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June 7th, 2017


Points Needed: 175 pts

25 points each

Doctors Perspective - Write a journal entry from the doctors perspective reflecting on his visit to the Macbeth
house. 10-15 sentences

Malcolms Perspective - Write a journal entry from Malcolms perspective (after he becomes king) reflecting
on the events of the play. 10-15 sentences

Obituary - Write an obituary for either Macbeth or Lady Macbeth. Use a newspaper obituary as a model. 10-15

Eulogy - Write a eulogy (a statement of praise for someones life after theyre dead - often read at funerals and
memorials) for Banquo. Include details about his life that you learned in the play. 10-15 sentences

Quiz - choose 15 words from the play that you do not know (think vocabulary words, not necessarily
Shakespearean words), look up their definitions, and create a quiz. Your quiz should be either matching or
multiple choice. Be sure to include an answer key.

Activity Book - create a wordsearch, a crossword puzzle, a word scramble and a maze. Each of these
items need to be based on Macbeth. You should include names, places, etc. For each of these items a answer
key must be included.

Wanted Poster - create a wanted poster for one of the characters from Macbeth. Your poster should include:
A description of the criminal
A sketch/picture of the criminal
A description of the crime(s) (s)he committed
The area/location in which (s)he is wanted
A description of the reward being offered
Fake contact information for people to report information on the criminal

50 points each

LIterary Devices - Create a poster incorporating 7 literary devices that relate to the play. Be sure each
element is listed and defined. For each literary device you need to incorporate an example from the play and
explain its purpose in the play. LIterary devices can include: metaphor, simile, alliteration, assonance, irony,
imagery, personification, allusion, hyperbole, symbol, foreshadowing
Rap/Poem/Song - Write a rap, poem or song of at least 20 lines about the play - can be about a character,
from his/her perspective, about the plot, a theme, etc. 20-25 lines (1 page) If you perform it in class or record
yourself you can earn 10 extra points towards your total.

News Flash - Find a news story about a person who committed murder in hopes of gaining power or wealth.
Print the story, write a paragraph of summary about the story (7-8 sentences), and write a paragraph to
compare and contrast the story with Macbeths story (also 7-8 sentences). (1- 1 pages)

Trailer- Create a movie trailer for Macbeth. This must be at least 2 mins long. It must summarize the plot to
the play. You are NOT allowed to just splice a premade movie into your own trailer.

Test - create a Macbeth test. You need to include 15 multiple choice, 10 matching, 8 fill in the blank and 2
short answer questions. (35 questions total) Each Act of the play should be covered. This is meant to be a
cumulative test covering the entire play.

100 points each

Board Game - Create a board game for Macbeth. Involve as many characters, places, events and images as
you can. Write a set of rules and create games pieces. This game should be playable-- the directions alone
should be enough to understand how to play it.

Story - You may choose ONE of the following:

Option A: Create a storyboard (with poster board) with at least ten detailed images that tell the story of
Macbeth. Include captions for each the images in a word document.
Option B: Create a childrens book (with poster board) with at least twelve detailed images that tell the
story of Macbeth. Include at least one sentence per page.
Option C: Create a comic book strip (with poster board) with at least fifteen detailed images that tell
the story of Macbeth. Include at least ten dialogue and/or action bubbles.

Movie Clip - GROUP OPTION (GROUPS MAY BE 2-4 MEMBERS) You must select a portion of Macbeth and
act it out. You need to include the original Shakespearean language as the dialogue. You may modernize
the scene and create your own interpretation.
If your group has 2 members your video must be at least 7 mins long.
If your group has 3 members your video must be at least 9 mins long.
If your group has 4 people your video must be at least 11 mins long.

Map - On a poster, draw and illustrate a map of Scotland, England, and Ireland. Scotland should be the main
focus of your map. You must include key places from the play (Dunsinane, Inverness, Fife, Scone, Birnam
Wood, etc). You must include 7 locations with an image representing it. For each location, write a 5 sentence
explanation of the action that took place there (These can be on the back of your poster). Your map must be
colored as well.



I suggest you shoot for 200 pts so you have a 25 point cushion.

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