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Mara Beln Quezada Cornejo

Teaching Experience II

Ms. Astrid Guerra

Concepcin May, 2017

1. Community in which the school is located and/or serves, municipality or
owner and school factors.

The F-541, Lagos de Chile School, is a public primary school located in Villarrica
N 405 Poblacin Lagos De Chile in Concepcin. Nowadays, the headmaster is
Elisa Del Carmen Jara Gaete. Also, the school receives a state support.

The Lagos de Chile School has a total of 111 students, each level has only one
course with 11 students per grade, and there are 21 teachers. According to the
economic division of Chile, the majority of the students are part of the 40 % most
vulnerable of the population.

The school has a computer room with computers renewed in 2013 and Internet
access. There is a library for the students and a cafeteria for them to have
breakfast and lunch. Also, in each classroom, there are tables for all students and
two additional large tables for multi purposes. Finally, each classroom have small
windows only on one side of the room, so it is necessary to turn on the light due to
the little natural light that enters.

1.1 How These Factors May Impact My Lessons:

Firstly, I consider that the number of the students it is an advantage for my future
lessons since I can have a better management of the class and develop my
activities successfully.

Secondly, another factor that can affect my lesson is related to personal factors
and social economics aspects because most of the student in the school are part
of the low class. This means that most of the students are part of a difficult family
environment and this can affect the learning process of the student.

Finally, the main factor to be emphasized is the level of English and the amount of
Spanish used by the teacher. Also, the students level of English is below the one
expected, so this may discourage them, for instance, some students deny doing
the tasks because they do not understand the language.
2. Student Characteristics and Their Instructional Implications.

2.1 Description of First Characteristic of Student(s) in this Class:

The first characteristic is related to participation in class. There is a student that

does not participate in class as his classmates. When the student does not know
how to do the activity he does not even try it. Actually, he speaks with other
classmates about other topics, but when it is about English, he does not show any

2.1.1 How This Characteristic Will Impact my Lesson:

This characteristic could impact my lesson in terms of time because I am going to

prepare a lesson for 90 minutes, and probably helping and encouraging this
student will take me longer than the expected.

2.2 Description of Second Characteristic of Students in this Class:

The second characteristic is related to the level of English. There is a student who
is very motivated and always participates in class, also she has a good level of

2.2.1 How This Characteristic Will Impact my Lesson:

This could impact my lesson positively, due to the fact that there are students who
are afraid to ask questions to the teacher and she could be a support for those
students that have problems in the subject.

3. Physical Aspects of the Classroom and Their Instructional Implications.

3.1 Description of First Physical Aspect:

The first physical aspect that I consider relevant, it is the use of technological
resources. The teacher uses a projector and her laptop connected to a sound
system for exercises.
3.1.1 How This Aspect Will Impact My Lesson:

The use of technological tools in the class is very important for the students
because they pay more attention to the class. Also, there are different software,
online games or videos, etc. that we can use as a complement for the teaching

3.2 Description of Second Physical Aspect:

The second characteristic it is the cold inside the classrooms. There is no heating
in the classroom, and the resources are very limited for buying one heater for every

3.2.1 How This Aspect Will Impact My Lesson:

This physical factor could affect my lesson in a negatively way since the students
might be less focus on the lesson and this issue affects students and teachers.
Moreover, the cold affects the concentration and the energy.

4. Reflects on the importance of knowing about students and the context to

provide quality teaching.

As a future English teacher, I consider that it is very important to know some

personal issues about our students in order to understand some problems that can
be generated during the lesson because we as future teachers can understand in a
better way the different aspects that can affect the learning environment of the
students. Besides, if we provide a comfortable environment for students, we are
going to generate a good environment for the learning process.

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