590-5668


The purpose of The Lighthouse newsletter has always been to serve as a vehicle for Kenneth
Wapnicks articles. Now that he is no longer present in form, we have decided not to publish any
further editions. Unfortunately, Kenneth did not have an opportunity to complete Part III of his
series The Treachery of Images, so we are very sorry, but this article is not available.

We will continue to post our current publications and program schedule on our Web site at We will also make many of Kenneths previously unpublished works available
in the future.

Finally, Gloria Wapnick and the Foundation staff wish to extend their profound gratitude and
best wishes to Bob and Kathy Draper who will be retiring and closing the Foundations La Jolla
branch on August 1, 2014. Without all their help over the past 30 years, there would not have
been a Foundation at all. We are deeply grateful to them. As the Course states, Love is the way
we walk in gratitude.

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