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Post Internship Reflection

Directions: Welcome back to class! Arent you glad were spending the last days of
school together? Using your best grammar, punctuation, spelling, and
capitalization skills, reflect upon your internship, and answer the following
questions. Happy Reflection!

VTfT Interns Name:

Nyah Hizer

My Cooperating Teachers Name:

Ms. Klein

My Internship School:
Independence Middle School

My very favorite part about my internship was..

My favorite part about my internship was getting to meet all these new people. I had
different classes each block on my shadow days and my regular internship days. Also
my favorite part about interning was being able to make a difference in their lives and
getting to experience something new. They changed me and I hope I got to change

The most memorable moment from my internship would be

My most memorable moment from my internship is when we were reviewing
scatterplots and we had this activity outside. It was very hot and everybody was
sweating through their clothes but nobody cared because we were having fun. We
played this game with a hula hoop and everybody has their hands clasps with each
other in a circle. In the game they had to see how many times the hula hoop passed
through each person in the circle. Everybody was very competitive and so was I. I was
cheering on my team as they won every single round. It was a very fun day and will be
in my memories forever.
The most important thing I learned during my internship
The most important thing I learned at internships was that you must get out of your
comfort zone. Getting out of your comfort zones means you need to give up your fears
and embrace them. When I got out of my comfort zone, I started to experience more
and be more involved with my class. I feel like I became closer with my class after I got
out of my comfort zone. I am very happy that I took that risk of getting out of my
comfort zone, I learned some much from it.

My advice to Mrs. Manugo about the internship next year would be

I advise Mrs. Manugo to add more days to the internship next year because many days were
conflicting with SOLs, and exams. Also next year I think the last few weeks in June should be
internship days where the interns can be with their students in their last few days of school.

Adapted from the Teacher Cadet Curriculum, Property of CERRASouth Carolina 2004, and/or the Virginia Teachers for Tomorrow Curriculum

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