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INYERE, Biodun Favour, VTE (Computer Education)

On the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), Goal 2 (Achieve universal primary
education ~ Ensure that all boys and girls complete a full course of primary
schooling) is one target yet to be met with 2010 report, stating that nearly nine out of
ten children are now enrolled in school and rapid improvement in youth literacy.
This milestone can be attributed to the curriculum. It is not uncommon to note that
the vehicle of MDGs is education, which revolves around the curriculum. The
differences in the world can be distinguishingly differentiated by the curriculum. If
Nigeria wants to be among the top twenty countries in the year twenty-twenty, then
her curriculum should be the best in the world, now. The different world powers are
dynamic based curriculum, as the news of development today is a by-product on the
curriculum, as established in civilised modernisation and enshrined as the
constitution of a global village.

What is Curriculum Vitae (CV)? This question seems too casual for an introduction,
but it highlights the basic concept of definition. The curriculum {every course of (trans-)
formative experience, which includes both undirected and out of school} of (a) life, not just
those threads of experience that are planned and happen as a part of program within schools.
It is like a profile of curriculum.

In The Curriculum, the first textbook published on the subject, in 1918, John Franklin
Bobbitt said that curriculum, as an idea, has its roots in the Latin word for race-
course, explaining the curriculum as the course of deeds and experiences through
which children become the adults they should be, for success in adult society.
Furthermore, the curriculum encompasses the entire scope of formative deed and
experience occurring in and out of school, and not only experiences occurring in
school; experiences that are unplanned and undirected, and experiences
intentionally directed for the purposeful formation of adult members of society.
Hence, he defined the curriculum as an ideal, rather than as the concrete reality of
the deeds and experiences that form people to who and what they are. As an idea,
curriculum came from the Latin word "Currere" which means to run/to proceed,
referring to the course of deeds and experiences through which children grow to
become mature adults. A curriculum is prescriptive, and is based on a more general
syllabus which merely specifies what topics must be understood and to what level to
achieve a particular grade or standard.

From society to society, and from primordial times to the present millennium,
human beings have always passed on the knowledge, culture and traditions of their
age to the younger ones for two purposes: one, to enable the young ones integrate
into the society and two, to ensure the continuity and survival of human society.

What is transmitted, however changes from time to time because society is dynamic.
Man has progressed from a mere fruit gatherer, to a highly successful mechanised
farmer growing his own fruits; he has progressed from rubbing two stones together
to make fire and light, to producing electricity at thermal stations where fire burns at
several thousands of centigrade degrees! Man has done all this by educating his
young ones. Nowadays, the task of integrating the young ones into the society,
which begins from home, is given mainly to schools, where professional teachers
expose learners to various learning experiences or existing body of knowledge
possessed by the society.

In Nigeria, the education of the younger ones has passed through three distinct
stages; namely: the pre-colonial, colonial and post-colonial periods respectively. This
means that curriculum, what the learners and teachers do in school, has changed
and changing according to the dynamic needs of the society at any particular time.

History of Curriculum Development in Nigeria

During the colonial years and because of the focus of colonialists to produce
catechists and letter writers, what was taught in Nigerian schools were narrow
subjects, consisting mainly of Reading Righting and Rithmetic (The 3 Rs). Today,
the curriculum is wider and more related to the needs of Nigeria in an age of science
and technology. The National Policy on Education (1981) is the most prominent
official document produced by Nigerians for the education of the young.

The policy is the blueprint for all educational activities organised for learners under
the auspices of the school. It is the policy that specifies the 6-3-3-4 educational
system, premised upon a pragmatic and liberal approach to educating learners. The
objective is to equip all recipients of education at all levels with the necessary tools
for living in a modern world. Without a curriculum plan, education would be a
haphazard and wasteful venture. For example, before the National Policy on
Education was finally introduced, there had been several commissions and
committees on Nigerian Education. The most comprehensive and indigenous of all
such efforts, however, was the national curriculum conference, which took place in
September, 1969. In the conference, Nigerians, government officials, educationists
and curriculum experts etc. all gathered to decide what type of educational
programme (or curriculum) Nigeria should give to her schools for educating the
learners. Every other thing being done in Nigerian Education from then on is based
on the policy, (or Blueprint for Nigerian education), which is only being revised
from time to time to accommodate fresh ideas emanating from its implementation.

What is curriculum? According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary (n.d.), curriculum is
defined as the following: the courses offered by an educational institution, a set of
courses constituting an area of specialization, Latin: Running course, Scotland 1603:
Carriage way, road, United States 1906: Course of study and in 1940: Plan for
learning (study)

Curriculum from Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia: In formal education, a
curriculum (/krkjlm/; plural: curricula /krkjl/ or curriculums) is the
planned interaction of pupils with instructional content, materials, resources, and
processes for evaluating the attainment of educational objectives. Other definitions
combine various elements to describe curriculum as follows:

All the learning which is planned and guided by the school, whether it is
carried on in groups or individually, inside or outside the school. (John Kerr)
Outlines the skills, performances, attitudes, and values pupils are expected to
learn from schooling. It includes statements of desired pupil outcomes,
descriptions of materials, and the planned sequence that will be used to help
pupils attain the outcomes.
The total learning experience provided by a school. It includes the content of
courses (the syllabus), the methods employed (strategies), and other aspects,
like norms and values, which relate to the way the school is organized.
The aggregate of courses of study given in a learning environment. The
courses are arranged in a sequence (known to unknown) to make learning a
subject easier.
In schools, a curriculum spans several grades. Curriculum can refer to the
entire program provided by a classroom, school, district, state, or country. A
classroom is assigned sections of the curriculum as defined by the school. For
example, a fourth grade class teaches the part of the school curriculum that
has been designed as developmentally appropriate for students, who are
approximately nine years of age.

Curriculum has numerous definitions, which can be slightly confusing. In its

broadest sense a curriculum may refer to all courses offered at a school. This is
particularly true of schools at the university level, where the diversity of a
curriculum might be an attractive point to a potential student. A curriculum may
also refer to a defined and prescribed course of studies, which students must fulfil in
order to pass a certain level of education. For example, an elementary school might
discuss how its curriculum, or its entire sum of lessons and teachings, is designed to
improve national testing scores or help students learn the basics. An individual
teacher might also refer to his or her curriculum, meaning all the subjects that will be
taught during a school year. On the other hand, a university might refer to a
curriculum as the courses required in order receiving ones diploma. They might
also refer to curriculum in exactly the same way as the elementary school, and use
curriculum to mean both individual courses needed to pass, and the overall offering
of courses, which help prepare a student for life after school.

Curriculum means two things: (i) the range of courses from which students choose
what subject matters to study, and (ii) a specific learning program. In the latter case,
the curriculum collectively describes the teaching, learning, and assessment
materials available for a given course of study. Currently, a spiral curriculum is
promoted as allowing students to revisit a subject matter's content at the different
levels of development of the subject matter being studied. The constructivist

approach, of the tycoil curriculum, proposes that children learn best via active
engagement with the educational environment, i.e. discovery learning.

Curriculum is all planned learning for which the school is responsible. i.e.
Curriculum is all the experiences learners have under the guidance of the school,
according to John Delnay. Rugg, 1936 states that The curriculum is really the entire
programme of the schools' work. It is the essential means of education. It is
everything that the students and their teachers do. Thus, it is two-fold in nature,
being made up of activities, the things done, and of the materials with which they
are done. Schools exist in society for the main purpose of transmitting existing
knowledge, culture and traditions of the society to her learners. This is necessary in
order to ensure the continuity of that society. From time to time however, members
or society are concerned with what the schools are for and what must be taught in
the school. Thus, members of the society do come together to take decisions on what
schools teach to the learners. The totality of the learning experience in schools is
what is called curriculum.

In the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) course content, the word
curriculum comes from the Latin word currere, which means: to run or to run a
course. That is, a course of study, which contains a body of subject matter approved
for teaching by society in schools. However, as said earlier, different experts view
curriculum from perspectives other that the course of study definitions. Here
are some of them; Curriculum is a structured series of learning outcomes. It
therefore tries to see curriculum as an input which results in a certain output.
Another definition says: Curriculum is an organized set of formal educational or
training intentions. The emphasis of this view is clearly seen, from the input
perspectives. In other words, what the school teaches or intends to teach is
organized according to some set rules. For example, there is a principle which says
that what is known should be taught first before proceeding to what is not known.
Another example is the principle that what is simple should be taught first before
teaching complex material. A pupil must learn first by counting concrete objects
such as bottle tops- adding and subtracting them, before extrapolating to
abstractions and more complex mathematical problems.

Curriculum is a deliberate, systematic and planned attempt undertaken by the

school to modify or change the behaviours of the citizens of a particular society.
This view appears to be more elaborate in explaining the term curriculum than the
others. Although the input-output paradigm is subsumed in this definition it is clear
that what the school teaches must be deliberately planned and arranged in a
particular way to bring about the desired outcome of changing the citizens
behaviour. From the foregoing, it is clear that there is a programme which schools
must run in order to properly educate the citizens. It is therefore a plan, a statement
of purpose with a specification of content and methods, inbuilt with the capacity for
evaluation to know whether the purpose has been achieved or not. This programme
which the schools must follow or use has been carefully divided into three namely:

i. Programme of studies the subjects which must be taught in schools.

ii. Programme of activities planned and organized out-of-classroom teaching

activities which help the learners to neither grow nor mature but are not formal as in
classroom teaching setting. Examples include getting students to join various clubs
and societies in the schools. Through these, students learn through the process of
socialization, because it is less formally strutted.

iii. Programme of Guidance a programme of care for the well-being of the learner.
In this programme, professionally trained helpers are employed to assist the
learners achieving self-understanding and self-direction necessary for adjustment to
school, home and the larger environment. In specific terms, the counsellors assist
learners in three major areas: educational, vocational and persona-social. In
educational areas, counsellors help learners to take decisions on the right choice of
educational area, counsellors assist learners to take decisions on the right choice of
vocation or careers. In the persona-social area, counsellors assist learners in handling
emotional and psychological problems which may affect their behaviours adversely
or prevent them from learning in schools.

In summary, the term curriculum may be said to be a total package of what

schools do to make learners become what society expects them to become, namely
good citizens, who are not only able to understand or learn certain school subjects,
but fully integrated individuals that are able to fit into society and contribute their
own quota as well, to the progress of that society.

The word curriculum must be fully understood by educationists so as to avoid

confusion which in turn will affect what goes on in schools. Curriculum must be
understood from the totality of programmes or learning experiences organized for
learners under the auspices of the schools. Thus, the term curriculum must not be
restricted to syllabus, scheme of work or other related terms. These basic concepts
must be understood for meaningful implementation of the school curriculum.
-NOUN, EDU703: Curriculum Development: Theory & Practice.

It is in a curriculum that is accumulated knowledge, skills and attitudes about the past and
present are combined with predictive assumptions about the future to produce an ordered
outline of things to be taught and learnt in schooling, as stated by Connell, W. F. Thus
curriculum can be viewed as a field of study. It is made up of its foundations
(philosophical, historical, psychological, and social foundations); domains of
knowledge as well as its research theories and principles. In the early years of 20th
century, the traditional concepts held of the curriculum is that it is a body of subjects
or subject matter prepared by the teachers for the students to learn. A Curriculum is
a written document which may contain many ingredients, but basically it is a plan for the
education of pupils during their enrollment in given school. -George A. Beauchamp.

Marsh and Willis on the other hand view curriculum as all the experiences in the
classroom which are planned and enacted by the teacher, and also learned by the
students. Curriculum refers to the training assigned to a student. Caswell and
Campbell viewed curriculum as all experiences children have under the guidance

of teachers. This definition is shared by Smith, Stanley and Shores when they
defined curriculum as a sequence of potential experiences set up in the schools for
the purpose of disciplining children and youth in group ways of thinking and

Curriculum is a design plan for learning that requires the purposeful and proactive
organization, sequencing, and management of the interactions among the teacher,
the students, and the content knowledge, we want students to acquire i.e. anything
and everything that teaches a lesson, planned or otherwise. Humans are born
learning, thus the learned curriculum actually encompasses a combination of all.
Many educators are unaware of the strong lessons imparted to youth by everyday
contacts. Curriculum is a dynamic intellectual and social enterprise. The dynamic
nature of human societies justifies regular innovations. Grace C. Offorma states that
Curriculum can be viewed as the organised knowledge presented to learners in a
school. Weather it is that which is taught at school, set of subjects, content,
sequence of courses, set of performance objectives, program of studies, set of
materials, course of study; I define curriculum as the process of gaining experience,

There are many definitions of curriculum. Because of this, the concept of curriculum
is sometimes characterized as fragmentary, elusive and confusing. The definitions
are influenced by modes of thoughts (Models), pedagogies, political, cultural, as well
as other experiences. The concept of curriculum is as dynamic as the changes that
occur in society:

In its narrow sense, curriculum is viewed merely as a listing of subject to be taught

in school; while in a broader sense, it refers to the total learning experiences of
individuals not only in schools, but in society as well. To accommodate difference of
view, Hamid Hasan (1988) telling that curriculum concept can be evaluated in four
dimension, that is
1. Curriculum as an idea; yielded pass or through research and theory's,
specially in the field of education and curriculum
2. Curriculum as plan written, as materialization of curriculum as an idea;
what in it load about target, materials, activity, appliances, and time
3. Curriculum as an activity, representing execution of curriculum as a plan
written; in the form of study practice
4. Curriculum as a result of representing consequence of curriculum as an
activity, in the form of got of curriculum target namely reaching of change of certain
ability or behavior from all educative participants.

Curriculum: Curriculum is a focus of study, consisting of various courses all

designed to reach a particular proficiency or qualification. A curriculum can consist
of more than one course. Curriculum refers to the training assigned to a student.
Curriculum is a focus of study, consisting of various courses all designed to reach a
particular proficiency or qualification. Other related terms are elaborated as follows:

Syllabus: Obi C. says that the course syllabus include such items as the standard of
attainment required on entry and at the end of the course, textbooks, test or
examinations and any other general items connected with giving both the teachers
and students a fairly comprehensive picture of what will be required; while the
examination syllabus gives in very general terms the intended course coverage at the
various levels. A syllabus is simply an outline and timeline of a particular course. It
will typically give a brief overview of the course objectives, course expectations, list
reading assignments, homework deadlines, and exam dates. Most often people tend
to equate the word syllabus with Curriculum. This should not be so. As can be
understood from explanations already given, curriculum is wider in scope than
syllabus. A syllabus is part of a curriculum but it is not the Curriculum. Syllabus is
the content of the school subjects offered in the school, and it is a sub-set of the
curriculum. A syllabus normally contains what students will learn in the various
school subjects in a year or for a longer period of schooling leading to certification. It
is a long term plan of work for students. It is normally prepared by the classroom
teachers, but also by a body such as West African Examination Council (WAEC) or
the National Examination Council (NECO). At the university level, the National
Universities Commission (NUC) presents syllabi to all Nigerian universities.

Scheme of Work: Obi C. states that the expansion of the syllabus, giving an
indication of the order in which the subject topics will be dealt with, the division of
content into weekly, monthly or terminal periods is the scheme of work. Again, the
curriculum of a school is not the scheme of work. As the name implies, a scheme of
work is a breakdown of the contents of what student are expected to learn in a given
period. In other words, a scheme of work is the systematic arrangement of subject
matter and activities within a given time period, such as a term or a semester.
Whatever the learners are expected to learn are broken down into instructional units
including activities and are normally prepared by the classroom teacher. It is usually
a guide in planning what is to be done per week over a term or semester and for the
three terms or two semesters in an academic year as the case may be.

Course of Study: A course is a set of inventory items grouped together for ease of
assignment and tracking. A course of study is an educational programme leading to
the award of a certificate at the end of the programme for a particular set of learners.
A course of study therefore refers mainly to a programme of learning that are
offered to students with various course contents at the end of which they are
awarded a certificate indicating the type of course of study they had undergone.

Lesson Note/Plan: Brief notes of how te teacher intends to go about the classroom
instruction is a lesson paln; while lesson note on the other hand are detailed notes of
lesson to be given by a teacher according to Obi C. Note of lesson/lesson plan is a
guide for teachers to assist them in the orderly presentation of a lesson to the
learners in order to facilitate learning. Teachers draw the plan for teaching a
particular lesson from the scheme of work. That is, just as the scheme of work is a
breakdown of the syllabus, so the lesson note is a breakdown of the scheme of work
into daily lessons, which are planned by the teacher. In this plan, the teacher
explains the step by step procedure which he/she would follow in presenting the

lesson to the learners. It usually contains the activities expected of the students as
well as the teachers during the period of the lesson. The lesson note/plan is therefore
not curriculum. The classroom is the implementation point of the programme of
learning, which is just one of the major components of the curriculum. Thus, the
lesson note is an important aspect of curriculum implementation, especially the
programme of learning component of the curriculum.

Teaching and Instruction: An academic process by which students are motivated

to learn in ways that make a sustained, substantial, and positive influence on how
they think, act, and feel. Instructions are a basic aspect of the learning process. They
are all formulated to guide students in their gradual learning process in their
respective fields. According to Obi Chiaka, apart from the primary duty of
instructing, the teacher is expected to enable the learners develop attitudes and the
effective teacher becomes a role model for his learners. And this is exemplary with
her, as my Lecturer and model to many.

Curriculum is literally defined in education as a set of courses regarding different

classes or subjects offered in different educational institutions such as a school.
Essentially, the curriculum should contain four main components or elements: the
objectives or purpose, the content or subject-matter, the method or ways of passing
on knowledge, and evaluation or assessment according to Adeyinka A.

The design of a curriculum is likened to the design of a house in that a house is

designed according to the purpose it will serve, as taught by Grace C. Offorma.
Curriculum is a set plan and arrangement concerning target, content, and Lesson
materials and also the way of which is used as guidance of management of activity
of study to reach specific-purpose.
The preparation of learning outcomes and learning experiences is the
culmination of a technically developed curriculum project.
Learning outcomes and learning experiences display how the curriculum fits
the community and how teachers and school staff are expected to deliver
curriculum content to students
It enables an educator to evaluate description of learning outcomes and
learning experiences in curriculum documents.

Definition of the concept of curriculum by Cecilia Braslavsky reads:

According to the history of education, the term curriculum was
originally related to the concept of a course of studies followed by a pupil
in a teaching institution. The concept of curriculum was used in the
English-speaking tradition as equivalent to the French concept
programme dtudes. Nevertheless, in recent decades, the concept of
curriculum has evolved and gained in importance. Increasingly, it is used
universally within the framework of globalization, the theory of pedagogy
and the sociology of education. At the same time, the concept acquired
such an importance that since the 1990s certain authors underscored the
risk of an invading epistemology (i.e. the concept being used to indicate all
dimensions of the educational process, without allowing any
differentiated analytical approach to its complexity).

In fact, the term curriculum is mostly used to refer to the existing contract
between society, the State and educational professionals with regard to the
educational experiences that learners should undergo during a certain
phase of their lives. For the majority of authors and experts, the
curriculum defines: (i) why; (ii) what; (iii) when; (iv) where; (v) how; and
(vi) with whom to learn.

Using educational concepts, we can say that the curriculum defines the
educational foundations and contents, their sequencing in relation to the
amount of time available for the learning experiences, the characteristics of
the teaching institutions, the characteristics of the learning experiences, in
particular from the point of view of methods to be used, the resources for
learning and teaching (e.g. textbooks and new technologies), evaluation
and teachers profiles.

Originally, the curriculum was considered as the product of a technical

process. A document prepared by experts, depending on the state of the
art of disciplinary and pedagogical knowledge. Benjamin Bloom and
Hilda Taba were the most well-known authors of this period. Following
the works of Stenhauser as well as of other researchers in education, the
major part of the educational community considers that the curriculum
has both a political dimension and a technical or professional dimension.
Indeed, the curriculum relates to the connections between the goals of
education and everyday life in learning institutions, schools, colleges and
universities. According to one of the most significant theorists of the
curriculum, this defines what counts as valid knowledge. Increasingly,
theorists of education recognize the political component of the
curriculumthe fact that the curriculum is a field of ideological and
political struggle that takes place in each society in order to give meaning
to education. It is recognized that this meaning not only originates among
experts, following professional criteria, but also through complex cultural

Thus, the curriculum is an intangible process that also has a material

expression. The typical product of this process is one or several documents
adopted at a given time by the political and educational authorities. In a
narrow sense, the definitions contained in the produced curricula can be
found in other curricular documents. In a wider sense, textbooks and
teaching guides are also considered as curricular documents because they
contribute to the production of meaning and to guide the teaching and
learning process.

With regard to material expression in a narrow sense, i.e. the official

curriculum or documents adopted by the political and educational
authorities, it could be said that these texts are increasingly flexible and
open to teachers interpretations.

This flexibility has progressively led to the recognition of a hidden curriculumone
that is not written. This hidden curriculum could be viewed as the entire range of
educational experiences promoted by schools and teachers through practices that are
neither necessarily obligations nor written down. Research has highlighted, for
example, the existence of a sexist hidden curriculum (discriminatory with regard to
women) or a class-based hidden curriculum (discriminatory with regard to the poor).
This situation may exist while the explicit contents proposed by the official curricular
documents denounce discrimination against women or are specifically in favour of
overcoming poverty. In fact, the recognition of the existence of a hidden curriculum
drew attention to the existence of verbal and non-verbal messages built into
educational practices, but also the possibility of becoming aware of it and of
modifying teachers practices.

Listed below are seven (7) dimensions of curriculum:

1. Philosophical
2. Historical
3. Political
4. Ethical/Moral
5. Cultural
6. Global
7. Technological

It is of note to state that the concept of curriculum is ideologically based and varies
with different schools of thought. Though these variations seem endless with each
passing age and generation, the basic principles are foundational. The functionality
of a curriculum is dependent on the concept, which is the driving factor. Concepts
are defined meaningfully by designs, models, plans and schools. The general
concession that concepts are perceptively built and developed by the learning
process is undisputedly dependent on the dynamics of the society.

If the concept of curriculum is not ambiguous and rightly so, then it is fifty-fifty.
Getting the concept of curriculum to work is function of objectives, selection,
organisation and evaluation. Today, curriculum is not a paperwork, but lifestyle of
individuals in different scopes. Many assume that the concept of curriculum is the
definition (What it says), which is different from the meaning (what is known), but it
is what is seen (implemented). Every day is another concept of curriculum of life.

Adeyinka, A. A. Major Trends in Curriculum Development in Nigeria
Department of Educational Foundations, University of Ilorin.
Asgari Azade Curriculum & Syllabus Design
Bernstein, B., ed. Class, codes and control, vol. 2: theoretical studies towards
sociology of language. London/Boston: Routledge & Kegan
Paul, 1973.
Bloom B.S., et al. Taxonomy of educational objectives, handbook I: cognitive
domain. In: Schultz, F., ed. Notable selections in education, 3
ed. Akron, OH: University of Akron, 2001.
Bobbitt, John Franklin The Curriculum. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1918.
Braslavsky Cecilia Rehaciendo escuelas : hacia un nuevo paradigma en la
educacin latinoamericana [Redo schools: towards a new
paradigm in Latin American education], Faculty of Philosophy
and Literature, Buenos Aires University, Santillana, 1999
Federal Government of Nigeria Nigeria Millennium development Goals Report
Marsh, C.J. Perspectives: Key concepts for understanding curriculum
London: Falmer Press
Mishra Sanjaya Curriculum, ICT and Online Learning
National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) EDU703: Curriculum Development:
Theory & Practice
Obi, Chiaka Methodology in Business Education
Oktek (Publishers) Nig. Ltd, 2005.
Offorma G. C. Curriculum Implementation and Instruction
UNI-World Educational Publishers (Nig)
Rugg, H. New Trends in Curriculum Planning in Richmond Kenneth
(ed.), The School Curriculum, London: Methwn & Co. 1936
Saylor J. G et al Planning Curriculum for Schools
New York: Holt, Reinehart and Winston
Taba Hilda Curriculum Development: Theory and Practice
New York: Harcourt Brace, Jovanowich, Inc 1962.
Tanner & Tanner Curriculum Development Theory New York: MacMillan Co.Inc
Tyler Ralph Basic Principles of Curriculum and Instruction.
Chicago: University of Chicago Press
Yudhie Indra Reality Curriculum in Education


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