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Abrams, M. H.

The Mirror and the Lamp

Alexander, Christopher The Timeless Way of Building
Babbage, Charles Passages from the Life of a Philosopher
Barnum, P. T. The Art of Money Getting
Barton, Carlin Roman Honor
Baudrillard, Jean Simulation and Simulacra
Beazley, Raymond Prince Henry the Navigator
Bell, E. T. Men of Mathematics
Benton, Michael J. Vertebrate Palaeontology
Bey, Hakim T.A.Z.
Bishop, Morris The Middle Ages
Bloom, Harold The Western Canon
Bostrom, Nick Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies
Bradbury, Ray Zen in the Art of Writing
Breasted, James H. History of Egypt
Breuil, Abb Henri Four Hundred Centuries of Cave Art
Brunton, Paul Hermit in the Himalayas
Chappell, Warren A Short History of the Printed Word
Charles, Lyell Principles of Geology
Daumal, Ren Mount Analogue
Davies, Paul The Mind of God
de Pizan, Christine The Book of Deeds and Arms and Chivalry
Denton, Andrew B. The Quest for Prester John
Dostoevsky, Fyodor Pages from the Journal of an Author
Dunsany, Lord Time and the Gods
Eliade, Mircea History of Religious Ideas
Erds, Paul Proofs from the Book
Euclid, Elements
Fadiman, Clifton Fantasia Mathematica, The Mathematical Magpie
Fallada, Hans The Drinker
Faraday, Michael Chemical History of a Candle
Feyerabend, Paul Against Method
Feynman, Richard Lectures on Physics
Forlong, J.G.R., Rivers Of Life
Fortey, Richard Earth: An Intimate History
Frankl, Viktor Man's Search for Meaning
Frazer, J. G. The Golden Bough (unabridged)
Frege, Gottlob The Foundations of Arithmetic
Freitas, Robert A. Xenology
Fulcanelli The Mystery of the Cathedrals
Fuller, Thomas The History of the Worthies of England
Galton, Francis Inquiries into Human Faculty and its Development
Gardner, Martin Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science
Gies, Joseph Life in a Medieval Castle
Gleick, James The Information
Goldman, Emma What I Believe
Graves, Robert The White Goddess
Haldane, J. B. S. Possible Worlds
Hall, Manly The Secret Teachings of All Ages
Hardy G. T. Archimedes' Revenge The Joys and Perils of Mathematics
Hawthorne, Nathaniel Notebooks
Hourani, George F. Arab Seafaring in the Indian Ocean
Jordan, William George Self control, Its Kingship and Majesty
Julian Jaynes, The Bicameral Mind
Kekaumenos Strategikon
Kenton, Edna The Book of Earths
Kerrigan, Michael Dark History of the Catholic Church
Kharms, Daniil Incidences
Knuth, Donald, Surreal Numbers
Kotov, Alexander Think Like a Grandmaster
Lecky, William Edward Hartpole History of European Morals
Lem, Stanislaw The Cyberiad
Matthews, W.H. Mazes and Labyrinths
Moskowitz, Martin Adventures in Mathematics
Mumford, Lewis The City in History
Newbrough, John Oahspe: A New Bible
Newell, Waller The Code of Man
Olcott, William Tyler Star Lore of All Ages
Parry, Daniel J. The Discovery of the Sea
Piper, Ross Extinct Animals
Piranesi, Giovanni Battista Carceri d'invenzione
Pirenne, Henri Mohammed and Charlemagne
Plato Timaeus
Psellos, Michael Chronographia
Pythagoras Writings
Reade, William Winwood The Martyrdom of Man
Rolfe, Frederick Hadrian the Seventh, Letters
Rosa, Joo Guimares The Devil to Pay in the Backlands
Rucker, Rudy Infinity and the Mind
Runciman, Steven A History of the Crusades
Russell, Bertrand The Conquest of Happiness
Schwob, Marcel Imaginary Lives
Serafini, Luigi Codex Seraphinianus
Silverberg, Robert The Realm of Prester John
Singer, Charles A History of Technology
Sinnett, A.P. Esoteric Buddhism
Smullyan, Raymond The Chess Mysteries of Sherlock Holmes
The Boy Scout Handbook
Weaver, Warren Alice in Many Tongues
White, Walter Stravinsky: The Composer and his Works
Wilson, Robert Anton The Cosmic Trigger
Wright, Thomas Narratives of Sorcery and Magic
Zweig, Stefan Three Masters: Balzac, Dickens, Dostoeffsky
The Greek Anthology
The Coming Insurrection
The I Ching
The Panchatantra Tales
The Urantia Book

Rudolf Steiner
Young, Marguerite Miss Macintosh, My Darling
Mary Butts
Julien Gracq
Bowles, Jane Two Serious Ladies
Monterroso, Augusto All the Rest is Silence
Fraser, Craig The Cosmos A historical Perspective

Babbage, Charles Passages from the Life of a Philosopher

Barnum, P. T. The Art of Money Getting
Benton, Michael J. Vertebrate Palaeontology
Bloom, Harold The Western Canon
Bostrom, Nick Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies
Bradbury, Ray Zen in the Art of Writing
Brunton, Paul Hermit in the Himalayas
Davis, Miles Miles: the Autobiography
Debord, Guy The Society of the Spectacle
gra, Daniel A General History of the Pirates
Dunsany, Lord Time and the Gods
Edson, Russell The Tunnel Selected Poems
Erds, Paul Proofs from the Book
Euclid, Elements
Fallada, Hans The Drinker
Faraday, Michael Chemical History of a Candle
Feyerabend Paul Against Method
Forlong, Rivers Of Life
Freitas, Robert A. Xenology
Gardner, Martin Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science
Gleick, James The Information
Haldane, J. B. S. Possible Worlds
Helmholtz Popular Lectures
Kharms, Daniil Incidences
Knuth, Donald, Surreal Numbers
Lecky, William Edward Hartpole History of European Morals
Lem, Stanislaw The Cyberiad
Olcott, William Tyler Star Lore of All Ages
Reade, Winwood The Martyrdom of Man
Russell, Bertrand The Conquest of Happiness
Schwob, Marcel Imaginary Lives
Serafini, Luigi Codex Seraphinianus
Smullyan, Raymond What is the Name of this Book?
The Book of the Taking of Ireland
The Greek Anthology

A Buddhist Bible
Kempas, Thomas The Imitation of Christ
A Step Farther Out
Abish, Walter Alphabetical Africa
Abu-Jamal, Mumia Live from Death Row, Death Blossoms
Adomo, Theodor Minima Moralio
Amis, Martin Money
Aragon, Louis Paris Peasant
Archbold: Criminal Pleading, Evidence and Practice
Aridjir, Chloe Book of Clouds
Ashbery, John Europe
Austen, Jane Emma
Bajema, Don Reach
Balzac, Honor de Seraphita, About Catherine de Medici, Louis Lambert
Bennett, John G. Gurdjieff: A Very Great Enigma
Bentham, Jeremy Panopticon
Berdyaev, N. Dostoevsky
Berryman Dream Songs
Bingham, Tom The Rule of Law
Black, Robert The Abolition of Work
Bloom, Howard The Lucifer Principle
Bloy, Lon Discourteous Tales
Bonaparte, Napoleon Memoirs
Bonifazi, Conrad Kierkegaard and Nietzsche
Borgmann, Dmitri Language on Vacation
Bowen, Elizabeth The Heat of the Day
Bradley, F. H. Appearance of Reality
Brady, Ian The Gates of Janus
Brnte, Charlotte Jane Eyre
Buchan, James A Good Time to Die
Burnham, Robert Burnhams Celestial Handbook
Carson, Cairan The Star Factor
Casanova, Giacomo Memoirs, History of My Life
Cash, Johnny Cash
Cazotte, Jacques The Devil in Love
Cendrars, Blaise Bourlinguer, Le Main Coup, The Astonished Man, I Have Killed
Chandler, Raymond The Big Sleep
Cicero The Dream of Scipio
Clastres, Pierre Chronicle of the Guayaki Indians
Cohn, R. G. The Poetry of Rimbaud
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor Journals
Connell, Richard The Most Dangerous Game
Connolly, Cyril Enemies of Promise
Conway, J.H. The Book of Numbers
Cornin, Tony Dead as Doornails
Corso, Gregory Mind Field
Cortzar, Julio Axolotl, John Keats
Cosmic Frontiers of General Relativity
Crevel, Ren Putting my Foot in it
David, Stuart Nista Said
Davis, Stephen Hammer of the Gods
de Alarcn, Pedro The Friend of Death
De Jonge, Alex Nightmare Culture
De Molinos, Miguel The Spiritual Guide
de Svign, Madame Letters
Deleuze, Gilles A Thousand Plateaus
Divine Pymander of Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus
Dixon, Dougal After Man: A Zoology of the Future
Doblin, Alfred Berlin Alexanderplatz
Doty, Mark Atlantis
Drayton, Michael The Polyolbion
Dubois, W.E.B. The Souls of Black Folk
Dullagham, John Bukowski
Eisenstein, Sergei Film Forum/The Film Sense
el Saadawi, Naval God Dies By The Nile
Eliot, George The Lifted Veil, Daniel Deronda
Eliot, T. S. Selected Essays
Ellison, Ralph Invisible Man, Juneteenth
Engdahl, Claire Messud The Emperors Clothes
Epson, William Seven Types of Ambiguity
Erdmann. History of Philosophy
Ernst, Max Beyond Painting and Other Writings
Etiemble Le Mythe de Rimbaud
Exley, Frederich A Fans Notes
Faber, Michael The Fire Gospel
Faladi, Susan Stiffed
Fante, John The Wine of Youth
Farber, Manny Negative Space
Faulks, Sebastian Birdsong
Feneon, Felix Novels in Three Lines
Feynman, Richard Lectures on Physics
Creasy, E.S Fifteen Decisive Battles
Fish, Stanley How to Write a Sentence: And How to Read One
Fitzgerald, F. Scott Early Success, Pat Hobby stories, The Last Tycoon
Forster, E.M. Two Cheers for Democracy
Fox, George Journals
Freud, Sigmund Leonardo da Vinci
Fuller, Roy The Second Curtain
Fumiko, Enchi The Waiting Years, The Adventures of Caleb Williams
G. R. S. Mead, Pistis Sophia
Gangemi, Kenneth Corroboree
Gay, William Wittgensteins Lolita
George, Jean Craighead My Side of the Mountain
Godwin, William The Adventures of Caleb Williams
Gorey, Edward The Gashleycrumb Tinies
Gould, Stephen J. Trilobite!
Greg, John Straw Dogs
Grimm, Jacob Teutonic Mythology
Grossmith, George The Diary of a Nobody
Gunnars, Kristjana The Prowler
Gurdjieff, George All and Everything
Gutkind, Erich The Absolute Collective
Hall, Nordhoff Pitcairn Island
Halpern, Charna Truth in Comedy
Halsburys Laws of England
Hamilton, David Mike The Tools of My Trade
Hamilton, Patrick Hangover Square
Hamsun, Knut Women at the Pump, Segelfoss Town
Hart, Liddell History of the War of 1914 - 1918
Hearn, Lafcadio Japanese Fairy Tales
Hee, Kim Hyun Tears of my Soul
Heine, Heinrich Memoirs
Hejinian, Lyn My Life
Herdeg, Walter Graphis diagrams: The graphic visualization of abstract data
Hikmet, Nazin Poetry
Hinton, C. H. Scientific Romances
History of European Morals
History of Sex
Hulme, T. E. Speculations
Husserl Phenomenological Disciplines
Icke, David The Biggest Secret
Ilf, Ilya & Yevgeny Petrov The Twelve Chairs
Influence: Science and Practice
Inman, Arthur C, Diary
Ishiguro, Kazuo An Artist of the Floating World
Isidore of Seville Etymologies
Jacobsen, Jens Peter Six Stories
James, Henry Sr. Society and the Redeemed form of Man
Johnson, B.S. The Unfortunates
Jos, F. Sionil Mass
Joubert, Joseph Penses
Judgment Under Uncertainty: Heuristics and Biases
Jung, Carl The Red Book
Juster, Norton The Phantom Tollbooth
Kachergis, Joyce One Book/Five Ways
Kastelanety, Richard Aftertexts, Recyclings
Kierkegaard, Sren The Sickness Unto Death, Unscientific Postscript
King, Francis Megatherion: The Life of Aleister Crowley
Kinski, Klaus Kinski Uncut (Autobiography)
Klein, Sydney T. Science And The Infinite
Knausgaard, Karl My Struggle
Kopek, Harvey American Splendour
Kropotkin, Peter Mutual Aid, The Conquest of Bread, Words of a Rebel
Kuhn, Thomas The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
Lafargue, Paul The Right to be Lazy
Language in Thought and Action
Larsson, Stieg Millennium
Lawrence, Peter The Making of a Fly
Lewes, G. H. The Life of Goethe
LIBER DXXXVI..A Complete Treatise on Astrology
LIBER LI..The Lost Continent.
London, Jack The Concentric Deaths
Lowell History
Lucian of Samosata True History
Lugones, Leopoldo The Jesuit Empire
Mandelstam, Osip Poems
Mann, Thomas Doktor Faustus
Marlsem, David This is Not a Novel
Maude, Aylmer Life of Tolstoy
McCaffery, Rasula Imagining Language
McCann, Eamonn War and an Irish Town
McDairmid, Hugh Cornish Heroic Songs for Valda Trvlyn
McElwee, Ross Time Indefinite
Meltzer, Richard The Aesthetics of Rock
Messud, Claire The Emperor's Children
Metzger, Richard Book of Lies
Metzler David E. Biochemistry
Miller, Walter A Canticle For Leibowitz
Milosz, Oscar The Keys of the Apocalypse
Monk, Ray Ludwig Wittgenstein: The Duty of Genius
Moore, Alan Voice of the Fire
Morris, William News from Nowhere
Mossman, Dow The Stones of Summer
Mudrooroo, Doctor Wooreddy's Prescription for Enduring the Ending of the World
Munif, Abdul Rahman Cities of Salt
Murdoch, Iris The Bell
Muzyczuk, Daniel Cosmos
Myers, L. H. The Root and the Flower
Nadir, Moishe My Life as an Echo
Naipaul, V. S. A Bend in the River
Naoya, Shiga A Dark Night's Passing
Newman, J. H. Apologia
no Narihara, Ariwara Tales of Ise
Noon, Jeff Cobralingus, Vurt
Norwich, Julius History of Byzantium
Notovitch, Nicolas The Unknown Life of Jesus
Novello, Don The Lazlo Letters
O'Hara, John Appointment in Samarra
Olson, Charles The Maximus Poems
Ouspensky, Peter The Symbolism of the Tarot
Ovid Metamorphosis, Love Poems
Padgett, Lewis Mimsy were the Borogroves
Papini, Giovanni The Failure, The Escaping Mirror, Words and Blood
Paramahansa-Yogananda, Autobiography of a Yogi
Parsons, Terence Nonexistent Objects
Patanjai, Yoga Aphorisms
Patchen, Kenneth Wonderings
Peacock, Thomas Love Nightmare Abbey
Peck, George Wilbur Peck's Bad Boy
Pguy, Charles Men and Saints
Pelevin, Victor Helmet of Horror
Percival, W. O. William Blake's Circle of Destiny
Perec, Georges A Void
Perez, Richard The Losers Club
Pestalozzi, Johann Heinrich Evening Hours of a Hermit
Pickover, Clifford Keys to Infinity
Po Ch-I Poems
Powers, Richard The Time of Our Singing
Powys, John Cowper Visions and Revisions, Autobiography
Priestly, J. B. Literature and Western Man
Questions of King Milinda
Rational Choice in an Uncertain World
Ros, Amanda Macitrick Irene Iddesleigh
Rousseau Jean-Jacques, Reveries of a Solitary Walker
Sackson, Sid A Gamut of Games
Saltus, Edgar The Imperial Purple
Scarry, Richard Busytown
Schreber, Daniel Memoirs of my Nervous Illness
Schrodinger, Erwin What is Life
Schulberg, Budd What Makes Sammy Run?
Segal, William Voice at the Border of Silence
Sexton, Anne The Death Notebook
Shah, Idries Tales Of The Dervishes
Shah, Idriesi The Book of the Book
Shaw, G. B. Prefaces
Shoemaker, Sydney Time without Change
Silliman, Ron Ketjak, Tjanting
Smart, Christopher Jubilate Agno
Spare, Austin Osman Earth Inferno, The Philosophy of Ecstasy
Spark, Muriel The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie
Spinelli, Aldo Loopings, Chisel Book
Srischandra Basu (trans.), Shiva Sanhita
St. Exupry, Antoine Le Petit Prince
Stahler, Steven, The Formation of Stars
Steiner, Rudolf Outline of Occult Science
Stendhal The Charterhouse of Parma
Stevenson, Robert Louis The Isle of the Voices
Strindberg, August Keys to Heaven
Suber, Howard The Power of Film
Sullivan, Louis The Autobiography of an Idea
Svatmarama, Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Svoboda, Robert Aghora: At the Left Hand of God
The Book of Abreamelon the Mage
The Chaldean Oracles Of Zoroaster
The Divine Pymander
The Goetia
The Greater Key Of Solomon
The History of Prostitution
The Oracles of Zoroaster
The Pistis Sophia
The Sacred Magic of Abramelin The Mage
The Upanishads
The Urantia Book
Thomas, Lewis The Lives of a Cell
Topor, Roland The Tenant
Traherne, Thomas Centuries of Meditation
Trakl, Georg Autumn Sonata
Trumbo, Dalton Johnny Got His Gun
Vivekananda, Swami Raja Yoga
Vliet, Don Van Skeleton Breath, Scorpion Blush
Vollmann, William Rising Up and Rising Down
von Sacher-Masoch, L. The Serpent in Paradise, Venus in Furs
Walpole, Hugh Above the Dark Circus
Warner, Alan Morvern Callar
Waugh, Evelyn Scoop
Watson, James D. The Double Helix
Weigall, Arthur Akhnaton
Wells, H. G. Mind at the End of Its Tether
Werfel, Franz Star of the Unborn
Whitehead, Colson The Colossus of New York
Williams, John Stones
Wilmott, John Poems
Wilson, Edward O. The Insect Societies
Wolfson, Louis Le Schizo et les Langues
Woodward, F. L. Sayings of the Buddha
Woolf, Virginia Street Haunting, A London Adventure
Wright, Ernest Vincent Gadsby
Wright, Richard Native Son
Yamata, Kikou Three Geishas
Yeats, W. B. A Vision, Autobiography
Yourgrau, Barry Wearing Dads Head
Yourgrau, Palle A World Without Time
Yupanqui, Titu Cusi An Inca Account of the Conquest of Peru
Zewig, Stephan Unknown Letters
Zuern, Unica Dark Spring

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