Geodinamika RPKPM Minggu IX

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Sekip Utara, Po. Box. 21 Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia

Buku 2: RKPM
(Rencana Kegiatan Pembelajaran Mingguan)
Modul Pembelajaran Pertemuan ke IX

Semester 5 /3 sks/ MFG 3919
Muhammad Darwis Umar, SSi, MSi
Dr.-Ing. Ari Setiawan, MSi

Didanai dengan dana BOPTN P3-UGM

Tahun Anggaran 2013
Desember 2013


Dalam pokok bahasan mengenai stress 2D mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan: Stress 2D,
Transformasi x,y ke x,y, Penentuan harga xx dan xy

Stress in Two Dimensions

In the previous section we were concerned primarily with stresses on the surface of a material. However,
stress components can be defined at any point in a material. In order to illustrate this point, it is
appropriate to consider a small rectangular element with dimensions x, y, and z defined in
accordance with a Cartesian x, y, z coordinate system, as illustrated in Figure 213. In this section we
will consider a two-dimensional state of stress; the state is two-dimensional in the sense that there are no
surface forces in the z direction and none of the surface forces shown vary in the z direction. The normal
stresses are xx and yy, and the shear stresses are xy and yx. The notation adopted in labeling the
stress components allows immediate identification of the associated surface forces. The second subscript
on gives the direction of the force, and the first subscript gives the direction of the normal to the
surface on which the force acts. The tangential or shear stresses xy and yx have associated surface
that tend to rotate the element in Figure 213 about the z axis. The moment exerted by the surface force
xyyz is the product of the force and the moment arm x; that is, it is xyxyz. This couple
is counteracted by the moment yxxyz exerted by the surface force yxxz with a moment
arm y. Because the element cannot rotate if it is in equilibrium, xy = yx. (2.27)

Figure 2.14 Transformation of stresses from the x, y coordinate system to the x, y coordinate system. (a) Illustration
of the coordinate systems. (b) Triangular element (with sides in the x, y, and y directions) on which a static force
balance is carried out.

Thus the shear stresses are symmetric in that their value is independent of the order of the subscripts.
Three independent components of stress xx, yy, and xy must be specified in order to prescribe the
two-dimensional state of stress.
The state of stress is dependent on the orientation of the coordinate system. We will now
determine the three components of stress in a coordinate system x, y inclined at an angle with
respect to the x, y coordinate system as illustrated in Figure 214a. To determine the normal stress, we
carry out a static force balance on the triangular element OAB illustrated in Figure 214b. The sides of the
triangle lie in the x, y, and y directions. We first write a force balance in the y direction. The force in
the y direction on face AO is
yy AO,
and the force in the y direction on face OB is
xy OB.
The force in the y direction on face AB is
xxAB sin xyAB cos .
The sum of these forces must be zero for the triangular element OAB to be
in equilibrium. This gives
(xx sin + xy cos )AB = yyAO + xyOB. (2.28)
However, the sides of triangle OAB are in the ratios

so that
xx sin + xy cos = yy sin + xy cos .
We next write a force balance in the x direction. The force in the x direction on face AO is yxAO,
and the force in the x direction on face OB is xxOB. The force in the x direction on face AB is
xxAB cos + xyAB sin .
Upon equating the sum of these forces to zero, we get
(xx cos xy sin )AB = yxAO + xxOB.
With the values of AO/AB and OB/AB as given in Equation (229), we
xx cos xy sin = yx sin + xx cos .
We multiply Equation (230) by sin , multiply Equation (232) by cos ,
and add the results to obtain
xx(cos2 + sin2 ) = xx cos2 + yy sin2 +xy sin cos
+yx sin cos .
This can be further simplified by using
cos2 + sin2 = 1
xy = yx
2 sin cos = sin 2.
The result is
xx = xx cos2 + yy sin2 + xy sin 2.
By multiplying Equation (230) by cos and subtracting the product of Equation (232) with sin , we
xy(sin2 + cos2 ) = yy sin cos + xy cos2 xx sin cos yx sin2 .
By using the trigonometric relations already quoted, the symmetry of the shear stresses xy and yx and
cos 2 = cos2 sin2 ,
we can rewrite Equation (238) in the simpler form:
xy = 1/2 (yy xx) sin 2 + xy cos 2.
Equations (237) and (240) provide formulas for obtaining the normal and shear stresses on arbitrarily
oriented elements of area in terms of xx, yy, and xy (or yx). Thus these three stress components
completely specify the state of two-dimensional stress in a solid. When = 0, the equations show that
xx is xx and xy is xy, as required. Problem 2.13 Show that
y y = xx sin2 + yy cos2 xy sin 2.
Problem 2.14 The state of stress at a point on a fault plane is yy = 150 MPa, xx = 200 MPa, and xy =
0 (y is depth and the x axis points westward). What are the normal stress and the tangential stress on the
fault plane if the fault strikes NS and dips 35 to the west?
For any arbitrary two-dimensional state of stress xx, yy, xy, it is possible to find a surface
oriented in such a manner that no shear forces are exerted on the surface. We need simply set xy in
Equation (240) to zero and solve for . Stress xy is zero if

The direction defined by Equation (242) is known as a principal axis of stress. If is a principal
axis direction, then so is + /2 because tan 2 = tan[2( + /2)]; this can be seen as follows:

The last step is true because tan = 0. The coordinate axes defined by the orthogonal principal axis
directions are called the principal axes. There are no shear stresses on area elements oriented
perpendicular to the principal axes. The normal stresses in the principal axis coordinate system are known
as principal stresses. To solve for the principal stresses 1 and 2, substitute Equation (242) into the
expression for xx , Equation (237). Before making the substitution, rewrite Equation (237) using the


Equation (237) becomes


The determination of the principal stresses from Equation (247) requires an expression for cos 2 as
well as for tan 2. The value of cos 2 can be obtained from the expression for tan 2 using

which can be rewritten as

By substituting Equation (242) into Equation (249), one finds

Upon substituting the expressions above for tan 2 and cos 2 into Equation
(247), we get

Instead of specifying xx, yy, and xy, we can describe the state of stress at a point in a solid by
giving the orientation of the principal axes and the values of the principal stresses. In deriving these
formulas for the orientation of the principal axes and the magnitudes of the principal stresses, we have
tacitly assumed xxyy 6= 0. If xx = yy, then xy = xy cos 2, and the principal axes have
angles of
45, assuming xy 0. If xy = 0, the principal stresses are xx and yy.
If xx = yy and xy 0, the principal stresses are

It is often convenient to have formulas for the normal and shear stresses for an arbitrarily oriented
coordinate system in terms of the principal stresses and the angle of the coordinate system with respect to
the principal axes. To derive such formulas, consider the x, y axes in Figure 214 to be principal
axes so that 1 = xx, 2 = yy, and xy = 0. The stresses xx , xy , and yy are then given as


. (2.55)
At this point, there is no particular reason to retain the primes on the 146 Stress and Strain in Solids
coordinate axes. We can simplify future applications of Equations (253) to (255) by identifying the x,
y coordinate axes as new x, y coordinate axes. Therefore, if is considered to be the angle between
the direction of 1 and the x direction (direction of xx), we can write



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