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Final Paper for Multicultural Education Jessica Garrison

ED 258

To be a culturally competent teacher means to be not blinded by ignorance. For

the sake of the diverse communities we are a part of, especially in a learning
environment; let us not hold anyone back for a prejudice or inequality of our own
judgment. Having a different point of view can be caused by upbringing, environments
we are exposed to and the culture that shapes our lives. To be an effective multicultural
educator there are many steps we have to take. First we need to identify our own bias
and where it comes from. Having an ethnocentric view is not an option if were going to
make positive impacts on the diversity within our classroom. We cannot be defensive, in
denial or minimize the problem of the isms in our society. I would like to become more
ethnorealative and be empathetic of the fact there are many realities and my way of
thinking is not the only way or even the right way. I will accept the fact that sexism,
classism and racism is everywhere and acknowledge it to my student in the class. For
me to better adapt I would like to travel out of my country and experience firsthand the
cultural differences for me to better understand the broad spectrum people are being
influenced by. Therefore leading to a way of integrating new possibilities in the
classroom that would include all walks of life to feel comfortable within my classroom
and be inspired to progress in a way that is non threatening to any persons culture. I
personally want to work with younger children in elementary school ages, for I can get in
on their thought processes in a fundamental year of their education and make them feel
important as an individual. I love Noddings quote that says
The new education I envision puts a very high valuation on the traditional
occupations of women. Care for children, the aged, and the ill must be shared by all
capable adults, not just women, and everyone should understand that these activities
bring special rewards as well as burdens. Work with children can be especially
rewarding and provides an opportunity to enjoy childhood vicariously. For example, I
have often wondered why high school students are not more often invited to revisit the
literature of childhood in their high school English classes. A careful study of fairy tales,
augmented by essays on their psychology, might be more exciting and more generally
useful than, for example, the study of Hamlet. When we consider the natural interest we
have in ourselves--past, present, and future--literature that allows us to look both
forward and backward is wonderful. Further, there are opportunities for lessons in
geography, history, art, and music.
Leading me to the opinion I have about art being the best learning tool for
inclusion. Everyone is an artist and with leaving language aside we can express
ourselves through music, dance and images that tell our own personal stories. I would
definitely be a teacher that provides art based learning throughout my curriculum. No
judgments, no limits on what a child can do when it comes to art.
Living in America is really an awesome thing, even though it is all I know,
because I was born and raised here. I am grateful to live in a place full of such diversity.
I deal with differences by acknowledging them and learning more about myself from
them as well as learning about others and how they came to be who they are. God
made us all in his image, no two of us are alike and how boring would it be if we were?
Thats the beauty of America, however the dark side to it is how we came to be
Americans and the establishments of our society thinking were better than someone
else when that mindset was taught. We have to move on and form our own way of
thinking, even though the past is the past some people are still in belief that white
people, specifically males should have all the power in the hierarchy of the world. The
cause of a lot of hate in this world is thinking one is better than another person based on
religion or cultural views; however the effect of this is separating us even more than we
already are. Howard quotes
At times I can know you and connect with you in such deep commonality that it
may seem as though there is no difference between us as we swim together in the flow
of our human beingness. Yet, at other times, if I am awake and conscious of you in your
full reality, I am pierced by the knowledge of your profound and absolute difference from
me, your impenetrable otherness, which I can never fully know and certainly never be.
And its okay to be different but hes right when he says we should swim together, we
are all one school, one tribe, one mammal, we are humans.
I believe that all students should learn about things that are most important, our
planet; the animals, the plants, general education about emotions and intimacy,
expression through art forms and physical health that keeps your mind healthy as well.
Art therapy is a tool I think every student should experience. I think with all these
fundamental things in life being learned about there is less of a chance that a student
would be left behind or feel excluded. When it comes to academic achievement the gap
could be closed by starting with these subjects to give the children the confidence and
the power they need to succeed. Nel Noddings says First, be clear and unapologetic
about our goal. The main aim of education should be to produce competent, caring,
loving, and lovable people. Stating such an aim does not standardize either the
curriculum or a mode of pedagogy It opens the way to continuous dialogue and debate:
What do we mean by competence? What does it mean to care? What can we (as
parents and teachers) do to develop children who are loving and lovable?....... There is
nothing mushy about caring. It is the strong, resilient backbone of human life. And he is
more than making sense to me. Without caring why would we be teachers in the first
place? As a mother I know I wouldnt want someone to test my child and then base their
academic scores on the way they felt about my sons wellbeing. He could have the
worst test scores in the world and if he is an epithetic and self sufficient member to a
community I am going to be proud of him. As a teacher I will always consider the
interests of my students and base the curriculum on things they want to learn about if at
all possible. I would ensure that diversity is something to be proud of and bring those
children to be aware of the prejudices around them but not to worry because they are
powerful and show them references of people who did overcome the judgments in
As a teacher I want to constantly be learning and be self reflective on the things I
am teaching to my class. For what I am teaching should never be a monoculture viewed
way of explaining something and if it is let the children tell me so, I believe this is easier
with older kids however its even more important for me to be aware of it in the younger
ones because they cannot tell me otherwise. Lastly I will celebrate myself as an
educator and total person. I can, and should, also celebrate every moment I spend in
self-critique, however difficult and painful, because it will make me a better educator.
And that is something to celebrate! which are wise words from Gorski
This class has really had a positive impact on the way I see educations, it has
broadened the opportunities I can have in the classroom while making relationships with
my students and not just using the banking methods. I would like to continue my
education on classisms. It is particularly important to me because especially in
Washington and Oregon, which I am familiar with, I know it has a huge impact on the
education system and facilities that we work in. I want to learn more about how to
positively impact those areas that are in most need and work with those children that
are in the situation that doesnt give them the resources they need to be successful.

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