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USM MSN Specialty Outcomes Evaluation NURSE ADMINISTRATOR


PRECEPTOR: COL Lyerla, Christina

Circle either Met or Unmet (may use a N/A if not applicable at this evaluation) then provide an example of how the competency was Met or Unmet. If an Unmet is
marked, please notify course faculty as soon as possible.
NURSE ADMINISTRATOR COMPETENCY RATING Example of How Competency Was Met or Unmet
Communication and relationship building Met Unmet This project was based on improving communication. Time was spent during
*Shared decision making (ATTEND A MEETING) Battle Assemblies communicating with Preceptor, Commander, and Platoon
Leader about the outcome of the project.

Knowledge of the healthcare environment Met Unmet The qualitative data reflected that the communication enhanced team
*Outcome measurement building. The medical readiness data found in the Army Medical Protection
*What governing bodies guide your project System (MEDPROS) will improve over time. The quantitative data will reflect
an improvement in the statistical information.
Leadership skills Met Unmet The Theory of Goal Attainment was utilized to create an atmosphere of Soldiers
*Ability to use systems thinking/change theory an leaders working together to improve the metrics. The conference call that
was conducted by the Platoon Leader with 3 out of 4 of the squad leaders.

Professionalism Met Unmet Evidence of improved metrics will be proof that the conference call was
*Evidence-based clinical management practice productive and necessary. The qualitative evidence reflected the attitude an
awareness of the process for the conducting the conference call.

Business skills Met Unmet HR/financial/marketing N/A

*Information management and technology Information and technology utilized to perform the conference call via virtual
*HR, financial, strategic & marketing management technology.

Evaluation Conducted By: Christina Lyerla Date: 201705/27 ______________________________

*If an Unmet is marked, please notify course faculty. All Competencies must be Met on the final evaluation to pass the clinical portion of the course.

Faculty Review:__________________________________________________Date:_______________________________


You may add rows as needed to indicate the subheadings for each competency

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