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Ratio lesson 1

Name: Marie Crutcher Date:

Curriculum/Course: Mathematics Grade level: 6
Mock blue and red paint
Unifix cubes
Time/Period: 60 min Red and blue markers
Ratio matching
Todays learning assessment

Understand the concept of a ratio and use ratio language to describe a ratio relationship between two quantities. For
example, "The ratio of wings to beaks in the bird house at the zoo was 2:1, because for every 2 wings there was 1
beak." "For every vote candidate A received, candidate C received nearly three votes."

Objectives (I can statement):

I can build ratio models
I can write ratios in three ways
I can explain a ratio in words when comparing two quanties

Assessment (Formative, Summative):

Class discussion

Purple paint activity
I will start the class by telling students that today we are going to make the perfect color of purple paint. In the
front of the class there will be two containers, one will hold mock (food coloring in water) blue paint and one
with mock red paint. Using a measuring cup, I will two cups of blue paint and three cups of red paint and put
them into a third container. I will say, perfect purple paint is made by taking 2 cups of blue paint and 3 cups
of red paint and when you put them together it makes 1 batch of perfect purple paint.
The students will have unifix cubes at their table groups. Using no paper, no writing, I will ask them to take
those blocks and think about how they could model 2 cups blue and 3 cups red but make 20 cups of purple
paint. I would like them to create as many models as they can, as a group, to show me their thinking. Telling
them that they need to make models that represent how much red and how much blue is needed for 20 cups of
perfect purple paint.
I will be filtering through the room listening to the students thinking. After about 10 min. I will ask a student
that I believe has a good understanding of the concept to explain what their model shows and if they can
explain how they got to twenty cups. In a perfect scenario the students model would show 4 groups of 5 or 1
group of 8 and 1 group of 12.
On the board I would use a T-chart demonstrate the students answer
Draw T-chart on the board:
blue___ ____Red___
2 3 group 1- 5
2 3 group 2 -5
2 3 group 3- 5
2 3 group 4- 5
8 12 20
Steps in the lesson:
Move into teaching the concept of ratios:
Students, today was our first introduction to ratios. A ratio is a comparison of two
quantities (write this definition on the board). Also, a ratio can be written in 3 ways.
Showing this on the board, write a ratio using words a to b; you can write it using a
colon a:b; or you can write it as a fraction a/b. Lets look at the ratio of blue paint to red
paint in our perfect purple paint recipe. Perfect purple paint has a ratio of 2:3 blue to
red paint. This means that for every 2 cups of blue there are 3 cups of red.
The order in which you write a ratio is also important to the meaning. When working
with ratios the first part of the ratio spoken or read is the first part of the ratio written.
(using blue and red markers write the ratios in different orders according to how they
are said) I said blue paint first so I write 2 first. There is a 2:3 ratio. If I would have said
that purple paint has a ratio of 3 red to 2 blue, I would have to write the 3 first, a 3:2
At this point take and pass out the matching activity that students will do in their
groups. Tell the students that there are cards with words and they need to match the
word cards to the ratio cards with numbers.
After giving students 10 min. of work time on this matching, we come back together as
whole group and discuss how the students determined which two cards belonged

Closure Activity/Wrap up: This may be in the form of independent practice, a chance to share, or
explicit restatement of the goals of the lesson.
On the board, I will have a ratio example working together we preform the 4 ratio

Last summer I grew tomatoes in my garden. 1 tomato plant grew 6 tomatoes. If the
ratio for every tomato plant stayed the same my plant to tomato ratio would be
____ :_____?

Model Write Meaning Write differently

For every one
1:6 plant, there are 1 to 6
six tomatoes

Assessment (Formative)
The part-to-whole concept of ratios will not be explicitly taught during the presentation though it addressed in
their independent work. The purpose of this is to gage the students understanding of comparing two quantities.
Have students do the what I learned today: come up with three ratios on your own, answer ratio questions, and
model, explain and write ratio in 1 of the 3 ways.

School Improvement Strategies:


What will I differentiate? Content Process Product

How will I differentiate? For readiness By interest Learning profiles Ability level
Specific Student / Group:

The classroom has predetermined mixed groups that vary in ability.


Specific Student /Group:

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