Yexto /jives: 1:.democrats Evict Rivals, Pick, Egidio For Sheriff

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-:;------ -- -

SOUTlIlNGTON. COl'tNEC"fll'UT. MAY 2::;, 19,,1

, -,::n;. .. ...,........ V"liIl
1:.Democrats Evict Rivals, Totl'ii Avoids Ca;iipalgn
When Wile Sars Yes
:Yexto \JIVeSray

~". Pick, Egidio For Sheriff

Husband and Wife teamwork
may eliminate a fund drive in
Mr., Joseph Thalberg rc<:ently
was named chairman of the
Mental H(,81th (ampaign ht>re.
Her husband as hr ad of the
"Of 7 To 20c An
JL L 1JLJL ...... ' - '
10cRI Ccmmunity Chest long has
Bought to reduce the- nUntbrT of
fund raising campaigns in South- iGraduation Set I Schoollntl'r<'~18 Pe~KY'
1 nalberg propf' C1I R ml'rJ,:l"1 j For 96 Seniors
R", ,'ill,.,m h Ror,d
Peggy Ahearn, 5, is It>arrunK :COmpanyP.......,
I all she can about the Mhools Mo-
Mrs. T sald yes, and plall8 now
ale b . tng cLmplel('d tt.. indude
In New School
for ...... nt ... rin~ the Milldale kln-
dprgartpn n("It fall. ,
1650 Affected
Mental Health I\l the Commun-
\lith hpr motht>r, :\frs. John
\\' age Increases from
ity Chest, 1 to ~t) cents an hour have
ComllWnCel11('nt eXf'I{I~p~ fHl th(" Ahear~ Pf'gJO' KAt through an
negotIated at the Peck.
fll ~t ("UhS to graduatf' t I om :--Oout h- t aU-day !KhooJ oi inAtruction of
& WlkfJ~ union.
'Ing-ton'l'- IIt'\\ lHJ.:"h M hnol \\ II! htl thE" PTA Council in tht> Public
Memorial Day ht'lci Flld.t), JUIll' 1G, III the g~ 111- Llhrary W e'dnooay.
nUt-lum. PPggy took it all In without
lIIgh t.
I 1- n

Plans Advance Clatiuptlng ,n thi' ('Jat.s of 1~J51

gt'tllnjl th ... least btt re8tit>H1I but
An acr'J!I~-lhe-hoarl,
complained it was hard on ht>r
I,\\ iiI ht, gil 8f'IlI(lt~, fi7 ,.,nit Is aJld :~~) doll Su~n. raise for ,lpproxlmatRly
On Grim Note , bo\'<;
Th(' .... \ '11 \\ ,II 11In\ , ....... ("t,n~ ("r
,... u. " . . . , . . .
"She's only 4," Peggy f'X-
" alnp,
d h'
IWlng SURan wasn't 1
plo)o e" \\0 dl take effect
aClOllliYl~ to Frank Swol. preoiit!eDC:
I ahout 1.001l. H.hnut t\.lj(".e the nUJll- .'.o.1-d fonou:!h to ~e.nd wh.t of [ 'al ~99, l'-\W-AFL
.-\odltlUnai ml"lt>a~e8 ran21lUt-
nn f'l
bf'1 \\ hn ('ould b'"~ ,'I"COI1,n",'U 'tr'd t I It' mt.. tlng was about. \
a :"'O-ceut total are made ~::]3~~
Sl)l'lhCl Ih):l ll)
'at PI e\ 10US g-radudtloll:' I n the thl'-
M('1l10Ihi' U..l) Uhhl'I\,J.IHl' \\I't'tinls~
dtel, uccordlng to I'llflCIPdl Mdf- for lilt nl Increases m the
d,lY " I r h til' ('. I'hela', five Idbor grades, a
::; 'h't' .I.l.,~
I [ .,_,111111 la1 IJUy,
(' 1 k(. The \aledlctolv 'ddl"sS \\111 be I "'('k 0 f "'''alar :spokesman said.
)0111\ d
of ,MIJlUd~t' hds ht'( 'I .Hkh-d t.) thl' The new wage agreement. ""~~
00 t'
nurnl' oj ' l ' LlIU) J.... ""
gJ\en by MISS Lucille LofglPn, H anlperS F.lremCn
.A.- ,..,. '--

ld afttr nearly a month at

I Olllanklnrr stud"nt In the "I--s.
lolt.' ,)
\\ <I::'
~ \\Ul dl'.ltl.
(h tUJL'1 :!l, l~)~,O"
I 'Ie
-~ ..... ~ Stll.rt Phut" b\ B"b t'lae. MI~s
r- .... - .-
M..t1101l June Keene, second
'- u...,
In $9,000 Blazes tiations, \\oas accepted by the
III 1\.01 I a 'on hoa, hm." WhOll ,,, seems to be what )oung Johnny Asklar I~ hIghest scholastlcalh, v. III del" er Ion membershIp Wednesday
All L.uhln" ... ~ act!\ It:; \\ ,\I be t.ut.- tlunklnC' a .. h ... bnn).!s hiS "critter" to a sliding stop. The Lone th(' salutdtol y Third student Southington firemen were called meetlng In Falcon HalL
pelllhd \'Wl'OlltbU.1) <l~ ~(lulhlJlgtl!n, It.w.C'l'f and Hopalon/.: l'al'ohldy have nothmg on Johnn) "hen It ,speukel \\ill be Ro} G. NyrelT, to three serIOus fires over the It IS the second .uppleJ""n~a:
honOlh I't( Couk.t" ..tnd lhe d'<IJ: COmt.... to handhn.C' a horse. Johnn), the ~on
of )Ir. and 'Ir ... John ,\,hose .l\pragp placed hlm third In weekend. Two of the fires, outside ralse negotIated under the p.,-~
uf ~I'\ llthl'l ~.ll~ IH LI.1d,tltlPdl .\.!olld.lf of 42 Gt'rhll') .\,,'uut', Is radlnJ.: the "f1)tn~ hor~l'"
at the thp claqs's latLngs the regular Voater dlstnct, neces- two-year contract wtuch took
--ph"t" tJ) Ha) rl"h'I'ln>i I Illt'lt,ullal ::.,'I\lllb P.\ ..\ cUII1l\al ht,rt,. MI Phelan said 3l1'ungenwnts sitated the use of booster linE'S feet February 24, 1950.
DOl\Il'IC' EGIDIO ,Hie berng made for a guest speak- and seriously hamn.:ored the efforts Last October, the
H,'( >1,111011 of \t't,'!all~' tP.l\l'h rn t'~
' I d
'd D,emocrattc ea ers concentrated this week on clOSIng a 10c~1 'II1Pt""". \,,11 beg", th .. ub-
WI emng breach In party ranks as the result of a .15-mlnute L
LI"~(J'I)t RIp
Mal"n S'trcnt
".. j "
1""at the exerCIses, MUSIC ,,"II be of the f,remen to bring them under
dIrected bv MISS Rarbara Reach, control.
an hour.
an Increase of
' . h
S k InniS ov.. r .. ndorslnR: a candIdatE' ffl!' d"pulv sllPrlff
~l'tLUl(t' \\Ith It'pll'Sl'ntat!\(' I)f (' t' F~ rill ~ J u- n J :I supel"SOI' of musU' In the local FIre Clue! Charles wnke said Sa muel Wilcox, vice pmsidtenl
1 th til
e mos ney mtelna
If ht ,,~ .. '"'' ",j.., .. :,: ... "tlun'~ mt'f"t'''g- at
l~ put L-~fv,t. l;ll IIIt:'t.llllg L) Rl.IJI,- S ,;(\ "" ~!:. Llg-''':~ Hl.':I'~' - ~ Ii I ' " ~ii-~- 'a i<lf i-1~J-i(liJ
'.1. (}, '.1
.A ( , ... ' .. St-.., .. ",' .... "'/.5-'-
c,li ... L ... ,f ... : tt ,slhuuh.1I1d Stunll'\ \\0. Eukelh, thiS \\{"ek the lack of a fire truck 1
thl? tomp: 'u hi!!1mr
any, saIi
IlIhllUllOl oi slIlIIgl'J. lO~tlUmt'u(h .... an d lhou~and galion tank waH d
since It tooK over the IOl'al j.!"o\'eln- werp madp po"...ihif!" fnr the
t f
Ive year ~ ago, t h e I) l'mo- ~t'ntatl\l' !.t'Ub FlOndl'lIa Jo~('ph Ch IJ!I til JuJUI r' ~pUIll, I.t'g,oll TIICl. Ch,lmi>l'r of Commerel' mO\l'O tillS \.Iot'ph to thro\'r'
1,; The gills In the ,::raduatlng clus8 major factor," the inabllltv of the I pay grades t hro ug b a

~tl~tl~;~~:n~~~::onul~~~~~~edn~O::;:: nn"t~ h"~ '"~'''_ I~,'"" ~,I~ ,,~U. hl,I,~,g ~:ld~t,~:'~~~ng ~; ,.~{,:,;;;,~{}~:~"!~~~~, L~~;~.;:;~~: ~:~~" d::f:~em:~:y t~a;a~:~!h:,,:,O I:~!e~!f;~!~~ ' : : : :
:--Oalzilio ~ltOn It'd -.. l'Oll\111UIltkl, h~ls a",k(,d all \t'tt'l;lIl- I I L ::, ti t ' 1 t Il
I ""tt'.'" !l ""L I.. t",,, "ul "1<'['" "b,,' III u'" [," "" I all'lt en III 0 ) em, :
ponent, Alexander DePastlllO, to to/! that hb (an{lJdnq.' be '('onslu- fnt 'h, pa~Hdl' \' ha'h 18 h(,,'dul('d to "am "'tleet thl" \e~U. and '-plIrll'd "1.t1n Stll'd ale fal ui..'lo\\ safety k'I'<., Dolorf's Andrp8, Marie An- sive damages. He explatr'!E'd that maximum raise permitted
leave a Town ('ornlllltt~e lI11'etmg ('Il'd but no one nominated him tWg"11l ut 10,\0 110m Allltd CUlltlul b~ I'olh'l' l'hld Ed\\.l,d F Gear)'h ,t.lllduld:-, plu\j(hng dlunllnatwn gelone, Barbara Aszklar, Carmela thl' present 100 gallon tanks With government wage oontrol
lust FrHlay eVl'OIng Tht' \ot(' \\a"l g'ldIU 17, Dc- The 10U~l \\tll bl' up ~.L11l I. (l'l\t U"'Mlt 011 thcll pOOl 1i).!lltITl;':- t'quI\ah,11t onl). to that gl\t'll off A\ltuhllp, Bubptte Rpltz, Joan BU8- which the trucks are equip .......! are bons_
gila c ulgE' t ut I) t' ,.tbtmo PaII... tmo 13 ~tJI't't. thlnug-h 1'l.tIl~t.vdk Ct'lltt'r, fltrUled t - 1tl all Unl'I'
- dt'utln"
) thl' \ I ~t -- "l-\\att h ull:->(' 'ullv I' ' ~t'tt,
"LY <lIJOllt' B utlel', L OUISP ('Uri, not large enough to take care I"'" of a R epresen t lng Pext0
E d h d h I
""d"nt of ~
Q.. ~outhln"lon,1
... artford Count)' Shl'liff-l'lect to B!I ... tol ~tll'l't, to Edln A\'t'IlUl, ('I,,'unb"I'''' I~".llt.l ul i>Jlt'liot", (oIl- (. OLH II I'U II Illl'l I a ltlll,p.ll1\ "'U'- I'"ut h I..atl ~ b('It M uldvn Carlson major fire, guIDing were "ICO~
.. 1 Walter
to Flondu ani then J)llml!d II PoUt't of Gld"ltonbulY to M.ull ~tlt'd and uloUJ,d thl' ~"'llt(t rut"d..l~ \\rth tluflH and \t'\ ()I tilt, 10\\n'", IIg-htlll~ nl,,,d"',P,ltJICI.t rhll<;~oph('r, Ang('I.I ro~
was not a ",'
having moved Chief Lmke said that the water benmann, factory supelrin,teIa
u; hel"-=- 10 I"llt ,n hI."" bl"U [01 \\,111 llluhl' tht' lIppollltl1H'nt Town (.It'<'1, at(oldmg to P ... 'udl' !l-1.u- ligiltllll! ,jllhtl", \' III( ' I l.t II ", t 01 Llll ttl t I' .1"'(' In th'l lit {> 0, E~th~ul ~ Ies, Sh II' Iey D unn, supply in the 100 gallon tanks 15
\.0\\ fAttorney
rd WalWalteHr ..... ~- gwre
. of

the deputy shellff's JOu (oml1lltt"t' {'ndOI~l'nlt'nt u"\ually IS hhal .\lthul l'.dIHh.lll. llrt' Ho..t,d \.. ..t-. tuld ,null!1ul ('I ~tll't't II!;ht-. fl~lIl1 PaullOe Ft'enf'v so rapidlv used up In fighting a 0, ter usbak,
folltl\\'l'd hut a
~hertff b not bound T\\o bunds ha\f' beC'JI 811~Jltti, till' I ','111\"1- 111,11',lt"" ,I"", Icla- t() 0-1
/;"0 , V,) I 01 all annUd I l"l'en( I I Ult't ' " P atrtCla G I'Iffln, G
,'"\nu, Jt'raldlnE" ' manager, a nd Ralp h
th Chairman
t D P 1 Huhf.'t h ,.t HIRgll1::.
ht truled t hy It A nWI 1I.t1l Lt.gHHl Bund 01 Mt'lllh II lltln"lllil bl't ,\ I l n llj..,htltl;.:. all I tutf _ "I ~ 14' 1--111 I Hamlin, Etht'l Hartmann, Mary- senous tho menflTe thatboo.ter
to lay It IS necessary for
II'nes to the The uruon
t d th e as 100t au no IIg
h 0 a -
t Some member~ of the To\\u Hnd lhC' Wullutt Band, and lilt' fIt UlCII t'n ~
i t A t rt'e-step Illogram I~ PIO-I\UO Hinkley, JudIth J01al, Manon nearest water supply Thll!l he ex-
h -=- be rt Casale,
en ~ mee tng stnCt' e was no Con'!l1lttlt' pledl(ttt! Potter "ould eolTIl111ttl't' I:' hOPIIlg' to bC'(,Ule t\\() 2 :--Otl.'t't llght,nj.! In Soutillng po~ed (1) Idlght plt ... t'nt hghteaiKf>t'llI:', Harrtet Kordys, Annt' La- tn d,' 'ha ..I.' p h sentatlve; ~;:rt'Y:~~:~;~I;
\ member of the Town Comnl1ttee, i not ac("('pt the endorsee If all the mOle musI(,~ll vJgunlzatlons by ton IR ('It he I :.ub-~tandurtl 01 nun- aleu.., tin thl' ~~lond DlhtJU. t), \orgna, DolorE"~ Limmer LUCille Ph me lS a sberlOUks

nwtheea wen of the bargauung
DePastino's eje<:tlon cume after the: fact~ BIt> put lwfore him, P It,
One DemOl"nlUf' t~d~B1d con-II i>er'oration of monulllents Willi eXls ent. I 0:) 1lP:ht tlll,HIL 81 tel Il'~ tn nev. i Lof gren, Dorothy Lorenzo,
'palade lune. t ' I t e nearest roo or 0 r open 1
embroiled Democrats had given t.hc I Ann- water supply may be aeYeral hun lam ec
3 Southmgton :!'Ipenfi-; only, 'hrea~ (North and South Main, t Marie Marotto, Ri_~,Marotto,. SluP. dred r"'t or a~lre ~m--'<'e' "~e- j Yu~ 4Il"d:._::::~::.:.:::~~
ater ury oa,. efl~en venue'i ey
h ellve- h 0 to Bob PI ace 0 f T he nt)'s bid nllght havC' got farther optn thc Green e:XPITi6CS foIlo\\ed btl U h I cu.on on \\" b R d:\1 1 A I M h J ft M K 0I:a: III HV W -
New! and \Valter Conaty, a thud If he ha'i n 1'l'(Old of I,alt Jv regu-' by Il'aO,Sln rr,,' ",,1,""_.' a ou
h~httng J a~as ttw m c pel ) .
averagl' ~I't'nt by (Ialk Sued, !'\otton Street and bara Messmer, Dolores Mottola,
ast ay, eft c sy, Bar-I ofTh the blaze
f' 'f h h fi
: . , ' <>

candidate, who IS not a membt!r of lallt) I AI", "'" th,' plogtum .lle l h t' nel:: h \}IJ.W,Jlg lo\\n.. tht (hl'"hll(':\lIIIUdll' Roudl. anti Llta Nelson, , Barbarae Pepl, Theresa I d lrat L t e t Tee Ires
0 450 Fridaoc-
the Town Commltte(' Ilul ,'I fll"I,,1 o[ (onuty a""elted
.,'" I IH()(utlon b':i th (' I'lot'\, " uOllI nil ""'1-.'"1.1 l'qU'' II){ h tin!! f ill tl 1 (;~) It~ht nl'\\ 1(,~ldentlal all'u::.. IlE"rnal I'curre
h aoout
bl b'k. p. m, oody
Egl'wo wa s no n,"nal et I b y Lelan tI h (' IUI'Ol{'( I untt'r I a mon' hl'IIOu!~, I )P('J, "a Illt'ul('y () [ mal'C"l('S
I b y t h ~",,

__ Il' to\\n \\,1 II l'O~t uuout

"-",,, '- $ :U,nIJ,II (.o~t ... (If the thlcl' ~tl'''''' RIC l' Also, HelE"n PerkinS, Janet Pes-I w en k' a aze
h ro eSout 10 a w - Wins
Reiger. With Anthony Velodota handllull
seconding DePa~t'"o'~ nume was Old
la( h. of u poh,,' rc'<-, II Ig h ..-,c0 hot)i l l .tllu,
""L ogull '~( ) I-I 111Olt' KnnUU)
dt'ls" lC'ud by GailY AII('n, "Battlt' "'pt'nt
II th an tl ll' $-j , U(II' n 0 \\' mate d a" [II (J ow'" ( 1) [ 10m $6 ,0 .. ., t I II 0, .:-08
U)(l e d Ie R IC'(,IO, B arb ara R Id ZI'k " I worPI mgt S'11op Th
no\\ to $12,4:3U. (2) $6,5i2. and, Ro~C' Sam~el, LorrainE" Schafrick,l~n T : SV1 e Th e UJ lAg, o~,
on bid' ummer Street ed To .Music
Hymn of th~ Ih'putllic" b; tht, 5 Tht' p((',,('nt Illethod of flJlanc- (31 $18,J.47 IJpun Simone, Margaret Snow, y omas ompson and ISS Robert Styring.
73 On S('il()()1 Staff 4ssessors Reralu(l HIA"h Slhool (;It't, Club, H'CltUtloll~
rnj.!" ... tll'et itghtlnJ,! III thl' :--O~lllnd
SOIlH' l hSluher n1t'mbl'l~
urged I R('tly Fiveash, Kathle(>n StaOlsh, was ~~ta ~ellar, ba~Yb dama~ school freshman
by JO.ln MI'.ld(' .Ind FI(,d S\\<LJI ... on, Tax DI~lll(t onl). b a b.J.llll'l lo a' 11l1ll1etilate ('xtl'n"lOll of South JOHn Stt"'('n!'l, Mane ThomasiOo,
I ..
I t'S op ,,"as ope rat y William a warded a full study
H ave Conlp Iete d 'Their Ow J b". the Bpnedlrtlorl b> Re\,. John T, to\\n\\ldl' prO){lum. ~tall1 :::tll'et lrghtmg to ~OIton II't'ne Wlelgos, Annt' Welch, Bar- Cl'oVoe, Chief Lmke, who said that to the Berkley
FO tAO d e l n () s, 0'('01111<", Stal' ~p,lllgied Ballll"", PI .. "d .. II1 lIall) A \\ alia .. ap, Sireet, but the fll 5t ,electm,," I bar a Wendt, Carol Wright, Elea- th. cause of the blaze was undeter- School
()urse Ask $200 Raise I 1 mi~ed, estimated the damages tCl
IrS I FJlIIlj.{ Squad and tapR. lwlIlted a thl('e-l1lan lommlttt'(' to \\ullled that .in> ext'l1l'-lOn bE'jond nor Y(,Rke and Helen Zajac The school will be
Seventy-thl (I{' teachf'ls und ath- Tht, i{('\ Hobf'rt H T AnO('I"on M'eh. Illlmelll.ite lo,,"n actIOn on the S('('ond Tax DlstllCt v.ould be Th(' bo:rs arp Chester Albrycht,l the bUlldlllg at $2,000 Bnd the darn- from July 16 through
er school employet'~ have taken HaVing It'\.dut'd the to\\n, the of,lbUI), Stat(' iA'J:tlon l'h ql- nt'\\' I1ghb fnl )1am Strl'ct The b('yond the PO\\C'IS of the Board IJohn Barry, GeorgE' Beebe, Wilham age to equipment at about $5,000. at Bridgton Academ:r.
first Uld COUI"'CS a!-t palt of the Board of o\.t.Ml'~Oll' hu:. turned to, \\lil be thl bW,.tkpl. (Ommrt1l't' v. til Ulllft'1 v.lth thl "l'- of FlOanu: beluu ... e of the ple~ent Bennett, RJchard Reshuk, RIchard The owners said that there was Bridgton, Maine, by Ha!old:.lI
, civilian dC'fen"'I' IIIOjoCism a 1\('\\ I.Bohlen! Il'ttm(n ull(ll'onnl'{tllut Light un,! systrITI of flORnclOg irghtIng' out Roycf', Donald Butkhardt, Philip , some tnsuJ'ance on the property. ley, well !mown writer
MIS8 MmOll' Mal Donald, '-I hoo! 1 I Ollll,un.\ l'n!.! Int" I" It OIl ~'" "n,1 11"11" t t8"'" C'olhns, Aldo ('ope., AnO'E'io Del- A boy and 8 hghted match were of violin who is Violin
nurse. salu .."."on d ay a [I eilloon Ih t Ho,t! d Hit mbt I'" h:l\ t' t l'al'~t'''sl'd nIl,., E z
II" a Zt p.
1'0\\ 1'1

Illob.lhh. \\111 UIJ,!I .l(tlllll .n once <'

DePaolo saul hl' \\lil "'l'~h a GUldlcf', Andrew Dlogosek,
... ~ AIE'X- held the cause of 8 blaze which Etude Magaxine.
" h a d eOio II t.'t I m th lee f'I 1r
groui'" I tht'll
::. 0\\.n J,ob .. and ,found tht' pH' IT/-ZZ Pia T 1 on ltllllplt'le II).!,htlng on :\laln to\\n mt'etlOg 800n to pH.h'" on the and!,1 D)lldlUk, Robert England, gu t te d t h e h orne 0 f R0 be rt Ra y-
aid courses In Southtnllton. The 111- s('nt \aluatlon \\.lntrn~ I Y (Jnlg 1t ~ttl't't, tllllll (h,l}l11l8n to Buchland o\t'lall l1ghtlnlZ 1'1 O\!I a 111 , to bt, In-' Donald Flollan. Rodney Gibson, mond, Sr, of Spring Lake Street,
structol1J \\ere EUlle Atwutel, ChUlll1lHn John A l'dtrlln ap- l'lLullleranChurch (In tIll ""lllllld 11I"t!Hl) at the llllq\rllntht'rll'-tlll~tlllthulgl'l Dp\\t,). JHt'k<;on,JI,Rlchul-dKnap, shortly after noon Saturday.
Miss Elizaboth ShorPY of the hTgh Pf'HI'I'd lwf'll'!' thf' H4IIlI'tI of St'lt'l't- n(''Xt nwt'lln).! ot lhl' Bualll uf 1'1- "Put one lt~hl out",ulp the olt!, ~t'rJ L,lllbp(" John Maccfo Philip Raymond, 10, was search-
school faculty. and Max\\ell Mor- Ill!'n la ... t Fllda) til Jlrt''''H fOI .1 $200 Emd Waltf'1 PaJo, \'Ioltnlt.t. \\111 nam't'. lH)Juullh Ilnll~ and thf'\ 1) bt' on' And, P.ltS) MaC!succl, John Mayo, ing for hiS pet cat in the attic with
lpy, plincipal of the Beclher Strel'l r.ll!'lt' to $:)00.1 ~t'.11 for each bonld lllakf' hi" nlst Anv'llcun appC'al- Fl,,,t ~l'lt'ltlll<ln .J""'l'ph A lh'- nl\ IIt'(k fll' light", flUl;1 all n\l'r LoUIS MOIPII!, Rogel MulliO~, John the aid of a lighted match. When
School. llH'mh(,1 anu' at R pill toda) in a ('onct'lt P.H,]U, Jl l',lll11,l\td till' III t pf tht, Fllst Ill:-.tll('t," ht' said ~rland, I{o\ G S,If'n, Richard Pa- the match started to burn his
Miss MacDonuld a-ave the repott l'etllllo, \\lw 11'0 u"t,d ttl llt'arlOg of snclt'd and f'l('culal mUSIc at th(' thl" "IOJl'lt <It uhout ~l,lIt)() an- "It'", t'a"'II'1 til hJ.\t .1I1 o\('lall tlZO, Hobert Panzo, John Patz, fingers he dropped It and It fell
at a teachel~' UIIvlllun dl'ft'n:-'t' Plott'stl'l, got Olll' [111m the select- Flr~t Luthf'lan (,hulch . MI l'aJtl nualh dud I'It'dltted Ib alCl'ptanll' plOgtam. thIn t'\(I~hod~ \\111 Edmund I'otb'r, JOflf'ph StanattI5"mto a chair which became ignited.
)neeting 10 the high ~l'hool hblalY Ilwn 3r11\'{'t! he 1'(' 5(,\(,lal w('eks :,gu as h) till' 110"11(' boal'!. )I.i) and l'\('I~blldy \\dl bend It." ~t('phen Sulll\.tn, Ht'IlI)' Survesky, Engme Company 1 answered the
First altl study I~ lequu'ed fOI "Jt'fI 11lt""/.:al." tht,\ lold hlJl1, ('It- u ril<;plau'd'p('nwll flom G(,ll1Idn\ "I'm ... (alt'd to ti<'ath \\hen tht' ",('ll ttm.1n .. 81<1 FrC'd S\\anson, ('uri Szpak, Chpster alarm but found the house in
all hign school ~tudents, Jetry tng thl' 24th .ItlH'ndlllt'llt to the' Tht' ('olJ('ert, sponsOied by thf' dll\l' nlon;! thut I {lad I \laln (hid ('l'al) uiged that MalO TOllla.!'J('wlcz, Fn.ncis Vprderame, flames when It arrived, Booster
Foley, phY~lcal f'dul'RMon tn!'ltIU(,- Stutt' COllstltut""1 \\hlch fOlblds MUSIC Commltt('(' of the Fll'Stl Su(t't) at Illght." . . ,lld (halll'''' E ~tlt't't Ilghtmg ht' ext,'ndetl qu,d. . - GClald Wagner, John YUl'cak and lint'S were laid to a nearby brook
tor fol' lJOY.s, told the teuchers, He IIHH'a~lng thl' ".IY of a public Lutht'lan ChUl('h, also will fl'utul'f" (Io\\lt,\, Houlu l11('lllOt'l "You 1)0 to \t\\Utt'1 Stt('\>t a ... li Plot('(- Rlchurd GalJ(>tte. and firemen werE' able finally to
said the ~tutly was tit'd up ,Inerti) "f/lu,t dUllng hiS tt'llll III offlcr !\I1"5 Ruth :-;<hlmdt, Sopl'Unn, and l Ju~t tan't :'l'C ~OIlll'Ollt' \\ho I'" tlollof lC'sldpnt:-of tlwhouslIlg-pw- put out the fire Engine Company
with civilian defen~e, stte~B helng' "It huf'l hpt'n liOlIt'," .ll1f'l\\t'I'Ni thf' Hc\' MartlO L, Dolbcf'I, JI. v.alklng-" i J((t thfH' Forf""pH Dan{'f" ,4 of Marion was called to aseist at
put on bamlaJ{IOg'. ~hock tH"3tnwnt I'dllllo He- sard the assc~~or5 IlURtOl, balltonf' Mrs. Ho\'ard I "POOl 1lght~ HI(' \\OI<;{' than A ~tat(' Hlch\\a\' [)t'p,lltrnf'nt I Thf' JUniors of Southln~ton High the blaze,
and artifiCial leSplI'atton Ftne- \\,t'II' Io{lant('d a $too IHI~t' In 194fl Mc('.lIth), ('hUich olgumst, v. III I noll,', b(,('uu,,(' the). all' dl't't'ptJ\l',' o[fHlUl ... ald the 1l('Il.lltnH'nt I... School \\tli sponsor a Far('well Chief Linke E'stimntpd the dam-
tures and bUIII~ wtll be taken up Flr ... t St'lt'(tm:fn .J(l~t'J)h A Dt'. play the plano accompamllwnt fOI Wallu(t' .. uld ... tllrl\Jrl~ plnn", [01 mOIl' light." at Dann' to the senIOrs flom 8 to ages at about $1,500 The family I
befol'(> the ('nd of t hl' ~('hool tet III I 'uolo. J I , ttl ld l't t I Illo ht' \\ 111 SU p_ th(' COnCPl't and \\ III pr(>sent sC'vel u I \\' rlhu I B C OU( h (If t hI' po" ('I the ;\1 t' I I.]('n- \\ a tt'l lIu! ) Tu I n pi k(' :~() p, Ill, Saturday, June 2, at," III reSide With relatives until the
Folcy lepolted thut :\11:.. Paultt" pOlt tht' aS~t''''''(I1~' It'qut'st If they (Continued on Pagf.'4) cOIll}lany <;ald t'"XI"trn).! lrJ.!ht'" un Int('r"'ectlon the high school gym. I house can be rebuilt.
Twomey, phY!-\J('al l'du('utlOn In- ('all \\Olk out a I('gal \\ay to ac- _ ___ _ . - --- Eng-me Company 1 was called
stluctor [01 Kill" "a' follow,",.- II (,OI"plish th .. ''""',
similar progrum, It \\ a~ sug-g,,<;tt'd tht, a~!'It''''S(l1 H
"Cider Burrel STJccicd' Stops A t First COll,rrreO'utionul Church ,-, ,., -'
'out agam about 1030 Sunday I'
I mght to a fire \\ hlch totally des-
Supennll'ndl nt Wdll1lIn :\1' nll~ht 1"1'~lJnl until a hl~ht'l com- I I troyE'd a vacant house on the, Styrmg has
Strong, who Pll'''llh'ti, l.dled fOI '1lf'lll'lntlon I" \ott'd fOI the "fflcl' , cornt'r of Birch Street and TO'wn: yea rs un d er S ta.nle:7
reportN on III"t UI(I ... tul!; ftolll l'dlilio :-.ald hI' and uth('1 hmlld , LlOe Road. The flf(" of unknown: rector 0 f the S tring '
elemental). (hool pllfHlpal'l Tht'Y IlWmb('IH dOll't \\ant to take su('h u oflJtln. oTlR'lIlslly reported tOine rt ments . the
8aid HUll' III ... t! til t Ion 1 n til ht IIld !4tl'P the Plalllvllie Fire dE'partment by I h ere pa H 1D
~tudl'nb hdolt' tht,
Othl'l 1l1l'Illlwth of th,' HOHld Hit' a passing motorist. The Pl81n,,'ille!d
d d h I I fi I
S e Ihs a (""hestl....
en ymp ony
I t\lxt graut' John (;. I'oit II.. .1t)(j Lukt, E Fllht-' 'I epartment notlfle t e oca lte-, School Orchestra
L(>o (iUlll'!I\, LIIHoln-I.('\\I ... linin men v.hen they found the house S g E bl
prln"lpa!. hllJ.!).!,t, ... t" I Ihat \\lOdo\\",: \\as locati'd 10 Southmgton. ! trRm Unsemh e..
, t h l' "'( h I 0 I ~ I,(' h IIII IIt CI I [ lOin I
10 '
Agam the firemen were f orced 'local"""n y
studentse named
W1IS" to
f1yinf( Rlu,,' C;ul., Fur... ' C;tI~t~ F.,II to lay booster lines. The fire had ~ Stat. Orchestra. '
Strong- Mlld thut pulltng' dO\\ll Tun PO"f'r Linf"s Hprp gamed so much headway thnt the Eucke-rs described the
CUl.t811l~ Hnd II()~IOR' \t'lwtllW flrf" fighters "'ere unable to enter shl p a ward as "the
bhnd!4 would orf'l "omt' Jll'ull'c. fllJ.!"h \\ IndR, \\ lth gale (OIC(, ,thf> house ChiP! Linke said that my hf.," and said it is
tlOn. Stanl", \\' f<:lIkt'l ... (011111H'nt- J{U~tH, f"l\l'd t\\O JUI\\I'I IltH'c:. and th, damages amounted to about able achievement both.
cd that \\lIl' I1H' . . h \\8!- thf' ht ... t many dt,ui hmhH ht'H' ;I'f'tf'rday ,$500. : of U", boy and of tha,
~hteld fOI flvltl~ I-!,lu" ... hut Ian Into i'.)('ctll(,lty \\UI-< ('ut off hlll'fh to I ,partment of
great CXPl'IlSl' hOIlH'.!O 111 ('hUll'll Stlt'd, I'luntfl- I
Jo'u'(' .!'ofdy ('hl'tk lif'tq \\'t., I I' \dlf', h) a hlf'nk theil', hut no
Pvt. B, n. Batt'S Transfe.... , The local orchesWd
To .Jump TrainiDlr 5c.-hool I former pupil of Belklq'.
given tht., tl'U('hl'11'o [01 dl~tllbutlon flt'IIOll"! damagf" \\at. I(,POI tNt Th(' ('vt B.rnnrd D Butes Jr was' Styring i8 too
SOD of
to the PUllIl... '~"('tmd blcuk octUI J('d Oil Ih I~toll ! transfE'rrt'd thiS wl'{'k f~m' Fort Mrs. William Styrinz of "",-,~
011' of lile q\lt'ltIOI1~ III tht, II"! ~llt'{'t

IW'eekly Health
I B raRg,N
(" ,to F ort Benning, G n.,' Avenue,
was, "Do \(111 h.n(l\\ th' nWHltcl (If ('ontWrllt'ut Light and 1'0\\1'1
, \\ hen> he Will enter Jump traming
the flrco dt'11IlrtllH'nt?" Co III IJII 11\ ('It'\\~ qtll( kly H'lHllll,d
I school.
"1 u"nllt t didn't until I iookrd hnth I1tH'fI , Pvt Bates, the son of Mr. and Dr. noaiaa W. DlI1b~
it up aft('1 rl'u(ilng tht, '1lH'I-<tlnn." I Mrs. Bernard D. Bntes of 12 Nim- i IngtOD Health Ofrteer.
StlOng snul "Tht, J1l1lllbel' Is 1;'1": 01 'V I\lrf.tOil, MCH1doy It7- Court, Plantsville, is stationed repot1ed 25 caSI!io of
------ I Ehzalll'th lfp"on Tent No
Motor "(/rirl .. 'ceidl'nlH i Daullhtel's o[ UOion Veto',ans, WIlli
With tho 9tb Unit of the 82nd Alr- :ne:~ea:~""~;O~f~~=::i~~
\ bornr niviKion. His fathcT
Lust YcUl ThiS Y<.>ur meet at 8 Monday at the home of I waves
Cider Barrel Spoclol" &B his passenger, Mark Johnson, and the look on, The boys, all members of Cub Pack 1 of tho First Congre- I Wednesday he is scheduled for a
Accidents &0 84 MrR, Harold Hotchkiss of Werk-I
gational Church, built the train themsel.... , Iurloap bom. in II.... or six WOf!ka.
Fptllllties 1 8 in&, Street. Plantsville, I raUrpad crew of Raymond Moore. Ku~t Johnson and William Heath
1 -re. L
111 - -Tt i
, ./t 11 12' Ji'I 1 ' ,f ' M l VR; 77H1, ikt 1,11#11 3 17'f .5, .0 -c *-
'D-1 11 i- 1.11'T ' ,i.1 -TI - let-7- li .-' r"*r-7: -14,7/-=tzl_7't.t':20.7 ''1-11 lj, - "-7 19##7
036 --" . t' -2-'1 di' -1-2141*44.- t ITF A
1 ' /. t - . 1 1.. 5 -31 4 5.K*Stimt .. 0367
76#,FI4*, .E,4424"42<13, aki106924 - .. ''
4 ra, dan. 1 - 1
W rYAT: - 14: 1 1':F aliA *114 84#e# bodice, full em Prilent-Elect 86)64,t froop 16 C f *,p#ty, A* LIFWIYdi**hea i 1' 1 4/2 1 6* 11 14 r 6 .-SU .311'ilj k .
t..r,#*ve;fial*#F. s broid0re Bkirt and a matching R A ** , R'El
M./*48*twn=:r r .. jacket.H* 9nlterAble was complet- 4 4 . ' f .-49 254' , Ulk 111
0*en.nue ed with a white picture hat and .* -, Holds Father-Son 1 i.1 h H A Se - .44"
& 442/.
she clirried a Colonial houquet. " +1 Breakfast Meeting
113,Zant01,Di(% The bi-idesmaid's gown was hlac 26.- - 1
Patria Jane Kiernan, color and was made similar to the **P , By ROBERT KRYSTOPA. ScribeA 6 i /31'. d
41;:*'of Ift# Florette M. Kier- matrcm of honor's. fcout Troop 16, simnsored ' .---Ii-*--- 9 54*
St .114 Plumb Avenue. Meri- Afti. the ceremony a reception 1 f& < by'1('Y - h L
St. . Thomas' Post, CWV, held -
31 4: 3,----
li John Adamowicz, son of was hc*i at the Russian Commun- 1 ' Bieakf:,st last Sunday. < , 39 :X.:. 4 '..7.t, ti<ji; .
401 M,s. Felix Adamowiez of ity Hall, Meriden. Mrs. Kielnan, 1
ruff Streeti Southington, the brlde's mother, received in a The event was a gpeat success;
Colony Street, MERIDEN -1 -
. ..ji./6:.
rztnarried Saturday morning navy bluy gown ith matchinjr ar- i =lp appmxiniately 70 persons attended. 19 3 -- - 4
, ' Fathers and sons marched in a 1 -- i
it Rose's Church, Meriden cessones and a natural orchid cor- 1 :
4 body to attend the 8 0'clock mass k.,
-1*% fev 042 Msgr. Joseph M. sage. Mi R. A:lamowlez, 1other of - 4-14
1 6 0*f -dam/li....i
SALE Al.liI-1
fri performcd the double ring rhe bricic & roin. ore aqua --I and received holy commumon.
1 dress nitli navy blue accessolies m 1 .
ts. John Kirschenheiter of, and an ot cl 11,1 cor 036age.
After n,ass they all met at Phil's
Restaurant and had a bieakfast of
7 ..44
9,#< )'Mil ,
F 7,11///////. '
ifo#d, sister of the bride- 1.ate in he dav Mr and Mis scrambled epas nith bacon r.:..: A
m, was the nlatron of honok I Adamoii Icz .left for a weililing trip Pasquale Forg'one was master. ::#.
* .7145 k<-
4- ill
'lk 442;
,' ,I '
<11 73/7.
:*iss Mary Lukasherich as to Xew Yook City and Washing- | of ceremonies. lie said grace and A "9
tridesmaid. Charles Olander,ton, D C rir travel the bride introduced each parent to one an-
'lainville, of the 1 chose a beige suit with mint green
Cgroom. wa 042 the best man ' accessories 'Iliey will resicle at
Nancy Lewis, daughter of ilr. 042
and Mrs. F. Dougla, Lewis of
Scout R,idv Zadnick, Jr, chair- SA,r:
SHARMEER , 't '891,
maher was Francis J Kiernan. 254 Libeity Sts eet. Belleview Avenue, recently was mar, th:ink,d tlie conimittee in \, f ./ & ''' f .,..1, .:1,;. ;'. 401
her of the bride The brlde wab Mrs Adamo, icz, a gracluate of elected president of the ClaHS of charge 44
Al All,21 t.," '<-6'E"W
n tn marnage by her brother, Mel M,n High & chool, 19 employed
id S. Kiernan in the office of the Manmng Bow.
'32 at Simmons College, Boston. ) Chailes r Gnr,nierino spoke on.
the Y ell-orvanizrd F ork prrformed --+ Er-2- NYLONS ,0 4-
ie bride was attilect in n pi in- nian Comlmny. Mei iden. Mr Prt. Darid Sulliran b> thr le,itiv < (,f the Sinut troop 2 29#. *.
t Pr* f.alil
Adamovicz, a g:aduate of the ' :ind Cuh Srcii,t 042:
Hp th:ink(,1 them 3 - ---Ii .*i
style Krown of nylon tulle and
ntilly lace over shimmering Southington cch 036c,Is, ts emi,loyei Flies To Camp Ir ith ,nd piesept *,d p,n anci pencil sets '
, s
.4 Fri(lay, Saturday 4 -:
al satin, with a sweetheait by the Allied ('outiol ('ompany, 4 to earh of the foll 036\, iii* Scout- f
line, Queen Anne collar, seal- Im , I'lantsville Fc,ather In His Cap masters Daniel Rahitin :ind Car-
d peplum, lang sleeves and a i | Pit Da\id A ieturned men DeFen and Cub Scout Leader ) - Grand oppo rtunity 1 Tem p ting savings on favorite,
skirt Her fingertip ierl of Rotar, Entertains Wives to ('amp Stoneman, , b> lilane Dr Armond Foigione *0 fabulous fitting BELLE-SHARMEERS... Every.
neh illusion fell frnm a pearl Mrnibers of the Southington' >,sterda ) \,ith a feathe, in hig Carl Ve,de, ime thanked the ' & pair superb in qualfty. Ileautiful colors to enlia#44 . i
net and she carried u Colu 036tal notary Club aild 1!lel: . 042' O, :lt
CHI' rooimittee in charve and sooke on - your costumes ,..LES-SIZE proportioned Fiyion, 7 1
quet of lilles of the valley an 1 tended the Ladies Night dinner While spenling a 10 day leave the future of Bov Srnuts. First Brev, Modite and Duchess ... Buy for GIFTS, and j,
fs breath. hcld Wvdnesda> e, ening .it Artie's
with his, parents, Mr anci Mrs there 18 the Cub Scout, Tenderfoot, for your vacation needs. . I.- 1
rs. Kirschenheiter, the matron Restaurant. Folio\\ ing a steak
Dennis P Sulliran of schopl Second Class. First (-la#s, Star. 1 i
honor, wore a gown of ('apri , dinner the irloup partiipated in Stle(t, Marion, Ppt. Sullivan re. I.ife and Eatile Scouts He urged i
i imported Swiss organtly oser nic,(1*rn :ind old fashioned dancing. ceifed a letter of cniinenclation rierv boi to stiiie to berome an ' T
fiom the commanding officer of Ea"ie Scout, -di... .. et .53 Regularly
inumm=%,M=11,1.1,R,I I..I ., a I, mlmim:I IM g11Ii'wm,m Im, 99
a the rear detachment of ('onipany Many Scotitf in nui troop aie -Wedding Caridid h, B 036b
Placi' 185
]516 -J/m 6/7<8
8, 22Ith Infantry lt irads possrssni q of the ad Altare Dri Mihs Be,erly Rtih, daughter of - -------
BUCZKO'S DEPT. STORE 1 , "The offlieis ami n 036n-ronimi-
Ci,)44 Thiv t 036n.
is a high honm re Mr and Mrs, Nicholas Rtch of 219 Mrs. Remet, the niation of hon-
1- . 8958/1 3 prs.--4.44
vioni,d officer. of c ompany D. uarded each year by the Bishop Noith Nfain Street, and Cpi. or, 036ore
a go,in of flainingo-colored ./P c Ventilated Foot
-'The Variety Store In The Suburb" 224th Infantry, ieai detachnient. i,f the Dioee,e Cba, 1,s R Shea, son of Mr. and oigandy ith a picture hat to


- unanimously agleeil to aai,1 to Re, F.,thei J T. O'Connor, i Mrs Harry J Shea, Sr, of South
9 ,(,u, IlasidA, thi. letter c'hapl.,in of thi, tioop, praised the E.ici 1(,, I'lantmille. ere mar-
8 of c onimend,ition foi otit.tanding Alt.i, 1104: 5,1 thrir ronRcientic,us lied .it 11 ) am. Saturday at St
niatch She had white mitts and
carried a bouquet of spring floerf r -f.( 14Ali, 1
1 '4411*36 Mr, I 1.63 Regularly
11oth bi id,smaids had >elle,;i org- 'e
SPECIALS * military ploficiency ami ercellknce ,ff 036it:nn the Tie also ron- Th 036,iii.' Church. :ndY go,ins, Tiiaide siniilar to the fAirilar/1 * 1.95
I in leaderchip and militai> beaiing 29.itul ited i.ich father and son for 'ES #RM *5
0' 042'
A copy of -this lette, has ht.en the #i 036nile,
ful iti, ndance The Er\. Fathri Wilhal 036H Ken- niatron of honor's. Wreaths ( if
l'h- n h, cnnkr Af Tlrratian tn nrci>, past#ir. perfoimed the ,#ed- flo;,ers cre worn b them as 4 P 3 prs.-4.74
-21 98 e white Hats fo:ard,d to :he ::: :: rc: annil Rt -J Wn*i i i,A h/A onro dint: c,Ii,nioni Mrs Jazi,es Aldi headdiess and they raitied match- ST,1 . lilack or Broi# n Se*ml
0 Handbags '... l i
Il Sulliman expects to reJoin
i plf':id,vi .it the 01%:in :ind Arrs ing houcluets. the 1 ,1 1-,111 Min 111 036th4''
cpme e Shorts
I 224th in Japan soon. He i. a f 036i-
" reroid
Willi:ini McGtoin 1,as th#. s,10..t
Fc,r the \,r'dding the chunh \#as
- dee,'-:t-d .f :th pit-,9 and bouquet.
Afte, the 1,edding, :i ic,crption
foi 125 guestb H as held at the
I A it 1, v.89 Regulary
m1. Imi:Mi :,I. 151:...I m
I I, ' mer employe of ('lark Biothets Births Announred of #wd \hite &ers. (-(,unti Restaurant. Milldale Mrs
Ans iectntt, Here boi11 at Rrad- Mrs Tharleg R. Remer of Ro- Rich, the blide's mothri, tecri ed
04211,silital to Nlr :lild chilie 1':,ik. NJ. stster of the in a diesQ of maioon crepi' 11 ith
2, \ M,ii,i, i.11
.49 Regularly
" 2.25

11 i + V.,ii 036n
('hii,<tor, ki ,f '.44
hii<le. ias the matron of honor. na > accessories and m#<,re a gar- 3 prs.-5.25
r 8/i,ti, 1 >Ilt,t, Mr and Mr 1, 036,ag, 1111(1(,i,1.ilds were the Mises Mari- denia corsage Mis Shi 042.i, mother
3 prs.-4.32
- c .i,cali, *,f 51 .it, 1 Sti,t, 511 :irid Irn (:inip and Mari,in Marotto. of the bridegro,ini. had a t,iast- ( 60-gauge, 13 denier )
ilt: 1 T :111, i. 1', tiurci 036f
222 Sum- clooe friends of the bilde Harry J coit,itd ditss 036ith
pink .iecst,ries Daytime Sheers
and .1 matching coisage. --- - - - - - - ---
1 :. / mel Stleet I'lants\ille and Mr Shra Jr brother of the bride
and MI. \:aletio M,Nngillo i,f WI- grooni. i.ns the best man Usheis ( pl and Mrs Shea left for a
bui Stii,rt, illt 036pir
Robert Shea, also a brother ed(ling tlip t 036 (:pe Coci Fi"
4 11.1,1:rht,19 \*i,le horn tn MI ancl of the bridegroom, and Jo9eph ttael the bild, chose n >pll<,u
VI. ib , n.*id M, Don(,ugh of Notth Rich. hiother of the bride The suit u ith toast-col(,ri'd access(,rles
./ Main >tit,+ t. MI. :ind Mis liumeo bride as glven in marriage by and an orchid corsage
-- Heibeit 036f
South Erid Road, ' her unde, Carl Raddell The brlde m a graduate of the
1'1.iii' \111.'. Mi and Mrv Fiank 1 The bride was attiled in a hate local schools and 19 employed in Closed Decoration Day
4 D,Re,ied,tto of Howard Avenue, late and satln go 036n r,ith a long the office of the Allied Control
4, ..,id Mi . rhe.d,i i 1' 1.hei ,f train Her fingertip veil fell from Comp.inv. Inc , 1'; 111, (-pl
". I 111 1, 1 2- !,n 036nt A \;illic and M 1 ami a , 1 0361# 11 i,f thinestoneq and seed She.1 Ic Ntationed .it ( 111711' I 'trki,tt, The IVES, UPHAM & RAND Co.
%11. Anthonm Jiten of 100 Center perrk She carried a prairrbook i .1 , tth thi, Aliny
r This Week's Special! Compare! 91 1 ( Iit n,.irkt,d ifith a zihitr orchid ;

1950 Chevrolet, 2-Dr. Sedan
Fleetline, Black Only
: 0 0'

'48 BUICK grey ............ .... ... $1395 Oo Q o.
. 9 :** 1
'41 BUICK two-tone .- ... ......... ... 49,1
'49 CHEVROLET Station Wagon 1625
'i 2 0 4 I ./ blfild'
. . . because 1, M: 1 4 . - ;elI: .
'48 CHEVROLET 2 Dr. Grey......... 1195
-' '46 CHEVROLET two-tone .. 895
BIG 17 A.,9 ' . . .4

4 k '.9 Skks#
78 CHEVROLET ........ ..................... ........ 95
'46 CHEVROLET Pick-up ... 345
0 ts...f ' .. ts,u ' . 1

'35 DODGE ........ -.,.. 036 - 036 .... 50 CONSOLETTE ENSEMBLE '4
. 4.
.2. 4,
.:'.3 I
'' 1-. .0
. a :: ..1 5
'35 DODGE truck with plow...
'50 FURD Blue
'49 FORD Grey ....
'47 FORD Maroon

036 036 036
036 036

1445 036
You'll get sparkling clean hot water -
1 I. 1 1
.. '. *
., ,- .:

clean as the water you drink--trom
'89 OLDSMOBILE ........ 295 Permaglaa, the water heater with the 41
- - '40 OLDSMOBILE Coupe ... .. 345 *
glass-surfaced steel tank thht cant ruut 1 4 '1
J, #1'.4 =t 1
because glass can't rustl /,
h '40 PACKARD ... .... .. 250
Just turn the tap... Permaglas does A
'41 PLYMOUTH 2 Dr. sedan .. .... 295
r'. Includes Fd Exciso Tax the rest automahcally... ncvcr any 4
,-' "39 PLYMOUTH Coupe... 125
1 rf
11\. 042101:All 04211*
I'lft, 042f
Mbf Polff,10 PI# FN#
waiting because the water is heated with
OAS, your dependable fuU-time ser-
f 1 '*
:3'3 - '37 PLYMOUTH grey new motor 195 t
vant. Always plenty of hot water-as 7 e
i: '48 PONTIAC Convertible ...... 1495 /
' C. 1- 042$ P

much as a tankful an hour every hour of
4 5,1 '4
*% '48 PONTIAC Coupe ...... ..... 1425 the twenty-four-always at lowest cost 1'.
GENERAL ELECTRIC for the amount you usel ''*'=:,1
s. '41 PONTIAC two-tone ..... ...... ........... 345 F.
.*Arr. '38 PONTIAC 4 Dr. black .. 195
-a big set convenence and rd 1 -4 =021
i , '4. '46
BUICK 4 Dr. Sedan......... ,., ... ... 1025
* r beauty at table modcl ==SI + :'. '.1/.1
4/ '.m
4- a
4.* =
1 .2194#
, 24'ing' 5
cost ' This G E Conso 'FT.. .i/'r I n '' :ti=M
91- ''49 CHEVROLET 4 Dr. Sedan 1495 '., r
42 '49 CHEVROLET 2 Dr. . . .. 1495
4 1,4-- e
lette Ensemble, d taWe
model and matching
9.,4,' 1 . 3 :. f, . : 31 -adiribrl 1 1 :1. 1 91. \2. 1 1
'1 / r . ,1!/1. I... .rtfi-4 : 4
5,1- (-8 CHEVROLET 4 Dr. Black ... .. 1200 base, 15 yours (pr the 2.-4 ' 2 -44
1 'r t 4/ \ 4 41 9
mi= of Wbe set alone' '91 , 1
rf : '42 CHEVROLET Sedan-delivery 295 e
And it has the famous
>*46', r . ',,T 042jik
'' : ,': 1
15-, '47 DODGE maroon ......... . 0361095 1
17 inch G E rectangular ,irk':"t ' i61 ' 64'
i: .. '47.FORD 2 Dr. Sed an ....... .. 795 Modet ]7T2 black tube fof big as 6.1&ri,IM.0 -' .1
Your Master Plumber,
*ALLPOSTWARCARSCARRYANDAYGITARANTEE Gwvine mohogany veneer cabln,1, life, true to life pictureol
There'$ ao beuer buy ti
('ity (las Appliance"
handrubbed for ooduring boau/y. 1 Dealer or our Repre-
*A - .- -- anywhere I Sce it noQ !
tt I 8=-0# sentative \,ill gladly
FSOUTHINGTON REPRESENTATIVE FOR HUDSON 4 Guam eed by help you choose the,
Good Homeke,FAng
I*, Stop In And See The New'51 Hudsons On Display UP TO 65 WEEKS TO PAY 44. 0361",4..
correct size for your,
eluict needs. 1


*mthlng-ton Motors

%*A, 47 4 ,




Af 4 ANTHONY M. MASTRIANNi. JR. Prop. 22.5 Ellis St.. Tel. 9-0309 New Britain :
eL A Btai,, T.x-Payeg Compmy
' %,jinSL TeL 1940 and 1984 Southington OPEN EVENINGS FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE f
4 4// 4 .
M . ,(, >i >.,-, Mbf/ 042
' ' 1.,2
C 3 036.1
4/ 1;
* ./
' III-<W 1 .1 11/ 4 L1.e,t
L-2111*-4/a$-, .., 447. T " 0 W 042
79 .4'f- 401"
AU,vn,y, gn Ar. 'h fbt'the'~I.'B AJ\!i~ RD. 4 ed were GfigsWo ot l'be III1DUIII Jl\l!eting of the Set I'or
:Jb~ ;; Ib CluJ,
For~ j G~w.ntek8 '~I IIrt~lltifth .. opl!l\ Ilbuae was bart SUeIlt, Mo. Atma ~1"1'1" Southington Rell\lbnCbn Women'. A 'party for members of tile
..~ ~. .' hellI' at the Grigarek home of Danbury. John Olige!'ek IJI. 'Club wnt be held at 8 \>. JII. Mon I Southlftgton Tea"" .... Chsb win familiar .nth t!rlo
OnGo.ldcnWeddlng throughout tb. day. Mr. Rnd M,I' Nu,1h M.. in MrS. Ell.... , day at the Rose Room of the Pop-; held Tuesday. June '5, at the 01 Dill Brinley of
Mo~ thnn 100 ~ lolRUVC's and Grigel'ck received gifts, flowen b{'rt Kulppt of Hartfonl. tnt' M'hI9-! alar Restaurant. inslt-ad of th, Southington Country Club. !in. They now will
friends viSited Mr. an I . Mrs. Jo- llnd COl dR Iom their many rela- ~H Mnry nnd JuHa Gt1gerek and mentioned in the story on Conrad Kuhn and M15"1 Kitty ~tev I tunity of seeing' Briin'~""~
seph M. Gl'igerek of 106 SU{11mer tive3 und i'dt~ds who attended. Mn. hnth.yn Dalton, all oC I Pago 1 u( the second sechon (I( en~ art' In lhargt" 0' arrange- Circus, which took
Strl'et, PlantsvIlle, on Sunduy H."l All nu"mbers of the immedtatt'l Pl:.mtR\'lllc, GI,atltlchllul'f'n and I Tbl' NewJ, Mrs. Ruth Phillips te,lt'. I mt nts 1 complete, currently
thl'Y celebrated thch golden wed- family, wilh the ex~~t\on of th~1f I gllut J.~randt'lllldl'tn were alim phoned the- cbnage of me("tmg Thf> 'vt"nt will open \\Ith a hut )lorans Furniture ~::'OiC.. ~;;;
ding anniversary. son, Joseph Grigelek of BU~'lard'~ I Jlltsent front Danbnl'Y and SOUth-! plnee after the p~88 run had lK-en fC't lunch,'on at 6.10 p, m. and Will Stret"t r New Britain.
Followin~ the 11 n. m mn~s at Bay. Ma!9" Wt>re lut>"ent for t IIe I IlIgwn. >-..
compIel.l"U On t~
1Tl.' !('Con
d 8l"C"lon. 'b. folio ..... " by a br, an.1 can I h The h .hoWIDll:
M nda will c
nsta party. t roug 0 y_
~- ---~ ---- - -- -- - ----------- -----

:r. II's time to Soak Up Some Vitamh

In the Sun. Yes, irs time
turn to your Porch and Garden woth an Eye for Relaxation. ,
.' j

your Problems to Morans and SAVE, during their 59th


,Robett J. Aabatella, above on

of Mr. and M ..... JO llh Saballl:a
, ~r Belleview J\ venuC', and ~hl'h
. ael W. D'Angelo. Jr., right, son
of Mr. and ~1T Mlch 1 !lA".
,.,10 of Mill Stre.t, leCl Ihi. wtek
for ANnY st"rvice at Fort U('\-('n~,
MIlU. Bot h altt'nded local
schools. D' Angel.., W8!oi t"ml)loytd
at Pt'Ck, Stow and Wilcox ('om
pany and Sabatella ....... mlll.y.d
in th. drarUnK d('l)artm('nt at
Trumble Electric Comlml1Y In

-CardParty Munday
v &.1& RO
&&'- .aIL

YMCA Day Camp

Motb~r~ of Ony .. 'dt. .1
IU ,

lsst yenr'sSouthington Y~I(,A dt'n A\('l1ut'. :w11 . . Hobert Gurl\,

:Oay Camp, \\ill SPOl11ooUI a .tnd :\11 .... Hubt'lt Mt,\'t.r ..... Bt.tkl"y,
pubhc ('urd party Monda)- at R III i \ \ 1 !lUI, M I.... Ch.u It:~ ~\ ~u!ll,lIln, I
the Y gym All PIOCt.'('US,\I' tx, 1 E.l~t :-Otrl'd. ~I"" Ed\\.lId ()'
penses, Vwlll bl' uspd to lxp.ltld lh\ :--mlh, .\n<lll \\ .... Stltl'!. 1\11'" (;01":
rs('ihtlcs at tht' dny C.II11p : dnn ;-'\\.1'11, ~tu!ht"I)- StltI'~. MI~.:
Commltt('e "ot'kt"'" lJIllu,II' ~II'" W .tlt,.\ (; rubt'nlllann, CO" I('s A \,('_
IIUI', ~h . .

Reg. 59.95 6 Cushion Famous Bunting Glider

Howard Lmkp, tlckt'ts, Mrs 1:<1, \\rllrall\ .-\.,h"l'II. }'I'os.
ward. Smith, nfl t'shnwnb, M I fl
E:rne8t Tracy, pIll. . . . . . llld MI'"
$)f'4 t :--t I I'l t
:\1, \\.ill'rhul}
)1,... Cnbllt1 Pllef',
Hnad. MIS I
Reg. 29.95 World F~mous Bunting Metal
Austin Duffy, Mr~ Thlllll.t!'> 1',1111- H"\\,l,d I'.l,kt'f, ~olt{)n StlC'I'l, Then" lH no Jtlider mono hand",om" than a Bunting! Thf'rE" is no
Plant thb' in your gnrot"n and ('njoy the outdoon. Relax durinjt

Tickets maY' be' obtulned from _
ham and MIS, John Balkl I, t.llJit M, ... LUi .. Wllkws'lll.- Torld Road
and )1n.. John Bark"r, Marron.
-- _ _ _
Kllder thut is b(,ttt"r t'on!04truct"d than a Runting: Madp uf the
fin ...t l!ottrl a~aiJa"lt' with baked on enamel finish tbat r~ai8t8
all weathf'r rondihol1a. l'ht" big, attrat't1T'f' fJlaatir cushlOl1.s 1!Jf'e
pkasant, rt"stfut w~k~ndR on a gf'ntlE' swaymg Bunting All-llf'tal
GIlder. And what mttal II I.: Made from the finesl 81 1 availabl.
and construc:&ed for lifetime at'f'~ice and then IIOmf'J In .. ~the
Mrs. Howard Ltnk(' of Htgh\~rJod 'MIS!> Knth('ri~~ 'Orr of rth.'rtf'1I I (adf'.proo( and wBtt"IIJroof and art> df'signf"d for thE' utmost In
AV(lnue; Mrs }{ICh:II'd I'O\\t"S and An'nu/"' undt'l\\pnt trf'ntnwnt nt resistont baked on enamel finish.
Mrs. St(lphf'n Elliott. !'iorth M I'll tilt' Hradlt'~ ~1('lllollal Ho!'pltal PAY U~LY 1.25 WEEKLY A:-i:\I\'ERSARY PRICED PA Y O!'iL Y 1.25 WEEKLY
'Stl"f'f't: Mrs. Floyd W Nt' .!. M"II- dUIIIl\.!' lh" V:l"t \\I'I,k

Reg. 5.95 Famous "Shott"

Reg. 12.95 5' Aluminum
Metal Chair Umbrella Cotnplet~ith
Reg, 24.95 Kiddie Play pool Ruy Ihe best-buy "Shott". Siurdy. Anniversary Carrying Case
finl"'st quality Rtf'E"1 constructIOn.
JURt Jht" thing YOll want to mak(' Anniversary
your childrf'n~ Rumm('r daYA load~ PriCt"d
Hakpd on en amp} fmiRh is w('ath-
('rproof. Oesignt"d for comfort with

F-olds in a snap and fits easily Anniversary
into thE' portable carrying case. Priced comp C8wbo~ and injuns on Rapa..
long C.""idy bicycl~ For 1>o;rs aDd
Her Finest Surprise- of fun. !\1adt" of sturdy, durablt
plastit'. Play Pool comt'S coml)ltt(' 19.95 r.'."Red 8eol. flattened orm reot
and other wondf'rful fE"aturE"Fl!
2 ror 9.75 Sturdy Sailcloth construction. Jdpal
ror gard"n, Mach('s, picnics. All 11.95 ~irl.. Complete with sad~ R&I,
port, expn-ss pathge carriret-. six
A Diamond From with larg. folding umbrella and
Pay 1.25
W kly
hory fram. with grPf"h or rt"d
spats and backs.
Pay t.J.~
)"1tOTS at Morons low Annhersary
JI1'Ie.1 gune knd bolAl""" Do.t oaisa it!

Porter & Dyson

Reg. 19.95- Reg. 39.95

Dlamond~ are everlastin~. thafs trul'. and SAVE $5 Chaise

that's why you want to ~et the very finest Station Lounge
stone that your money can buy \\ ben you seled
your enga~ement rin~, But styles in mountings
change .. and you'll he pleased to kno\\ that Stroller 32.95 .
our entlre collection of rin~~ carril''' out the Annivl"rsary
best in present day desi~ninv:. Choose from our
variety of loose diamond ... if you prefer. and
have your stone mounted in the rin~ of your
Made for eom-'
plete rela:r.ation.
choice. Priced No bt"tt('r answe-r
Sf ation Wagon to thoSt" who Icn-e
smartnf'RS for sun bathing. All
(HlALITY mAMO]\;n~ A~ your thild at 8 .steel construc,
low pri('('! St urdy tion, with wood
LOW A~ $i:;
m (' t a I rtnm(l, arm rt"sts. Innt"r-.
Budget Terms ht>avy rub b e r
tir... colla.,mhlc
Many MoreSummer Furniture sprlllJ: mattress
covert'd I in we-a-
t bp r rf'sistant

"orter 8. 1Bl~$on
hood and foot
reot. While Jmlo
ent 8upply luto!
Specials in the Store! plnst ic.
- ~


373Main~t .....
Open Daily Mon. to Sat.
64 MAIN ST. - 'el.
Open Fri. Nites 'til 9
L ' 14| 4
. .3:$*Itil i 0,1*1121135,fir,AR.99'il ite#91%*!,1114111',*"
1,111,-"A'Lar)1PHING#*INAMS,(Wki Sg'thY: ' ". t A, Ii,;,i,'14,r '. , 7 .....i'-3 .., , 7 44. I 4.2/4 91 - 036t
"f!, 13:j.1'Il(il.'1*'4Pill1.,g"
042t, Ar,Id' .. I.IL
. , 1 t* *t'..1':D, b TAS,p,h<,k,L{(', !1:'i'.'J,4:1 ........ . ''. 1142 .*i.t;1:J:1 1.'
.:#32: '#';,IfY','ti.: . 036..-
-, .. 1
1* 4.-7 -"A..1 , ' .: . , New cEyes' For Johnny Safety Jingles Mrs.BerthaBrooks Funeral Rites Held WiZZ Play-4 2 ' '4
f.*10 - '
2 4rmt
701!31712! ....- *01111)ington j19ems Wilma knew her way around Southington better
( The veraes below were com- Dies In Hospital;
(Continued from Pige 1) 1
For Catherine Orr, organ selections. Miss Ellnor *flaji,1 '
Established 1868 than many of the town's 13,000 human beings. posed by third grade pupila of Miss
3 .=.1- "
,. 314dan st 1 Eden Avenme, Southington, Connecticut As the Seeing-Eye companion of Johnny Angelillo Kitty Stevens at the Milidate Long A Resident A Goc,d Samaritan mel, Music Committee chalrIntte
- C_s *4 THE BDISN PUBLISHING COMPANY for more than a decade, the beautifully trained German School.) extended an invitation to th 254
#41141 i
..- Telephone: Southinglon 15 Shepherd had a host of admirers in the world of men. Mis. liertha (Camp) BITOGS, 80,. Miss Catherine S. Orr of 37 eral public to attend thra progrwn, ' 2 1
They liked the way she sized up traffic and other liaz- \ ile m Charles A. Brooks of 1(10 Merrell Avenue, a life.long and Complete concert program will 14.
. 1444#.1., SUBSCRIPTION RATES At I.unch 'rinie
atds to her blind master. She stood guard over his work Don't come back to school ti,0 soon Church 1 Street, Plantsville, died well-known Southington resident, be as follows: "While Hearts Are -'
+ ..21 h -1 1 042ayable
m Adnoie bench and in winter led him with unfailing skill over 'rtilay at the Bradley Memwial died Tuesdity night ut tile Bludley
P i A Cenul l'er Sing't Lk,1') icy pavements. As bonte childien do at noon. Fli,bliitht folloii ing a bref ilitic ss Memorial Hosplal following u Singing," 042'Il
Bacto," and "To Hill- t'' ,
FIAUTY#'r $2.60 Six Months Sl.60 1 hme Months St.Im Whin you come back you should tops," Miss Schmidt; "Prelude,"
Wilma has retired after years of devoted service to 0111*d#,, 11 it in,(le, eah day Sl,e "aF u Ies'deit here fur many brief illnchs. She w as the (laughter .. Sicilienne," and "Nobody Knowit
1371 ,te 442
d u 8-nd- Class Mail Matter in the Post Office at Johnny. Others 1Il Southington share his pride in her play ye.,i.: alid an aell'e Inet,ibet of the of the late Mr and Mrs. John Orr. the Trouble I've Seen," Mr. P>; S,
-34 ' 11B,1*thington, Connectic ut. under the Act ef March 3. 1 879 fine,performance. ilati'&,ille Coiigiet;a*lotial Chutih Miss Ori was u familia; Aguie 1"Tiav'lin," "0! Du Mein Holder ,
J --li,61' I raking over her exacting rofe 18 Erna, who looks F.1,4 Blooks i, 036itivaved
by het .ibc,ut Sciuthington and i, as kno\, n Abendstern," and "Itolling Dowd
much like the Wilma of tell years ago. One of the same i#i,irle iticlitig husband; one daughtei, Mia. as .1 good sanin: itzin. Ab a piactical To Rio," the lrev. M i Dolbeer;
. ity Slickers /ind Farm Taxes breed, Erna is a graduate as Wilma was of tlie Seeing- A t,ll'\<le 1. i,la,le foi une, | .id,)11,h R li i. he: u, 1'*atit,vitw, 'lut,e bhe ( ifti11 helped out itt the i1 organ intellude, MiB. McCarthy
. M
9$ , Both branches of the General Assembly have ap- 1 Eye School in Morriatown, N. J. I )01'l 1 Ide two, ekeli tliough it'a 036tte
4,in. Lt. Leslie C. Iliooks of thi homes of hei mut,y ftier,ds dut ing i 036.
boineda>," "The Answer," and
*'3 254proved
a bill calling for a study cif falIll taxation, alid 1 Residents of Southington miss Wilnia a lot but are tull Soutilingtoll Polit, I,epaitili Ilt, thet: 1111,<bi'es. She \,1;iked In the Dear 036 Little Boy of Mine," Miss
;*the Legislative Council will look into the probleni dui ing glacl to welconie Erna as her .successor. 11 joi: tl,ink, >uu'll kno 036 3hy i,e li,0 L loth('11, Challeb W ('tillip umces cif local doctors in her
>ak. | Pia.its, tile postintibtei, alid John y,utlger la>s Misb oir (,ftl.rl , Schmidt, "Melancholy," Larghekto i
;,I I.M,t# long period between sessions, 1 ,fith Val iation," front "Concerto
id, 0424:.2*
A If you wonder why the Legislative Council Mill gize The High School Needs PTA 011, U, a bli >:le ib the Jight C.,inp of Culladit, thlee state,b tishisted het c(,ub'n, Illekson Judd,
*flinie to one group of taxpayers and ignore the problenis Ella Mati:heste, alid Mit, 1,1 his shcie blcite oil Centel Slic't. 1 (; 1 osso in 11 M inoi," and "Elegy,"
....a> I Mr.. , Mr 1':,Jii, ' 042iWondei As I Wan-
'/ 036/-der
taxpayers, Senate Minoiity Leader Linian E. Irincipal Alartin Phelan will meet Monday with a --- A, thu, W,131*,y, both of Bi isaol, She wa# 1111 adne rnetbn of the 1 cipi," "A:ilit De Quitter Ces
Adblpau of Berlin has the answer. Farmers along main high- groul ) of paients to discuss plans for a PTA at the high Iii 'rlic Bitilclitig .ti:d Mis Wilhain C Hushnell of Fist Ilaptiat Chuteh Fc,1 inany Lwur," fiom (imia "FuUM;' and
9,42*.FF-ayx Senator Hall has discovered. are lieing taxed out 1 school. One should have been formed there long ago, Ifuhitig, liublill,g t,lit the door, i 14:1:it., ille, atid t,To gi.tridchilcilrii >elis she wab the (lilect,1 tif uie "S 036i,g of the Open Road," Mr. Dol-
%,Wipr business by professional applaisers ith slick city but this is as good a time as ally to take the step. Ruhing. i ushing 1,1 the dout - 1 8/ funrpid waa held .11 <hutch' Junicir Choii :nd t 036ok coit- i bet'l
1%lrs. So, in Senator IIall's opinion, there ought ti) be Four grade school PTAs in Southington have proved Stoll an,1 th,1,1. all 036Ulthe tule p iii. Swaday at the (;ould Futiei.i hiderablr paidi in the ace,implish.
gj 042
:0* :aw to see that the pool farlner, especially in stillur- their worth over a number of years. With the toinia- 'Walk. 4,11't i un, in the Milldale lit'nie, 1:;t) Nci:th Malia Stieet. Thi, melits of the >tiuthful sint:els
0'w. ban areas, gets a better break. tton thls year of three additlonal grade school units, IFA St lic,ul , 12 , N,iridit M M,t, 1,d, JL, 1 Mhs c ),i, hi, 111; le hii hni 1, }i '
3,4 ' Coming from a growing suburl,an communitr iii has c,impleted its organtzIng Job evelywhere except in 1 __ I'lii,1,# illt CA,11%1('Matic,11.11 ] 036114*elilt Ft.i i + Imith h'r :iunt Mi 4 Mt 036 Albert C. liass,tt of Oak-
&,944,rgent need of new schools and other imi )1.,rement, the high school. lt needs 1"I'A ab much :Ls tlie eleinet- I ,c>,id,i;tid thi. :itJilet.. liu,).il 036lit
, Fleem 042in M Judd of Met,ell A,9- |ami Itl':1{i has been a recent '
S'1'iSellator Hall ought to appreciate the pressure tliat hils tai y schoolb do. | f )'1 7'lir Higl,wit, wi,t .it the liindley Memorial
St 8, ti,vdi ut t'w 3, hit*' Ittle; Iii l:H CA,iietel>, Pialit,- 11121(, 1, bill\,Id b> citip bri,th,1, Iluspital.
4 ibeen put on all Connecticut towns in Be, 1111'S Clai,S. If \uil dii, all 036ill
liu fitie , 11" Ad.1111 011.thi,e >isteit'.Mts I /1 "
,,Iwith the growth of these towns. land values have gone Books And Brooms If >ou don't, then you might ile.tiets ,#Me Wilfled and Robett is Stu ait, Mis Etuan S Hund, :ilid 6,1 Thu, sda> at 7 in the back yard
r,rillp far mone than in either city or rural areas. And no
1Iaivard is chuckling ovei the plight of Yale nien Litil t m the hopital tonight. Burhii, 11, both 0361
1',l.1 ille. Jub. Mi F Ihiug!.is Le 042,ts, .,1 uncle . of the honie mif Ma. bati Schoon-
:.lone has real)ed greater profit from the sub,1111&11 1:iwi
v.liu will 12 doing their own house-cleaning next yeat. I - - 111 Wit:,ley, D,+Hith! w 042tl KE. 042"
3 (;eoin," (>t L atid hei .ku,it, 91 _ Like:
036 on. Mai ion -A ii'_mle.
9,4..100m than farmers with land along main higllw ays.
The Yale administration has announced there will ' E.Aprrmm Idcam Fearic.*81> ,, *ill ( if Hil,2.1, :t" 'Judd. *111 of Sc,uthingtt,ii i'11, additional info, fiiation phone
4.- Their cry of poverty is the cry of privilege, of a subsid>
be no niaid service iii the residential colleges in the Fall, Fi *,1,1 Elht : t 036ti
( Ga I Star iiephei,s *,f Mrs Rim,ks, t. nd The funpi .11 ** as held at 2 311 Mit Russell Spyniour, 632-Jl.
9*- Whunger that isn't satisfied with the large handouts fioni
' 9Washington but demands a slice from Hartford, too, and Yale students will have to man the brooms. Ate li,u oilietime, aftai,1 that Ch 042.ile,
W li:imlitg 01 1'1:,1111,\ ,0,, p m yc'hteid.i> Ilt Uic I 036,uld 1'u- 'rHA NK YOUt
neial 1{<,nic, 13(1 Noith Mmn
the expense of other taxpayers. "A task in keeping with their intellectual cal)ati- if y,iu e\11:e,# honest and hbetal Stiet't. The l{( 042; (;citdi,n S I)eer, Me wish to express our belated
Southington taxpayers know how this special faiIll ties," chortle the men from Cambridge. ideah about the ionduct of the astor of the Fit.t 11:11}tist ('huieh, thanks to the townspeople who
1 :group operates. When the town was faced in 1918 with The Elis aten't too concerned. The mal(is haven't I ual" again,t the Red*, that you 31rs.ROland Blislier I'0 036ducted t]it, sl'tz Ite'h liui 1.11 \#14# .0 kindly opened their homes to
1. .the property revaluation required every ten years liy done niuch cleaning anyway. they sab. Rooms plobably inay IH' ac,ued of being Com- 111 Oak Hill ( emetet p
f Connecticut law. the farm bloc made a noisy but futile ' \# 111 lie cleaner fiom now on. inuni,t v Elected President J
pticst. during the Sally
I.ew 1. 1\ eek. Their Menerous
F efort to defeat impartial assessing A few faimers ,# ith The change may hae Intellectual lienefit. ttio. If >ou do not appioe of the
4 : 3arge land holdings wanted a local committee to niake A brisk brush-down before the day's classes niay Hay thillgb are going, in our run- Of ioinen's Sc,(ie,v 4/,4 036 For 036/ /)"Lic ho.iptialit ) added much to the
also help sweep away mental cobwebs. Maybe that'b whV in ith the Red, ate >ou a litt|e Doe, >our dog in ,iui the 111:,ih pleam,ire of butteri collectors
'4 , ethe reappraisal so the> would get tile special concessions
) :they had always got in the past. l.'nable to prevent the omen have made such a good showing since the> began hesitant to say so, In view of how p,::lm":h:,t,':r St "'an ,1.iting u* from 12 states. This
|1 -), *,1 if he'h, ,)thti\ 036 uti*ii,-036-1 hank 1 ou" waw *cheduled for
47 ' ttown from hiring a trained appraisal film to do tile Jol ).
taki,epdrt .'B,L;73'thet''A will be in the Army. I Ze, cr'Ti:,ortili,2;' been foi (-hilstian Sei, ie *it the :Innu,il cplinc,ci, h,'. .i hk,l> c.itidid.,ti la.t wrek but. through error,
4 these farmers went first to the Roard of Assessors and meeting Monday night at the (;iace f<,t .1 ne\; Ih,g 'lial,ling f )bt dliml failed to appear.
f 3hen to the Board of Tax Review seeking cuts in their They'll be all set foi barracks details and plobibly will i We think that Anietican. should
be called upon to show Haivard men how. Methodist Church ( 7:,s. b,ing fi,i' i,ird irm Milld.,le ; ictor & Sall> 1.pscomb
4 ussessments. speak out feailesb# Theit posi I .
--- . Failing- there. they got Attorney Hugh AI. Alcurri, tion a. bille\(19 in human fieedom The othct ne\\ offiir, 11, Mis Thl, 111.t .,gu,11 1. behedul,i
iv ' Jr., to take their case, thieatenitig tu invol\c the t 036zin in Taitored F or :_] se ' ,#111 be abundantl> clear in a mil Ealle N Francis, \,ee pti,sident.
1 gong and costiv court action In Jans,:pv of this , eai , 036 036, . "4 " aut 036 036.-t., Miss 03611(;eitrude Francis, MYri,t:ir; .,
hetr suit against the town was compiornised, with 12 For those of our readers w ho are in ( 11 hil, e |)l'l'11 ill ,iniel (,ut :uTE..tion of p:efer- Mrs Hapold ( 442ushman,tri.19110,i .
P darmers getting an average tax cut of $11 apiece ancl tile infantry. \lilch fightb on ilb feet, Me 1,4,66 ali,tag thib ei ).e f(ii atib fouith-tate 2,1*'a of Mrs Ki,nnrth Schoop. Mission:,1 6
WII'l 03611
r _ 10 others getting nothing whatever. bit of Intelligence: dictati,1 + If Joui real feeling, are Education s,cretair Mrs
*f But the compromise didn'l satimf, ilte ringleaders. A neR coitiual utiifukiri fui atimen 1.3 designed for ( 1'1110latlt. bm hmnA 41 /10ng 13.1!:,::, Chr::.t ..:r, Far...1 R,1:t::-s
1, r fThey took bheir feud witll the Town of Southington to sitting. _ If ),wi .Aili,i}an Minciple> ale and loe.11 Churth Actnities g ri,- 1.'1 telldline 1* :111 Int:ingll,le >cri ice.; . Mis Sheldon Mi)<, i t'. Youth
247 the Legislature. And now the Legislative Council ts tv leal. >ou will not be mihunle'l-
,:, 7<ee what can be done to help tbe farmer along a nia,n I.,Ocal Plant May Jlake- Jets In irutuie .tuod Wi,rk fecketa,3
'1'ti e.,ch *el'king our 4>nipathetic guidance
S :-,thighway who can sell part of his land at $800 a building EDEE )it, 17IE NEWS atwnt Jmubmg f 036il'--the (',ti.t,t Als(i. Mns Einia (, 036dfi,m Spill-
tu:il Life si,> Mi 4 54'.ilti'r
f f lot but still insists the land is farm land. 1:e op(Iling the Sc,uth i iigt<,n 11- iii .tild thi' 14 036iitig I; --,11- .ind ( iatik' lircitritcir
t :, Under current Connecticut statutes, land is assessed Deetqh and Mr, Wilt,, S, kes - ,\e e,tencl the same helping haind and
1,1.ttit and irturnit,g It to aticlaft ' all but .1 fr i,f the L irig i .111/ 1 )f 1.ainil>
W:,1 q and Mi,ans { 036ni in itk,. Mi.
,ifaailronmga 036Ilit vhaguhvsan.ehei,i,on
036 srend nfi'":it 1 (,iggini, paits pioduction .:is one of' nitli:.%13 11.insgilts <,f th, Al! hwin. M B, mi,Wis 1 1,1,t .
' the fiist trp4 111 the ruirent er- F,iici, i,t,y .111(i M,iiltli, Th, b'. Ed 036.itd Foilri, ( hr,cri 036 97 irt.ii , . the .inie pei,onal interebt.
5 tiar another group? Merchants and manufacturers and ' pail.It,n pli,giani of I'latt & Whit- tillluile the I)nugla, C -124 1 (,1 036bc Thi' h4'mt of the hou.t' ho t' Mrc Williani ... 11. Mizp,iIi

-K]. 'H
g'lit*eowners pay taxes. too. and can demand sl )ecial A \15 'aieful al)Out 1,1 *.- Circli' Ic,kidi,i, :lnd Mrx Milld rd -
ile> Aticiaft. This plograni ts the 111.,blet, the licielilg C-:1;.4 >, 036 venting 01 aoiding >itu,itions anAi Gilrq. Oxford Club li.idi,r
y. 1,tment in assessing. Breathing a principle tor one direct rebult of a greatl> increased ' fleighte, and tlle Fallihild ( Il 14
9 #;SOUP Inevitably invites pressure from other groups. deinatid foi l'tall & Whitney Ait- 1'.ick, ' .\11 thf'.t pl.,11('b .il# .tlll con lit,2,11. that Illight Lau.t, ulll-
036f 111((717, the bu9inrs* ini'eting. 48 0
:B -f - claft englneb b> tlie nilittary ser- in pii,ductic,11 .ixid h.1,< a pi 036,ini
delit.. ). geneltill> regard*,d ax a supper ,#its hrld for tht, Si,clit>
crank by membet s of the family
meiiibers. 110 stesses 1\ ere Mis
14-4 1
*morial Day
Sbuthington's observance of Memorial Day next

Th; Liuthington plant is no,0

ent 111.1('p In future p: oductn,n
Accident statistic4, howeier, le- Florence Heath. Mis 1,u#:, Sll<,
beal thi' h(Imt 1. one 036f
.ind Mrs 1*elle Wme Thi, pmunin
S AVedndsday will strike a more serious n,te than ariz 1 " ,liC 1111 It l}Vi'e-bhift, Ix dak Tli,, 2,4(m Ii 036, vy 0361,< 1 Ili 036iblt 1,1:42- Mh, 1, Ne all' mo.t l.kdy r.1,<, dii,cti.d b Mi. Alice 11<, 036ie
IM R HAI" st
.16/ - since World H'ar It. As in other >ears, the
itbwn will pay tribute to itS 33 sons who died in tliat war.
ii ( i 1)141(luil 111: p,tits ftit be \- ' W,11 ) 11 036Nt,1
i 1 \ 11 . of pist(, 11 eng,nes
h .1 \, ,(1, , .i! i,t> , ,< t(, be iIi Juli'.1 I alk'le, *lie 036 about .imi M i. G<,clfn>
Iii> .11,1 1 .aft i lic luil,lig thi 1.41 , littli thilig. Aift, 11 lead, tu :,ellou 042, 1
Phune 11
80'T.' 042670 042
.l',<But the shadow of a new war in Korea now falls over the .1.,1 ..'.,f ,1 ks doing o,erhaul ,#citk ebt t>pc of 1.tigi hiItc 036litri, 1131njurle>
'lidliday, and the name of a teen-ager killed there is ln <,11 built plbtc,11 .,134 Jet ei,griii b Eiii- ' 1,19(1 11 036,ie.1
4 111(,1(' ini,der,i .tillt 13, 1, 1 1111 042
1. aripairnt m th, numlier
%,111 A minds of all plci> t,ir lit h.,8 ini tedbr,d fic )111 ncith- thati .,ny othet viigle t>pr of *n- , of fit# 1,hih take the h,es of {lue to the adivitw. of th* so-
ti Perhaps th.e stress of world events has its 'compen- Ing |abt October tc, nior e th:,n gme Air,,ig the Di,uble-K.,sp iii all ihildic,n thioughout the calle,1 -crank" around thi liciu.c '... .. 4, '''k.../
'Fisations, since it undoubtedly has been a factor in ending I ",111111 people Mt,ic than .i thi,u,- p, 036i, r,1 mil,t.,1>
042 .tili i.ift <,111lit- 1 nited State. A e fiequently read Moic pi,wei to him, 01 het. a, the
'ltlie local jealousies of otlier years and unltlng the town |11,d addit, 03611.,1 u orke' s ,11 be l> in p, i,durtion .ind mhedul,d for news *tolles tell,ng of the death came may be 1
sS*i never before. This is especially apparent in the im- :ieed:d to brilig the Southington , futurr pioeutement are of an entite family. wtped out by 1
Lfiprpved relations among local veterans organizations. plaiit lip to full w ale opriatio,19 NI,ith Anietic.iii S.ii,tg#. c \J-! ), a t,laze that bwept through the
Only a year ago they were fighting over \; ho was to run The mpoitu!!cr of l'ratt & Whit- thr 1:,1 Trest ca i , wt b,in,lii't family clwelling dui ing the quiet THE FASHION ACADEMY GOLD MEDAL AWARD ..1
. Sthe Memorial Day show and have the l,est positions ill ni,> 4 ngrnes 042 11 this ci,unti>'4 cui- Grumman Guadkm ( Al'-21, a 110111 + of the night
''le parade. Now they are working together for an rent i.nd futuie defense prograns i. 036,y .titi.vubti ).11 Ii,r pl.,11, PI" It ina> +eem ah.urd to Rain
bservance in keeplng with the solemnity of the event. is buf'fic tent t<) 1,(luire all of the duc *,d ti t,7 0 1 M bi(,115, um fm familit 042. A keel' dn e>i un the file
Outwardly. the day will be much like other years. piciducti,r (,ip:Ily of the South- huntllig >'ubniatint. 1, ith i.til.t, .uid I that i. Irft buit'intr h, n thi fain-
1|> lettre.. but it i. liettei t(, 1,1
42*Ehere will be wreath-laying, martial music. gun salutes. itiglt,11 plant lit i,ell as ou I E.,bt thi Dthri fiti ni.iki,ig thi, kill
k 0atory, parading and picnicking. But underneath there Haitfc 036d 1,):tin platit f 036t
someti,114, C-h iice.
036 \(,ught i' 036I ,.iii 1 1 41'-4 0,el-cautiouf than t, lie bulned to .- - I
,. 1-
1&mit be contemplation of the day's meanlng. of the thin I to r 036nie And even thib 036Ill
not be und 51..1 X.i, > .ind Matim fight, 1- ileath That Intile fainlhes air not r-7-. 12<A 74 .
62 ... .liuffid out 11> file 1, Px obably ir U a.c 042..
r.--- -- \ 6 l
93'. Adhay'zr'51:'lte.-'i:g::dp:;Z inmomr 3 12'.71.,t.::A''m.5,1'.d'Z..1'C "7,5:.. .t:di;'i,s<,,.i"t''.i,......... - - -- ---- --===== %.
142 .uniform, feels close to danger. That realization sets
< 116 mood for this Memorial Day.

F' ders Of Veterans Vi&w Meniorial Day H.kitf 036id

11(i#, O( cupied b>
,ame ize .ib S,iuthitighin, and 11, #,iult ti :irift,1,1 t .1 11(1 i r.< U 254plitili
addition, i,e i,111 lake oier ..arid D<,ugl:,4 C-118 411 lillie alld
e,11*11g< lhe facli, h .p,we :it r..i.t N.1,> (.ttg" t],111.1,1'lt
042hr T.24 4'1 1 036ilk

\.litg,i 72=*/
1 11-'I--111-1

> 'b
* Rl 0361

. e. 1 CD
*, CHARLES GAMMERINO Ideal to me fut it niean, I .1 m H.imilton St.inditid di\1.1(,11 li,in Tli<Ill< 1
,idN*linder, St Thomas' Post honoitiig a great nuihbci of my Thihe :idditiniial facilities in no in thi fit,t .f t I 042t,1.1'"it.
n. 036 f% -.
%3 1836, Catholic War Veterans buddies \ ho fc,ught by mj side \ia> c hai,ge the rcile (if th(' Sou:h- 03611,.,.,tc'd
h> th 4 .nitikiN i,il .iii- 1 *
p*emorial Day to me ts a day of and died in defense of this giedt ington plitilt m 036u:
prebent nt fu- ti,ir, thi' I )(iuble W.ibl ) 1, 036wii-
thi r

t::17.,171ltdii.. '1.1,;:'.'15, '1,1.I 1:.1('.d :. r.,1.2.'T"I':....1 M...'.i"li 1" '.,I,11 '. ,1, SHEAFFER3 M * MILK
i NEE :i ntcheofsoe'lt 1 JN' :9.':. "S'I ni':i : rm,111'' t . :ci ;. '. I: ;: m, 7'hr diin:itid 042,036f
thc, la,t m,al gi,1' I )<,ugl.i. I )( 4, 042ii
w. M,4, 1 042 . ..r : C l
1140 a day of remembrance Memorial Day fiiHt u.,8 obsered. pioduction progiani r:illed f<,r thiec % th:in 168 4/f th, >,1. lt 042inhZ
),)1lb *,1, , #'Fir/Z/ 1 -. ..
..thosd unsung heroes in hos- I It alsi, is in memcil> of thi. men I'litt & Whittley Altriaft bialich | nim 03611 1,1(1(,1 b> 1. S .tic' rul < Igil 1 1-
lit#78, aome of whom are recover- i, hi gair their lives in Woi Id Wai P| 042int 111 Ne,4 Engl.trid-S iuthilig- 1 .,I,hnes 8- 1

318 while others never will. This 1, the \4:ir to r,nd end all Hars t(Nil, Williniantir, .ilid E,ift 1,,ng- rhei, Uill .i! 042 h, .,042i
1.,igi, futii, 1-1 -/ ris '
')1*should be one of prayer, a day And right now it makes us again me,idi,u--ab well as a fartlity m trquiremelit fc,1 thi, 1,1.111,lfu(tul i 4 4-
. 44*1 904 bestows his blessing on think of the men 036ho
ate d>ing on kan-.u ('It>042 that .:ts at big :1* thc' 036f
.pal r Ji:il th f 036i th, th(,uh.ilid. - l --
. f
heroes living and dead. As a the field of battle in Korea 1.,ist Haitfi,id pltilit. of li itt & B hittit'> pi 042ti,11 ('tigin( .
, Catholic and commander of By JOH.1 F. Mi'Al i 1 77e deiiia,id h,1 1'1 att & WhIt.- ,,h e.,rly 111 hpl,1(4 .ild cult ent I> , 042
,' rCatholic War Veterans, I look Commander, hillonic l'ost \0. 11,'1, J 036t
englt,rt, th itic ke; ial)- bring iii,Inuf.Ic'tuiti
As my leader, and may m> 72. American I,eglon idl; but th('11 h.1. bc'en no d,'- It i# 036mid,,it.
thi,i, l't,itt & 1 - '* + ' '4 0
' le blessing. be aligned with We ulge all jetei.inh alid ti 036, ns- ( 1*,1-*' iii thi, di,ii.t,id f,ir 11'bt,in Whitit, i \ tic i.ift #1 ill ( 036i,11,1,1, t" 1
t*. pmiple to tuin Iiut iii f 036tic, m 036le rligiti,'A 01) thi c<ititri,ly thi' cle he :a ziiall,1 111(,ducel *if tIigin,. f 036i t
@,RTHUR CALLAHAN thaii e,(': this ye:il bcc,iu ( if the tiiand kil pibt<,11 (1 Igines has .u- th14 coutiti> '94 atic i.ift -- \,hellie i
6der, Suchar - Gura Post u 036i
Id :lu.iti 036,1 tu,ilh 1 11( 1 042Av,(1t(, iurh I {irgi ie ' thry be thibi .iIi-iiiI> 1,1 (,0,11 1,1. 1
--- / Model DAZ-11 EASY TERMS
411*4 Veterans of Foreign 9' t' tc I ;i n + 01<:inizciti,,11. Tic ix, 036ch.:, , hitd tc, 1 036ok
bry,ind i t 036n*'i,gmc.s, :,1 thc tic.m,ii J,t iii-
I-MI bhould extind thiIi lit ti Itli'b li> (3(,11 tilt fulute (,il>at ily cif .iui Billi,b thilt 036C'
hdmi, Imii,ig .il 036lig * -- 1'.\KE ( i.5 WEEKS
Day means a great irte,ans <,f the Ki, Wai fac iliti.: t.. 111*,pt thF in.,unting di'- . .ilid In whirh ..i h:ir 036 thi' b.,111, 1 : '17) PAY
- --- --- - ti ):tijil f,it pi 042tin,
riigin<,0 Ab ,1 1, -T 036,i,r,
if,tice Wh<n, Iff,1. ii 11,uh T 036.
M, 036, i I.--I-
"191adng Of Talking ' ioul,1 play with thi,it p,littlc . liut .ult ti c I t,id M 036lci ('>
atid I thi, ( lay iihiw th, g,i* tuibiti, cIi PEN 1 042For
exroltence of design, the ('rot*lry Slielvn,1 036r t 1,
-fi:I |1 2 .1., Whistles le.0 :ind Irs. of thi. kin,1 of niu.ic thi r,ilh-k,1<,r (-,ili )(,1,itl(,11 I gltic' (,innplet,1> irlilite<'s thi 1,1. I untv refrigerator ever t,1 re, rive the Fashi,in Arndprnv
- 9 , 042ralladega
( Ala ) N,.8 I 14 heard Ii 036 ada i , Ilii.el hoin. 11.i\, 1.,# 11 llciti*(1 tc, build l'iatt ti,11 ,:ij:lile, >ou i jiti he,t thit li,itt .- Valiant 1 Gold Medal Award --ham 1*4 042n arrorried thi, r 036v,
14(1 1, 042, el
. 1ilmolives are fine for | air ni,t liligui*tic The> can toal & W'jitmi litht(,11 ('ng,11,0 113 ( ht- & Whitii<y Al,( 1.Ift ill lic hii,M '
vir l,ellow I,ut thi > ( an 7 1.ill, 1*i 6' 14- Ing it, full .h.Iii, i,f thum - $1250 fi,r
pr second
for 1931conmecutive vear' in
has extrn Hpitce 7'111the
1 )6Alitiful
dwirt h.itnw,ird.
IYF-/Theafy trains, but they ate 1 r.tgti, lilin<14 :il,Ii ki iii,sh,1,
i :b*eNI end to the engineer's ' f,tendi,
and a lealotig thi, lail
cif (,1,1-limp h tirhwa>4.
inginget. 11- 036 036 036In Whf,i, th,lt d:iy wmv4, 11 ,/1, t. 1 you keep twlre 88 much f<),Id whiri' vi ),1 wiint it - - 14
190 express himaelf by use rlic > 036lithil,Rt,In pl.tul is 11<,ri w, ip.i. 036n hz th, hauthin Lt mi #mnl, In MRhI, in rrmh M:iny Infidele 1.,1 7 +7 'ir, 1' rie"
. & 106/EL gret thm change m muf,ituung v )w Twd, 64* mh 1,1,1/11 ( 036111(1 11*,l 1c ( i,ti.,itici t,i Sheafier'i new TM is slimmer trimmer Automatic 1 )efroliting '1'he (,implete Sli,11;id,ir liiw
ear, with his old-time Their, 4 talk of eciuipiing I )ie' | 036thi, l'tiitt & Whilmj iii,tim , n. pic,duc ti,g Ji t *Iigi i ic p, 11 4 1i' 042t a+ -rests more lightly in your hand. Ex- offer, a wide rhoice of 141,c 0428,
linturt'M, And prkrs , 0
clusive one.stroke Touchdown ('ller See ihc 1961 Shelvador liefrigerators '1'(11)AY I
*pt,ak 036:'
:%.2:;lu';t 1 :11 ,3.,lt,tt.,hi;i'.:,, 1,,t ',,I I,,'" 036,'t':iu,-,11.:
;I, ';.'.' I:I,',I' ,; ' 1 I:,111 036,.'t't1
.. .',.'t'.'i# iti..'iI P. amazing
036 capaci H smooth,
' *'-b-* cord in his cab and|peani doubtful that :inrthinir uith- , ] 036i i lt-4.11,1,) atid thi Imi,hlt Wi,2.p 036f
1,4 1:i,42 1{ilitfi,id iii.t,it fi,itii cylind:ical 142 gold point, stream- .
it 'whiltle sound an intelh- out a strain 1,ic 036,1, liellind 036live it , i: 2*1{,M wr thi, ini,t imt)(,it,ilit PINt,in hi Ji,t pi')(iucti<,11 dining thi lined innerspring clip. Try it see how ..... .-'... -- *- - --
TM makes others seom crude and ..
bye when pulling out of wou],1 be al,li tc, iti 036,lu thi, i,lain-
036 i h, v i,1 i 036w,ii, i,tiginrs h,i\, .( pawt ti,14.i >(:il#
p-'.,I Live and ext,1 *..1 ;i, lang.kirk of . ki > 1 03614' m h,th pir.r,It kilid f,itti Ir W i (,WINN. clumsy. ##2*tie*led
e town, and he coul,1 Nound
1 Undetitandable belle, on 1 the conventic.ilial 036
lie cOuld speak to his '
" Z.before leaving the rub,
hi,1 .c, '- I 1,1,)7111{.iii, 111 pi 036gtitinE
1' 036i,,N#y *ind Mmmr.
711 036. .lip M24(,1
i,f thi. Aii

( h,i,t.,1,i.

l'i:itt & Whit,il
John F. Molloy

Inc. U
. ' ap
1 40 *all back m tounl MIN Hinii 'r \,in,Iii.ic hi i 036f
. H .irli 042'd ,* i,iting ot .;.8(111 h 14,.036 I :lplf,Venient i 4 mit,,1 in tb, TELIEViSION -- Arl'IJIANCES . *,t.'.
t i41thed the stit,n the Melldrn-Wlitribut > Ifi,tid, Mill- 1 Ii,i 1 036 1 :i,id Is the most p(,wri ful 1 condition of Mti. Atin,1 Mit; n:,1 11
STATIONERS : L ' ...., 41-
ds,02 people along the date. underwelit an 036pellitt Wid-036n
1,1ht 036Ii , 1,9,1,1, i,i th, wn, Id it Lof Berlin Avenue, a patient at the 20 W. Main St. Meri(len , 1 10*44*6fuqi/
' [it< botame familiar nesda> at the Btadicy Mrmotial p 036,4,1,. all of the flist kne h 036ti,hers i liindlry Mernoitil Hompit:il during Tel. 5-1646 .el *,21 I f 9. , ., ''*1,2...,L....,I:,St..:-0,t.U.,..
cksi.killed engineers Hospital. I in the All Force'B long range l the past week. 1--=In=.===9= .b---I.
HI . 1.- ='k 1.,43%-a 404 ' 146
' 1 u-JI
*.1 ir.' .:'1..
9 3 1. 042e.
.. ' . ...t. .. .laait..
Irving W. Johnson, 69 pa~r, T~Je, 8 member of \ H. JohlUlOll of Milldale, lana. If.] the

.~., IN MEM
Killed In Korea 1 1944 , in ltnly. Buried in Southing-
Dies In Plantsville
II ving William Johnson, 69, of
40 Iltllslde A vcnuf', Plantsville,
Engine Company 2 of PllUltaville John..,n of New Haven, Stanley J.
and Eureka Lodge No. ,76, IOOF. JohMon of Long Island CIty, N. Y~
Mr. Johnson i8 Bunolved by hiS ant' Chtrord B. Johnson 01 Water-
North MaiJr'~~ The
bert. S. Woodworth.
Plaf'tsvflle Baptult
dll-'u at hiS home Sl\turd~lY follnw - wif,', Mrs Etta I Hamlin) Johnson. ~ .JUlY, and onf> Sister, MU~8 Mabel durtf'd the &ervlreS. Burial
':: l'Fc.-l.EROY DONALD COOKE, , ton August 14, 1948.
.Hlt' dduJ;htcr. Mrs B~tt) Hnflm.lOli F uorl,'h n( rht'KhIP~ Oak Hill Cem... tery
~ ~ I!!l!l .of Mr. und Mrs. Alfred
. " Bra,," of the Mend.n,Wlltcl'bUlY SGT PAUL H. FLYNN, JR..
* '11 '1 ...
bl i(.( IlIncfl:l, Ht, wa:, a dll("C'-
,! the Ti'll YVlllt Com- of 11 .lIl1v,Ut', r~)UI bruth4:S. Ell e r) Ttli' funt"rul WWI h .. ld .Munday at '

TurnpIke, Miildule. KIlled III UctlUlI bOn uf Mr. and Mr . Paul H. Flynn, I
Oetober 21,1960, in Korea. ,!:iI., of 111J(hwood Avenue. Died

NU\'I 'lll bcl :W. 1944,
UUllI.'d 10 Southmg\on, April
Ifl Gelmnny. !
World WadI Dead

20, USMC, Boq ot Mlund 1\1 t ~ t), . ~ ",:r *
vl1le H. BUlloy uf NUl th M.ll n \ ,' I'o t"t', !'tOil or MI . and M,s.
Street. MIQJilng In ,""dron I tHI H '~"" :...: ' I\~"\ Full ik of 26 Summet
Augusta Bu)" UoUg.I,1I\ Ill", ~olll ~I, ., t Kllltd III EUIIlJlt, Aplli 12,
mon lalands, NOVt.'lIIbl' ! 1, l!I-I I 1~'H Ihillc d III St,uthillglon. DC'-
Officially Pl't'tiUIIlt.-'tI d\'.,J NIH (,nl Lt. t , , ; . 1 :': '1, W4~

2, 1944.

T ,', T ';OIlM.\!'.: ,I PHITZ.

CAPT. LAWltEN(,I': Jlf)Wl'lt.~. \'1 1'11111', hon (If 1\11 and MIS
Bon o( Le"'J8 BU \\ ( 'I!' ul I;.;, M " II- f'll , ,',., 1-'1 t (, f Bt' llln A\{nu ....
den Avenue. DIt.'d l\1uu'h ~~', 1~4,. : , H""' lft"rl 1I11t4S11l'! d\.cr RuugRm-
in Tunislu. \ IIII', SolonJ(Jn hlanoR OfficluJly BIG ACIWSS THE TOP FREEZER
d,t lalt ',1 d, ,ld III .JU l y . 1946.
Big 1 Cu. ft.

27, machine gU1l1i1 I,
Nuvy, son of 1\1)
Cabatu. of Old
:unl ~11 1'o
TUI IlPI~I' 1~1I:\(1
1't'll I
1'1'1 ' PF'''! 'I! r.l' AIlZDnWSKI.
IIf th ... I.,f(' M,<;
",,'I n.athlllIIl'
I>ll d en , .. d .. " <.:k l of X9 (;Ifl\'{, StrNt .
Jan~ 2, 1944.

III St'uttlt', W ' I~h

I' " I' ''' tI'/, nled n(,Ct'fllbt'l 8, 1944,
I I" S 1,\1 H('J,::' Hl II, V.'(' itl'1 n Gl'1 many ,
I:':~ ..~.!.!:':!I'-)--:-Sa~e ~.:U$199
I ~~. ~1. ,\H!'i EA!'i\
$/SGT. JOH:--I t'.\I.\'A!'.:I': SF
.Air _Farce.. SUll _uL_~II ._ ,11I~i :!.ll ~ I'IT F\,~S(,[S
CURA 1'.\ Y:vIE:-'T 1'1..\:-;
..{ohn Cul\'Ul1t' tol' 1I( 1\11 ' 1 uh 11 .\ \ I- if;, Son ,~-f ')11'- und M r~ ;~ha('l- .-\ M :-. EW-In beauty and ~t) hng

I nue. Over Hun~ury . July :!7, I~"U ('UI ,l of ;tll~ BII~tnl Stl(>('t Dlt.d M,ss M .l"lhl )'""t.II,,j (I' Ill ... , xII' I: (Ii.lld \,, ~ I. \1 I" ,\\\:lIdt,J
e ~~-tflP
tu fluor nfrigl>T'dhon
BUTled an Southlllgtu n. ~t.1I I h 7. :\ ul!llH 4, 1 ~44. In FI anct" RUIIl'd J!ladf' !o;tudt' nt ,tt 'h. II" l, " n ih "\ _<l nd pL I' I II ( i .I"'~ ~
:-IEW-:i year guaranteed
1950. 1\ 1 ~ ou ! h,n~t (ln, D(,(,(>nlik'i 17, 1948 Srhool. \\01\ fl1:-.t I'Ll\( 111 t 'I , .. Th . ~" l ,1 I nl ... l J . Poll t /,1 till' :-lEW -:!:iJlb. freezer

.)f tht PtlPlH I '", tl" l'lll ( ... t "P"', I' ~'''IIII I \1 lit "PI>I\':'1I1' d IJ\ tl'l'
60 lt'd h{, I " In tht' 1,llh .. \. 1'\ 111, \1 \ 1 .101 " ... \ l, ' I
The"., Ill> need to hu> a great L;! refngerator to
,0/ II . ,\"11 'J l ,II get the e ... t 1.1 lOn \ entenu~ of a l'lg I UlI-.... I.lth freez-
brother of 11\' 11(' <">' nf (ltd \1"11 - lon'l of th f' late MIS Jugf'phlh(' ot Kl1ton ll' I' o'l l ...... 0 ';:.!, -\ P ( I ' 11' 1 . 1 I ' h " , ,, 1 11.1 ' 1 I ... t I " ,(~ l' l Thh sn ('at nt'" COI,f:..,;Hlt h, Lo; .-\ LL the \\anted
den .. Wutel'bul ~ TUlllIJlk", ~11 1 tI. 1\ ,1", ' h,\. h Z of 77 \\' ('~t Molin StICf't. l,,('~IQn !-'hf'l ... tht,d.tUl.!ht'l Io! :\11
\11,\,,1" i ll l' .th l'I ...... \,:.1 hI 111 - ftlatlln.>~ - for better fOOO-ht'l'{Ilng And. of course.
Djed' Febl'UuI). 194 [). III !:Ultop. , n, . " J ,l1l1l,ll y 12. 1~45 , on Luton and Mr'l" L ,lI ... 1'0 " ' . 11 1. 1 "f ~:7 t , .1 ( ' 1 th, .. ' d ' . 11 I" tJL' /I 'ea" 111\\ prIce mahe~ tillS Cul,bpvt >our best in-
1'\ ~ht' l'I. IIIV fl!Il"S Ih1lll,d In South-
, T / SGT, DONALD IJIlRM ,\:'\. * dl'..!tPII, Ft.'b luHI) 12, 1949
1:1I:-tnl Stl.'(t Iitl h',III , 1 1'" )11 .... -\ '1 .11" \\,', I " til "111 1. , h , ....... ,f
Ann,! OStJ1 IPP I. "01, , "" . . . 11 . '111 Il~\ .ill1
, t'''"I tm ...nt.

Air Foree, KI.llld..,on "f :\l! ... 1:111 111,1

Par)tin of N Cli th M,IIII ~t1t 'l't (hi I I'FI ' \1 [lFHT (' KINNEY.
:\\\ lid. d tn
VI.H" In (1.1....
(;"1 tI,! (' ll,lh In
\\. 1 ..

... "11
d ... 1' I I. J '<\ .'
I, I t I ', . ... f ' , .. " :
\ ,'
\\ 1hI
'I I "
1' "
:'011 .....

I.:i ('u. Ft. lOLUSPOT '''Ih

Germany, MUH: h, 194,;) "'111 nf MI '" Klnn l' ~ of NUlth MUIIl of MI .llId !\TI'" l'l,ill"" (.(11.,)','1 I I'h" (, I' ,,' :\1, 1 I' 11 \. \, . Hegularl)

PVT. PAUL A FIIl:,\llJo:l.I A.
~'I'ot ,lnd husband of Ml's. MUI-
~.II. l K,nn(') n1t~d Jolnuary 28,
of B"l lin ,\' \"11 10 , 101 \1 1. , 11.1 .1 I 'll
au,tld \\1'llt II) A lbl'lt l 't)'"j.. 101 1 :, ~ ' : ,'
/I I \\ I \ . I J ~ P t1t" /1 "f
I" S1~~"~I.)
son.r Ml's, fath, I lilt F I.mdl !I,1 Hf 1~1.t, I n I'(u)th Aftl("l. Gf'l m,lnl.! Stl"I ' t 'rh o~ .' '11 " ,,' ,,, h, \ 1 ,Iln\l,ilh 1111
166 Bristol Btn'rt. Dlt'tl !\tU) .!';. The r\J u~ ... :! \\ Inn"
LOUISf' \ ,II DOllt'
\\,1 ... :\I I ~" I 1,1 " t , ' 1 I, :--" .,It. '1..:; 1" " ...( hll" ' '''
,','! I. ,I , j ' l l " " .1 . '11 '
..\1. j'( \ \ .
l!lt.:.: .L " ' L
. ~. .
': ~Ok.w.'~se&ml \ 1 "'1 , " " '\ 1\), ..

<It Ih. H"(' l"' " "':' ''' , .... , I , ,,. 1 .... h. . ! , t.., I ',r, . ,. .' ;1" ,,' d \ll
." , 1

Gel this HEAT-PROOF thl' <11 \11 1,,1 \1, ~ l, n .. , , "

11' dolUl.!;ht" ''1 ...

., '''\ ttl '. I, _. I I '1\ 11,,1'" i,"

MEASURING PITCHER I "I-a- \,. ,I,. , " . )" I I' .

Just for Coming in During l ' I'TFIt K1711."h I

2e1. m,t(' hlnl l'1' ..., 1-. 'I'lIlId
N.l ' \., ~t111 p( !\t l ,lilt! \11, \t l' I' ,.'
1 ' . 1.... I:, ~
\ I) t '

I:', )'14'1
d .... , 1'\'
nil' I ' "
II \'"
1: \ ' 1-1-1
:-0. ,u t hlllgtnll,
l i'
!i .Visirt1atic
PHILCO Kl 711 sk l
APIII, W,;" I, n


du t ~
III til l
\t ,.l" ~ "<:1' \\ 11.TI'I: ~1'\"I1.(I\\I!'Z.
_'I - " n .. l :,\1 , dlld~II" \lI 11'I'lIt
:--l., ],, \\

II! .. : \\, - ', (" nl, I :O-:tll'll
Reg. $159.95
Refrigeralor Week 1'1'(' Ell\\ \In> hi I "71 Z,
s"n I,f th, !.It" ;\11" F\ I h I, ",'1"
p" ,I .Iulu ,II 1' 11-1 I'll


of Old TUIIlf1 kl '
9. 1945, \II (;1 '1
Southln!;ton, DI I ,mh t I :.
I~o 1'1 nl' d \ pi d .... ....(, 1
,lll\ HilI \d I II " " II , oj

l~I P"

.... 1, ,01
I'l:l ,

\\t' .. t (, nt"1
' l I I! \1: J11.

LlMM~.I( ,
.. xl , 11"'''11
'II thl
h.d l ."
:-..IIHhw, .. 1 1';:ulfi.
\ U.H I"'t

S<'In of Mr linel MI<; ("h,lli.'" J 111'- * :0-:( m:.,LUtumatl{ \' Ul'ohl' l "lth
. nWI , SI, Hf ~,"t ll n :-01/(.1 , ~1 11 1 .
d.II(' hlll,'d ~I pt. I1lh. I 1~1-14, III
IT .11).""1 I'!! :-- 11.11\ \;-\
.. I '.1 \11 0/ \1, ... 1), 1111 , .. I'
Usc Scars Eas), Terms M'n!!laliOnal 'H.'W ,,'1- 'Iallt
I FI,lIU'(' BUIII'd III ~outhlnJ.!t"ll, (1(_ :-0111" II "I :'oLIII'" IIItt! ItlllU.ll) '.~ nngl'l. 1'10\ Idt.::. WO', full
tobel 2f., 1!14,8 I, 1"-1 :, ' II (; I III I .I !I~

\\ 11111\1 I, TIIIH .
va'\\' of c1olh('s III "" nngt'r-
I f: ~{;T \'I<'TllH J 'I \~TI!l \ , " 1'1-(
I n~ h . ,,, It,I.>I \1, .. nl~ . 1 I~ . dl of
Son IIf -\ m!, ' I" :\I.I:-t I ' 1111 .1 .. 1 ~1. I
,," ,111:1111 1\ I) " t! ..... p t'l'l hl 'l It.
Stl(,t't h.1I1,1I .... ('pll II.h( 1 211. ItI..J:,
l~U , III 11. 11\ Hlll l, d '\I )\(' mhlr
"" Alunril' l J o;;,!. IIHI. ~Hlllh\\, ... 1 1',1-
.11) . .\ tmwl .1Ild


HUrl r d tn
1~. 1~l49 .


~:'\IJ" .
h h

I ... " Jill!' ~ ZIDIIlA.

.. ,., ,01 ;\1 , .. 1- \.1 fl! IlIh. 1 "f :.!~ 1.lh-
1 :\ :-ot T.!1 IlI,d

PII,l llb'l ~ ;t,
pump OOt.'~ Cull IOdd In gh.lnt

O\('nJIZt' llOrtt"lam C'nam f' l

:!;!, ,l\\ut ln ll 111,11 hIlI11'o ~ '" th'HI 11\,11.
}' I l ' I n 1,. : "11 I~ UI ( ,tI III tilt' 1111 - tub.
c la s!{, ~ ... \~. :-1111 p f :\1 1 .lI l1i 'I, ..
I D(lllllt1H' !\tll.IIIO" ,1/ H\J~t..!' I .... 1:" "
"1,1. " .lIl ( .'1h', pt ,nil ( ' , lilt tt I ~.

I MJlld.tlt, l>lt'd (l(tuihl "':..J, l'l-1l I II

:-;" .il I .,: ,011 \]11, I I 1'q" (I
lh,> P , I(,lfi(' Ale,l
'cr' !. l:omHT H

~III(I". .1 , ,I , .. 1
"ill I .. iliat.' ,KENMORE 41-IN. ELECTRIC
I l' ~~1(" c:on n ( '11 :tlHt 1\11" It tl", \11I" 1I11.,d I h ll I I ' I !.!' . 1. 1"" pf
~lul Lt' I'\ .... \1 \. \",,111 .. - 'I'H\,d.II,,, \1 ill b. ,/I,tl.ltld IIl.JUIl\
New Robolimer & Elertrk Clock Reg $
~ '\lllt ,
Three Storage Drawers ~') 9 9'5
'Kd k d (Iii J\\" .111" ,( 1-, hl u.u , 1, \ Ih. :--" '1~ I Il Il:.! t ,, " In... J nd~I'
I~145 I1 ul l td "I :-o"ulhlln:l"n.
l'. L ..\pproved ~4 .
11111 " 11111. d r" I1 ",\
Don't fYll,- thu money-saving
IJ.lnUlII) ~I, 1'14".
.aJe-free gifts to oil-extra '1 h.... 1 I .. .. \ 1 ' I~ h, tl l'!"II . d III Modern Bathroom Beauty ~ow Costs Less!
value offers Yours thIS week ' HOI( ~n: ~: ,II III I[. ~ Sensational Sa"ings During This Sale!
only. Coma in nowl 'rhll'f WIlII,tnt omit I, bllotil. r "t lin \,.IIlI' , \" 11,, Idl1ld lhl" \1 ', \1

Mf~ Wl lh.1I1I It F.I\ ,f ~1 " 1I1( ',1 1) , ,,1 \' 1 .., 1\ III ';.! ., ... 1,,<1:.=, t llt' ( "III{(.'
N.J D1I'ci .Tunt :.!"7, 1114, :, llll I t .. I ' 1;,...11. I '.1 I 10111 11\ I ~ 14-,
At New Low Cost I
: 1l1,1nt'U\I'11'o 111 ;'o,1"J.l\f' J),.l'o\ It. l,1111

I'Fe C~IDtE:,\ 1~l.l~Il!(l
~~ .... on of Jo ... , ph A
Tt l' I "1\111 1(111 ,-I :\1 " h I. I J:H~ It',
",,11 ,,' \11 .In(1 'II " \\II II,l1ll F
)'alll ll lhn (If I: .. ,], lIt 1111 I~I tl..\, \ \" '!lUI . \\hl'"
i ;tfi f.lhl ltv !"itt"t'l Ill4'd:-\1 pit I1IIH I ,'1. 111' \ II IIIIIHII 11"1'10 I , ,,nl th,
l'...e Sears Easy
I'ayment Plan $119
Bee th(' 1)1f::~w..qt rt'tn~f'rHlor ~ Porrelain Enameled :;ft. Steel Tub
"allfeA 10 town- 1m lucimg 211, 1!)44, In Fl.ln('(' 1:1 ttl l. \ \1, 111(1)1.11 Ii,,"plt.d, I~ ft." Vitreous China Toilet Stainproof LalvatoJ"",
(,I!AI(U:~ /1'\HKFI1.
tlle onlv 2ooor tNlln trut" p"ll. d II1 : PI 'I \I',1
, dptrost. nu", ot 1, 1.T You could pay $50 more and still not get the ~~
ftew low C08t I I '\'Ir FUll'I', !'>tlll (If 1\1, ami ~tl" ..
tra-safE'. extra hlg 5-ft. tuh' The quick. quiet
I.\lhn P P:lIk\'1 II f MII1ILd" 111
al'tlUn: And the c1ean-m-a-wmk beauty of the
~"llh(,111 Itah BllIl.,d 111 ~,,":h
t ire en s~mhle: Alone. the bathroom ensemble
SPECIAL lflgton. A pIll ~, 1 '14'1
buy. SeE' it and sa\e dollars today: Hurry!

' ;'!2, !,>nll of !\11 011111
I' \"(It \1.1'.
~11'" 1)'''1111111'

Ia .... lu.d. "f !.'. n." .III ' :---11 . ,1
IJItIl J,lnu.l1\ 1.-" 1:14'1. In h.'\I(( '
I HUIII'd In !--nulh l llgt"n, \l'liI III .
I ~)4R.

IMMEDIATE DELIVERY , ('1' 1. .l()~FI'1! ITIUn.

Designed For Years of Cool Comfortl


; "01\ o f MI .IIHI MI ... 1:.III.l n l I11 ". I -
II) of IH WI"" (','ntll :--1111 '1 nl.,d
' .\)1 111 17, 1!11 .rl. III (; , /111 . 1/1\ l: u l ,('d
W c Scrvicc Evcrything We Scll I III SouUllIlglnn. P I'( "IIlh"1 II, I!14X

! 'Il ~(;T ~ T'\)'I.E' 1'1''1'11.\ .

AI1 FOI('I' . ~()11

01 !\1J oIlid :\11'"
Fits All Windows Up EASY
To 48Y2-lnches Wide fERMS $4988
I Juhn ,'ul.II,I. !'I 01 1-:,1 ... 1 SUI1lIlIt'1 Fan blades are deep pitched, bal-
Moves 3300
1:-;11'1', ' 1, 1'ltllll q\III, ' Hf ' I'''II. ( II1I1 ~'' anced to give maximum air I!ircula- cubic feet of air
In,{ 0\('1 (;"1111:111\. F.hlll.l' ~ If
I ~)44_ -, ....... ..... ,II I 1,,,1,, hI \. h t I,., '
.tion. Powered by 2speed Inotor. a minut~! Com-
I 1\I' nlu'lh J . lIulu of .... ummit Forces out hot, slagnanl air, draws in pare . savol
's S(;T l'\l I. HI'.1 ;--;S :\FH. :-""I'I'f, 1'lnnl ... \1I1". \\11'" 111 ... ln11Nt fresh air. Sold exclusively by Sears.
Ill .... UI1 "f !\tl ,lllri ;\1,,, f{III " lld a" a.::rand "'ilrdt'll uf Iht, (;ralld
H! lIM"II. (Of 11 " lI o1 l t St l ,'t'l 1l1. t!
I 1 (J(I.~, ' uf OeM F,' " ... tlf (on- USE SEARS KASl!!
I.ln\l:\1\ :.!fl, \'14\ (111 I U/n", lit. 1,,'('11('111 "'" Iht 11111111.11 (,nll\,I1- :-'EW nUIT.\I:-I P ADIENT PLAN
I'luilpPlIlI'q Flnll .... ,11I1rfl.n III \\ 1'''1 IInrffnnt,
~u ARCH ST. TEl.. 91!\j\ PURCHASES Ol'
'OPf':N !) to,~) 'MON. THItU. FRI. II'FC

I'ETEI(:; SI ' ltATTn
'I, HI/fr"r h.I'" hl't'll IhIIV"
aifnir"l (If Ettrt'ka Lndgt ,,\;,) 7'\,
III lit,
I"on of Ml' nod Mu
Sprntto of the Meriden,Wlllelbur; I
N'I('hnla R IOOF. of thiS town for many
9/'SE=.WIC TT1.1,'9,'1.1.efhk,:::t'-T:-,r-- t - VIIR ;, 4 1.'It rE I- 2 . '. , -, Ru'11 ' '11,4'i Ii,1. . 114., R'),1 ' 'e ':411'.11'.' 1-'iiI:,47L9..3 ') 4'' 'f, t,I.'.* .-,-, -1 -t,-S,:p p.,It-i 03611
.'--. -:....=m.*ouy<&,Adn.... 036rizi
:*tpi')-44'"2;. -f':it=T:LgIiI E,51-ff=1
'--'' ' '---- -1 r ,. r**v:i ,-.isry.r:r"' '' 7"O*f / te . '' .1 i i '.' 2
'' 0 ... #A 036*
. .., T tr...11.7,: .ma :, r ,1.1'IDIA, ./.Ilk/11$,-rti i...g .., 036 . .i.,-i 1 4.-
, 950% -I-
, U.4
- 1. ... *.
2 ,1 , I 4/.-

*. 44 22-2 -Planning To Build, Repair, Paint or Modernize?


A -dr
. 9.t .i
7,1: 1

4/ . -.
r: Color Gives'Eye Appeal' to House -1
Serving Southington
-lb1, ;
. -1
4,141; Careful planning, good architecture and Auperior constructiou-what more could be
Older Homes 1

i'21&'t .1 -
. Sinee 1912 '
asked of a house? Just one thing-eye appeal, in which color is the' dominant factor.
Many builders now make color planning an integral part of their operations, partic'Aarly /11*AAND 15

I . in large developments where ac
number of houses are of sinnilar r.v#*-
Need Repairs
f1 SAVINGS & HOME LOANS arCQe,c-tejrre h greated ' 'i
a new vocation-that of the color '
..1 ' . -'

1 ' '- '

- A .45 T

_-*' 1' -- S: '2

......,33% i.,___.
> ..' 'V: 2:..
t -r 1
Imlirovements 9#/,jaw-a#-.0.-
Fir I Safety of Your Sap ing ln-
stylist and consultant. A leader in
this new field is Beatrice West 4: 4
-1 -
Estimates from government
sources indicate that 54 percent

4' sured up to $10.000.00 Ny The
who color-styled 60,000 homes in
20 states for more than 160 build- m
ers in the last three years. Miss

- -
of the more than 42,000,000 homes
in the United States-or nearly /

23.000,000-are more than 30 years

i West, who color-styled fabulous old. Many of these have had little
* Fedenil Savings & 11).111 111-
Levittown on LonEE Island, says, if any work done to them since
color, and particularly the roof they were built and are in need
colors, providef the most diverst- of repairs or improvements such
surance ('orporation. fied and economical way to in-
L dividualize a single house, or a
group of houses, or to integrate an
entire community of houses "
*. 5 ... .=9*:+22.*k r.ib,-,t.j as new heating plants, floors
windows, siding and asphalt roots.
This need is one of the factors

which spells out a banner year

CURRENT ANIFIAL DIJTII )ENI ) 1 Flower Homes. at Wantagh. 15't. - -.- - - Color scheme for model house
Long Island, clearly demonstrate -Fr73 above and entire Flower Homes
Ior home modernization. Not Varnish Floor Wax
since the beginning of the post-
I the value of color styhng. The evelopment at Wantagh, Long war building boom have either
IZATIC IS builder, Adolphus Flowers. ts con- 0 ; - T *+1 + Is land, began with asphalt shingle mechanics or materials been Shellac Brushes
vinced that the services of a com- available for any appreciable vol- ..

petent color consultant are as es- 1 i-*ill fs, Gray-blend is roof color of ume of pepair and remodeling
sential as those of a reputable
4 r I. t Ir- is house and gray shake shingles work, but now owners of older Lead kemtone 1.
21/2% I architectural concern and the use re used on the front, sides and houses have the oppprtunity to
of good materials. ear. Pinkish cast of sandstone undertake modernitation ana *- Oil Luminall .3.
4 'I think color is one of the most
exciting And satisfving features of
./ djaeent to front door gives key pairs Further, govermnent regu-
o accent color of coral on picture lations restricting home construe-
Turpentine Wallpaper Paste *
-r --
Flower Homes," he said of the
uw k done by anozher color slyl-.
-- i
indow, front door shutters, seal
op-on fiower box ind porch -posts
tion ai e caueing a substantial rise
in real estate values in All parti
uf the country
4 ist. Barbara Bernie. "And when I Sizing Spred
say this, I am merely echoing the
opinions of the people who go
.=EL -
- 1 t r
L-shaped kitchen-dinette
t left has base and wall cabinets
Building contractors say that a
Bood of orders for home moderni-
SOUTHINGTON BUILDING & through our homes "
Miss Bernie points out that her Bial/k iL
/3 40 f hardwood veneer which pro.
1*. ide attractive, easy to maintain
zation and lepall s indicates an
rlw at enes on the pat t of owners Any Many {)ther Items
" objective is to have the eye flow
smoothly from the main point of '**9-- urface. I: tliat such improvements will en-
hance the value of their invest- 1
interest-perhaps the doorway or Bernie, "That's why we specify t ive, durable painted Anish-ast- ments
LOAN ASSOCIATION, INC. a picture window-on and around asphalt shingles in a blend." Three y maintained by periodic waxing,
the sidewalls to the rear of the blends m asphalt shingles were P lus an occasional wiping with
With the demand for new hous-
Ing still far from satisfied m most V 1
house, selected for Flower Homes-gray,a dust cloth. Flush doors of ateas, the lemodeling program al-
"We think the roof-the largest brown and slate. h ardwood veneer also help to so 19 Certain to include a sub- TEL. SOUTHINGTON 1210
I unbroken area of a house and Attractive features of Flower m ake house cleaning simple. ther stantial amount of conelstons of
generally highly v.oible-should H the 1.11 ge, (,lder homes into mul-
ai staccoeorblseendeiesrh tip-le di'..iling un, t, 213 SUMMER STREET PLANTSVILLE
i blend with the colors on the side- soace in the L-shaped kitchen-3 ry
- walls, and should be treated m dinette. Base and wall cabinets of V arious rooms and their furnish-
neutral tones," explained Mass hardwood veneer have an attrac- ingE
./ V

imijimillifils<itii I .


Ill#M(%87 : -3.Wgra t 1///////7//////II
ES:P&*214&,G#Ea=1,#, 26 4* pelga
a RUUM//AU,NUB ni m:Mi,4995%"&/m r:Vt. Avi.laa
REPLACE OLD OIL BURNERS WITH N.wr R.volu. and Portland ci

LABOR! l.ll1 11.21.Fil.*irta'j Hi '409 tionaryl Harde,1

V#634412 mentl li/sists

AA-Arr 042,Al
A l 036.'
1/ A ..8 ./ Whiter! Cleaner I weather in air
./ liti ' FOR DIRT Woodgialn tixturit
PINCOR 2.22" ('ut '.
$ MODERN Vatramic surface
baked ont
Looks lik. hand-
Split CYPE"al
- lp-E =
11, AN.
YORK-HEATi 1 water' Wall not
darken tn rain!
PINCOR 118, 18" Cut
19 4 AUTOMATIC n ith ni 036.
filrl.a; ing 1 ORA- Shods dirt and soot!
OR ON NEW Hollis
Ideal for fi-hlod 042
$109.50 , Ill' \T lummaw Home Ileatilig LESS UPKEEP ernizing!
J PIN(DR Special 18" ('ut
t t, 041Cat 6*,il ..1e c :iough oil to pa> for N-ds no painting new homis loob
10 priserve it Up- ing nw:
1111 ( 11,1,k 11.11!gi(i; tr \Ir'11 iii k-p ts practicalry
$97.50 - t.,11.1 3111{k111 \1' Btiler l.,111. INS,Etr
:. A with
4...... 0*1'- -
hilit< r kir Foil,litiolitr. or (:on-
,, r-I 036i,Curiit r for >ou iii J Jifi y.
Com. in and .0

t.' Guaranleed by* 1 kl:. Simply can't bumI

how much b.tter

* ha 20 Inch cuit turn the iob over to your new Good Housekeeping Made 01 asbestos It 181
j A. WO volue for avoroge-s.zed U l ralent Ap,1101 6,
t 701
'f=- 4
P-120 + ., *"1."*'. 442'*''

1 5 H.P. 4 - cycle P;ncor en. PiNCOR POWER " 1
A rerjectwi: Stote C.ompauy Product LET US CHECK YOUR ROOF

hil NO-famed for reserve power,

44*mbbluty, ewy starlng I l only
ST'PERrEX is the first furnace to combine as stand SIMONE BROS. INC. All Type. of Chimnev Repair. Chimney
Cle,ining,ind ( iutterh
ard equipment a pressure-atomizing, gun-t,pe burn-
.' : loWER
er, ti, 036-stage
fuel pump, and a powerful two-speed HEATING C()NTRACTORS Attic Insulation and The ew Inulated Siding
. =---- hic 036,er-3
BIG features. St'i>IRFIX circulates - 18 Yearc' E,per:ence -

clean. humidified warm air. gtiing >ou e,en floor- NO. LIBERTY ST. TE I.. 370 SOFTHIN(;TON
i. i Y
tc,-ceiling Barmth at the temperature jou want.
*. No Bork-no dirt-no worry,
FIt It
5 811
i 'RE
The Gould Co.

1. #111
-ti -- r. N
. i. ..... , *......
i 4.r:,T: 7 . = -i
1St 05 '
. 9
-=I -
I. E#r*44**0
h1 I
. . . to solve real estate or insurance
I j
*---szr problems.

i. la
1. -' .
*3. E
0 --- CIIANCES .I Tr: .
#' I
#,5,-=9- 1 73.-
-7 g ,_SMMEL

11'lligillimigi tref n tror'

, 18 i -1 0 1'.1.01 mI f 1 1-0
, #11 '.111


Sac313*12 228- f nt' , : ...

1 /7# reir=tr 4 -
Iri.Witrli x IMI%iFIJIT#.-sililil ifil is
'LIL' i i 9e-1-- 442i :'.(3 . -


Ii()MEI //: ..ZR'll
2:- ":-

4 Glazing of Storm Sash before
44* -rfi,
5'-f , 3
Storing for Summer. .... - 4
Whether you are building a new home or business

brlilding or the electrical installations in your pres-

. ELL,keda /55
r Complete Glazing Service. 0 Many Designs 0 Supply Iimited
TI ent building need attention it will pay to have

<4....r Any And All Types of
a 4 qualified electricians do the nork.
Ornamental Iron Work
b 3':914 enJ \,
i: Dealers and Installers
3 .'
THE CUSHING CO. 70 Cherry St. Tel. Meriden 7-3200 Meriden
r & TeL Southington 638-Wl 16* MAIN ST. TEL. 1498-W SOUTHINGTON
44 ) 1LMAIN ST. TEL. 17 SOITTHIN(;TON Evenings Phone Southington 1611-W.3. Reverse Charges
4 ....1...
-1 ' .. .- fl L.L- =5

" .",11
I .
.. 4

./.,-46 - ,

* 1 11 \Ul.T(l\

* 11(11 )'Elt ( 1. 1: \ \ERS

* 1Ii(KORY l'Pil()1.ATElliNG-('iIAIRS
./.4- 1
1,= Sp & 6'6 4 .
7/EMJ&7)71,#&+L.. *4-*lk,64*#; ./.. 42;Lke,1 jwi:f" 0. . "r)** 4'.:epe's,Ali= 042..
$outhinsilon'5 Solid Salesmen (Jassifieds ~ Trv
l - . <t

A'Boy, A Match A;nd A Lost (;at Causeq

__e_4_L;'l_"___~-""",..J - - .;:" ~ - -I LAWNS ROL::~V~ES ~,m~Y'.l H
lll!Ul :e' 1'~~Mr
C;JtA~QIW ...... OJI4U b.."", i
IItOV!-.... aad _ . :r.: /3111 Woodo. \oem JlULLAP.J>. VQlm~
t:,cr&.~wafer\~.~: -~rrc~U=, . .d~1 1~_J_3______ _ Southln&"ton
-- -- 69jI " TUH'N~ ~
I Z3 om.
trfMHC CHU' .8&Jno .... 1", y~,. ~I
" .. II ........ R'NG.
pi and cl'Jm~t~te .,.,." Ice AI..,
p1aoo for _Ie WID. ,Joy, f.6O

fOR S4LJ: ..,oiIltjDn. ~ Co)I P\NJI.m. Ci51JI Main St, ....t S"utbln~"n. T.I Boutb
__ __ 1_ ~on 950
bJl)l11oA. IfIIj'TE
4 Dij.. -
e;u J;\Iw yt'u. IT"Y~
~ WHY ft,t>UfJot1&bl """'1
NOT ... \-ET
hourly US <Irat".".. ,.ou can at- CA PLAN }'.u, pa'ntln'I-(:;.:Pi~~~~~~~~~~
", 'j ..J SuWth '~J.t.l 1::=-&I 1 '"t-l ,.,111 .... "UI" .............-1 _Ol"kmaneblp --
SEWifiG ii4Ciiinr:s. - .. - ..... I Both foX trrj;,r and"' Int .. rlror B D I F\u'Jluure
from $79.96 up. ,"-,-,.- CJ8CUJ-AA $l\W_ 8' tUt..W1' arbPI- 1 Balf"!! 12 Nimitz fourt Plant~vUI .. I I>'1oor Co... -r1D~
Com,plt't.. wlth~ h p motor .\l8o CP- T .. I Southington 15 2-H LamlMi
Liberal Trude-In Allow.nC<'. d .. n tractur Call Southington 1297 ~ I _ ____ _ _ Baby 1

- 1 I . Crlw

IIfWNE;J4,1 RAlIlO &

pan'" doors
1{)(H Suuth
Ih,_ luu,,
MalO St,n,t 1
In your own home by
I St,ull...
39 Sure St 1f..r14ft, TeL
- - ------ ~Iusl"al Dlr4lOtor'o! ~ Dell ....,
Arthur G Pott~r CfOrUttN! Publ1C" Q!nter St. Tel. 1300 GiBSON RU,FRIGRATOR also '-.r', a '- ....
Accuunuwt. POBox Nu 93 PI_llhl- rans.. buth In , .. ry glXJd cundIU n Station WKN B.
vUlt' COIIQ. has' collJllJt'vd U1 .udl of
th .. Wut .. r bppllrtnwnt ot tb .. Town of
Southington for Uw co.lfOndar y .. .,. ;'lld
I Ut'IUKUlD.b)" Tf"1 Southlngtun 709-WI 1
TWO WHITE PRI!.56E6--:-~u!! -i4 ~r~ I
Orchestra available
I 11Ie- 0 ... "Rlb.-r 31at 19M. and tUH1 !!UM BEAUTY~EBT MATTRERSES 16 OIW ,ww. on.. worn om f' Abu for nil occasions. TilE
I audit tor public lner,PCUon (}It Way Ii 3-pc- Jfl-.plf" bt-drollfn _t C .. dar plll .. n I Call A I DeCaro
l~tJl III th .. town c "rk's oltlCP In ttw> Call SouthlnC'lon 112f,-M
Town Ottu-. BuJldlng Ma.!" Btrf'f"t ~--- Southington 20-49
I S"utblJlgtuu Conn llPINET PIANOS
TOWD C t'rk st.
For Sale or Rent. UPHOLSTERING CO. i 15 Arcll
A Iso G rand Pianos.
~~ J!:!.4~/':
W&1llut~r _Ith For Information Call
45 Prat t St., Mrrulen
I N~ BrttaID

Purs.uant to n \'otf> at tt... Town of

Lar.t' Mlrrol"ft , SUi
TilrN Floor. of FlnlP FurnltUr,.
AI DeCaro at
Southington 2049
Prit'pq on Re-UpholstE"nng.
We stock a complete lIne of neW'
Suuthllltton paaaed .eJ a ~J?!ItCla1 :rown ." INDIVIDUAL
Meeting h.ld on Fpbi"uary ~, ~, 1>1 EcDNOMY l"UIlNt1'UR~ eo. LOST AND FOl'ND

\ Irtu .. of Sf>Ctton lOla ot -t.b:P-"Cbf3'\HU~ Ii ..Q k" "If We Do Tb. Work,
cut G.'n'T&1 Stat\ll.e, R... lolqn It". l~l
U '"
s ,,~, new "lIVen
You'll Be Satisfio<i." I

th,' Spl'clJn... n tn~ TOW"J1 f'rtt Qt O~ ~h.'I .. " . till It LOST -- PI~ cat ~.moP,th-.'-'I-d- bo~-'I

-----lI,. . . :1~~~:a::,
Soutbulgton wU~ hold ... ~.IDn 10 ll$- ...-... "~q... t.n An&Wftt-. to 81uki+' Flndt'l"
auun. tbt' OUaJl!lcat1aJlJ1 n! pjpC1ut.ll _.,..-_ _ _ _ _ -=-_' , 1"1 .. <\1"<" at! U:;4
Phon. MERIDEN 6-7:\-41
-Shown abov(" is-tht.' intt.'rior oT tht' bome of itob('rt R&ymund, ~r . of ~p-rtn~ Lain' ""~, wlrh"h wi\ .. !til.] admIt t" th .... 1,pM,or ... oath thu~ I' ~,--- . -
I: gutted by fut' t'arl) Saturday afhrnoon. The blaze starh.>d wlH'1l Philip Ra)mond. 10. droppt'd a light who 8ho.lI h .. tound ~\l4litlf>d on f'N-

I HRBY tuA... o.pph("otlon ror th". --iunc

~a) Jun., 1 1961. from 2 pm, upt11 5 I
pm III th .. "tfltt-' ol thf> ~oard Ott ~ .. - of a II..... book to T"pi4(,P JORNSMANVlLLE ... ~a
ed match into a chair", bit, loo~ang for hiS cat an the attic. Pa$tI Book No 21674 whlcb btu! h ..... n
1,( tm. n lu thl' Town OWcP Buld1ll.g
MONTH OF MAY lq.t R.r>tum t(.l SOUthlDCtoll &1.\ lngs Rock Wnol H"",. rnaul'ltlon ---::-=:-::-==-=::o:~>r:!;St.::
BD.nk Southin!1nn Conn Rooting and Siding
Dotf'd at Sallthmgton. ConnprtJcut
Prizes Television thll~ .l3rd (10) ot May 1961
SPECIALS FOR REN'!' Morf' Comfort. LeIUI FueL
6~7 Rr""rl Stre.t. M.riden
Channel SIX
Board ot 8f>lpctmpn I 9 12 Llnot."", Bug
tontrtncp On ta1t~ }lIgh".a.~
Sout lngtnn 1 06-
...!..... ___ 1
. Tol. 71682
ROBERT E P"OLI;\' I Flr.!!t QualJh 1595
Town Clprk FUf\NtSHiO ROOM at 312 Mllln 1 or Southlnl[ton 1005
Th""doy. ~Iay 2~- gtrf'pt SnuthinKton ("all Southlngtoll _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--:-::=:::::______
--,I 8 12 Fill.... IWg $1696
11 30-- Strlk" It iUch
12 1.10- :-;"\\8
Prubat .. Court Jda~l1. 1961
"'19 x 12 Wool Farf' RUI{ $19 Q6
~j 12 u5--- ~t'" srf''''
12 1~
- FIrst llunorl'<I Y,'nrs
Estatp of CHARL E. FARQ.LL, Fplt't),asp Llnblf"Um
lat .. ut Southington. n nid Di8trl<1. Cut trom full roll )d Sqr
Southington :3-(8-14
____ __ _
1MT"LS--W~ also huy papr' and
WutP Matf'rtais TruckJnt Co
. i I 12 31.)- - Kaf. SmIth ~h'lW
12 4[ Pn'j"ctul
Th.. Court at Prob4tf' to-r th.. Dis 'eBf'lod El~trJ(" Wulu"re $15 up T-O-U-R-.-R-O-O-M--""-"P=-A:-::R=TMENT, furnl!!h~d PlalnvlJ1" R82
I:.! r.'.-- ~11ll' \ .!! Klt( h"n Calli ANTIQUES WANTED __ Plpa~t' call
.1 1 25-- N, v.~
triet ot SuuthulKton hath lImltf'<i and:
alluwt'd SIX montha from thf' datf> UlW"d Elntrlc Rf'lrl,e-f'Nltors
, h .. rt'()r tor tbP crpditors ot aa~ Ibt&t..
or ufllundabf'd AdulU on1)
SO\J.Uungton 112-4M Southmgton 19-4.5-1 1t you have on,..
1 3rt-- -
2 2S -
b VI)-- LUI KY
r..11 r\
~t'''''J'' Sh0\\
'I Tlg. r -< Ita'l. lhlll
to t'xhibtt tb .. lT clalRUI tOl" k'Ulellll'ilt
Thusf' who nee!f>ct to prf!ll~Dt tbatr
Ji'rld;"alrf'. Cri-nf'ral Elf't'ttlr
W .. attn,huuf'lP K,.J,.lnator 125 up
j Pll'f"P or Jl howtt'ful
~ WANTEO--=--RENT WIllingto pay
"i '''_ "r!m .. r"r H"fI,ny acoounU property a.4f>atl'd .lU:ltn Mid l'!!f"d Cnmtnnation StulIf'!II
tim... will ble" -df"bC"~ a f't>CuyltTy 4ft
TWO SINGLE ROOMS I ~ tTllln,'.) fur abnw roum n'lof'
5 '30- HCWrtv Dbod\' t O1JGu-Coel --- Ot"1lwllmt -- Q'111y 1,p\"11'I "ROU9P- h"l1~ ,,.. \',... . " t \ nf ftt>"thlnct'H'l nr
b 1)')--- l P At j" 1"1 [-UI("!" .,... rwIlS'uo..d lu &aId }Calat .. att" 1.. - i 1-"111'''111'' ah \;.... B .. lit; lil ~n PU!
r.qt1-- ("ont .... Lrttl .. Show qUI sted to malt", Immpdlatp paY.QIent to. North M:un f.:04lthmgtnn
Street, Plaln\ L1.I.' Call Hartfurd 4-0161
6 4o!>- J"A.n 0 Brlf'n Ent .. rta.llJl
7 1'10-_ Kukln F .. ltn'" Olhe
Ml!iHIULL G i"AHlU!lLL . .l!;xp-cUl.OI" I lb It Intf'rllAuonaJ
Farmington. CoIUl m!61 Han .'.tf'r Rplrlgf'rator On Bus l.d.~ .A TOOUolAKER'S USED TOOL BOX
("all Souttllngtun 910
710--- Strang., Arht'nturf' Tel SouthlOgtOD 1956
7 45-- Canwl Nt''''!! Cft.nnan
>( 1111-__ ~I. (l Th .. MUIlIl,
Q rY\ __ P"IIf'ry QUf'f'n _____ I ml~!NF_"~ D!RF.ITORY
q 10- C:arrll""Q) at Lnr~f>
111 (IH--- MnltlTl hall"
10 11l- What 3 My Namt'r
i'rI\otc Eye
11 ~ Mfln Al"Alnllt
11 30- (""tt ?\-h StH),
I..! JH--- r-;."'sr .. t1
r .. lm"
Tht-'otre FOR SALE
Center St T.I. 788
and East 9trp.. ta B+>autUu1 altpa In
t.bP wburbll Frank Oroakv B ...rlm

II _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Stnf't T;>1 Southington 18'7~1 __ l'A'ntF.8

Frida)'. 'Ia) 2:;- 1949 BUICK COI>O(ERClAL BODY SHOP
PM 7 ROOM HOUSE ... down. 3 up :l.('a,r
11 111 1 1n S I Ill' 11<1 Thllr'loia) Super Convertible garaE'f> All convf'nif'o("Ps. 10 arrpf'l 0,1 ,,11 "K'lnfl,. Dr Bod.,. arrt P'rotf--r wprk-
:! 2', Yltrlk. -< Athl. til "I D 1-<' hall I
l .. n6 M.riQII ,A.verwe. PlantnUh> TI'l nortahJ,.. JI:If't"1TI ... W .. I,Hnt!' wuaorhlJl>-
.' 500-
OJ 15
Lw k\ Pup
TIIIl' 1-'''1 B"nn.,. Dyoafiow. Low "l1Iea~, N_ 0"" GOl'WoQQ OilJlul'lllnr FOITed BrlatDl 71i35 l'yd C1Lr. IUld, ~rilt '" Snld
;, 1f) I1"".1\ f l ." .. 1}
'l'lres, Excellent Condition AI~ JJq,Jler, D,,<tJ and Cqntrol t ~k Itt Mt11rlAl.. ~ Nt
6 00- Dat.' At (6)
In N~w Cql!dltlon FOR SALE
G 30- Fa} (' Em .. r!lo" IUVl!l SAFELY
f: .. ,,_ Cl''''nl"t ~"ntlle-t1t
7 00--- 'Ruklll Jo"rl'lll nn,) 01l1t'
New type radiatlon and boP.r R",.. vn,u' h_\r,.,. .... 1In-.A ftO"I'W'
710- \I"t1r1",k Rh""''''''''n rOlllplete with 011 bU""'t8 LO'l' ON WEST STREET f'\'lmnt.t .. qnt .... R<>n1r.- OJrtlQnObl'"
Call Soulhin~n 1603
7 4~, - ("StlH I r\t-' .... !! Cnravan
and controls. Situated directly at end of _",.' ~" .. Q"I ... tlLM fl-rvU-..
R (YI._
30- Wf' The PNlpie ,Cgpn. Demo\ItlO)l Co, 1m. West Center St ..... t SOU'l'HlNGTON GA RAl~F.
9 ()().- Thr BIg' Story FENDER AND BODY 100' from x 200' d ...p
.j 9
:lll- 1T"nn M"r~nn Shnw
00- Cavo.kaJt' ot Sporta I!EPAIRING.
19 Wpnd Bt_t. W~ Haven
Tel. N. H. '1-2A(J6 Tel. Southington IIR9
10 .. r.- r.rpatf'l'!t F1rrhta LACQUER &: ENAMEl. ----- DeSOTO Dealer PLYMOUTH ('.an
11 ()Il- B .. oadway Up .. n House
12 00--- N .. w!\ REFI:-IISHINO. ~n"'r1Il &- FlrHf.nn.. TtrH 56 GToT.. St.
, Cuh Paid tor Used Can
Saturday. ,lay 26- U9EJ) Ll1lrTIIER, PLUtfBtWG Ffjj{ SALE
l 10 00 Th.' Hie Tnp
It STBUCTURAL ,sTEEL Lota o~ Bellf>vlf>w A Vf>nue AUTOMOTIVE 8ALBS, INC,
1 t 00-- Mr WI7ard
Beecher St. Southington 80' trnot x 290' deep t12 W Main St - Jlertdrn
11 :lfl.- Grnnd rllf\nre Rnundup or Opp St. 3_ph'o Oardl
PM TRUMBLE MOTORS New Steel a...h, beam., win! lath,
11 fVl....- Tu'" (;,r1~ N'lm .. ,i ~mlth 160' front x 290' deep Pboae 1-9201
I:! 1H Filib Hnld"'In Th,'utr,'
LINCOLNMEIlCURY reinforcing rods and wire mesh.
- Ralf'! a.nd Servtcf'-- TeI_ SouUungton 103 or 74q
1 qn f. L1f'l f.. Ifllro .. 162 ~"th M"ln Mtreet
T ,,', YUIIK" -< Allil. fl' <I naq. hnll NEW BRITAIN CONij. DEMOLITION CO., Inc.
4 11) H(ll I" .11101 All II Trlf'phonp 9-3641
r, no- r'lhb\ 1111Vf'fiI Shnw SAnlt'fO On All 1faJr; .. s or 19 Wood Street, Weat Huen
5 '0-
Thf> !':atur" of Thing"
r; 4,-- ()" th.' 1.1n.' B"h C.tlJldlne
600- B. ft r tJ. 'Im'!' Show
, '0 'H"f' f{t\nv""
T.I '2ROO Plantsville- South Main Brt~k Olu1k\n1' Compound
H.h },II"
7 ,n-
7 00- ~am 1",,.'n.'-," Shrow
AlRn YOl\nlZ' Rhu .. WE BUY USED AND 2.famliy 6-6, on npprox. 1 ~ Cfoment - Cl.,.. ProdDCb K.-egan. 11. of Ilellet"ipw A\enBe and G"or!:" Lura"1)". :l. of
John Strr,t Wert' a rouplt' of thi' IU('h) anJ.(I,'r" wro hou)""rl Itrout ,
A-- Kpn l'l1rray Show
""-- Your Show ot Show!! JUNKED CARl! aeTt'S land with largp barn. onp
Jletal Latchet A: Speel&lt1ea
'C). TO :ltl- Hit PRrlld!!' tenement p.vni\abte to buyer. nf>W
, . in th( 1I11rk FII1I1 I-'I ... h1l11: ()ay'" "'POIlI"Ort'rl b) .... 1. Thuma .. ' 1'0 .. 1
1366. Cnthohc \\ nr \ ('I,ran .. _ :--'1I .. an. "ho,"(> trmJt mt'''''lIft'd null'
11 00- V.rPRtllnv 'ollowed .ly
News BuUetina
SlInda). "'Is) 27-
Routhlngton 20M
CLOSE OUT reduced price, $8900.


inchrH. "a .. th,' fir ... t J:irl tn ralfh nnr. anrl (;,orJ!r. .. t' ('at('h CARPETS "
Plantsville- Single 8..-oom house
m~aHuJed 10 Il1cht ... \\a .. tht' fust h(n to hook OIl(' on 0IH'IIIJ1!! da). ~M
1 - - - _______________ _
11 flO.- nRnlZpr Jnp MITCHELL'S USED with warm air (ml) heat, mod
11 1~ C'h .... t"r tto .. PtIT"
AUTO PARTS ern kitchen, hardwood floors. &'ILl! - ~ Rap

First priz(' \\ Inll; thf' Huck I
r .... Itl 11.30--- V.'rMtllf' Vorlt tlf>s
~ Finn FIHhlng- I1n\ ..... sponflOTrd hy of "knt('c;, \\('nt to nnnrn Flltl fill
Old Turnpike Rd., BEDROOM barn for 2 t'llrs, lot approx. 125 It The MalndU. But' Co.. IDe.
St. Thomn~' I'o"t- \'"0 lWfi. C'nth-1h('f 111.2 Inch trout.
12 flO.- Four Star n"''\lf'
1 flO.- Wf>"tp~ Thpatr.
2 M linpal"nJ: \'a'l'ltoh'
x 276. "BROADLOOMlr 'ft _ .....
1 00 - ('h'\IH"" or n Llr.llmf> 1)' A. .ert\oeQ brano onlY,
olic War V('t(,lan.", O\t'r th,' \\('(k nIck PI'IIY of 1R \\'('''t tt'ntl'f
3 1fl r.r"IH'11'l ?\-filM!: RhllW Marion Avanue - 5-l'Onm RinS!:I~,
end. \\rTr In'''('ph :\1'0);'111. Jr. StlC"d took fW('Onll IlliZI' In thr 4 00 - M ...'t th" Pr"tla
Opp. Wrlwhl'o - Tel ~:IIl
10-- Onf' MAn's FamU,. modern kitchen, oak noors. hot On the Coli.,.. ~ _
Mounta1l1 VI('\\ T'lrucI'. l{u"""ll bo\,,' ,,('\('n to l(i fig-I' (h"" HI' " M..- ~'IP"" C"lr('". FOR SALE Ff'W TPmalnlhg wa.lprfall and water heRt with oil. fully insu
~: Bailey. 1:1 ~tountatn... Yl!~\~ Tt'r1:ICP, ;,,~s a\\nrdE'd a fishing {"-rtcl for I'i :l0-- ~tlJ Erwln Shnw
(II: 00- y .. ".fi Warlnjl ShnW
USED plank tnp modeMl bfdroom lated, garnge. large lot. Wp Carry A Com-pl..b Lbt~ Of
, Cathy Gammf'llnO. ,(ll ~!luth :\l3In hi" catch that nWl ... ur"d lt'...
. 7 M - P~1I1 Wl'ttpm"Y1 Flhn ....
710-- Thl'l J'I Shn"\\ HU<lln"q'l ",Uitpl'! SAvlnl'a ot 60% Mohawk. LPpl'I Alf>undfor smith
Str{'(>t nnd (.11111 tI . . 01W, !I ~Ol1t- I lilt hl'l'. Waltt'l- ~faJ;'k of '~:i rnttoTl R 01\ _ 'T',...... t n' 'l)" 'T'n .. "
q 00- f'hll(,n TV Pin) hOUllI1) The Conn. DemQ\itioU Co., 1",,- Old TurnDlke - Rinjfle 6room F.xJ)l'rt Wall-to-Walr Installation
gomf'ry IlI!\t' I)fl\t' :In<l .Jo~I'ph FI'; nt'\ tlf ~lat- br our factoM'tJ'a.lRf'd orittamen.
10 0/\-- C""',,hrlty Tlmp
19 Wood Street, "If est Haven house with gas furnoc(" hpot. ('Ill) ~11n" ~e
10 :ill- RIl?"lnw Th"ntrp
vloung 'I II' I"
;, Iltt' I " " .... Inc h t tlthf'\\" !-'tr('('t tl('d . for thllci plac!' 11 r)(l - RllIltiQ.' r;.,w. Sppclal dom. h.w. by oil, Phil"" wir<>d Tpl 901lfl'ltrtgtan tT1!'-J'l OJ'
tOU Tel. New Haven 7-1!600 PERRY RUG CO.
"'aB t h (> I:11 gt'" t III Ih (' h 0\ g on(' \\Ith tloUt lll('flfluflng 12'7~ Jnch('"
11 IF>--- Flr"'Ilrtf' ThflAtr .. (or plpct. stove. venetian blind". 37 Cf>dllr St. :MerIden
11 4r; - Krf'II'I\"r Flr".hlf' Tf>1 Mprldt"n 5-1824 Rt'ver. CharCf"II
to SIX )('.Lf" :tgt' gloup_ H- t' \\:1q I MnI'('k rt'cI'l\('d a Hoy- Scnut knlfr ,~ 1~- NI'U''' Bundln!! BABY CHICKS
$198_50 large Icar garage, price $8600.
\londay, ~Iay 21!- STARTED CHICJ(S
nwnr d I' d a t; I('''CUPit' "11 .... h 11l~ po II' 1\\ lllll' Ft'{'lWY \\';'IS ;'Iwardf'ci .1 fi'lh- CORSIII'IERES
11 30-1 30- ~Ilmf> 0.8
RURBell Badl'\ hookl"'o a I:P", lIl('h 1111~ n'L p" Milldale - Single 6room bouse
trout tnk;, thr fil~t hOnOff'l In
to i
In the J{111,,' ",'\(>n tn 16 agf'
1 10-- r.n.rr\' Monr .. Shnw at SOUTHINGTON FURNITURE CO. with hpt ... at.r (nil) twot, mod
~ 10 Film Rhnrt'l
CHERHffiE HATCHERY prj kitch<'n. bath., <'xtra lRv.
I .the boy,,' <;('\1'11 to Hi Il~f' gloup cia"" Pat F(,l'np\ of Mill ~tn'f't 2 ,I'i VltnU, Fsur
1 111- n ... rt f'nrkl'l AhnU' W(,Rt ChE'Rhire, C.oftn. lauMry in basement. lar!!'. lot.
- HIR PrIZ" \\a~ a nv loti ('ath\ \Ion n pln.R" pon~ ~pt fOl hl'l tlout 4 01) - l1"m.'mnk"r <I F::xf'hnngf' C.nter St. Tel 788
4 til - ""lin tn Knnw PIlon. Ch.shi~ 896 OT A nice home in n rboic(l npigh-
Gl1mlllf'11Il1i \\nl1 I t'ollnp",hh' nl'\ \\h"h nwn'lulN! II': mlh"" A r, On T.u+'lt\ Pur<
Tim.' rnr H, nllv wrlte for circular botbocMl.
'for hooking a 12 In(h tlnut tarol: na~hhl!ht \\:1<" tilt' thllr! JlII7r'. r, 1',
r, 111 n"", fh D,'o'1\
UrRont', \\hORI' tlout nWIlRun'd II~", 1:1\\.lnh'd to 1.lfnl t'l"oT1t' f'lf Ilt'r f: j)()....- Tn th" Puhll(' Tntf>Trat
6 15::- F,,~hlon .. In MU"Ii('
, in('hps. '\at-l pl('Mntt'tI \~Ith a baIt 11'. lfich trout I RUG CLEANING
R 1~ FtlLvl" ".mf>""nn .-~--~--: W"NTIJ.D.-TDDI. ROO .. 8Il\D>1ll'l/W& Snuthlnlrtnn 7Il5
CllRtlng poll'. I 1
II 4n-- SI""u-"lk Jnt"rvll"wLil
7 no.- KuklA Fr,,"
,,"d nmft WANTED
tnr lath", drifling and mllllhK machlnp
work AI80 turrf't lathr Oftf>t.!ltnr 1'0.- Bri.tol 21595
PrlZf'R a\\nrdf'd fnl thl' fil"t flf'lh 7 ~n_ M ..hf\~.. k Show ..oom
InnnnolllH'lnll till' \\lnn('I" (If thf' c:1Ught 111 I'nth CIIlRl' on Snfurdn\' 7 .r.- ('.Am.,1 "1\1" .... C'1t .. n\'Rn pl\blf' 0' own 8ptuU can at 0 S A FOR RUG CJ:.EANlNG
.. , flshmg dl'rhy. (' 11''4 (;.IIllIlH"llIln.: \\ ('n' n" fol1o\\
g"t' LUC:Ullk, R (;t'ClI
R 'Ill- Vo\(-" or Flrf'Jtonf'
a M - Ltr"lc Vld"n Tb""trp
Enl!'tnf'f>j"inJ Co Town Lin" Rnad
PlalnTUifo. or ~pl PJa.IIHilt,. 17M
- -
----==::-: .,.....,-"._._--
q 00-- Hnrnl'fl n .. lrtt Show By PennI. Who Know H~,
,n ,Il-
. commnndpr nf St Thn1l1a'" I'o<;t i lfi .John Stfl'l't. 10-lnch t,out. Hov q Thp r....,hlh"r~. For 2000 nnd 2500 lb. WANT.O BARliE.R. Apply Sam's
Drop Hamm(,Ts Barbfil ShoPJ Mllldalf> F'honp Soyth- ('all HAMRAH'S, 19 CoIonv st.
..ond chnllJn;'ln of Ih!' dt'lhy cOIll-IHngnCIL Mf'l.ll:tllj- 1'1<';011('.9 Mont- M _. Cl't",Hn ('In"
tngt.o. 656J4
11 00- ~ho",tlm" I' ~ A L ~N CARE AND MAINTFNANCF! Meriden Phone Meriden G-&'I79
, )T1itt('r. ('XpH'l'<.,t'd hI!' npplf'Clntllln I JWnwlY Dll\r, 12-Hlih tlflut\ fu.h- 11 11)._ Rrnnrl",,'nv Open Houae ~""" "nul"I"1""1 r...ltrp" ~l1Itq''' n_
- _ . _CLtTI1UJiIOO
12 00-- Nf'"\lr!uN'1 1' .. lt .. <1 T"""""1'1fl'" rn'V ....tlLP"f> "'l~ ... , ....
to the BOHlt! of J'ark C(lmllll~~lOn-: 1Il~ rt'f'I. ('nltn (;allllll"llIlO, 11- Apply at "Work flouthlngton Nurlllnl' ltomf> 185 T ~n qervl('p Cartf'r Lenp Tf'1~hnnf' -............" " - -
:"(tTR, thl"' PolLl'l' n"p:lItnll'nt. thf':tnch tlout, (hnr:lc{f'l (j,dl, and TlU'Mdny.May20-
Bonrd of !-'t'II,t'fuwll :Illd all nth(,IM' SUf'lall K"t'.R"iln, Ilelll'\ )1'\\ AVI'IlUI', 11 1fl-fl- Antn"Pn~ Mnnfln\' f'X('f'pt
Employm.nt Office
Th. Peck. lito,," tl WIlcox ('0.
Edf'n ..... f'nuf> T".t SouUundD' 1381
_ Eqlf'rtf"nt''' not.
nf>("Mftry II,.;llr
- ..


who nitlt'd III tl1.lklng tht, afTal1 n I tt'lt'RCOPIC' fiRhlng- 1)011' 1 1<; -- Bn,l. nnd Gr""m Southington n"'f'dpd DrAW allstnat hl~h t'ommta-
3 30 Llr .. n. f!ln'l n!ll RO sInn Applv Rat'ldlfrfl 011 Co. U4 Con(t"'t' sand. grnvet
SU('Cf'EH~ S 00-- f.(;t<1o"rll" Pl"vrnom GOOD CLO'I"In:S BHQP
He also pxpf(',,'wd hi" J!1:1lltudt' I
SIIl111ar n\\Hlfls fnl ~und:l\'<,; SI'fl- Q "If\_ ("'.,1 .... ~ .. t1 .. Qhow
Franklin St1UlI.r". Nf'W" Br1tatD Pl:l.PDf'
Entprprlap 9095:....._ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
fill and top 10lltn.
S 4[. - Th .. Rp. 111n~ H.'f' Fi~M a+n"". rnort." mnnun:". JlIP-r14fJ'D
to thoAr p('l~()n" \\ho mati,. ('n~h .":Jon \\('nl to (;a\ Iy !-'ml1h. 11'\1 7('11'-- 11" .... 1 ..... ",.. a,,<1 ('
~ k III f P ~I',
t 7 or"l,. "-""11" I", qnn"t"
$;,- - JERRY LEHAN Quality WNrlnl' A~I
donntlOnR 01 tionat('d PIIZ,'" fnl tht' 'Int'h tlflut. I~o\' ,('nut '? .4";_ (''lmd N"""8 rnro.vfl,,,
<18 PRrk St _ PIAinvm.
' ...I ... rh).. .John h.1711 .. kl. Ihl<ltO! ~tll'I'f, f1~ q flI'I_ 'U111"., Ft ... I.. Rhn. v,..,. _ w""""" - ....
Othf'1 \\lnnt'l<I Inthf'hu\<;'nnf' 10,1111" Bonn\ Fnt7.1112 Illlh tIOUt.
9 00- - VllllJ:hn M"nrof' ShoW' MALE MATERIAL HANDLERS Tel. PlainV1l1e 1828 WI
g30 RU'lp'Il'l(,
I , n fVI - "",,"lnAI ,An-U'IhlUr Hoar
fUX YOOJrs agl' 11.1"R \\11;' Hohhl;' (1L.II.ltt,r dull, :1111 I I'.d I l'l'nt'\. 11 M-- n"ltrln\" Ro',,)
VJ'~ Ai.. "SR .1) b'nH of. ~ . .
~rltz of 1~1 B"lhn A\"IlIlI' and }I)7 .. ITlch tlout. C'lCILtlllg' lin;'
'JOf;(lph MOlt'III, .JI, of Mountain I "I":1:lC \\'nlton<l" \\hn \\1'11' 11It'k\ Cut "Flowf'rq-Pott(>d Plnnts
,-1 . . . . <111'''1 ".,HIll ..t,..

.. ,'rrl ..... " ........... n"1

or rln ""V o'''.r
"f>-I.,,,, 'R"'''80""hl,. y:o,..n"1"'"
" "'uttonholt"a EDDY ELECTRIC MOTOR'CO,
''''rdclinR BoI1Ql1elli .()O ~I So~... W6
View T'II:H'. \\ho h.}th hookf'd t'IJou'-!"h 10 (.ll{'h thr' 1111111 of tl1ll'r MALE &. FEMALE Rewound and ~
trout 11'", Inth"Flalld(;.LIIV~nllthltrout \\1"1'(' Hflln' 1'1 <':lIn!', tfi.!. . . uneral DeslRnS
IIa. and Hoo4 Kpto... til ~
of 10 SOllllllll[!I'lll I\\;'lllil', \\ho<lp 1M on t j.!tllnt'ry I1'1\
) 't' an t I 1'1\'
trout mt'HquTtd II '\. lOt hpq Bohhlt, II'~' Old Tu~nplkl' Hon.d l~)lh bfl~g MACHINE OPERATO~S
Fl'ltz lI'crl"'li a fi~hjfl~ rI'I'!. ,Inq \\1'11' oI\\ankd $:::!!i(l In c:l<lh
('ph M(ll t'11 I \\:10..: ;I\\:ud .. d:1 huntlng-I
kmfr Rnd (;.111\ Sllldh W;'l~ pft'-I T,llI'k" n"hr-rnwn "hn cau~ht hlg'
8r'ot('0 \'t'ith II h.I .. ,hall glll\/' I fi .. h that YoI'IPn't tloul \\1'11' Lan)
, Apply N, GRILLO
In thr g1l1q' ont' to fllX )t'nIA agr: I'lunkt'lt of ~4 Tllunton !-'tlt'( t who ",p~~ "T"'RA,. B..4.'t . ,
group. Cnthy W~"'.
(;nmml"rtnn, firMt TI"(,PIVl"d n $3 prizr fOI hlR 1M-Inch FISCHER
prlzl' \\lTlnlr. alRO \\:dkf'd off With Aurkf'T nnd Wilham J)f'lInV/'("t'hm or I & SONS, INC.
W""" In n"''' m'''''lfr
... - '..
",.t_rt t", ". ,....'In .......
(l1, ...
- - . . . . . . . . . .-
-"'It" '"""t~
"""rn. of
In ADJ' I:Tent WIn J'toWon
a wllllrt OR Rf'('ond pTlzr for hrr Br(lrhrr Rtr('(lt who wnR nworded Buckland St. I Tel. S60 PlantsvUie, Conn, .'''0'' hnl'"..... ~. "n.......,....... , ......
lI'... ""..,.. H.,UNbold 8~
In'!. inch trout. TMrd prIZe, n pair I $2 for hi. 16-inch .ucker. \l:o;iii~5;a';;ii= ...;;;;;;;;;;iiiii;aa.'1 ft4;111n1+<11
PlaIltnm.. eo.....
.,"' 042, .. t, .r.7.,:,/.(7'r'.11;;fnlti'14'4'1&.I.4 2.,1**h,7 JL * L:, ", r 44 0,1., -
/0 14 '1]"W:L'*11 042111,1-,Irl,5 . i Ir
.9,4 '#1 24, A +:'11',1:1:,1, ,, t .thilll
,. 'nu, ",t1: 'liE
* *531'1 :&,*r 4.
-*.,1 "4 + 4 19-1 1--1 ,

111't,41-fli-,1....11-1 -1-1
"ditili't:X,1.'22125 13s..:'. ,21:'., of M... 036ment.
wnip 036,it,t
i*, ' 1
1. liN :iiI
*FET,X . 71,
. 036 : .. June Calendar
t.-/ ..'-'... .*'.1.. ... Coronation Attendants In Immacuiate Conception Church Connecticut.
June 24.31 - Writers' Oon:f#*i''
1i, '11, Mrt ir-7- --i.
NEWS 12 '+1 '3 , -"L' "Lt 11- 1 .1-/ 1 . 1.-i-&77-'lf-Z -1' 11:7-t,1-44.-il Mi . 1 . t'IL ., --.-r-= 1 - [=I - 1 -i- --1-
For Connecticut
ence, University of
and distributed by Nutmeg Boys State, University' ,r.
Dnnecticut: 1 , B


r 31-I- -=,1.,31-t--NI'If'3;14 ti-It 254'17--7
4=7 1h;,- I I 4; I.'I I; I.. Connecticut Development Commia- Connecticut. Laurel Girls Statul- ,
5.-_ - CORRESPONDENT Ii- Unwermty of Connecticut . 49 -6
Di-- I Telephone 792-W
rar*l,woolph Sani and son, Al-
June 4 - Seetional Qualifying
June 25-28-- Connecticut State
Amateur Golf Championship,
# Buckland Street Wt!1 leave eently undel 036elit an opi,tation. 1 .... '.--- 4 - niatch for U S Open Golf Tourna-
r- 1 141,airififf., 1 1 jimmm= it ir- 4+/Mill Ridgewood Cout)try Club, I)3111- '
0* aboard the S.S. Europa She m making her home \ ith her ment, ('ountry Club of Waterbury.
.n mother, Mrs. Cail Kntz, St , 1rhile ' 1-It- 3/.Ill/14,1/. - - 1 , 036TTI 7....1931....4% June 8-19 - Commencement bury. CSGA sponoreci.
915,111ree months' vacation 1 Wesleyan University, Middletown June 26 - Aug 4 -- Summer -

millil=I= -r 4,i#141#744ff/rfA*k-3
Alny. Mrs. Sani was given a her husband, 1.t..Forgione, is on 49, J Ti--1 7& 1.lii/,3....../*74 6
acli,e Aimy dut> lit ('an )p 1'1 c kett, Juni 10 - ('ommentelnent, Uni- Session, UniverBity of ('.onnecticut
21.toyage party by a group of V. W// 1//////l- - 1" 1 ve] <itv of ('onneiticut, Stoll b 1 June 30 - - Finals Mis.3 Connecr
endr itnd relatives Wednes- - 61,9 1,ttn Carli *,f Chutch htlpet - _1 -i--- ' 7_:''14;4(.'r 42//16 '2*--5.....Ik 50 ' 2'//0%211///SJzlfs 5 June 16 17 - Conn S,Hte l'iotol talut Beauty Contebt, Plainville
- T 1-i <9 1,2-=9: 5.-///////2-- 1
B,fght at her home. Sh *r as
dnted with a purse as A go,lig- e )'111 1 lit u mkend in Sch,nectad\,
.gift Mrs. Sari i has a hiothti
r Y .t. thr Muc ,t 036f
hei d.tugh-
.... y-7"
, _L Jillil4.6.. A
('hahstion,h,ji, Roc h H ill,
Jiino 17 - ('0111111//B'('111'llt.
Trinity ('ollege, Haitfui,1
Nc,.et *1.itc, - Patil,< Rose Galf
den Shew, New Haven, and Eliza-
'1#ister Ilving in Germilily.
t,1 . M 1.- F.,11 11.,te, and f:inill>
1*in 03614 1:i'i,1 i,. 042.
Jirs: Addie M Mesviole, fc,im, r ..ziflic 4.t i.,4, 1-'11 1, wi.
1,,uiiied hi,
,1 -=r

..1.It '
1 1

//// 11
" - A-li
S 036--2
frop, f
1 June 19 -- ('unneitieut State i,e:h pili k RA,se
Aniateur Qualifying Golf niateh Hlittfuitl Wurieri', Ntitional Track
Glil :irn

Race Biouk Louatly ('lub, 012#11;c' 4 ),et Muiti,ipw! Stadiu:,1, Water.


P. Iesident. died weently at hot qi, Ii,11,1 r S 036\

*1 ritti da> , 2, t Jil, licilime 1 1 ,=1 ''# 1 I = ---OF
,c in Daririt, Ga. She 036:s tlze <,7 Ma n Sfi,et $.41'
44 - ,- r , 4
9 #
r SGA Vwnoted buiy.
d#w of Geor:e Mesi.:vile 03611 111.
036.trid MJ# 12 03644 It l(,rtui,n tif -1 4 June 22 -- Y.,1,-Harvatil lot t
F. ' Rates Thame,,New London M tchael liu,zk 036 or 53 West
nducted a me:,1 niaikrt 1111'1.inth- W,i,r Si>i:n, 1<<i. id *lir,it s, fil,11 t' 1 r ' 'I 4. . 036
51 June 24-29 - Supeiplgoxy Stit,t :, .1 1,.itItt :il the Bradley
16 for many ye.irs The> i,sdrd ,!., i,it urk 042n
Wi>tfi,1,1, M.t. ::36-
;borte,2 for about 1(1 > ears M i Mi, I.,41(i l' iii(k ent(it 042lined . -1 4 Training School for lepie.,entallpe, 41,i,i 036i 11, ,+1,1tal.
memle died lat yen i . bwi bkid'e club .it 67 Anne Thuth- 1 -- : ' 1 rr.
Mr. and Mrs Lsili, 11 Ste,ell, 4:1> n,ght * 2-1 17 L 5- .... 7 8
- Grove Street bIN,Iit the 1 e* k 1,#1't .11,d Mi< c'hii'<< R K#11. 1 44.--1 1 4 1 .4 - 2 n F'rT-- i291 Have Futi I )eforation Day
d at Kennehunkport, Me ft,1 1 036
0421Ii,l./1 Itid. 1/t .. .i 1,,Y/,i,2,,1 Tilitti. , - 7, I . -'
Mrs. Rose Sadoi, ski (,f r 13, 042,11.1,1 '1* ( 1 w,1,1. 11,ii, n#rt 036tik
lit, - r -ill, - 0 1 ,-
Ill .. ,4 ' 1 1 2/1 9 in ( latalina
J., is the guest of hel b <it h, r- i: n 036. 036,1 4,111036etij,
jun 8 - . 11 1 . SWilil 'll'ILUNKS
law and stslet, MI. .ifid MIE ;'14 I# ,Ilizi,n Srr,iric 11.,< r, ,uin*.d 1 4.1+ 2 1 4:1" *.4...:.. il
-6.. . / i 7* Nylon, Itayon, C'otton,
alter Mikosz of Suniniei St,ret 111, di,twe .it Fc,rt Sti,itv. I,i, AL 1 " 1 r
Irr. and Mrs George Bule, 036f
.ift,i Vi,nclint: 11 fiti'#,ugh \i,th hi, r' 4- , 1 "" 4 t 110,ii, Se,1,1-lirief $42693
tiimit- Street urr sp. nang u p,irentb, Mi :tid Mib With.11 M
ek'a vacation at the Butle, ent- StionR of 411're Stiect He h.1,
- 1
--=2--lmili-- -i'--
- -
.a-'EE=-= 4 1.
Ela.lic St>le. 6 up ,
1 1,irihoe Lorelei of NE,ith ('hi-
N in Denmark, Me
&arl L Hall. a student at G,1 .
cnmpleted his 01,fic 41!1,5 ti.lining
alid Is nou traning fol hem> tiuck Wt v >tai, t .ittended a nieeting of hhown above at crowning ceremonte* Stilida ) 111 the Immacillate chi:,tei, N }i, ft,init1 161(.11 iibi- RICCIO'S
2 College. Boston, Mass. speikt ti dispcilt duty the Giange Inuiance Company Cotiception Church are, left to right, back ruii, 1 )ulare, 147klar. dint, \a. a isitor hcic duitlig till 042
e weekend at his home on Mul- Mi .ind Mis Lebtei l' Iteck and List 1, tyk .it Keene, N. H M leader; Elizabeth Deguzls, attendant: Flori,lire 11, 'tia, ( 2,1, 042tli: 1 ).1.t Heek C enter '.t. Soittllington
rry Street. fainil> of Hillside A.enue spent L,Ile. ts .t p:,4 mastel of the Dorothy DaRhilkiewicz. attendant, and Florince Iliibicki. lead,r. MN Helen SAAm of tlidale 146 \bout ( ur Mercha 036dii .er the Twins 1-or
Joseph W. Ames of Arizona. a the iieekend :it thpiT (illege :it ('<Villl, Ctilut St.iti, G ia"ge Front row, Barbara Sczepanbki, medal beart,r. Barbara ',ta 04211(,4 icz. h.i, .14ctpted 11 pi,.lticin .it th< #,1-
1,t,rihic \ altic.
tive of Plantsville. died lecentl> Highland Lake, Winsted. The ker Npit man M. M,icLeod, crown bearer, and Cher,1 Davies, medal bearer. 11<< cit thi Claik thuthci:, 114#t ('lub I'lan
lial Wa4 in Wallingford. The Re; and Mis ioinian M Ji , pastoi nf thi, 1'1,ants\ lIli, Con- C..lience --- - Crosby
--- --of Mation Aze- '' - (' 036inpaii>,
Mr. and Mrs Kenneth Butier M.icLeod, Jr, und d.iughtri h, ( hulch, u ill glze the
Summit Street attended the Nanc, .ind Jean, attended the fu- bari.,laute,ite set mon fn, the g,ad- nue Mis Ihirall is the for iner --" 042 042*-----------*1%%NRNIZ
uating cia.6 at Munson, Maf Mibs Dexcithi Derde of Southing- ,
and Ledge sessions of the 100F netal of Mis Mact,eod's giand- ' ton F -1. 4 - ''12hz 115 IL
Mi :ind Mis Aithur Seeler of 042., %-, 042
T ',
d week ill West Hartford
Mir. and MI3 Walter Zygniunt
ve returned from their \edding The Re, Mi Mact,od conducted
pto Washington,D C They aie the funeral selittes
inothei, Mi 1.illian Marten, hich Acadeni> 01 Sunda>

held Satuida> in (;ie.enwich accomp.inted b> Mis MacLeod
He \111 be
Ne. C.Inmm $,ele the gueats Sun- . All j
Mi and Mi. Li,niin Rell and
nn of Mull )vil> Stieet m,ele ainong
da> i,f Mth Seele>'s sister, Mrs
I.' I 4

j'3 j, iid
....1 1 73"F':1 -
ti(ling at present with Mt and Ti,ent E -ti o 1'1.i nts, 1112 iri i ls par - thi,se ;.ho t 036,k
the special New Alice Ihiolittle
Master of Mulbeily
James ThompsonStleet
lf. *EL.,1,
m. Walter Z.> gr:.u:it en W,gl tiripigtpil in the *innuill dreSS 1 p- 11*lien R.illt,.id c.<,1:mwn Nundliv knoles .1,enue spent the Wt'ek. J13-/- -*liulimfilllll
end 1,1 Ness 1 01 k l it> as tne gueb,1 me,LZ#* =.SEE3 042;L- 1
\ fli
ain Street until their ne 036
home 5Ip,# of the Hditford Count> 4-11 fic,m Nen H.litn 10 Middirtli*#11,
'*- -
Knox Drive, Sandy Acres, is Clubs retentl> at the West Middle X Y

vacation at Lake
3112 Philip King George, N Y
and daughter,
Schm,1, Hartford Batbar:i D:iNA<in

Mr. and Mrs Harold Dunn of und Son>,1 Joll \\plc' selected t 036
onx Spring Road are spending tepte:,eill 11*ttlf 036d
A,Ili.ini J (-i,Tin 03611>

(-'u.,-,ty at the -

at theRe\Jew to beofheld
con (,f Mr

in L1.isic N.11> tiaining at the Ne,4-

All < Ecir, .jid Connolly nf
f Mi
and Mrs }tn, S I.andi,n tif -Elibl---M
Ii.AbuIg, ill . .ut' th, gu,31, of
etic:t, !ps raniplet,il his th, lt..: a"d 1'61 i . r 036,1,,


M.icl.<od, Ji , of Chuich Stiert

Cl, C Of i
i C,k.".1 .
pcirt, R l,N 41.11 Ttaining Station
argaret, of Ashby, Mass, former retieut Thiee of the girls, Ann .ind is spending .1 111,1 036eeks'
:at residents, were the guests of Swilin, Max,n, Limnic'i and Na,c> as the guest 036f
hi p.*11nts Hi, has
ends here Sunday Mrs King D:Ir Fn, nindeled th giadufiti 036,1 beer, .i,>ilrned ki th, USS Tanna, Plailivilli' Blitr< Recruit
:ent# returned from North Car- dirsses \, h3ch the> made thern- ., sup 1,zing ship at thi liiooki>,3 S 036lithingl<,11 Ball I'la>rr 042 042 I. 1
>la where her son, Rlchard, is a Retres An e,ening Ac,\in zias ent- N.,iy Y:ir,1 Iii the ahmnce of independent
Dfessor at the Unversit> of med by I,oloies Li:itiner The Mis,- 4 inettmg ilf th Depaitmrnt ,f bas#,b.ill iri louthington thi# 4:- F 1
orth Carolina. ef Joll lind 11.,ib.till D,i\, son enter - ltellgl 036u, Education (,f thi, Conn- wn, li,c,it .ithletes ha,e been in 1
*iss Josephme Holcomb of New ed part> dresses Otheis fi om h,1,. ecticut Ci,uncil ( if (-huiches ,\ ill h. r Ited h> the in:inairement of the : - ./. e
,rk City is the guest of Mr and entered the school outfits the> held ti,ir,Iit lo at Canip H.izrn. 1'1:tim tile Blues to try out for that
rs: William M. Strong of Gro e made Chist1 4 riuilib4,1 of the students t(:in, Jo.eph 1. Ik1,umma. Jr. ha4
ri.wt , Mr and Mis George Cobb <,f attending the Spling Tiaining ln- The I'lain\ille club ill pIa> been promoted to prnatt fir,t
John Dahlberg of Wonx Spring Hallard. Mass., u exe thc, 0, ernight
,ad has returned from a fishing I guests Wednesday of Mi .ind Mis
tllute .it the Flist Haptist Church.
Si,uthingtiin. 1% 111 go to C,imp H.i-
Sund.iy and Wednesda ) night base-
ball this su,17111er, using N#,rto,1
clas* at his Arm, post m ilan 036-
he*m, German,. He Ba, em-
Flo Lake Sunapee, N. H |Williain M Strong c,f (:ro, e Stirct zi'11 :i ftpr thril (lii 036
1. r<impleted 1 1',irk In that t 036wn for lt< hi,Int plu,Id at l'exto for *t,er,il ,tar. J
Mrs. Ralph Forgione of Hillside ' Mr and Mis Cobb were en route Mits I,woth> 1 )..ill .irid son. hk.Id Men int#,1ested In ti>Ing out before enterilig the irm, lav c 4
venue has returned from the home fiom Flmida Joseph. i,f Tuc t,tin. 41 iz .Ilt, 211:ik- .1,1. .,sked t,i u,nt.icl Bc,h Ri Iilgin.1,1 hept embri
6*ford Hospital where she re- 1 Mr and Mrs Louis G Tcilles of ing thezi h,ime ith
036 Mi .ind :111 4. .it 14, spiuce Stii,et, PI.11,2 tile 9
Elirtririan Hitit lit 11,11
11 I'ralt & W Ilitil,> 1'111111
./IN.Y."r'...+-'- -4----*4**mI%* 9, i ',1 A lilid 036it
1 042,
i n,pl 036>iii
.1 036f
th, -h
.1. iti it,iti.,i.1 .it :2 1 #
1.1..11..,11. .... r ....7 / Ak"- . --- --0-- --17
a=* ...
:1. >i,11'h litt,ill Bilittit 0361
Ah#NA \1<lit \, .'-
1'! t't 11,(i
inhu, d
' 1 \ I
-.*.2. .., 0 .I,rt 11> i Nd.t; 11, 1,11 .il, 042rit i ,

e. -1/"41//01//"-din
- -.....#I.

1 - 036- 036-
1., ..hili .11 9, 036rk
"!u 1,1110,11'
16 liud 036n
i,Ti lighting

.ufl;,*4,ii,i, h,, 036j

1 t

- OUR iii i,- .,ii,1 buti.. t.. h - 1,1,0 1-

i. 11, i. 1),Ili, 8,it, h.,I
042 i .i., 0361,
iii, i 042irit.i,
t i, tth,1,(11. .,1 N /1/g ..
"OPEN ..

, 3 fune

(:al,in litiglip.. Mr,,

1.til '"""I'l dijilililibilirrilit, 1,4,Iiliil il ' lil il vil eilil ip . . .1 ....
HOUSE" : iShil/11('# 104'10
41 1,(I,#(.1.(:C,ilil,a"13.
1'1 ),1
WAS A il 1 4, m F 11.:cl',
' 1, -hile t, 042i
*,. i.t H i.t
in, i \11,Iii.iIi ,i.i,11nt wherever you go e
-- 4 9 - . !11 a.*illyl, hi. du TH. .,- i,1 /...1.
lint (,1 the 12, ,h , r.,1,1 ihi,l I nci-
f Vmpx-041 33,zi#i *al#&81.9 HUGE SUCCESS! ,1. rit r.f th.. n, Hir .t.thiIi,d pnp-


ni , tillit j.,;r,t ami l'i', 1 4 (}111.
1,,ini I,n June 1
liugh,.. mi,\ 1 it, 1,1, -ilili't In #
i 11.11 : 036 1,1 (,ii 042
1.11 1,11, 1 0361thi. i 03611-
c , 2 11, 14 ,1 1},ift ch,iii .1 thi
Your interest in our new home at our 66Open House"last St,uthingtc,n li,iatil ,f ,1/1(.ill,
Friday was much appreciated. We plan to give you the did vt tht, Iligh >chi.,1 liulldlnz
1 036:,imittee
9 finest automotive service possible. 31any of you saw 111 .inninin. iric Ilii at,fit,Int .11,511.
why we feel we can give you the service when you visited 1'. 11 kri,mlti,n lili -1,1,iii
1 " 1,11':I ll i . ..1111 1 lit 1 ., Im l g 1 036\.
t h l it
illep ---.
us. To those who have not, the invitation still stands. c .Tin'(tl. lit 1 1 M h' did 1..// 1 ,
I 55 99 80 40 00 00
Drop in and see us. thi li., ,f 1,1. ,iiil i li,Yti ti itr h,i lf you re up in the clouds about what
bl i., i...,1.itcd 042ktHi,il 1,1.i ii,ii,ip 0361 thi portable radio to buy, remember this
61%*mim.!'MI. 1.1..:1,1.'ill ....1'.1..... lilli 9 19 1 .11,1., .Mr.,In'1.11. 11.,.U ..1 .1.."ll'. 1. .' . 1 1. v
i / for peak performance, for stunning
,, DirI.kri<- ihr.iial la9ilitic. 1 0361 at
/ style. for unmatched Convenience
6 It.i-1 111 \rat- Hi &,12.inti Ill Iici(i-
i this new RCA Victor portable Is tops I
, 4 the Ti ..11 036,1.-11,1'1101 0361 .1
41 111- Itili (,f -iii |i ,larrilliJili 11 )1.1 1,1 / For mountain climbing, boating or

m. Yes, The Finest Service,
.1.-lu,1,,1 t, -,,11, 036n,
Ii 036/11111 1,i ili\,11, 1 1 036
:ilj, 042-,.,ttin
1, 036036tb, i
loating in the sun, play It on its RCA
battery for fun at home play it orl
1, .1,1,11.11),lit> AC or DC current Either way you'll
S# lizatrtir i it g i:i,luatt nf tlii find wonderful listening through the
s- For Fords And All Makes 1 ni *,1 -it m 036f
c )Al,11 036111.l
. i li-4 1 1 1- 1 'Golden Throat." finest tone system
1,11 , lit: imi'l .liU ., html Jili,1 .1 1,1,\t in RCA Victor history The RCA Victor
Me:4 Ci.1,11:lite Jit,|Atit Nit ).11, lilI.t i BX55 gives you top value at low
MAIN STREET of Cars, Is Available At It\ Fit' |,1. i't,, \,illi th, 11&1'
hinit' 1,af Ing thi 41[rn.,1 1 036:/D. al
Cost . .. . . only 529.95
(Opp. Holcomb School ) f 111' ( 1,1-'. <,1 lit,Iltj '1.1, 1
LAT, Phone Mitchell Motors. 1/,1'1111.r ht- ,1.4,# 1,ttli,11 #ilth thi
1 ,I,ti,:til 6. 111 1/ 11'rht - 11.1 1,4 c /1 1/,
S /t Nowat ------
I'lilI 1,1,
l'ijA 81.1,/1'/1, 4
4: &6 404,1 iii th i,iM.iii ii,12 {11 1,1
188-J 036l,inerit036f th# c 036n<xiiI 11, ,#a ,t
i - i --. T h# a it 254lt1 4,11111,e, iltl 11i 1

lili,1 1111,1 , 114, 6 ...1%111 11, III th<' 1,4,.
tti 036fi.. i,t .1.'IN lit,"t, ,1, 11,(.,1 .tri,1
r,Ii,til 'nu,i,i l.,1, 042i, INY Dll INk

.va nof Inc:
:,11, 0421,11 ./ 036 11,1036lillI,
4,I, , 1, 0421,,1 t 036 11 036
1252 1 1< 1 042111 c . 1,1, it
111 11, 1' 1 :'/ 11
1 042
t 036 036t 036i
1 4.4, '111" 1

2&59: 1414 TELEVISION

11 , 1111.1 11 11,1,2 1, 042.
1.,ti' "t
IfY \i h,11,1 hnv, 1, 042
c 18 m t!\(' in S(,uth- Tel. Southington 1925 Marion
Se.. 1
SALES ,/illitieful'Wi,iliaml
.p ).i.,1,-A- SERVICE
ingtc,n *iff,ii,4 fc 036 m;inv ve jit .
have one son, c ahm T Hughezl
*kit' "11.... Lk jr. t &.1
4 ' * -.-.
mLL.':=it-* 41' = -- ....'.r.,4 A
I.-I./1-. ' --7Tral,212*.7*Lt.., ;, - . . 4 -i - -- , 1, . - -,71 . ..L.-....T I.T---
Luther~ns Send Graduate Next Month St..Anthony Society Republican WomenI8~uI~~~~
acation Church School Pamphlets, Books Will Observe WiU Elect Monday
noanced the marnage of
Students who plan to uttend tbe The Rev. Mr. MacLeod .ald the To Men In Service 15th AunnJversary Th ( annual meeting of the I ter'J1 SlAter, Ethel Orr
4 ' Vacation Chulch School from June early regiBtrntion date' Win enable The First Luthernn Church, to- S()uth'ngtnn Rfopubluoan Women's : Dr. Erwin S, Bundy of
-" Jul)l 12, sponsored by the Councll's flllance commltee to
,~28 through A fifteenth anUlversary pro- Club wdl be held at 8 p. m Mon - Road The wedding took place
gether with Lutheran chur~es
the 80 u t h i n g ton Council of determme bow much money must gram Will be held Saturday night, day at the home or Mrs. Frank S Mu.l II.
throughout the United States, lias
Churche8, must register on or be- be raised to hIre buses to take the June 9, at Phil's Restaurant by the Rogl rs of Shuttip Meadow Road,
started a prog11im to keep in con-
"tore Sunduy. June 3. ReglstrutlOns children to and from these classes. St Anthony Society, according to M 1"1.. J ane G a tes, presl d en,I sal
tact With servicemen and women
Mn. Marguret D'Angelo, arrangt!- . yest, rday .
F.I .. .-I ..,I H.. pr..-ntati've
.Jnay be made thlough theu' own )111\1\ liarbara Cushing. da,u8~
pastors or with the.' Rev Norman To reach more children, have UU'ough rehglOUB pamphlets and
books, the Rev. ,Martlll L. Dolbeer,
I mentil chairman.
o( )01 r and )tn. Wilham
M. MacLeod, Jr., Plantsville Con- ample houslIlg facilities for the Jr., said yesterday.
The event Will begin With a ban- . Tr"nsportatlo"l. to the m("f"tlnR'
II L d f th bt m~ ,, ( 21) BelleView
gregational pastor, \'. ho \\ III sel ve classes Dnd to enable the children tJU( t at 7'::10 and Will be follo .... ~ , ~ I ~ arrdng" or e nwm >rs
:s the school's dICtJctOl'. to uttend claBses nrarer their A fourpuge publu:HtlOn fur bCI- , "II:"; ~ . '.. . I by uuncmg to 1 to the mUSll' U( Th "y may ("a II M r", "all'S a bf.."n r(,(,f' ntly Plected~~~~::::t!:~
' " t
I I ~ t" t IO-!l-Jt \of prnfllt'nt A9~()clatlOn
I homrs, sessions of the bl'gmncl, Vice peraollHt.'1 l't mlullltng church I - Mall'u 'B untK>stra. MIS VC10nl('a ."lOU Illig or: ~ .
.1 to
, ._fllt. _.nn t~ .!
........- - - - - - - - . . . , , - . [ pllmnry ilnd jUllwr departments neV.'8 and devotIOnal muLt>l'Iul will \ !\h~8 Phyllis Sf'Condo (left), dauJ,thh'r of !\Ir. and Mrs_ Horac-e Luu"llJ;o \\ III be th e tua::.tIII 3.8l(. I A~l \\lIrth at Southlngtun So!, or hr th ... S()p hnmnre dasa at II.......
Will be held 10 both Southington be prOVided regularly by the Bu- St'colldo of 11 ("t"ntt'r Court. Southlll"ton. and !\hS8 ~Dncy I"onlana I M(>tIlbers Will also lHalk lhlo all . ~,,~ Ruth l'hllhp~ at Southlllglun (oUt''''-, (~mbndge, Maaa.
and Pluntsvill t' l'e8U of Scrv)ce to M)lltllry P("r. : (n.:hl), dall~hh'r of :\Ir Hnd Mn. VIc-lor FontanD of Iht" Merlden 4
I nncl Saly by nttt 'ndlllg 01 high ma!)b , Ut~:! Wl tu arrangp fn r rld~:-; tQ
The )ocntlollfi .If ranged are as 80nnel of the NutlOnul Lutheran Wat('rbury Hoad, 'hlldal(', will j,{raduale Junt' 11 from L.arson Col I al M u. fII !':lunda)" JUIlt. ln, o1t an,) flom tht" mt ding ~ rs :-i}" 101
(allows : Hegllln~ls. (ut those bOln Council, the Re\, . Mr Dolbcer sUld ' lel:t' In Hnmden. Holh J,!lrl" will be awardM dlplolna~ for comple- : ~t Th(JlIl.ds' ("hullh. Thl'Y \\ ill I t:' . FH'hthorn head8 the refreshmf'nt....
In 1945 Ot 194fi, Glace Methno'Jst, Identificatllln tag-N, tUlndlU to thusc : lion of tit(' ~t'crt'tarlal CUlIr!olC", Mu'Is Fontana has been a member I l'CJ\t. Holy ('onllllUl1l01l ll1 d. bod) COll ll1l1tlt'e.
: Southmgton , and the Plantsville Used dUI'I'ng WOlld Wur ll, U'\ III be of the Inlt"rf.llUh aud Uram.llUc Club~. alld \" ill enJoy "Collirnufllon ()(( Iccrs f or t h (> C"onllng year \\ III
F lr~t Bal)tl~t C'] lureh T 0 H0 ld
Congu>gutlOnul. r r I III U l' y, \\Ith sent to each IIlHn and \\oman 111 -,.. I HI, .tkr.\ht III th,c ('hur,,-h bd:ll'lncnt bt 1\. mt d at thp owt'tlng ~lrc;
'I c.:\usses for tho~e In 1;"1 udt's one, two umfolln The.e tugs \\111 Identify i ail<, the m'b.. l'hd l 'p8 has b.>,n nomlOat.d to Like A Jewelry
und tha'e, Fillit Baptist, Southing- the \\earcr us u Lutht>lan and on I I Utt,t'l membt'ls of th(> alldngc- ~u('('t(>d MI" (;d.tlb Thf' other
Fashion Show In
Fri. & Sat. Ev . Only ton, and PluntAvdle CongregatlOn-
~II:' Oro-a niza tion M{~tings Monday, "1t'1I1, "nm "pes are MI'!' Jdn"'e ("w,k.
May 2:;26
Susan Ilayward In
.d. JUnJOI, fOJ thO Sl' m grades four,
five und SIX, FIrl;t Co ngl egatlOnal,
Southmgton, and Plantsville Bap-
the reverse .Ide WLlulllhestrnalnC"h.
Cuse of need notify
<ommlttee ale M.. Ange-
: Iill.~ Stef.UII, MIl'>. J~'nille MnulO,
1\.lflu of "1't.lll Sun IH(,M'fltf,d to tho~t' \\ho suc("t'~ .. fully : MI~ M.i1)' Bdidull, Mlb Ann l'ld-
d.n.," till' Hl'\ (;'Illi n n S Dl'l'I, : (.'o lllplete the LOUlSt' , accoldlll~ to 10, MI~S litw' tttUC(!, tt1J~ LUlY
fll" \l(e plf'sident, :\-ll~ Angf'lina
J'nlllpf' }, secflnd \Ice pn-'sld' nt.
~.lI\(Y l)f,Solbo. n'c'mdlng
EST MOl!NTAIN" I tlKt IntelnwdUll c ~ \\111 meet ut the MI Dnlbf"f'1" l'>:'lId th l~ FIlst Luth- p.t!ot(ll, "til )"'I':t( h oil "(hll:tll,lll . MI Del'l, Instltutl' dc.11l M lI'oS , I.' '/ IlI, MI:' COIHl!t' UdIIiC:,t.hl dlld ~f.,.'ldIY, MIS Rogl'r~.
I FII"St Luthl'lan Chult h on Bllstol elan Church Io!, alu.' ady l"'lltiJn~ It:. Southmgton 6t and
Ah.o l'l'.H't' III a W.lll l lL~ \\' 11110" ,It lh, . l;~'Ilt'\,ll'''l' Tholllp:,on (If Mlddl (> . . MI:t MalY Mdll"-IIlI. "lIllt"ponri,ng ~f>C"rptaly, and MIs::!
SUl'('t. 0\\ II monthly papcl <IIIU dl'\.otlonal Tell You All About It.
Leu Gorn'Y III I\l .W.1 III ~( ' I \ llt M.I )- :!7 .it th\." to\\1I 18 JllsIIUt.tOI fUI thc cla:tsl' 6. r;~thl r Krltt, tl,' .!.SUrer.
"BOWEHY MI Ml.lcu-od Said chlldl(.'n will 111.1\('1 111 to IIll'lIlb(' l~ JllI W If! SC I \' - FI I~ t Itlpt l~ t ( ' hult'h
BATT ALlOl\" I atlt'nd the class neal est th('lr ICt In tht, nl'ar futul ~ i' "Stc"I'\' ICC
; ho nlt's. I'rayel Buok" "III be ~"Ilt to thein , ("huH'h ~dlO,,1 ('la1ot!">t'~ \\111 !lIt.tot " . H..-v , P~ra ""ill O"!!trrih,..
Sat. l\1Hl1m'\' - 'lay 2b Thl' th(,llll' 14'1' thf' VacatIOn t'hulch lll(' mbel5i now In ~(' I\I('(' ale a!o1 loIlO\\!'- :\\11.:., ' 1 ~ , ) 1' '" to .llfI"~ul-u WOUI814 -to (.lub -Earl v {:h~i {:on;o~ltit)t'
KIDDIE slI(m : (,hU1Ch Sch(lol, \"hl!..h \\111 m.llk Ed\\ard Bruyht'ld , HUl'old HUl't- II :ill. Hl'gIHIWI", 111 .. 11 ttl I~ I;), Of.. liral' :\lr,. ~la(' "T}~c ( ' hUldl l ,)IIVt'ntlon at Jt'I-
: thc flrt!dh .tllll1\t.'IS.IlY (If VdC..! mann, Honald MJ.('K~ nzl(" (, h:lIl('s 1' /11 11.11\ ..Inti JUllIlll, 11 to I:! Ifl, lh~ ItnllUlAlilata \\olllan' :, {tub u"Hkm, 51 AD" \\111 lit:' thl' :'l'"
Lc.'u <.Uf('(') in
: tlon ('hUICh !'chools III the l'n1te>d Ob(,I'l'mpt, FIl'd(, II Ck Politz, Oscar ,lIld Intt'lllH'dl,Ht' ,1I1d S~'IIWI HI~h, \"111 hold Il" annual ~UIII1I1UlIl()n , nJOn tOI'H. of the Rcv, Richard (i
7 (' \ IITOO ~ S St.lh's, \\ill t)(' "Th(' ("hulch" Tht.'II'Olltl., Wilfleu ~lhuclk(>, Rob!..' lt 11 '~fl to I:! In 'bll'aUalSt Sundtty III Altlt":-, Ri.':'- Pl'la, pastol, at the 9 H Ill. l'>('r
COUlS('S \\ til Jt1t.'iude B(>gmlH'IR, Sno\\ and H ~l) Illond WCl'k\\(lJth, Tht. Junlol B.lptl!'-l Youth F(>i- tRulant fu\lo\\lng ~I O\I Olh. Ilab~, "He Sunday at the ZIOn LUlh("ttn
Sun. & ~Ioll. )Iay 272H "Happ~ Tll1l l'S III Our ChUICh", I . . hl\\!o\\ ... hlp \\ill 11,1 \ , .J "'r) III th(-' Illlllld(uiutl' l u lluptrun l'hurt'h He ~J\l abo gl\l'..t lhlld
I> I ' 1ll.11 y, "E\l'lynnt> Needs u "The Lost b ['uuno' WIll be Mr IlU," fl!lll\ 1 .in t(l 7 Sunti.n, Il' ,I\- (hUHh 'lien's o!,t'lmUlJette, "The Kipling
Ronald U(~d.1l In
IChullh", Jun'(JI, "We Nl'l'd:D(llhC'PI':' M'ITnIlI\ tOpiC for thp H ill!: hum th~' lhul,,-h Tht, g-roup \11~ Pdul )'1.HLauJ.:"hlm, Pl t'!' I-'Story"
"BED'I'IME FOR BOZO" Chul,,-ht'8; ' and llltl ' lllwdlatl', "On(' I and 10 I;, .t III 9t'IVICC at the \\111 be "',J!WI\I .. "J tl\ ~1! .Iud MIS dt nl uf the ~()uthlnl:t () 11 l 'o umJ!' (,hulch School da ... ~e~ \\1\1 Il\(' e t
(,hul'ch (01 One WOlld" I
(hUich Sund.t~ S Pt l' (' mph.l818 HIl'h.lld UPllIWtl ..-\11 SIxth gl.tdt of ('athollc \\ OIlWTl, \\ill o!,peak. at M.J5 a. Il\. Sunday 8t th ('
AllY chddl l'n of the l'ommuility I \\ ill be piat'ell upon th l' tl'Ul' SIg-- .. tudt'lIb .ll t' In\ lt ... d E.llh IS t o anrl guP"t.. \\ill IIlllude thl' R e \~ . ('hunh The JunlOl ConflllllotllHl
CHEATED HIMSELF" I Ill.lY attend thl' !Schonl SeStilVll~ A ! IllhC.lTllf' uf M t'IllUI IaI n ,ty , hI' !'<tld L. IlI g" ;111 ("Ilt!'- (0 1 !'-p. IIdln~ I!wn('~, Al exander Tan .. !-I lind J o::.eph ! class \\ III nlPet for m~tl lit tlom:; at
1t'~I~tlllllon ft 'l' of 5U Cl'nto!, l"ll-h Tht' WO lk!'- ho}J and .sund.ty SLhuol ,I IlltIl Il' "Upp,' 1 ,lIld bl \(' I.t~l and Kukuc 9 a III tomulro\.\ and the Satur
Tu . /( \\ Id .. 'Ia) 29311
I \\ III bt' ('hdl.L::l't.I and Illm.t (If the ~ III lIled .tt 9 ..t m .
, fot 'lt \\ III bt, p,ud fUI by tht" ChUH h
I .. \\ \ '. l! " !J" ll , 1 'ltht~ ~II" Lou,,", ~tdltlll and :\1, :,. Ed- ' day St.hool ~11I ConH' nl' at 115
~11 "h HILt BIIIIIIJct(ln \\ iii hn\,' \\UlU Hrkcl .1I1' l'Ol h,,"llll'll p. m,
.\rc Waiting
,lind A Ot' \ u lrnnal and busllu'!'s uwd
' .. ., attt'll<kd b~ Ihl' )l.mng s t{,lb, MI ( h,lt 1.:\' nf t hi' III n~I. "ll J.t t h4' S ' n
'TAHZ~:\ A:\J) 1'111, 1i ' C: III Iht Luthl' l Lt ' ugu( \\ III bl.'
, ~:1!.1.d.A..'ud s.lId I,ll I,t.'vtl" t 'tluth Ft'II, )"~ hIV mC'pt .~
_. SI;A' I'~ (;ml,' J h"td :l t R fl'''' M~ .,.du y r\. ~"(' Hd
hou r \\ II! ! v l!,.'\A, In thf' (' hurch
I Il1.~ .It 7 i' II I SU IUJ,I\ at th(' Fur You

I" , ,, h
i I\JU) ~"r\ i .... " Tllllil-lhl ' h.I" ' '''''"t ~11

, Th,' H .. \ !o.lId th(' an"

III 1I0h Trillil\ Churl'h I Th" M.. ,,, (;,"Up \\ dl nwd at ~ 1l1',Ll 01 j.{J.lllz.Jtllln I"t('tlng-~ n f tht
M \' "'~I\I\..t''' ",IIi bl ' held tOOi~ht n nl Thul., to h'ar r(>polls of
at 7 ,m In th, Holy TllIlIty I dtl('g-ut4s to thf' l'nllt'd Luthl'l'an
tW .lld... .Ind (Ilill1111 tt, ' I':-O (,f th(,
Chllllh \I til hf' hf'ld ,It th, ' (hullh,
, ( hUll h I ~\ nod of ~(''' \'01 k and to nlah.t' \\Ith gl(lups assl),{llt'd h.df -hour HURRY-
Rl"gular ("hurch !whool Will bl' I f1;lui nll~UlJ!(>I1l (>n tR f o r it" r('(('p ::-och('duil', to f'il'l t Ilffi ct 'l"~ and r(>-

held tOIll(llnl\\ fl(J1ll 1~ to noon : tlon Into thl' Luth('run Hl(lt~t'I t'{'I\,' sUj.!~t'!otlon~ flll", tl", ),t~t n l They Won't Last Long At This Price! LEVY'S
Thc Hl ... J oh n H (,oJ{ol"~1 \\111 . hood, a national m C' n!ol orJ:{HllIwtloll Th4' nwf'llllg H'hl'dult, for Mon-

Mu/lhfJI r(J
~(JfPr(}IfA'I "('n ,ate at hl"h ma" Sunda) , of th,. l'nlted Luthelun Chuah In
.:It ~I 15 Tht ('hOll \\111
I nett'l
aheal ... \111(' 1 1( :1
mat'..,. and at Ii 11 SOCial ..... 111 Th4' ,hUIt'h thtllr \\ill Tt ' ht",tr"f' Itt
d,t\ f(llIo \\ '4 "; 'W, 'H'lllJnlttlll~ ('om'
III .ltl't'. ~, Hn.lld. .. I 1l",H'n n!'-, MH~
<;Inn ,(llI1lllltt{"t. ~C' I \ 1'llilUlI COO1-
. I'L' ht111 In tht chult.h hall
!\11'" Julia ~l1k4\ :- . I .. challtnon
f 01 t.ll' ~o~ lal. Ilb"'l'~lt' d by ~t I.,
. (i :tu pill. tnJnorrH\\ at the church, IIl l l k', ' ami l:\I , t ~ l\1('mb(' r ("ilm.1"s !
('Ol1llllltlt'~ . ~ UJ, B'~'lld of ("hrl~- '
,It lPn, E\ .11lJ:t ' II ~!I 1 ("om
SETS DecoratIOn
Wednesday ~

:\luI ... Wu'l~o:-h, M, .. f'atherlnt' , , '

I I. tll EdlH
!Hllt t ' t ' , !\hl" /c (''' tll ll ll lh't' ,Iud the
~\Jhall'k, Mrs Ju~hn8
D\\orakow- :\nl1 (,.uIH"" I"" I'.nf!:~{'cl L':-ht' l t"unrn ll ttl'f' I
Get ready for the
! "kl, MIl' JOl'l('phane WlchrolSkl, \ To " !a'~rhllrv Chf1'nli .. t '. Monthly I!wt'tlng of thf' Hoard I hohday and all Sum-
I Mrs Emeha M1116 and MIS Alice I
Mr, and Mr~ Stephen F. Ga\u'k o( T'U~tf'Nl \\ill b(' hf'lo nt A PI m I
, ~t.'kel t. of 67 Sunn),nd!te Orlve, 1'18nt5\1111', TUNldu}, :It the> horr1l' of Lindsay 1'. 1 mer with a visit to
I - -- announce the f" ngllJ:'f'ment of th(,lf Huttnll of Ea:-t StrN' t j
All Sizes-Lengths-$4.00 to $5.50
dRug-htu, Ann r .. to J ohn (;ulligan, Tht' fln.d ~f>""I\ln or thl' Splln~
son of Mrs Mury Galltgnn of Wa
A new Ingllih
: terbur)'
Tr,lIll1ng Inf'tltutl' f'Jllln5inrf'(i b\ tht'
Soulhlng-ton ('hulch('s'
MI~R Galick i~ a ~raduat(' {'If \\ ill ht, hl'ld fl"l!] :1 t,') 11 a III Sa.t-\
or MARION'S CURTAIN SHOP See our selectIOn of
wallpaper patlern
In .5 charming
I glamorous
colo' combinG J loclli Rchool~ unci 11'\ ('mployed III \I,d:I\, Jun., ~, ,It till' 1-"11::11 Bap- 2!l 1'.0. MAIN ST. 'TEL_ 2082 SOUTHINGTON
flon. 'OMp'"." . th(' tiffin of thl' CUnnl"ctllut Light tiSt Chullh Ct',tlf l('. ltt~ \\tli be SUitS. All concelV-
W . N.I. & Po\\t'r rUmp.lll\' In WatC'rhury able styles and col-
lloyd Co. M I . (;alll~ull 18 a cht'ml~t at
. Nuugatuck ("h" lnn' al Company. ors.
11 ( 52nd ,.,... : Thl' wl'ddmg \\ III be hpld nil
Hew Y.... 12
: ~nturdHY , Jun (' :lll, ut St. Thullius'
. . ..,.,.., HW, Chul'ch. 11IERE'S CLAMO(JR GALORE IN
Nimble toe action. treadlnq
ease and comlortable ((ORADENIM* PAIR OFFS!
ankle-lit are assured young Hugged dentm goes glamorous when talented
active leet in CHILD LIfE
FOR WARM Stephanie Koret adds shell pmk and oyster white
to her famous ('ollectton of regatta faded blue
SHOES_ Entrust your chlld's WEATHER Koradenim * Pair-OIT!
future /001 health to our
AHEAD ... Burnished g 0 I d -
expert shoe fitters. Many
metal dips mate Sea Nymph
emart styles and beautiful \\ Ith twisted loops
to crea te unique (lIluslratod)
leathers 10 choose from.
closings. For won-
der mix-ups, multi- Carltex
JUDD'S ple costumes. _ -
choose K 0 ran i t Sea Gull
striped cotton jer-
SHOE STORE s e y coordinates.
Center St. Suulhingtun FORNIA Koraden-
ims* are Sanforized
and guaranteed
washable . . "be-

SNOOKY A heautiful selection

of cOllon and hem-
e a use Americans
want the best!"
herg she e r s for

'>~ .... street, dress and
play. See them to-
<r .,....
l";" .-. ~/
Shorts 3.H5
Jacket ~95
Pedal Pushers 4.9:>
Skirts 5.95
Slax 5.95
A fellow {'ould J((>t to h<- a
pot'l 011 B dllY hk4' Ihl". Sun- Sun Dresses 8.95
Mhi",', bhll' ~k}, fwld fJ11i of
daiMI(,s, 111t'nly ur HI \ t'IKid(' 4 WAYS TO PAY
DalrY's mil" to drlllk. (; ......
but th('f(' or.o n lot ur
good (,ASII. (,IIAH(a:. lHJl)(;ET. LAY-AWAY
thinKS in tlH' wurld."

LEVY'S Southington SOl ITHIN(;TON

..IL h.
: 39 . , i 1, 1,|1,-17-2-rttrB,7 Ii_ 4.
i +2'AI. /,US"
', 'M*,41A l, 1' 1 ,1, 1. 6111 1 1 11,4/ 1 '11-, l' '. '11 A. ''21,4, _,*.1.,1
%4 ' "4"r,5*'4
L_ 1,' 2'T'15, 447414; IMIn,1:i 042 -11 -74---1.E---J_ 11---
'... 11'-.. , " . r. ., -'. 1 - A :-AN=
1-LZ+el ,11 f"X /-- ..2, *., .L-1-
'1 "1 + , , +"I. " 1 -11- 1
.._ .-i, ,1 - 'i ...,.,ae:.; 4 042cr,;--
-*-,,k,ti '2'-r.. 4- .-- 1, //
'n1mits gaGumateining'h,acher;' Men Urged To Join Fire Au*iliary; should adopt fund*Msing ppoleats |Ediwed smith, 60 dresid )74#4 '
Jean Sheppard Alld Mrs. Zdunczyk Invites that they can look up to." Mrs. George Weaver,

*fi,4. School Board On Pay Raise Mareello Mongillo Stnilents

118 entered the To Caitol
Mrs. Elizabeth Z unezyk, one of Training Program Starts Monday Mrs. Price cited the allnual Mrs. Hehry Assklar, ,,,7
A training course for auxiliary ' Milldale School Fair as an ex- I was unable to attend.
.tbon, ta-them' salaries in a Thalberg; Blanche Skene, song and Are Married Southington's representatives in firemen will begin at 8 p. m. Mon- Gibson TO Deliver ample of a desirable fund-raising The installing offtcer Was .**
*iRAay evening showing how tap dance, accompanied by Ann the General Assembly, offered this dny at the Plantsville 11'irehouse. Donald Kimball of Middleto#ii,2 ,
week to make arrangements for Gabriel Price, coordinator of the Sermon Sunday project in which children take,part. nec]*A '
acher should and shouldn't ap- Swain; Shirley Meyer, song; Sara Miss Jean Sheppard, daughter guiding school groups through the She suggisted that hobby shows vice president of the Con
*% a job. Thalberg and Ann Swain, piano i of Mr. and Mrs. William Sheppard State Capitol while the Legialature Southington Civil Defense pro- In Plantsville and similar programs be used to PTA, who led a discussion 86, tha
duet, and Patty Burke and Ginny of West Main Street, I'lantsville, i, in session. gram, conferred this week with raise funds, commenting that such
Ektmlling a gum-chewing ap- McCullough, alphabet m,ng. afternoon session. 4.
I and Marcello Mongillo, son of Mr Harold L. Cowles, chairman of the George Gibson of Mt. Vernon things were ends in themselves ./
ji*tlayed by Nancy Anderson 1 and Mr8. Pasquale Mongillo of Superl:rtendent William M. Board of Fire Commissioners, and Road will be the lay preacher at tls well as the means to an end. 1 -
Strong told teachers Monday af-
#he couldn't qualify, "Super- L Lucille Lofgren WiiiM S,uth Main Street, Plantsville, termion they could Het a time for Leland C. Reiger, a board member, the 11 a. m. service Sunday at the Mrs. Price as installed as pres- Lions Meeting Postponed, i
to plan for the course. Reiger will Plantsville Congregattonal Church. ident of the PTA Council at the Because of Memorial Ilpy, te
,*Br Camille Petrillo told S 1 50 Scholarship were married Saturday morning at the tours by getting in touch with
:4 Fion(lelia she was hired. M iss I,urdle I.ofgien, 1 aledictor- thi, Ri,rtary of St. Thomas' Church I serve as the course supervisor. Philip Krug, student assistant at end of the day-long sessions. She 1 Lions Club will put off Wednes 042
M, .. Zdunczyk itt het home. "The Fire Department will actu- the church, will have charge of the succeeds Mrs. George Wood, u ho I day's meeting ti, Julie 6. The fcl 04
PI,ih" inform you that ian ot the 1951 graduating i 1 .:,< The Re, Father William H, Ken-
'ralify for this job," said Ca- at Southington High Schc,4,1, hub nidy, p:,st<ir, performed the wed- ' ally be our first line of defense
worship service. lowing meeting has been reset for
0 -ealnestly. "Your work will i Nri, Police (:ruimer during an emergency," Reiger said,
Mr Gibson 18 a well-known local presided.
Others taking offlce were Mrs. 1 June 20.
beril aparded thi, $151 ) 81,.int CA,1- ' ding ceremony.
at Holcomb School and your le:o New England Regic,nal Sh,1- ' Placed Iii Servire as he urged Southington men be-
speaker and 18 active in civic af- _ -
ng salary will be $2400 pt,r arship Award, Principal Martin G Mrs Robert Marotta, close friend Thi S,uthington l'cilice Depart- tween the ages of 18 and 50 years
fairs. He served as chairman of the I.
(,f the hilde, 1,as the matron of metit placed its new Numer in to register for this course.
Southington Service Clubs' com- -
r. th, lan sald this week
ine of the student script-writers Mr Phelan said the aw.ircl is fi,1 honor and the best man was John seri Ice Sunday It replaced one mittee which sought to reactivate \ ..
Applications for enrollment may the aircraft plant here on West
lained after the skit that con- Mongill,i, brother of the bride- that H'%11; in use for about two
i the ,rhdaste y,ai which b.'gins be obtained froni Fire Chief
erable thought had been oven May 10, 1951. Miss Lofgren ts the rronni. 1 Ye.ils Thi nt,w Che, iolct sedan Cha les Link at the Firehouse, the Queen The Street.
Rev, Norman M. MacLeod, AN INVITATION TO
the $2400 figure. It started out daughtti of Mi ai,d Mi Ji,hn t,11*,wing the ceremony a dinner ;, a. purehas 036d
by the Board (,f 1'0- 1 dt ivers there and at the firehouses
*1800 and in
eral times was rensed upward
rehearsals sci that and reception was held at IAingo's hn, (,immi,1*irier ficwg the Boyd In l'tantsville, Milldale and Marion Jr., pastor, will be at Munson, ALL MY CUSTOMERS
Lofirit 11 ( if Oakland Road
and Nxk's Restaur:int, Milldale. J. it,ight. lne k.icli,i ecluipment i Mass., Sunday to debver the bac-
teachers would know \\ here the I.ate in the dav Mr :ind Mrs Mon- ../. tralif'tied fit,in the ad: I'rire also stressed the import- calaureate germon at the gradua- to Visit the
ils stood. E.ailr To Elect C )ilietrx gillo 1,ft 036n
an unannc,unced 036ed-
4 1,11.i t,I the nA'K kine ance of this training course in the I tion exercises at Monson Prepar-
The Board of Education recent- In Red Men', Hall 042 *1(,11(la, ding tlip Mr :ind Mrs Monlrillo overall Civil Defense program in atoiy School for Boys. NEWLY REMODELED
Southington. "We need al r the The pastor announced the sacra- '. -i -

Zttheaciltin::IZ'onhe :13,2iFI',I;t' ;I,t :v:'e,.d48.,wo'h,A.he' ,i 042...1. 042.,Ai, 042

at $2400.)
Mr*. 1,11,irt Clarke liracls
. uxiliniy firemen, properly trained, ment of baptism will be admims-
that we can get. I urge all thoRe tered at the Children's Day service I

15 acts in a variety sho\\ di- 8 p ni Monday in Red M 036n'. H.ill ingt 036nschools. Mrs Mongillo has Mrs Ri,bert M Clarke of Marion 036ho
can to sign up for this course." on Sunday, June 10. Parents u ho 1
ted by Stanley Koziol and l'hit- After the business nietting ., bppn i.niplorrd :it the office of the was elected pre<ident of the Lin- wish to have their ch*Iren bap-, * BEAUTY SHOPPE --
Liguori, faculty members. spling smciki'r 036ill
be hi lci ulth Int,ination:it Silper (- 036mpany,
Mi'r. m,In-I.,14 1'1' 4 Tuesday e,ening. tized at this service are asked to 1I.
triene -LePogr wan the announe. -apiza and_other rifii-hments to idi,n Mr Mongillo is empl 036led by Sh, nas pr,sid 036ntof the Marion nrmorratieWomenToHold 1 contact Mr. MacLeod as soon as, F /
be served. the Atwater Manufacturing Com- I'TA t;,0 years ago.
Others taking part n ere Joan Arthur DellaVerchia, Ari w pres- panv, 1'1.intsville Mrs. ('laike succeeds Mrs. Ed- Attic Sale Todav r possible. 1m I FRIDAY, MAY 25
Ai, attic sale Rilf be held today 1 1 W Open 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. r
i Delores Perlot, songs, Jackie idc'nt, 111036
hi thp dilegate to the The bricie 1, as entertained at fr ar F. Cuitiss.
lage, plano solo: Alice Nash, State Eagles' convention u ith An- s., rr.,1 Ircent sh 036uers gl,en by Other* n.inied ere Mrs. Al- . 1.'tl...; 036.-"T;,t;72.,A,;;;;: 1 Games Of Chance I IM 9 CENTER ST. TEI..GO ,
ig, accompanied by Sara Thal- thonv M Egidio as hi,4 alt*.rnate Mi 11*,nr> Sheppard, and Mis pho,ise J:i,ik*, *k>, 036 wer president, i
ton 11,niticiatic Women's Club. Old For Fund Raising i:: Mal'11.11111.11111.7/11111.11111111/2.11111.1111.11.11.111li.111.11.9 A 036
rg; Rosalie Pizzitola, acceordion Egidic, and Anthony Di,gu71< ;, 111 R 036brrt Shi,pp:id, Miq l'usquale Illts lt{,1,lrt (11(',1, si,critar>, and Jee 036'ty,furniture. flocks, radios
10; Carol Carver, song, Steph- se, 1( :is co-chatinitn f 036iM<,nd.i>'s M#,nirill 036, Mi:. Robert M:in,tta :ind Mtb. I.. F ]lid, tie:iurer. and misrell.ineous items will be of- ' Hit By PTA Leader N < ONE WEEK SPECIAL
ie Hartshorn, hula dance, Sara prigrani Thry will be ishl.t(d by b her :1:soci:tr at the IT,teina. Mrs R.,hi it l'nit,, and Mrs. E. fered f 036r sale Mrs J 036sephA. De- 1
alberg, piano solo. Joan Cop- Louis Di'Sorbii, Mort 036n Sn 036
111.,n, 036
1, 042,n,1Sil,i., ( 5,mp:iny. F. ( Mggin #pm chen Council 1 Gambling should not be used by , 4; G $12.50 Realistic 8.50
Par 1,1, Jr, heads the sate com-
la, accordion solo, Shrley Co- C.,11 l' Yerder:inie .ind,. E. deleg:itt., ith Mrs Curtiss as PT.4 units as a means of fund- 1 , i'f 8 PERMANENT
to, song, accompanied b> Sara Gill alter nat#c. i raising, Mrs. Gabriel Price told a
- (:onin,unitin Break fa.t Set Sii 036vigoii the nonlinating com- ' Mrs (;ordon Swain and Stanley 17.4 school ,f Instruction Wednes- L.wInilmilllmillututiMnmilllI,#,Immllulit 0421111#m,Illl!IltllIllillmNIltil
Sltriclu, 1cit W <imi.11'4 .1,11 ) In,ttee 036lil
MIS. (;,
042 042,rge
Wood, Koziol, day at the Public Library.
Tl ' annual C<,T,ini'.inicin Rn,tik- - - - --- _ -_--_ -_ __ _ , 042Wemust remember that the 1*
fa. fi,r nit'nibprs 036f
the Ingmncu- r,es of the children are always on ; - .3 --- i.. --=---- - r- -.tor Fitti.1-; 7:- 5=--= . 3 -- 1

1.,ta Woman's Club w 111 be
,<u 1 3.i> nic,ining at Artie'is Res- held MEAT the l'TA," Mrs. l'i ice said. "Wei ___ ___.__ _.._ __. _._ ____ __ -

Vilj m.LA,1r- - - -- /' - *Ci

m 10: 1, folldutng the' 9-C."#p-
the Immitcul.iti 1. m
IN,i, Fliuttli Tlit ilir,I,bri. ,&,11 at-
8 9 nmin
fil T
ma a nT
NiAn / /
7' - 2,
a Planning 10 Roam? Stoying al Home?...
722' t,rd 11 036ly
C<,mmunion in a bod3 .it -

ly=aze --
th,' 1,.1.: Th<,se who ,; ill atti,nci
.11 036
1,3 ki 036tif>
Mis Lazik 11.irtin or Colonial Theatre Bldg. Southington I >:.i: , .,:
_/ RIC FOOD Rllyf
m...d . "0.# 9 0/9
7 In Mr 1 IN .211:ingements
rd Hika to ni.ik the WILL BE OPEN TUES, MAY 29 41,

49 1_Ejuy r)15 neer.saly

At A&P Help You Have a Grand Holidayl


Conia Ji11. Joan tleade
Picked 1 01 4;irl. *tate
con, 7 Joll of Mulbern Street,
Pl intn tile and Join V< '. Ide of Old



.* Maun

A/"RA Whether you spend the week end or Dee-
o ation Diy at home or away you re su-0
to spend less en tood and get more value
for your money u yo do your holld=y
m'lrketing at AdP Cne stop at 7our
A6P ord you 11 be ull set to enjoy the
S, Turnpike Road have been selected ' test eating yetl And wherever youte
to represent Southington at Laurel bound your budget m bound to benstil
wY#% -1 Decoration Day ic near . ,

Girl< State June 24 to 30 on the
, 49- ' by A6Ps 'Low Price, Low-Proht" policy.
19< 7/ and httle angels are up to 1 91- ,..:i'., Stop in belore you start ofi
\ ' michievous outdoor doing4 .* *- Unt, pisity of Connecticut campus
iz) r. . . . but little you care for " Both are junt 036r
In the high Rchnol
\:/ 041 they're all dressed for Ms. George Lilley heads the
Girls State program for the local
PUIMP 10-14 lBS
Drawn Pilgrim Tuikeys R.dyto-Cook 8111A lbs

8 799
/0 * r L\ playtime comfort in pretty . i '. ' '
outer under garments Aniez ican Legion Aunhary.
SA t. _164/1
/.l from our new group for nib Roast 7 INCH CUT
r tlanaD infants up to teen agers
. . . boys and girls. 2
Lilirar> (,'1(,ird Todu>: Your 99c e Clo hom U S Gov'I Prim/ or Choice S//ers
1 7,1 See them today at Per-
Staff Attend# Mteting Choice
7 he Pi,hli, Libi ill i \illl 1,2 (lo.*,d SUNNYFIELD-"SUPER RIGHT'-Fully COOKED
..\ \
< lins . . . for the holiday all da ) to'lay to alli ), m, nitic,i 4 Ait 7 . 9. 54/59*i*/4.57;432 f.*31
and all summer. --
th, .taff t att,
036 n i the innual i 036n-
Cooked lillams
31 A1/ Lention <,f the C onnecticzit I il,ratv

\ \
A..Bilation at
X(,i i kh inn in

C: 'c,
V /
In the group going to the two-
day meeting are Mi-s
Brm\n, hbranan. Mrs F R Shep-
RIB ., ..
lb. 45(
90 Corner

Center Slices TO BAKE, BROIL OR FRY u 1.09

28 Colony Street Meriden aid. Mi. (; Frank (,tintiell and What don': you like about your AaP? Shank HALF No Ceet Sllces Re=ved-6 / LBS LB 63*
MI. Margaret H Smuh
SMOKED Many customers have written their ap
Sausage Meat proval of the quality foods, good values


and fine service they get at AaP. Whole Hams FOR THE LARGE FAMLY LB 67e

But if we're to keep your AaP the best

place to shop, it will help us if we know the WHOlE OR ANY SIZE PIECE -NONE PRICED HIGHER

/re.. i:-1-2
. Ai lb. 47c 49c thingB you would like us to change
Won't you tell tls how we can serve you

t *1141' . i.724 11 1 better? Please write: lettuce Calit Iciterr None Pilad MIgh 036

...k, , I.-.

52.'-11-2 "-
i .. '!Rly'.2 SPARE RIBS ............. lb.490 CUSTOMER RELATIONS DEPT.

.i 1 1 1
AaP Food Stores Bonanas Yellow Gold- None Priced High- LS 1 6C
..Ail: 1 1 - 420 ington Avenuk New York 17, N. Y.
1 - -1 L Cantaloupes Calif *t 36.r-No. Pficed Hle- EA 40
I. A l-t| i-1 1 1
'F C 1-1 1
1 - '-1 ' 17
1, 036-
1 -'* 7 .e Cucumbers Gieen-Nore Prk.d Hi*wr 3 FOR 25
PKG Ill 1 C
1 W LB Prints 35C
4 1 Egtanlni Forms' 1950 Ford F-1 Pickup doyed on the Job in all Margarine LR PKG
weather on aU kinds of roadg tn the natwnu ide Ford Truck Econ Cloverleaf Rolls .,SROWN 'N SERVE' PXG OF 4 1 1C
omy Run. Ouer 5,000 Ford Truck operators took part m the run. FOR THAT DECORATION DAY PICNIC
Lee ARMOUR'S CELLO WRAPPED 1 Dinner Rolls -BROWN 'N SERVE" PKGOF 12 21C Salad Dressing ANN PACE PT JAR 32 01 JAR 59
#11&L _l''
..0#It -4 Toasted Marshmallow PRINCESS 10 OZ PKG 21C Ched-0-Bit FOR EVERY CHEESE USE Le LOAF C
MW- --
/ 6-1--, 1
9,11i4. Dian- of
S . :.:

We haul feed FRANKFURTS lb. 65c Cracker Jacks A CANDY CONFECTJON 6 PKGS 2/ Sweet Mixed Pickles KING PHI 036p
QT JAR 33a

HANDY'S LENOX, TRAY-I'ACKED Brach's Circus Peanuts . 8 01 PKC 20 A&P Fruit Cocktail . NO ,4 CAN 37G
Flit#ellrovea Ford P.1 Pickup

for 196* a milel"

-,4 5ling,the Economy Run. got
Gr Stufied Olives SULTAIIA MAIZ wo OZ JAR 59C
*J 042*..iMwhite
proof that "the Lynden's Boned Turkey SnOZ# 042R
' 12-*6:li le- to run than any
7 4 '2*66**ire ever -d.'
t.*d .*W- I.-
BACON lb. 59c Nabisco Ritz Crackers 1 u PKG 35G Mayonn 254lise
1 le,/ Ann Page Peanut Buer 12 OZ JAR 31C Supersuds lg. pkg. 32c
ts' Armour's Star Top Quality Cold Cuts
1! --f I'l am sold on the Power Pilot econ- Farms operate eight Ford Trucks, two 1 Fldko Pie Crust 8 02 PKG 1 6C
VEAL LOAF Prepared Mustard SULTANA LS AR 15C
1 ' Oiny of Ford Trucks,"says the man- trucks of another make. MINCED HAM
Their Economy Run records show that in Cut Green Beans RELIABLE NO I CAN 2 FOR 25C Blu-White Makes . COM. oF 4 28C
1 1& oger of Eglantlne Farms... & ROLGNA Pickle & Pimiento
9 12,994 miles of the Run, the F-1 Pickup
*\ I. 6 Sunshine Krispy Crackers . LB PKG 29( Wesson Cooking Oil p, 45C QT 899
1. 1 The performance ofour Ford F-1 Pickup hauled anaverageload of 1,039 lbs., had no i

, 4-:'
far surpassed our expectations," reads the
statement from Eglantine Farm & Feed
repairs, cost them a total of $233.65 for
gas, oil and maintenance (they got regular I lb. 57c 63c Cream of Wheat

Evaporated Milk 01. Ho- TALL CAN 3 FOR 41 C

. 4 OZ PIG 19C Megoweri-Educator Crux


La PKG 33C

FKS 15
'91Ift' Bervice. "rhe Ford Truck Power Pilot gives service from their Ford Dealer ). Result-
it." = maze power frvm less gas." Eglantine a running cost of only 1%0 a milel
Mazola Salad Oil PT 45 OT 89
FORD TRUCWNG t Ud-101 042,1
AA.* 7,38,000 1,VC
& iII'.al-.*p....
Liverwurst 111.59 Sweetheart Soap BATH COUS OF 4 40c
Slieed Iheese 52


W egFord042rl
14,164 Sweetheart Soap ALL COMB OF 4 27C
'42 -11 4,3#*rp-0 r.C.A.
W.11 - iv Kraft'g Parkay lb.
nr",11''f Stticlly Fresh Large
:27 ' ...
MITCHELL MOTORS, Inc. Margarine 32c Beverages 3 Z, 32 h
im i .21 .
, .1.-:3.. EGGS.. doz. 69u Just Give Us The Tab
11 Main SL Tel. 188-J Southington, Conn. Mm ....161, d ar' B...4 h.' Thunday 1&.ugh Saturday, and .5.*7 h *18 u"'40) 8ad v:"S
35'll 4:-t: - 1201--- i. ...
mdi, A , T '
1.BlFJ"Briti' _t - *
~oUp e
the weddittg-and II-.-,---;~"""'-':- --~-~~,;. -~-:., --"""'~-~~~~~~!~;;
his brother'. best PlCllWers Wanred
, JlotcbkIM WW!


Goldelt'Wedding m:;.. and Mrs. _' llDtchkiss bave The Women's Auxiliary o! the

Rev, LeRoy G. Allen, paBlor, CORRESPOND ENT Here Sun d 8y seven children, 14 grand<hlldren
Vetera"" of Foreign Wa.. want.
Telephone 650.JS and three great grandchIldren.
\VilI ,epeak on .. Blessed Are The and Junior ChOIr, 10:30 a. m. --,,- - - - - --., - - - - - Mr, and Mrs. Hobert L Hotch- TheIr chIldren are M.... Earl
-P(!nqamakers" at the 11 H.. m. Bel' 15atul'day. Mrs. Eugene J, Murphy enter-\ Mr, and Mrs, Martin E. Anu.r- kiSS of Winter Haven, Fla., and Crandall of Burlington; Raymond LET US YOU IN SELECTING
, vice:Sunday at the First Congrega- wined at u party ut her home lust Bon have returned from their wed- Forl'slville will {'plebrnte their HotchkisS nnd MrH. Earll' Broth. FORMAL WEAR FOR RENT-
tional Churoh. We~eBday in honor of the birth dmg trip and an> now 8t home on golden wt'ddmg nnnl\efsary at an well both of HlIstol, Harold Hoh'h- OR SALE
DUring the worship aervl.,., AwardsTo8t.Madl'At Picnic day'of her daughter, Ann, Ml. Vernon Road. They VISIted Ni- opt-n house event from 2 to 6 p. m kISS and Mrs. Earl Tetro, both of lI1.k~ Ik~al M,n', ffi>optl Your b~dquarten
BmalJ children will be eared for agora Falls, relatives 10 Fords, N. Sunday !It the ,Legion Hom{" an Plaplsvtlh., Mrs. Arthur Johnson for rormal "t"ar. All brand new goarUlea""
In tile Happy Hour Church Schuul Of Y GirlH' G}m (::taRS M Olive Semlar of Saybrook Y., and New York City. Southington. of Unionville, nnd Law r en c (' nnely tailored to give you 1R'0~r fit.

"Iassea wlll me.t at 9:45 n. m In

the primary dt'pnrtment the If'flAOn
Wlll cenlor about the film striP,
itl'~ In' y'", Wednesday aft.. ,, and Mrs. John Marek.
nl'on gym dUt-.S{,H WIll be preMent I
AWUNI", (or IN girls paltilipat- wnB r: gu('st last wct.kclld of Mr
Albert Hrunalli of Russell Road
IS a po.tlent at the Uradley Memo-
In Wut(>rbury. T\\o members of the
weJ'11l1g party. Mrs MlJlnle Way:
Tlwy Wf'rt, mal'Twd May 29, 1901, Hot('hkl8S of WUlt'rbury.
WlllIam.J LUHhJIIg ancI HUS:;lf'1I
"Living As A Christian," f'd JllllP li at H pl('nlc at Slopel's i Cpl Everett D. BUI rclt has re- nal Hospital. of Union City ann. C'harlps Hotch-' F Stont' nttf'nrltd the mid-year
:l05 \iAl='" R f. !'~EW BRITAVi
A meeting of thf' Chr1!dlnn PonJ_ IsunlPd hiS dutlt's ut FOJi. Mpudf', kn:)~ 01 Southbury, will be plt!s~nt \ nwptll1g of thp Connt>ctwut AK-
10 ('01.0:-' Y ST. MERIDEN
Youth Fellowship will be h.ld lit '1" ... ~ur(' Tlll'lt wmners at the Md" after apendlllg tht> wef:>kpnd Mrs. Iva Chaffpe, Mrs. We~h'Y .It tre ct'lpbr.ttlOll Mrs_ Way, sis-i BOclation of Insuruno' Agt'nts hpld
7:30 p. m. Runday nt the pUr1sh f. 1.1) ,('&lIOn ,.f
t!1(' "wason Wcdn('~-l With hiS palents, MI'. find 1\I1S. Scott, MISS Dtane Scott, all of MIII- tt'r of MIS Hott'hklR8, WllR the yt:'~flldu.y at Norwich
For Eveni ('alI New nriitillfri
bohse. The Protestant Yuung Ad day were Nancy MacLeo'I, Su~un Everett Barrett. dale, and Mrs. Thomas Giles (If
ults '",lll hold their annual meet Prevost, LOI etta Kuhr, Marilee ~outhIngton attended the weddIng
Ing cuid pienlc Sunday night on the Mnl'afmo, Mary JnQ6l Reckenberg, Mrs. Hf'nry NOIlt'muchf'r of thE' of MISS MaXIne Rupf and Edwald
.' .lawn at the First Congregational IIfo'tle Stl'ffetl, BEulmra BOYl'e" Merldf'n-Wuterbury Road IS a pa- Thomas in Watprbury Saturday,
parsonage, Berlin A vpnue. Virginia Butler, Landa Gruben- ta-nt at the Bradley MemOrial Hos- MISS Rupf formerly resided an , ,
Meetings next wf'f'k will bp as munn and COliit' Stont' pltal MilldalE'.
follows: ChOir TPh('arsals, 7:~O 'Vmnel" m the Sl'uvanger Hunt _ __ __ ___ __ -----
, lh m. Monday and Wedn day; !loy
'~uts, 7 p, m Monday; Girl
were MUUleen MaxI'n and Linda
Ludeeke, first; Loretta Kuhr and
!!eoUlo, 2:30 and 4 p. m Thursday, Susan Prf'vo"t, second, and Joyce MRS. F, E. McLAUGHLIN
Badgley and Betty Jean Pl'rkm~, CORRESPONDENT
third. Telephone 650-J3
FOR SALE MI" 1. T Pfi'Vo~t ha<; lead thE' I ________ _
When you compare the Ravor and tenderness of First
New &: uet'd "I" Mams, anj:!'lp ..<rlOUI1. 8R"I"tell by Selah Hamlm.1 Mr and Mrs Wdlaam VanBuren children went With the Mr, and
Naltonal meats-when you compare the careful way
,Iron, channel Iron. platt'. pipe i
Geraldine Hamlin, Annl' Weleh, and son, Howard and George, of Mrs. Club of Wolcott Sunday for a
I Jurllth D(,\\t,y and Eltzabeth Repd Hyde Park, NY, wprt> weekpnd trip to the RooRevelt Memorial at they're trimmed .10 91V" you more for your money,
: and mlscellaneoul etPeI. ,gUf'sts of Mr and MIR, Jamps W, Hyde Park, N. Y. Lat.r they VIB- i
)'ou'lI agree Ihere are no be/ter meat values anywhere..

Central Metal ('0 .. Inr. ------ I lJPBOn. Ited the (01 mel' Vnnderbllt Man- 'I
____ ~ WoocUonl A ""_ & De ....y PI..."
Plilil'l1'lIIe Tel. 1700 Mf'('tilll: 1\1O)u\a" To Plan ! ." siul). 'I'
_ _ _- - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ IYf \ I' 11' I ., I I I Mast.r f.dwllrd Cambut ha. b n
______ __ _ _ ('urt I":: I , (0 Inn 111 at lll~ home dUl'lng the past Mr nnd Mrs Earl P. HotchklRS
'.' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ A glOUp of parl'nt!- \\ill mN.'t I d
'St'vf'rfi ayR, attendf'd the weddlllg of MIAS Max. I'
I at 2 Monday \\ Ith PllflClJlIli Mai- ane Rupf and Edward Thomas
tin C; Plwlan tn d",("u~l'O' for I
I ' ".

\\ hlch took place Saturday In Wa-

Ollt8t1l11fiC' a PTA at Southlllgton

Mr<; F.dlth Roy of Naugatuck
\\U~ thf' wPf'kend gUf'st of Mr. and terbury
and then have to hunt I II l\r h S l h 00 I I

for a plumber? PTA \Inlt~ h'l\{, L('f'n fOlmp" in,MIR J W Tylf'r Please plan your Holiday
all ... t'v('n l l f tlw tu\\n' ... g'ludt' I
Mr. Henry Newell ha. rpturned 0 In
' I 1\1 , Ah f'arn Nam~d ,-
food requirements now.
SELIGMAN "c. hllol"
- - -- - - - -
(IOIll a \lSlt "Ith Mr. and Mrq Tn Hf'ad Milldall' PTA
I William Mf'W'I'R of Barrington, R I
John M Ahearn was t"lpded I
I Our stores Closed All Day
next Wednesday, May 30th
Gives you both--and
at one pricl'.
T. :Ind IS \\lth hf'1' son-In-Inw nnd preSIdent of the Milidalt PTA at I
Df"IlJorrati(,,'O))U"llToF:If"(-1 daughter, MI' and MrR, D. K_ I the annual ProgrpsA Night.. Tues- I MEMORIAL DAY
Tht' ~uuthlfi.cton D{,lllocrntlc (" nmpton of Marlon Rpnd. I'da y I

38 Pratt SI. Tel. :;:'~H \\ (l1I1i'n'" ('lub \\ 111 ('it'd Monday at I . . . . Mr~. Ahearn IS the
I new vice I

H III th~' hump of MIS Joseph De- Mrs (' Anthony MarafLno. If'8<1-1 president. :J.ruilJ REA!)Y
I ..=""...__________~ I I\toln, JI', IH~ ~unlllllt Strppt Otht'r offlcere: mst~l~ed at ~~e j TO EAT

i f'r, entf'rtnanpd thE' Mallon 4H Club

- ,-
--- ! rn~'mllt"r~ at ..l. J-tLULit. ut lL~l Ilttlllt' III.-.. ting- ali'

l.t:.t T1ILl,~J:) .tr~O:-lnv'~I.

t c{'lie 1.10;
~1:~:U;.{':~cr:~dry, Mr~ Hil~~ B

i"1 ftiilift A
_-- ----------
hll II Mr and MrB William !larkor Ah rn ,ucc.od, \vosley B.'
and Jamps Harker were the Wf'~- !=\('ott \.. ho served two terms.
rond gtlf"RtR of their ~nn and daug-h- ~
Cleaned All WAm REMOVED La 7ge
I ,pr-lD-la", Mr and Mrs, John I ~f'vf'ral Churl'lws Hf'rf' ,
WAYSIDEdie '~:t1 1IA'tt:;w;;a;;:;~
, Rark.r, I Tn Ob~f'r"f' 'Pf'al'f' Slllldnv' Cleaned All WASTE R.EMOVED La
.. j Several SouthIngton's Churches, FLORIDA 46',54',64',
~URNITURE . CO. RohPrt M C'larkf' io; a patipnt .:1t In cooperation With the Interna- Chickens TO FRY OR BROIL

I"e M MN.
I thf' Watf'rb~ry H~BPlt~1.
ItlOnal Relations Committee of the
Connecticut Council of Churrnes,;
Thf" Marlon PT A hm~ n npw 48- \\ ill obSf'rve "Peace Sunday" at
Grapefruit C!eaned
2'12 3 1., LB AVG

I cup f'lf"ctric dnpolator to bp URf"d I serV1Cf'S M ay 27

4'12 51, lB AVG


at It" futurl' Roclal nlf>f'tlng
Pur- This date was fixed at a Peaet> I HDS Cleaned All WASTE REMOVED
chue: .. nf tlw c.1I Inolator wall hp Rally Apral 27 at which the prm-,
0l.:1<if' pORRlble throu~h n RW'clal Clpa . I ape a k era weT' Dr . 0, FT"f'd - :
I sf\lp to bf" condurtf'd by the PTA prick Nolde and Governor I John'!
KED HII'E CELI.O pKG Pork Loins RIB HAlf . UP TO 6 LaS
,, A mPf'tlDI< to plan for 10
thiS 8A.ll' wnq held Tups a.y at the I
I d
.0 ge,
In setting the date, the Inter.'
TOMATOES 23c Smoked Pi(nics Y CURro MllDI.
hom" of Mrf'l WilHam WOOdA Rp~. I natlona I R t' In t'Ions C,omml't>- IA:P a,k
Idf"nts of the nrroa \\ 111 bp ('ontartf>d Pd t h at P ro t f'S t an t mmls
" -
. t ers preac h CALIFORNIA
Minced Ham or Bologna
2. 19c

,hv tplf'phnne b} R:lit' comnllttp(, Rermons on t h p Ch rls tIan

mem b f'fS.
.. ....
I n t pr - '
'pretatlon of Intf'rnattonaI Re Ia-
' Carrots BCHS
Mixed Chicken & Live Lobster
I 'tt
M r nn d M rA W I II 18m l' rl nn I
d' tlOn' Rnd that peopl. of their par- ' A.ORIDA . SPRI':G CROP
Fresh Haddock Fillet
Headquarters For
ishps Wl'1tf' to the PreSident, Sen-
___ 1

I atorR and RepresE'ntatives in

Flesh Corn 3 EARS 25 c
Sliced Cod
'WashIngton, expro.smg theIr .up- Fresh Halibut
. . Fine Diamonds :
port of a positive program for,

Fresh Flounder Fillet
liF-====::::;J :Jrozefl Rosefish Fillet
d telephon' service even beHer


to ma e goo _, ~ _ ...."".,
CANVAS Grapefruit Juice MINUTE MAID 6'()Z TIN C


Sandwich Spread
For Awnings Spina'ch CHOPPED OR LEAf 14OZ PKG 17c Stuffed Olives FlNAST FANCY
And Canvas Mustard FlNAST P~EP~EI)
Chairs French Friecl Potatoes Ught Tuna CLOVERDAlE 56UIi PACX
Don't choose ,uur diamond
ring., bt'"forp YOII inspect our JUST REDUCEDI Red Salmon
large iI('le<'tion. All styl{>s . FINAST Fresh Made Sardines
all pricp rangE's. We .. ('orry a
fino lin. of J ..... Iry gifts of MA YONNAISEI MIRABEL . PURE PRESERVE
on't Ger The Wrong Numbe~r. STRAWBERRY
all kind . R.liable lowolry re- The Store with the Fmasf MayonnaISe IS made fresh In First National
Be Sure You D J I pair ",("nice-. Black Front ~Itchens, from rich egg yolks, pure vinegar. choice
11, too Ju,t check in the te ... BUDGET TERM!! spices and other fine Ingredients It IS mayonnaise
That goe, for telephone co ' I n . mber h,t _ before yOU 82 CHURCH ST. Kybo Coffee RICH RJU FlAvOREl)
phone book -
Ii!, the receiver.
or your penana u
TEL. 3-1545
.1 It, fresh " yet penRl" choaper.

QUART JAR 69 C PINT JAR 39c Rithmond Coffee MBJ.OWMIlD,

351 Main HI. oppositf" Stan If'), Hotel Grape Jelly MlRAaa
Peanut Butter FlNAST SMooTHY
:Jre:J~ Bakery :Jrea/:J Paper Napkins BalVIEW
MAY 3b, 1951 Hot & C1tId Cups SERVISfl

any make


As we pause to honor the brave men and women who HAMBURG ROLLS PKG 01 a19c
havp died that we might live "with frl'l'dom's banner ADDING B.llv ..A/Jm Joan Carol Boned Chicken
floating o'er liS," let us rl'sol\'1' to make certain that WHITE SLICED ENRICHED BUTTER - EGG " HONEY Boned Turkey
thl'se dearly hought Iihl'rtil's are pa"'~l'd on, intact, to Bread 2 L6~e~s 29c Bread lB lOAF 19c A LUNCHEON TREAT JUST HEAT AND SERVE

thl' genl'ration which succpeds us.

Ch icken A La King
Immediate Delivery
mil/trooL C!ut Fricassee
A Memorial Day Ml'ssage


Chicken Spread>
Candy Bars AU
. .
POPUlAR KI':I DS 6 FOR 25, i Cranberry oc:!U~y
96 W. Main Rt. Tel. 3-4136
outhinglon Savings Bank NEW BRITAIN
Office Supplies,
Near p08t orrlc.
121 Main Street, Southington (Next to the post office)
Soulhlngton', Oldest Bank We do mimeographing

412 1 .:. 4 . F : .....4 - t. ....L,Q'.'...:1'.''t... ...., '.'.1;3,i . 4*f- ., S -'' .... -. ,..... ....... . -j 036'.*i.
.s'- .I '
4 4mhT41 4-4,1 1 '. i i =. ./ -- ' b 3,1.7 3.a . r S./
64 'AYBY*4-r=M<
036 -- .=r. ., 1 --...'- . ........... .1.1'.' r-* *94
INE*S Thomas' Church. Observes Birthday 't 'fit 4 *.t t . 1 12 26::;'e:=s4:71.::1:rpr,f.,t':' *:++ .
L ,
1: AT * .YeVECTTe
17 -14161 W 10 Both Miss Della Veechia and Mr
Schwartz ure graduates of the 10-
Samuel Kay, son of Mr. and Min
Will,am S Kay of Lacey Road, ob-
f t.'21 A
" &1,%i6tk#W ;i#I,: -1 11
: t,$1'
..1 . .51
.141'r..7 .J+,1 .tr i

f 1, A' TALLI 3..I. :*.-C.*f"4.Lf.

4-k. ./ I Monday stnee there was only one cal schools. They are associated seived his seventh birthday Sun-
. - Ti
7*WIRs deciBed that we session with tlie Southington Garage on da>. A party in his honor was held Abl':41,7..: :-:..t:i:'..1' i .i,t.: '2-6.'1 ++ k 4, t. 1
. 1
f.'F . H 036
i ;**w York. We will go Thunday we had physical edu- North Main Stieet.
A<Mub: on Mildred cation. We had two teams since
at hib 042home.
Games were played i ''.1..\
r. -- -v-VI +I
*;1 ' PN
I. b. i

then were too many g3rls. The and a luncheon was served. t + 1 ji

The guests included Richard . ./ P .1 1 1.1 #
L ... * *4." 4, . - +
r "*4

:. I .
two captains were Barbara Ogo-
*110 have not paid nosh and Mary Ellen Fenucci.
**#i*ot be able to go to Barbara Ogonoski's team won 10-
1. On the other team the calitains 1
Sh(,10 1r lic,nor,1
Alier A,111 I)E 042Ilier
Brave, man, David and Regina Stin-
i 036i,,
Marcella Thaye:, Richard and renee Mtdien, Carol Ann Ben-
A tea und ,mainmeous 86,wer igr; Stephen Snberki, Citiol und i,
X '*, * ii,*646;- :
. NLV BRITAIN,CONN.i:z; ;: - 51 .i': ..f'-5 c:T-Ii-6., '.'-',2 :



I .,.
+ ..- 11

1 r'4,...4.
I '21
01Milly we got out of school at
0427 bl*of a meeting which
,;4 hs.1 tr nttend.
":1.14=-1 z- dthmetic we will
'310,1rldng on problems.
were Jean Lupanio and Ann I a-
sela. Jean's teani won
-_ _

Filomena Drlla "r<Allia

In 1. 036mit

1 )*i:14 1
11, ,t 0361,
of Miss Alice Ai 036,

De,11* i, Billy Bushnell, Patty Hess, Bobby,
ci.izi; htu <,1 Mi a Ild Mr.h ( let,Ig*' 161.1 and Samuel Kay.
211 Ili,tittly Stteit,
h,id .ttl'In(,(7,1 ( iracluate# Tniti,irri, 036
2 1/1=i:X:1441.,1.., . .
6 6 m ='. ....U&, ilw til . 16"11. .-:..m#Al-NI 4-/* r.

-, ''

1.2... '.
I. ' f)1:
19 13
, f.
- room will not go bouling To Wed William S1i, ariz :it thi hi, 036ie036f the Mibs,b ili,he , MI . Elizabeth Wilkeyson of ,iw = 4'11"*.* rt*04:*0.-06-:- 1 m
4 * 'Nit of the ye:.r because not Miss Filomena D,111, Vtc i hi.i, .,11' 1.11,1, 1.'mi: 036f
Mi, tell A\enue Clail, Street, Milldale, will be ,,1 4 ,; , " 1: r :.h 011.4 2 "rr:

.1.11 036ul 4(, :iltividc,1
children have been golng. dmighter of Mi and M i r. 121.124 .i,nong the 119 graduates of the -I- 0 - -*r-*- *+11*lifl HI I--4 , 4447 :
f'rery: 5 Della Verchia of Nuith Al .8 1 >* iii 036r mid IM,belt Fl>11,1. ('onnectteut State Depattment of J
9hnn Tonnatti celebrated her Stifet, and Williati, Sch,1.1117. t,i .,i 036t
Mi ,ii,d Mlb 1'.aill 1'1>mi <,f Eclucation Tiained Attendant 4 .736"40*ird
Foot#Sase l 2'
Irthday on Mny 10. Lorraine of Mr. and Mrs (;enig, St 11,1.iltz ' Ilit ! p ( 036 .4*l,ilut,
0361 ,rlll bl, m.jilled Mc 036uise at :1 p 111 tomorrow at War- * 4. 11 7 etia.

1*, 9*01,1.4
**8 also celebrated her lath of Carter Lanr, ill lie iii.i i it'd .it 1 11 : i'lit, 1.ber Shi ieic.d ill.illy ic.n Haiding High Sehoot, Bildge- *' u'..-*, i,4 64% , ..A 4

y on May 8. 9 r m Saluidliy, JuriA 4, kit St gin,.di thi bli,MN , pot lf61'Cl

, $'
only 1, <much k

At Florian has returned from . \- * 4.

. ,ppnth
- stay In Florida. The 2, 2 4 19. b, . i..+ + ...
i. 51*thir Prited Shoes' t
es Blad to have ham back.
094*1 ,Perlot and Patty Ma:,thay
*4king on the bulletin board.
1 .
. .
* Our 036ire 1

* a little schoolhouse and
41'dren. getting out from school.
(frhe *ilass is talking about going

. .
f,New York on June 6. We took 3 .9..
, 'te. d24 in favor of going to . .,-8 1 t. 4
, , f: 44<
iNe# 'York This trip wil, include . . . I -:. r .,i
* ..._ .-14. a.4
ilmur-bdit trip arodnd M:litnt
'island. 10.45
rL ,-,-11- let'. 4042
042'6 042/
. ..443'1.
IG*e now have $83 00 in out
*asuty, vhtch Re i# ill ube m go-
.ili*ito New York.
*. 1 7 k Mzw 6& co64
p..1/,"07 SIZES 61/ to 12 -'. 7, ...:fi*
: 042'*"ISS,S
I. 4...4*
''..$ .

= , They're light, as you wai+ thorn
Celotto: D
i. i'.. I 1 keep your feet air conditioned +hrough
*pr our art class Wednesday
went outdoors to do sketching the hot summer months but they give yo.1
' ' the last pellod ii 'extra dividends of foot ease because of
e. * / .: :ir.
sday at physical education .
their custom made construe* : W>
Yboys team Ion owei Mr
e. .'. .Cil
9 boys 7 e The gtils weir .4, b
a price that makes you wonder at such
shoe qualify for so lillie. ''c .4 , r, 111
tell by the girli fiom Mi. Lig- .::', 1 I
,9te Zoom by a sco, e of 914. $ =.4 *4. 1 3.0
4 me of the pupils in this loom 9 --1.-.- : .. /41<
t--- WHITE MODUCK oxford with frt.
'part in the Variety Show that
\ Student Council presented on 41 i ... red rubber sole and heel. Plain
t.. /'r night 7..

toe Bluchir on 4 -Btpoks Last.
,/, 44-
13 i
r 4 ''2..
# '. &19
-r - -- ./ I - - --- - ---
.... 036
.12, have decided to take a t np WOV= MCC#ASIN .., 6-ct 042,r%

Springfield instead of New
at the end of the year
science we are staiting a new
illill *A'P I ':.. .). 622$ filumize;Zi guiwilil ril il il il il +railiiti WOVEN
1//-**,4 * 0/A'
with woven *oi aNd brown rub-
bar tale, and heelL Brooks Last. 4
" 4*

.:. Fl'f.
pter, "How Ate c i eatures i il- .
. 19
for the Lives They Lead!" 10.45
4ftip our treasury Ke have about
4 :*pe scene on our back bulletin
-;, Is almost finished. 1ls Nor-
' ; 1-, lillI. -1-
: rct).1/
. C 1
.9,1 I

Itonnie Brennan, Mary Steffan 1

n'r Dolores Perlot are working on $1.98 4,1 4.<1
week we voted for the roo m *1

.. 9
Election results are as
r 9B: president, Joe Lombardo;
1 A/..31 e -4**-f .. :t. i

pidehti Anthony Di Capno; i

1 .*-4 -3:1*1; .03 WILMA -.* -2 '
'4';Iancis Pratt and treas- 1 , :Cool .mesh that ...
, 94 ,(; 1 , , ,-1, *frit ' .
' ', -Pl.Kul Barry These officers, defy *he heat
icAW bfficers from each room In wite only
1;641 voted upon by the w hole
61@82'Rrinners =111 be claBs
Denim Slachh =2.- #Vimi ay:\ $2.95
fof the whole school. C. 0-1 Ilamilli Flillb.& ...+Iff, ir
$2.98 . 48 ,
<* , , *re practicing the songs 34 e .-
* sing at graduatton. Miss , i r1 - '24 /
4,1- .:'492. D
43 taking one palt of a 1 4 ./0
fil.IJ "
so we could learn indind- 2 4
S .,fr,
' 'then all the parts will go
" br when we have the indi-

" ,#fr
44 M#$
/parts done well. We all en- .......... .,

the songs.
1\, I )c,iiini Bc 1-6 Shc,i t* $1.11>'
3 9
.......... .. . 1

'following people were in I
tour Show which U a3 held '
e parents on Progress Night.
. 11cnini Cre\* II:it $1.00

r.*-4, ........
.:. 15'.
- i ' 5:A:I.
X 711,114,1 Jackets 1 CLEO

e Skene sank and danced. * A headline value
ey Meyer asng and yodeled 4/ 2 ." *.b. 1 -. :il . ..: ./1/,im
11Sara Thall,erg played tu o .
.* ed Skll t $2.118 in whi+e leather.
also in tan. blue
, kt,iiand a solo
followlng people were elect-
1OUr class to run for election.
1 and green.

i <)00t. 03624*:,i
4 Robert I Page, vice-
31 ,J ' t, Joe Palmieri, secretary 1 0 Faded Blue,
\-4 ri
I ':t
% 1%1
1, 11
1**&**aret Gnmaidi -and treasurer. f .., <4
' rifil,2/:tal. '31 '. . , ''.A
ve to hand in our social 0 Apple (;reen 4... *. /11 A - j in /1 ' A 5-' 3, 1
' project on May 29. They 9/6
M. 1 ' 8 /14. i :.f.t* 4 4*:
1 k on happenings and im-
t, .events which took place
:20th century.
9 (iray 0 Ited
174 to<orIM: N:.'.: Aip
f t 254=
', -. "'REllen Ferrucci and
etchia went to Boston on W
* t
-rl \12***4' ,+
2,#/4...., May 17. They u ent es- rev, light ,#right, tic,liical L-\- 4--.-1 .+C ",
\= -/ ... :A
HONEY , /- ..4 . h
. *40 see the Red Sox game. tinted cleninis . . 111, 'ti p 4, ftI
' 21% was called off an account Weather cool . 93 C al i \'.i
d' weather they went to Bos- niatch thc,m f 036r
thi, Rialid- linen in whitr ... 6 ' 2 29
" with multi-color
, ,::/0
m,non and enjoyed the ride '1
e 4 t coloi c,inil,inatic in, Irl-Covered .1fi
\\ 1
braid trim. '1 1 .t
. :swan boats.

.Monday all the rooms had
;Thts week the schedule #as

They'ie 51, :,tuid> a< liu, ,i!,1

hi,1-11('a\, denink::, and nluih

1 Iljol" .- t.j
* - I.
t. During tle first period eawer ki tub. L 1
Z.4 ..
had music; second perod,

.#61rd period, bass, and 4
4 J#
'fl, . .
.. S , Poa, sopranos.
SIZES 12 to 18 Sp.nking white
Af Interviews on what the
i2' "
- ..7
-'like to wear on grad. 1
'INikbacs Ogonoski: a white ' Y
leather or ,./
t# 0- tone brown ON ALL'r,frm
1(a,hr, ..
' 1.dress with red roses as a
4' Aiin Kely: whitk organ.
\ '4 \ 53.95
... ... TH REE
Y. dd red roses as a cor- PHONE

\ ...
' barn Ray: white organdy I ENTERPREE .. *'14
143 ihoel Ann Del Santo: /0 .1<*A; ::.:.::
1 ,39
Sylon dress, white shoes and M:11(1
2 : . 4157.
8 jas #s a corsage. Helen Me., *
NO TOLL Pretty as you are cool . . In The new

: vhite dress, and Mhoes an,1
' a Jean Luponio. pink 0
summer-color Buskens. Get yourself a pair
'Fill white shoes. Viclona For Your 4 ''A:

6: 042*hite
dress and shoes ...a+ these prices, make i+ two pairs... : ..R
'IR Frazier: white dress and Shopping t
for fashion success and value triumph. r ./3
' i *M
, *I -Ve nominees in our room comfort ! 3,
:. i .r
try to run as clabs offi- S1101'
-'n r#1
IE ,the triduation
_ 036_ 036>impresident,
Frsnato Mon-
1*1*f president, Blrbars Ogo-
51 1 &1 njAI 1 STREET ,
. *"
'' 042ai

f j c L D---0 1.1= 2=z, U

926Fretary, Ann Kelly Ind f i.| -'Jr
&-F:Wik Itainajo. These
MiEdficers will run only for this STREET i. 444464* 3 4.4:LS
-0 4pl Atetz, *36
. '12. FLOOR a i NOW BRITAIN.CONN. d , dEpt <'lett *zo

le we are on a new 6 1 036
11.1 M-=ement of NOT ( ONNE('TED WITH ANY OTHER
pl, 00% ..le 'or .
.1 . 111, 4: 03641.
RUP#i,1:ZI#4,'yul,_.,0 t .. . rt.....1 ... ..... [ . .... . .. ...---.,IL-11
'... * 1 . 036F,jio,45*a$-,SU:*i. =
.. dIOi~~~J.ea.;-onQ..Of~,belng
t}Ie Indiana by .merely touinW bia ~,,-j\rm'v '~,..'~'
: ail aver#lol\ to A
rubaoWli with or- glove out on the pitcher. mound. '-'-"4
IIlp' ' lII4Uucc:I hit two donblu and a Observes Birthday
.q,gle and Della Veechia belted
eluded nnifctli
Luwrence Smith. 80ft of Hr. and K'nfzr .. ~~:f>

League Ace Of
'51 dlna~ lInlmE\Dt. Thll spring the Noaturally, the law of the per-
team trainer, Quo Mauch, took Ed cent.ases wl11 'pop up 'one 0(
Named Guard out three ainglea to lend the win- Mr>. Lee P. Smith ut Heriden AY- imce
ne~ with the willow. Lincoln- enue, observed his fifth birthdaJ - - - - - - - - - - - - , . . ; ;
die aside and told hIm he had a th ... daye and Clanland will At lJubbard Park Lewi. ""ored In each inning but Mondoy. A hot dog rOallt WIUI ""
~ijI!!~!!=1l11_~,.eI~I~ batters who have already faced Eddie apeela
. I I'tnnnent
. f or h 1m. not ~ammer every pitch he throw. Antonio Boggia, a Southington the second and fifth. giV. n by hlS parents for a nom- \
~~~''''~ Yankees thus for this season con- strong and ono that definy.ely '" thelr
. way. It'll be a happy d&1 youth who wae 1,600 meter 8Wlm- Salerno was the Winning hurler, ber of hiS fnends. Games were

heads in I a bewildered
ofhit ihS888 ants so
fll8hion because wou Id no t bum th e s k In, Th e pl~
"-h for the Indian batomen and ming champ of the Eighth Army In
er beamed and let Mauch rub him Ihey '11 be hop Ing th 4 I Mmnnger Japan, has been named lJte guard
allowing the Holcomb batsmen SiX I played and the guest of honor re t
hUs in the 8~~~n~ngs_p~Y~ _ _1 ~~~f'~ man~ 1fI~~. Th~ ~.~t.s~~- 1
Man, .bata.
Lopnt complied up to mid-May by Steady
Eddie were tho d,iference between
down thoroughly. As the days Stengel leav.. Lopal in there and sWImming instructor at Hub-
pa ..ed, tbe strength of the lotion lung enough for .. II of them 10 bard Park. , BAR- BOOTH . Swim Trunk
the junior circuit
spring with a better the Yonka getting away to a good
.v~.,.ge tast ball. Add to this start In the '51 title chase and a
gradu Ily In
d ' I Lo
crea8e un~1
pal was finally betng rubbed down

get il> A lick Or two.
TIllS DIce getaway for lhe '61
80811a, who is 21, is the 80D
Mr. and Mrs. Vlneen.o Boggia
___ 1'1 a
..... fact that Lopat ha. already spot deep In the first dIvision '!\' the sa~. as the olher players, anJ flag ehase by Lopat and by right- of Southington Avenue. He attend-
, ~i.plal/~ a form far advancQd be. .t tile top of lhe second divIsIon. h. dldn t k~ow the dlfforencel honder Vic R t111 has been a \ ed Holcomb and Lincoln Schools
.. )'on4 bla usual stuff 8t thiS time The pelformance of the southw Lopat'& 1950 record for the 1 hl'art C'n lOg sign on a pitching staff 'l and ftniehed high school In the
1'1 the season. paw be('omos even mOle amazing I
world cBKmpion Yunk('e Hhowed that ha~ the apPp81'unce of SWIllS Army. '
Lopat; for one leason or anoth. when hlB activities of the past a n('tat 18 victories. Since he is ('het!!w on some orcaSlvns Should While servmg 08 an MP an Jup- \
--er, haa the tdea that he was !Strlct- wmter are re-checked He waH on already faf ahead of hit; victory Alhl' Reynolds contmue his fme 1 an With the Eighth Army Head-
ly a hot weather pitcher and con- I tilt! bu.nql;et CirCUit U8 a speaker mark at thIS lime last )t'11r, I pltcnmg, the type he displayed in quarters, Boggia attended Red I
.. lequently didn't bear down too at lIlI types of sffuns during the th ... re is a chanC'e that he Will t Llankmg (' It.'\t>lllnd last week, Crosa Aquutlc School and later ,
hard until the sun begl:Ln to move wmlt!l' months, At the age whele top the 20-win mark. an a(hlE-ye. I Sh'ngel \\111 have a thud starte", bud charge of 11 pool where I
high in the w~rm days of late su('h extla-hoavy eating might be ment that would brin~ joyful 10 hl~ rotation stllng, He must Jdpun's OlympIC SWimmers, the [I i
.May and e&)'ly June. a big handicap to his tossing, the grins to the countooan('~ of the , come up \\lth a fourth regular : famed "FlYing F1Sh of FUJlama,""
r I f f II
Of course, the bhowing of the smart e ty care U Y re rame
f d team POwl.Ts. that_be.
, hUllt.', flum among Spec Shea, ' Ylorked out.
I Tom MOl gun and Boo Portedleld For those who would tram as,
Corner Farmington Ave. - Batterson Park Road
~ankee lefthander has been a from overdoing and reported to I n w Innmg h lS f ll'st f IV t.' games, I m Oldljr to keep the team In the sWImmers at Hubbard Park -thlS
, di

"rz C 1 h
bl aseyh Stenge j w bose I ~:~'hHlg
I aqurce gf great pleasul e to Mana- bpI 109 training in good ('on tlon.

Someone asked Lopat how come I C('OI d of 60 and tht.' WI ttt'l ~ went
Steady Eddie had an eal net! I un th k f th fl
I II 0 e ag lace,
B' h h '
oggla ' 8S t IS tIP:

Tom Fel J I(' k and JOt> OstrowHkl l "Hard' work made the Ja.panese I
,ro e : ave ~o o~ t l\( l t' new hI.' hull kept his weight do\\ n de- s('un ymg Into the I eCOI d hooks I have t.Ione pa:' ~ 8bly well In their S\-\ Immel s champion' They swam '

f:- a ,.ed , 1'8 t;.~s a leady h whltc 1bptl e tht.'se many banquet appeal. tOI B plccedcnt HIS :'Ixth \\111 1 Jt.'lld l'holl~s although neither one seven miles a day just for condl- I FR
' H_E_E_S_E_B_U_R_G
SIX ~tllUg t WInH llm'c ~ and he llnswt.'red
L pate. I that he (oun ,1 him touched fOI ft'ul I un s l ~ tt :o. goo d ' l\ ~ t he on(:e g1 ea t J o I tlo'nlng"
e, 1
, Hours: 11:00 A .M. to 12:00 P.M.
'u'ltlom ate at any of them, Ite \-\hl('h moved hlln up u bit In thi S Pagt' If the flont lIR e hurlmg : FRI. & SAT.: 11 :00 A.M. to 1 :00 A.M.
: LA ND SURVEYED : ~UIJ It \\llS hIS custom to rat hIS dl'pal'tment but ~tlll It.'.tl\es hlOt holds up, these two may be able to 'I C] . .
W. c. LEF~\nE lhlee mt'al:s dally at legulal hours, l "'Ithln ~tflklng olt-tantl' of sumt' uf , du enough In thell leltef calls to ~ alence Barbier ~ack
I ~tll'l.. lng only to tht' type of diet I the mOl h!'l comrlll e.I, 111 thl' t>8r1y o-t't b)' tho tOlio-l1 ones. I I, f rom Tokyo Station
!--- - - ----
L"'!tcrn;N1 ~"'ngtl1('er thut would he bent>ftclBI to hIm [ d Uy~ 0 f t h IS cen t uI)' 5 BI g L ,- ' CIarencc Balblcl, son of M r
"'. 73 Red StOIlP St., l'Oll'ht\II1(' [ Llk~ motH tOI,f1l1"ht uthlet(ls the h h,tOlY Th t! UB f ty ~out h p8\\-
i1."' h ! Lopat s gleat stalt POints up an d!ll I'S. John J, Balbler of Men- ,'
I Tel. Driello' 22JU:J 'h um~ agaIn the tlemendous Yankee d A I
. ._ _ _;...;..;.,;_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _..:'.:'"~,,:.::h:..::I.:::f.:.'h::;"::;,::.:,,::lc:.:.'..::h.:::,~h:.:.'s::..;s:.::h:.::a,:"e~o~( 'WIll(' gleat H'l'O ICl~ tI. " oot a l III <: I \\
h h ' en venue, a clvlllan govelnmenl
I the eal neel I un lit'pal tllll'nt, tho~t' ! ' pli t hen It looks a8 t oug ' employee statIOned at Tokyo. Jap- '
I :i('t hy su(,h Immoltab n!'l ( hl1~ty 1 theY'H' leady lo be lounted out eo. IS tn thiS country fOl a month. i
I Mathewhon. ('y Yo un g und Wd lk l ant' 01 mOle of the bo)'::) comes~ Durmg Ius s tay In the Umted :
J ohn!)on , t o Jll('lltl un onl). l1 h.'\'\ thl n ul:h \\I~h the ~tutf to keep Statet;. Mr BSlblE-J will be '" '

Have Driveway th"llI out 111 tlont It makes them Washington, D. c., but wl11 spend
I One (I f the \\ondel::~ of modl'ln .10 u"fully h Jgh agKlegatlOn to weekends heJe as the gue~t of hiS I
big tnnC' bas(' ball IS th\.' "~I~I\" dl'fcat 10 allY )('lU , pal'ents ! -The Only STUHAGE of its Kind
J lhat Lopu\ htt .. on thl' (ll' \ltdUII 1 J . U. i Barbier, a graduate of the I
llJdaan~ HI.' hU 5- bed-ten th . . lll :t\l I _ __ ____ Southmgton schools and of Yale :

Trouble This Year? i tu\ws \\ hIlt> dloPPlng- on ly ~ lX de ,

( .... wn". lIn n llll() ~t unbcl: E'\i\ h ~ (' 1(;'(' Bin ~('()lll T.oop 16
'UmVf:lSfty, served 1n the Navy
dUllng World \Val II and was 518. 1
Cherniack's Care
Old Th l' :o.a Ylng uluund thl' Allll'l-
Ican League I:. that Lopat tllm . .
. Hobt'tt Kly:-.lOP8, SCllbe,
At our nwetmg Wedn eo day
tloned In the PaCific area.
_ _ _ _ _ __
Will Lengthen The
- - --- - .-.. DI~ht. Robelt T.,anltno led the ' linCOil1-iA'"is Of'{f'ats
... __ ., .. ... _, ___ . . . !:~ TmTTIl'TJlmT'''I-m-lm-~~t
Solute and~oth~oop mem- Hol(,OIl1h 111 Softball ! Life Of Your Furs
thi" winler'! I.. it );l'lttlll:" ,utud and
mUddy no" that" armer weather is com
I [tIT) til; til w.i, \ Ij 111 I Ii ki
tI Ut:TS
('P ll'lnOnll'"
l ' --- A- - - -- ---
After due~ ..\t~1 e
Il'l t l'd, \\ \' (1Ibcu;".., cd th e Ca,npolef>
(.'01. n the
;,! ~ t game (Of the S~ason
' Lta,r.g'CgOedn Uth::sH
,-_ SoCjhc'oC

o m!bSoS!tcbh"o!o!'1
IIULL.\~DEI!IZI'(; - .\mlma. flDPRI
Hertl ...aUADUO:. Q JantDft
th. accen, on acttoft. On.. CII , . .
~ --

ing1 You litrl soh e tniit problclll , "-'
to be hl'ld SatuldllY at the RC'l' lea- nine \\Ith a 14-4 defeat. ThiS
liOn Pal k
ud SafeHt Fur CleantnJ: - ExclUSive
a. II SWIIIIII. roo the fabric it. ~
sheen. a .mooth blend of ...,....
I. ..., thf' thlrti iU'IHUlfl nf c:;nfthnll C'nmp.p,
COMING Ali S"HU", \\111 mod at the park ... ith U~. .~~. Codon aad .... ~
crushl'd hap rocl, or eet ttfied com' rete. ut 11 a III Thl:-:l \\-111 be on ovel- tltlon among local schools (or the Lo,Ies:. laiU in wpporter for ~
nqrht l'\ent Theil' "Ill be flbhlng trophy presented to the "'lOners 10 '
Junt> ,
Phone Meriden 5-1607 comfort, conceoled dn:rwcord far
hut no "' .... Imnllng perfect waist til, end D JecnI ...,..
~ t'nut" \\- ho ha \ C' pass('u thE'lr k.y po<k., to pnlt.d your ~ GIll
No mailer ho" large or small your needs,
we con fill t hem. And you'll he ",urpri~rd
FII~t (IH"~ t e .. b 01 \\ho ale 14 I
\t'UI" of ag-l' ale ellglhlc to qual
Day Old for FIIEE HU~DED MESSE:>'CEI! hys. za..3I_ .... ~ , ...,.:~

at the low eost. ('all U:i for an estimate.

If) l or thl' Ad Alt(,l c ])(' 1 Cross
Thl:' ~l'nl th t: C' alC' some new IC-
and Started CHER NI ACI" S Gel -,our Jantzen <It

now is th(' lime 10
awnll1..!s on your
qUI1I ' lllenh, Ill( ludmg a VISit to 8
SC'IlHnUI) and u ll'liglou~ ol8wmg,
Eugene ManwBlc, Jr, has pass
CHICKS :J Colony St. Meriden
L SUZIO YORK HILL hom('. \"'f> InMlall awnings
for Rlorl'~ and home". Flags
and Buntin~ d('coratlons (or
"I hi S Trndel foot It alnlDg and
Hem y FOI glOne, Ill, has been .d I
, mltt ed as a troop member.

Con~truction' CO.

Trap Rock Quarry Co. public and private oeca- I Th r TlOop \\ III m. rc h in the PLANTSVILLE I~ W. MAIN TEl.
Hlons. p.lI ude on :.I emo llal Dsy MeetlDg Tel. Southington 657-W3 MERIDEN
.- Meriden Awning &
Decorating Co.
a~1 "010.,11 ~anMun~d~==~~~~~~~~~~~~:~~~=~~:~=~:::~:~=~!=~!~:~~::::~~~~~=~~
Att el UUI bu .. tnt !'I~ m('etlOg. we :
~36 lIano\'C'r St. l\l('rldt'n pl.h tH l 'i l mKI (htng A galla' pelloli i
90 STATE STREET TEL. :;79M!! MERIDEN Tel l\lt.ridt'n tJ 7U9 or t.l27 ful1 o \\I.'d an ti \\e doseli ..... Ith the

-- -- - - -----
Flowers For

The Stylel"'. De lu 2 Door S.da"

fCo .. " .. .,..... o .. 01 .InMo. d eq u'DI"e'" o"d I" ... '''UI
f/al9f/ 'J depende .. ' Of! O~"Gb , "" 01 ,"01., 1,'

The finest tribute
It's LONGEST -measuring 197'1, inches from bumper 10 bumper. You can s you pay to those who
.' that extra length- and feel it in 'he smoother ndet
have departed is a
and Finest It's HEAVIEST _lipping Ihe scoles 01 3140 pounds.' You can f.el Chevrolet's
big-tor solidness in its steady, even way of goingl floral one. Plan now
11 has Ihe WIDEST TREAD-spanning 58'!. inches between Ihe rear wheels. to remember them.
, Low-Priced Thai wider base means better roadab,lIty-helps sleady Ihe ridel
You'd expect to pay 0 Itttle more for the largest low.priced cor .. . longell,
heaviest, with the widest tread. But nol WIth 011 its extra size and weight-all its
GERANIUMS Among, the many To h _ _ .lo remember! flowers

"~ Car! exclusive foatures-Chevrolet is the lowest priced !tne in 'he low.price fleld .
5tylello. De Lu 4-000, Sodon .hIpping weIgh!.
floral items avail-
able are cut flowers
are Ibe sjmbol of comfort &Del
counse. Let as help you select lID
appropri_ 8ora! rcmembras>ee.
! Were's why
and cemetery vases.
Place your order as
early as possible so Ie nes .,.,'1 Ia . . .rfaa
that we may sched-
.... .......,.
Ie ail ..llanl ....leries. lTD

Flr.t and flne.t In the low-price field
Comb Ina lion of Powergllde Autoltlallc Trantmlnlon al'td
10S.h p engine aptlona~ on De Lu .. mod.1I at e""ra colt.
ule delivery.

POWER (llide Made UpOf
AutomDtlc fran.mlliion Assorted Plants
Suitable ,For
BOYD J. HEIGHT" INC. Cemetery Decorations FLORISTS
366 Bristol St. TeL 901
15 High St_ Tel. 1480 SQuthington, Conn.
'MifTYQ-,1&'2991'4-Wt,f,',177<0'0,-,trl''I';-erm:'11111 1.*12 ).11111.61*;ifri 1,11=Frit'FneT*193'PI' .. 41, 31. LIli.It B-= . ' 4 4 1.1 ir,;r'41'2'.1.r,li, 1.rTigr. Ali7:IT -117 MI" , 1 ''il tM,4Ati'ew-3*(73-.-l scJ< 254CG'te
1 ll, 1 -*rit, 1 7/, 1 11;41 1.-- 1-14 ir ' ' ,1 ' 1 r_ -r,12, - ", 14 111,4i 2 1 1 1 042 ' 1/f 1
I r-ji.t'f-, ,1 442TI..
''.,-, f: 2,-r,-'."5'e'*1 )7* 1 - 3%'M" C
" . A..A,
'M-t;", ' t,s,$9471: *036 . . 1.4.- 1 i .i-f _1 --44*141 L
, 47
I .132.1: 1 ..
MU'.f f.2 /4 ... ='*: - to 8:16 p. 111 Th,4'*#kii4;186*'Sbain,1'1WtF'W9*nF -L_-/-.322#bbi 042.%19
- .. The--Dorie-DA,ier Cards-90, beld at the he#lapt=NI0#1'tMdel Robert Gruse 4#p- -lue**039'NE-
-. *3e -In Sj,6rts - will lie played them with Bout16 Ally for tha Yale event
e$14%4 rt , ington' Country Club alated to.face' CJahs B and C schools will not In Manchealer
' Tourney Laughlin of Me0*11 Avehue. " frhel Wallace. . - ,,t 1;:3Fr9
I # 9Wiae,8.# 41 . the stivng Wallingford aggrega 042 have sectional qualifying meets Mrs. Doris Dreler, -women's I I : ... ' 11. 1,

'1,i=' = =' B 'ike Williams Looms Favorite tion ... Team rnatches get under but will h6ld their trials at Yale'11 champion at the Southington Coun- '. r
";Mondly,a#'the home of Mrs way about noon and all entrid.. track on the day of the top schai try Club, made the best showing , r
=f.: ...
= **ixw#AT'R=ne of Highwood Av-' Itt Lightweight Title Scrap must be on the course by 8 p.m. to lastic track meet of the seaion... of the four local golfers in the see- GOLD FUR STORAGE!
2 . I. A
qualify for any of the prizes ... . Southington High's track team will ond onnecticut Women's Golf AB-
'- By JACK DALTON This is the second straight year be well-represented at the Yale soeiation one-day tourney th,8 Our trurks are in t
*16* ' '' Fight fans will get a long-awaited look at Ike Williams that .the CCGA has opened at tbe meet and there is a strong possibil- week at the Manchester Count,y Southington &
0 A...
44** & Nia's as he makes a defense of his lightweight title against Jim pequabuck Club. ity tbat the team may be a con- Club. She scored 47-43-90 but was Plainville
Carter in a 15-rounder tonight at New York's Madison Around the Eastern League tender for Class B honors. not among the prize winners.
Ret: 036larly. 11
*ETAURANT Square Garden. ' circuit, the folks are already be- With a little warmer Mrther The event was won by Miss
Williams, the butt of much criti- fend his title since December 5, ginning to talk of the Sne job throughout the nation, big len;nlp G race Lenczyk of Newington,
-,6.3 cism because of his failure to de- 1949, \hen he outpointed Fred turned 1n to date by Tommy baseball attendanees show mark- who earded 40-38-78, three over
*Al 3 1 ])au son at Philadelphia, will be a Holmes aa manager of the Hart- ed gains during the past week women's par She also won the
.-:a &*AR Alimuillm,11111*MIial;mullum,Imm,111,11IHIM< tip-hea, y favorite to win . . .He ford Chiefs,.. The former Bos. . .Out at Chicago Sunday,
C'.* a- 0421,*-
A Complete Line of may be u eakened somewhat AR he
ton Braves outfield Btar got his 42,088 fans turned out for the
first CWG A tourney of the beeson
last week ..
:. 13
doubleheader which the Cubs M,9 William Greiner of SMAh- i ,
c rlinet<h 1 * peelg off poundage to meet the team away to a good start des-
ington carded 46-49-95 while Mrs. '...
4 V -E:ril/Kil ,#eight limit at w'eigh-in time... pite the uncertainty of his play- took from the Boston Braves...
John Di('api 10 hail 48-5,1-102 to h,
A' ' Aa:lly I JOKFS
The big question in the minds of
er allotments for the season... At ew York last week, two of 0 ell up anintig the fint.hei s in .,
. .
.. - a
"A' ""'""" -1

boxjng followers 18 whether or not
the champion can make the 135
E pound limit and still have the
He said recently that he expects
the team to give a good account
the 042
weekday crowds went well
above the 20,000 attendance
('lus, B Mis Jenny Kenny h:,cl
5.1-52-105 to be seci,n,1 10* gro,s

I. b
of itself when the 1951 roster is mark, an indication that new
scorer in Class C 1
1 4tiength needed for his title de- finally Vt Holmes, in addi- marks might be Met before the
i Mimt of Williams' fight- 1
/461 7.- 4 fense . tion to his managerial duties season ends ... Now that the
1 If You Are Planning a -s ing since his victory over Dawson takes over occasionally as an L
-9 has been as a welterweight... clubs are down to the 25-player
- outfielder and has appeared in limit, look for the standings to Gym Demonstration Srt , 0
STAG il Promoters of the title scrap to- steady down as regular lineups For H. S. Progri*M Night
We Cater To several pinch-hitting roles with 646;
SHOWER night anticipate a good gate
.ED*NG 1 PARTY though no figures ere quoted b}f plenty of success ... Hartfo
. Fans in this area will fans, sensing that their team
begin to be the order of the day
.. . The National League ap-
Dc.iminstratioits by the boys and
gi}]s physical ed,ic:itii,n depart- A
BANQUETS & PARTIES N them may be a contender for top Plus Year'Round
PLOOR SHOW SATURDAYS it will pay you to look over ha, e 1 opportunity to see the honors in the Eaatern loop, have pears likely to show RTeat Irains ilients nill featul e the l'ri,g, esa
n attendances because of the Night obsenanct. at Southington Fur Care
- our wide velection. l'ersonal battle on television as part of the already begun to show in larger closeness of the title race... High Sch,<,1 from 6 45 to 7 45 Am.
featuring: , gifts for the Bride" or regular Friday night boxing heries. Less than six games now Rep .M,md,i>, I'rincipal Martin G J'hel-
, JIMMY AZZOLINA numbers for the team's home Yes, the finest Certified Cold Fur
1/ "Groom."
-*NirRIS-BA-Nil--- . games ... Ail of which makes Storaze and lierfice that keet,M
_ Liberal discounts on party
orderli oier $5.00.
:-61:i13;G 3:Si .prer, Charley Rk..ahld y,ry- iaeraa edhea.apn: il:3;Th.a';: 3"Taw:.iu,ill.. t ui,ir , 036- , your fun; looking their beNI 12 $.1,
'E We have been in business Countrp Club when the first of the happy. considerably different from the rooms throughout the progi nin to whole months.
American tennis players grabbed American League where the last , n,eet parents and t#, discuss the
L'513"r'lk9 i since 1944. Known for g= one-day events for area Rolfers I the 1,on's share of honors at the place teams are already more progress of their c hildren
quality and fair dealings. 0 \\211 be hold ... Bill Finnegan of international Hamburg tourna- than a dozen frames behind the , The physical (,duc:,twii clemon- .
I Cheshire, Association president,
ment in Germany this week ... leaders. , str:it ions \, 111 be SupPILIAd by 4 4
Random sport shots Edme Ar- Mis 1'.tulita T ( imey 036 ami (lei aid 1 1
-9- -p.-n/ 0/ HO'f *RITA N
NIGHT OWL , Scr,c=:1,5,:53,z:d :hi:te) F,a':LAZI'7.,=:
In Milldate On The carn grabbed nnother chunk of F 036ley,ph>ve:il pduration instrue-
Farmington Air. Mainville 111 WEST MAIN ST.-OP. PA )ST OFFIC E-VEW BRITAIN
Il for low gross
in addition, theand
firstnet scores
team ...4 rankings in the tennis world,
matches jocke* fame at Baltimore, Md, tois at the high school
f.. Meri:len-Waterbury Rd. @i Next to Wright's - " when he rode Mrs. Dodge Sloanet *
/ 042.
I ropped the singles by defeating
94 ' Doris Hart of Jacksorn ille, Fla. Bold to n consting seven-length Cirrle Plistplile., mmetili'. 1
n., ,=94,&1411918Fmlimilimi,11!ImllmISI t ... -- ---- . . . The ,# omen s doubles winners triumph in the 75th running of the ' The meeting of the Mothers C tr.

1='==TI fl 1
li ere Mrs. Margaret 0 Dupont of fanled rreakness Stakes . . Ar- rle of St Thomas' ('hurch, sched-
Wilniington, Del, and Thelma caro is now the only Jockey ho j ].ist night, p,as pcictponed i
tilei! for
I,ong of Austraha ... They won .
a cloqe final over the Misses Fry has ever
in the ridden four
Kentucky ,#inners
Derby each
and I 'reak- a nnid\,est s(nit-prn baseball ganie 1 TELE=Tip
and Hart ...In the mixed, thi: \re,k and (amp a. 7> :1 3,innei . . . to make good te/ephone service oven beuer
MIDGET AUTO RACES doubl* MiRs and D,ck Sav- R ness. Kid Gazian won the welt-
erweight.baxing title from Johnny
\\,th his old "n 036thing 042
042 ..
irt <,f, N J , downed Mills Bratton in a 15-rnund hout that ' Tho Inly milf't tn, r 042Inve
tn 4,5 -yrars
THIS SATURDAY.NIGHT-7:30 P.M. - \ ,f nEr, although ht, ri.iti,i# ti, bt i
I R,N:322*71/ L,ng anll Rnderirk Menzel of I ran thi gamut frop' ibillnpAR to

n, rme"ine
159 LAP

a le ti'9'= '=
. /I
91 =
G.rmany .. Thi latter 442
tained | bo"dom .
one title for Germany when he f had his Jaw
. The fi.,Kile Bratt.. ,fu';;L':u,unn,r,....1..";:'21,3
in the men'M Rinsrles I time .:,id .A. 036
thra 036.h
for the third
sustained a do,ible hor<'c. dze,i at ibillwood Park.
1 Aai/ 01/ 4 f \

S.allf , after h:i,Ink, rae,Yl An hal-
FL=MOURL Unin 042./.Nul"/ Mi"m...1, 4 '1 Lame
. , He won over Gustap Cavalli i fracture to his rizrht hand . urda> Southington's 1.ittle
( 1946-1951 MODELS ) -'Mm The famed Dad Vwl rrew race on
1 SUNDAY NIGHT - 7:30 P.M. of Sweden in a matrh that ran the ,
Formal Wear I ruT! five sets ... Menzel won the I the Chartim Rwer t H.M... M,mi . t'I""I ,1 ,01 curt.iin SuAL)
100 LAP first two sets before Cavalll rallied i was ion by LaSalle of l'hiladel-
to even the mateh but Menzel had phia. Washington and Lee i.:19 -------
lieadquarters f b'.-.4.41.-f. 3\JI-rj
MEMORIAL DAY CLASSIC easily, six games to two
more left and took the lin,11 ipt sDeattn;211 036,S;'Adn'i.ori,:nn,
-11 1 --k
Renting or bitying you'll ,
Schoolbogs from throughout the al. Rollins, Tampa and Amherst MADE TO ORDER
( STANDARD STOCKS ) filid \ew Formal Wear
state prepped hard this week for finishing in that order 1 4*
Brooklyn's Jack Robinson con- I Do it Tht Easy Way - Call By Numberl
WEDNESDAY NIGHT - 7:30 P.M. here for neddingv and all 6 the sectional qualifying meets for
.Adulta _-...... $1.50 tall Incf occaion, - for Boys and places in the state championship tinues to hit close to the .4(,0 mark I The Eddy Awning
Save lime by N/Ung down local ond outof-town
en. 1 meets at Yale on June 2... Class as he makes good his pre-season
,Children .......... R tax inct. 0 FREE PARKING prediction that he 036ould
go all- I & Decorating Co. telephone numbers,hal you might need again.
A schools in the upstate section,
m 1951 to make it his best
ELD'__I__- ,n. - 036,- with the exception of Torrington out

*OUTE 72
| and Bristol, will And their teamB year ... Herb McKenlry of Ja-
to Storrs for the Eastern Sectional maira. one of the world's fastest Tel. 9-0279
- NEW BRITAIN today... First four finmhers m , runners. en the 100-vnrd handi- 231 Arch St. New Britain 1
,- each event w 111 qualify automatic- , rap dah at Glasgow, Scotland, in - --IJ 1
.- 1 111- 1 -r the good time of 101 srconds
James CoX Rrady's Cagemate,
i given a heady ride by Dave Gor-
man, won the famous Ti,boggan I


Thurs., Fri.. Sat.,


Sun., Mon., May 27,28

6 15


11 ...:
Tr ,-' 71; ' '-*
11 1- r TE
-*11* ,
li - Handicap at Belmont Park as he
rated the mile in 135 4 minutr
The large croud of 33,tion
fans ignored the w inner at the bet-
ting,Tindows and Casemate return- 9
FREE PARTS for 5 yrs!
May 24,23,26 Dick Powell in
4 , i a-Th I ed a $2440 mutuel . Old Satchel Now Is The Time To (-hange From Coal ,
9, ., 121'ge made a mound appearance in To The Convenience of Oil ... Take Ad-
ts.. C ;Spencer Tracy in 66
Father's Little Cry Danger vantage of This lt:ickliffe Oil Co. Month of
DINE AND DANCE May Special:!1
Also r 9/AT
Dividend" At The
Also luis Ha>ward in LL_1. '17 T POPULAR FRANKLIN
Mickey Rooney

He's A Cockeyed
66House Across
- I.Ii...lii,
7-1 -111 +.-LriEIZI/
- t. Kit;la' i
CENTER ST. SOUTHINGTON Conversion Burner /
The River" 7-Im. \ 5 /
Wonder" Fine Food In A
t=D 472 ---1 Pleasant Atmnsnhere
*He's A Cockeyed Wonder" 11 4 -' SNACKS GRADUATES r

Toes Wed.,
036 May 29, 30
Loretta Young in
Paul Henried in
There's that mountain of wash-
To Orchestra.
We Cater to PartieM,
Weddines & Banquets -
day work againt Clothes to wash,
_**Cause For Alarm"
Stanley aements in
6Last of Buccaneers'
( In Technicolor )
rinse, wring, hang up, and iront
Apizza Every Fri. & Sat.
Free Parking In Rear
Tel. Southington 197
Bride of Maryland" 66China Sky"

Is it worth doing it yourself? Not
For Yoitr Dining
Dnnring Plenu,re
./.UN when we save you so much time A,
V1 s 0 442
1.0 liw 'liTAIN
./R Oil Included At NO
-'/7-,4/'. 1 0 and toil ... get Dad's shirts whiter
32;*/7.: Extra Cost:
ERNDALE Milk is a FAMILY Milk ... Junior's jeans cleaner... SANDWICHES-COCKTAIL9
467 W. Main St.
will laRt yearB longer, due to metal Hhort.
-1, E11 member of the family enjoys the delicious Tri. 8322 Meriden ages. many lighter gauge tank'* are heing
r,freshness of any Ferndale Milk I'roduct. Order one household linens fresher... than TO PAY
- 34* all from your Ferndale Routeman. JOHNNY'S GRTT.L
'* Family Grade Vitamin D Homogenized OPEN SPNDAYS 0 TWO STAGE PITMP
you possibly could at homel And Double capacity - this meang less work ORDER NOW
6 ilitamin D Cream Line 33-35 South Grove Street
+ - * A-D Low Fat Milk "Just A Little Street -pl,mp will laqt twice aq long. TEL. ENTERPRISE
Where Old FripndR Mept '
4 1.A , Perndale Dairy Bar is a popular place for so little, tool DON'T face that
Tplrphone Meri,Irn 5.1505 0 MINNEAPOI,IS HONEYWELL 9095
1 , 1.. to meet your friends. -
washday burden... send it to ITS Recownized as the out 042*tanding
leader in ,.
r h-_. SOUTHINGTON Us field ... rempeded for ilm fine pre-
28 Years of Dependable Oil '
--' ciHion and high quality.
... todayl Call 140. and Oil Burner Service
RESTAURANT Prevent,1 oil ovrrflow wkile filling tank,
Rignals driver when tank iw filll... elim-
181-83 Main St. Southingtop *
inateH wawte, apilire* cleanlinevA.
Open 24 hm. a day
THE SOUTHINGTON Filters all oil entering h,irner ... this
mfang a much morr effil:irnt operation.
t SANITARY LAUNDRY, Inc. Home Cooked Meals-Apizza
Cor. West & South Center Sts 'A 4/
Orchestra Fri.. SaL
HIGH BT. TEI.. 1.10 SOUTHiNGTON 9 P.M. till 1 A.M.
Phone 1294 NEW BRITAIN
I .
, -14
J.J . .. .-
,Tl-,7 - ,i:'' '-
t 4 - 4..
Ift.',i'.114 ,', *4.i',-- . .,-. 21464*.+.. u.
036- ..,1174Eib6- -
... , ..... I '. 4.. - . 9...'.w.r. 0-
Award Bobcat Pins 1..1Uded Wolf Badifti.lIb
KnighiS'Make :Bid improved
Win Easily,
Central f' aUey B
C"'Il/erence Standing,
y.'drw Wilson
To Cub Scouts
Ra~~ief 'eords Weft> presented
to the following Boy SeoIIta of
I n~ Sdutbington Pr,.. e:
Troop 2 who nuisted In the deb: Yt'llnl! Adalia wIIJ
Bobent Pins were awarded by
BNce Badgley Den 6' DoYon Dee- roaat at g Po IlL ~=~~
den mothe ... to 28 boy. o( n... ly

Conference Lead With !irst place in the Central

Displaying VlIBt Improveme"\
the baaepatha, the Blue Knights
helped themeelves to an ea8Y 138
win here Friday IIjIIllnllt Goadwin
Tech ot New Britain. The conte.t
W ethel'llfieH
, organiZed Cub Scout Pack 1 at
kert Den 3 :nd C":ig Manhall home of
~ ' 4.
the cond meeting Tuesday in the
Firat Congregational Chureh.
' First
Cubmaatep Lewis Don-Lt- eon- Btr:iD A'IemJe..
.... I
The mothers and boy. were : DeDd I dueled a combined meeting of par-
~. l\'e i

Valley B Confere nce aB their gonl, .. Mauro Fans 16 was limited to s.ven Innings b y ' . Played Tie I, Mrs. Walter
Game, .
Th as E. Hyneck, Davl Iento and cubs and announced plano cur",nt uuoc..,...on ,,---~
Hyneck 'M Georrgerd for a cin:us in Ju~P. A.....tont Cui>- deut-1ndln3' Throngh .I\IIOt;re~
Southington High'8 Blue Knights
face two i mp 0 r tan t contests
Ilgo11\0t strong opponent. in the
In 64 Triumph
pre-game agreement of the oppoa-
ing coaches.
BKallou, J homK
rom, 0 n rom and I
ont 0 I master Robert 'C pson Jed a KDme Wilt be- summarized
PIercey . Den 2, Mrs. Robert Ui>' I period N M. JIll' Leod,'
r=t tive day., Over Newington (',oach Joe Fontana had to doDots Are Over H's , son, Robert Garry . Jr, Jame~ 1 ' I VI7':~n~ioaa1
Contest The Kmghts Will go to Wethers. Borne masterminding' because of hiS I Lyne8, Omn Smith , Rill Upson and , '11 I
uMouse" Mauro tUI ned in his partially crippled hurhng 8ta ff, He I G' ls B Z-
n I.r OW 'ng WIlham Wink , Den 3, Mrs Elwood I Namf'd To l\1f'rldf'n Post .
, songfest W1 ~ne
" A the 8ec- field ror the ir .econd meeting of
oba Inning was enough to give th\t season against Wethersfield flnest per(QCmance of the sellson started J ac k P ah W h 0 went f our LSd. iSc h umann , DaVid Adams, J e If rey M.BB Dorothy &hwab, a natIve gT .. m. !
Southington High's .Qlue Knights High ot 3 p,m, tqday, In the fi ... t ~;::tYN:~~~:c~~::.o~;a:k 6~ InnlJ\IIlI and held the opposition to eague tan 'ngs , Adams, Dovld Porter, Michael \ ana former resIdent of Southlng 11.e :lrr.lJl1:elDl!Dla ~_IJi~~~f.
a 4-2 win at N ewln~n Monday gome, Conch Joe Fontnna's bo) 8 two hits and a sangle run. "Mouse" : Schuma nn and Jamps Wilkinson. , ton has bH-n appolnh-d a.'J~18tant duaee Rlehant NoUe.
, aftemoon over Newington High In rammed out n 21-6 Win over the score. It was the Southington nme's Mauro finished up, getting credit In:1 closel)cont e~te,1 race that De n 4, Mrs. Hobt>rt J ones, Gt'o rgp (,0 11 Jltloiler (or the City o( Mpn - Hf- I-,.f>, Gerte"il'ieve Deeltel't,
.. ::-: .their flrat Central Valley Confer- Wethersfielders. second win in two days over the for the victory, and a llo\\ed four was not declded unh) th e final Ba ckus, Mpl"In I~'nnptt. Hobert L. d f' 1I She was At'("retary to th (> rpr Fl"ed Smith. Janir.e
_ . .;., ehee mee~iDg of the seo.son.' ' h e F on- NeWllngton team. h ltS. OIg ht a f b i th e D0 t ~ won th e Jones and Robert Pet'rs ; Dl' n 5, ! (' umptroiiE"r (or 11 years. , Kpf,ndh Reis~handRieha.zd
F olowmgto
I d nysgame,t OWing,
.!'o..! d d i d tanamen must next oppolle league- After walking the flrBt batter to . '1
Girls Merchants League titl e by a Mrs. Harold Davenport, Rube rt - .- - ------- - -. - --- - - - - -
. ~ The game pro U~E" a rea 01 - 'h f h' th g f Patz was away n bit shakl y, :
J( time hurting duel between Joe Ha- le~d!ng Woodrow Wilson Hig do I Mace f Imt''"d lei ? peflldn bTBfme' l walkang the first batt('r The next lone-game marglO over the !H"(' ond Badgley, Lt>e Duvenport, S.lmu f> 1
-wl'ngton an~ Jack PIItz Middletown nt 3 :16 p.m. Tues ay I auro re Ire
berl of N < 't
of the Knights. Haberl was touched at th~ R~cr('atlon PBVrk. The Whll. ba
. I N ' gt I
10 or er e ore
h d f' t two grounded out to the mfle d
, I ' place team The H's. The Dots had Doughty, Richard Ralston and Roy
eWID on p ayebr ~~Mac e t Ihrs" and the BtlOng _ arm ed senlQr! 69 wms and 40 losses while The Sm'th, Dt"n 6, Mrs d\\ ard O. I
' Lost Weight?
for only one hit, Ll Llrm eBS 8 ng e
I I I son nme 18 the only C C team t at ase on an error y I OUB BC e
fanned the fourth mun to en t e "
d h H'" had a I-"orel of 5841 Smith, William Heath, Kurt J ohn-

:f has beaten the Knights to datt'. Aldieri, second baseman The young. . I l .on, Raymond Moor- and i..f:.slf'r Maybe you don't need
. In the eighth by Ray Michanczyk.
Pa t z gave up th rE"(' sca tt ere d h It s, havmg tuken an ' 11-4 decision at tosler held the vis itors hitless un
fling I
w lh a runner at thIrd h
T e Blue Belles we re third In
";~l '
' e d

Roy Scott tlrst ba tter for the the standings with 6146 and the , M
I a doctor.

MIddletown on May 4 tIl one had bee n ret,, m the 8ev- d M A i d L' J h Maybe you just need a
( one 0 ( t h em a d ou bl e b y Keenn, . K Is .
N ' gt
eWln on cen e Ie e .
t rf' Id d
I senior .' . I , .
' Coach Fontana 'Will start Jack, enth mnmg and there was 0 U8 KmghtB drew a pass Johnny Fan
f ' Id
h h '
d' . I ey SIgn team finIShed
I r an
rd d
rR. rno l", 0 nson
W If B d
awa e n o n gt' t o
e lr power mower.
" .
I I ,
lutcher. against the around the H!
Newington got off to a good Wether. field teanr today, Patz has that he had 8 poSSIble no It per .trlkes, Then Ray Mlchnnozyk defeat.,
as It nppeare tana and Jack Barry went -down on was n reC'ord of 35 WID ~ and 64
son urt an
d M
Sh Id

e on JT oo re Take the hard hot

work out of lawn mow-
/ltart in . the (irst . frame, Rowland come along rapIdly this senson ond 1(ormonce commg up. 1 dropped a pop fly double to Ielt
. EIlthf'r RRkh took a major shnl P : ing - See us today. hIt by 8 pilcht.'d ball WattNli . now rutes D.8 the t eam 8 No.1 tOB8- Joe Haberl, left fielder for New- j center to cB,h Scott WIth the first _~ "'M' f h f11''- h -.!
lorced hun nt second Bnd then took er, since Hnnk Brooks, Boph flin g - ! ington, spoiled the pitcher's per- ! run. Nyren's hit scored Mlchnnc..t.yk f~ . I tnc! i1Cu:11 ono;-'~3 4~ nt'd ,
second on Bobby Fasulo's throwing PT, has lu>en sidehnesl with an nrm , formance with n drag bunt which and Pntz.'s bingle talUE"d ' Nyren IIrst n average5 ~t
, d bl
eterror, Keena 8 ou e to Ie
II' d W I '
a m)BurY'k h
roo 8
>._ k'
' I "
t \ he beot ~ut f orhan mfl~~d hIt. Thhde , WIth the thIrd andhfma l Nn of Ithe three mal ks with 12!l and 341.
os uc:en war mg ou day prevIOus w en Hauerl plte e 1framp The Kmg ts m' ver re In-
takmg both hIgh smgle and hIgh
- afl ,
Hand Mowers Repaired and Sharpened
Roy Nyren walked to open the I easily for th~ past ~veral doys at Newington, he had 'l no-hitter , qUlshed then first IOhing lead.
.~! Southington holf of the second in and may p0ll81bly be given the nod I ruined in the eighth when Ray I
l1ing. Mauro reached on second, agDlOs . t W I Ison h ere T ues d a y ,a I ,'Mlchanczyk . slOgled f or S out h'109-I A I Stohmol ' T
b II
The Blue Belles compllE>d tre j'
h best high team single r eco rd wltll
curvr 0 or, I " d0 I a 447 pmfall and The H ' s \\ (> re ! 11111, "~
base~nn Wolters' error. Fasulo though Cooch F ontana has made: ton. : started for Good\\ tn ech,. B~te I tops for three games with 1:168. I
"lc/ !:11.lIlVlrl"R
walkeri to load the bases. Jack Wil. ' 110 dpflmt e nnnounct'mPltt. For that I Mauro de se rved n shutout Yle- I o~IY t~ree and one-third ~n~lhgs,
Clark St. & Meriden-Wtlly_ Rd .. Tel 1292 or
~ Us struclc out. Patz ~undf"d out g"me the ('oach Will have 0111 three tory but a pair oC pighth innin.{' \\Ith Jim LeBeau as th p flnlShpr Averages of the 22 bowlers In
ahoTt to first , sc-onng N\.'r(>n ~cott I 0 f h IS pi c- e rs, a z, roo s n 1 errors e nabl C' d NewlOgttC'ln to tally '
t h I' t B k ad ' , NeIther tosspr W8S much of n the league were II!' follow s E sth-
problem for the F ont a namen w Bal 93 43 J ephln. Lopata '
0 ,.
, "M " M ff" II re8t d I ' d d
l~i~ on O'Connell's bobble, : ouse auro au ICI(>n y e thrE'e tim E'S and th ey ad e :In . ' Y" -, os .1
scorinR'. Johnny Fontana jl nnd rt"ady t o go to the hill if nec- 'l other in th p ninth In his imprf' s- scorE"d m eaeh tnhlng they batted. ~ky, 92.16; Georglanna Gache wict.
on OIConnrll's second mls E'ssnry. 8iv(' J)('rlorman c(>, "MOUAC" struc-k The \\inne rs hit sa (f"ly 11 tim ps ]911; Helen Cooper, 91; Carolyn
thf" inning, Rcoring both Fa , Thr Knightft, now in second , out 16 batters, walkt"d onl y thTt:f> and drew eight po.~f'es In the ab - I Thayer, 90-56; Barha ra H E'l se, See tb~
Scott to rnd thE" Knight's plnc(> In th~ ('o, nfer(' ne{', have a l and W rl !'l tou cht"d fO,r ! f'Ven hits bT't'via t('d game Both t eams WE'1"(" 1 89-21; FloTt'nee Snow, 899 ; Paul
~IIJ'!'ng for the Inlmf' r~ord of ~IX ",\ns and onE' IO RS , Southington'g hlttpr~ h o,lmed charged with four (' .. ro T'S but dam -; me Baf\sola. 89.3: Ann SabateUa,
tinnl 'Np\\,in'g"ton toJ1v wDu : mld nn (wr l"nll 8l'3JWn'S record of ' nwa y tn n f:u;t stnrt. nnd it ai '- nR'e b y thE' KniJrlrtr lnT!\C"tJ'e'S ~sg.-59-:' M- Aldl, - ~S--1: CharIoU.(t ,
in thr ~"",,pnth inninL! ! 10 \\ inS and twc) lltfl' a ts. ' rw>nrpci thnt ""NIP" I .esli t' . t hp ~(" \'_ ' kt-pt to R nll",mum ' Ha upt, 87-26: Mae Hartfon.1" at
~~nnell nnd Haberl \\ulkt'd Zn- 1 I IH(t ~'" luSFot' r. \\'oul d hn"'~ ~tli P ... Il) i FOllw nu, Mllh .lnl'Z ~k and Roy I ~fl t7 : nnt TIAc:.h , " =i -xI : R o~p Ra r-
...... 10"'"Q O'Connl' ll at thu'tl. Vujs ~ 1 frio to thE' ~ho\\ prA Rov S(,"Itt. 1Nyren strpt ched th('l r hlt!::t r paks, I on, 843, H AI~f n . 84; Ma rle SI
on B fi eldf'r's ChOl(,f' to ! SOllthinlltnn Ilil{lr ' Tohn Fontnnn and raptnin .1a('k \ ha\ 109 hit safely In . e\'f' ry ga mf' 1mone, 8.1-57: M , R o bl~ !;on. R331; :
th e Vll~f'8..
-I t J'atz pInch hit '
strurk oul Rowland walked,
, --I RU:f,#l,al1 Srhrdulr
Today, May 26: W"therstield,
~t1.t II \ Il:t II'I t"J II..,t .:. h....
~ """"~ ~" : n""l
(' ~ t(\ \I nh,,'po
h .... thp 10r.ol mn r Th(' flrRt . R Panella, 8!i-6. Lllhan Dudzik .,
'lo1'ri thf' baqpR a nd fOUT run~ ~f'r('! two havp plaYf"d 10 gnm f' s \\ hilp H2-47; MarH~ HIZk. l:\1-lu. M K ~ I ,
t I - . .. ...

:tI:~iinR in HabE'rl, a,,ny I t~llif>d DR th" rpqult nf hitq hy Nyren was Bldelin(> d for on(' con 1 ".;;e~y;;,;;7;;8;;.8;;:;...,;"n;;d;:,;;G;;;.;;;B;;;a;..s..:so;,;I;;;8;;;,; ;7; ;7; ;.5; ,;==~.;;;===;;;;,;;;;;;;;;==;:,;;;;;;.==. We feature the fllDlous "Hall-Mark" and ~:~
' Un'".! Rtruck out 14 and Jqlvp Tuesda y. May 29: Woodrow Jack Pntz and Ald ie ri Aft"r pick- test with an E'lbow Ihjury. r - - - - Craft" Greeting Canis. You'll find a card for,
totnl of 8('ven walks. Pntz Te- Wilson , he re- I in~ up two mOTe in th~ second in- Friday's victory brought thf' occasion in our large selection . all price raDg$;t
12 via the 8trikeout route nnd Friday, Jun e 1: RockVIlle, ninll', the Knil!ht8' bnt. "'e re .t"l~d Knights' record t o e Ight "'I~S nnd I GENERAL INSURANCE Visit Wallace's for watehes, mm:dt.:~:i;~
up five hits, one of th~m away . b" thp' "ROft" nit ch i n~ of LPRhe two 1088(>8. \ ' silverware. pottery, lighters, peas,
fIIrrc:ling in a New imrton tnllv Tuesday, Jun e 5 : Ploinvillr, 'I who I
.tead;ed do,,' n nnd hmited SOUTHI,!~T,O~ QOODW',!.T,"ChH . 1 FIRE LIABILITY Parker) etc.
.-'UlrM' NGTON ' NEWINQTON here' th.m 'n four Bcnttored hit. the,.' 3 2 0 0 S' m'I,.'b 3 0 , , AUTO ALL FORMS
ab r h ,. ' ,b r h .. ' Ftana.lf 4 1 1 OlCflrl..on,U 3 2 1 01
:~~~~: 3 1 0 2 0 0 0 Centra l Valley C'onf('T('nc(' r ... d of' tl1l' " :W S'ry.e.rf 4 0 , 0 Ma.2b,cf 4 0 1 1
.. 0 0
.. 0 0
4 0 1
2 1 0
1 n
4 , 1 1
40'0 1
C 4 0 0 0
1 0 0 ,

o'G Ift-rs T Comp1et'" : .,

2 1 1 0
' 'U
~(', Jl:l t z .. ntl .... n.lro p
1 cf h M'"vk 1b 4 2 3 0 Ip tr'n . 3b 4 t 1 ' 1
t (' ; RP U'. 1b 000 o'Occtu,c
"=,..lIthln"'t,..., nttnt'''' WIth n TlJ'llr of , Nvren. 3b 4 2 2 2'L B'u.ef .P 3 0 1 a
' F ' ney,3b 0 0 0 OrWatel1t
hi'. pn('h Thr 10<':\1 nine bC'ltPd out J p'z,p rf 2 2 f D I Mlth'~. 1b tOO 01
4010 1
3 , 0 00 00 0 '- I 10 hIt. In n II "b ,. 000 I 2 O IM.ctl,'. 1, 00 0 00 '

0 0 M',o,rf.p 0IMo,,,,,2I> ' 3 8

~~~3JE':i0~O=>;\~~~;':..,i~~~g.-.ig~g~UD.aIUIT'!lying ROllll'trl!!il ;~:~d E!;:~:~~~:~h:~~~2:E :~~;,J ;~j! . ~::. ~,~:-r~ ReBiden~~::NC ~ Ryn ~STAt~fflce ~

.... , CMO
.. 100
.ournamen n to ct('r(\nd bnql'man to ~trikp th~
Finnl qunlif~'fng rounds for the f'aRllv ntp the Knitrhtc:' third bn<u"-
S~UTH~.~~~?~ __ _ . _3~_X-1~ _ ______ _____ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ________ - -------.~-~-~~~~~-~.~~~~~~-~~~~~~~;;~:~=~:~;I~I

Spring Hanpicap tournament at the: rnan \\ hn wf'lq ntt E'""ntinl7' to stretC'h ....diI
Southington Country Club will bel his .in ..le Into 0 doubl.
compl E' ted this weekend, nc('ording SOUTHINnTOfro,l ,. .. ,. ... *
a'" .. h ,.

to Hub('rt S. Higgin8. club presi- e, ..... t. ~# or; 1 ? ,.. ,.. .... .. ", rl 1: n n " Wilbur Shaw thInk. 80 much aI thl. new Chrysler, he Iul. eel&eted it a. Pace Car for the 1951 IndianapolJ. 5tJ(J-znJIe race,
.\ , fi 1 "t .. "" It' '" 1 1 ,.. . ~q p... . " n n
, '1 " dent. QualtfYln5t' was slated to n I "'~""" " .. , 1 " , " . , .... ,...,., .. , , n
iah May 20 but an ('xtrn week wall "t,." ,- 1", of. , ,.. ,.. ""''''"'' ~ 1:.. "1 n" n

~ leads Again ,.,. ... ~_" 1:", 1: n 1 n .. .. ... "'1 1 h ,

given the players because of rainy I "''Ot....t' 1 1 , "'''''1''''"'1.,,,, n 1 "
AltI' .. 1 ,., .. n , ~ "" .. '-rl , tf 4 n , n
weather. ' CO ... ,,,::Itt n n n II VIII .. ,. 1 1 1
d- Mr. Higgins said an ~~IJl(>cted :'~~~~.; ; ~ ; ~ ::':::~""2b ~ ri~ ~
:. 1N (ull flight of 32 plaYPTB Wl enter ' ____!Cz:op,2b ..: ~....! ~ ... .. ( . !~ ' .
:1 this annual tournam f' nt. The ladies' ! Total. 34 e 10" T ..... 11t UI. .. 7 1 . .......' .... " .,r
BOTTLED GAS I Spring Handlcnp Will begin 800n. ! a-to for Ost r owski I" Oth ~:t. ,:"<- r":.: ' ~.
, '
The club's t eam Will go to Pe I r-1r:'''I~nT(,\N t'IN'I IVY\ n"'1~

,'\' I
quobuck Country Club Sun d ay for i .._.. _ __ _ ___ .. -.- - . - -
thC' f\~t Ctntnl Connecticut Golf I qw('epl"takt''R. Brenner and Mickpv
APPLIANCES Association mat~h of the season. ' Tnnnu'Z~i tied for low net with
CALL MIDDLETOWN ,Locol pi aye ... will include Kurt: 77Q6R and 811368,
Brenner, Sr .. Bob Young, John L,: Mrs. Jenny 'Krnny ,,"on tho first
ENTERPRISE 9370 i women's wt'pkend sweepFltnkp'R of
.J. "

.j (No Toll Charge)

DiCapriO nnd Jack Dalton.
Scoring 0 neat 72, Just two' the season. She Rcored 100~5-G6
Rtrokes over par, Young won the Mi~s An5reln GnoZ1..(1 took sec-ond

' gr088 award in the club'8 weekend low net with 912170,
.- - _. -- -- - - - ,- -

SEASON 11111 US:
Tasty Sandwiches.
CLOSED SOFt' SHELL ml9ilon is the nearest thina to an automatio Mrs, Shaw: "At lint r CJOOId barJOrboli. .~,#tI
Here are Wilbur Shsw'e reIJctiontl--;n hill o"n with winch I ,could turD the wb<d. 'UII~ av.!l[IIIIJ
pilot for a car I can possibly imagine.
CRAB SANDWICH-.75 worde- talcen down by a r&COrdin~ machine
U'rb~ engine . .. I can't get C]Ver the amount or power
espcdaDy in the 5" ,n tisue::.
in the oar:
OPEN (with French and &nap in tlu5 mgme .. it's inaecliblel "Oftm after I have parked a ear in ~:::~
"The '51 Chrysler ha, it! With thiJ new ""&ine and ing space. I feel I IbDuId tIIIi ...
Fries and Cole Slaw) .95 "I drove III miles with the feelinc I bad expended
power ateetmg. the first on any U.s, car, It" a whqJe
Eat 'em Here or Take 'em orBDa~e.
no mo<e dfort than in dnvin& around the block.
"When Mn. Shaw drove. her rommento just about
d r - ' again.
1 parted it withBut
Home! "I'IlI comJete1y bowled """" by the ...... of .teerinC I
"Tbia .teerin, UIIIIbmed with the ~\ltoIP'ltic trllIlS-
squarrd with mine, Here', what abe thinb of the
1951 Chryoler , " Ie< without &ni"I
W iIbur Shavt: "1t'& bani to daaillet!....ICl!J:~
cfc:ep CDd iU_IIIUlI'1II

OUR DELICIOUS FRIED 'CLAMS! "In fact, I think .. IIIDdl 01 thia ear, I'n
as Pace Car of the 1951
(Mr. Shaw's : '10 are iepiiuted tblallji~~~
courtesy of Popular ~ Mapzine)
DINNER TO GO:- Pint - 2ac
*Mr, Shaw refen 01 CIIItII'Ie to staDdard
Quart - 50e
cars-oot radn& can 01' spccial1lIOdds.
FREN(,H FRIES V. Pint - 40<
Pint - 75c
Quart - S1.40 ALL KINDS
85c OF
(Entire Dinner To SEA FOOD
Fried Clam
Sandwich-40c Go: Sac) IN SEASON Shaw ;ruptlCt. FirePawer. the Qroateet new
SUliut/y atyled Chryaler conJ'ortible 110 pace
Indianapo/,. 5OO-ru/e race.
en,ino in 21 yea"',

1- 4
hirl -

I- Ii fy I' :1t' f&-4:1'11 -LiI'l ''41-4-1 W'if., /ITI I 44% *2#$ i' 1,4 , I'
4 . r)-1- 14 -I :11:'4'25:I 3-'tiL_31tt:.'e.*4 SfI' - :'At<31 1, ,) ::' 'i .'_1-3-tThZ,f-F,:144-, 1:
.4.ta=9 :*49,6J... .....,1. 036A.-i-,-'I.-r,2.1RIiammt#K#imt.:427*Ve#0*k#1*,m#42
.. Ll
, ,sutj;NA48*22*AL#4,4,. #47"
036 .9:
.. (7141. r= -2.. .0.4 .P . 1.. .f 3 - .8 i 4 ' ..1... 'p '.14'.'*-.1*114*4'* i
4 74 ..'' ' 'r#Pyafe#<*Re*4**RBR ).
,1-'1: '.er,9
.Mts46'- J 04'n*ILW:#P.JzE :-i ,-, 1, 042
,....:,, v +TeutYa*MAEAM'Ww-2 yi)qj-A -1St,19 2;;FM
' T 44 dt thiLii-,p*%*A leligile . Bianquet Ehalidii-**<21"er-naide:
Ptb*&322&<52 1/9**161.1 e*,gue -upe#s '
beiveen the #del of 8 Blld 1% *mut ck -$22;68'*4% i b.: ...t-6/,14.-144;jiv e 042' ..
042e A036t; 4 Be . . i
tat11, JTJ
will beat Juat a litEW hater as the
omcials call them out an the field
F or Girl Bowlers A final decisiqh on tho summer
All Oldn letter 46 1
1 O.. r
S elleduled June 4 Bhae,:;1' 442beetingdl,1,3'Jl- :
.' , =1.2

4*VAYLABLE WithTwin BillSunday for their first appearance b unt-

form thia year. Winners of the two divisions of day at the First Lutheran Church,
2 1
th e Girls League were scheduled according to R. Gordon Peters, 4
Mr. Verderame said the league .
lt'11 be "Play Ball" at 2 p.m. 1 to bowl last night at the Southing- president. The program for the
I dent, said tt was necessary to m making plans to purchase its
to n Bowling 4nes to decide the meeting will be handled by Lester
00. Sunday as the Southington Little schedule the games at the Recrea- own public address system for Use .... 1
19 60-51 champlons. P. Beck and Dewey S. Blakeslee. . net 4421 ' ...

N 'rim GREEN
League opens its 1951 season with tion Park because the new Little
a doubleheader at the Recreation ! League diamond at the high school
at the games Fred Swanson, Jr,
will be at the microphone for hle
third Little League season and
The Lights were winners of the
M onday night divi Bion while the : Scoiit Troops ToVie
'Lwati:'.1 i
imp e ll

' Park. | athletic field will not be ready ill
will also act as ofilcial scorer
Do ts took the title in the Wed- .P'.,1,9 .. W'"3 ,1
I. ..Am Carl P. Verderame, league prest- time. ne sday night section. ForCamporeeRoles
..* it
. 4:jili mi
=--8 The Blue Sox won the 1950 Members of the Lights are Helen
*948*54 league title and will be out to re S antago, captain, Marge stevens, At Park Tomorrow
1 ..7,3,
':. 11, _1.#- -+ 4
0 1 C 11
peat this season with a stmng line- M arge Battista, Rose Nolan and A Boy Seout Camporee will be
3& It 4,

- .,1 11
up In the league's first season M arilyn Camp. In the Dots lineup held at the Recreation Park, be- 1..,r
,. Want To SAVE MONEY the White Sox copped the title W ere Dot Dash, captain; Esther
Ela tch, Ann Sabatella, Marie Si-
ginning at 11 a.m. tomorrow for
members of Troops 2, 16 and 26.
There will be no games next m one and Mary Aidi. This w ill be the second combined
On Car Repairs? week on Monday or Tuesday but a The annual }eague banquet \\ 111 pioject of the current season for
li PREVENTIVE second doubleheader will be played b e held Monday nighl, June 4, at
at the Recreation Park, beginning th e Old Mill, South End Road,
the three troops.
During tomorrow's competition,

#. V# " 12"BVIC:*
Naturally You DOE Here's How! at 2 pm Wednesday, Memorial P lantsville.
two patrols will be selected for
their Scout knowledge and camp- i 4 1

*Drive in here REGULARLY for our '-PRE-

t Li'ghts Steal Heat ing activities. They K ill compete
In coming Scout Carnporees at
, P ./..4 .# I.,... ./ . . 1 8.* 60*11&=8 e 4
..b. A w11 be on hand for the Sunday
VENTIVE SERVICE." This systematic check, 2 doubleheader to supervise the ro- ronl Hot Rods Meriden and Wallingford. The final Dear People: "" e
4 -mr - i# inners will spend a week this
' gram The other officers are Eu Next Wednesday is Memorial Day. Although
44 4: every so often, reveals little faults, which,
gene Brown vice president, Frank In Town LeagUe summer at Camp Tenamuggus at A. i
it comes in the middle of the week and most people
Ferrucci secretary treasurer, a CompMing a neat record of 74 East Hampton. The district and
' E.<. WEDNESDAY IS corrected, stop further trouble. -Catch trouble will not'have a chance to get very far away from
43. '- EMORIAL DAY Jack Sullivan, supervisor of um W ins and 25 losses for the season, council camporee winners ill be
home, there will be plenty of holiday traffic. t ..1
iMJle'All-Uonor To Those Who before it starts." That's US. pires. t he Lights copped the title in the a\#alded tickets to the King fV
G iris Town &841%,Je 1Monday night Blothers Circus which 11 111 appear Remember that you're nut on a race track. If
-Died For Freedom. The 18 successful candidatea for . 4
D ivision ) at the Southington Bowl- in Mei iden on June 20. you're interested in driving fast better enter your-

t are Andrew Meade, 12; Francis

ng Lanes. Runnels-up ;,ere the
Hot Rod4 whose record sho\\ ed 61
Scoutmasters Charles , Lewis,
Daniel Rabatin and Bernard Bu-
self in the races up at Plainville. Other wise you're

4 likely to end up as another Memorial Day casualty.
'BUKK Tully, 12; Paul Stanish, 12; Russell victones and 38 losses. teau of Troops 2, 16 and 26, re- Memorial Day is a day set aside to honor those
3f ml W
:, i Black, 12, John
ard Potter, Orsini, 12;LaMon-
11; Tancrede Rich- The Mis'Its 036ere
third with a spectively, will supenise tomor- who have passed on... not to add to the list.

474 54-45 mark and the other teanls in ,ow's Camporee.

SERVICE tagne, 11, Edward Gla(ike, 11; Da- order of finish were the Quintet, Common sense is the most valuable ingredient
*018*S A LES AND
: 44 - vid Barry, 11; Donald Barry, 11; 48-51; B.G.9 44-55, and the Round Plailtsville Pr.4 Plans to safe dnving. Itt too bad that, when driver's
14- ' 042'
'SOUTHINGTON James Gagnon, 11; Robert Aldieri, Towners, 36-63. I licenses are issued, there isn't a gadget that can
/ 10; Mark Carbone, 10; Edward Te.a For Noon Helpers measure the common sense of the applicant. Good
The Lights also \\on high team ';Jit J'lants,ille 19 4 \,ill gl\.e a 4
drivers aren't made by the knowledge of how to
Maccio, 10; Joseph Giammatteo, single and three game hon,irs with tea foi t(achei b ,ind mi,Lhets 1, ho
.ki 9; Harry Willis, 9; Allan Tracy, 9; totala of 51 2and 1459 Marilyn hi 036, helped at the sthot,1 duiln;r start and steer a car...orof the various rules
and regulations of the motor vehicle department.
Cr and Albert Fasulo, 9. Harold Bae- . Camp was the individual high th 042'
m,<in hout, fiorii 4 t 6036
-1113: *A LITTLE JOB NOW kua will manage the team and JOB- single ,#inner ,#ith a 135 string , Ju, 036 4. iii the pa, ish house of the Sound Judgement is very important.
22. eph Alfano will serve as coach.

3erry Gamache had the best thiee 1'11,1.brille Conglegational Church
Members of the White Sox are game pinfall, 325
. t John Berg, 12, George Krafclk, 12; Vgcky Alfana haliled 98 games .
Take it easy next Wednesday. Irse your com-
mon sense on a holiday and you'll be able to use
your arms and legs the day aftEr.
Mario Iorillo, 12; Richard Ludecke, during the Bells,in fi,i :in apeinge All;COHOLleS- -
112; Anthony LaPorte, 12, Stephen nf 45-4(1, tops for the lt'liftir Miss ANONYMOUS t
' Elliott, Jr, 11; Jerome Petrocione, 1 E. Manten, who bow led ont> 48 MEETS EF ERY TI'EADAY News that a new industry will liuild a I,lant in
t 11; Walter Truss, 11; Harry Bern- games, had the best aze,age, 96-1,
ier, 11 Ralph Sgrillo, 11. Donald but was not ehgible fcir :in a\#ard EVENING. 8:30 1:4.
AT i
Southington is welcome. And the reason for build-
ing here sounds gui,<1 tu our :ar:. Seuthingtin was
DeSorbo, 11, Henry Traver, 10; because she failed to bow' the re- l
P SHI'TliI\GTON IIIGH S('110(11. picked for the site because of its central location
among industrial towns and cities.
i 16;
1 EESS SEbE 3:Elrfii.3.:in:" B.13'r=2:,31.11:0. 1
9, and William Jordan, 9. The team 96-1; Vicky Alfano, 95-40, Louise
I've always contended that the location of
Soutliington, almost the geographical heart of the
..' will be managed by Ralph Petro- Liguor'1,95-17, M Ratubta, 95-13, state, is a decided asset to the town. But we haven't
'rl taken advantage of that asset the way we should.
.4 ; cione with Gerald Kerr as coach Helen Santago, 92-67. Geoi giann:i , 01)1
/. Not much use having an asset if it is frozen by
e- and Art Gahette as assistant coach. Gacheiez, 92-24, Shirley Hatt-
ford, 92-3, Lee Cari, 91-64: Jeriy indifference or lack of organization.
Whether you're planning a Those on the Red Sox team will
4 Gamache, 91-36, Agnes Keating,
We've gol something here.., let's niake the

long trip or a short one, be Richard Exidio, 12; John Lo- 9040; Manlyn Camp, 89-60, C
r, Kay's has the Samsonite I renzo, 12, Richard Salzillo, 12: Johnston, 89-24, Alice Fallon, 88- E WAVE THE TOOLS. ' ' niost (,f it.
t.6 Luggage to meet your Lawrence Gianatti, 12 ; Michael 5
Dr. Matta, 12; John Manfre(la, 11; 1 33: Dot Kanm, 88-25, J. Moreth, WE WAVE THE SKILL.
needs. 1 88-24 ; Carolyn Thayer, 88-11, M.
John Manfred, 11; Jades Nagle. 1 Kazersky, 88-7. YOUR EVERY It should be very interesting if we could cata-
EXCLUSIVE IN 11; Ribhard Bohiman, 11; Roger m Also, R. Nolan, 88-3, Toni Ven- ' PLUMBINe log every product that is made in Southington.
Grenier, 11; Thomas Fatr, 10, Ed- ditto, 87-67, S Hull, 87-54: I.. Ca- AIany townspeople were surprised when they at-
i SOUTHINGTON ward Kaftan, 10; Albert Della Bit- sale. 87-17: Shirley Wendt, 81;-76. FILL/ 4 , tended the last industrial ext,osition. Tliey didn't
YOUR SHOPPER'S UST AT KAY'S ta, 10; Jacob Hanecak, 8. Francis 1
Kenefick, 8, and John Nigro, 8. Tommy Gahette, 86-26. D. Casale, . 4 1
realize Southiijgton manufacturing concerns turned
out so many products. And, since the last exposi-
86-12; Jane Martin, 81,-6: Sadie -
For Alon Harold Daly will manage the Red lion a number of products have been added by
Manware, 85-44, M Ste\ens, 84- 9 1
end Dod 1-44 /0, S,s Yow, Sox with the assistance of Edwin 39: H. Kenny, 83-26. R R(imions. & f ., - , existing factones and new ones which have moved
F.le 042,i
Pion 042
P.,10. 0-/ 6/ Cushing and James Abata, coaches. 3 81'7 Priscilla Velkins, 79-45, and 3 : here.
In the Grey Sox lineup will be I, Vera Moroz, 79-8. 4 *ekix, ..91. '
The more variety to our products the less
Rchard Lorenzo, 12, William De 1 P 042 .9.,.r.
042*+ a . . 1 .U... *.- 036.
. -
severe is a depression or a slackening off of the
Paolo, 12; Michael Ungaro, 12 ' Mrs. John Watts of Ila>n<,r iemand for some of the products. A community
William Carruth, 12; Gerald Cal- Street has ret u mrd frorn the 7
which depends upon one large concern for employ-
... lahan, 12 ; Eugene Manware, 11, Bradley Memorial Hospital :
ing its residents is in somewhat of a precarious po-
Ronald Modica, 11. Eugene Brown, Thomas F. Murphy of Oak Street sition. I can't remember the exact numier of in-
: .' 11; Philip Cantito, 11: , John i has returned from St Francis' lustrial firms in Southington but 1 believe it runs
Ahearn, 11: Raymond Wright, 10, . Hospital, Hartford, here he
ff about 30, large and small.
Gene Thielmann, 10, Richard Brav- underwent treatment for sercial
. erman, 10; Carl Cawle, III. 10, It's more healthy for the economy of the town
r idays. -
Pasco Testa, 9, Francis G. Santy, to have that many.
8, and Gilbert J. Vargas, 8. Ralph
( Flash ) Salzillo will serve as man-
4 + 4 ager and Anthony Lorenzo will be,
the coach.
I,et 'em eat cake.
Look like the famous words of a French queen
The complete league schedule for
The Smart
( I think ) may pack consideral,le meaning if the
the season will be as follows: May 1 -: predictions about the effect of price controls on
27, Grey vs. Blue, White vs. Red;
Man Starts
meat come true. A number of our local men forsee
May 30, Red vs. Grey, Blue vs, a shortage of beef and other meats within a few
White; June 4, Grey vs. White;
This Way.
5, Blue vs. Red; 6, Blue vs. Grey, .8:,rrT 442
7, Red vs. White ; 11, Grey vs. Red ; , Most of us can warm up to the idea if sub-
12, White vs. Blue; 13, White vs. stitu'ting some other food for meat... but we may
Grey; 14, Red vs. Blue; 18, White have to. If this sort of thing ts necessary so that
vs. Red; 19, Grey vs Blue: 20, Red our country may be made strong enough to Avert
vs. Grey, 21, Blue vs White: 25. another big war it will tw okay with us.Our l )oys
Grey vs. White, 26, Blue vs. Red. in uniform are sacrificing more than an occasional
4-. 3 And, July 2, White vs. Blue; 3, steak dinner.
Grey vs. Red, 5. Red Vs. White; 6, But-it is necessary ?
Blue vs. Grey; 9, White vs. Grey;
ladies 1 10, Blue vs. Red: 11, Grey vs Blue;
Wardrobe 12, White vs. Red; 16, Red vs.
Southington is doing right well in the music
6 Grey; 17, Blue vs. White: 18, Grey :leimitment. We now have a good high school band
vs. White; 19, Red vs, Blue; 23, 1
,.All 24' 4-1 - lAdIes' 0 Nile Red vs. White: 24, Blue ve. Grey.
and 01chestra and an excellent choial profiram in
Me-n $ .1 I fi,# _ AL r --1 - (Converlible) i )ur schools. Add to this the fact that five South-
Iwo Suiler -11- 25, Grey v,: Red; 26, White vs.
1--,1 --All I Blue; 30, White vs. Grey, and 31,.
ington youngsters have 1,een selected to play in the
7-' - , -40- 111 1 11 1 All-State orchestra and it comes out that the town
t Red vs. Blue. is geting someplace in this i,hase of education.
J L' & .i- -1... 6 - All league games will be six
'4 Ladies' O'Nile
innings in accordance with Little
(Reasta, )
League regulations. Postponed
Wonder hc,w many wotmsi were disturlied last
gameB will be re-scheduled fur off-
nights dunng the season. . j weekend to piovide halt for the fishing derl,y?
liet if you put the digging efforts of all those kids
into one project there would have lieen quite an
& Waste Material excavation.

Trucking Co. Sincerely,

DISPOSAL As a business beginner he wisely realizes the true


+1 50e Per Month-Tel. Plainville 882
value of a checking account. He knowv that the
safety and convenience of checks is of the utmost
importance to, his gro ing business. We have a
J &<f. Checking service for every nee. See us about it.
L 64.- . - - rjel///7
YOU'I,L HOOVER V Ill/-1-91
I.JIT.T.1 1

' 'W'28&/- I
Kay Furniture
I t
../2."1984, ,, KAYS

I...I.-./.A".la 442,<-fili-'i 042,M._te=,

--1--5 6 ..m.
- --- ..
-1 .- 1--I- / --/- ---
, Tel. 757
Across the Green



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