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f Nepal Telecom Part 1 (General Module) Compulsory Subject (¥riten Examination for Electronics and Communications, Computer, Electrical, Mechanical and Civil Engineer Level? Tech: 2066) Time: 2 Hours Full Marks: 100 Pass Marks Section A+B=40 Part I: General Module, See (A) Technical (A) Tick LW the correct answer from the different alternative given (each question carries | mark, % marks wll be deducted foreach incorrect answes) (@20st=20) ‘The equation X"~ Y"=0 represents: (a) Ciele 2 (©) Porsbola] ——(c) Staightine] (4) ancempty set 2. To prevent overloading ofthe lst IF amplifier in a receiver one should use (@) Squeten (b) Variable sensitivity) (6) Variable selectivity (¢) Double conversion CY 3. A site protocol used fr fetching e-mail from a mail box is: (a) POPs Cl ) SMTP (©) POP] @ IMAe 4. A symmetie Muli Processing system canbe defined a: (a) system which treats all CPU equally C} (a) a system which couples CPU loosely (c)_a system which couples CPU tightly CD (@) a system which treats all CPU differently: 5, The area ofthe region bounded by one arch of sinax or coax and Xan ole oO a O o @ 400 § Inthe Figure below. find Q and x for he system to bein equilibrium. “ya ea 4 (b) Q= #399. x= 203.0 () Q 549.03 'n Telecommunication equipment mostly which earthing is done? (@) positive earthing [ (6) bothofthem {ow many bis do you thin, wi be adequate to encode ingivdual character in Devanagari script @120 (>) 16 wor OD Ww 00 9. | Area of sphere having ai is, aie” (ane? jane? gy (@ aon? O © 1 Moment ofinenia is experienced in (2) Launching of rocket C] (b) Traveling ina train (©) Both aandb (a) None of aboxe ‘Transformer is used to change the values of (@) Voltage O} (6) Frequency E]—(e) Power factor Ed) Power Ina full wave rectifier the diodes conduct for (2) Onehalfeycle E(t) Fulleycle ]—(¢} Alternatehalfeycle EJ (4) None of above 3) e-mail is used to (a) Send letter only 0) (b) Receive letter only C) (6) Send and receive leer (2) None of above O FM transmiter has maximum fFequency deviation of 75 ki and reproduces audi signals upto |S ‘H, Minimum channel width required is @ 10 0 ®rd © oO oo ‘The equati (@) SA=xD'xHO (b) SA=aD(S+D)O (©) SA=xD'xSO] (4) Noncofabove 0) ‘ick the incorrect statement. The term air-conditioning denotes the simultaneous and effective contral of (a) temperature CQ] —(b) humidity (6) vis (6) air motion & purity for surface area SA ofa cone 1a base diameter of 2D. height H and the slant height S ‘A parallel ac cireuit in resonance will (2) act ike a resisior of low value) (b) have a high impedance (©) have current in each section equal o line current CO (@) have high voltage developed across each inductive and capacitive section [] Which newton's law of motion govems the mass and weight concept (a) Firstlaw C] — (b) Second law C] (c) Third law (] —_(d) Noneof them () ‘The RS232 interface (2) Imerconnecis datasets and transmission circuit (b) Uses several different circuits (©) Permits custom wiring of @ connector point as desired 2] (@) Allof above] The binary equivalent of 27s is (a) 11100 omng “eon (@) 11000 Write short notes (6xt=24) Define and explain Center of gravity and Centroid ‘Draw truth table for NAND and NOR gates with input O and | What is the importance of lightning protection in the successful aperation of telecommunication systems? Calculate the maximum and minimum value of f's)=2¢"= 302 36. Define moment of inertia. Why What isa cache memory? Why {is important is designing machine parts? it useful in computer system? Answer the followin What are the advanta working of Uninterupt 18S OF full wave rectifier compared to ted power Supply (UPS)? aut all wave rectfi ) Deserite the ‘What do you mean by “intemet "? Fplain various ways of internet connectivity Written Ex Time: 2 Hours Full Marks: Nepal Telecom ination for Telecom Engineer (Electronics & Communications) level 7 Tech, 2066 00 Pass Marks: 40 EES ron ch ant Comm uata hing Part (11): Cempater Group All the Questions are Compulsory a Tick] the correet answer from the different alternatives given (each question carries 1 mark andJmark will be deducted for each wrong answer) (B0x1=30) ‘A push pull amplifier has a maximum efficiency of (a) 25% ) 339% O 665% O we oO ‘The logic family tht has the highest noise immunity ofthe folowing is (@ CMos Q ® TO eco @ omg ‘The Wien —bridge oscillator is... {@) a free running oscillator [) (b) a square wave generator (6) astable sine wave audio generator [} (4). also called sinecosine oscillator Acounter has N flip-flops. The totel number of sates is: @Nno (b) 28 O ono @eo ‘A component used to connect a balanced line to an unbalanced line fs known as 8 (a) quarter wave wansformer 2) (b) half wave transformer] (6) balun (2) waveguide For vertically polarized EM wave the (a) Magnetic and electric fields are parallel tothe ground (by Elecirie Held is parallel to the ground] (6) Electric field is penpendicular tothe ground CI () Electric & Magnetic fields are both zero Fora plane good conductor, skin depth varies (a) Direetly as the conductivity C] (b) Inversely as the Conductivity (©) Inversely asthe square rot oFcondetviy €] (4) Divedy a the square rot ofconductiviy >) The size of high directivity antena......a8 the wavelength of carer signal deoreases (a) increases {b) decreases E] (e) remains unchanged (6) increases proportional tthe square ofthe wavelength CI Function (a) one zero and two poles C1 {b) no zero and one pote C) (6), no zero and two poles.) (a) one zero and no pole (3 sonra ord contol system the delay time is the ime eqired 6 reach (a) 50% of the final value in first attempt Q) {b) 90% of the final value in first attempt C1 Cee oe a acempt] Seelage sital is given by 24 = 30 cos 2 3000 the average value of the si oycle is @xv Og ©) 30N2V Q ()30x0707V 0 @ovo pl he following is nota unit of measurement of amountof information co (@ bit ©) decit (©) nat O @e Jn a certain modulation system, the modulation index is halved when the ‘modu doubled keeping the modulating voltage the same. ‘The modulating system is, @ AM ®) MO mM oO @ pwM Fourier Series expansion of an odd periodic function contains (a) cosine terms only 2) (b) sine terms only O (6) both sine and cosine terms C] (4) none of the above ‘The Fourier transform ofa unit step function is given by @FUa=£ (6) FUe)= jo Q (@) Fa) =o @ FU} ale The spectra ofthe signal atthe output of@ LTH is {2 convolution of input signal and the impulse response ofthe system (2) convolution of input spectra and the wansfer funtion ofthe cesema Cy () Broduct of input signal and impulse response ofthe system E) (©) product of input spectra and transfer Fmetion of the sytem} ‘The line coding technique used in E1 digital stream is @ AM @)NRZ_Q fo) HOBs O @ oo {sampling time isles than the XGquit interval, then Berita etn (c) Guard Time Rediites“[ (d) Siimpler filters may be us ed 10 Obtain the original signal C) FM broadcast band lies in (© VHF band F () UF band () SHFband (6) HE band Poorman al Mile opt ofa nselver|s 6B be ralpoverienl gs Peg. power level @6 O 40 @30 @m20 Zhe Primary Rate of ISDN (PRI) in ITUT /internaional standard i et a (4) 2048 Kbys frosrbsciber makes tees phone calls of three minutes, four mimes and two ‘minutes duration in one hour period. The traffic of subscriber is 9) 045 Erlang] (8) 4.5 Erg Q] (6) 015 Erlang () 27 Enang = In case of traffic system in telecommunications the ie model used for studying delay’ system is (2) blocking model C) (b) congestion model J (c) queueing model (2) blocking and queueing models CD The number of voice frequency channels in E! PCM line is @i6 oO wa 30 0 (a) 68 One of the followings is not a layer of OS! (2) physical G) ~(b) network (©) handover (a) session The transmission rate of STM 1 in Optical Aber is: @) 155.52 MWs T) (6) 2048Mbis (©) MOMs Gd) 134M C1 ‘The connecting of two fiber is known as: (@) Fusing (b) Joining (©) Coupling (a) splici ‘The Band width of COMA technology is: (a) 200KHz (by SMH (125M OW) wasKI ZThe delay of communication between to stations onthe earth directly under the satelite ix around (a) 5imsee (b) 240 msee (6) 2 see C] (@) 500 mseep) A soelite ink uses dtferent frequencies for receiving and tasting in ord to (2) Avoid interference from teresrial microwave links {b) Avoid interference between its powerfl transmit signal and weak incoming signal) {c) Minimise free-space loss ) Maximize antenna gain CD Write Short notes (10x4=40) Explain A and j law with equations and drawing ‘What is transfer function? How is it used in LTI system? Define and Derive Snelt’s law Caleulate the path loss of a wireless system operatins, at 900 MII7 in line vf motel. Che distance between the transmitter and receiver is 20 KM. Explain the advantages of Push-Pull Amplifier Explain the difference becween PDH and SDH System Explain the importance of the feed back element far stabilization of a controls) stem Differentiate between PEM and ADPCM Draw ructure and with the help of TV curve briefly explain the operation of SUR Define the terms gain, clireetivity and radiativa patiem ofan antenna > | (©) Answer the following questions (3x10=30) 1. _Draw the block diagram of a Super heterodyne radio receiver and explain its operation. 2. Discuss the different techniques used for Improving Coverage and Capacity in cellular system, 3. Regarding switching network in digital exchange how does TS and ST switch work? What are their drawbacks and how are they solved? Explain. sits Nepal Telecom Written examination for Telecom Engineer level Tech. 2068 Time: 2 Hours Full Marks: 100 Pass Marks Section A+B = 40 Part I: (General Module) Section (A) Technic, (A) Chose the correct answer from the different alternatives & mention (a/b/e/d) in the given answer): (20x1=20) 1. The surface area ofa cylinder having diameter 2R and height H is (2) SA= 2a RCR+H) () SA=2 2 7H (©) SA=43 RRP @ SA=4aR?H (©) The sum of the products of cach element of an area multiplied by the square ofits distance from a coplanar axis (@) all of above Determine the open-circuit output voltage of the following circuit Ree tk Ris 3k a (a) SV (b) 6.82.V ()8:18V @) 10Vv 4. De-modulation is a process whereby (2) a signal is received from the system, (b) a cartier is received from the system. (c) an intelligence is recovered from the carrier (4) an intelligence is impressed on the carrier 5 How many bits are needed to address 64K memory location? (3 (b) 10 (16 (32 6 10, MW 12, 13, 15, 17. (a) Closed loops in a network (b) Electronic circuits (©) Junction in a network (a) Electric circuits ‘When square wave is passed through OP Amp Integrator the output is (@) Square wave (b) Triangular wave (c) Saw wave (4) Rectangular The ratio of specific heat at constant pressure and specific heat at constant volume is always (a) Cp>Cv (b) Cv>Cp (©Cp-cv @)l resonators are energy storage devices and are used in (@) Klystron, (©) Band pass filter (©) Wave meter (4) All ofthese Radiation resistance of a half wave dipole is (@) 73 OHM (&)377 OHM ()3000HM — (4) S00HM ‘The VHF band is (@) 03-3 MHZ (b) 3-30 MHZ (©)30-300MHZ (4)0.3-3GHZ When the voltage applied across a p-n junction is increased from 1 to4 volt, the junction capacities (@) increases by a factor of 2 (b) decreases by a factor of 2 (©) decreases by a factor of 4 (d) decreases by a factor of 16 Which of the following definitions is correct & uses only quantities rather than units ? (a) Density is mass per cubic metre (b) Potential difference is energy per unit of current (©) Pressure is force per unit area (@) Speed is distance travelled per second A cylindrical piece of a soft electrically conducting material has resistance R. It is rolled out so that its length is doubled but its volume remains constant. What is the new Resistance ? (@) R2 ®R (©) 2R @ 4R As compared to Voltage regulator made up of discrete components, IC regulators have the inherent advantages of {@) Self protection against over temperature (b) Remote contro! (©) Current limiting : (@) Allof the above An object of mass m slides with constant acceleration a down the plane making an angle © with the horizontal. The frictional force acting on the object is (@) mg - asin ® (b) mg sin @~ ma (©) (mg—ma) sin @ (2) (mg+ma sin @ First integrated chip was developed by (@)C.V.Raman —— (b) W.HI. Brattain (6) 5S.Kilby (@) Robert Noyce 19, 20. (B) ‘The microcomputer program that are stored in ROMS are regarded as (a) software (b) firmware (©) hardware (Q) all of the above Inacompany out of 15 candidate 10 men and $ women applied for 2 vacancies. What is the probability of selecting at least one man @9ni (b) 10/21 (1921 (4) none of the above The emitter of a transistor is generally doped the heaviest because it (a) has to dissipate maximum power (b) has to supply the charge carrier (c) is the first region of transistor (4) must possess low resistance Short answer questions (6x424) Inan Internal Combustion Engine, why have eight cylinders in an engine? Why not have one big eylinder of the same displacement ofthe eight eylinders instead? Give reasons. What is the application of Laplace and fourier transform in engineering? Draw logie diagram for flip flop with its characteristics table, Explain HDB3 code. Explain Sampling theorem. What application it has in telecommunication system ? ‘What are the advantages of oil over ait as @ cooling medium in transformer? ong answer questions: (2x10=20) Draw the block diagram of a computer system showing the address, data, and control bus structure. List out different data- addressing modes. (6+4] Explain in details the provisioning of back up power system in Telecommunication system ‘operation. On what basis & assumption the back up power systems are dimensioned Nepal Telecom Written examination for Telecom Engineer ( Electronic & Communication) level -7 Tech. 2068, ‘Time: 2 Hours Full Marks:100 Pass Marks:40 Part il: Electronic & Communication Group ‘All questions are compulsory (A) Chose the correct answer from the different alternatives & mention (a/b/e/d) in the given answer sheet (each ques n carries 1 mark & 0.25 mark will be dedueted for each wrong (0x1=30) Which of the following relates to machine language (a) Difficult to learn (b) Machine dependant (c) Instructions and data are represented by binary digits (@) Allof these Quantizing is the process of converting a continuous signal to one that is diserete in (@) Amplitude (b) Wavelength (©)Phase (@) None ‘The disadvantage of an open-shift register is that (a) both shift left and shift right operations cannot be performed (b) the register is reset when read-out is over (©) the quantity stored is lost at every shift pulses (@) All ofthe above. 35 Function ——>>—— has mene ($+ 1S 42) (a) one zero and two poles (b) no zero and one pole (6) no zet0 and two poles (4) one zero and no pole The Wien-bridge oscillator is (a) a free-running oscillator (b) asquare-wave generator (©) astable sine-wave audio generator (4) a supersfrequency wave generator The Excess-3 code for decimal number 3 is (a) 0011 (b) 0110 fe) 0010 (a) 1100 In an Ethernet network what is the relations between round trip time, collision domain (a) Round trip time increases, collision domain decreases (b) Round trip time decreaces collision domain decreases (c) Round trip time decreases, collision domain increases (4) none of these Sampling theorem states that: (where Fs (a) Fs Sampling Frequency) 2 (b) Fs= 44 (©) Fs = 6F (d) None For lossless line short circuited at load end, the transmission evelicient for voltage and current (a) Zand 0 (b) Oand 2 (e) Teach (d) Oeach ADSL stands for: {a) Asynchronous Digital Subscriber Line (b) Asymmettic Data Subseriber Line (©) Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (d) Antiesymmetric Data Supervisory Link ‘A modulator is a system to (@) separate two frequencies (b) Impress the information on to a radio frequency carrier (€) Extract information from the carrier (a) Amplify the audio frequency signal A proportional controller is basically (a) an amplifier with infinite gain (b)_an integraving amplifier (c) a differentiating amplitier (d) an mplifier with adjustable gain For a plane good conductor. skin depth varies: (a) Directly as the conductivity (b) Inversely as the Conductivity (©) Inversely as the square root of conductivity (a) Directly as the square root of conductivity AA free-running or astable multivibrator is one whieh: (a) has a number of'stable states freely available to it (b) keeps vibrating even when input is switched off (c)_ stays indifferent states for different times (@) does not havea stable state and continually switches between one state and another The number of E1 in STM-1 radio equipment is (3 (by 43 (©) 63 (73 ‘One of the Zollowing is an example of trequeney independent antenna (a) Parabo‘ic reflector (b) Folded dipole (©) Heliea! antenna (€) Half wave dipole ithe band:sidth of double side band suppressed carrier AM signal is 30 KHz, the maximum frequency c the modulating signal is limited to (a) 10Kitz (by 15 Kil (©) 30K (dy 60 Kil 20. a 2. 24, 25 26 27. In CDMA, signal to noise ratio () is very high (b) could be less than © db (©) is constant (@) varies with time ‘The joining of two individual optical fiber cables is called (a) coupling. (b) joining (©) splicing (d) none of above Modulation is the process of . (a) reducing distortion in RF amplifiers (b)_ improving thermal stability (c) generating constant-frequency radio waves (@)_ combining audio and radio-frequency waves at the transmitting end of a communication system If sampling time is less than the Nyquist interval, then: (a) Bandwidth Increases __(b) Channel Capacity Increases (©) Guard Time Reduces (4) Simpler filters may be used to obtain the original signal A radio channel is occupied for 20 minutes during one hour observation, the traffic carried by the channel is (a) 20 Erlangs (b) 60 Erlangs (©) 0.33 Erlangs —(@) 0.5 Erlangs Fourier Series expansion of an odd periodic function contains : (a) cosine terms only (b) sine terms only (©) both sine and cosine terms (@) none of the above Effect of rain appears (a) Below 1GHz —(b) 1-3 GHz () 4-9GHz () 10 GHz & above ‘The fourier transform of a unit step function is given by @ Fijay=2 (b) FUa)=jo © Fu) = (@) Fie In 2.048 Mbps transmission frame one time slot is (a) 34 Kbps (b) 64 Kbps (©) 74 Kbps (@) None ofabove The call charging stops when : (a) the calling subscriber hooks on after conversation (b) the called subscriber answers the telephone call {¢) calling subscriber receives ring back tone (@ the called subscriber hooks on & hook off The GSM system used by Nepal Telecom uses the frequency band (a) 900 MHz (b) 1800 Miz (©) both 900 MHz & 1800 MHz (d) none of the above 29, 30. (B) Phase modulation is commonly used for data transmission mainly because (a) phase can be varied from +180 to -180 degrees (b) demodulation is very easy (c) itis resistant to the effects of noise (d) it gives highest data rates that can be transmitted over a given channel One of the following multiplexing technique is referred to as second yeneration cellular mobile systems. (@ AMPs (b) DECT (©) WCDMA (@) TACs Short answer questions (10x4=40) What are the advantages and disadvantages of Multi Mode Fibre? Write Short notes on any four of the following (a) Signal to Noise Ratio (b) OSI Model {o) TCPAP (d) Voice over IP (e) MPLS. Compare SSB and WBFM systems of power and bandwidth efficiencies Draw the circuit diagram of a full wave bridge rectifier with RC filter. Briefly explain Snell's Law. Draw graphs o show “ordinary”, “critical” and “complete- internal” reflection, Explain why (or, how) “bandwidth” is one of the fundamental limitations in communication engineering ‘Antenna system anc! its necessity in microwave communication, Optical Fiber Technology and its uses. Why parabolic antennas are used mostly in communiee Why QAM is advant n network weous over PSK for higher order modulation . Long answer questions: (3x10=30) Draw and explain GSM system architecture . What do you understand by PDH and SDH equipments? Explain its utilities in field of telecommunications. : Mention about the media yate ways gate keepers in a call flow in mobile network. Indieate how the charging & routing take place.

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