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Theories of Personality: Sigmund Freud

1. The id functions to moral anxiety Focusing psychic energy on substitute

a. reduce tension objects is called
b. avoid pain neurotic anxiety
c. increase pleasure displacement
d. all of these reality or objective anxiety
reaction formation
Fear of a tangible danger leads to When you love someone, Freud would say
____________ anxiety. your libido is ____ to that person. psychosis

Obsessive cathected compulsion

Psychotic repressed Question #10 (1 point)

Reality sublimated The ego constantly tries to compromise

between the demands of
Sublimated displaced
primary process and secondary
The defense mechanisms Persons who are afraid of being punished process thought
for satisfying their impulses are suffering
are always in operation to some from id and reality
neurotic anxiety id and primary process thought
operate unconsciously
reality anxiety id, reality and the superego
serve to distort reality
moral anxiety Question #11 (1 point)
all of these
severe regression allucinatory or fantasy experience
The superego is like the id in that both concerned with wish fulfillment is known as
The ego-ideal consists of
strive solely for pleasure moral anxiety
the reality principle and its strivings
demand blind obedience for the ideal ego. hysteria
derive from physiological needs ideals and principles the ego has primary process thought
are learned secondary process thought
good or correct behaviors children
Which of the following is not one of the Question #12 (1 point)
learn from their parents.
three types of anxiety proposed by Freud?
goals that the ego strives to reach. A person's first experience with fear and
frustration anxiety anxiety is the
Question #9 (1 point)
Theories of Personality: Sigmund Freud

birth trauma stop satisfaction of has been repressed out of conscious

conflict between the id and the help obtain quick satisfaction of
superego consists mainly of displaced
postpone, delay or redirect instincts.
prenatal existence in the womb
clarify Question #19 (1 point)
stress of toilet training
Question #16 (1 point) Which one of the following pairs is correct?
Question #13 (1 point)
Freud's name for psychic energy ego-pleasure principle
A person who won't stand near an open manifested by the life instincts is
window for fear of falling is id-reality principle
experiencing reaction formation id-pleasure principle
in need of a parachute superego-conscience principle
a victim of moral anxiety Question #20 (1 point)
carrying reality anxiety beyond the Neurotic anxiety results from a conflict
point of normality Question #17 (1 point) between

Question #14 (1 point) When you love someone, Freud would say id and superego
your libido is ____ to that person.
If Freud's follower Otto Rank is right, you superego and ego-ideal
knew it was going to be a bad day the death instincts
id and ego
first time you were rejected by a superego
sweetheart ego and superego
life instincts
day you were enrolled in school SubmitLogout
first time your mother scolded you Question #18 (1 point)
severely Theories of Personality Sigmund Freud Part
Material in the preconscious 2
day you were born
was once conscious but cannot
Question #15 (1 point) become conscious again.
The task of the ego is to __________ id GOOD LUCK, PENTAGON STUDENTS! TOP
can be easily brought into THE BOARD EXAMS!
impulses. consciousness.
Theories of Personality: Sigmund Freud

Question #1 (1 point) faces a conflict between an id suppression

impulse and societal demands.
A boy resolves his Oedipus complex when denial
he wants to sexually possess the parent
of the opposite sex. reaction formation
identifies with this father
shifts the focus of pleasure from regression
reaches adolescence anus to genitals. Question #8 (1 point)
falls in love with a girl his own age all of these The oral stage of development
reaches the age of three Question #5 (1 point) lasts from age three to age five.
Question #2 (1 point) Freud believed that a girl's Oedipal complex begins after the child is weaned.
A person who is stubborn and stingy may was resolved by identifying with her
be an ____ type of personality. lasts from birth until about age two.
oral incorporative begins at about age two.
develops during the oral stage.
oral aggressive Question #9 (1 point)
could never be totally resolved.
anal retentive In the defense mechanism of
involves hatred of her father. rationalization, a/n
anal aggressive Question #6 (1 point) disturbing impulse is attributed to
Question #3 (1 point) Infants learn from their mothers to see the someone else.

Freud believed all females suffer from a world as either good or bad during the original impulse is replaced by a
problem he called birth trauma nonthreatening one.

penis envy oral stage behavior is reinterpreted to make it

more acceptable.
phallic foolishness nasal stage
threatening impulse is pushed out of
castration anxiety anal stage consciousness.
puppy love Question #7 (1 point) Question #10 (1 point)
Question #4 (1 point) A person who refuses to acknowledge the A person who has a strong urge to torture
During the phallic stage of development, existence of some external threat is using animals but instead becomes a vocal
the child the defense mechanism of
Theories of Personality: Sigmund Freud

member of an animal rights group is an The latency period is a natural time for excessively pessimistic, hostile, and
example of learning because the aggressive.

sublimation anal conflicts are resolved. excessively optimistic and

repression sex instinct is dormant.
reaction formation phallic character emerges.
displacement superego is formed.
Question #17 (1 point)
Question #11 (1 point) Question #14 (1 point)
Which one of the following is the correct
The defense mechanism in which behavior All of the following are defense order for Freud's psychosexual stages of
is reinterpreted to make it more acceptable mechanisms except development?
rationalization oral - anal - phallic - genital
sublimation anal - oral - phallic - genital
projection phallic - oral - anal - genital
reaction formation
cathexis genital - phallic - anal - oral
Question #15 (1 point) Question #18 (1 point)
Question #12 (1 point)
Each of Freud's psychosexual stages is Sexual conflict during the genital stage is
Castration anxiety defined by a/n ____ of the body. minimized through
develops in adolescence. erogenous zones sublimation
may have played a role in Freud's adolescence development regression
own childhood.
sweet spot catharsis
develops from over identification
with the father. mature sex organ reaction formation

results from the fixation of libido at Question #16 (1 point) Question #19 (1 point)
the anal stage. A person fixated at the oral aggressive A person may be unable to move from one
Question #13 (1 point) stage is likely to be psychosexual stage of development to the
next because the
Theories of Personality: Sigmund Freud

conflict in the earlier stage is object compensation

impetus conversion
needs in the earlier stage have been
so well satisfied the person does not want Question #2 (1 point) Question #5 (1 point)
to move on. Research on the defense mechanisms has The method of free association is related to
libido is fixated at the earlier stage. shown that denial
all of these denial is used more by young
children than adolescents. catharsis
Question #20 (1 point) hypnosis
identification is used more by
The Oedipus Complex can develop during adolescents than young children. rationalization
the ____ stage.
there may be a hierarchy of defense Question #6 (1 point)
phallic mechanisms.
The last stage in Sigmund Freud theory is
oral all of these
anal Question #3 (1 point)
genital A person who gave a gift to a person after
hitting her is engaging in anal
repression genital
Theories of Personality Sigmund Freud Part
3 projection Question #7 (1 point)

reaction formation The latent content of a dream is the

GOOD LUCK, PENTAGON STUDENTS! TOP undoing less important aspect of the dream
THE BOARD EXAMS! (the manifest content is more important).
Question #4 (1 point)
Question #1 (1 point) memory of the dream the next
The defense mechanism utilized when a morning.
The force that drives the instinct is known person suddenly experiences numbness
as the because of anxiety is overt story of the dream.

source repression hidden symbolic meaning of the

aim sublimation
Theories of Personality: Sigmund Freud

Question #8 (1 point) The tools Freud employed to investigate The development of a resistance in
personality included all of the following psychoanalysis indicates that
Freud's research can be criticized for all of except
the following except the analyst has broken through the
questionnaires. patient's repression.
he made no attempt to verify the
accuracy of his patients' reports. resistances. treatment is proceeding in the right
his data was not gathered in free association.
systematic fashion. it is time to terminate the treatment.
dream analysis.
his sample of subjects was small and hypnosis will now be required.
unrepresentative of the general population. Question #12 (1 point)
Question #15 (1 point)
he did not look deeply into the Freud's methods of assessment
psyche. According to Freud, the ultimate goal of life
are no longer used. is the
Question #9 (1 point) focus on conscious experience. resolution of the Oedipus complex.
One of the leaders of the neo-Freudian reveal a great deal of repressed
movement was suppression of the ego by the
material superego.
Albert Bandura relied heavily on self-report reduction of tension.
Gordon Allport inventories.
maximization of id pleasures.
Anna Freud Question #13 (1 point)
Question #16 (1 point)
Carl Jung Which of the following is the least
important influence on human thought and Freud believed that personality was formed
Question #10 (1 point) behavior, according to mainly through

The term "psychic determinism" refers to Freud? the development of intelligence,

reason, and logic.
the influence of the unconscious childhood emotion
habits developed through
will power reason experience.
extra-sensory perception unconscious forces a series of conflicts during the first
the scientific method instincts five years.

Question #11 (1 point) Question #14 (1 point) genetic inheritance.

Theories of Personality: Sigmund Freud

Question #17 (1 point) interpersonal relations

Morality principle is upheld by the overthrowing Freud's ideas

id instinctual drives

unconscious identification with the father

ego SubmitLogout


Question #18 (1 point)

In Freud's view of human nature, people are

not very admirable.

dark cellars of conflict.

doomed to anxiety.

all of these

Question #19 (1 point)

In interpreting dream symbols, Freud

claimed that steps, ladders, and staircases

social climbing

sexual intercourse.

sexual organs.


Question #20 (1 point)

Object relations theories place great

emphasis on

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