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RESOLUTIONS sought Art XV Proceedings “The vomplainant seeks the following in resolutions: 1) The immediate resignation or suspension of Local 89 Tour 1 Chief Larry Love until an ‘emergency/expedited Article XV Hearing can be convened pursuant to his impeachment 2) Upon being found guilty and/or impeached, not allowed to run forfr hold for ANY Official ‘APWU Local 89 position for three (3) years 3) Reimbursement of All Union dues paid by Member Hall t» APWU Local 89 during the entire term of Tour 1 Chief Larry Love. Up to and including the date of final adjudication in the enclosed statec matter plus 5% interested compounded monthly. As would be the case said ‘monies placed in a money market Plus the entire Five Hundred ($500) paid annually throughout his term as tated within APWU Local Constitution 4) Immediate elease and forwarding ofthe findings of Art XV Local charges & investigative inquiry to Complainant for attachment to FEOC and U.S. District Court Civil Complaint of discrimination yd = SSGh Be Insoldaiy, respect submited g is es Uae jeu Us Yee Rober a Ante ta ty Sha dated uae sew pe i i x ut ing ae on, 70Me 1970 0000 80S1 3738 RESOLUTIONS sought Art XV Proceedings “The complainaat seeks the following in resolutions: 1) The immediate resignation or impeachment of President Cassell for failure to uphold his Local #89 Presidential duties, violating his Oath of Office andthe Landrum-Griffin Act, In passing {fentence the teal board must bear in mind the acts of Chief Love and President Casseli are inextricably Hked. Further corroboration is cited in ART VIll ~ CHIEF STEWARDS ™...hey shall perform such other duties as the President may require of them...” +2) Upon being found guilty and/or impeached, President Cassel not be allowed fo run frlor hold for ANY Official APWU Local 89 position for three (3) years 13) The complainant paid $5000 from the “...$10,500.00 per annum” cited ART VIE 4) Immediate elease and forwarding ofthe findings of Art XV Local charges & investigative inquiry to Complainant for attachment to EEOC and U.S. District Court Civil Complaints (2) of NEGLIGENCE (Cassel and APWU) al vas wet opty i eh : Ele Pets if Union Member Robert Hall al, aan ie 33. Say fetch sm shelve Hale ose is Af Sealine o 2G wou oma bi] awoo 208 2 70L6 1370 0003 4513 suas 1 1 UE arabes [oan woot wood OFSO, Nt! RESOLUTIONS sought Art XV Proceedings ‘The complainant seeks the following in resolutions: 1) The immediate resignations or impeachments of President Casselli for misappropriation of funds, filure to vphold his Local #89 Presidential Constitutional duties and responsibilities, ‘violating his Oath of Office, violating his Fiduciary Responsibility and the Landrum-Griffin Act; Director of Indusrial Relations Larry Henderson for misappropriation of funds, failure to uphold his Local #89 Director of Industral Relations Constitutional duties and responsibilities, violating his Oath of Office, violating his Fiduciary Responsibility andthe Landrum-Griffin Act; Chief Larry Love for misappropriation of funds, failure to uphold his Local #89 Chief Steward Constitutional duties and responsibilities, violating his Oath of Office, violating his Fiduciary Responsibility andthe Landrum-Griffin Act 2) Upon being found guilty and/or impeached, President Casselli, Director of Industrial Relations Larry Hendersonand Chief Larry Love not be allowed to run for‘or hold for ANY Official APWU Local 89 position for five (5) years. 3) Charged parties Cassell, Henderson and Love be held personally liable and accountable for ‘membership restitution claims of up to $100,000.00 each. In defense of any resultant criminal ‘sharnee he len held Fahlo tn hail ccal and National APWU for restoration of any legal fees vers} a Mi 2 + i vascre an ance M. ve \vestigations, Department of Labor O1G and USPS OIG. ation claims fled in US. District Court. b w & i) e204! Las 1 e14s coo ee 2rsoes6 iT MAIL. RECEIPT Sh mets 7024 0520 o00L 3869 4E07

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