FEA Question Bank Unit I

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FEA Question Bank

Unit I

Introduction Brief History of FEM, Finite Element Terminology (nodes, elements, domain,
continuum, Degrees of freedom, loads & constraints) General FEM procedure, Applications of FEM
in various fields, P & h formulation, Advantages and disadvantages of FEM. Consistent units system.
Review of Solid Mechanics Stress equilibrium equations, Strain-Displacement equations, Stress-
Strain Temperature Relations, Plane stress, plane strain and axi-symmetric problems, Strain energy,
Total potential energy. Essential and natural boundary conditions Review of Matrix Algebra (Vectors,
Matrices, Symmetric banded matrix, Determinants, Inverses), banded skyline solutions. Introduction
to solvers (Sparse solver, iterative solver, PCG, block Lanczos). Introduction to different approaches
used in FEA such as direct approach, Variational approach, weighted residual, energy approach,
Galerkin and Raleigh Ritz approach.

1 Explain the concept of FEM briefly and outline the procedure.

2 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of FEM over
(i) Classical method
(ii) Finite difference method.
3 Draw a typical three dimensional element and indicate state of stress in their positive senses.
4 State and explain generalized Hookes law.
5 Give strain displacement relations in case of a three dimensional elasticity problem upto
(i) accuracy of linear terms only
(ii) accuracy of quadratic terms.
6 Explain the terms, Anisotropic, Orthotropic and Isotropic as applied to material properties.
7 Give constitutive laws for three dimensional problems of
(i) orthotropic materials
(ii) isotropic materials.
8 Explain the terms Plane stress and Plane strain problems. Give constitutive laws for these
9 Explain the term Axi-symmetric problems and give constitutive law for such problems.
10 Briefly explain various attempts made to reduce memory requirement in storing stiffness
11 Explain the term Skyline Storage Technique.
12 By direct stiffness matrix approach, determine stiffness matrix for
(a) Bar Element
(b) Truss Element
(c) Beam element neglecting axial deformation
(d) Beam element (Frame Element), considering axial deformation also.
13 Write short note on Galerkins method.
14 Show that in elasticity problems Galerkins method turns out to be the principle of virtual work.
15 State and explain the principle of virtual work.
16 State and explain the principle of minimum potential energy.
17 In a plane strain problem, if = 150 N/mm2, = -100 N/mm2, E = 200 KN/mm2and =0.3,
determine the value of stress

20 Write short notes on:
(a) Effect of element aspect ratio on accuracy
(b) Numbering nodes for band width minimization
(c) Mesh refinement vs higher order elements.
21 Discuss the various points to be considered while discretising a structure for finite element
22 Explain Co, C1 and Cr type continuity and its applications

Unit II

Types of 1D element. Displacement function, Global and local coordinate systems, Order of element,
primary and secondary variables, shape functions and its properties. Formulation of elemental
stiffness matrix and load vector for spring, bar, beam, truss and Plane frame. Transformation matrix
for truss and plane frame, Assembly of global stiffness matrix and load vector, Properties of stiffness
matrix, half bandwidth, Boundary conditions elimination method and penalty approach, Symmetric
boundary conditions, Stress calculations.

2 What is meant by displacement function? Write down convergence criteria for Finite Element
3 Using generalized coordinate approach, find shape functions for two noded bar/truss element.
4 By direct stiffness matrix approach, determine stiffness matrix for Truss Element
5 Determine the shape function for a two noded bar element using Cartesian coordinate system
6 Derive the expressions for natural coordinates for a two noded element
(i) In terms of L1 and L2, when range is 0 to 1
7 Write short notes on:
(a) Effect of element aspect ratio on accuracy
(b) Numbering nodes for band width minimization
8 Determine the nodal displacements and element stresses by finite element formulation for the
following figure. Use P=300 k N; A,=0.5 m2; A2=1 m2; E=200 GPa

9 Explain the following terms clearly

(i) Nodes, primary nodes, secondary nodes and internal nodes
(ii) Local coordinates, global coordinates, natural coordinates and area coordinates.
(iii) Higher order elements and lower order elements.
10 Explain the term Shape Functions. Why polynomial terms are preferred for shape functions in
finite element method ?
11 State and explain the convergence requirements of polynomial shape functions.
12 Explain the term geometric isotropy / geometric Invariance. Why polynomial shape functions
should satisfy these requirement ? How do you check a polynomial for this requirement ?
13 Determine the shape function for a two noded bar element using
(i) Cartesian coordinate system
(ii) Local coordinate system ranging from 1 to zero.
(iii) Local coordinate system with range -1 to 1.
14 Differentiate between a bar element and a truss element
15 Explain the elimination method and penalty method of imposing boundary conditions.
on the two methods.
16 In axially loaded cases, how do you find the support reactions after getting required






25 Determine the forces in the members of the truss shown in Fig. 11.22 Take E = 200GPa, A =
2000 mm2.

26 By direct stiffness matrix approach, determine stiffness matrix for Bar Element
27 State and explain the convergence requirements of polynomial shape functions.
28 Explain the method of finding shape function for 8 noded rectangular element to be used for
plane stress/plane strain problems.
29 (i) Explain the principle of RayleighRitz method.
30 Obtain the forces in the plane truss shown in Fig. 11.21 and determine the support reactions
also. Use finite element method. Take E = 200 GPa and A = 2000 mm2.
31 Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of FEM over
(i) Classical method
(ii) Finite difference method.
32 Explain the term Shape Functions. Why polynomial terms are preferred for shape functions in
finite element method?

33 Determine the shape functions for a CST element. Show that they are nothing but area

34 State and explain the principle of minimum potential energy.

35 Determine the nodal displacement, element stresses and support reactions of the axially loaded
as shown in Fig. Take E = 200 GPa and P = 30 kN

36 Calculate displacements and stress in a triangular plate, fixed along one edge and subjected to
concentrated load at its free end. Assume E = 70,000 MPa, t = 10 mm and v = 0.3.

37 Calculate the displacement at the free end of a 50cm long tapered bar of area of cross section
1000 mm2 at its fixed end and 600 mm2 at the free end, subjected to an axial tensile load of
1kN at the free end. Assume E = 200GPa. Using Isoparametric formulation
Unit III

Types of 2D elements, Formulation of elemental stiffness matrix and load vector for Plane
stress/strain such as Linear Strain Rectangle (LSR), Constant Strain Triangles (CST), Pascals triangle
, primary and secondary variables, properties of shape functions. Assembly of global stiffness matrix
and load vector, Boundary conditions, solving for primary variables (displacement), Overview of axi-
symmetric elements

1 Explain the terms

(i) Constant strain triangle (CST)
(ii) Linear strain triangle(LST) and
(iii) Quadratic strain triangles (QST).
2 Explain the term Cr-continuity.

5 Differentiate between the terms lumped loads and consistent loads.

6 Briefly Outline the concept of P and h formulation and how it is used for improving accuracy in
FEA simulations
7 Explain what is meant by Plane Stress and how it is used for conversion of 3D problem in 2D
problem. Give practical examples
8 How Pascal triangle is used to determine a shape function for two-dimensional elements? How
rigid body displacement and constant strain rate is taken into account in these polynomial

Unit IV

Concept of isoparametric elements, Terms Isoparametric, super parametric and subparametric.

Isoparmetric formulation of bar element. Coordinate mapping - Natural coordinates, Area coordinates
(for triangular elements), higher order elements (Lagrangean and serendipity elements). Convergence
requirements- patch test, Uniqueness of mapping - Jacobian matrix. Numerical integration 2 and 3
point Gauss Quadrature, full and reduced integration. Sub-modeling, substructuring.

1 Explain the isoparametric concept in finite element analysis.

2 State and explain the three basic laws on which isoparametric concept is developed.
3 Discuss the convergence criteria for isoparametric elements.
4 Explain the terms isoparametric, subparametric and superparametric elements.
5 Write short notes on
(a) Uniqueness of mapping of isoparametric elements.
(b) Jacobian matrix
(c) Gaussian quadrature integration technique.
6 Explain the isoparametric elements and their advantages.

10 Write down shape function for following

1) Triangular Element
2) Rectangular Element
11 Write short notes on
(a) Uniqueness of mapping of isoparametric elements.
(b) Jacobian matrix
(c) Gaussian quadrature integration technique.
12 State and explain the three basic laws on which isoparametric concept is developed.

13 Discuss the convergence criteria for isoparametric elements.

14 Explain the terms isoparametric, subparametric and superparametric elements.

Unit V

Introduction, Governing differential equation, steady-state heat transfer formulation of 1D element for
conduction and convection problem, boundary conditions and solving for temperature distribution.

1 Write a difference between bar element and heat transfer element. Write down elemental
matrices for conduction element and convection element


Unit VI

Types of dynamic analysis, General dynamic equation of motion, point and distributed mass, lumped
and Consistent mass, Mass matrices formulation of bar and beam element. Undamped-free vibration-
Eigenvalue problem, Evaluation of eigenvalues and eigenvectors (natural frequencies and mode


3 Write down an equation of vibration and compare with static force deflection equation and state
the differences

5 Write down dynamic equation of motion for axial vibration of the bar.
6 Write stiffness and mass matrix for
1) Consistent Mass System
2) Lumped Mass System
7 What is meant by Eigen Values and Eigen Vector and how it is related to Modal analysis of
8 Write down General dynamic equation of motion and explain each terms in detail.

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