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Professional Development sessions attended:

September 9th Kings Landing Historical Settlement

We were exposed to rich history that would be extremely beneficial for
students to take a field trip to have a visual of how people used to live.

September 16th Ducks unlimited

A great organization to bring into your own classroom. We were
exposed to critter dipping which could be a great field trip for students
to see the ecosystem of a marsh.

September 23- Science East

This PD offered another great place to take your future students as
there is hundreds of different activities for them to partake it. We also
got to do our own experiment with sugar and baking soda that could
be used in the classroom to get students inquiring.

September 30th Indigenizing Education

It is extremely important for educators to be knowledgeable in this
area and the PD allowed for us to hear sad but true stories and was
very eye opening.

December 7th Grade 1 team math PD

During this PD we were able to create multiple take away items which I
found very helpful as a new teacher.

January 13th Theory and Practice Student Symposium

During these PD we got to hear from and share stories from practicum
of how we grew as teachers and also worked to problem solve some of
the issues we may have dealt with on our own practicums.

January 20th Mini conference

Partook in writing an effective teaching philosophy statement and
communicating effectively with parents

January 27th - Wetlands Workshop

During the PD we were exposed to centers that would be good for our
classrooms to once again get students inquiring such as how many
pennies in this water before it over flows or trying to get paper clips to
float on the surface of water to identifying different animal skulls. My
favorite aspect of it was the great resource we got to walk away with in
the end to offer many of these great ideas for my future students.

February 17th - The Elephant in the Classroom: Mental Health

This PD was extremely important as mental illness is very predominant
in many students lives these days. Hearing from a mother who lost her
own son was extremely heart breaking and as a future educator is it
important to keep our eyes open and try to notice any sudden changes
in your students or different behaviors.

March 3rd PLC Workshop

We were exposed to topics from shared missions, collaborative teams,
collective inquiry, action orientated, commitment to continuous
improvement and lastly result focused.

April 19th Shared Reading

During the PD 6 different forms of shared reading were modeled along
with lesson plans to incorporate these shared readings in the
classroom more often.

May 5th NBTA Council day

Attended individualized learning through passion and silver linings;
the upside of down

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