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1. Press Ctrl+F9. This inserts a pair of field braces within your document.

2. Type "eq \a(1,2)" (without the quote marks). You should replace the 1 and 2 with the digits you want
superscripted and subscripted, respectively.

3. Press F9 to collapse the field and change to the field's results.

Enter in the overline function. Type the following in between the brackets: E Q \ x \ t o ( ) .
There is a space between "EQ" and "\x", as well as a space between "\x" and "to()". Make sure
not to include any extra spaces, or the function will not work.

Field codes: Eq (Equation) field

Some of the content in this topic may not be applicable to some languages.
{ EQ Instructions }
Produces a mathematical equation. Equation Editor is the recommended tool for creating equations. However, you
can use the EQ field if you have not installed Equation Editor or if you want to write inline equations. An EQ field
cannot be unlinked. If you double-click an EQ field, Microsoft Word converts the field to an embedded Equation
Editor object.
Security Because field codes can be visible to anyone reading your document, be sure that the information you
place in field codes is not information that you want kept private.
Switches specify how to build the equation with the elements enclosed in parentheses. You can modify a switch by
using the appropriate switch options.
To use a comma, open parenthesis, or backslash character in a resulting equation, precede the symbol with
a backslash: \, \( \\.
Some switches require a list of elements separated by commas or semicolons. Use commas as the
separators if the decimal symbol for your system is a period (specified as part of the regional settings in
Microsoft Windows Control Panel). If the decimal symbol for your system is a comma, use semicolons.
Array switch: \a()
Arrays elements in multiple columns; elements appear in order by rows. The following options modify the \a
Aligns left within columns.
Aligns center within columns.
Aligns right within columns.
Arrays elements in n columns (the default is 1).
Adds n points of vertical spacing between lines.
Adds n points of horizontal spacing between columns.
{ EQ \a \al \co2 \vs3 \hs3(Axy,Bxy,A,B) } displays the following:
Axy Bxy
Bracket: \b()

Brackets a single element in a size appropriate to the element. The default brackets are parentheses. The following
options can modify the \b switch.
Draws the left bracket using the character c.
Draws the right bracket using the character c.
Draws both bracket characters using the character specified for c.
If the character you specify is {, [, (, or <, Word uses the corresponding closing character as the right bracket. If
you specify any other character, Word uses that character for both brackets.

{ EQ \b \bc\{ (\r(3,x)) } displays .

Displace: \d()

Controls where the next character following the EQ field is drawn. The following options can modify the \d
switch. Note that empty parentheses follow only the last option in the instructions.
\fon ()
Draws to the right n points.
\ban ()
Draws to the left n points.
\li ()
Underlines the space up to the next character.
{ EQ \d \fo10 \li() } displays the following:
(preceding text) __ (following text)
Fraction: \f(,)

Creates a fraction with the numerator and denominator centered above and below the division line, respectively. If
your system uses a comma as the decimal symbol, separate the two elements with a semicolon (;).

{ EQ \f(2,RateChange) } displays .
Integral: \i(,,)

Creates an integral, using the specified symbol or default symbol and three elements. The first element is the lower
limit, the second is the upper limit, and the third is the integrand. You can use the following options to modify
the \i switch.
Changes the symbol to a capital sigma and creates a summation.
Changes the symbol to a capital pi and creates a product.
Creates the inline format with the limits displayed to the right of the symbol instead of above and below it.
Substitutes a fixed-height character specified by c for the symbol.
Substitutes a variable-height character specified by c for the symbol. The symbol matches the height of the
third element.

{ EQ \i \su(1,5,3) } displays .
List: \l()

Uses any number of elements to create a list of values separated by commas or semicolons, so that you can specify
multiple elements as a single element.
{ EQ \l(A,B,C,D,E) } displays A,B,C,D,E.
Overstrike: \o()

Places each successive element on top of the previous one. Any number of elements is permitted. Separate
multiple elements with commas.
Each character is printed within an invisible character box. Options align the boxes on top of one another. You can
use the following options to modify the \o switch.
At the left edge.
In the center (the default).
At the right edge.
Radical: \r(,)

Draws a radical using one or two elements.

{ EQ \r(3,x) } displays .
Superscript or Subscript: \s()

Places elements as superscript or subscript characters. Each \s code can have one or more elements; separate the
elements with commas. If more than one element is specified, the elements are stacked and left-aligned. You can
use the following options to place single elements after the \s switch.
\ain ()
Adds space above a line in a paragraph by the number of points specified by n.
\upn ()
Moves a single element above the adjacent text by the number of points specified by n. The default is 2
\din ()
Adds space below a line in a paragraph by the number of points specified by n.
\don ()
Moves a single element below the adjacent text by the number of points specified by n. The default is 2
{ EQ \s\up8(UB)\s\do8(2) } displays:
2 (Regular text)

Box: \x()

Creates a border for an element. When used without options, this code draws a box around the element. You can
combine the following options to modify the \x switch.
Draws a border above the element.
Draws a border below the element
Draws a border to the left of the element.
Draws a border to the right of the element.
{ EQ \x \to \bo(5) } displays .

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