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Psion Powers

LEVEL 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
KNOWN 3 11 9 8 5 5 5 5 5 5
PER DAY at will
Concentration +6

LEVEL 2 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:1

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
3 Control Air Psychokinesis 1 standard action Concentration, up to 1 minutes Long (440 ft.) UP:p.174
[Me] TARGET: 50-ft.-radius spread; EFFECT: You have control over wind speed and direction. [SR:No]
3 Energy Missile Psychokinesis [see text] 1 standard action Instantaneous Medium (110 ft.) UP:p.195
[Au] TARGET: Up to five creatures or unattended objects; no two targets can be more than 15 ft. apart; EFFECT: Deal 3d6 energy damage to up to five subjects. [SR:Yes; DC:17, Reflex half or Fortitude half; see text]

LEVEL 3 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:1

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
5 Localized Windstorm Psychokinesis [Air] 1 standard action Concentration, up to 1 rounds Close (25 ft.) UP:p.215
[Au] TARGET: Wall up to 10 ft. long and 5 ft. high [S]; EFFECT: Increase or decrease winds in a small controllable area. [SR:Yes; DC:18, None; see text]

LEVEL 4 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:1

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
7 Control Body Psychokinesis 1 standard action Concentration, up to 1 minutes Medium (110 ft.) UP:p.175
[Ma] TARGET: One Medium or smaller creature with humanoid physiology; EFFECT: Take rudimentary control of your foe's limbs. [SR:Yes; DC:19, Fortitude negates]

LEVEL 5 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:1

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
9 Energy Current Psychokinesis [see text] 1 standard action Concentration, up to 1 rounds Close (25 ft.) UP:p.195
[Vi] TARGET: Any two creatures no more than 15 ft. apart; EFFECT: Deal 9d6 damage to up to two foes as long as you concentrate. [SR:Yes; DC:20, Reflex half or Fortitude half; see text]
9 Fiery Discorporation Psychokinesis [Fire] 1 immediate action Instantaneous and one day; see text Personal UP:p.203
[Vi] TARGET: You; EFFECT: Cheat death by discorporating into nearby fire for one day. [SR:No]

LEVEL 6 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:1

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
11 Null Psionics Field Psychokinesis 1 standard action 10 minutes [D] 10 ft. UP:p.227
[Au, Vi] TARGET: 10-ft.-radius emanation centered on you; EFFECT: Create a field where psionic power does not function. [SR:See text]

LEVEL 8 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:1

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
15 Psychokinetic Sphere Psychokinesis [Force] 1 standard action 1 minutes [D] Close (25 ft.) UP:p.236
[Ma] TARGET: 1-ft.-diameter sphere, centered around creatures or objects; EFFECT: Mobile force globe encapsulates creature and moves it. [SR:Yes (object); DC:23, Reflex negates (object)]

LEVEL 9 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:1

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
17 Tornado Blast Psychokinesis 1 round Instantaneous Long (440 ft.) UP:p.252
[Au, Vi] TARGET: 40-ft.-radius spread; EFFECT: Vortex of air subjects your foes to 17d6 damage and moves them. [SR:No; DC:24, Reflex half; see text]
* =Domain/Speciality Spell

Character: Kineticist PCGen Character Template by Frugal, based on work by ROG, Arcady, Barak, Dimrill, Dekker & Andrew Maitland (LegacyKing). Level:1 (CR:1/2)
Player: Created using PCGen v6.06.01 on 26-apr-2017 at 19.26.37 Page 3
Psion Powers
LEVEL 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
KNOWN 3 11 9 8 5 5 5 5 5 5
PER DAY at will
Concentration +6

LEVEL 2 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:1

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
3 Dimension Swap Psychoportation (Teleportation) 1 standard action Instantaneous Close (25 ft.) UP:p.183
[Vi] TARGET: You and one ally in range, or any two allies in range; see text; EFFECT: You and an ally switch positions. [SR:Yes (harmless, object); DC:17, Will negates (harmless, object)]

LEVEL 4 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:1

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
7 Flight Psychoportation 1 standard action 1 minutes [D] Personal UP:p.204
[Au] TARGET: You; EFFECT: You fly at a speed of 60 ft. [SR:No]
7 Wrench Psychoportation 1 standard action 1 minutes Medium (110 ft.) UP:p.258
[Au] TARGET: Ray; EFFECT: Bars extra-dimensional movement. [SR:Yes (object)]

LEVEL 5 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:1

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
9 Baleful Teleport Psychoportation (Teleportation) 1 standard action Instantaneous Close (25 ft.) UP:p.164
[Ma, Vi] TARGET: One corporeal creature; EFFECT: Destructive teleport deals 9d6 damage. [SR:Yes; DC:20, Fortitude half]

LEVEL 6 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:1

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
11 Banish Psychoportation 1 standard action Instantaneous Close (25 ft.) UP:p.164
[Au, Ma] TARGET: One or more extraplanar creatures, no two of which can be more than 30 ft. apart; EFFECT: Banishes extraplanar creatures. [SR:Yes; DC:21, Will negates]
11 Reposition Psychoportation (Teleportation) [Network] 1 standard action Instantaneous Medium (110 ft.) UP:p.240
[Au, Ma] TARGET: 0 willing creatures; EFFECT: Teleport multiple creatures short distances to different locations. [SR:Yes (harmless); see text; DC:21, Will negates (harmless); see text]

LEVEL 8 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:1

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
15 Time Hop, Mass Psychoportation 1 standard action Up to 1 hours; see text Close (25 ft.) UP:p.252
[Au, Vi] TARGET: All willing creatures in range; EFFECT: Willing subjects hop forward in time. [SR:Yes; DC:23, Will negates]

LEVEL 9 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:1

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
17 Psychoportation Circle Psychoportation (Teleportation) 10 minutes 10 minutes [D] 0 ft. UP:p.237
[Me] TARGET: 5-ft.-radius circle that teleports those who activate it; EFFECT: Circle teleports any creatures inside to designated spot. [SR:Yes]
17 Time Regression Psychoportation 1 standard action Instantaneous Personal UP:p.252
TARGET: You; EFFECT: Relive the last round. [SR:No]
* =Domain/Speciality Spell

Character: Nomad PCGen Character Template by Frugal, based on work by ROG, Arcady, Barak, Dimrill, Dekker & Andrew Maitland (LegacyKing). Level:1 (CR:1/2)
Player: Created using PCGen v6.06.01 on 26-apr-2017 at 19.33.59 Page 3
Psion Powers
LEVEL 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
KNOWN 3 11 9 8 5 5 5 5 5 5
PER DAY at will
Concentration +6

LEVEL 2 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:1

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
3 Clairvoyant Sense Clairsentience (Scrying) 1 standard action 1 minutes [D] See text UP:p.170
[Au, Vi] TARGET: Psionic sensor; EFFECT: See and hear a distant location. [SR:No]
3 Object Reading Clairsentience 1 minute Concentration, up to 10 minutes [D] Touch UP:p.227
[Au, Ma] TARGET: Object touched; EFFECT: Learn details about an object's previous owner. [SR:Yes]
3 True Terror Clairsentience [Fear, Mind-Affecting] 1 standard action 1 round Medium (110 ft.) UP:p.254
[Me] TARGET: One living creature with an Intelligence of 3 or more; EFFECT: Cause the target to become stunned. [SR:Yes; DC:17, Will negates]

LEVEL 3 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:1

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
5 Escape Detection Clairsentience 1 standard action 1 hours Personal UP:p.200
TARGET: You; EFFECT: You become difficult to detect with clairsentience powers. [SR:No]

LEVEL 4 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:1

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
7 Remote Viewing Clairsentience (Scrying, see text) 1 hour 1 minutes [D] See text UP:p.239
[Me] TARGET: Quasi-real viewpoint; EFFECT: See, hear, and potentially interact with subjects at a distance. [SR:Yes; DC:19, Will negates]

LEVEL 5 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:1

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
9 Clairtangent Hand Clairsentience (Scrying) 1 standard action Up to 1 minutes; see text [D] See text UP:p.170
[Au, Me, Vi] TARGET: See text; EFFECT: Emulate far hand at a distance. [SR:No]
9 Second Chance Clairsentience 1 standard action 1 rounds or until discharged Personal UP:p.242
[Me] TARGET: You; EFFECT: Gain a reroll. [SR:No]

LEVEL 6 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:1

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
11 Precognition, Greater Clairsentience 10 minutes 1 hours; see text Personal UP:p.230
[Au, Vi] TARGET: You; EFFECT: Gain +4 insight bonus to one roll. [SR:No]

LEVEL 7 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:1

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
13 Fate of One Clairsentience 1 immediate action Instantaneous Personal UP:p.203
[Me, Vi] TARGET: You; EFFECT: Reroll any roll you just failed. [SR:No]

LEVEL 8 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:1

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
15 Hypercognition Clairsentience 1 standard action or immediate
action; see text Personal UP:p.211
[Me] TARGET: You; EFFECT: You can deduce almost anything. [SR:No]

LEVEL 9 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:1

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
17 Metafaculty Clairsentience 1 hour Instantaneous and 1 minutes [D]; see text Personal UP:p.219
[Me, Ol, Vi] TARGET: You; EFFECT: You learn details about any one creature. [SR:No]
* =Domain/Speciality Spell

Character: seer PCGen Character Template by Frugal, based on work by ROG, Arcady, Barak, Dimrill, Dekker & Andrew Maitland (LegacyKing). Level:1 (CR:1/2)
Player: Created using PCGen v6.06.01 on 26-apr-2017 at 19.40.12 Page 3
Psion Powers
LEVEL 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
KNOWN 3 11 9 8 5 5 5 5 5 5
PER DAY at will
Concentration +6

LEVEL 1 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:1

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
1 Astral Construct Metacreativity (Creation) 1 round 1 rounds [D] Close (25 ft.) UP:p.162
[Vi] TARGET: One created astral construct; EFFECT: Creates astral construct to fight for you. [SR:No]

LEVEL 3 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:1

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
5 Concealing Amorpha, Greater Metacreativity (Creation) 1 standard action 1 rounds [D] 0 ft. UP:p.174
[Ma] TARGET: Quasi-real amorphous film centered on you; EFFECT: Quasi-real membrane grants you total concealment. [SR:No]

LEVEL 4 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:1

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
7 Crystalline Bonds Metacreativity (Creation) 1 standard action 1 rounds [D] Medium (110 ft.) UP:p.179
[Me, Vi] TARGET: One Medium or smaller creature; EFFECT: Wrap your target in coils of crystal, preventing movement. [SR:No; DC:19, Reflex negates]

LEVEL 6 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:1

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
11 Crystallize Metacreativity 1 standard action Permanent Medium (110 ft.) UP:p.179
[Au] TARGET: One living creature; EFFECT: Turn subject permanently to crystal. [SR:Yes; DC:21, Fortitude negates]
11 Genesis Metacreativity (Creation) 2 hours 1 days 0 ft.; see text UP:p.207
[Ma] TARGET: Extradimensional demiplane, up to 3 10-ft. cubes [S]; EFFECT: You instigate a new demiplane on the Astral Plane. [SR:No]
11 Modify Matter, Greater Metacreativity (Creation) See text Instantaneous Close (25 ft.) UP:p.226
[Ma] TARGET: Up to 100 cu. ft.; see text; EFFECT: Transforms a lot of raw goods to finished items. [SR:No]

LEVEL 7 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:1

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
13 Ectoplasmic Cocoon, Mass Metacreativity 1 standard action 1 hours [D] Medium (110 ft.) UP:p.188
[Au, Ma] TARGET: 20-ft.-radius burst; EFFECT: You encapsulate all foes in a 20-ft. radius. [SR:No; DC:22, Reflex negates]

LEVEL 8 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:1

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
15 Astral Seed Metacreativity 10 minutes Instantaneous 0 ft. UP:p.162
[Ma] TARGET: One storage crystal; EFFECT: You plant the seed of your rebirth from the Astral Plane. [SR:No]

LEVEL 9 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:1

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
17 True Creation Metacreativity (Creation) 10 minutes Instantaneous Close (25 ft.) UP:p.254
[Ma] TARGET: Unattended, nonpsionic, nonmagical object of nonliving matter, up to 1 cu. ft.; EFFECT: As major ectoplasmic creation, except items are completely real. [SR:No]
* =Domain/Speciality Spell

Character: shaper PCGen Character Template by Frugal, based on work by ROG, Arcady, Barak, Dimrill, Dekker & Andrew Maitland (LegacyKing). Level:1 (CR:1/2)
Player: Created using PCGen v6.06.01 on 26-apr-2017 at 19.43.43 Page 3
Psion Powers
LEVEL 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
KNOWN 3 11 9 8 5 5 5 5 5 5
PER DAY at will
Concentration +6

LEVEL 1 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:1

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
1 Empathic Connection Telepathy (Charm) [Mind-Affecting] 1 standard action 1 hours Close (25 ft.) UP:p.191
[Me] TARGET: One humanoid; EFFECT: Makes one person your friend. [SR:Yes; DC:16, Will negates]

LEVEL 4 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:1

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
7 Fear Cascade Telepathy [Fear, Mind-Affecting] 1 standard action 1 rounds Long (440 ft.) UP:p.203
[Me, Vi] TARGET: One creature and any number within 20 ft.; EFFECT: Paralyze one target and cause nearby enemies to become shaken. [SR:Yes; DC:19, Will negates or none; see text]
7 Mind Control Telepathy (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] 1 round 1 days; see text Medium (110 ft.) UP:p.221
[Me] TARGET: One humanoid; EFFECT: Control target telepathically. [SR:Yes; DC:19, Will negates]
7 Schism Telepathy [Mind-Affecting] 1 standard action 1 rounds [D] Personal UP:p.241
[Au, Vi] TARGET: You; EFFECT: Your partitioned mind can manifest lower level powers. [SR:No]
7 Sensory Cascade Telepathy [Mind-Affecting] 1 standard action 1 rounds Medium (110 ft.) UP:p.243
[Vi] TARGET: All creatures in a 15-ft. radius; EFFECT: Trigger a dazing cascade of the senses in the target [SR:Yes; DC:19, Will negates]

LEVEL 5 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:1

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
9 Mind Probe Telepathy (Charm) [Mind-Affecting] 1 minute 1 rounds [D] Close (25 ft.) UP:p.222
[Au, Ma, Vi] TARGET: One creature; EFFECT: You discover the subject's secret thoughts. [SR:Yes; DC:20, Will partial; see text]

LEVEL 6 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:1

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
11 Mind Switch Telepathy [Mind-Affecting] 1 round 10 minutes Close (25 ft.) UP:p.223
[Vi] TARGET: You and one other creature; EFFECT: You switch minds with another. [SR:Yes; DC:21, Will negates; see text]

LEVEL 8 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:1

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
15 Mind Seed Telepathy (Compulsion) [Evil, Mind-Affecting]1 standard action Instantaneous; see text Touch UP:p.222
[Me] TARGET: One touched humanoid your size or smaller; EFFECT: Subject slowly becomes you. [SR:Yes; DC:23, Will negates]

LEVEL 9 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:1

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
17 Mind Switch, True Telepathy [Mind-Affecting] 1 minute Instantaneous Close (25 ft.) UP:p.223
[Vi] TARGET: You and one other creature; EFFECT: A permanent brain swap. [SR:Yes; DC:24, Will negates; see text]
17 Psychic Chirurgery Telepathy [Mind-Affecting] 10 minutes Instantaneous Close (25 ft.) UP:p.233
[Au, Me, Vi] TARGET: One creature; EFFECT: You repair psychic damage or impart knowledge of new powers. [SR:Yes; DC:24, Will negates]
* =Domain/Speciality Spell

Character: Telepath PCGen Character Template by Frugal, based on work by ROG, Arcady, Barak, Dimrill, Dekker & Andrew Maitland (LegacyKing). Level:1 (CR:1/2)
Player: Created using PCGen v6.06.01 on 26-apr-2017 at 19.51.51 Page 3
Psion Powers
LEVEL 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
KNOWN 3 13 13 12 9 9 8 8 8 11
PER DAY at will
Concentration +27

LEVEL 0 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:20

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
0/1 Detect Psionics Clairsentience 1 standard action Concentration, up to 20 minutes [D] 60 ft. UP:p.182
[Au, Vi] TARGET: Cone-shaped emanation centered on you; EFFECT: You detect the presence of psionics. [SR:No]
0/1 Far Hand Psychokinesis 1 standard action Concentration, up to 1 minute Close (75 ft.) UP:p.202
[Vi] TARGET: A nonmagical, unattended object weighing up to 5 lbs.; EFFECT: Move small objects at a limited distance. [SR:No]
0/1 Unearthly Terror Telepathy [Fear, Mind-Affecting, Network] 1 standard action 20 rounds Close (75 ft.) UP:p.255
[Me] TARGET: One creature; EFFECT: Terrify an enemy with sustained images. [SR:Yes; DC:17, Will negates or Will partial (see text)]

LEVEL 1 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:20

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
1 Control Flames Psychokinesis [Fire] 1 standard action Concentration, up to 20 minutes Medium (300 ft.) UP:p.175
[Au] TARGET: One nonmagical fire source; see text; EFFECT: Take control of nearby open flame. [SR:No; DC:18, See text]
1 Control Light Psychokinesis [Light] 1 standard action Concentration, up to 20 minutes, or 1 round;Medium
see text(300 ft.) UP:p.176
[Vi] TARGET: 69 10-ft. cubes [S]; EFFECT: Adjust ambient light levels. [SR:No]
1 Deja Vu Telepathy [Mind-Affecting] 1 standard action 1 round Medium (300 ft.) UP:p.181
[Me] TARGET: One creature; EFFECT: Your target repeats his last action. [SR:Yes; DC:18, Will negates]
1 Ectoplasmic Sheen Metacreativity (Creation) 1 standard action 20 rounds [D] Close (75 ft.) UP:p.190
[Ol, Vi] TARGET: One object or a 10-ft. square; EFFECT: Makes 10-ft. square or one object slippery. [SR:No; DC:18, See text]
1 Energy Ray Psychokinesis [see text] 1 standard action Instantaneous Close (75 ft.) UP:p.196
[Au] TARGET: Ray; EFFECT: Deal 1d6 energy [cold, electricity, fire, or sonic] damage. [SR:Yes]
1 Entangling Debris Psychokinesis [Force] 1 standard action Concentration, up to 20 minutes [D] Long (1200 ft.) UP:p.198
[Ma, Vi] TARGET: Matter in a 40-ft.-radius spread; EFFECT: Psychokinetically manipulate material to grasp and entangle creatures in an area. [SR:No; DC:18, Reflex partial; see text]
1 Entangling Ectoplasm Metacreativity (Creation) 1 standard action 5 rounds Close (75 ft.) UP:p.199
[Ma, Vi] TARGET: One Medium or smaller creature; EFFECT: You entangle a foe in sticky goo. [SR:No]
1 Inertial Armor Psychokinesis [Force] 1 standard action 20 hours [D] Personal UP:p.213
[Vi] TARGET: You; EFFECT: Tangible field of force provides you with +4 armor bonus to AC. [SR:No]
1 Mind Thrust Telepathy [Mind-Affecting] 1 standard action Instantaneous Close (75 ft.) UP:p.223
[Au] TARGET: One creature; EFFECT: Deal 1d10 damage. [SR:Yes; DC:18, Will negates]
1 Prescience, Offensive Clairsentience 1 standard action; see text
20 minutes [D] Personal UP:p.230
[Ma, Vi] TARGET: You; EFFECT: Gain +2 insight bonus on your damage rolls. [SR:No]
1 Slumber Telepathy (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] 1 round 20 minutes Medium (300 ft.) UP:p.246
[Me] TARGET: One or more living creatures in a 10-ft.-radius burst; EFFECT: Put creatures to sleep. [SR:Yes; DC:18, Will negates]
1 Vigor Psychometabolism 1 standard action 20 minutes Personal UP:p.256
[Ma, Ol] TARGET: You; EFFECT: Gain 5 temporary hit points. [SR:No]

LEVEL 2 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:20

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
3 Animal Affinity Psychometabolism 1 standard action 20 minutes Personal UP:p.160
[Ma] TARGET: You; EFFECT: Gain +4 enhancement to one ability. [SR:No]
3 Concussion Blast Psychokinesis [Force] 1 standard action Instantaneous Medium (300 ft.) UP:p.174
[Au] TARGET: One creature or object; EFFECT: Deal 1d6 force damage to target. [SR:Yes]
3 Control Sound Psychokinesis [Sonic] 1 standard action Concentration, up to 20 minutes; see text Medium (300 ft.) UP:p.176
[Au] TARGET: One sound or mixture of related sounds; EFFECT: Create very specific sounds. [SR:No]
3 Defy Gravity Psychoportation 1 standard action 200 minutes [D] Personal or close [75 ft.] UP:p.181
[Ol] TARGET: You or one willing creature or one object [total weight up to 2000 lbs.]; see text; EFFECT: You move up and down via mental support. [SR:Yes (harmless, object)]
3 Detect Hostile Intent Telepathy [Mind-Affecting] 1 standard action 200 minutes [D] 30 ft. UP:p.182
[Ol] TARGET: 30-ft.-radius emanation centered on you; EFFECT: You can detect hostile creatures within 30 ft. of you. [SR:No]
3 Energy Push Psychokinesis [see text] 1 standard action Instantaneous Medium (300 ft.) UP:p.195
[Au, Vi] TARGET: Ray; EFFECT: Deal 2d6 damage and knock subject back. [SR:Yes; DC:19, Reflex half or Fortitude half; see text]
3 Share Pain Psychometabolism 1 standard action 20 hours [D] Touch; see text UP:p.243
[Ma, Me] TARGET: You and one willing creature, or two willing creatures; see text; EFFECT: Willing subject takes some of your damage. [SR:No]

LEVEL 3 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:20

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
5 Dispel Psionics Psychokinesis 1 standard action Instantaneous Medium (300 ft.) UP:p.185
[Vi] TARGET: One manifester, creature, or object; or 20-ft.-radius burst; EFFECT: Cancels psionic powers and effects. [SR:No]
5 Ectoplasmic Form Psychometabolism 1 standard action 20 minutes [D] Personal UP:p.189
[Ol] TARGET: You; EFFECT: You gain benefits of being insubstantial and can fly slowly. [SR:No]
5 Eradicate Invisibility Psychokinesis 1 standard action Instantaneous 50 ft. UP:p.199
[Vi] TARGET: You and all invisible creatures and objects in a 50-ft.-radius burst centered on you; EFFECT: Negate invisibility in 50-ft. burst. [SR:No; DC:20, Reflex negates]
5 Mental Barrier Clairsentience 1 immediate action 1 round Personal UP:p.217
[Au] TARGET: You; EFFECT: Gain +4 deflection bonus to AC until your next action. [SR:No]
5 Physical Acceleration Psychometabolism 1 standard action 20 rounds Personal UP:p.228
[Au] TARGET: You; EFFECT: You move faster, gain +1 on attack rolls, AC, and Reflex saves. [SR:No]
5 Sharpened Edge Metacreativity 1 standard action 200 minutes Close (75 ft.) UP:p.244
[Vi] TARGET: One weapon or fifty projectiles, all of which must be in contact with each other at the time of manifestation; EFFECT: Doubles normal weapon's threat range. [SR:Yes (harmless, object); DC:20, Will negates (harmless, object)]
5 Solicit Psicrystal Telepathy 1 swift action 20 rounds [D] Close (75 ft.) UP:p.246
[Au] TARGET: Your psicrystal; EFFECT: Your psicrystal takes over your concentration power. [SR:No]
5 Telekinetic Force Psychokinesis [Force] 1 standard action Concentration, up to 20 rounds, or Instantaneous;
Medium see
textft.) UP:p.249
[Vi] TARGET: One or more objects or creatures with a total weight of 250 lb. or less; EFFECT: Move or hurl an object with the force of your mind. [SR:Yes; DC:20, Will negates (object)]
5 Time Hop Psychoportation 1 standard action 20 rounds; see text Close (75 ft.) UP:p.251
[Au, Vi] TARGET: One Medium or smaller creature, or one object weighing 300 lb. or less; EFFECT: Subject hops forward in time 20 rounds. [SR:Yes; DC:20, Will negates]

LEVEL 4 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:20

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
7 Augured Answer Clairsentience 10 minutes Instantaneous Personal UP:p.163
[Me, Vi] TARGET: You; EFFECT: Provides useful advice for specific proposed action. [SR:No]
* =Domain/Speciality Spell

Character: Egoist PCGen Character Template by Frugal, based on work by ROG, Arcady, Barak, Dimrill, Dekker & Andrew Maitland (LegacyKing). Level:20 (CR:19)
Player: Created using PCGen v6.06.01 on 26-apr-2017 at 19.17.31 Page 3
Psion Powers
7 Energy Adaptation Psychometabolism 1 standard action 200 minutes Personal UP:p.193
[Vi] TARGET: You; EFFECT: Your body converts energy to harmless light. [SR:No]
7 Fold Space Psychoportation (Teleportation) 1 standard action Instantaneous Long (1200 ft.) UP:p.205
[Vi] TARGET: You and touched objects or other touched willing creatures; EFFECT: Teleports you short distance. [SR:No and Yes (object); DC:21, None and Will negates (object)]
7 Intellect Fortress Psychokinesis 1 immediate action 1 round 20 ft. UP:p.214
[Au, Vi] TARGET: 20-ft.-radius spread centered on you; EFFECT: Those inside fortress take only half damage from all powers and psi-like abilities until your next action. [SR:Yes]
7 Mindwipe Telepathy [Mind-Affecting] 1 standard action Instantaneous Close (75 ft.) UP:p.225
[Au, Me, Vi] TARGET: One creature; EFFECT: Subject's recent experiences wiped away, bestowing negative levels. [SR:Yes; DC:21, Fortitude negates]
7 Psychic Reformation Telepathy [Mind-Affecting] 10 minutes Instantaneous Close (75 ft.) UP:p.234
[Au, Me, Vi] TARGET: One creature; EFFECT: Subject can choose skills, feats, and powers anew for previous levels. [SR:No]
7 Slip the Bonds Psychoportation 1 standard action 200 minutes Personal UP:p.246
[Au] TARGET: You; EFFECT: You cannot be held or otherwise rendered immobile. [SR:No]
7 Wall of Ectoplasm Metacreativity (Creation) 1 standard action 20 minutes [D] Close (75 ft.) UP:p.256
[Vi] TARGET: Wall whose area is up to 200-ft. square or a sphere or hemisphere with a radius of up to 20 ft.; EFFECT: You create a protective barrier. [SR:No]
7 Wither Psychometabolism 1 standard action Instantaneous Touch UP:p.257
[Vi] TARGET: Creature touched; EFFECT: Cause the target's muscles to lose their strength. [SR:Yes; DC:21, Fortitude negates]

LEVEL 5 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:20

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
9 Ectoplasmic Shambler Metacreativity (Creation) 1 round 20 minutes Long (1200 ft.) UP:p.190
[Au, Ma, Ol] TARGET: One ectoplasmic manifestation of a size equal to ten 10-ft. cubes [S]; EFFECT: Fog-like predator deals 10 points of damage each round to an area. [SR:No]
9 Incarnate Metacreativity 2 rounds Permanent; see text See text UP:p.212
[Ma] TARGET: See text; EFFECT: Make some powers permanent. [SR:No]
9 Pierce the Veils Clairsentience 1 standard action 20 minutes Personal UP:p.229
[Vi] TARGET: You; EFFECT: See all things as they really are. [SR:No]
9 Planar Travel Psychoportation 1 standard action Instantaneous Touch UP:p.229
[Vi] TARGET: Willing creature touched, or up to eight willing creatures joining hands; EFFECT: Travel to other planes. [SR:No]
9 Power Resistance Clairsentience 1 standard action 20 minutes Touch UP:p.229
[Ma, Vi] TARGET: Creature touched; EFFECT: Grant PR 32. [SR:Yes (harmless); DC:22, Will negates (harmless)]
9 Psionic Revivify Psychometabolism (Healing) [Good] 1 standard action Instantaneous Touch UP:p.232
TARGET: Dead creature touched; EFFECT: Return the dead to life before the psyche leaves the corpse. [SR:Yes (harmless)]
9 Upheaval Psychoportation 1 standard action Instantaneous Medium (300 ft.) UP:p.256
[Vi] TARGET: 20-ft.-radius burst; EFFECT: Psychokinetically hurl chunks of the ground. [SR:No; DC:22, Reflex half]

LEVEL 6 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:20

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
11 Brutalize Wounds Telepathy (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] 1 standard action 20 rounds Close (75 ft.) UP:p.169
[Vi] TARGET: One creature; EFFECT: Your target takes more damage than normal from wounds. [SR:Yes; DC:23, Will partial]
11 Fuse Flesh Psychometabolism 1 standard action 20 rounds Touch UP:p.206
[Vi] TARGET: Creature touched; EFFECT: Fuse subject's flesh, creating a helpless mass. [SR:Yes; DC:23, Fortitude negates and Fortitude partial; see text]
11 Retrieve Psychoportation (Teleportation) 1 standard action Instantaneous Medium (300 ft.) UP:p.241
[Vi] TARGET: One object you can hold or carry in one hand, weighing up to 200 lbs.; EFFECT: Teleport to your hand an item you can see. [SR:No; DC:23, Will negates; see text]
11 Temporal Acceleration Psychoportation 1 swift action 1 round [in apparent time]; see text Personal UP:p.250
TARGET: You; EFFECT: Your time frame accelerates for 1 round. [SR:No]
11 Trigger Power Clairsentience 10 minutes or longer; see
20 text
days [D] or until discharged Personal UP:p.254
[Ol] TARGET: You; EFFECT: Sets trigger condition for another power. [SR:No]

LEVEL 7 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:20

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
13 Barred Mind, Personal Telepathy [Mind-Affecting] 1 standard action 1 day Personal UP:p.165
[Ol] TARGET: You; EFFECT: You are immune to scrying and remote viewing, and gain a bonus to mental effects. [SR:Yes (harmless); DC:24, Will negates (harmless)]
13 Bend Reality Clairsentience 1 standard action See text See text UP:p.165
[Vi] TARGET: See text; EFFECT: Alters reality within power limits. [SR:Yes; DC:24, None; see text]
13 Cosmic Awareness Clairsentience 1 standard action 20 minutes or until discharged Personal UP:p.177
[Vi] TARGET: You; EFFECT: You gain insight bonus on single attack roll, check, or save. [SR:No]
13 Decerebrate Psychoportation (Teleportation) 1 standard action Instantaneous Close (75 ft.) UP:p.180
[Me] TARGET: One living creature; EFFECT: Remove portion of subject's brain stem. [SR:Yes; DC:24, Fortitude negates]
13 Divert Teleport Psychoportation (Teleportation) 1 immediate action; see200
textminutes [D] Medium (300 ft.) UP:p.187
[Vi] TARGET: A circle, centered on you, with a radius of 300 ft.; EFFECT: Choose destination for another's teleport. [SR:Yes (foils diversion); DC:24, Will negates (foils diversion)]
13 Fission Psychometabolism 1 standard action 20 rounds [D] Personal UP:p.204
[Ol] TARGET: Duplicate of yourself; EFFECT: You briefly duplicate yourself. [SR:No]
13 Oak Body Psychometabolism 1 standard action 20 minutes [D] Personal UP:p.227
[Au] TARGET: You; EFFECT: Your body becomes as hard as oak. [SR:No]
13 Psychosis Telepathy (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] 1 standard action Instantaneous Medium (300 ft.) UP:p.237
[Me] TARGET: One creature; EFFECT: Subject is permanently confused. [SR:Yes; DC:24, Will negates]

LEVEL 8 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:20

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
15 Body of Iron Metacreativity (Creation) 1 standard action 20 minutes [D] Personal UP:p.167
[Au] TARGET: You; EFFECT: Your body becomes living iron. [SR:No]
15 Fusion Psychometabolism 1 round 20 minutes [D] Touch UP:p.207
[Au, Ma, Vi] TARGET: You and one touched willing creature of your type and your size or smaller; EFFECT: You combine your abilities and form with another. [SR:No]
15 Recall Death Clairsentience [Death, Mind-Affecting] 1 standard action Instantaneous Medium (300 ft.) UP:p.239
[Ma] TARGET: One creature; EFFECT: Subject dies or takes 5d6 damage. [SR:Yes; DC:25, Will partial; see text]
15 Shadow Body Psychometabolism 1 standard action 20 minutes [D] Personal UP:p.243
[Au] TARGET: You; EFFECT: You become a living shadow [not the creature]. [SR:No]
15 True Metabolism Psychometabolism (Healing) 1 round 20 minutes Personal UP:p.254
[Ma] TARGET: You; EFFECT: You regenerate 10 hit points/round. [SR:No]

LEVEL 9 / Per Day:0 / Caster Level:20

Power Name School Time Duration Range Source
17 Affinity Field Psychometabolism 1 standard action 20 rounds [D] 20 ft. UP:p.159
[Ma, Vi] TARGET: 20-ft.-radius emanation, centered on you; EFFECT: Effects that affect you also affect others. [SR:Yes; DC:26, Fortitude negates (potentially harmless)]
* =Domain/Speciality Spell

Character: Egoist PCGen Character Template by Frugal, based on work by ROG, Arcady, Barak, Dimrill, Dekker & Andrew Maitland (LegacyKing). Level:20 (CR:19)
Player: Created using PCGen v6.06.01 on 26-apr-2017 at 19.17.31 Page 4
Psion Powers
17 Assimilate Psychometabolism 1 standard action Instantaneous and 1 hour; see text Touch UP:p.160
[Au, Vi] TARGET: One living creature touched; EFFECT: Incorporate creature into your own body. [SR:Yes; DC:26, Fortitude half]
17 Ethereal Form, Greater Psychoportation 1 standard action 20 minutes [D] Touch UP:p.200
[Vi] TARGET: You and 6 other touched willing creatures; all targets must be joined by linked hands; EFFECT: Become ethereal for 20 minutes. [SR:Yes (harmless)]
17 Metamorphosis, True Psychometabolism 1 standard action 200 minutes [D] Personal UP:p.220
[Ma] TARGET: You; EFFECT: Gain incredible versatility in shapeshifting. [SR:No]
17 Microcosm Telepathy (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting] 1 standard action Instantaneous Close (75 ft.) UP:p.221
[Ma] TARGET: One creature; or one or more creatures within a 15-ft.-radius sphere; EFFECT: Creature lives forevermore in world of his own imagination. [SR:Yes]
17 Reality Revision Clairsentience 1 standard action See text See text UP:p.238
[Vi] TARGET: See text; EFFECT: As bend reality, but fewer limits. [SR:See text; DC:26, See text]
17 Regenerative Aura Psychometabolism (Healing) 1 standard action 20 rounds [D] 30 ft. UP:p.239
[Ma, Vi] TARGET: 30-ft.-radius sphere centered on you; EFFECT: Heal all creatures within range for 25 hit points per round [max 250 hit points]. [SR:Yes (harmless); DC:26, Fortitude negates (harmless)]
17 Unravel Psionics Psychokinesis 1 standard action 20 minutes Close (75 ft.) UP:p.255
[Vi] TARGET: All psionic effects and psionic items within a 40-ft.-radius burst, or one psionic item [see text]; EFFECT: Completely unravel psionic effects and suppress psionic items in the area. [SR:No; DC:26, Will negates]
* =Domain/Speciality Spell

Character: Egoist PCGen Character Template by Frugal, based on work by ROG, Arcady, Barak, Dimrill, Dekker & Andrew Maitland (LegacyKing). Level:20 (CR:19)
Player: Created using PCGen v6.06.01 on 26-apr-2017 at 19.17.31 Page 5

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