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One of the most shocking cases of reincarnation, is that of Pollock

twins. A May 5, 1957, in Whithley-Bay, England. It was Sunday and
people were heading hurried to the church. Two little girls Pollock,
Joanna and Jacqueline family, eleven and six years respectively, went
ahead to reach place.
While giving back to the street corner, the carriage ran over and
dismembered. The girls died instantly. John and Florence Pollock
received the news and their hearts were destroyed. Sobrepondran
seemed not to this tragedy, were devastated and heartbroken. But
after a few months the couple discovered she was pregnant again two
twins who were born on October 4, 1958.
With ten minutes apart, Gillian and Jennifer became the new longing
for the family. However, when they were three years and began to
speak, his parents noticed a strange phenomenon: the girls were able
to reminisce of those who died on May 5.
They knew their home and to the common people. The same habits
and customs, the way they talked and protected the one to the other.
One appeared to be larger, the other accepted the guide no problem.
Gillian remembered the life of his sister Joanna, died at age eleven,
while that of Jacqueline Jennifer six. Toys identified the other two girls
and wrists were called Joanna and Jacqueline had given them.
Automatically they recognized what was in each.
Strangely, girls also had marks on the body matched those of her
sisters; Jennifer had marks on her nose (Jacqueline, who had died, had
a few stitches by a blow on the face three years). Gillian had a mole on
the left side of the waist (Joanna was the only family also did).
On one occasion, they heard their parents talk about the accident,
describing the sensations, like the memory of blood spurting from his
The twins had an extreme phobia of vehicles, but when they turned
five years left to experience these strange behaviors. The same age at
which scientists say is the limit to remember past lives. The case
resulted in the publication of the book "European Cases of the
Reincarnation Type" by: Ian Stevenson, along with other cases.

This is the story of Mccarthy, better known as the best ventriloquist in

the world at the time, no one could look into his eyes tight to her doll,
as it had a chilling look not aguantabas stare, here's why your ability to
to convince:
The year was 1920 and a new kind of show began to be born in the
southern United States. A spectacle in which acted a ventriloquist that
soon became very famous. Was Mccarthy, a ventriloquist whose act
was simple, but captivated everyone who testified, the act was simple
because it made use of only one character throughout the show:
Edgar, a doll depicting a chubby boy between 9 and 10 years old, but
with very strange features that made it impossible not to look, his
hands too real, its very expressive mouth, very different from a stuffed
usual ventriloquist stature, Edgar was taller and his eyes, although
they were those of a wooden doll, reflecting a vacuum that made it
difficult to keep a glance without looking down or divert to another site.
He never let someone approached Edgar, not even being stared closely
and nobody knew why. As it was a new show everyone was amazed at
how real it looked, as to the man to talk to a doll without noticing his
lips move.
Many people thought it was witchcraft (a popular belief that time) or
something like that so many parents forbade children watch the show
and was a man loved and hated by many, especially by other artists
who felt his works were threatened by the success that this new act
was having.
One night was found in her dressing room with a broken neck, he never
knew who it was, but it is not difficult to suspect it was someone who
saw it as competition because they had received several threats.
On one side was a closed black briefcase, police found the doll to open
Edgar, than to have chills to the same police ...
In examining the doll closely they realized it was a real boy, or at least
the body of a real boy with a horrible latex mask that covered his little
pale face and a very strong odor chemicals used to preserve the body.
Never able to identify the identity of the child and the case remained a

The man who tried to save Lincoln.

The assassination of Abraham Lincoln took place on April 14, 1865 in
Washington D. C., when the American Civil War came to an end. While
initially it survived the shooting wounds were so serious that died the
next day.
The attack was planned and carried out by actor and Confederate
sympathizer John Wilkes Booth cause, as part of a larger conspiracy to
gather the remaining Confederate troops to keep fighting
Although many already knew exactly what happened when Abraham
Lincoln was assassinated, and also knew the name of the murderer,
little is known about the man who tried to save the president. Henry
Rathbone was there with his wife when he failed in his mission: could
not save Lincoln and this changed his life radically.
Rathbone never recovered mentally from the situation, that made him
hallucinate with the scene and left him paranoid. Tormented so many
years that finally ended affect him too much and lose consciousness
until you reach the madness, tried to kill her three children 18 years
later that episode. When his wife stopped him, he stabbed her and
then attempted suicide. When police found him, the man kept
repeating that there were people hiding behind pictures.
He lived the rest of his life in a nursing home, convinced someone was
trying to poison him through the walls.
One of the most 'touching' stories related disorder necrophilia, is the
American doctor Carl Von Cosel, who in 1931 developed an obsession
with Maria Elena de Hoyos, 22, one of his patients in Florida, who He
was by tubercolisis.
Profudamente in love with the girl, after his death the family requested
permission to build him a mausoleum in which he visited every night
and his body preserved in formaldehyde. For 1933 he moved the body
to his house, he got into bed and filled a wardrobe to dress her.
The worms that were already taking over the body, he threw them in
her garden because neither were encouraged to kill them. The fertilizer
that was generated used it to nourish several roses.
Elena's sister discovered the theft of the body 7 years later, he went to
the house of Von Cosel and found the body lying on the bed with a
ceramic mask covering her face: the bones were united with piano
strings, your skin was treated with wax, his eyes were glass and was
strictly scented to disguise the smell of putrefaction.
REGINA WALTERS, before being killed.
Regina Kay Walters, an American student of 14 years and her boyfriend
were reported missing in the State of Texas, in the United States,
February 4, 1990.
Her captor, a psychopath named Robert Ben Rhoades, used to move
around the country as a driver of a 18-wheeler. Which, it was equipped
with a torture chamber in the back.
Later, after being accused by a woman of having physically abused,
she was performed a search of his home.
Effective found among their belongings cruel photography, which is
observed to Regina Kay Walters (mentioned above), with scary face,
wearing different clothes to wearing, his arms in defense and his hair
Robert Ben Rhoades when questioned, confessed to shooting moments
before torturing, raping her and finally kill her.
Robert Rhoades, pleaded guilty in the death of Regina and three more
people. Her boyfriend's body was never found. He received two life
sentences on conviction in 1992.
Currently he is serving his sentence in a federal prison in Texas.
Undoubtedly, one of the most wrenching photographs of the story.
"The most beautiful Suicide". They have to know this
Evelyn McHale was a young woman who unfortunately is remembered
for an extremely tragic event: his suicide. McHale, born in 1924, took
his own life with just 23 years, but particularly appropriate is the way it
was his body after being thrown from the 86th floor of the Empire State
Building in New York.
On May 1, 1947, Evelyn bought a ticket to climb to the viewpoint of the
famous skyscraper. According to witnesses, she did not show at any
time any alarming signal; however, once up, he just jumped.
She fell on a limousine that was parked outside the building and this is
where comes the curious. Evelyn seemed to have landed very softly in
the car, did not have a scratch on his face and seemed at peace, in
fact, it seemed as if instead of dead was asleep.
Although the roof of the limo was completely destroyed by the strong
impact, Evelyn seemed quiet and asleep. His feet were crossed with his
left hand and held his collar. All witnesses were shocked to realize that
she had not suffered any obvious physical damage, and it would be
expected as a result from the height jumped a broken body.
Four minutes after impact, the photographer Robert Wiles, captured
the image of the young man who had lost his life. The man was
surprised by the serenity Evelyn's face, that had no injury to the eye
and also the position of the body, which arguably was almost artistic.
The image was published days after Life magazine under the title: "The
most beautiful Suicide".
Evelyn's fiance said the day before the tragic event had seen and all
seemed well. Neither his family nor his friends could imagine the
reason for that decision; however, police found the shelter of the girl in
the viewing platform and in the same pocket a note that read:
"He's better off without me ... I'll never be A GOOD WIFE FOR ANYONE"


Gacy used to "hunt" their young victims in areas -usually in Bughouse

Square homosexual encounters a sleazy and decadent area where
prostitutes offered their services-or among their employees. With your
consent or habindolos left unconscious by using chloroform, he led
them to his house, where bound, raped and tortured.
He spent some time in the torture of the young, apresndolos in a sort
of cudgel made by himself and asfixindoles to unconsciousness, to
wait to return itself and start again. Finally he killed them and got rid of
burying corpses in the garden of his house or throwing them in the Des
Plaines River.
In March 1978, Jeff Rignall wandered down the street when Gacy, riding
his Oldsmobile, stopped to make conversation and offer few puffs of
marijuana. To seem a kind man, Rignall agreed to get in the car, but
before he could react, Gacy had already left him unconscious with
chloroform. Returning itself, the young man was in John's house, tied
and being sodomized with various dildos and a fireplace poker.
When he got tired of it, Gacy left him lying in a field of Lincoln Park.
Fortunately, Rignall got the strength to return to his girlfriend's house.
Was hospitalized and suffered permanent kidney damage because of
the large amount of chloroform was applied Gacy: after each
penetration, it left him unconscious with that substance and, when he
returned itself, Rignall was in a new position and listening to what John
said he was about to make. Although Jeff Rignall denounced what
happened, the police ignored him.
Robert Donnelly, University of 19, was another victim of Gacy who
survived. After humiliating him and rape him, John spent all night
making believe Donnelly would kill him, first playing with it Russian
roulette with what proved to be a bullet warmup and then drowning
him in the bathtub again and again until they ran out awareness.
Finally, Gacy left the young released.
Although Robert Donnelly also filed a complaint this time was the
prosecutor who declined to proceed with the lawsuit because he
believed it was not a credible witness: I used to stutter and was in
psychiatric treatment for the trauma caused by the attack of Gacy
while this was a man respected and loved by the community.


On the morning of November 14, 1974, Amityville, small resort town
nestled in Long Island (New York State), dawned shaken by the
gruesome news of the cold-blooded murder of six members of a family.
At 03:15 hours of the morning, the young Ronald DeFeo of
twenty-three years old, provided with a Martin 35 gauge shotgun, had
massacred as they slept, all members of his family (father, mother, two
brothers and two sisters), inside his own home nestled in the number
112 Ocean Avenue.
According to the official report of the investigations: "The crimes had
some peculiarities which indicated only explicable sadistic traits in a
diseased mind. The family had been drugged on the eve, which
ensured the murderer deep sleep of their victims. Everyone slept face
down, with their heads resting on folded arms. All had been shot with
an extremely powerful weapon in the back, except the mother, who
was shot in the head. "
Although his defense lawyer claimed mental illness, Ronald DeFeo was
convicted of premeditated murder and sentenced to twenty years in
prison for each of its horrific murders. But the story does not end here
Amityville house. Had not yet been stilled the echoes of the brutal
killings, when launched gears another story that appeared in the
mainstream media of half the world, and would be known as The 28
nights of terror in Amityville. This history, was captured in 1977 by the
American writer Jay Anson, in his novel The Amityville Horror: A True
Story (The Amityville Horror: A True Story), which reached bestseller.
Two years later (1979), directed by Stuart Rossenberg, the novel was
made into a film with the title of The Amityville Horror, raising more
than eighty million dollars.


No one could have imagined that this beloved grandfather more than
65 years of gaunt, shrunken and tired body, hair and gray mustache,
shy eyes could hide a personality like revealing his psychiatric report:
sadism, masochism, castration and castration, exhibitionism,
voyeurism, pedophilia, homosexuality, coprofagia, fetishism,
cannibalism and hiperhedonismo.
Fish born in 1870. In his family there are numerous history of mental
disturbance, beginning with his mother who hears voices from the
street and has hallucinations, two uncles interned in a mental hospital,
a demented sister, an alcoholic brother, etc.
From his childhood he was attracted to sadomasochism, sports
inflicting pain to others and especially to himself. Follow care crime
articles in the press, and collect especially those of cannibalistic
murderers in series, with whom he feels identified.
At twenty maintains homosexual and homosexual prostitution
exercised in Washington, where a child rapes and kills his first victim.
Masochistic punishment mutilating himself, rubbing his naked body
rose with thorns, needles sinking sailor in the pelvis and genitals
Officially, he was arrested eight times: first by attempted fraud, then
by theft, by payment checks, by obscene ads matchmakers newspaper
It admitted three times in a psychiatric hospital, leaving out soon after
considering each time that is not dangerous or is crazy but simply
suffers a psychopathic personality of a sexual nature.
Despite all these crimes, the NYPD would take no less than six years to
frame him for murder.
Albert Fish was captured by police on December 13, 1935, it achieved
through a letter of Fish sent to the mother of the victim who had
kidnapped, where he tells his hobbies by cannibalism and how it was
decided to try human flesh for the first time with the body of her

ED GEIN - El carnicero de Plainfield.

Saturday morning November 16, 1957, Ed Gein murdered the owner of

the hardware store people, Bernice Worden, shooting a bullet with his
old hunting rifle .22 Also this time the body was in the van, leaving the
soil waterlogged local blood. But this time, there would be a witness ...
the ledger. In his last entry, containing the name of Ed Gein, who would
have sold his last antifreeze.
Two police officers arrested Gein, while two others were immediately
directed towards his farm with the intention of carrying out a record.
Passing inside, the sheriff felt something brush her shoulder, and
turning ran into a woman's decapitated body with a deep hole in the
stomach hanging from the ceiling.
After recovering from the shock horror they had witnessed, and after
radio for help, the two men returned to the house.
The corpse hung from a hook by the ankle and with a wire he had held
the other foot to a pulley. They had cracked the body from the chest to
the base of the abdomen, and the guts glistened as if they had been
washed and cleaned.
There was no doubt that the cause of the terrifying spectacle was a
sick person. It was hard to believe that a human being could live there.
Everywhere mountains of garbage and waste, cardboard boxes, empty
cans, rusty tools, droppings, pornographic magazines, horror and
human anatomy, gum stuck into the cups and a denture on the
tablecloth looked ...
Later, as more patrol cars arrived, it was discovered inside the house
all the horror that lurked there. There were several skulls strewn about
the kitchen, some intact and others cut in half and used as bowls.
A closer inspection revealed that one of the kitchen chairs was made
with human skin, such as lampshades, paper, covers knives and even a
garment such as a vest or belt formed with nipples humans.
Among the most egregious findings, some boxes were found with
human remains belonging to different unidentified bodies, the heart
and severed head of Bernice Worden in a plastic bag, a collection of
nine masks of human skin with intact hair, which four hung on the wall
that surrounded the bed Gein, etc.
There was decorated inside his wooden house with those masks made
with strips of skin from genuine human faces and skulls hanging from
the columns of his bed.

El asesino que te podra enamorar

Bundy was 27 when evil overtook him. Just a few days of their first
crime against Joni, again breaking into the room of a student of
psychology, called Lynda Ann. He hit her and kidnapped her out of her
dorm, and nothing is it known until a year later, when his remains were
Modus Operandi
Ted strategy developed to lure their victims was to become weak.
Usually, he is carrying many books with a false arm in a cast and asked
for help girls and then abduct them. Also he pretended to have trouble
starting your car Volkswagen and when women came to lend a hand,
he's beaten and kidnapped.
The modus operandi of Ted Bundy inspired a scene from the movie
"The Silence of the Lambs".
elusive murderer
Ted Bundy was able to evade police tracks skillfully. It was gifted to
change its image as transformed her hairstyle, hair color, mustache,
beard and what was needed. It seemed his killing spree would continue
for many more months, but the sociopathic made a mistake.
Bundy her guard down on November 8, 1974 while trying to kidnap
Carol DaRonch. He approached her dress police and saying that they
had tried to steal his car. Ted invited her up to his vehicle to go to the
head and make a report, but on the way threatened her with a gun and
handcuffed her a doll. Cleverly, the girl managed to escape before Ted
wives ensure the vehicle, a police car stopped and picked up a report
at the police station.
Thanks to the testimony of Carol finally a word picture of the murderer
and a blood sample was obtained Ted due to wrangling between him
and his victim he had failed. However, that night the murderer
kidnapped and killed Debby Kent.
Bundy continued assassinating though he was wanted fiercely and his
portrait spoken on television was broadcast nationwide. One of his
former girlfriends, Meg Anderson, anonymously identified him as
Theodore "Ted" Bundy Robert Cowell.
The murderer became more reckless and made rookie mistakes that
would cost being caught by the police. On August 16, 1975 an officer
stopped his Volkswagen for a review of tuition and Ted showed a
nervousness that alerted the authorities.

Photographs of a victim of spontaneous human

It is a phenomenon where a person's body burns completely without
exposure to external heat sources, or the fire starts inside the body,
the reasons still were not well discovered but it is believed that people
with high levels of fat have more likely to suffer spontaneous
combustion. The belief in the phenomenon is based on some cases in
which found the cremated remains of the body of a victim in
circumstances where it can not easily determine the cause of
In most cases, victims have been found completely reduced to ashes in
your home, although the room and the objects around them have little
or no damage caused by fire. Sometimes the fire has completely
consumed most of the body except for some parts, leaving the
wreckage bone fragments and even feet or arms.
The state of the remains of these people is very different from the
commonly they found the remains of victims of domestic fires, whose
bodies are not reduen to ashes but remain full, while presenting even
charred and tissues.
Haunted Bride
September 16, 2014 Tales of Ghosts No comments
Antonio took many years looking for a girl to marry and spend the rest
of his life, a girlfriend who was simple and good, but both had their
character and of course it was organized. Over the years, the fact is he
did not have good luck in this sense, and in a moment it seemed that
was going to give up and choose to remain single for the rest of his life.
But suddenly, during one of our trips he met a very nice although with
somewhat strange forms girl, but belonging to a remote village and not
having traveled in his life, thought maybe it was because
No entres a la habitacin
The fact is that since childhood our grandmother always told us not
entrsemos to one of the rooms of your house, waiting behind the door
vengeful spirits that would end the life of anyone who dared venture

But the years went by, and although still being adults still had some
fear that room one afternoon my brother I decided it was time to go in
and find out what was really our grandmother hid behind those walls.

My brother was always braver than I, and therefore decided to take the
first step and open the door, which was completely barricaded, as if
the wood had been attached to the frame and had it completely
Besides, several padlocks were much more difficult to access because
the keys were not anywhere.

Finally, with great effort, we managed to tear down the rickety wooden
door small, but still I did not dare to enter because he was still keeping
the fear instilled in us our grandmother, but my brother braved it and
went the other way.

For a few minutes I kept hearing his voice, but gradually noticed that
too away, something that was impossible just because the room was
about 30 sqm, so it was illogical that had traveled such a great
That's the last time I saw my brother, and never dare to find out what

Cuida a mi beb
The procedures were quite lengthy and expensive, but finally we were
lucky to get a baby with just one year he was also smiling at all times,
something that attracted us a lot about him and made us realize that it
really was the child we had always wanted scampering home.
The first few weeks were fantastic, as the small well behaved and just
cried at some point, and if he did, after a minute was silent and was
smiling again.
Never knew the origin of this small, because for some reason nobody
wanted us to reveal, but deep down we not worried too, because our
goal was to be happy with him and start a new life from scratch.
But the months went by and every time surprised us more than ever
needed us for anything, it was as if it were completely independent,
which was comfortable but could only escamarnos.
When I began to mourn at night, the body filled me with chills at the
time when suddenly stopped her tears and began to laugh incessantly,
as if we ourselves did carantoas.
Sometimes he went to his room but there was nothing that could
justify this behavior, until one night decided to approach noiselessly,
and what was our surprise at the moment we opened the door and we
could see the figure of a woman in a white and semi-transparent color
he is sitting next to baby watching over him and stroking him.

At the same moment he turned to us and when we saw disappeared

never to see her again, although I must say that 20 years later I'm still
feeling his presence.
Csate conmigo
Lucia was a very love with her boyfriend wife accompanied him
everywhere, loved to always be at his side, they took 5 years together,
longed to live with him, make a family with him, having many children,
a nice house, he wanted the perfect life with him. One day her
boyfriend invited her to dinner, it was a very luxurious very romantic
dinner, a splendid restaurant, delicious food and excellent service,
before finishing his evening, he knelt before her and proposed to her,
without hesitation and without Lucia waver accepted, it was what he
wanted most and finally became a reality.
Brenda's friend Lucia told him she would help you in all your wedding
preparations, I did not know is that actually Brenda had more than
friendship with her fiance, the cheated without knowing, had a
relationship in secret, one day when Lucia he wanted to surprise her
boyfriend to go home without his knowing, saw them together, so
disappointed that I did not know what to do, her boyfriend realizing
asked forgiveness a thousand times but she did not agree, sunken in
sorrow committed suicide, but before swore revenge on him.

Time passed and began a formal relationship with Brenda's friend his
fiancee dead, but one day without explanation or warning, she did the
same as his old friend, something in his head told him to do so
committed suicide, he did not understand why they spent more years
peo the result of each relationship was the same, heard voices in his
head that told him he would never be happy, that his fate was the
same for him and for all people who want share a life with someone so
despicable to him, and it was one night, after years of listening to the
voices in her head, her end was the same as theirs.

El pueblo de la mujer Hermosa

There once was a very beautiful woman, had many friends and was
very happy, one day met a very handsome man, she thought it was
the perfect man, with whom he wanted to marry, and so, they married
as soon as they could, despite knowing so little, they thought it would
last forever, their marriage went as quickly as it came, things were not
as they thought, and her husband was not as she thought, could never
be understood, so they decided to separate.
Lucia, the beautiful woman, was very sad, because she really believed
it would work, but it was not, do not know what to do, really wanted to
change things, make something different, start again, and he did,
decided to move to another city, find a new job and meet new people.
He found a job a few minutes from a small town that he decided to
move because his great great grandfather had lived in it. Upon arrival
he found a family much like his deceased person, the people there
were very quiet and just book, so do not talk to anyone. All day I went
to work and always came too late, she thought she did not know
anyone because I was never at home to go to work. Surprisingly
despite being a few minutes from town, nobody seemed to know his
work and him, said there was no nearby village, let alone a few
minutes there, but Lucia knew so, because she lived there.
It took 10 years and still had no friends there, only knew his coworkers,
one day decided to go for a walk through the village and noticed
something strange, the townspeople had also left, all they seemed to
be exactly the same, as if those ten years never had passed, he came
away realized that the children did not grow and the elderly did not die
at that moment he realized why no one knew the people, was a ghost
town and really the person who knew itself was his great great

El secreto de la Bruja del pueblo

Many years ago there lived a beautiful woman in a remote village, for
some strange reason, she lived alone and did not talk to anyone in the
village, one day, a young man came to town, did not plan to stay, just
spend the night there because it was very late and could not continue
driving on such a dark road, the young traveler spent the night in a
small hotel at dawn, decided to go to breakfast before embarking on
their journey again and leaving the hotel saw her, the most beautiful
woman who had seen his eyes, he had to know his name, then he
approached her and asked him, -Santana- she said, santana, that was
the name of the woman, despite being I decide to continue their
journey, young traveler could not, he chose to stay in this remote
village. Every day he saw her and spoke to her, she doted.
After a few months, convinced her to live together, it was really love
what he felt for her, the only thing that was not explained was like a
woman like she had no friends or suitors, but did not care, even did not
mind criticism of the townspeople, since the longer he loved.
One night Santana woke up, thinking he was asleep, went to his secret
room and began to cast a spell, he got rid of his suit and there was
only an ugly, old and wrinkled nose woman, he followed her without
her noticing when she noticed that he was right behind her, she
wanted to bewitch, a witch! Santana was a witch !, his red eyes were
evil, -first let you go dead before she said, he in his attempt to escape
cut off the legs and fled and the people, it is said that he has seen her
crawling at night around the village looking for him.

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