Flame Cutting Practice:: Jobs 7-J1-J3

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Flame Cutting Practice:

Jobs 7-J1J3

To be a successful skilled craftsperson, a welder must be Chapter Objectives

able to perform manual flame cutting (oxyfuel cutting),
Fig. 7-1. A number of flame cutting procedures are com-
After completing this chapter, you will be able to:
monly used in the preparation and treatment of metal in
a wide variety of industries. The process is used in such 7-1 Describe flame cutting principles.
different industries as multiple-piece production in manu- 7-2 Identify OFC techniques.
facturing, shipbuilding, steel production, construction, 7-3 Perform visual inspection of oxyfuel cuts.
scrapping and salvage, and for rescue work by police and 7-4 Describe OFC equipment set up and take down.
fire departments.
7-5 Perform troubleshooting of cut quality.
It is important that welding students learn the art of
flame cutting before they are introduced to the various 7-6 Perform straight line and curve square cuts as well as
bevel cuts on a variety of shapes.
electric welding processes. Much of the material used for
electric welding is heavier than that used for gas weld-
ing practice, and edge preparation becomes a problem. In
those schools that do not have stocks of prepared mate-
rial available or mechanized-cutting equipment to prepare
plates, the students must be able to cut so that they can
prepare their own material in the shortest possible time
with the least waste.
In many cases, however, the training program may be
such that students do not need any knowledge of cutting.
The purpose of the training may be to train welders for
certain production jobs that require limited skill. If this
is true, the instructor may ask you to begin with the arc
welding course.

flows or is blown away, exposing more metal to the
action of the oxygen. In order to keep this action
going, it is necessary to supply heat to the point of
cutting from an external source.
The function of the cutting torch, Fig. 7-2, is
to provide a flame to heat the metal to a red heat,
to maintain that heat, and to direct a stream of
oxygen on the heated point of cutting. Always
keep in mind that the high-pressure oxygen jet
does the cutting. Practically all trouble in cut-
ting is caused by the cutting tip becoming burred
or obstructed by small particles of molten dross
adhering to it. An unobstructed, cylindrical jet
of oxygen always produces a smooth cut. Any
obstruction, either in the bore or at the end of
the tip, retards the speed of the cut and produces
Fig. 7-1 These young welders are being observed by their instructor as a rough cut. With the torch on and the pressure
to the proper procedure for cutting a bevel on a flat bar. A track type cutting at the proper setting, a clean cutting tip should
machine is being used. Note the PPE being used. Hill Street
sound like ripping paper when the torch handle
Studios/Blend Images/Getty Images
is pressed down.

Since most oxyfuel cutting (OFC) that a welder will be Vertical Cutting Progressions Position the material to be
called upon to do in industry will be with straight carbon cut in a vertical position and then work from the bottom
steel, the emphasis in this chapter will be on steel. It is to the top. Use gravity to help remove the molten material.
important, however, for the skilled welder to know about
the wider applications of OFC and to understand basic Flame Cutting Effects on Steel
principles and techniques. For many years after the development of the oxyacetylene
cutting process, steel fabricators were reluctant to use the
Review of Flame Cutting Principles process in the preparation of metals for welding. They felt
that harmful metallurgical changes took place on the sur-
The cutting of metals by the oxyacetylene, oxyhydrogen, face of the cut, that surface cracking occurred, and that
and oxyfuel gas processes is based on the fact that all
metals oxidize to a greater or lesser degree, depending
upon the physical conditions around them. Wrought iron Seating Surfaces
High Purity Oxygen
and steel oxidize quite rapidly, even under ordinary at- for Cutting
mospheric conditions. When oxidation occurs in the air
around us, it is called rusting and can readily be recog-
nized by the oxide that forms on the metal. Rusting is, of
course, a slow process, but it illustrates the tendency of
ferrous metals to combine with oxygen. Mixed Gases for
After iron or steel is heated to a red heat and cooled, it Preheat Flames
is covered with a thick scale. These metals oxidize more
rapidly when hot than when cold. If the temperature of the Tip Nut
steel is raised even higher to a white heat and a stream of
pure oxygen is directed against the white hot spot, it burns Tip
rapidly. This can be demonstrated in the shop by taking a
thin piece of steel wire and heating it to a red heat and then Cutting Oxygen
submerging it in a vessel containing oxygen. The heated
Preheating Flame Ports
end will immediately burst into flame and burn vigorously
until the wire is burned away or the oxygen is consumed. Fig. 7-2 An oxyfuel cutting torch is designed to supply mixed
The reaction between oxygen and iron causes a consid- gases for the heating flames and a stream of high purity oxygen to
erable amount of heat. It forms a molten oxide (dross) that do the actual cutting.

Flame Cutting Practice: Jobs 7-J1J3 Chapter 7179

locked-up stresses were present. Engineering investiga-
tion has proved that the oxyacetylene-cut edge is superior
to that of some mechanical procedures which, because of J OB T IP
violent contact, damage the plate edge.
Care must be exercised in flame cutting steels with high Education
carbon content or alloy content that have air-hardening Make the most of your education. Use this
properties. When cut, these steels have a tendency for textbook as a tool to gain understanding. Each chapter
hardened zones and cracking along the edge of the cut. begins with a list of the objectives. Scan the chapter be-
They can be successfully flame cut by preheating, posthe- fore reading to note the major headings. After reading the
chapter, use the review questions to check your under-
ating, or both. The cut should be allowed to cool slowly.
standing. Go back to reread the major headings; could
When applied to large areas, the cutting procedure pro- you explain to someone what each section was about?
duces a certain amount of expansion and contraction that When you do your reading assignments, you will feel pre-
may cause distortion if it is not controlled. This problem pared for class.
is not as serious as in welding, and the usual techniques
used to control distortion when welding may be applied to
the cutting procedure. See Chapter 3, pages 100 to 103, for
than its nearest rival. Acetylene has a flame tempera-
ways to control distortion.
ture of 5,650F; Mapp gas and propylene, 5,300F; and
propane and natural gas, 4,800F. Acetylene burns much
Comparison of Fuel Gases
faster than the other gases and much closer to the tip of
The function of the fuel gas is to feed the preheat flames the torch. Therefore, it can be adjusted to a very intense,
that maintain the temperature of the materials being cut so concentrated flame that is exactly what is needed for cut-
that the cutting process can continue without interruption. ting. The oxyacetylene flame is ready to cut in less than
For many years acetylene gas was the only gas used for half the time of its nearest competitor and five times as
flame cutting. Today a number of different gases are being fast as the slowest.
used, such as acetylene, propane, Mapp gas, natural
gas, and propylene. While acetylene is still the workhorse Heat ConcentrationIn a comparison of the heat pro-
of the industry, each of the other gases has its particular duced by the various gases, measured in British thermal
advantage, depending upon the application. For example, units (Btus), Mapp gas and propane have 2,400; acety-
hydrogen was once used exclusively for underwater cutting lene, 1,450; and natural gas, 1,000. Although acetylene is
because it can be safely compressed to high pressures and third in Btus, it concentrates the most Btus in the smallest
regulated to overcome the pressure exerted by the water at area of any gas because of the way it burns. In the oxy-
salvage operation depths. Natural gas, which can be simi- acetylene flame Btus are cre-
larly compressed, is used now for underwater cutting. ated mainly in the inner cone. Acetylene
The choice of the type of fuel gas to use depends upon With the other gases, Btus are
the following factors: largely dispersed through the
outer flame envelope, Fig. 7-3.
Cost of the gas
Thus, acetylene concentrates
Availability of the gas
heat at the point of cutting.
Flame temperature needed
Btus Concentrated
Length of the cutting procedure Cost Acetylene is among the
Length of cut required higher priced fuel gases. Its
Speed of cutting cost is offset, however, by the
When used as a fuel gas, the flame temperature of reduction in the use of oxygen Other Gases
acetylene is the highest, followed by propylene, Mapp in the cutting process. Acety-
gas, propane, and natural gas in that order. All of the lene requires less oxygen per
gases give satisfactory cuts when used under the proper cubic foot of fuel than any of
conditions. For best results, it is essential that the cutting the other four fuel gases. The
technique, torches, and tips employed be designed for the following amounts of oxygen
Btus Dispersed
particular fuel gas used. are needed for 1 unit of fuel
gas: acetylene 1.5 : 1; natural Fig. 7-3 The Btu con
Flame TemperatureOf the five principal gases used gas 2 : 1; Mapp gas 3.4 : 1; centration of the oxyfuel
today, acetylene gives the hottest flame350F hotter and propane 4.7 : 1. flame.

180Chapter 7Flame Cutting Practice: Jobs 7-J1J3

Light Plate Beveling

Repetitive Cutting

Round Surfaces Dirty Surfaces

Fig. 7-6 Where acetylene works best.

that are covered with rust, scale, grease, or paint, the

Fig. 7-4 A bushy flame heats the entire depth of thick plate. concentrated acetylene flame cuts through the barriers.
Figure7-6 presents the applications for which the acety-
lene flame works best.
Special ApplicationAlthough acetylene has many ad-
vantages, no one gas can do everything best. There are a Cutting Different Metals
number of applications in which propane, Mapp gas, pro-
pylene, and natural gas are better choices than acetylene. Oxyfuel cutting finds its widest use in the cutting of car-
For cutting plate 6 inches or heavier, propane, propyl- bon and low alloy steels. The normal oxygen cutting meth-
ene, or Mapp gas are better choices. Because a deep area ods must be varied for metals with high alloy content such
must be heated, the dispersed Btus, the bushy flame, and as titanium, cast iron, and stainless steel. You may think
the high total Btu content of these gases do a good job in that this is peculiar since all metals oxidize. Some metals,
heavy plate cutting, Fig. 7-4. however, do not form an oxide that melts at a lower tem-
Natural gas is widely used in steel mills for removing perature than the base metal. This high temperature oxide
surface defects because it is the most economical fuel gas. protects the metal surface and prevents further oxidation.
Most mills use fuel gas with air. Generally, as the amounts of alloying materials, including
Acetylene is ideal for cutting steel plate. In the -inch to carbon, increase, the oxidation rate decreases. This is one
1-inch range, acetylene preheats up to 50percent faster and reason why cast iron, which has a high carbon content, is
allows cutting 25 percent faster than its closest competitor. more difficult to cut than steel.
In repetitive cutting, acetylene is far superior because this There are a number of methods that overcome to some
kind of cutting requires frequent preheats and starts. degree the effects of carbon and alloying materials that
Bevel cutting and cutting on rounded surfaces are interfere with the cutting process.
natural applications for acetylene. The flame is held at
Preheating It has been pointed out that high heat increases
an angle to the surface so that the heat tends to bounce
the rate of oxidation. As a consequence, many materials
off the work at the opposite angle, Fig. 7-5. In order to
that are difficult to cut can be cut more e asily if they are
get started, a concentrated flame is needed. On surfaces
heated to a temperature approaching their melting point.

Waster Plate A low carbon steel plate may be clampedalong

the line of cut. The melting of this plate causes a great amount
of iron oxide to be formed, making it possible for the cut to
continue without interruption. A welding bead of low carbon
steel may also be deposited along the line of cut to serve the
same purpose.
Wire Feed Low carbon steel wire may be fed into the pre-
heat flames to produce rapid oxidation. The heat that is
Fig. 7-5 A concentrated flame is needed for bevel cutting. generated by the burning of the wire rapidly brings the

Flame Cutting Practice: Jobs 7-J1J3 Chapter 7181

General Direction

Movement when cutting thin cast iron.
Lag in.
100 = % Lag
t in.

Fig. 7-8 Lag is the amount by which the bottom of the cut lags
behind the top. Lag is usually expressed as a percent of the plate
General Direction
thickness. If this were a 1-inch-thick plate and the amount of lag
were inch, there would be a 50 percent lag.

Movement when cutting heavy cast iron.

Fig. 7-7 Typical cutting torch manipulation for cutting thin cast the torch is held in a vertical position and the cutting con-
iron (top) and heavy cast iron (bottom).
ditions are correct, this line is vertical from top to bottom,
Fig. 7-18 (1), page 186. This condition is referred to as zero
drag. If the speed of cutting is increased or if the oxygen
surface of the plate to ignition temperature. This method pressure is not set high enough for the thickness of the
can be used to obtain rapid starts in heavy plate. It can also material being cut, the drag lines at the bottom of the kerf
be used for cutting cast iron. Short lengths of wire can be lag behind the top of the kerf. The amount of lag can be
fed m anually,or special equipment can be attached to the expressed as a percentage of the plate thickness, Fig. 7-8.
cuttingtorch for continuous iron wire, or powder feed. In reverse drag, the drag lines at the top of the kerf lag
behind those at the bottom. Reverse drag may result from
Oscillatory Motion When the torch is moved from side to
too much oxygen or a speed of travel that is too slow. Both
side, Fig. 7-7, more material is heated to the ignition tem-
drag and reverse drag must be avoided because they may
perature so that additional material is oxidized and blown
cause the cut to be lost.
out of the kerf. This is one method used in the cutting of
cast iron, and it produces a rough cut. Straight Line Cutting Cutting along a straight line that
Difficult-to-cut materials may also be cut using other has been laid out on the material to be cut may be done
methods such as oxygen arc cutting, flux cutting, and pow- with a great degree of accuracy, depending upon the skill
der cutting. These methods are explained in Chapter 6. of the welder. Very often a straightedge or angle iron
is clamped along the line of cut to act as a guide. See
Cutting Technique Table7-3, page 190, for hand cutting data. The torch is
held perpendicular to the plate with the holes positioned
Welders must manipulate the torch when cutting so that they
as shown in Fig. 7-9. Mechanized cutting is somewhat
create the proper kerf and drag for the material being cut.
more accurate than manual cutting.
Kerf Bevel CuttingBevel cutting is one of the common
Kerf is the gap created as the material is removed by cut- operations used in beveling the edges of plate and
ting. Control of the kerf is important to the accuracy of the pipe for welding. The torch tip is held sideways at the
cut and the squareness of the face of the cut. The width of angle desired with the holes positioned as shown in
the kerf is determined by the size of the cutting tip, speed Fig. 7-9. Cuts may be made by either hand or machine in
of cutting, oxygen pressure, and torch movement. Since straight or irregular lines.
oxygen pressure is directly affected by the thickness of In order to do the jobs that are outlined for advanced
the material being cut, the width of the kerf increases as gas welding, the shielded metal arc, gas tungsten arc, and
the thickness of the material increases. A rough cut also gas metal arc welding of plate and pipe, it will be neces-
increases the width of the kerf. sary to prepare bevel joints.
For plate beveling, the student will use the flame cut-
Drag ting machine provided in the welding shop, Fig. 7-10. This
When steel is cut, lines form on the face of the work that type of machine is often referred to as a track burner
are caused by the flow of the high pressure oxygen. When on the shop floor. A commercial machine, Fig. 7-11, may

182Chapter 7Flame Cutting Practice: Jobs 7-J1J3

1 Cutting Oxygen Orifice

End of Tip

Line of Cut

4 Preheat Orifices
Tip Setting for Square Cut

1 Cutting Oxygen Orifice

End of Tip

Line of Cut

4 Preheat Orifices
Tip Setting for Bevel Cut

Fig. 7-9 For square and bevel cutting, the tip should be set
so that the preheat orifices are positioned as shown. Cutting tips
with more than four preheat orifices should be positioned in the
same way.
Fig. 7-11 Two mechanized cutting torches mounted in a fixed
position over the pipe that is being rotated. This is set up in a high
production high quality pipe spool fabrication shop. To cut pipe
to length with the appropriate beveled ends. Location: Piping
Systems Inc. McGraw-Hill Education/Mark A. Dierker, photographer

Fig. 7-10 A standard flame cutting machine for plate

shape-cutting and beveling. A machine of this type has

be available for the beveling of pipe. A pipe-beveling ma-

chine may also be constructed in the school shop. The
machine shown in Fig. 7-12 was built by students. It is
manually powered. The torch may be purchased from
any welding equipment distributor. Study Table 7-1 for
machine cutting data. The operator of this mechanized
equipment must be properly trained and monitor the cut
being made.
Flame Piercing Piercing is the process of forming a hole Fig. 7-12 A welding student is beveling pipe with a shop-built
in a metal part. This may be for the purpose of producing beveling machine. Location: Northeast Wisconsin Technical College
a bolt hole or starting a cut in from the edge of a plate. McGraw-Hill Education/Mark A. Dierker, photographer

Flame Cutting Practice: Jobs 7-J1J3 Chapter 7183

Table 7-1 Machine Flame Cutting Data for Clean Mild Steel (Not Preheated)

Thickness Diameter of Oxygen Cutting Gas Consumption

of Steel Cutting Orifice Pressure Speed Oxygen Acetylene
(in.) (in.) (p.s.i.) (in./min) (ft3/h) (ft3/h)
8 0.02000.0400 1530 2232 1755 59
4 0.03100.0595 1135 2028 3693 611
8 0.03100.0595 1740 1926 46115 612
2 0.03100.0595 2055 1724 63125 813
4 0.03800.0595 2450 1522 117159 1215
1 0.04650.0595 2855 1419 130174 1316
1 2 1
0.06700.0810 2255 1215 185240 1418
2 0.06700.0810 2260 1014 185260 1620
3 0.08100.0860 3050 811 207332 1623
4 0.08100.0860 4060 6.59 293384 2126
5 0.08100.0860 5065 5.57.5 347411 2329
6 0.09800.0995 4565 4.56.5 400490 2632
8 0.09800.0995 6090 3.74.9 505625 3139
10 0.09950.1100 7090 2.94.0 610750 3745
12 0.11000.1200 69105 2.43.5 720880 4252

Note: In this table, acetylene pressures have been omitted because they are mainly a function of equipment design and are not directly related to the thickness of the material to be
cut. It is suggested that for acetylene pressure settings, the charts of the equipment manufacturer be consulted.
Source: American Welding Society

Piercing takes more time than edge starting to bring the Flame Scarfing Flame scarfing is a process used mainly
metal to the temperature required for cutting. The time re- in the steel mills to remove cracks, surface seams, scabs,
quired can be reduced by center punching or chisel nicking breaks, decarburized surfaces, and other defects on
the plate to raise a small burr of metal that will tend to catch the surfaces of unfinished steel shapes. The opera-
the flame and reach the cutting temperature much quicker. tion is done before the steel reaches the final finishing
A spot is heated to a bright red, the torch is raised slowly departments.
to about inch above the plate, and a limited amount of
oxygen is turned on. As soon as the plate is pierced, the cut Flame Washing Washing is a procedure similar to that
can continue in the regular manner. Care must be taken so of scarfing. It is used in the steel mills to remove un-
that the dross that is formed on the surface of the plate is wanted metal such as fins on castings and to blend in
not blown back into the torch orifice. Figure 7-13 shows riser pads and sand washouts in castings. It is also used
the following sequence of operations: to remove rivets without damage to the riveted parts. A
skilled thermal cutter can remove a rivet from a hole, a
1. The cutting torch is held still until a spot on the sur- threaded bolt from a threaded hole, or a piece of pipe
face just begins to melt. from a threaded flange without destroying the hole or the
2. The cutting torch is raised until the end of the tip is threads, Figs.7-14 through 7-16.
about inch above the plate.
3. Meanwhile the cutting oxygen lever is slowly de- Flame GougingFlame gouging provides a means for
pressed, and the cutting torch moved slightly to one quickly and accurately removing a narrow strip of surface
side at the same time to start a small spiral motion. metal from steel plate, forgings, and castings without pen-
As the cutting action starts, the dross will be blown etrating through the entire thickness of metal. The pro-
out the opposite side of thepool. cess is generally used for the removal of weld defects, tack
4. When the cut has pierced all the way through the welds, and metal from the back side of weld seams. When
plate, the cutting torch is lowered and the cut is used for removing defects, the procedure is called spot
continued with a spiral motion until the desired gouging. Care must be taken so that only a small area of
diameter of hole has been obtained. the weld is affected. Edge preparation of plate for welding

184Chapter 7Flame Cutting Practice: Jobs 7-J1J3

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