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Name :
Address :
1. Age : below 25 26-40 above 41
2. Gender : Male Female
3. Marital status : Single Married
4. Educational qualification: SSLC plus 2 degree and above
5. Did you aware about gold shop?

Yes No
6. Did you agree that the advertisement of gold are very popular

Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree

7. Did you agree that the information mentioned in the advertisement are convincing

Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree

8. From where did you know about gold informations

Friends Relatives Advertisement Exhibition

9. Which company will come in your mind when you decide to purchase gold ornaments

Malabar gold Alukkas Thangamayil AVR

10. Did you satisfied with the product

Highly satisfied Satisfied to some extend Not satisfied

11. Did you aware about the publicity campaign conducted by the company

Very well Aware to some extend Not aware

12. Did you agree that the promotional activities will give all the information required for
making a particular decision

Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree

13. Are you aware about various promotional activities provided by gold shop
Very well aware Aware to some extent Not aware
14. Did you satisfied with the discount and offers of gold shop
15. Highly satisfied Satisfied to some extend Not satisfied
16. Did you think personal selling will influence you in the purchase decision

Highly influence Influence to some extent Not influence

17. Did you recommend the product for others

Very often Often Rarely Very rarely

18. Did you agree that the social welfare activities conducted by the company will influence
your purchase decision

Strongly agree Agree Disagree Strongly disagree

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