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American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO were Philadelphia, PA Area Local APY Blair Lawrence ‘Tosser 864 Main Street Darby, PA 19023 Lary C. Henderson Phone (610) 622-4520 "Fax (610) 522-4533 = FYI RUMORS Dear APWU Members: I am writing this letter to address rumors that have been spreading across the workfloor at the Lindbergh Plant. Normally, the APWU does not address rumors but, I have first-hand knowledge of the rumors being spread by a disgruntled ex-union steward. I have been approached by many members, in person and with phone calls, asking about the false statements being spread by a disgruntled ex-steward. The biggest untruth I would like to address is that the ex-steward was decertified because Management asked the Union to do so because they were filing too many grievances. This statement could not be further from the truth. ‘The fact is that this ex-steward was writing grievances on their own behalf; 33 of their first 36 grievances were denial of steward time grievances payable to themselves. They received thousands of dollars in their own pocket. Also, this ex-steward spent hours and hours writing and filing frivolous EEO’s on their own behalf all of which have been thrown out. Now this ex- steward is representing non-members. They are having non-members call and email your Union Hall asking to see grievances, and asking when they are going to receive grievance money. This ex-steward was decertified for the following reasons: 1. Refusing to follow directions from Union Officers. This is a violation of our Local Constitution. 2. Verbally and physically assaulting and threatening female stewards and officers. 3. Threatening to bring the Local down to its knees. 4. Filing grievances for themselves and not the members they were certified to represent. 5. Also, there are individuals giving and taking credit for rulings grieved and won by our Union, a Consent Order dated December 2, 2016. Charges were filed at the NLRB by our Union and a Consent Order was granted. T hope this letter helps clear the air and puts to rest the fraudulent statements being spread by a disgruntled ex-steward. If in the future you hear any statements that you have issue with or questions about, please ask. Thank you. In solidarity, Nick Casselli ~ please post ~ Present PHILA PA AREA LOCAL APWU #89. 02/33/17

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