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Group: - A group is defined as two or more individual, interacting and

independent, who have come together to achieve particular object.

Joining the group: - people join the in some things. They are

 Status

 Self Esteem

 Affiliation

 Power

 Social Achievement.

Type of group: -

Formal Informal
group group

Command Interest Friendship

Task group
group group group
Type of group definition: -

1) Formal group: - a designated work group defined by the

organization’s structure.
Exam- The six members making up an airline flight crew are an
example of a formal group.

a) Command Group: - a group composed of the individual who report

directly to a given manager.
b) Task group: - those working together to complete a job task.

2) Informal group: - a group that is neither formal structured nor

organizationally determined; appears in response to the need for
social contact.
Exam- three employees from different department who regularly eat
lunch together are an example of an informal group.

a) Interest group: - those working together to attain a specific

object with which each is concerned.
b) Friendship group: - those brought together because they share
one or more common characteristics.

Stage of group development: - group generally passes through a

standard sequence in their evolution. We call this the “five-stage of
group development”. This five stages is
Stage of group
development Forming




Stage of group development definition: -

1. Forming: - The first stage in group development, characterized by

which uncertainty.
2. Storming: - The second stage in group development characterizes
by intragroup conflict.
3. Norming: - The third stage in group development, characterizes
by close relationship and cohesiveness.
4. Performing: - The four stage in group development, when the
group is fully functional.
5. Adjusting: - The final stage in group development for temporary
groups characterized by concern with wrapping up activities rather
than task performance.

Group Properties: -

Group properties Role



Group Properties definition: -

1. Role: - A set of expected behavior patterns attributed to someone
occupying a given position in a social unit. It has three part
a. Role identity
b. Role perception
c. Role expectation
d. Role conflict
2. Norms: - Acceptable of behavior within a group that is shared by
the group’s member. It has some part

 The Hawthorne studies

 Common classes of norms
 Conformity
 Deviant workplace behavior

3. Status: - A socially defined position or rank given to groups or

group members by others.

4. Size: - It has three parts.

 Small
 Large
 Social loafing

5. Cohesiveness: - Degree to which group members are attracted to

each other and are motivated to stay in the group.

Objective of Groups

The objective of the group is to introduce to basic

group concept, provide with a foundation for
understanding how groups work, and to show how to
create effective group.

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