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Distributed and Supported by:

SC Solutions, Inc.
1261 Oakmead Pkwy
Sunnyvale, CA 94085
Tel: 408-617-4520
Fax: 408-617-4521

Version 1.0
January 1, 1998

The computer program SEQMC and the associated manual are proprietary and
copyrighted products. Worldwide rights of ownership rest with Structural Earthquake
Analysis and Design Consulting Engineers, Inc. (SEQAD). Unlicensed use of the
program or reproduction in any form, without prior written authorization from SEQAD, is

Structural Earthquake Analysis and Design

Consulting Engineers, Inc.
P.O. Box 61
Solana Beach, CA 92075





Chapter 1 - Introduction..........................................................................................................................1

Chapter 2 - Getting Started.....................................................................................................................2

2.1 Hardware and System Requirement ..................................................................................................2
2.2 Installation .........................................................................................................................................2

Chapter 3 - A Quick Tour of SEQMC....................................................................................................3

3.1 Running SEQMC and Opening a New Document Window .............................................................3
3.2 Selecting the Units and Defining the Geometry of the Section.........................................................5
3.3 Specifying the Concrete and Reinforcement Material Properties .....................................................6
3.4 Saving the file and Performing our First Section Analysis ...............................................................9
3.5 Performing a Moment Curvature Analysis......................................................................................10
3.6 Performing a Moment Rotation Analysis ........................................................................................12
3.7 Performing a Moment Curvature vs Axial Load Analysis ..............................................................14

Chapter 4 - SEQMC Menus .................................................................................................................17

4.1 SEQMC Application Frame Window Menu ...................................................................................17
4.2 Document Window Menu ..............................................................................................................17
4.3 The XY-Plot Window Menu ...........................................................................................................19

Chapter 5 - SEQMC Dialog Boxes.......................................................................................................20

5.1 The Open, and Save As Dialog Boxes ............................................................................................24
5.2 Project Dialog Box ..........................................................................................................................25
5.3 System Units Dialog Box ................................................................................................................21
5.4 Printer Setup Dialog Box ................................................................................................................22
5.5 Circular Section Dialog Box ...........................................................................................................22
5.6 Rectangular Section Dialog Box .....................................................................................................23

References ................................................................................................................................................25

Appendix A - Installation Troubleshooting ........................................................................................26

Troubleshooting the Security Device ....................................................................................................26
Troubleshooting Software Installation ..................................................................................................26

Appendix B - SEQMC Examples .........................................................................................................28

B1 - Circular Reinforced Concrete Column ........................................................................................28
B2 - Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Column..................................................................................35
Chapter 1 - Introduction

The program SEQMC (SEQAD MOMENT CURVATURE analysis) is a computational tool

for the determination of moment and curvature characteristics of planar reinforced
concrete sections and their effect on the idealized moment rotation behavior of a flexural
hinge at the end of a prismatic concrete. The moment curvature analysis of circular and
rectangular reinforced concrete sections (SEQMC) is based on Manders confined
concrete model [1,2] and allows the selection of prescribed or user specified constitutive
reinforcing steel characteristics. SEQMC is limited to the analysis of circular and
rectangular reinforced concrete member sections with variable axial loads. Extensions to
include hollow rectangular and circular cross-sections, prestressing, as well as sections
with arbitrary geometry are under development for updated versions of SEQMC.

Program features include:

instant feedback on input section properties in graphical form
user defined set-up files with frequently used default values
dual SI and Imperial units switchable at all times
export capabilities to spreadsheets
output report in full tabular and graphical representation
on-line help system

The program provides three basic analysis tools in support of the capacity determination
of reinforced concrete sections, namely (1) Section Analysis, (2) Moment Curvature
Analysis, and (3) Moment Rotation Analysis.

The Section Analysis tool provides for a given reinforced concrete section and axial load
the ideal moment capacity determined at a default or user defined maximum concrete
strain level or at five times the theoretical yield curvature.

The Moment Curvature Analysis tool traces the moment and curvature relation of a
reinforced concrete section under axial load until default, user defined, or calculated
concrete or steel strain limits are reached. This moment curvature assessment can be
performed for a given axial load level or for a range of axial loads expected on the
described reinforced concrete section. Ideal bilinear elasto-plastic approximations to the
actual moment curvature trace are calculated using the theoretical first yield in the
reinforcement, the ideal section moment capacity, and the ultimate limit state as anchor

The Moment Rotation Analysis tool calculates the expected plastic hinge length
assuming a prismatic reinforced concrete member with the defined section properties
connected to a large adjacent concrete member under the assumption of linear bending.
The moment rotation behavior of the flexural hinge is calculated by assuming constant
curvature over the plastic hinge length and linear yield curvature distribution along the
member shear span.

The general objective of SEQMC is to provide standard tools for the deformation and
force capacity assessment of reinforced concrete members in direct support of seismic
design and analysis tasks.

Chapter 2 - Getting Started

2.1 Hardware and System Requirement

The SEQMC program was developed under Windows 3.1 and works under any personal
computer running Windows 3.1, Windows 95, or Windows NT. Basically there are no
special hardware requirements imposed beyond those imposed by windows.

2.2 Installation

1. Run "Seqmc.exe" to unzip the files into a Temp Directory

2. If you are "not" running Windows NT, skip this step.

The Windows NT version requires a sentinal port driver.

Run "[Temp Directory]\WIN_NT\setup.exe"

Under the Functions menu, choose:

Install Sentinal Driver
Accept the default path provided.
When notified of completion, reboot your computer.

3a. If this is a demo version of the program:

Run "[Temp Directory]\setup.exe"

Enter your User Name, Company Name, Company Address, and

DEMO for the password.

Upon completion of installation, reboot your computer.

Run SEQMC via the Start:Programs:SEQAD Analysis Packages

3b. If this is a production version of the program:

Run "[Temp Directory]\setup.exe"

Enter your User Name, Company Name, Company Address, and

your password supplied by SC Solutions.

Upon completion of installation, shutdown your computer.

Plug the security key into the parallel port.

Turn on your computer.

Run SEQMC via the Start:Programs:SEQAD Analysis Packages

Chapter 3 - A Quick Tour of SEQMC
This section will guide a user through the necessary steps to perform a section and
moment curvature analysis. The SEQMC application is an event driven program,
consequently the steps outlined here do not have to be followed in a sequential manner,
however all the essential input data needs to be specified. The example considers the
circular column shown in Figure 3.1.

Figure 3.1 Circular Column Geometry

The column to be analyzed is 10 ft (3.0m) high and 2 ft (610mm) in diameter.

Longitudinal reinforcement consists of 18 #14 (D44) Bars. The shear reinforcement
consists of a #3 (D9) spiral reinforcement with a 3.5 in. (89mm) pitch and a steel strength
of 44 ksi (303MPa). The longitudinal reinforcement steel is a mild strength steel with a
Youngs Modulus of 29,000 ksi (200GPa) and a yield strength of 60 ksi (414MPa). A
concrete strength of 5 ksi (34MPa) is assumed.

3.1 Running SEQMC and Opening a New Document Window

Locate the SEQAD Analysis Packages folder in the Program Manager Window. If this
folder is not open, place the mouse over the folder icon and double click the right mouse
button. You will see an icon with the SEQMC application name. To start the application
place the mouse over the icon and double click the right mouse button. (This assumes
that the mouse is configured for a right handed person).

A multiple document interface (MDI) window will open with the program name displayed
in the window title bar (see Figure 3.2). A pop-up dialog box with the License Agreement
will appear. After reading the license agreement one can proceed by moving the mouse
to the OK button and clicking the right mouse button once. This will remove the license
agreement dialog box.

Now we are ready to begin. The application menu has two submenus listed, the File and
the Help submenus. Move the mouse (while depressing the primary mouse button) over
the File submenu, the following submenu commands will appear: New, Open, and Exit.
Move the mouse (keep the primary mouse button depressed) to the Help submenu,
another submenu will appear with the following choices: Help, Using Help, and About.
Move the mouse around in the menu and submenu area of the window while keeping the

primary mouse button depressed. When a menu option is highlighted a help text is
displayed in the lower left section of the application window explaining the current
selected menu choice.

Figure 3.2 Opening Window and License Agreement Dialog Box

A brief explanation on menu items is given; a dimmed or grayed menu item means that
this option is inactive. In such a case the user cannot select the command. This could
occur if not all the prerequisite options were specified to perform the task designated by
the grayed menu item. An ellipsis (...) after the menu item indicates that this command
will display a dialog box prompting the user for further information. A checkmark before
the menu item indicates that this option is turned on or off if selected. The underlined
character in the application menus indicate shortcut keystrokes. Pressing the Alt key and
one of the underlined characters of the main application menu will pop-up the desired
submenu. Pressing one of the underlined characters within the active submenu will
process the command. For example the key sequence Alt+H followed by the key A will
open the About dialog box providing information about the application version and
license. Press Enter or move the mouse to the OK button and click the right mouse
button once to close the About dialog box. Key combinations after the menu option
indicate shortcut key sequences which can be pressed without using the mouse or
entering into the submenus.

We are now ready to open a new document. Move the mouse (keeping the primary
mouse button pressed) to the File menu and highlight the New item or press Alt+F
followed by an N. From now on, this operation will be designated by the following
command sequence File | New. The New command opens a new document window with
the title NONAME, indicating that this document has not been named. You will also
notice that the main application menu has changed. Before proceeding browse through
the submenus reading the help text displayed on the bottom status line.

3.2 Selecting the Units and Defining the Geometry of the Section

The user has a choice to perform the analysis in SI or Imperial units. The current unit
system is displayed in the lower right corner of the application window. The Imperial Units
have been selected for this example. Open the system unit dialog box under File |
Preferences | System Unit and select the Imperial Unit radio button for the Input and
Output Units. Close the dialog box by selecting clicking the OK Button. Notice that the
current unit system is displayed in the lower right corner of the application window.

A quick overview on dialog boxes is given: Most dialog boxes contain more than one
option, or more than one place to enter data. You must therefore indicate what data you
wish to specify by activating one of these controls. This is easily accomplished by moving
the mouse to the desired control item (text field, radio button, select box, drop-down lists
etc.) and clicking on it. Another way is by using the TAB key, which will move to the next
control item in the dialog box. A novice Windows user should consult the Windows User
Manual for more information on dialog boxes and control items. The OK button will select
the current options defined in the dialog box, the CANCEL button will ignore the selected
options, and the HELP button will open the help system and display information on the
current dialog box. At this stage, experiment with the Units Dialog box and dont forget to
set the units to Imperial unit system before proceeding with this example.

Figure 3.3 Circular Section Geometry Dialog Box for Example 3.1

Now we will enter the section geometry and reinforcement layout. Select Input |
Geometry | Circular Section to open the circular section dialog box. Click on the Diameter
Field and enter 24 inches (the dialog box indicates the desired units). Specify 2 inches for
the cover to the main reinforcement. Enter the total number of bars (20 for this example)
in the field requesting the total number of bars. The bar diameter for the main
reinforcement can be entered by the bar type designation, i.e. #4, #5, #6, etc., or by
specifying the bar diameter in the chosen unit system Notice that the section picture in

the upper right corner of the dialog box is updated as these fields are specified. Try
entering a #12 bar - no section geometry is displayed because a #12 bar does not exist!
Select #3 spiral reinforcement with a pitch of 3.5 inches and a strength of 44 ksi. When
done select the OK button to select the section input and close the dialog button, see
Figure 3.3. Note that only the control fields that differ from the desired input need to be

3.3 Specifying the Concrete and Reinforcement Material Properties

Next we will specify the concrete material properties. Select Input | Material | Concrete to
open the concrete dialog box. Select the Mander concrete model for confined concrete
behavior. Select a concrete compression strength of 5 ksi and a concrete spalling strain
of 0.005. When done select the OK button to close the concrete dialog box, see Figure

Figure 3.4 Concrete Material Properties Dialog Box

To specify the steel material model and property data for the main reinforcement, select
Input | Material | Steel to open the steel dialog box. Select the Mild Strength Steel model
specifying a Youngs Modulus of 29,000 ksi and a yield strength of 66 ksi, see Figure 3.5.
Note that different steel models require different material constants. Also note that certain
constants are dependent on other constants. You can get a plot of the steel stress-strain
curve (see Fig. 3.6) by selecting the plot key - try it! Close the plot window by selecting
the File | Close button in the xy-plot window or by double clicking on the system control
button on the upper right hand corner of the xy-plot window. The Default button resets
the steel material properties to the original default setting (this is different from the
CANCEL operation).

Note that several steel models may be defined via the steel material dialog box. The
corresponding stress-strain curves for each model can also be obtained as discussed
above. SEQMC incorporates the following steel models:
a mild strength steel model with a yield plateau and a hardening region (See
Fig. 3.6);
a high strength steel model with no yield plateau (See Fig. 3.7);
an elasto-plastic steel model, referred to as the ACI model;

and a user defined model in which characteristic parameters are specified to
describe the complete stress-strain curve (See Fig. 3.8).

Figure 3.5 Steel Material Properties Dialog Box

Figure 3.6 Mild Strength Steel Stress-Strain Plot

Figure 3.7 High Strength Steel Stress-Strain Plot

Figure 3.8 User Defined Steel Stress-Strain Curve and Definition of Characteristic

3.4 Saving the file and Performing our First Section Analysis

Having specified the section geometry and the material properties we are ready to
perform a section analysis. Prior to performing an analysis, it is always a good idea to
save the current information to disk. Select the File | Save to save the document file on
disk. Since the file is being saved for the first time, the Save As dialog box opens. Select
the directory and specify a filename with the extension .inp and hit the OK button. The
next time you select File | Save the document is automatically saved to the current file on
disk. The Save As and Open dialog boxes are common windows dialog boxes and
hence operate similar to other windows applications.

To perform a section analysis select Analysis | Section Analysis. Enter 500 Kips for the
axial load and a maximum concrete strain of 0.004. We will leave the default values for
the analysis tolerance and number of sections, see Figure 3.9. The engineer can later
experiment with these parameters to see what sort of influence they have on the overall

Figure 3.9 Section Analysis Dialog Box

The document window will display the section geometry and material property input data
as well as the analysis results, see Figure 3.10. The document window can be enlarged
by selecting the maximize button on the top right corner. Use the vertical scroll bars to
display the results which are not visible in the document window. If needed, one can use
the horizontal scroll bar to move the text from right to left or vice versa.

To print the analysis, make sure the default windows printer is selected. Select File | Print
to commence printing. If you had a fax modem installed you could have faxed the results!
This is done by selecting a different printer device driver when selecting the File | Printer
Setup command.

Figure 3.10 Input Data and Section Analysis Results

3.5 Performing a Moment Curvature Analysis

Having specified the section geometry and the material properties we are also ready to
perform a moment curvature analysis. Prior to performing an analysis, it is always a good
idea to save the current information to disk. Select the File | Save to save the document
file on disk. If the file is being saved for the first time, the Save As dialog box opens. If
this is the case, select the directory and specify a filename with the extension .inp and
hit the OK button. The next time you select File | Save the document is automatically
saved to the current file on disk. The Save As and Open dialog boxes are common
windows dialog boxes and hence operate similar to other windows applications.

To perform a moment curvature analysis select Analysis | Moment Curvature Analysis.

The program offers several options for the evaluation of the ideal moment capacity. For
this example, let the ideal moment capacity be based on the ultimate concrete strain.
Next, enter 500 Kips for the axial load. We will leave the default values for the analysis
tolerance and number of sections, see Figure 3.11. The engineer can later experiment
with these parameters to see what sort of influence they have on the overall analysis.

Figure 3.11 Moment-Curvature Analysis Dialog Box

The document window will display the section geometry and material property input data
as well as the moment curvature analysis results. The results include a listing of the
results and the trace of the moment and curvature relation for the reinforced concrete
section with a superposed bilinear elasto-plastic approximation followed by the
appropriate tabulated data. Figure 3.12 shows a truncated view of the analysis results
displaying the summarized analysis results and the moment-curvature plot. The
document window can be enlarged by selecting the maximize button on the top right
corner. Use the vertical scroll bars to display the results which are not visible in the
document window. If needed, one can use the horizontal scroll bar to move the text from
right to left or vice versa.

To print the analysis, make sure the default windows printer is selected. Select File | Print
to commence printing. If you had a fax modem installed you could have faxed the results!
This is done by selecting a different printer device driver when selecting the File | Printer
Setup command.

Figure 3.12 Truncated View of the Moment-Curvature Analysis Results

3.6 Performing a Moment Rotation Analysis

Moment rotation calculations are based on the assumption of a plastic hinge forming in a
prismatic member under linear bending adjacent to a large reinforced concrete member,
see Figure 3.13. The plastic curvature is assumed constant over the equivalent plastic
hinge length Lp which is calibrated based on experimental results [3] to give the same
plastic rotation p as occurs in the real reinforced concrete member. SEQMC considers
two cases, namely (1) a plastic hinge in a prismatic reinforced concrete member, and (2)
a plastic hinge in a steel jacketed concrete member, a user defined selection at the
beginning of the moment rotation analysis tool. Since the equivalent plastic hinge length
also depends on the moment gradient in the reinforced concrete member, the shear span
or the length L from the plastic hinge length to the point of contraflexure under linear
bending assumptions needs to be supplied. In addition, for the steel jacketed case, the
gap width g between the end of the steel jacket and the adjacent concrete member
needs to be specified.

To perform a moment rotation analysis select Analysis | Moment Rotation Analysis. This
opens the Moment-Rotation Analysis dialog box. Select the conventional RC member
type of plastic hinge, and let the shear span length L be equal to 10 ft (3.0m), see Figure

Figure 3.13 Schematic Inelastic Deformation Assumption [3]

Figure 3.14 Moment-Rotation Analysis Dialog Box

The document window will display the section geometry and material property input data
as well as the moment rotation analysis results. The results include a listing of the results
and the trace of the moment and rotation relation for the reinforced concrete section
followed by the appropriate tabulated data. Figure 3.15 shows a truncated view of the
analysis results displaying the summarized analysis results and the moment-rotation plot.
The document window can be enlarged by selecting the maximize button on the top right
corner. Use the vertical scroll bars to display the results which are not visible in the
document window. If needed, one can use the horizontal scroll bar to move the text from
right to left or vice versa.

To print the analysis, make sure the default windows printer is selected. Select File | Print
to commence printing. If you had a fax modem installed you could have faxed the results!
This is done by selecting a different printer device driver when selecting the File | Printer
Setup command.

Figure 3.15 Truncated View of the Moment-Rotation Analysis Results

3.7 Performing a Moment Curvature vs Axial Load Analysis

The Moment Curvature vs Axial Load Analysis allows the evaluation of the moment-
curvature relation for the same section under different axial load values. An axial load
range consisting of up to five different axial load values may be specified. The individual
traces of the moment curvature response will be plotted as a result.

To perform a moment curvature vs axial load analysis select the Moment Curvature vs
Axial Load option from the Analysis menu, this opens the appropriate dialog box. Up to
five different axial load values may be specified. A check mark will be displayed beside
each axial load field specified. For this example, let the axial load range be defined by
four values, that is P1=0 kips, P2=200 kips, P3=400 kips, and P4=600 kips. We will leave
the default values for the analysis tolerance and number of sections, see Figure 3.16.
The engineer can later experiment with these parameters to see what sort of influence
they have on the overall analysis.

Figure 3.16 Moment-Curvature vs. Axial Load Dialog Box

The document window will display the section geometry and material property input data
as well as the moment-curvature vs. axial load analysis results. The results consist of
individual traces of the moment-curvature relation for the reinforced concrete section for
each of the axial load values specified. Figure 3.17 shows a view of the analysis results
displaying the moment-curvature plots for the specified axial load fields. The document
window can be enlarged by selecting the maximize button on the top right corner. Use
the vertical scroll bars to display the results which are not visible in the document
window. If needed, one can use the horizontal scroll bar to move the text from right to left
or vice versa.

To print the analysis, make sure the default windows printer is selected. Select File | Print
to commence printing. If you had a fax modem installed you could have faxed the results!
This is done by selecting a different printer device driver when selecting the File | Printer
Setup command.

Figure 3.17 Results from the Moment-Curvature vs. Axial Load Analysis

Chapter 4 - SEQMC Menus
This section describes the various menu systems, their sub-menus and commands. The
word application refers to the SEQMC program running under the windows environment.
A document is a file which contains all the information pertaining to an analysis
performed on SEQMC. SEQMC allows multiple documents to be viewed and modified
through the MDI interface of windows. The use of a Help menu allows the user to access
the interactive online help system. Several type of menus are defined in SEQMC are
described in the following sections.

4.1 SEQMC Application Frame Window Menu

The SEQMC Application Frame Window Menu is displayed when the program is started
and no document window is open. The application frame window and menu are shown in
Figure 4.1. The application menu consists of the File and Help menu items. These menu
items and their commands are described below:

Figure 4.1 SEQMC Application Frame Window Menu

The File menu allows the user to open a new or existing document and/or quit the
application. The following commands are available under the frame menu:

New - Creates a new document window.

Open - Locates and opens an existing document.
Exit - Exits the application.

The Help menu allows the user to access the interactive online help system and/or
display program version and copyright information. The following command may be
accessed under the Help menu:

Help - Enter the interactive help system for the application.

Using Help - Help information regarding the interactive help system.
About - Display program version and copyright information.

4.2 Document Window Menu

When a document is opened or a new document is created, the document menu is

displayed. The document window contains menu items, sub-menus and commands for
manipulating document(s), entering data for an analysis, performing analysis and using
the interactive help system. The following describes the document window menus, its
sub-menus and commands:

The File menu contains commands that manage documents and customizes the
application. The following commands are available:

New: creates a new document.

Open: locates and opens an existing document.
Close: closes the current document.
Save: saves the document to a disk file.
Save As: saves the current document under a new document file.
Project Description: specifies the project title and description.
Export: exports analysis results onto a formatted text data file.
Moment-Curvature Results
Moment-Rotation Results
Preferences: submenu for customization of the application and documents.
System Units: select the desired unit system for the current
Ribbon: toggle the ribbon on/off.
Save Settings: saves current settings for next session.
Print: prints the current document.
Printer Setup: select and/or customize the printer.
Exit: exits the application closing all the open documents.

The Input menu contains submenus for geometric information and material property
definitions and are divided accordingly:
Geometry: contains submenu for regular circular and rectangular sections
Circular Section: defines circular section and reinforcement layout
Rectangular Section: defines rectangular section and reinforcement
Arbitrary Section: defines an arbitrary section and reinforcement
Material: contains submenus to define concrete and steel material property
Steel: defines the longitudinal steel material model and properties
Concrete: defines the concrete model and material properties

The Analysis menu allows the user to perform Section, Moment Curvature, and
Moment Rotation Analyses
Section Analysis: performs a section analysis
Moment-Curvature Analysis: performs a moment curvature analysis.
Moment-Rotation Analysis: performs a moment rotation analysis.
Moment-Curvature vs. Axial Load: performs a moment curvature analysis
vs. a series of axial load values

The Window menu contains commands to rearrange windows and to select a

specific document window.
Cascade: cascades the document windows in the application window.
Tile Horizontally: tile the document windows horizontally in the application
Tile Vertically: tile the document windows vertically in the application
Arrange Icons: arrange the icon-sized application windows.

The Help menu allows the user to access the interactive online help system and/or
display program version and copyright information. The following commands are

Help: enters the interactive help system.

Using Help: provides help information regarding the interactive help system.
About: displays program version and copyright information

4.3 The XY-Plot Window Menu

The File Menu contains one command which closes the XY-Plot window
Close: closes the XY-Plot Window.

Chapter 5 - SEQMC Dialog Boxes
The dialog boxes for the SEQMC application are described in detail and are presented in
the order defined in the menu system.

5.1 The Open, and Save As Dialog Boxes

The Open and Save As dialog boxes, shown in Figure 5.1 and 5.2, allow the user to
select a directory and specify a file name for opening and/or saving a document file. The
open, save, and save as dialog boxes are common windows dialog boxes which are
generated and managed by the windows system. Common dialog boxes and their control
are described in the windows user manual and operate similarly between different
applications, hence their name.

Figure 5.1 Open Dialog Box

Figure 5.2 Save As Dialog Box

5.2 Project Dialog Box

A project title and description may be specified for a document through the Project Dialog
Box, see Figure 5.3. This allows the specification of a title which is printed at the top of
every output page using a bold text font, and a description, printed on the first page only
in a normal text font. This is intended to provide an additional line of comments regarding
the analysis. Alternatively, the company title and an analysis description may be

Both, the title and description should be less than 80 characters to ensure that nothing is
printed in the margin area of the output page.

Figure 5.3 Project Description Dialog Box with Input Fields for Chapter 3 Example

5.3 System Units Dialog Box

The system units dialog box is shown in Figure 5.4 and allows the user to select the input
and output unit system for the current document. It consists of two groups: input and
output units containing radio buttons. The input units allow the user to specify the unit
system desired to input the section geometry, reinforcement detail and the material
properties. The output units select the unit system for output of the analysis results.

Figure 5.4 System Units Dialog Box

The units can be changed at any time during the session. Properties entered in dialog
boxes are converted from the input unit system to the internal unit system, the analysis is
performed in the internal unit system and then the results a converted to the external
units system. Document files saved on disks and environment setup files are written in
internal units.

The selected input unit system for the current document is displayed on the button right
corner of the application window.

5.4 Printer Setup Dialog Box

The printer setup dialog box is another common dialog box generated and managed by
the windows environment. This dialog box allows the user to select and configure the
desired printer installed on the windows system. The printer setup dialog box allows the
user to print the document to a file, or fax the document if a modem is installed. Refer to
the windows user reference manual for information regarding printers and printer setup.

5.5 Circular Section Dialog Box

The circular section dialog box shown in Figure 5.5, allows the user to specify the section
geometry and reinforcement layout for circular sections. The fields of the circular section
dialog box are defined below:

Column Diameter - This field specifies the section diameter, D.

Cover to Main Bars - This field specifies the cover distance to the main
reinforcement, cc.
Total Number of Bars - This field specifies the total number of longitudinal
reinforcement bars.
Main Bar Diameter: - This field specifies the longitudinal bar diameter. A
valid bar designation, such as #3, #4, etc. may be
entered instead of the bar diameter.
Tie Bar Type: - Select between spiral or hoop transverse
Tie Bar Diameter: - This field specifies the diameter of the transverse
shear reinforcement. A valid bar designation such as
#3, #4, etc. may be entered instead of the bar
Tie Bar Spacing: - This field specifies the pitch of the spiral or the hoop
spacing, s.
Tie Bar Strength: - This field specifies the strength of the transverse shear

Figure 5.5 Circular Section Geometry Dialog Box (Windows95 version)

5.6 Rectangular Section Dialog Box

The rectangular section dialog box shown in Figure 5.6, allows the user to specify the
section geometry and reinforcement details for a rectangular section. The fields of the
rectangular section dialog box are defined below:

Section Depth - This field specifies the section depth, d.

Section Width - This field specifies the section width, w.
Cover to Main Bars - This field specifies the cover distance to the main
reinforcement, cc.
Bars in Compression End - This field specifies the total number of longitudinal
reinforcement bars in the compression end.
Bars in Tension End - This field specifies the total number of longitudinal
reinforcement bars in the tension end.
Bars in Each Side - This field specifies the total number of longitudinal
reinforcement bars in each of the section sides.
Bar Size: - This field specifies the longitudinal bar diameter. A
valid bar designation, such as #3, #4, etc. may be
entered instead of the bar diameter.
Hoop Bar Diameter: - This field specifies the diameter of the transverse
shear reinforcement. A valid bar designation such as
#3, #4, etc. may be entered instead of the bar
Hoop Spacing: - This field specifies the hoop spacing, s.
Hoop Strength: - This field specifies the strength of the transverse shear
No. Legs in Y-Dir: - This field specifies the number of hoop legs crossing
the section in the bending direction.

Figure 5.6 Rectangular Section Geometry Dialog Box (Windows95 version)


[1] Mander, J. B., Priestley, M. J. N., and Park, R., "Theoretical Stress-Strain Model for
Confined Concrete," Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 114, No. 8,
August 1988, pp. 1804-1826.

[2] King, D. J., Computer Programs for Concrete Column Design, Research Report.
86-12, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Canterbury, Christchurch,
New Zealand, May 1986.

[3] Priestley, M. J. N., Seible, F., Calvi, M., Seismic Design and Retrofit of Bridges,
John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1995.

Appendix A - Installation Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting the Security Device

If you are having trouble accessing the security device, check the following:

Is the software protection key security fastened to a parallel port.

Is the parallel port properly working. Try printing a document without the security key
If you have attached a printer to the security device, make sure the printer is turned
on. Some printers must be turned on whenever they are attached to the device.
If you have multiple parallel ports, try switching the device to a different port.
If you problem is on a portable personal computer, make sure that the parallel port is

If you have further problems give us a call.

Troubleshooting Software Installation

The following error message may be reported during the software installation procedure:

Cannot initialize Setup.

Setup program could not be loaded under the Windows 3.1 environment.
Possible error could be that another instance of the setup utility is running. If this
problem occurs get out of windows and reboot the system.

Insufficient memory to run Setup. Close some applications and try again.

Setup does not have enough memory to load the setup.inf file into memory. If
this error message occurs close any open applications currently running under
Windows. If problem persists get out of Windows and reboot the system and run
setup again.

The <filename> file cannot be found. Please verify the distribution diskette.

The file could not be found on the installation disk. Ensure that the file exists on
the installation disk. If file cannot be found return software to vendor.

Drive <drive> contains <number> Kb of free disk space. Setup requires a

minimum of <number> Kb. Please select another drive

The drive selected has not enough space to properly install the software product.
Select another drive or clean up the hard disk to free some space.

The software has not been successfully installed. You must run Setup again
before using the software.

Not all components of the software product were properly installed. During the
installation process the user may have pressed the Cancel button or opted not to
install a specific file. Note that if the application does not work properly, the user
should reinstall the software.

Setup has installed the software successfully but could not add the application(s)
to the Program Manager.

A client server conversation could not be initiated with the windows program
manager to create and install the software folder. If this error occurs restart
windows and rerun the setup program.

The <directory name> directory cannot be created. Enter another directory or try
another drive.

Directory already exists and cannot be recreated on the designated drive.

Specify another directory or drive.

Appendix B - SEQMC Examples

B1 - Circular Reinforced Concrete Column

This example deals with the analysis of a circular reinforced concrete column with an effective, or
cantilever, height L. The geometrical and reinforcement data are shown in Figure B.1. The
objective of the example will be to define the appropriate input, and perform a section and
moment curvature analysis.

Figure B.1 Example 1 - Circular Column Data

The first step will be to define the project title and description after opening a new file, or
document. Let the project title be Example 1 and the project description be Circular
Column, see Figure B.2. Select the Imperial unit system for this example. This is done
by selecting the Preferences | System Units menu option, see Figure B.3.

Figure B.2 Project Description for Example 1

Figure B.3 System Units set to Imperial for Example 1

Define the geometry of the circular cross section using the data provided in Figure B.1 through
the Circular-Section Dialog Box, see Figure B.4. Specify the concrete material properties by
selecting Input | Material | Concrete to open the concrete dialog box. Accept the default values,
see Figure B.5. Next, define the steel material model and property data for the main
reinforcement by selecting Input | Material | Steel to open the steel dialog box. Select a high
strength steel model specifying a Youngs Modulus of 29,000 ksi and a yield strength of 66 ksi,
see Figure B.6. Obtain a plot of the steel models stress strain curve by selecting the plot key, see
Figure B.7. At this point it would be a good idea to save your file to your disk. Let the file name
be example1.inp, and notice as this name is displayed at the top of the active document window.

We are now ready to perform the section analysis. To perform the analysis select Analysis |
Section Analysis. Enter 400 kips for the axial load, and leave the default values for the analysis
tolerance and number of sections, see Figure B.8. The analysis input and results are shown in
Figure B.9.

Next, lets perform a moment curvature analysis by selecting Analysis | Moment Curvature
Analysis. Let the ideal moment capacity be based on five times the yield curvature. Next, enter
400 kips for the axial load. We will leave the default values for the analysis tolerance and number
of sections, see Figure B.10. The truncated view of the moment curvature analysis results
showing the trace of the moment and curvature relation can be seen in Figure B.11.

Figure B.4 Example 1 Geometry Input

Figure B.5 Concrete Material Properties

Figure B.6 Steel Property Definition for Example

Figure B.7 High Strength Steel Stress-Strain Diagram

Figure B.8 Section Analysis Options for Example 1

Figure B.9 Section Analysis Results for Example 1

Figure B.10 Moment-Curvature Analysis Parameters for Example 1

Figure B.11 Truncated View of Moment-Curvature Analysis Results for Example 1

Now, after performing the moment-curvature analysis we will proceed to perform a
moment-rotation analysis. To do this we will select Analysis | Moment Rotation Analysis.
We will select the conventional or prismatic RC member type of plastic hinge. Let the
shear span length L be equal to 12 ft, and accept the evaluated plastic hinge length, see
Figure B.12. A truncated view of the moment rotation analysis results showing the trace
of the moment and rotation relation can be seen in Figure B.13.

Figure B.12 Moment-Rotation Analysis Parameters for Example 1

Figure B.13 Truncated View of Moment-Rotation Analysis Results for Example 1

B2 - Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Column

This example deals with the analysis of a rectangular reinforced concrete column with an
effective, or cantilever, height L. The geometrical and reinforcement data are shown in Figure
B.14. The objective of the example will be to define the appropriate input, and perform a section
and moment curvature analysis.

Figure B.14 Example 2 - Rectangular Column Data

In a similar fashion to the procedure followed in Example 1, the first step will be to define
the project title and description after opening a new file, or document. Let the project title
be Example 2 and the project description be Rectangular Column. For this example
select the SI system of units, which is the default setting. You can check this by selecting
the Preferences | System Units menu option.

Define the geometry of the rectangular cross section using the data provided in Figure
B.14 through the Rectangular-Section Dialog Box, see Figure B.15. Define the steel
material model and property data for the main reinforcement by selecting Input | Material
| Steel to open the steel dialog box. Select a mild strength steel model specifying a
Youngs Modulus of 200 GPa and a yield strength of 455 MPa, see Figure B.16. Obtain
a plot of the steel models stress strain curve by selecting the plot key, see Figure B.17.
Specify the concrete material properties by selecting Input | Material | Concrete to open
the concrete dialog box and accept the default values, see Figure B.18. Next,. At this

point it is advised to save your file to your disk. Let the file name be example2.inp, and
notice as this name is displayed at the top of the active document window.

Figure B.15 Rectangular Section Properties for Example 2

Figure B.16 Steel Material Properties for Example 2

Figure B.17 Mild Steel Model Stress-Strain Curve

Figure B.18 Concrete Material Properties for Example 2

We are now ready to perform the section analysis. To perform the analysis select
Analysis | Section Analysis. Enter 1780 kN for the axial load and 0.004 for the maximum
concrete strain. Leave the default values for the analysis tolerance and number of
sections, see Figure B.19. The analysis input and results are shown in Figure B.20.

Figure B.19 Section Analysis Dialog Box for Example 2

Figure B.20 Section Analysis Results for Example 2

Next, lets perform a moment curvature analysis by selecting Analysis | Moment
Curvature Analysis. Let the ideal moment capacity be based on five times the yield
curvature. Next, enter 1780 kN for the axial load. We will leave the default values for the
analysis tolerance and number of sections, see Figure B.21. The selective view of the
moment curvature analysis results showing the trace of the moment and curvature
relation can be seen in Figure B.22.

Figure B.21 Moment Curvature Analysis Dialog Box for Example 2

Figure B.22 Selective Results from Moment-Curvature Analysis of Example 2

We will now perform a moment curvature vs axial load analysis by selecting the Moment
Curvature vs Axial Load option from the Analysis menu. Let the axial load range be
defined by five values, that is P1=0 kN, P2=890 kN, P3=1335 kN, P4=1780 kN, and
P5=2225 kN. We will leave the default values for the analysis tolerance and number of
sections, see Figure B.23. A plot showing the different moment curvature traces for the
different axial loads can represents the results from this analysis as shown in Figure

Figure B.23 Moment Curvature vs. Axial Load Dialog Box Input for Example 2

Figure B.24 Example 2 Results from the Moment-Curvature vs. Axial Load Analysis


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