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---------------------- DwlWin ---------------------------

Important : This software is protected by Copyright and the information
contained herein is confidential. Distribution, reproduction as well as
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expressly permitted. Infringments result in damage claims.
Copyright MStar S.A. (c) 2007.
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Version History
Version: (Apr 20th, 2012)
- Support to reduce download time for MSW8533x NOR
- Support to reduce download time for MSW8533D/8532
- Support to reduce download time for MSW8532B NOR
- Show a progress bar when extracting a dz file
Version: (Mar 8th, 2012)
- Add E2P Checksum Mechanism
- Support Super DZ file Download for MSW8533x
- Support Super DZ file Download for MSW8533D/8532
- Support Super DZ file Download for MSW8532B/8533Bx
- Optimized FlashMemoryMapping Mechanism
- Remove Help Button
- FatFsEmu.exe/FatFsEmu.dll v1.0.0.16
- fix incorrect sector index for DIR entry

Version: (Jan 5th, 2012)

- Support EMI driver architecture for 8533x family.
- Support EMI driver architecture for 8533D/8532.
- Support EMI driver architecture for 8532B/8533Bx.
- Auto detect CPU and Flash type from dl_cfg.ini.
- Uncompressed dz files to system temporary folder.
- Optimized download log file path.
- FatFsEmu.exe/FatFsEmu.dll v1.0.0.15
- Fix u16 overflow problem when FAT16 image size > 64MB
- Add some error handle for incorrect data size to preload

Version: (Nov 10th, 2011)

- Support to download Parallel NOR for backward compatible wintarget
Version: (Oct 25th, 2011)
- Support 8532B/8533BN/8533BD model AutoDetect
- Support 8532B/8533BN/8533BD chip rename rule for wintarget.
- Support 8532B/8533BN/8533BD chip rename rule for bootstrap.
- Support 8533BN chip rename rule for bootloader.
- Retreive Wintarget Build Version string
- Support reconnection mechanism while disk is abnormal removal
- Optimized nand flash size form NANDINFO_v2.nni
- Fixed few bugs

- FatFsEmu.exe/FatFsEmu.dll v1.0.0.13
- Set DIR_Attr attribute to 0x10 (ATTR_DIRECTORY) for . and .. entry

Version: (Sep 1st, 2011)

- Support 8522/8523 Model Download
- Support 8522/8523 Model Upload
- Support 8522/8523 Model Restore
- Speed up SPI NOR of 8522/8523 Model Burning time
- Optimized double click Display Drop Zone problem
- Fixed Enum COM Port 0 problem
- Updated New UI
- Enhanced CIS Create for NAND Type
- Add Log Button for Debug
- Add Select All Check Box for E2P File
- Fixed few bugs
- Update default wintarget
- Update default wintarget
- Fix bug for incorrect cluster chain of FAT12

Version: (July 14th, 2011)

- Speed up SPI NOR of 8532 Model Burning time
- Optimized the connection mechanism
- Optimized the download winTarget mechanism
- Send DwlWin revison to WinTarget
- Support 8533x NOR Hidden Filesystem download
- Support 8533x NAND Hidden Filesystem download
- Support 8533x NAND Hidden Filesystem Upload
- Add Display Drop Zone Check Box in General Page
- Display download percent, status and information in DropZone
- Fixed few bugs
- 8532 burning speed
- Support GD SPI

Version: (May 25th, 2011)

- Add 8532 model into CPU Type
- Enhanced NOR Restore Error handle
- Removed Temporary File of E2P
- Enhanced NAND Upload Error handle
- Add Generate Factory Image option for 8533x family
- Add Factory Image in Upload Option
- Fixed few bugs
- Update Nandinfo for 35N and BadBLKNumLimitation item
- Update default wintarget for 35N
- Update default wintarget
- Update FatFsEmu.dll / FatFsEmu.exe v1.0.0.8
- Set dotdot entrys starting cluster to 0 if this directorys parent is the root dir
Version: (Apr 21th, 2011)
- Optimized the Waiting Time mechanism of NOR in Erasing Procedure
- Optimized the Waiting Time mechanism of NAND in Erasing Procedure and CheckSu
m Procedure
- Enhanced Log function during the multiple download
- Enhanced Error Handle in USB Bus Reset
- Optimized the multi-thread dispatching
- Enhanced Device Removed Change handle and Abort Function.
- Improved UI Tab Control Item
- Changed 8830x to 8539N in CPU type
- Fixed memory leak, UI and few bugs
Update Nandinfo to fixed continuous bad blocks
Update wintarget to fix DL bootloader fail issue
Update MSA01-bootldr.img to fine tune NFIE timing (SDR 130MHz)
- Update default bootstrap/bootloader
- Regular release: sync. CL 108750
Version: (Feb 17th, 2011)
- Support PreFat function without writing permission
- Support MulDwl Init-Erase (Real Erase) Function For NAND
- Support Download New Nvram Nrw Format
- Support Download New Nvram Nro Format
- Support Update UI from Dz.ini parameter
- Fixed select Dz File without Upload function
- Fixed Error String procedure if memory leak
- fix FAT size for H8ACS0PE0MBR / add H8BCS0CE0ABR
Update default wintarget to revision 3.55
Update default bootloader
Update wintarget to fix a small block bug

Version: (Jan 6th, 2011)

- Support 8533D/8532 download (NOR flash only)
- Support 8533x family/8830 FAT preload
- Save WinTarget's log to DwlWin log when download failed
- Support extended sequence description & QueryStatus process
- Save/Load user's download setting
- Fix long file name issue for FatFsEmu
- FAT image generation module: FatFsEmu.dll v1.0.0.6, FatFsEmu.exe v1.0.0.4
[8535/8533 NANDINFO]
- Adjust User FAT partition size for all NAND flash
- First release Boorstrap/WinTarget
Version: (Nov 8th, 2010)
- Fix a bug for interaction with MulDwl/MulDwlV2 via DDE
Version: (Oct 19th, 2010)
- Support MIU config/HW config for 8830x
- Support dynamic select partition table in download time (8533x family/8830x)
- Support NVRAM RO/RW download (8830x)
- Add a version control mechanism for DwlClient.dll
[8533x family WinTarget v3.34]
- Touch USB when in keep statue infinite loop
- Disable image checksum calculation by default
- add Nand dump function, upload and restore code
- add Toshiba TV00560002EDGB
- use some USB functions from ram, and fixed " bus reset" issue
- fix Mutiple download first download fail issue
- update Location info after erase process-- avoid referring wrong location info
during bin validation
- enable Toshiba MCP Page Program
- Build LIB and clean source
- add MCP Numonyx-M36W0R6050U4
- support NUMONYX_M58WR064KT MCP
[8533x family bootstrap]
- Update EMI setting
[8830x WinTarget v4.11]
- merge wintarget to /TOOLs/BOOT/G1
- add NVRAM RO RW download feature
- add NVRAM RO RW upload feature
[8830x bootstrap]
- add HW config/MIU config feature
Version: (Aug 17th, 2010)
- Fix memory leak
- Add retry mechanism when sending SCSI command failed
- Add some additional information to log for easier troubleshooting
Version: (Jul 28th, 2010)
[8533x family Bootstrap/WinTarget]
- Adjust EMI setting for SAMSUNG K5L2833/K5N2833
- New NAND driver
[8830x Bootstrap/WinTarget]
- First release of 8830x bootstrap/WinTarget
- Support 8830x download
- Support flash upload/restore for 8535n
- Use E2pFile class to replace original lex/yacc e2p parser
- Sync to new naming policy for commercial purpose
- Change NANDINFO searching rule to cover TOSHIBA's flash ID not consistent with
- Add an "Auto Detect" option to CPU type, to auto distinguish chip type in down
load time
- Fix a bug for download MSW8530 fail
- Fix a bug when open file fail for long path
Version: (Jun 4th, 2010)
[8535x/8533 Bootstrap]
- Update EMI setting to avoid jump failed from bootstrap to Wintarget (K5N5666,
[8533x family Bootstrap/WinTarget]
- Supports debug UART selection
- Wintarget version 3.06
- Supports 8533x family DSP patch
- Supports "Send UTC time to target after DL"
- Flash driver enhance
- Supports 8533n U02
- Supports debug UART selection
- Support FAT image preload
- Change chip wording in GUI
Version: (Apr 29th, 2010)
[B2 Bootstrap]
- Update bootstrap to v1.14 to fix the problem of Type A Normal Boot after DL not wo
rking if z_factory.e2p is not downloaded.
- Add dynamic debug UART channel config., dynamic MIU config., and MIU validatio
n protocols
- Add various MIU validation routine
- Add dynamic MIU configuration routine
[B2 WinTarget (NAND)]
- Introduce RTC time download
- Introduce keep state after download operation completed
- Introduce NAND user FAT partition image preload
- Update Wintarget version number to v3.5.6.13
[B3 Bootstrap/WinTarget]
- First release of B3 bootstrap and wintarget.
- Support MIU configuration
- Sync target RTC time with PC after download
- Add SDR/DDR validation function
- Add "Keep state after download" option
- Support B3 Type-C download
- B3 download WinTarget via UART
Version: (Mar 26th, 2010)
- Update M3 bootloader to change DRAM clock frequency from 104MHz to 130MHz for
better system performance
- Add a flag to skip DwlWin version consistency check
- Use bootloader/bootstrap in SW folder as default bootloader/bootstrap
- Sending a data with incorrect length when doing patch
Version: (Feb 24th, 2010)
- update MIU patch signature
- Support NANDCISCreate and NANDFORMAT functions from DDE interface.
- Access file fail when loading a remote DZ file
Version: (Feb 1st, 2010)
- Support large block (block number >= 1024) and small block NAND Flash
[Bootstrap v1.03]
- Supports admux MCP
- Implement Normal Boot After DL for Type A.
- Add DSP patch download protocol
- Support listen mode
- Support separated NAND/Partition parameters
- CIS create fail when Flash zone number < 1
Version: (Dec 3rd, 2009)
- Disable SCSI logical disk commands
- Modify DDE interface for MulDwl Type-A
- Support LCD table download and other CUS type in the future
- Support multiple BIN download without check sum validation
- Add error handling for "Incorrect CUS sequence", "Unknown CUS type", "CUS si
ze overflow"
Version: (Nov 23th, 2009)
- Fix a bug for CUS download.
- Do not initialize hidden FAT if we support NRAI partition.
- Separate DwlWin with WinTarget
- From now on, DwlWin always use default WinTarget in test load folder (If Dwl
Win version in file header >=
- Change file extension of WinTarget in test load folder to *.wt
- Use NANDINFO.ini located in test load folder as the default INI file
- Report incorrect error code when erase fail
Version: (Nov 12th, 2009)
- Support Micron NAND Flash
- Update ID Table for Toshiba TY8A0A111173KC40 NAND Flash
- Correct FAT format procedure when theres only FAT partition for user disk
- Fix a bug when download Small Blue ("Bad Downloader Version" error)
Version: (Nov 9th, 2009)
- Fix the Samsung 5666 cant download and too slow issue
- Multi cus download for sensor table (via usb)
- Support E2P on RAI mechanism (lock_b2_e2p_on_rai.bin)
- NAND driver patch to resolve physical CUS download problems
- Add NRAI logical partition erasure and upload features
- Re-arrange partition info. in NANDINFO.ini for the introduction of physical
CUS partition
- Support multiple CUS download for sensor table
- Support E2P on RAI mechanism
- Support E2P RO/RW mechanism
- Change CIS create protocol
- Support new CUS partition with new M3 WinTarget(lock_m3.bin)
- Support CUS DL/UL/Erasure with new CUS partition
- Support RAI DL/UL/Erasure
- Support BackTrace erasure
- Support Auto-Detect NANDINFO.ini for CIS Create with correct NAND SPEC
- NANDINFO.ini has modified for Auto-Detect function in DwlWin.
- Support download sequence configuration file (DlSequence.ini)

Version: (Oct 7th, 2009)

- B2 WinTarget are updated with supporting TV00570002CDGB
- B2 WinTarget corrected improper declaration from au16_BankAddresses[32]
- Supported Auto-Detect NANDINFO.ini for CIS Create with correct NAND SPEC
- NANDINFO.ini has modified for Auto-Detect function in DwlWin.
- M3 WinTarget support to increase NAND clock freq. from 26MHz to 39MHz for im
proving NAND access speed
- M3 WinTarget enhanced FAT16 format algorithm in lock_m3.bin to improve FAT a
ccess speed
- Supported 32 bytes header (Header version = 2) for E2P files
[Known Issue]
- Because new CUS partition is not ready, new CUS DL/UL/Erasure, RAI DL/UL/Era
sure and BackTrace erasure is not available.

Version: (Sep 11th, 2009)

- bootstrap_b2_usb.bin and bootstrap_b2_uart.bin are updated with modifying EM
I settings for kinds of MCP
- B2 WinTarget reduced DL time (Inc. SAMSUNG 2833) by cache
- M3 WinTarget reduced binary erasure time
- MSA01-bootldr.img and MSA01-bootstrap.bin supported of 32M SDRAM
- NANDINFO.ini modified for new NAND MCP (hynix H8ACS0PE0MBR)
- Modified NAND Format in M3 WinTarget and DwlWin
- DwlWin filtered the *.img file in NAND DL
- Add files grouping function (Inc. bin/wpb files, e2p files and CUS files
- Add Rockey Enable/Disable parameter in DDE interface for removing Rockey
function in MulDwl
- Add functions of skipping version check according to the 9th byte in 16
bytes header
- DwlWin modified E2P merge function
- DwlWin skip some E2P object protection in NAND DL
- In UART DL, DwlWin modified the last Resync() in DwlWin
- While doing CIS-Create, DwlWin will automatically download MSA01-bootldr.img
- Modify Duration time in MediumInit() in Binary DL step in NAND DL
- modified some file path as full path
- Modified upload function by adding 16 bytes header with skip byte(9th byte)
- Fix s8, s16 and s32 type in parsing E2P file.

Version: (Aug 6th, 2009)

- Support DZ files
- DL single category files using UART(ex: *.e2p, *.cus)
- Disabled FAT32
- Enable upload whole flash in NOR DL
- using dwl_b2.bin for USB upload in B2
- Fixed: If no file selected, DwlWin can not DL in B2.
Version: (July 10th, 2009)
- Enhanced TOSHIBA MCP TV00570002CDGB for SB
- Enhanced Numonyx MCP M58LR256KT for SB
- Enhanced 8K e2p tructure for BB2
- Use "xmmi.cus" for input name of CUS file in NAND DL

Version: (July 2nd, 2009)
- DwlWin can support NAND DL using USB
- DwlWin can support NOR DL using UART
Version: (June 11th, 2009)
- Fiexed "Begin custo acknowledgement not received" when download using UART
Version: (June 4th, 2009)
- lock_b1.bin and dwl_b1.bin for supporting Numonyx_M58LR256KT(256+64) for Big
- Fixed DwlWin for DL single file or single
- Modified UI of optimized layout
- Modified protocol between DwlWin and WinTarget for hinting "CUS overflow"
- Modified DwlWin when users do not select lock_b1.bin
- Modified DwlWin "Unknow Medium" when UART DL with erasing whole flash
Version: (May 15th, 2009)
- lock_b1.bin and dwl_b1.bin for function of upload Backtrace.
- DwlWin Enhanced function of upload BackTrace.
- Modified GUI of DwlWin.
- Removed the logo picture when executing DwlWin.
- Fixed the input of wintarget file (lock_b1.bin) in UART DL.
- Modified the waiting time in the stage of "memory mapping" before erasing st

Version: (APR 21th, 2009)

- According to test load, DwlWin can select relative WinTarget(old or new) aut
- WinTarget upgraded new version ( for modifying method of writing FLA

Version: (APR 14th, 2009)

- Extend bin/E2p/CUS listbox horizontal scroll
- WinTarget fixed CUS Validation error
Version: (Dec 26th, 2008)
- Protect Sn object and FacProdRecord object in e2p via Rockey
- Add functions of parsing special header in bin/wpb/CUS files.

Version: (Nov 21th, 2008)

- Add THEME file structure
- Add structure and UI for erasing BackTrace
Bug Fix:
- Modify lock_b1.bin and dwl_b1.bin for erasing BackTrace and solving download
problem for XMMI CUS
- Update FileProspector into the folder of DwlWin for get information of NOR_F

Version: (Nov 7th, 2008)

- Add upload information structure in upload action, and add FileProspector in
to the folder of DwlWin for get information of NOR_FLASH.
- Add _M2RAMCODE_ENABLE_ for preprocessor conditions to distinguish internal (
with logs) from production DwlWin
- Add error code and status for overflow when we download CUS file
Bug Fix:
- Modify the problem of downloading CUS file of XMMI Load: "End Of Download ac
knowledgement not received".
But need to find root cause. We need M2 team's help.
Version: (Oct 20th, 2008)
- Modify lock_b1.bin and dwl_b1.bin. about BackTrace
Bug Fix:
- Memory re-mapping of "target signature" just be used in Download. So remove
this in upload part.
- Version check through wpb or bin file with UART
Version: (Oct 16th, 2008)
- Modify lock_b1.bin and dwl_b1.bin.
- Add Version check through wpb or bin file
Bug Fix:
- Need return when DwlWin download Bootstrap fail.
Version: (Oct 6th, 2008)
- Add some log for communication with target.
- Add communication protocol with Win-Target for Signature procedure (before d
ownloading over)
- Add communication protocol with Win-Target for finishing download of lock_b1
- Add command checksum for CUS files
- Add validation procedure for CUS files
- Modify bootstrap_b1_usb.bin, bootstrap_b1_uart.bin, lock_b1.bin and dwl_b1.b
- Add _M2RAMCODE_ENABLE_ for preprocessor conditions to distinguish RAM code f
rom ROM code of M2.
- If DwlWin used M2 RAM Code, ExecuteRAMCode() will not be used.(from Jerry.Ch
- Add error condition in downloading e2p file.
If e2p is wrote in FLASH incorrectly, Win-Target will return 0xD5 to DwlWin.
- Modify error code for validation procedure of CUS files
- Modify status code for validation procedure of CUS files
Bug Fix:
- Fix memory leaks.
Version: (Sep 3rd, 2008)
- Fix download in UART with lock_b1.bin and dwl_b1.bin.
- Add some log for communication with target through M2.

Version: (Sep 2nd, 2008)

- Modify some status information and error message on GUI.
- New lock_b1.bin and dwl_b1.bin of win-target for custo_nor_512KB.wpb (becaus
e WAP need NOR FS)
- Target and DwlWin add a communication (memory mapping in Win-target) after g
etting information about target and before Resynchonize with target.
- Extend timeout when DwlWin communicate with Win-target (WAIT_ACK_TIMEOUT_FOR
_M2_TUNING=15000ms) and cancel re-send SCSI command when synchronize with target
or send some data to target.
But timeout of Validate Binary needs to assign dynamically.

Version: (July 11th, 2008)

- Modify CUS protocol structure of USB between DwlWin and Downloader (Win-Targ
et) for 64KB frame to accelerate download of CUS file.
- In order to accelerate download of wpb file, Add the FRAME_ SIZE_WPB (=2034B
ytes) to replace FRAME_ SIZE (=1010Bytes) for USB.
- At the end of getting information about the target for USB, DwlWin reduce th
e delay time (3000ms) to 1000ms.
- Add RockeyInfo and send the RockeyInfo to DDEClient (MulDwl) to synchronize GUI r
ted to Rockey in MulDwl and GUI related to Rockey in DwlWin.
- Modify __ROCKEY_ENABLE__ for option of compiler (called Preprocessor Definit
ions in VC).
- DwlWin supports M2-u04. And change the new universal MSA01-udp.bin that can
support all and u04.
- lock_b1.bin (universal) was updated for universal version that supports acce
lerated download and buffer programming with many FLASH, such as SPANSION, INTEL
- lock_b1.bin (universal) also supported Reset after download.
- DwlWin can protect IMEI object and BTAddress object in FLASH using Rockey. I
f user has valid Rockey, these two objects can be written into FLASH completely.
On the contrary, if no Rockey, these two objects in FLASH will be protected by
- When MulDwl executes DwlWin process by command line -hide, DwlWin will hide in s
ystem tray and can not be displayed.
- According to many experiments of accelerated DwlWin by Josh, DwlWin can achi
eve that the average rate is more than 50Kbytes/sec.
- Downloader is fixed for RAM size information.

Version: (June 3rd, 2008)

- lock_b1.bin(universal) and lock_b1_pbduo.bin were updated for solving downlo
ad bin files failed
for UART
Bug Fix:
- Fix the situation of Trying to connect to remote part.
- Fix that DwlWin pasered "default_calibtation__.e2p" incorrectly when we set
options in MulDwl
Version: (May 20th, 2008)
- Create new features of Rockey for protecting the function of "Erase whole FL
-If there is no Rockey, the function of "Erase whole FLASH" will not displ
-If there is a Rockey, the function of "Erase whole FLASH" will display.
- Create new features of Rockey for protecting "default_calibration.e2p."
-If there is no Rockey, "default_calibration.e2p" will not display to be c
-If there is a Rockey, "default_calibration.e2p" will display to be chosen
- Create new features of Rockey for protecting "IMEI" object.
-If there is no Rockey, "IMEI" object will not be written into Eeprom.
-If there is a Rockey, "IMEI" object will be written into Eeprom.
- DwlWin just displays the checkbox of "Erase Whole Flash" and other functions
only when detected Local Rockey
- DwlWin needs to verify the Private Password for every customer after adding
a Private Password into Rockey
- Fix validation error in big wpb or bin file download
- Enhance the USB download speed by increasing the sending frame size for bin
- Modify the FRAME_DWL_SIZE to FRAME_DWL_SIZE for wpb files and bin files and
FRAME_DWL_SIZE_CUS for cus files
- DwlWin in this version can accelerate to download on PBv2 and PBv3 using loc
- DwlWin contains lock_b1_pbduo.bin and dwl_b1_pbduo.bin for DUO v2 download.

Version: (April 28th 2008)

- DwlWin in this version can download on PBv2 and PBv3.
- DwlWin contains lock_b1_pbduo.bin and dwl_b1_pbduo.bin for DUO download.
- MSA01-udp.bin can support download on PBv2 and PBv3.
Version: (March 24th 2008)
Bug Fix:
- Fix can not multi-USB download problem.
- Fix user can not abort USB download process in sending wpb file.
- Return correct errorcode in USB SendMiniDriver.
Version: (March 7th 2008)
- Merge with
Version: (March 5th 2008)
- Add support of wpb download in RAI, with a new target called WM_TGT_RAI.
Version: (March 4th 2008)
Bug Fix:
- Fix progress message error in multi download.
Version: (March 4th 2008)
Bug Fix:
- Fix uploding issue with Montage (version greater than M2-U01) by using a new
Micro-driver (MSA01-upb.bin)
- Add support of SAMSUNG_K5L2731 MCP
- In "Advanced" Page, UART debug feature uses now UART2 if UART1 is the port u
sed for download, and UART1 if USB is download port.
Version: (February 1st 2008)
- Add a verify page to compare binary file with flash content.
Version: (January 17th 2008)
- Remove all compilation warnings.
- Enable checksum verification after download a wpb file.
- Increase UART upload speed.
- Add support of USB (single or multiple) port with DDE interface
- Add status information in DDE messages.
- Add Spansion MCP support for Pebble Beach handset
Bug Fix:
- Add mutex protection on "status string" to avoid run-time error.
Version: (December 20th 2007)
- Built with Visual Studio 2005.
Version: (December 19th 2007)
Bug Fix:
- Fix bug on big wpb download ("validation error"). It was due to a too short
duration on FMS reset after download
- Fix bug on wpb file names in Chinese
- No more even check the Dongle status if __DONGLE_DISABLE__ flag is defined.
Version: (December 7th 2007)
- Compatible with wpb version 1.3.4 (0x104 tag).
- Check Downloader version in wpb (2 first digits)
- Remove unused What3E USB driver
- Uses extended size E2p journal in wintarget (remove __USE_FIXED_SIZE_E2P_BAN
K__ flag in Nominal software to be compatible)
- No longer compatible with V2751 target.
Version: (November 26th 2007)
Bug Fix:
- Fix bug on multiple wpb download (missing ack)
- Second version with the Rockey4ND Dongle.
- Support remote Dongle (NetRockey)
- Clean "Old param" E2p management
- Dongle support is not activated by default
Version: (October 18th 2007)
Bug Fix:
- At the end of the download of a big binary, Dwlwin indicates "validation err
or"? The reason is that the calculation of the checksum takes more time than the
value of the timeout. So change this value to 20 s.
- USB download is faster (up to 75 kBytes/s for raw binary).
- USB upload is faster (up to 150 kBytes/s).
- First version with the new USB Rockey4ND Dongle .
Version: (September 17th 2007)
- USB download via Montage available.
- Fast write in Intel Strataflash.
Version: (July 18th 2007)
Bug Fix:
- Bug #292 "Download of CUS file not working with stack 18" corrected by updat
ing e2p structure in Wintarget
- Bug #293 "Download in Internal RAM does not work on B1" corrected by downloa
ding the selected binary instead of the Bootstrap in the Internal RAM
Version: (June 26th 2007)
Bug Fix:
- Download of E2p parameters in B1 is now OK at 921 kbauds, thanks to optimize
d wait states on External RAM.
Version: (June 25th 2007)
- Add bootstrap_b1.bin file in the Program directory.
- First tests OK with B1.
Version: (June 22nd 2007)
- Add new supported Toshiba MCP (TVO067A002CGAD and TVO067A003CGAD)
- Change warning dialog box when downloading in RAM.
Version: (May 31st 2007)
- Improve regulatity of Customization File Download
- Add a "Embedded Debug with UART2" check box in DwlWin Advanced Page
to enable or disable Debug Traces in wintarget on UART2, that have impacts
on Real Time.
Version: (May 09th 2007)
New features:
- Implements B1 Downloader
- Implements download in NOR File System feature (with proper wpb files)
- No longer compatible with WHAT2, WHAT3E and OneC targets

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