Analysis of Ductility in Partially Prestressed Concrete Flexural Members

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Analysis of Ductility in

Partially Prestressed
Concrete Flexural Members

Antoine E. Naaman Muhamed H. Harajii James K. Wight
Professor Assistant Professor Professor
Department of Civil Engineering Department of Civil Engineering Department of Civil Engineering
The University of Michigan American University of Beirut The University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, Michigan Beirut, Lebanon Ann Arbor, Michigan

D uctility is a measure of the ability of

a material, section, structural ele-
ment, or structural system to sustain in-
Structural ductility is often correlated
with the ductility of the constituent
materials used in the structure. How-
elastic deformation prior to collapse, ever, structural and material ductilities
without substantial loss in resistance. It may show different trends. For instance,
is a paramount safety characteristic of an over-reinforced concrete member
structures, especially those built in will show little ductility even if made
seismic zones. Ductility plays a signifi- with a Iow strength ductile concrete; on
cant role in statically indeterminate the other hand, a member made with
structures by allowing redistribution of high strength brittle concrete may show
overstresses from one critical section to sufficient ductility if the reinforcement
another thus delaying local failure. The ratio is kept at low values.
philosophy of limit state design in con- Numerous investigations have dealt
crete structures is based on the assump- with ductility in reinforced concrete
tion that sufficient ductility is available structures' 45 and a few have been de-
under increasing loads to allow forma- voted to prestressed concrete. The in-
tion of plastic hinges and an acceptable creasing utilization of partial prestress-
collapse mechanism. ing (where a combination of reinforcing

and prestressing steels is used) has
created the need for additional studies
on ductility. It has also emphasized the Synopsis
need for a more unified treatment of A unified model to evaluate flexural
structural ductility in concrete mem- ductility in reinforced, prestressed,
bers, where steels and concretes of dif- and partially prestressed concrete
ferent strength, and prestressing to vari-
members is proposed. Analytical pre-
ous extents, can be used. dictions are compared to experimental
The main objective of this investiga- data obtained in this study as well as
tion is to evaluate flexural ductility in other investigations. Simple prediction
partially prestressed concrete members equations for curvature ductility and
under static loading and identify com- plastic rotation are derived and rec-
mon denominators (regarding ductility) ommended for design.
between reinforced, prestressed, and The applicability of the results to the
partially prestressed concrete. Using a case of high strength concrete and
nonlinear analysis model, an extensive confined concrete is discussed. An
parametric evaluation was undertaken example illustrating how a minimum
to clarify the effects on ductility of vari- ductility criterion can be used in the
ous parameters such as the type of sec- dimensioning of a flexural concrete
tion, the reinforcing index, the partial member is presented.
prestressing ratio (PPR), the concrete
compressive strength, the grade of pre-
stressing steel, the ratio of compressive
reinforcement, and the level of concrete
confinement. ity considerations for seismic design are
Experimental measurements of cur- left to a future study.
vature ductility on twelve partially pre-
stressed beams are described. A com-
parison between analytical observations STRUCTURAL MEMBER
and experimental data from this and
other studies is presented. Simple pre-
diction equations for sectional ductility Structural member ductility can be
and plastic rotation are derived and rec- characterized in many ways. It is gener-
ommended for design. An example iI- ally described by the ratio of a deforma-
lustrating how a minimum ductility tion measure at ultimate (nominal re-
criterion can be used in the dimension- sistance) to the same measure at yield.
ing of a flexural concrete member is Deformation can either represent cur-
presented. vature of the critical section, rotation
The results of this study apply to over a plastic hinging region, or deflec-
flexural members, using normal weight tion of the member. Preference for
concrete of normal or high strength, either definition depends on the appli-
whether reinforced, prestressed or par- cation and the type of study undertaken.
tially prestressed. The control of ductil- The following ratios are often used to
ity is achieved through the control of the express flexural ductility:
reinforcing index instead of that of the
confinement as is generally the case in f+m = ^u l^u (1)
compression members. The evaluation
lLd, = O U IO V(2)
of ductility in lightweight concrete
members, the systematic evaluation of
the effects of confinement in flexural
and compression members, and ductil- where

PCI JOURNAEJMay-June 1986 65

Ism, lre, jia = curvature, rotation, and portant variables, namely, the maximum
deflection ductility fac- compressive strain in the concrete at
tors nominal resistance of the section,' a.'o'
&, eu, IIu = curvature, rotation, and and the plastic hinge length, Lp.79'7'6
deflection at nominal The former value is needed to compute
moment resistance ultimate curvature, while the latter one
, e y , I = curvature, rotation, and is needed to compute rotation and de-
deflection at yield of ten- flection ductility.
sion reinforcement 5. Factors affecting ductility in rein-
Several remarks are in order for com- forced and prestressed concrete are
puting one of the above terms: likely to influence ductility in partially
1. The curvature ductility ratio which prestressed concrete. Previous investi-
depends only on the properties of the gations have indicated that the most im-
section and constituent materials is portant factors are the:
easier to compute than the other two Tension reinforcement ratio s.xi.1aar
ratios. Compression reinforcement ratio 3.4
2. A correlation exists between the Confinement of concrete by lateral
three ratios. Under monotonic loading, reinlorcement.3,da
the deflection and rotation ductility can Compressive strength and stress-
he estimated from the curvature ductil- strain relationship of the concrete
ity provided the loading and geometry (which are themselves affected by
of the member are defined. For in- the extent of confinement).
stance, it is generally assumed that Tensile strength and stress-strain
plastic rotation at the critical section is relationship of the steeL'5.23
given by: Magnitude of axial load in com-
bined loading.'
&p = (iu (4) Geometry of the section, the con-
where Lp is the equivalent plastic hinge crete cover, and the strain harden-
length. ing properties of the steel.
3. The section curvature at ultimate
has the same definition in reinforced,
prestressed, and partially prestressed PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS
concrete. This is not the case for the
In an attempt to evaluate ductility in
yield curvature. In reinforced concrete
the yield curvature corresponds to partially prestressed concrete members,
yielding of the reinforcing steel, a well two modifications to previous studies
defined quantity, while in prestressed were introduced. They are related to the
concrete it corresponds to yielding of choice of the main independent variable
the prestressing steel which is arbitrar- (here taken as the reinforcing index w)
ily defined. In partially prestressed con- and to the definition of yield curvature.
crete, yielding in the reinforcing steel Also, since ultimate curvature may be
generally occurs prior to that of the pre- defined in several ways its definition as
used in this study is clarified.
stressing steel. Because the yield cur-
vature is in the denominator of Eq. (1),
its value substantially affects the ductil- Reinforcing Index
ity measure.
The global reinforcing index is de-
4. Although a nonlinear analysis pro-
fined here as:
cedure may yield most of the variables
needed to compute ductility, several de- & = (4 vv.`,, + A J.Y A ; ,') f(bdfc) (5)
sign approximations are proposed in the
technical literature to estimate two ini- where

fp3 = tensile stress in prestressing al is 0.85,(3, .
steel at nominal moment resis- It was shown in Ref. 25 that, for a
Lance given flexural member, w' is directly
fB = tensile stress in nonprestressed proportional to the resultant force in the
tensile steel at nominal moment concrete compressive zone, which is the
resistance same as the net tensile force in the steel
f$ = compressive stress in compres- for members with no externally applied
sion steel at nominal moment axial load. Hence, ra is particularly suit-
resistance able as a unifying parameter in the
fe = compressive strength of con- flexural strength design of reinforced,
crete prestressed, and partially prestressed
A m = cross-sectional area of pre- concrete, because the composition of
stressed steel the tensile force is not needed for the
A, = cross-sectional area of nonpre- solution, only its magnitude.
stressed tensile steel Similarly, because the compression
A,' = cross-sectional area of compres- force depends on the concrete only
sion steel (which is common to reinforced, pre-
b = width of flange of a flanged sec- stressed or partially prestressed cases),
tion or web width of rectangular the reinforcing index can be used as a
section primary variable to characterize ductil-
d = distance from extreme compres- ity in partially prestressed concrete
sion fiber to centroid of tensile members.
force in steel at nominal mo-
ment resistance
Yield Curvature
In the ACI Building Code," 4 a predic-
A comprehensive computerized
tion equation is given fort, while f, and
simulation of the behavior of partially
f8 are replaced by their corresponding
prestressed concrete sections was
yield strength values fa , and f.. The de-
undertaken by Cohn and Bartlett.- The
finition of d is slightly different from
effects of the reinforcing index iu, the
that given in the ACI Building Code
partial prestressing ratio, and the level
(both the 1977 and the 1983 versions).
of effective prestress on sectional duc-
For T section behavior the value of ij is
tility were extensively analyzed. The
adjusted to the web of the section as per
yield curvature was assumed to corre-
the ACT Code approach. However, the
spond to yielding of the reinforcing
contribution of the overhanging portion
steel, which occurs prior to that of the
of the flange is calculated exactly from
prestressing steel.
nonlinear analysis.
This value may be on the unsafe side,
It can be shown that in general the
especially when a small amount of
value of au can be obtained from:
reinforcing steel is present in the sec-
w a, cld (6) tion (i.e., at high values of PPR). On the
other hand, selecting yielding of the
where c is the distance from the extreme prestressing steel to characterize yield
compression fiber to the neutral axis at curvature may be too conservative for
nominal moment resistance, and a, is partially prestressed members, espe-
the normalized area under the stress- cially at low values of PPR.
strain curve of concrete up to a given Two previous definitions of yielding
strain (derived from the stress-strain were used by Park et al. Thompson and
curve of the concrete). For rectangular Parks' defined yield deflection as the
sections and T sections with the neutral deflection calculated for the section as-
axis in the flange, the ACI Code value of suming Iinear elastic behavior up to the

PCI JOURNAL/May-June 1986 67

Theoretical M-4, curve

-- 1/ 0.75 M n --- I for Ec=0.003

displacement i Curvature
^Y ^y
a) (b)

Actual Ultimate
--- Idealized from analysis D

8^End of prop.
a / limit of press.
o / i steel
C End
curvilinear port
of o -e curve
A of p rest. steel

95y 95u

Fig. 1. Definitions of yield for determination of ductility.

theoretical strength of the section in the the moment-curvature curve while the
first load application (Fig. la). In a sub- second line is an extension of the final
sequent study of the ductility of pre- portion of the curve, assumed Iinear.
stressed concrete piles. Park and Fal- The two points needed to define each
coner2 defined yield curvature as that line are described in Fig. Ic. It is noted
calculated at moment M, assuming the that a similar procedure was used by
pile had a constant flexural rigidity Menegotto and Pinto" to model the
equal to that computed at 0.75M,,, stress-strain response of prestressing
where M. is the nominal moment resis- steels.
tance when the extreme fiber concrete
compressive strain is 0.003 (Fig. Ib).
In the present investigation, the au- Ultimate Curvature
thors used a definition of yield curvature Ultimate curvature was defined in this
for partially prestressed beams based on study as the curvature corresponding to
the shape of the moment-curvature re- the maximum resisting moment. This
lationship of the section. Yield curvature can lead in some cases to very conserva-
was determined at the intersection of tive values since substantial deforma-
two lines (Fig. lc). The first line is an tion capacity may exist after the
extension of the initial linear portion of maximum moment. To account for this

1 4 types of section: R, T, I, Box
2 5 concrete strengths: 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 ksi
(35, 48, 62, 76, 90 MPa)
:3 3 types of prestressing steels: 270, 235, 160 ksi _
(1862, 1620, 1103 MPa)
4 2 types of reinforcing steels: Grade 60 and 75
5 4 partial prestressing ratios: 0, 0.4, 0.7, 1
6 7 reinforcing indexes w: 0.08 to 0.30
7 5 effective pre stress:

J lf,- 0,0.15,0.30,0.45,0.60 R, T

fi 3 levels of confinement: Z (Park, et al) = 150, 100, 50



ds h!ds

b 1

b rq

ds dp bw h b


Fig. 2. Cross sections and variables analyzed in the parametric evaluation.

effect Park and Paulay29 suggest that ul- curvature since both would strongly de-
timate curvature be defined as that pend on the reinforcing index. How-
when the moment capacity of the sec- ever, this correlation was not investi-
tion has reduced to 80 percent of the gated here.
maximum moment.
It is believed that results predicted in
this investigation will, therefore, be on ANALYTICAL MODEL
the conservative side. It is also believed A computerized nonlinear analysis
that a direct relationship should exist model was developed to investigate
between the two definitions of ultimate ductility in partially prestressed con-

PCI JOURNAL/May-June 1986 69

crete beams. The methodology is de- reinforcing index w defined in Eq. (5)
scribed in more detail elsewhere.'"-" was used and the partial prestressing
Actual stress-strain relationships of the ratio was defined as follows:
prestressing steel derived earlier" were
PPR =Axf,,,l(ARfa +Aj.) (7)
used. Stress-strain curves for the con-
crete and the reinforcing steel were Thus, d is related to PPR by:
taken from Refs. 19, 23 and 33. For
confined concrete, the stress-strain d = PPR dp + (1 PPR) d, (8)
model proposed by Scott et al. 1e was se-
The analysis yielded the entire
moment-curvature curve of a given sec- The experimental program included
tion and the corresponding values of twelve partially prestressed concrete
relevant variables, namely: the point of rectangular beams tested to failure
maximum moment and its ultimate cur- under monotonic loading. All beams
vature, the points at which yielding oc- were 4.5 x 9 in. (114 x 228 mm) in cross
curs in the reinforcing or prestressing section, simply supported on a 9 ft (2.75
steels, the value of the reinforcing index m) span and loaded in four-point bend-
w, and the stress in the prestressing steel ing. Four different levels of partial pre-
at ultimate. A comprehensive evaluation stressing ratio (PPR) were investigated,
of this last variable is described in a namely 0, about 0.33, about 0.67, and 1.
different publication?* Results relevant The values of 0 and 1 correspond, re-
to the study of ductility are summarized spectively, to a fully reinforced and a
in the following section. fully prestressed concrete beam.
For each level of PPR three different
levels of reinforcing index && were
PARAMETRIC EVALUATION explored corresponding, respectively, to
about ry./3, 20U ma x/3, and LJmax, where
The nonlinear analysis model de- Wmaz is the limit between under and
scribed above was used to undertake an over-reinforced sections = 0.3 as
extensive parametric evaluation of cur- defined in the 1977 ACI Code),
vature ductility. Parameters investi- Tests were conducted on a modified
gated included (Fig. 2): four types of Instron servo-controlled hydraulic test-
sections (rectangular, T, 1, and box sec- ing system. During testing, strain mea-
tion), five different concrete strengths, surements were made from strain
three types of prestressing steel, two gauges attached to the surfaces of the
types of reinforcing steel, four levels reinforcing and prestressing steels. To
of partial prestressing ratio (PPR), obtain curvature, the deformation along
and seven levels of reinforcing in- a 10 in. (254 mm) gauge length on the
dex m. top and bottom fibers of the member,
In addition, five levels of effective were measured by two LVDTs placed
prestress were analyzed for the rectan- along the constant moment region at
gular and the T section, and the effect of midspan (Fig. 3).
confinement was investigated using the All test readings were taken by a data
stress-strain model suggested in Ref. 16 acquisition system (System 4000 from
for three different levels of confinement. the Measurements Group). Details of
In selected cases, for the rectangular the experimental program and experi-
and T sections, four levels of compres- mental results are given in Ref. 35.
sion reinforcement ratio were also Here, only curvature data (ductility
evaluated." index) will be used for comparison with
For the parametric evaluation, the analytical predictions.

Mid span

i 4.5"
'r I


Crack Former 9"

g" `

i LVDT L 4

0 Prestressing Steel
Reinforcing Steel

Fig. 3. Experimental setup and system for measurements of ductility.

ANALYSIS OF RESULTS findings in which the reinforcing index

was used as the independent variable:
Because of the large number of pa- 1. Ultimate and yield curvatures -
rameters investigated, results to varia- Typical examples of variation of ulti-
tion of curvatures and ductility ratios mate and yield curvatures with the
could he plotted in many ways. Given reinforcing index are plotted in Fig. 4
below is a summary of the most relevant for different levels of effective prestress.

PCI JOURNAUMay-June 1986 71

RECT. SECTION ; f pu = 270 ks
ppr-0.7 0- fpe=0.60 fpu

2 S L3- fpe = 0.45 f pu

0- fpe =0.30 fpu
D fpe = 0.0 f pu
x 1.2


V 0.6

_off 36A A 6^^ 6

x t .24


ulu V.[u 6.30 V.4V

SECTION ; fpu = 270 Icsi
PPR=0.7 0 fpe -0.60 fpu
8 0 fpe =0.45 fpu
O fpe =0.30 fpu
A fpe =0.0 fpu

'7^ I .2


- 0.4 D
O. S6 A , A A A

0 2 $
0.10 020 0.30 0.40


Fig. 4. Typical effect of the effective prestress on ultimate and yield curvatures
(analytical study).

It can be observed that a decrease in ef- decreased (Fig. 7). It was generally ob-
fective prestress leads to a substantial served that the higher the value of con-
increase in yield curvature for any value crete compressive strength, the more
of i . This increase in the yield curvature negligible the influence of PPR.
is relatively more important than that 3. Effect of confinement The
observed in ultimate curvature. Since stress-strain relationships of confined
the yield curvature is in the de- concrete proposed by Scott et al.` 6 were
nominator of the ductility index, a de- used. Typical curves are plotted in Fig.
crease in ductility is expected. The ef- 8 for different values of the confinement
fect of the partial prestressing ratio on index Z. The effect of three different
ultimate and yield curvature is illus- levels of confinement on the flexural
trated in Fig. 5. Here, an increase in ductility index is illustrated in Fig. 9. As
PPR induces a decrease in both ultimate expected, sectional ductility increases
and yield curvatures. significantly at all levels of when the
2. Effect off, and PPR on ductility level of confinement increases. This
Figs. 6 and 7 illustrate the variation of should he of particular interest to com-
curvature ductility versus reinforcing pression members and for seismic de-
index at different values off, and PPR. sign. A systematic evaluation of the ef-
It can be seen from Fig. 6 that the duc- fects of confinement and related mod-
tility index decreases with a decrease in eling of ductility under cyclic loading
f,, while neither a strong nor a consis- simulating seismic excitations is left for
tent trend can be derived when PPR is a future study.


fpu = 270 ksi

- I8 o PPR 00
tpe=0-6fpu 0_ PPR = 04
q PPR = 0.7
2 1.2 A_ PPR=I . 0

c 25
x 0.10
e. a
00 -
0 0-f 0.2 0.3 04

Fig. 5. Typical effect of the partial prestressing ratio on ultimate and yield curvatures
(analytical study).

PCI JOURNAL'May-June 1986 73

Rect. Section

25 PPR = 1
f pu = 270 ksi
f 60 ksi
f'C = 5 ksi

0 f pe = 0.60fpu
. 15 A fpe = 0.45fpu

q f pe = 0.30fpu

10 Q fpe = 0.15fpu

O f pe = 0.00

0-0 0-05 0.10 0-15 0.20 0.25 0.30


Rect. Section

25 PPR = 0.7
fpu = 270 ksi
f^, = 60 ksi
fc = 5 ksi

0 fpe = 0.60fpu
A f pe = 0.45fPu
0 fpe 030fpu

0 fpe = 0.00

0 1 1 1
0.0 0.05 0.10 0-15 0.20 0.25 0.30

Fig. 6. Typical variation of curvature ductility as a function of effective

prestress in the steel (analytical study).

(a) Rect. Section

25 f ^ - 5 ksi
f pu = 270 ksi
fY = 60 ksi

20 0- PPR = 0

6- PPR = 0.4

15 p- PPR = 0.7
0- PPR = 1


0 1
0.0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30

2S (b) T Section




0.0 0.05 0-10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30

Fig. 7. Examples of variation of curvature ductility as a function of the

partial prestressing ratio.

PCI JOURNALJMay-June 1986 75

1) Z = 400 (Unconfined)

2) Z 150

6 3) Z = 50

v) 4

cry 3

1 0 2

O 1

0 2 4 6 8 10 12


Fig. 8. Assumed stress-strain curves for confined concrete (Ref. 16).

4. High strength concrete At the somewhat the conclusion made in Ref

material level, the ductility of concrete 36 that the use of high strength concrete
decreases with its strength. However, should not result in a decrease in sec-
this may not always be the case for sec- tional ductility provided the reinforce-
tional ductility. Figs. 10(a) to 10(d) il- ment ratio is kept at a fixed fraction of
lustrate the variation of sectional ductil- the balanced reinforcement, A fixed
ity with the reinforcing index at con- fraction of balanced reinforcement is
crete strengths of 5 to 13 ksi (35 to 90 equivalent to a fixed value of the rein-
MPa). It is generally observed that the forcing index for prestressed and par-
compressive strength has little influ- tially prestressed members, It can be
ence on sectional ductility at high val- said, however, that a significant increase
ues of the reinforcing index. However, a in concrete compressive strength leads
decrease in sectional ductility of up to only to a marginal decrease in flexural
30 percent may he observed for low val- ductility.
ues of the reinforcing index. This effect 5. Neutral axis A very strong corre-
is more pronounced at small values of lation was observed between the rein-
PPR (i.e., sectional ductility for rein- forcing index and the ratio cld for all pa-
forced concrete is more sensitive to f^ rameters studied. This correlation is il-
than for prestressed concrete), and for lustrated in Fig. 11, where c!d values are
rectangular sections as compared to T, I, plotted versus m and a least square fit-
or box sections. ting line is used to describe the correla-
Note that these results contradict tion:

Rect. Section
f' = 5 ksi
Q f = 270 ksi
25 1 tup = 60 ksi
,1 p, PPR = 0, 0. 4, 0.
1 &1
20 O1 ^ ^^


o `^

Q- Z = 150
3- Z = 100
O- Z = 50
p1 . '^
0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0 . 20 0 . 25 0.30

Fig. 9. Influence of concrete confinement on curvature ductility.

cld = 0.008 + 1.37i (9) Figs. 12(a) and 12(b) as sectional ductil-
ity and plastic rotation versus w. The
This linear correlation suggests that value of f, was kept in the range of
many trends identified as a function of i 0.5 .f, to 0.6f,,, and the symbol y
could also be described directly as a shown in the notation represents the
function ofcld. An extensive evaluation ratio of compression to tension steel
of the cid ratio led to analytical relation- force at ultimate.
ships to predict the stress in the pre- An attempt was made to model the
stressing steel at nominal moment re- trend shown by the data. Three equa-
sistance,34 and the percent of moment tions were derived to represent an
redistribution32 in prestressed and par- upper bound, an average, and a lower
tially prestressed flexural members. bound for both sectional ductility and
plastic rotation as a unction of the rein-
forcing index c . The plastic rotation de-
PREDICTION EQUATIONS fined in Eq. (4) was used assuming L.
equals one half of d. The prediction
equations are summarized in Table 1.
Further analysis of the analytical and The corresponding curves are plotted
experimental data led to the identifica- in Fig. 12 and numbered 1, 2, and 3.
tion of some important global trends. A Such equations, particularly those pre-
large cluster of data representing a wide dicting plastic rotations, can be used as a
variation in the parameters is plotted in first approximation for design to insure a

PCI JOURNALJMay-June 1986 77

Table 1. Prediction equations for sectional ductility and plastic rotation.'

Parameter Upper Bound Lower Bound Average

Ratio I 1 1
14o r^ 0.045 1.94 w 0.086 1.5&j-0.075

Rotation 1.05 w 1 I^ 1.05 1.65& Lq 1.47 1.58i L,
Bp 185 j 35] d/2 ( 1300r -,40 J r1/2 [ 1050@ 45 J d12
'UAJ <w 14 U.:W.

Rect. Section
Rect, Section PPR=O
25 PPR =f.0 25 fy = 60 K SI
fpu=270 KSI
20 fy =60 KSI 20 o f5KSI
o fc =5KSI o fe=7 KSI
\^` {5
n f, =7 KSI fi
e' {5 + fG=9 KS]
x fc=I1KSI
+ f,=9KSI
10 $' f 0 a f;=13KSI
x f11 KSI
o fc^i3 KSI
5 5

0. 0 l 1 1 1 J 1 1

0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 025 0,30
Ui w

T Section
T Section PPR= 0
25 25
PPR =1.0
f =60 KSI
fpu=270 KSI
20 o fc=5KSI
fy =60 KSI 20
L ff =9KSI

o fc =5 KSI
o f,=9 K5I
7 f5 + f,=t3 KSI

X10 + f,=t3 KSl


5 5
'+-cr--_ +
0 0.05 0.10 0. 15 0.20 0.25 030 0 0.05 010 0. 15 0.20 0.25 0.30

Fig. 10. Influence of concrete compressive strength on curvature ductility.

f' C = 5,7,9 ksi
f = 60,75 ksi
f pu = 270,235,160 ksi
Y - 0.2,0.3,0.5

0- Reet.Section
n- T

q -I

Q - Box
Z 0.3


0.1 Linear Regression:

c/d =1.37J+0.008

0 0.08 0.16 0.24 0.32

Fig, 11. Relation between the reinforcing index and cld ratio.

required level of ductility. An example ity and includes the experimental data
is given in Appendix B. obtained in this investigation as well as
The lower bound equation can be four other investigations. Fig. 13(b) il-
used for instance in the case of high lustrates the comparison between pre-
strength concrete, low effective pre- dicted and experimentally observed
stress, and high PPR. The upper bound plastic rotations. It also shows in dashed
equation can be used in the case of nor- lines a limit recommended by Baker'
mal strength concrete, high effective that is often cited as a reference. It can he
prestress, and low partial prestressing generally observed that, given the com-
ratio. plexity of the problem and the number
In order to check the validity of the of variables involved, the proposed pre-
prediction equations given in Table 1, diction equations provide a very reason-
they were compared with available ex- able bound to the experimental data.
perimental data. 7-] 1,30.3i Fig. 13(a) pro- Hence, they can be very useful as de-
vides a comparison for sectional ductil- sign limitations.

PCI JOURNALIMay-June 1986 79

Equations f = 5,7,9 ksi
60,75 ksi
25 f,
fpu= 270,235,160 ksi

t 1 Y =0.2,0.3,0.5
\ of 0-Rect. Section
.^20 n-T 0-1 o-Box
5 1
Cr S 1
U 15 8\
>- oo h \
I- \\
i 10

D -Q

`.J 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25

t' = 5,7, 9 ksi

Q ti
fp = 270,235,160 ksi
(3^I f = 60,75 ksi
0.03 PPR = 0,0.4,0.7, 1
a 4y Y = 0.2,0.3,0.5
z a Rect. D I
a7 0 Box

0.02 y ^l

a v 'Q
1 ..

0 0.08 0.16 0.24 0.32
Fig. 12. Comparison of analytical results with the prediction equations for
(a) curvature ductility vs. reinforcing index, and (b) plastic rotation vs. reinforcing index.

U.TPPraz & 10A ,
Pr e di c ti on Equations
30.0 o MATTOCK

20.0 a

} 15.0 &Q4 Q o
J 4 Q

o 10.0
0 0

5.0 [gyp
^^ p G

0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0,30 0.35
( cL )

0 O
Prediction Equations
0 BAKER (semi exper. )
0 ---Recommended by
a 003 Baker for w' 0
z p
0 q

0.02 O


.^ 0
0 '' 0 D
0.0 t
Uu U.(S 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35
( c
.^ )
Fig. 13. Comparison of prediction equations with experimental results for
(a) curvature ductility vs. reinforcing index, and (b) plastic rotation vs. reinforcing index.

PCI JOURNALMay-June 1986 81

It is noted that in view of Eq, (9) the at very high concrete compressive
axis (or x axis) in Figs. 12 and 13 could strength.
be replaced by a cld axis. Similarly, 4. Decreasing the effective prestress
the prediction equations given in Table 1 in the prestressing steel has an unfavor-
could be written in terms of cld instead able effect on the ductility of partially
of i . prestressed beams because it delays the
onset of yielding. This effect is more
marked for fully prestressed beams, but
CONCLUSIONS becomes insignificant at low partial pre-
stressing ratios.
The following conclusions can be 5. The section geometry does not have
drawn for reinforced, prestressed, and a marked influence on the ductility
partially prestressed normal weight index provided: (1) the ductility index is
concrete flexural members: expressed as a function of the reinforc-
1. The reinforcing index iu is an ex- ing index, and (2) for T section behavior,
cellent independent variable to de- the reinforcing index is computed for
scribe flexural ductility. It encompasses the web. For all cross-sectional shapes
the influence of several other important the ductility index may be expressed as
variables, such as concrete compressive a function ofcld.
strength and reinforcement ratio, and 6. Increasing the compressive
provides a unifying link for reinforced, strength of concrete from 5 to 13 ksi (35
prestressed, and partially prestressed to 90 MPa) may lead to up to a 30 per-
concrete members. It applies to rectan- cent decrease in sectional ductility. This
gular and T sections with and without reduction is more significant for rectan-
compressive reinforcement. Moreover, gular sections than for T or 1 sections,
in being proportional to the compres- and tends to vanish at high values of the
sion force in the concrete or the net ten- reinforcing index.
sile force in the steel, it has an attractive 7. Ductility of concrete structural
physical meaning. members increases significantly with
2. A direct correlation exists between the use of confinement. Since confine-
the reinforcing index m and the ratio cld, ment may not be practical in flexural
where c is the distance from the extreme members, control of flexural ductility
compression fiber to the neutral axis at can be better achieved by controlling
nominal resistance, and d is the depth to the reinforcing index.
the centroid of the tensile force in the 8. The proposed equations (Table 1)
tensile steel This was observed in all to predict curvature ductility and plastic
cases investigated in this study. Such rotation in partially prestressed concrete
correlation implies that Conclusion 1 members are in good agreement with
applies equally to cld. experimental data obtained in this
3. Everything else being equal, the study, as well as data from four other in-
ductility of reinforced, prestressed, and vestigations. Their use is recommended
partially prestressed concrete members as a first approximation in design. The
decreases with an increase in the rein- upper bound equation is recommended
forcing index. However, for equal val- when normal strength concrete, high
ues of the reinforcing index neither a effective prestress, and low partial pre-
strong nor a consistent trend is observed stressing ratios are used. The lower
when the partial prestressing ratio PPR bound equation is recommended when
is varied from 0 to 1, i.e., from fully high strength concrete, low effective
reinforced to fully prestressed concrete prestress, and high partial prestressing
cases. For practical purposes, the influ- ratios are present. It is noted that these
ence of PPR can be assumed to vanish equations apply to normal weight con-

crete and normal levels of effective pre- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
stress in the steel.
9. At the maximum ACT Code recom- This study was supported by the Na-
mended value of the reinforcing index tional Science Foundation under Grant
(Zmax = 0.36 [h), a curvature ductility No, CEE 84-02194 to the University of
factor of 1.5 to 3 is available in partially Michigan, with Dr. Michael P. Gaus as
prestressed sections. For 0.2 (limit program director. The authors are
for moment redistribution), a ductility grateful for that support. Any opinions,
factor in excess of 4 to 5 was obtained in findings, and conclusions expressed in
this study. For low levels of cu (less than this paper are those of the authors and
0.1), curvature ductility factors above 10 do not necessarily reflect the views of
can he counted on. the sponsor.

NOTE: Discussion of this paper is invited. Please submit your

comments to PCI Headquarters by January 1, 1987.

PCI JOURf4AL/May-June 1986 83

1. Baker, A. L. L., and Amarakone, A. M. N., gineering, First Edition, M. Fintel
"Inelastic Hyperstatic Frames Analysis," (Editor), Prentice Hall, 1974.
Proceedings, International Symposium 12. Pfrang, E. 0., Siess, C. P., and Sozen,
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forced Concrete, Miami, Florida, 1964, Characteristics of Reinforced Concrete
pp. 85-142. Cross Sections," ACI Journal, Proceed-
2. Bertero, V. V., "Inelastic Behavior of ings, V. 61, No. 7, July 1964, pp. 763-778.
Structural Elements and Structures," 13. Sheikh, S. A., and Uzumeri, S. M.,
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of Illinois at Chicago, December 2-4, Columns," Journal of the Structural Di-
1979, pp. 96-167. vision, ASCE, V. 106, No. ST5, May
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Deformation Characteristics of Beam- 14. Scribner, C. F., and Wight, J. K.,
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Concrete," Civil Engineering Studies, Load Reversals," Journal of the Struc-
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234, University of Illinois, Urbana, 1962, April 1980, pp. 861-876.
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Hinging in Reinforced Concrete," Pro- versals,' Journal of the Structural Divi-
ceedirigs, ASCE, Structural Division, sion, ASCE, V. 101, No. STS, May 1975,
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5. Cohn, M. Z., and Ghosh, S. K., "The 16. Scott, B. D., Park, R., and Priestley,
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crete Sections," International Associa- crete Confined by Overlapping Hoops at
tion for Bridge and Structural Engineer- Low and High Strain Rates," ACI Jour-
ing, Zurich, Switzerland, 1972. nal, V. 79, No. 1, January-February 1982,
6. Cohn, M. Z., and Ghosh, S. K., "Com- pp. 13-27.
puter Analysis of Reinforced Concrete 17. Park, R., and Thompson, K. J., "Cyclic
Sections Under Combined Bending and Load Tests on Prestressed and Partially
Compression," International Association Prestressed Beam-Column Joints," PCI
for Bridge and Structural Engineering, JOURNAL, V. 22, No. 5, September-
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7. Corley, W. G., "Rotational Capacity of 18. Sawyer, A. H., "Design of Concrete for
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ings, ASCE, Structural Division, V. 92, national Symposium on Flexural Me-
No. ST5, October 1966, pp. 121-146, also chanics of Reinforced Concrete, Miami,
PCA Bulletin 17108. Florida, 1964, pp. 405-431.
8- Kent, D. C., and Park, B., "Flexural 19. Ahmad, S. H., "Properties of Confined
Members with Confined Concrete,"Pro- Concrete Subjected to Static and
ceedin ts, ASCE, Structural Division, V. Dynamic Loading," PhD Thesis, De-
97, No. ST7, July 1971, pp. 1969-1990. partment of Materials Engineering, Uni-
9. Mattock, A. H., "Rotational Capacity of versity of Illinois at Chicago, March
Flinging Region in Reinforced Concrete 1981. 342 pp.
Beams," Proceedings, International 20. Park, R., and Falconer, T. J., "Ductility of
Symposium on Flexural Mechanics of Prestressed Concrete Piles Subjected to
Reinforced Concrete, Miami, Florida, Simulated Seismic Loading," PCI
1964, pp. 143-181; also PCA Bulletin JOURNAL, V. 28, No, 5, September-
1)101. October 1983, pp. 112-144.
10. Mattock, A. H., "Rotational Capacity of 21. Sheikh, S. A., and Uzumeri, S. M.,
Concrete Beams," Discussion of Refer- "Analytical Model for Concrete Con-
ence 7, ASCE Journal, April 1967. finement in Tied Columns," Proceed-
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22. Sheikh, S. A., "A Comparative Study of "Evaluation of the Inelastic Behavior of
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23. Wang, P. T -, ` Complete Stress-Strain Civil Engineering, The University of
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bers," PhD Thesis, University of Illinois linear Design Procedure for Partially
at Chicago, 1977, 257 pp. Prestressed Concrete Beams," Comput-
24 AC! Committee 318, "Building Code ers and Structures, V. 17, No. 2, 1983, pp.
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A,,, = area of prestressing steel E, = concrete modulus of elasticity
A, = area of tension reinforcing steel E. = steel modulus of elasticity
A; = area of compression reinforcing & = effective prestress of prestress-
steel ing steel
b = overall width of beam cross sec- fm = prestressing steel stress at nomi-
tion nal moment resistance
b,o = web width fnu = ultimate strength of prestressing
c = neutral axis depth steel
d depth to center of tensile force in = reinforcing steel stress at nomi-
steel nal moment resistance
dD = depth of prestressing steel = yield strength of reinforcing
dA = depth of reinforcing steel steel

PCI JOURNALJMay-,tune 1986 85

f f = concrete compressive strength = ultimate curvature
Lp = equivalent plastic hinge length = yield curvature
PPR = partial prestressing ratio = reinforcing index
y = ratio of compression to tension wms = maximum design limit of the
steel force at ultimate reinforcing index
= deflection ductility factor A = ultimate deflection
go = rotation ductility factor p = yield deflection
1.c.m = curvature ductility factor a, = normalized area under stress-
0p = plastic rotation strain curve of concrete up to a
B = rotation at nominal moment re- given strain
sistance ,6, = factor used in ACI Building Code
B = rotation at yielding to define depth of equivalent
0 = curvature rectangular stress block

The following example illustrates in which
how a minimum ductility criterion can
be used to dimension a concrete mem- M = 1.4 MD + 1.7 ML (B2)
ber, whether reinforced, prestressed, or where
partially prestressed.
Consider a simply supported rectan- 1.7ML = 323 kip-ft = 3876000 lb-in. (B3)
gular beam with a span of 40 ft (12.19 m)
to he designed for a uniform live load of 1.4M,, = 0.2917bh kip-ft = 3500 b h lb-in.
0.95 klf (13.86 kN/m) and a minimum (B4)
curvature ductility A = 5. Assuming that h can he replaced as a
Assume normal weight concrete with first approximation by 1.15d leads to:
unit weight y, = 150 pcf (2404 kg/m3)
1.4 M6 = 4025 fed lb-in. (B5)
and design compressive strength f' _
5000 psi (34.5 MPa). Hence:
Other relevant parameters are as fol-
lows :f = 60 ksi (414 MPa) andf u = 270 M = 3876000 + 4025 b d (B6)
ksi (1862 MPa).
Using the strength design method of From the two equations of equilib-
the ACI Building Code for reinforced or rium at ultimate, the following relation
prestressed concrete, four unknowns are is derived:
encountered, namely: b, d, A g orA pg , and
a (or c). In conventional design for flex- ^A = CU (1 0.59&) (B7)
ure, two unknowns are assumed (say b fbd-
and d) and the other two are determined Substituting for M from Eqs. (B1) and
from solving the two equations of force (B6) results in:
and moment equilibrium at ultimate.
The addition of an equation to achieve a 3876000 + 4025 6 d
minimum ductility can be used to de- = (1-0.59w)
4f bd2
termine a third unknown such as d. This (B8)
is the approach followed next.
The design calls for: The minimum curvature ductility
criterion can be expressed using the
M a = 0 Mn (B1) equation (average) given in Table 1 as:

1 y Reinforced Concrete Section:
0.075 5
= 1.5 w A,=6ibdj^if,
= 0.182 x 12 x 24 x 5/60
from which
= 4.37 in .2 (2519 mm2)
c; :n 0.183 (B10)
Prestressed Concrete Section:
and The stress in the prestressing steel at
nominal moment resistance can be
w(1 0.591)-_0.1635 (811) computed from the following general
From Eqs, (B8) and (Bil), the fol- equation developed in Ref. 16:
lowing inequality condition can be de- f;,, f,,(1-0.3 cld)
rived: = 270 (1 0.3 x 6.44/24)
= 248.3 ksi (1712 MPa)
3876000 + 4025 b d from which:
0.1635 (B12) A,, = cil b d fe If,.
4fr. bd2
= 1.06 in.' (684 mine)
Assuming b = 0.5d and replacing the
Partially Prestressed Concrete Section:
expression in Eq. (B12) leads to a cubic
equation in d: The stress in the prestressing steel at
nominal moment resistance is the same
3876000 + 2012.5d2 as for a fully prestressed section with the
-- 0.1635 (B13)
0.5 Of' d' same value of and c. Hence, f, = 248.3
ksi (1712 MPa).
The solution of Eq. (B13) at equality Assume PPR = 0.7 and d is the same
leads to a minimum value of d = 24 in. for the reinforcing and the prestressing
(600 mm). steels. From the definition of PPR and
Using this value of d in Eq. cu, the equations below can be derived:
(B8) and then solving for leads to (I PPR) w = As fn /bd f,'
0.1832. and
The following variables can then be PPR =A,ej,,,lbdf'
computed: The above equations lead to:
b = 0.5 d = 12 in. (300 mm) A, = 1.31 in. % (845 mm2)
a = 1.18 &i d = 5.15 in. (130 mm) A$ = 0.74 in .2 (477 mm2)
c = a!/3, = 5.1510.80 = 6.44 in. (163 Note that the problem of dimension-
mm) ing a section to achieve a minimum
The reinforcement for the section can strength and a minimum plastic rotation
be one of three possible cases corre- 9, (instead of curvature ductility) is very
sponding to a fully reinforced, fully pre- similar to the above problem, especially
stressed, or partially prestressed sec- if L, = d/2 is assumed (see equations in
tion: Table 1).

PCI JOURNAL/May-June 1986 87

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