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Its a thin tube about four inches long. Normally, the appendix sits in the lower right abdomen.

The function of the appendix is unknown. One theory is that the appendix acts as a storehouse
for good bacteria, rebooting the digestive system after diarrheal illnesses. Other experts believe
the appendix is just a useless remnant from our evolutionary past. Surgical removal of the
appendix causes no observable health problems.

Appendix Conditions
Appendicitis: For unclear reasons, the appendix often becomes inflamed, infected, and
can rupture. This causes severe pain in the right lower part of the belly, along with nausea
and vomiting.

Tumors of the appendix: Carcinoid tumors secrete chemicals that cause periodic flushing,
wheezing, and diarrhea. Epithelial tumors are growths in the appendix that can be benign
or cancerous. Appendix tumors are rare.

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