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Guidelines for Marking Section B(ii)


Well crafted paragraphs contribute to control of
text, e.g. clear, logical links between paragraphs.
Use of a variety of sentence structures with hardly
any errors.
(DS) 11-12
Range of punctuation is used accurately to give
Vocabulary is used effectively to convey purpose /
Paragraphs are used to link the texts.
Use of a variety of sentence structures with hardly
any errors.
(EX) 8-10
Range of punctuation is used almost accurate.
Vocabulary is used almost effectively to convey
purpose / opinion.
Paragraphs are sometimes used sequence ideas.
GOOD Use of a variety of sentence structures with some
(GD) errors. 5-7
C Most sentences are correctly demarcated.
Vocabulary is used correctly.
Some attempts to sequence ideas logically.
Use of simple sentences but with some errors.
(ST) 3-4
Punctuation is mostly accurate.
Simple vocabulary is used.
Reader is given basic information.
Sentences have meaning.
Sentences are sometimes demarcated by capital
LIMITED letters and full stops.
(LT) Attempts are made to use vocabulary in a very limited 1-2
E range.
Some elements of text type can be seen.
Ideas are grouped together although paragraphs may
not be shown.
Guidelines for Marking Section C
The language is accurate with varied and
sophisticated sentence structures.
Ideas are well planned to sustain the interest of the
(DS) Well crafted paragraphs contributing to control of 22-25
A text, e.g. clear, logical links between paragraphs.
Range of punctuation used is entirely accurate.
Vocabulary is used effectively to create strong image.
Spelling is accurate.
The language is generally accurate with sentences
showing some variations.
Ideas are almost well planned to sustain the interest
of the reader.
EXCELLENT Paragraphs are used to help structure the text with
(EX) some evidence of appropriate links between 16-21
B paragraphs.
Range of punctuation used is almost always accurate.
Vocabulary is used almost effectively to create
strong image.
Spelling is almost accurate.
The language is sufficiently accurate with some
simple sentences.
Ideas are generally well planned to sustain the
interest of the reader.
GOOD Paragraphs are generally used to help structure the
(GD) text with some evidence of appropriate links between 10-15
C paragraphs.
Range of punctuation used is generally accurate.
Some evidence of accurate choice if vocabulary is
Spelling is generally accurate.
SATISFACTORY Meaning is clear but with frequent errors in simple 5-9
(ST) sentences.
D Some attempts are made to sequence the ideas
Some attempts are made to put the text in
Some punctuations used are accurate.
Attempts are made to use vocabulary in a very limited
Correct spelling of high frequency words s used.
Paragraphing is shown.
Sentences are sometimes demarcated by capital
LIMITED letters and full stops.
(LT) Heavy frequency of serious errors / structural error, 1-4
E impeding the reading in many places.
Correct spelling of high frequency words is used.
Chunkings of ideas.

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