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(1988), UO, 441 461

Temperature and algal growth


^ Department of Biological Sciences, University of Dundee, Dundee DDl 4HN, UK
-Department of Plant Biology, University of Birmingham, P.O. Box 363,
Birmingham B15 2TT, UK
{Received 16 May 1988; accepted 10 July 1988)

C O N T H N T .S
Summary 441 I\". lixphmation ol the effects of tetiiperatiire
I. Introduction 442 o?i resource-satmated algal growth 447
I I . T h e efTects of t e m p e r a t u r e on chemical V. T h e obserxed efTects of t e m p e r a t u r e on
transformations and on transport processes, resource-limited algal growth 452
and possible mechanisms of ameliorating 1. Light limitation 452
their efTects on algae at low temperatures 442 2, Limitation by chetiiical resomces 454
1. T e m p e r a t u r e eflect on cataUsed and \"L Explanation of the efTects of t e m p e r a t u r e
uncataiysed chemical transformation and on resource-limited algal growth 454
transport processes 442 1. Light limitation 454
2, M e c h a n i s m s whereby t h e cell can 2. Limitation by chemical resources 455
ameliorate tlie elfects ol low \ ' l l . Conclusions 45(S
tetiiperatures 445 .AcknowTetlgetnetits 45S
I I I . T h e o b s e r \ e d efTects of t e m p e r a t u r e oti References 45S
resource-saturated algal growth 446

S U M M h R \-
G e n o t y p i c variation in the temperature o p t i m u m lor resource-saturated growth of tiiicroalgae has beeti used to
p r o v i d e envelopes of//,,, ( m a x i m u m specific growlh rate) as a funcfioti of t e m p e r a t u r e . T h e C*,,, \ a l u e for //, for
batch.-cuhured algae with optimal growth t e m p e r a t u r e s in the ratige 5-40 C' is lScS; rather higher values (O,,, =
2 0 8 - 2 1 9 ) are found, albeit with lower /i \'alues at a gi\'en temperature, for continuous ctiltures. T h e envelope
a p p r o a c h selects/;,,, values for the smallest cells from the taxa (metnbers of the Chlorophyta and Bacillariojihyta)
w i t h the highest //,,, \'alues at a g i \ e n tem|ieralure. Larger cell size, or m e m b e r s h i p of the Dinophyta, gives a
decreased /;, at a g i \ e n tetnperature. Fhenotypie change in //, within a g i \ e n genotype grown at sub-optimal
t e m p e r a t u r e s , has a P,,, in exeess ot 188. .'\nalysis of cotistraints on the resource-saturated \ a l u e of// iti the fastest-
throwing micro-algae suggest that, at their temperattire optima, the cells are close (within a factor of 2) to their
m a x i m u m potential growth rate, basetl on the known kinetic properties of their eatalysts, the need for kinetic
h e t e r o g e n i t y in catalyses m metabolie pathways, and the need to allocate some cell resources to structural atid
storage compotients. I'henotypic and genotypic responses to lower t e m p e r a t u r e s for growth, in terms of
reallocation of resources to increase the t|tiantity per unit biomass of c a t a h s t s as a means of offsetting lower
catalytic capacity at lower temperatures, are limited. An exception is the light-har\ esting and reaction centre
a p p a r a t u s which catalyses the temperature-itisensiti\'e processes of light absorption, excitation energy transfer and
p r i m a r y photochemistry, and which is present (as assayetl by photosynthetie pigment per unit biomass) in smaller
relative a m o u n t s d u r i n g resotirce-sattirated growth at lower temperatures. T h e i i n o h etnent of other low-
t e m p e r a t u r e ' a d a p t a t i o n s ' (e.g. h o m e o \ i s e o u s behaviour of thylakoid membraties) in ofTsetting low temperature
efTects oti catalytic rates is not clear. T h e scope for increasing the qtiantity of temperature-sensitive catalysts m the
b i o m a s s as a means of offsetting the effects of low t e m p e r a t u r e on resource-saturated // is potentialh' higher in the
D i n o p h y t a with their relaln'cly low//^,, at their t e m p e r a t u r e o p t i m u m ; however, this option does not appear to be
t a k e n up by the Dinophyta whicli have unexeeptional *, values for //,.

* Prcsunt adchx-ss: College ol Miuitle Studies, University of Delaware, Lewes, Delaware I')9.S,S-1298, I'S.A.
442 y. A. Raveri and R. J. Geidcr

I-Or resource-limited growth, the phenotypic effect of suboptimal teniperatiucs on growth, when hght is the
limiting resource, is often less marked thiui when growth is light saturated. When a chemical nutrient is limiting,
the tetnperature effect on growth of a given genotype is often, but not invariably, decreased. Cases m which the
i'ffect of temperature on growth rate is decreased under light-lirniling conditions c^^\^ be interpreted in terms of
the intrinsically low (J,,, of growth when temperature-insensitive reactions (light absorption, excitation energy
transfer, primary photoehemistr\') are limiting and the acclimatory effects of changed temperature and light
regimes for growth on resource allocation between pigment protein complexes and downstream catalysts of
temperature-.sensiti\ e reactions. C ases in \sbich light-hmited growth rate is (]uite temperature sensitu'e may be
accounted for by a decrease in absorptance as a restilt ol a lower pigment content per cell at low growtb
temperatures. l'"or growtb limited by cbemical nutrients, the variable responses make analysis dilticult. It is
tempting to assign a low (^m for /( under these conditions to a limitation by some transport process (diHusion
through unstirred layers, or, less plausibly, tbe cell membrane) with a low O,,,, altbougb tbe evuience favouring
tbis interpretation is not abundant.

I^e\' words: /Xctivation energy; HaeiUariophyta, C hlorophyta; I)ino]~)hyta; resource allocation; specific growtb

componctits (indivickial catalysts; lipids in mem-

I . 1 NrHODt:(TI()N
brane; structures and storage cotnpouncls) as a
I'eniperature is perhaps the tiiost widely measured part of the getiotypic or phcnof\pic response to
enx'irontnontal variable that effects alpal growth. temperature.
Voj^el (l')81) suggests thaf the ease ol measurement
of temperature has Icil to an overemphasis on
ir. T H I ' F. I ' I ' l ' C I S OI' riiMl'l- l-tATl'HI- () N
temperature in ecology, iti contrast to such less
( " M t ' . M U A I , T RA N S l ' O H M A l l ON.S A N D O N
readily measured parameters as fltitd movement
T R A N S l ' O R T I ' R ( ) f l i S .S ! S , A N D i'OSSIlU.F.
relative to organisms. It woiilci clearly bo hypocritical
\1 I - f It A.\' I S M . S OV A M t ' l , t () R A t t N ( ; T H I- I R
for us to deny the importance of the ' Huid mo\c-
I s l ' l ' t; C T S O N At.(;Ai' A T 1 , ( ) W f I", \ l f t i R A T I I R I". S
metit' cause espoused by Vojj;el (e.g. Raven 1086,
l')88; MacFarlane & Raven, 198.=;; Raven, Beardall
& (jriflifbs, 1082). Nevortholess, temperature is an 1. 'rciiiperdtiirc cjfecl on ciitiilysed and uncatalysed
important aspect of the I'cology and physiology of flwmical transformation and transport processes
algae. Temperatiire is almost itivariably measured Here we deal briclly with some of the effects which
and cotTtrolleti in cxperimentai studies etiiplo\ing temperature changes ha\ c on chemical and tratisport
algae. However, gencrali/.ations regarding the effects processes of importaticc to organisms exclucling
of tetnperature on mtcroalgai growth ha\'e not those which may be tcrtncci ' acchmation ' or ' adapta-
progressed greatly beyonti the descriptions by tion ' on the part ot the orgamstn, and also not
F.pplcy (1072) ol an enx'elope ol //, lor a range ot dealing with any temperaturc-rclafcd breakdown iif
microalgae as a function of temperatttre. .Vlany catalysts or structures (sec Johnson & 'rhortile\ .
studios of interacting efiects ot temperattire and 1085).
other environmental variables (salinity, photon fUix
Fable 1 summari/.cs sotnc temperature effects on
tletisity, tiutrient ax'ailability) on microalgal growth
chctnical transformations and transport processes.
provide a vvealtli ot descriptive data, l.'nfortunatcty,
As befits a paper dealing with photoroplis, we start
most of these data are largely uninferpretable in
by pointing out that light absorptioti, excitatiiin
terms of recetit advances tn the tnechatiistic descrip-
energy transfer, and photochemistry are temperature
tion of algal growth (Shutcr, 1079; Kiefer &
independetit. I'or chemical rcactiotTs, the cxatiiple of
Mitchell, 1083; Raven, 1076, 198(), 1982, 1984,/>,
catalase reminds us that the temperature effect on an
1986, I987). We wish in this paper to discuss
uncatalysed reaction is greater than that for a
some principles which relate to fhe study of the
catalysed reaction; iti this case, inorganic catalysis is
elfccfs of tcmpcratitrc on algal growth.
more temperattire dcpctident than is the cnzymc-
We start by discussing some of fhe differctitial catalysed process. It is important to remember that,
ctTects which a change in futnperaturc niighf have, in ot cnzymc-catalysed reactiotis, \-{.,()., brcakdt)wn to
the absence of any adaptation or acclimation, on ll.jO and O., is (with the reactions catahsed by
metabolic processes. We subsec]uently discuss how superoxide dismutase and carbonic anhydrase) an
these differential effects can be accommodated in exception in that it bas a low enough actixation
resource-saturated, and resource-limited algae. The energy to have a sigtiiticant ttncatalyscd rate. Flolland
two responses which vyill be considered are those of (1980) tabulates the rate of the catalysed relative to
(I) changes in the properties of the catalysts of the uncatalysed hydration of C.'O^ b\- httman red
particular reactions, or of membrane lipids, and (2) blood cells; the ratio is 4()()() at 42 C and rises to
those related fo changed ratios of the various cell at 12C. As bctits the role of enzymes iii
Temperature atid alf^al groivth 44.1

T a b l e 1. Acltration cneri/y and y,,, values for some processes relevant to iirou-th of ornanistns. Data chosen to
illustrate intrinsie effeet of temperature on tiie process roith no aeelimation due to ehaniie m amount of kind of
catalyst, or altered nienihratte lipids

Process (1<J mol ') Referetices

(1) Photochemistry
Photochemical processes 0
H,,O., - H.O -^ '<>:! (uncataiysed) 75
H.'Oo - H.'O -+'-SK(catalysed by 54 Cioodwin & Mercer
coilotdal Pt) (1983)
H,,O., - l-l.A) --> -.O.. (catalysed by 29

(2) Catahsed and iincatahsed chemical

H \ d r o h s i s of ethyl butyiate with 13 1-2
patTcreatic lipase
Hydrolysis of solanin with etiiulsin 10 Steam (1949)
Hydrolysis of sucrose with iiu ertase 30
Hydrolysis of sucrose catalysed 109
by H^"
Hydrolysis of sucrose catalysed by 54
malt 'sucrase' Dixon & Webb (1964)
Hydrolysis of sucrose catalvsed by 46
yeast 'sucrase'
1 K'drolysis ot ralhnose t'alalyscd 46
by \ea.s( 'sucrase '

(3) Diffusion 111 aqueous sokition

Diffusion coelHcient in Moroic tuiit'i iianiis
(Teleost) cytosol of
Lactate 45
2-Deox\'nlucose 41
.Stdell & Hazel (1987)
Diffusion coeflicietits in water 18 7 20 7 Stein (l')86)
(solutes = tracer 11,0, urea, ^lyciiie,
alanine, glucose, cycloheptamylose.
bovin serum albumin)

f4) Membrane permeation (non-mediated and

mediated uniport)
Permeability coefficient of Nitcllupsis
ohtusa (Des\. in Lois) J. (;ro\. (as
Tolypeltosis stclhi^'cra) to
Glycerol (P.,,,,,,, = 2 2 x 10 " m s ') 92
Urea (P.,,, ,. = 2'2 x 10 ' m s ') 70 A Wartio\aara (1942)
Kthylenesfycol (P.,,,,, = 2.8x 10 ' 70
m s ')
2.3-Butylenelyeol (P,,, ,. = 139 6 6
4-4 X io ' tn s ')
Trimethylcitiate (P.^,, ,. = 4 4 x 10 ' 126 Wartiovaara (1942)
m s ')
Kthylurethan (P^,, ,, = 0-02 m s ') 81
Pertiieability coellicient of horsebean 55 2 1 RossiK 11(1il, L'so & '1 honias
phospholipid bila\ers to H ' (1985)
Permeability coeHicient/hydraulic 53-55 2 05 2-1 House (1 974)
conducti\ity of phospholipid hilayers
to H.,O
Permeability coelhcient of Dunaliella 15 5 1 23 DeRani .S: .Avion (1982)
salina Toed, plasmalemma to H.,()
Hydraulic conductivity of NitelUi 35 7 1 62 Dainty & CinzbuiK (1964)
translucens (Pers.) Afi... em., plasma-
Permeahilit>- (conductance) of K' 36 (ah()\e 15 C) 1 631
Homble (1985)
channels ol Cliarii corallinti Klein 50 (below 15 C) 1 9 7 /
ex. Willd, em., plasmalemma 25 1 40 Smith & Kerr (1987)
444 J. A. Raven and R.J. Geider

T a b l e 1. (tonl.)

Process (kJ mol ') Referet-ices

(5) I'rin-iaiy active transport at plasma-

Priinary active 11^ efflux (measured 44 (mean of 18 K a m i - i k e et al. (1986)

as conductance) of Chara eorallina 6 28 C)

(6) ,Microalgal growtb, photosyntbesis,

enzyme activity
Carboxylase activity of R U B I S C O 72 (0-40 C) 2-66 Descolas-CIros & D e Hilly
from Phaeodfiilyliini tricoriiuttnii (1987)
Bohlin ('ten-iperate d i a t o m ' ) and of
Nitzschia kerguetcnsis O'Meara
('antarctic diatom ')
Nitrate reductase activity in extracts 38 (5-15 C.') 18 K r i s t i a n s e n (1983)
of Ileterocapsa triquetra (l'"brenb,)
Stein (a dinoflagellate)
/i^^^ i,( Phaeodactyluin tricorniitiini 3 5 (5-15 C') 35 ^
Light, C(),,-saturated photosyntbesis 70 (5-15 C;) 2-66
of Phaeodactyliim Iricorniitiini
Bohlin Li & M o r r i s (1982)
Carboxylase activity of R U B I S C O 54(5 15 C) 2-07
from Phacodactyluni tncormitiini
Phosphoetiolpyruvate carboxylase 54 (5 15 C) 2-07,
activity of Pliacodactyliini tricorii-
iitiiiii Bohlin extracts
Natural marine pbytoplankton popu-
lations from the arctic
Light-saturated photosynthesis 70-6
R L ' H I S C O carbox>-lase activity 723
Pbosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase 326 Li, S m i t h & Platt (1984)
Pbosphoenolpyruvate 25-1 1-4
carboxykinase activity

(7) Respiratory of microalgae

Respiratory electron transport
capacity in vitro in planktopbytes
grown iihotolithotrophically at
1 X ('
Pliacodactyliini triconiiitiini Boblin 38-9 1-79
SkcU'tonenia castatiini ((Jrev,) 45-1 1-97
Chactoccros dchile L'\L-VI: 51-0 215
A h m e d & K e n n e r (1977)
Cyclotetla sp, 68-6 280
Cricospliacra cartexic (Braarud & 49-7 210
I'Liger,) Braarud
Dunaliella tertiolecta Butcher 51-0 2-15

(8) 'l'bylakoid reactions

Non-cyclic electron transport in 55-5 2-12')
Spinacia oleracea L, (llowering plant)
tbylakoids (I I./) - ferricyanide; coupled)
Non-cyclic pbotopbospliorylation in 55-6 2-12
Scburmans </ ,;/, (1984)
Spinacia oleracea thylakoids ( H , / )
- ferricyanide); cyclic photophos-
phorylation (pyocyat-iinc as catalyst)
ATI* hydrolysis by light-and D T H - 53-1 2-03,^
activatetl chloroplasts ol Spinacia
Initial rate of IL net inlUix at ligbt 285 1-53 Yainamoto & Nishin-iura
saturation illumination of Spinacia (1976)
olcracca thylakoiils in the presence
of a catalyst oi cyclic electron trai-isport
(I'hetiazine inetbosulphate)
Temperature and algal growth 445

Table 1. (cont.)

Interconversion of /? and (), used the following equation (Dixon & Webb, 1964, p, 1.S7):

where R = gas constant (8-3 mol ' K '), T = absolute temperature (K) (mean for range oxer which (), was measured),
E.^ = activation energy (J mol '),
Computations of /? from plots of log,, rate versus the reciprocal of tbe absolute temperature used the relationship

r^ R \T, r.J
where r^,r.^ are rates of reaction at temperatures T], T.,, and T, > T); temperatures in K,

reducing activation energies, some enzyme-catah-seci in\'estigations are involvecf, it must be borne in mind
processes have very low activation enerjjies and that different investigations using the sai-ne organism
hence low Qj,, values (e,g, three of the six hydrolases (but probably not the same strain) n-iay prodtice
quoted in Table 1), different temperature effects. An example is
OifTusion coefficients in aqueous solution, or in RUHISCO (ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase-
cytosol, have Q,,, values which overlap with the oxygenase) carboxylase activity from Phacdactyhini
lower end of the 'enzyme' range (Table 1), truornutum Bohlin (see Table I),
T h e permeability coeflicients for solute transjiort Not included in Table 1 are temperature effects on
through biological membranes by the tincatalysed mobility phenomena in algae. The reason for this is
route (lipid solution) have relatively high tempera- that the temperature effect on cytoplasmic streaming
ture coefficients since, in adciition to temperattire and on cell moven-ient mediatecf by Hagella is not an
sensitivity of difTusion within the membrane, there is exponential 'Cm' relationship, L'mrath (1934)
a temperature efiect on partitioning into the mem- showed that the \-elocity of cytoplasmic streaming m
brane from aqueous phase (see Stein, 1986), The Nitella mticronata Mitjuel, was a linear function of
activation energy for entering the lipid phase is temperattire in the range .S- 20 C (see pp, I 66 I 67 of
greatest for the less lipophilic molecules, so there is Mope & Walker, 1975), It has been shown that the
a negative correlation between the permeability change in \-iseosity of the cytoplasm with tempera-
coefficient and the Q^^^ when a range of compounds is ture is responsible for this effect (Hope & Walker,
considered (Table 1), Water transport across man>- 1975, pp, 166-167), Kamykowski & McCollun-i
biological membranes often has a higher O,,, xaltie (1986) showed that the swimming velocity of 11
than does its movement across hilayers constructed species of marine dinoflagellates, on the low -tempera-
in vitro from natural membrane Iipids (Table 1), ture side of the optin-ial ten-iperature, either declined
For the mediated transport processes. Table I linearK- with decreasing temperature or showed a
again shows a substantial range of values, with no greater decrement in swimming velocity per unit
clear distinction between the \-ariotis kinds of decrease in temperature at lower temperatures.
transport [the categories of primary aeti\-e uniport, Thus, both the actin + myosin-based eytoplasmic
passi\'e uniport ai-id secondary acti\-e transport, i,e, streaming and the ttibulin + dynein-based fiagellar
antiport and sytnport (Mitchell, 1977)], or between nio\-ement show ' non-Arrhenius' temperature
mediated anci non-mediated transport. The range of effects. It is unlikeK- that the \-elocity-ten-iperature
Q^ values for mediated (catalysed) transmen-ibrane relationsiiip results from a multiplicity of Arrhenius
fluxes is similar to that for enzyme-catahsed chem- segments with lower /s',, values for succeeding
ical transformations. If tbe enz\-me-calalysed re- segments as the temperature is increased.
actions were to be categoriy.eci in the san-ie manner as We see that the influence of temperature on the
mediated transmembrane Huxes (Mitchell, 1977), we rate of catalysed and uncatalysed reactions which are
Aould again find substantial o\-erlap between the important to algal growth is rather \-ariablc. These
\-arious groups of enzymes. We note that, in general, effects we dernote as the intrinsic properties ol the
the uncatalysed rate of transmetnbrane mo\-ement catalysts and barriers (and, by extension, of struc-
by cotnpounds subjected to meciiated transport is tural and storage components),
negligible, as a result (as with en/.yme-cataKsed
reactions) of a \-ery high activation energy.
2, Mcihanisnis ivhcrchy the cell can anicliordtc the
It IS of interest that, where the same process lias
I'ffi'cis of hnv teinpcraturc's
been examined in different organisms, there are
often variations in the effect of ten-iperature. Before T h e discussion II, (f) above shows that there is a
too much is made of this, especiaffy when different substantial range in the effects of temperature on the
446 J. A. Raven and R.J. CJeider

rates ot chemical transtormations (mainh' enzyme //, at any gi\en temperature was lower for tbe
catalysed) which are important in algal cells, and in stead\-state cultures than tor tbe batch cultures
the rate o! transport processes in tree solution and considered by I'>ppley (1972).
(catalysed and uncatalysed) across membranes wbich It is important to recognize tbat tbere are
could be related to algal growth. If the catalysts and important efleets otber than temperature on /(,,,.
membrane lipids through which uncatalysed trans- Banse (1982) has made a careful analysis of literature
port occurs are both qualitatively and quantitatively on the relation of //,,, to cell size in diatoms anci
unaltered, then a decreased temperature for growth dinophytes, 'corrected' from the actual growtb
will prodticc an unbalanced array ol rates ot chemical temperature to the //,,, at 20 C, using Fppley's
reaction and of transport. Thus, the rate of growth at (1982) genotypic value for Q^ of//,,, of 1-88. Banse
the lower temperature may be limited by some (1982) demonstrated two important features of tbe
ixirticularly temperature-sensitive process. This limi- effect of phylogeny and cell size on 'temperature-
tation would not be so pronounced il eitber the corrected' //,,,. For cells of a given size, dinophytes
properties of the component change such tbat its grow less rapidly than diatoms. For cells from a
capacity at lower temperature is increased, or given class (Dinophyceae or Baeillariopbyceae), //^^
allocation is altered sucb that the quantity of the decreases with increasing cell size, albeit with a
limiting component is increased relative to that ot lower size-dependence tban for many non-pboto-
other components of the catalytic structural storage synthetic organisms (e.g. the ciliates and rotifiers
apiiaratuses ol the cell. considered by Banse, 1982, in parallel witb tbe
Our discussion of tbe mechanism of genotypic or microalgae). Raven (1986, I987) tabulates tbe //,,,
pbenotypic acclimation to different temperatures values ('corrected' to 20 C with a (), of 2) for a
will accordingly relate to two major possibilities variety of phototrophs of different cell sizes, although
wbicb are not mutually exclusue. One is that ot most of the data for eukaryotes other than diatoms
molecular changes in catalysts or lipids such that and dinophytes come from members of the Cbloro-
their ability to bring about the appropriate chemical phyta. This analysis suggests that //, values of
change at a lower temperature is higher than would eukaryotic phototropbs otber tban members of tbe
otherwise be so. This might involve (for catalysts) a Baeillariopbyta are no higher than those of members
rci:)lacement of a form of an enzyme or transporter of Bacillariophyta of the same cell size at 20 C.
by a \ ersion wbich has a higher activity under //( vivo In considering the interactions among the tax-
conditions at the lower temperature, or an increase in onomy-temperature-size triumvirate on //,,,, two
the degree of unsaturation wbich would maintain points must be emphasized. One is tbat, in a giveti
N'iscosity and (probably) permeability by lipid- taxon (algal division or class), not all representati\ es
solution mechanistns, constant. The other category of a given cell size attain the temperature-corrected
of possibilities is a reallocation ol resources sucb //,,, found tor the fastest growing members. T b e
tbat, at lower temperattires, the more temperature- second is that there is an element of circularity in the
dependent components are present at a higher use of Eppley's (1972) Q,,, for /;, in different
relative concentration that! the less temperature- genotypes uncorrected tor etlects of cell size or of the
sensitive components, (jeneral discussion ot the major taxon to which the genotype belongs, to
acclimation of organisms to various temperatures correct the//, values for cells of a range of sizes and
may be found in Moebacbka & Somero (1984) in the belonging to different divisions, to tbe value to be
context of ectothermie animals. expected at 20 C. However, it would seem that tbe
errors ititrodticed in this way are not large. Tbe
range of cell sizes in the genotypes from wbich
M l . r i l l - o i i s i ' K v i ' I ) i: ! ! i; c T o i ' r i : M I M ; u A r t ;
Fppley (1972) deduced the (Pm of//,,, was not large,
O N H1',S()IM(CI.-SA r U H A T I H ) A L C A I . C K O W T I I
especially when cotisidered in relation to tbe rela-
I'.ppley (1972) has reviewed the etfect of temperature tively small size-dependence of//,,, within a gi\-en
on algal growth. For batcb cultures ot a range of taxon.
diatotns and green microalgae he showed (fig. I of At the phenotypic level, it is eommonly found
Ivppley, 1972) that //,, at tbeir respective tempera- (Fppley, 1972) that the (y;,, for growth of an individual
ture optima, tor a range ot genotypes had a Q,,, of genotype at temperatures below the temperature
1 88. The 0,(1 '"r I'm "^ ''" individual genotype at optimum is greater tban the Q^ of //,, at tbe
temperatures below tbe optimum was greater than respective temperature optima, of different geno-
188. In other words, the phenotypic effect of types. This suggests, perhaps, that a single genotype
temperature on //, was greater than the genotypic is often less good at growing with a high specific
effect. CJoldman & Carpenter (1974) undertook a growth rate over a range of temperatures ( < 20 C)
similar analysis for microalgae growing in ebemostat than are several genotypes. A low phenotypic Qj,,
cultures, and deduced (depending on wbicb data sets olten correlates with //, values lower tban tbose
thev included) (y,,, values of 2()8 2-19. In addition to tound for a faster growing genotype (of similar size)
the rather bigber (P,,, valties, tbe absolute value of with a sharper temperature optimum (e.g. Stephana-
Tentperature and alf^ol f>roicth 447

discus miiuttis Crun.: Mechling & Kilham, 1982). in these cases (Raven, 1987<v, p. 322). It is also
W e note that, phenotypically, j^ross cell composition important to note that some of the essential cataK'sts
is n o t generalK' much altered by growth temperature of growth bring about a loss of C (e.g. essential
(e.f^. measured by C/N ratio: Cjeider, 1987; Li, biosynthcses in\ oh ing decarboxylation) which must
1980; Verity, 1981 ) so that the tiualitative and also be accommodated.
quantitative requirements lor biosynthesis per unit In steady-state growth all of the transport pro-
C assimilated are essentialh- temperature-in- cesses and chemical reactions which contribute to
dependent. This conckision accords with the obser- growth must proceed at rates appropriate to pro-
vation (Verity, 198I./), I982,i) that the specilic duction of cells of the observed Hnal composition.
rate of dark respiration (a process which usualK' has However, some catalysts are more growth-limiting
a major biosynthetic component) in lA'ptocyliiuirus than others. Sensitivity analysis (Raven, I987,
daniciis Cle\'e is a constant traction of the specific p. 333) is the best method of determining which
growth rate [both in units of mol C (mol cell C) ' catalysts arc most growtli limiting (i.e. ha\e the
s '] at 20, 15 and 10 C (although not at 5 C). lowest product of R and R). In practice such analyses
However, Verity (1981c;,/;) found that the specilic are difiicult at the whole cell level (Kell, 1987) and do
carbon excretion rate was temperature-independent, not seem to have been attempted with algae (Raven,
being a greater fraction of //, at the lower grow th 1987). Some idea of which catalysts are closest to
temperatures. limiting growth can be arri\ ctl at fiy looking directh'
at the product of B and R. .A small product implies
[equation (l)j a high \alue for /'', i.e. there is iittlc
I\'. EXPLANATION O I' Tin- !: 1-'I'! (' T S Ol' spare ca)5acity.
T E M F l ' R.AI'L' H V. O N lil':.SOr KCI'>.S ATU R.ATl':!)
Raven (1984, 1986, 1987(;) suggests that the
obscr\ed //, for small diatoms and green algae arc
O u r attempt to explain the effects ot temperature on within a factor of two of the maximum which could
resource-saturated growth are underpinned b\- con- be expected, granted the following assumptions.
siderations of the teni)ierature dependence of the (1) R \alucs for homologous catalysts ol a par-
allocation of resources between \arious liinctional ticular reaction are essentially lixed quantities. Tliis
components of the- alga and the kinetics of the assumption finds support in tlic obserx ations that no
catalytically acti\'e components of the cell (sec dramatic changes in R for RL'HISCO, the cyto-
Shuter, 1979; Raven, I976, 198(), 1986, 1987; chromc Z;,. / comiilex, the .ATI' synthetase comjilcx,
Geider, 1987; Geider & Flatt, 1986; (;eider, Platt & or ribosomes, can be invoked on the basis ol
Raven, 1986). comparisons of microalgae with other organisms.
At a given temperature, we can (Raven, I987) Where analogous (as opposed to homologous) cat-
equate the maximum specific growth rate, /(,,j, for a alysts occur, e.g. plastocyanin/cytochromc r, or
cell to the product of the fraction of the cell occupied ferredoxin/fla\'odoxiii, there arc no ver>' large varia-
by a given essential catalyst, the maximum specific tions in the R \ aluc.
reaction rate of this catalyst, and the fraction of this (2) The value of B for a given catalyst can be
specific reaction rate which is expressed /// 7'ii'<), increased by either decreasing the B \ alues lor one or
thus ; more other catalysts or decreasing the allocation ot C
//, =BxRxF, to some other (non-catalytic) cell component sudi as
where storage materials or to structural components (mem-
branes, cell walls, etc).
//^, = maximum specilic growth rate; mol C
The potential for increasing //, by altering the
assimilated (mol C in cell) ' s ' ;
ratios of B values for different catalysts within a
B= concentration of the catalyst in the biomass;
gu'en fractional allocation of cell C to catalysts is, at
mol C in the catah'st (mol C in cell) ' ;
constant R \ alues, constrained by permissible \ alues
R = maximum specific reaction rate of the
of F [sec assumption (3) below]. Clearly, if//,,, is to
catalyst; mol C transformed by the cataKst
be increased by increasing B for catalysts which
(mol C in the catalyst)"' s"';
already have high F values, then the catalysts whose
F = Fraction of the maximum specific reaction
B values are thereby decreased must attain their
rate of the catalyst which is reejuired to contribution to a higher //,,, by higher values of / ' .
account for the measured //,. The implication is, that if/^,, is to be increased above
It is important to note that the definition of R can, the observed ceiling, a number of catalysts must have
and must, be applied to substrates that do not low F values in 'real' organisms which could be
contain C (e.g. photons tor light-harvesting pig- increased in the hypothetical rapidly growing organ-
ments; NO.)" for NO3 transport catalysts and NO., ism [see assumption (3) belowj.
reductase) and substrates that contain C which is Increasing //,,, by increasing the fraction of cell C
not directly involved in C transfer from CO., to end- which is allocated to catalysts implies that some C in
products. Appropriate scaling factors must be tiscd structures and/or reserve materials can be deleted
448 . A. Raven and R.J. Geider

without decreasing //,,,, There seems to be little scope should be noted, however, that the total cell C
for decreasing the C^ allocation to structures such as component of 0 involves non-catalytic (structural
membranes if their barrier functions, and the and storage) C as well as catalytic C, and tbat the
activities ol the catalysts in or on them, are to be relative contributions of these two pools to change in
maintained (e,g, Ra\-en, 1984c(), There is some scope I) with temperature has not been investigated. It is
lor decreasing C allocations to structures such as cell important to note that this eflect is significantly
walls and to storage compounds provided a constant n-iodified by \'ariations of photon flux density, being
enMronment can be guaranteed. In the absence of a more pronounced at high photon flux densities of the
constant environment the organism is at risk from type considered here as resource-saturated growth.
osmotic downshock if the safety margin of pressure Our predictions as to the effect of decreased
tolerance of the wall is lowered, and from energy temperature on the resource allocation to structures
star\-ation if the content of C/energy reserves is are based on an assumed constancy of cell size and
decreased (see Raven, 1982, 1987/)), shape during growth at different temperatures. The
(3) The value of /'" should be close to 1-0 if the assumption of constancy of cell size, despite changes
organism is to i-i-iaxin-iize the return (in terms of //,) in temperature for growth, is not entirely realistic
on the investment in catalytic machinery. However, (e,g, Rhee & Gotham, 1981), Dealing first with
considerations of controllability of metabolism re- smaller cells at lower growth temperatures, it is by
quires a range of F values (Heinrich, Rapoport & no means clear if the genotypic response of increased
Rapoport, 1977), //,,, at a given temperature in smaller cells would
The available evidence accordingly, suggests that apply to a smaller cell phenotypically produced by
the fastest-growing diatoms and green algae are close lower growth temperature, since the n-iechantstic
to the limit on /', for photosynthetic micro- basis for the genotypic effect is not clear (Ra\-en,
organisms. If we consider a photosynthetic micro- 1986), While a phenotypic increase in cell size at
organism whose /(, (at the optimal growth tempera- lower temperatures would be expected, on the basis
ture) cannot be increased by reallocation of re- of the genotypic responses, to decrease //^^^ at a gi\-en
sources between catalysts, or between catalytic and temperature (Hanse, 1982), again we ha\-e no n-iech-
non-catalytic components, we can examine a simpli- anistic basis which is widely agreed upon (Raven,
fied case for the change in //, at temperatures below- 1986), I'Aen if the increase in cell size were all
the optimal temperature, attributable to an increase in catalytic (as opposed to
storage or structural) components, in cells grown at
(jrowth (under optimal resource supply condi-
temperatures below their optimum, it would not be
tions) of such an organism at a temperature below its
possible to conclude that the specific growth rate
optimum will be significantly constrained by tei-npera-
would be increased above that which would have
ture effects on the value of R |equation (1)] of its
pertained at the lower teinperature had no ii-icrease
organic catalysts. Any non-photochemical catalyst
in size occurred. In brief, the argument here is that
exhibits a signilicant temperature effect related to the
more catalysts in a cell mean not only that more
supply of activation energy for populating the
substrates on a cell basis can be transformed in a
'activated state' of the catalyst substrate complex
given time, but that many (if not all) of the additional
from thermal agitation, (We shall mention the
substrates would be used in synthesising the extra
generally lower temperature effect on catalysed than
catalysts in the given time; accordii-igly, there would
on non-catalysed reactions later,) Accordingly, the
be no increase in // relative to a cell which did not
entire suite of catalysts of processes downstream
increase in size at lower growth temperatures.
from the primary photochemical reactions of photo-
synthesis will be slower at lower temperatures. Light Assuming a constant cell size and shape at lower
absorption excitation energy transfer and primary growth-temperature, the near-constancy of cell
photochemistry are, in contrast, temperature inde- turgor pressure with variations in temperature
pendent. Thus, if an organism is to allocate resources (Wildervank, 1932; Raven & Smith, 1978a) mean
optimally between catalysts at a lower temperature, that the same cell wall thickness (assuming constancy
it should decrease the fraction in the temperature- ol wall composition) is required to give the same
independent catalysts of light harvesting and pri- safety margin (see Raven, 1982, 1984a, 1987 6V
mary photochemistry (whose R values are tempera- Similar arguments apply to the microtubules which
ture-independent) and increase the fraction in the maintain cell shape in n-iany wall-less cells (see
downstream catalysts with temperature-dependent Raven, 1982), These considerations suggest that the
R values (see (ieider, 1987), An increase in 0 (the resource use per cell in walls and cytoskeleton should
ratio of total cell C to chlorophyll a per cell) is be similar at difierent temperatures.
observed as both a genotypic and a phenotypic
With respect to reserves, it could be argued that, at
response to lowered growth temperature (Cieider,
lower temperatures, the rate of consumption of
1987), This is consistent with an increase in the
organic C in maintenance, or in tiding the organism
content of thermochemical catalysts relative to
over an imbalance of light (low) and nutrient (high)
photochemical catalysts (content = B values). It
supply, would be lower. Hence, if the selectively
Temperature and alircil grozuth 449

important factor is the time for which the reserves x'ariation in specific growth rate. It is likely that the
last, the organism at the lower temperature might he free energy of ATI' hydrolysis (related to the energy
expected to ha\'c a smaller fraction of their total C charge via, inter alia, the cytoplasmic P, (inorganic
allocated to carbon reser\es (cf. Cohen & I'arnas, orthophosphate), Mg'"^ and 11' acti\ity, and, conse-
1976; Parnas & Cohen, 1976). However, if we lake quently, less readily measured) is also conser\'ed (ct.
the intercept at // = 0 of a plot of specific respiration Gnaiger, 1987). Data from Chara corallina Klein ex
rate z^s. // as a measure of the maintenance metabolic Wild, em., show a slight increase in cytoplasmic pH
rate, then the data of Verity (1982c;) sugRest a as temperature decreases which (unlike the situation
relatively small efl'ect of temperature. If this main- in most ectothermie animals) is not suflicient to
tenance respiration rate is controlled, \ia classical maintain the fH*]/|()H ] ratio constant, and the
respiratory control, by the rate of ATP use, then the ionization state of amino compounds, constant as
rate of ATP use in maintenance processes in temperature changes (Ra\-cn & Smith, 1978/)).
Leptocvlindriis danieiis is not much decreased hy These considerations of homiostasis are consistent
decreased temperature. We note that the essentialK' with an emphasis on the constancx' of the pliNsico-
temperature-invariant stoichiometry of specific chemical en\ironment of enzymes (and of membrane
growth rate and the specific rate of growth-related transporters) with variations in temperattire such
respiration, accounts, again \'ia respiratory control, that (for exatnple) the free energy of hydrolysis ot
for much of the temperature dependence of the ATP, and of oxidation of NAD(P)H, is maintained
respiratory rate of algal cells under conditions in much more nearly constant with variations m
which growth is occurring (Verity, I982). To this temperattire than is //,. The same goes (perhaps to a
data on L. danieus can he added the work of French, lesser extent) for the value of the A/y,,- at the
K o h n & Tang (1934) on Chorella enieisonii Shiraha plasmalemma of (liara corallina (Ra\en & Smith,
& Krauss (as Chorella pyrenoidosa). These workers 1978/); Kami-ike et al., 1986).
grew Chorella photolithotrophically at 20-22 C in
One factor of potential importance in determining
continuous light, and then measured respirator)'
reaction rates is the \iscosit\' of the Huid medium
rates in continuous darkness over 47-60 h for cells at
surrounding soluble enzN'mes (i.e. tbe aqueous
temperatures in the range of 0-6 28-0 C. If the high
cytosol, plastid stroma, or mitochondrial matrix) or
initial rate is equated with growth-related plus
integral membrane polypeptides, incltiding porters
maintenance respiration, and the lower final rate
(i.e. the lipid phase of the membrane). Since a likely
attained at ~ 25 h at all temperatures is equated with
evolutionary outcome of selection for maximal
maintenance respiration, then it is again seen (fig. 7
catalytic capacity of an enzyme t)r transporter is
of French et til., 1934) that maintenance respiration
diffusion limitation of the reaction rate at low
is less temperature-dependent than is growth respira-
sttbstrate concentrations, and Htiiti kinematic vis-
tion. It should he noted that, if classical respiratory
cosity is a major determinant of difftisive resistance
control holds, then the data of Verity (1982(7) and of
m that fitiid, we might expect viscosity changes with
French et at. (1934) do not inform us directly about
temperature to alter some reaction rates (see Sidell &
the change in respiratory eapaeity as a function of the
Hazel, 1987; Tyler & Sidell, 1984; Jones, 1986;
temperature at which the alga was grown, or was
C'legg, I 984, for discussions from a non-phycocentric
maintained over a long period in a non-growing
viewpoint). Clearly not all reaction rates of catalysts
state. Data of Ahmed & Kenner (1977) on the effect
are likeK- to be dilfusion-limited (cf. lleinrich et al.,
of temperature on respiratory electron transport
rates in vitro for phytoplankton cells grown at 18 C
in continuous light quoted in '(\ible 1. For vertebrate (ectotherm) cytosol, Sidell &
llazell (1987) found, between 5 and 25 C, a O,,, for
T h e allocation of cell C to soluble organic kinematic viscosity of 1-35 + O-O1, and Q^, values (or
compounds, e.g. the polyols, glycosidcs, etc. which the diffusion of lactate of 1-84 0-36, 2-dcoxyglucose
a re categorized as'compatible so lutes 'is now generally of 1-75 0-54, Ca'+of 2-04 0-36, and for AMP-PNP
considered to be a skeletal/structtiral function rather (an ATP analogue), 0-98+ 0-12 (sec Table 1). It is
than a reserve, at least when the solute is located in clear that the temperattire effect on viscosity is
the cytosol (see the excellent work of Davison & similar to that found in ptire water (though the
Reed, 1985; and the review by Raven, I987(). absolute valties are lower than in water), so that the
.Accordingly, we would expect these cytoplasmic cytosol has no special properties which decrease
solutes to be present at constant quantities despite temperature effects on viscosity. The diflusion
changes in temperature. Other cytoplasmic solutes coefficients for small molectiles are lower than those
(enzyme substrates and effectors, for example) in free solution (0-2 0-4 of free solution values at
would also be expected to be present at essentially 25 C) and, with the exception of AMP-PNP, have
temperature-independent concentrations. Falkowski higher (), values. Limitation of the rate of metaholic
n 9 7 7 ) showed that the energy charge of Slwletoneina process by diffusion of lactate, glucose or Ca'*
costatuni was essentially independent of temperature would, then, yield 0,,, values (1-75 2-04) similar to
in the range 2-30 C despite a more than 10-fold that of the ), (genotypic) for microalgal //,. The
450 J. A. Raven and R.jf. CJeider

negligible temperature dependence of the diffusion photosynthetic capacity of algae. Sukenik, Bennett &
coefficient for AMP-PNP may be very significant in l-alkowski (I987o,/j) favour RUBISCO activity as
view of the possible limitation of metabolism by the major factors in Dunaliella tertioleeta Butcher,
diffusion of the ATP-.'^DP-P, system (Wilson, while photoreaction two (somewhere between H.,O
Nishiki & ICrecinska, 1981 ; Jones, 1986). The origin and the PQ pool) is also a possibility (Fasham &
of the very low temperature coetticient is attributed Platt, 1982; Samueisson & Prezelin, 1985; Samuels-
by Sidell & 1 hizcll (1987) to changes in the ionization son et al., 1983). Photoreaction two is clearly limiting
state with temper;Uure ot cytosol, since the pK.^ of during photoinhibition (Demeter, Neale & Melis.
phosphates increases much less with temperature 1987), and presumably close to limiting under
than docs cytoplasmic pM of ectothermic animals conditions in which repair just keeps pace with
(White and Somero, 1982). .Algae apparently have photoinhibitory damage (Raven & Samueisson,
lower cytoplasmic pll increases as temperature 1986). llowever, the paired Hash technic|ue, which
decreases than to ectothermic animals (Ra\cn & tneasures the turnover time ol reactions between
Smith, l97Hh), but an eHcct in the 'correct' direction W.p and the PQ pool (Mishkind & .\lauzcrall, ! 980),
(decreasing (_-*,,, for ATP diflusion) would still yields a turnover time in Chlorella luilgaris at 24 C
occur. ol 0-6 ms, while the intersystem turnover time m the
I''or the lipicl phases of membranes, by contrast, same material at 24 C was 10 ms (Diner &
there is evidence in some membranes ot some Mauzerall, 1973). In other words, the capacity for
organisnis (e.g. the ihylakoid membranes of Pisum photoreaction two and associated reaction is, at least
sativimr. Mitchell & Barber 1986; Barber et al., 111 transient experiments, more than 10 times that of
1984) for ' homcoviscous adaptation' (see Hochachka the least active catalysis in photosynthesis as a
& Somero, 1984). By changing the lipid composition whole.
of the membrane its viscosity, and hence the Taking these considerations on temperature de-
diffusion cocHicicnt for molecules dis.solved in it, is pendence of \'arious catalysts in toto, it would appear
held essentially invariant with temperature. I'his that the algae growing at lower temperature might be
constancy is important for non-mc-diatcd lluxcs of able to allocate a larger fraction of its cell C to
solutes (by 'lipid solution') across the membrane, essential thermochemical catalysts than is so for the
for lateral interactions between membrane proteins, organisms at higher temperatures. This reallocation
and for the lateral and transverse fluxes of the would. 111 part, help to offset the effect of a decreased
quinonc ciuinol couples UQ/UQII,^ and PQ/PQI I.,. value ol R [ecjuation (I)] for proteiiiaceous catalysts
P Q / P Q l ' j diffusion, connecting the redox activities in lowering //, at lower temperatures. 1 lowever, the
of the pliotoreaction two complex with those of thc data on the chemical composition (excluding chloro-
cytochrome /;,; ,/ complex, might be a limiting step in phyll) of microalgae as a function of growth
photosynthesis (ISarber, 1982) at light saturation, temperature show little influence (Cjoldman, 1979,
although reactions at or within the cytochrome 6,.-/ 1980; van Baalen & O'Donnell, 1983).
complex are also possibilities for limiting the redox I'^urther ollsets of the lowered catalytic capacity on
capacity of thylakoids. 1 lowcver, data of Cjombos et a per cell basis could be achieved, independetit of
al. (198S) on the effects of catalytic hydrogenation of changes in the gross chemical cotnposition (the ratio
lipids in Pisum sativum L. thylakoids do not support ot components) and without changes in the mole-
the hypothesis that decreased redox reaction rate in cular biology of the components, by changes in the
the PQI 1., cytoehrome /) /complex segment is the substrate affinity. .An increase in substrate affinity at
major cause of decreased overall, full-chain electron low temperatin-es would go some way to offsetting
transport by this viscosity-increasmg hydrogenation. the decreased substrate-saturated rate of catalysis.
Measurements of the ellect of temperature on the prinideil that the catalyst operate.s /;/ vivo at sub-
rate-limiting step (the /i for recovery of Hash yield in saturating substrate concentrations. This is not an
intermittent hght experiments) which yielded a (J,,, uncommon feature of enzymes (Hochachka .S;
of 2-2 in whole cells of Chorella vulf^aris f?eij. (Diner Somero, 1984; (iraham & Patterson, 1982) in
& Mau/.crall, 1973) were not associated with suHi- animals and higher plants, although the reviews cited
cient acclimatization time for homeoviscous adapta- also contain counter examples. .An example of ' i\:
tion to occur. The early experiments of Emerson & adaptation ' in higher plants comes from Teeri (1 980\
.Arnold (t9.12,/;) on Chorella emersonii (as Chorella who measured kinetic properties of malate dehydro-
pvreiioidosa) were limUed by instrumentation with genase and of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
respect to measuring turnover times at 20 25 C, but tor populations of a species growing at high and at
\-iclded generally similar results tt) those of Diner & low temperatures. The minimum Ki (maximum
Mauzerall (1973) for their Chorella strain. affinity) occurred at a 2-5 C higher temperature
Interpretation of the experiments on turno\er than that at which the populations grew.
times in flashing light experiments is complicated by For the algae, Davison (1987) finds that (as in
disagreement as to whether the interphotosystem higher plants) the /v;(CO.,) of RUBISCO carboxy-
redox reactions are the major determinants of the lase activity in the brown macroalga Laminar:,:
Temperature and algal growth 451

saccharina (L.) Lamour decreases with assay (but not variant on the genetie acclimation is a changed Q.^
grozvth) temperature. However, the A.'i(C()o) of (E^) oi a catalyst such that the organism which
R U B I S C O is not strictly rele\'ant to resource normally grows at lower temperatures had a lower
saturated growth since CO.^ is, by definition, satur- Q,,i, giving a higher substrate-specific reaction rate
ating for RUBISCO activity under these conditions. for low temperatures but, frequently, lower rates at
Davidson's results will be further considered in higher temperatures. The available evidence sug-
section VI. .More relevant to the present consider- gests that such a change is not found for nitrate
ations is the A'l value for the other substrate of reductase (Kristiansen, 1983) or RUBISCO (Des-
R U B I S C O , i.e. RUBP (ribulose bisphosphate). This colas-Cii-os & De Billy, 1987) in different algal
has been investigated by Descolas-Gros & De Billy genotypes.
(1987) for a number of diatoms. There is a decrease We not turn to a consideration of algae whose //,
in K^ (RUBP) for a temperature species and for three at their optimal growth temperature is lower than
antarctic species over some part of the 0 40 C that f'or other algae of the same size with the same
temperate range. However, at the temperature of optimal growth temperature. Banse (1982) showed
assay is further decreased, the Ki (RUBP) generally that the fastest-grow ing members of the Dinophyta
increases again; this increase starts at 20 C for the have lower //, values than the fastest growing
temperature species, but at 5 C for two of the three representatives of the Bacillariophyta of the same
antarctic species. It is of interest that the minimum size. The Dinophv ta ma>', then, be taken as a group
Ki values were found at temperatures very close to ot organisms which routinely fail to achieve the //,
those at which the algae were cultured, i.e. 3 C for values of diatoms (or chlorophytes) of the same size
the antarctic species and 18 C for the temperate and with the same optimal growth temperatures.
species (cf. the higher plant data on dehydrogenases Analysis of this uiider-achievetnent (viewed an-
quoted above: Teeri, 1980). The use of different throi^ocentrically !) by the Dinophyta in tertns of the
growth temperatures for the antarctic species from allocation analysis used abovx- cannot, with the
that used for the temperate organism means that it is evidence to hand, be achieved with great precision.
not strictly possible to conclude that the obserxed However, it does not seem as if allocation of
differences in A'l are genotypic rather than pheno- resources to cell coverings ('aniphiesma ' of Dodge,
typic effects. The relevance of these findings for the 1983) or to Hagella, rather than to eatahsts, can
in vivo behaviour of the enz\nie is predicated on explain the shortfall in //,; neither can the presence
RUBP-limitation in vivo; this is generally inNoked of much more of the cell C^ in reserves than is so for
but, as the discussion two paragraphs above shows, diatoms or chlorophytes (see Raven, 1982, 1986,
Sukenik et al. (I987rt,/)) favour limitations of 1987 a).
resource-saturated photosynthesis of Dunaliella ter-
CJeider (1987) points out that the Dinophyta have
tiolecta by RUBISCO carboxylase activity rather
a higher value of 0. averaging about three-fold, but
than by the capacity for th\lakoid reactions, and
sometimes much greater, than liav e other microalgae
hence of RuBP regeneration.
when grown under comparable photon Hux densities
These conclusions of changed substrate affinity of at 20 C. The light-saturated rate of photosynthesis
enzymes as assay temperatures is altered only ha\'e at 20 C, expressed on a chlorophyll basis, is not
significance, /;; vivo, if the enzyme is not substrate- signilicaiitlv' higher in Dinophyta than in Bacil-
saturated. It is clear that the occurrence of stead>- lariophyta and Chlorophvta (e.g. Humphrey, 1975).
state substrate concentrations /;; vivo which are By no great feat of arithmetic it is possible to show
subsaturating for a given enzyme are needed il a that the capacity for light-saturated photosynthesis,
change in Hux through the enzyme is to be on a cell C basis, is lower in Dinophyta than in the
accommodated. .An example of a change lii llux per fastest-growing diatoms and green algae. In at-
unit enzyme is that of photos> nthesis when the tempting to trace causal relationships between this
photon flux densitv' incident on the organism is low photosv nthetic capacity and the concentration
changed. A further consideration is that, if the {B) and achieved specific activity (a function of R
enzyme capacity is to be lulK' exploited //; z'iiu). the and F). there seems to be relativelv- little evidence
mean substrate concentration must not be too far available for the Dinophyta. However, there are data
from saturation. on the ratio of chlorophyll a (and other photo-
Changes in the Ky x'aluc of an enzyme at a gixen synthetic pigments) to the reaction centres ot
temperature as a consec]uence ol genetie acclimation, photoreactions one and two (see Prezelin, 1981;
albeit not yet rigorously demonstrated in algae (see Dubinski, Falkowski & Wyman, 1986) which suggest
the discussion above of work of Descolas-Cjros & De that the Dinophyta are similar to other chrom-
Billy, 1987), thus provides another means of suiting ophytes (Bacillariophyta and Prymnesiophyta) in
the per cell (or per biomass) capacity of a catalyst to this respect. No data seem to be available as to the
a different temperature (i.e. a method other than ratio of chlorophyll a to other catalysts (e.g. the
changed quantity of catalyst, or temperature related cytochrome b,, /complex, or RUBISCO) which are
changes in the kinetics of the catah'st). .Another more likely (on general grounds: Raven, 1984) to
452 jf. A. Raven and R. J. Geider

have an overall rate-restricting R value for photo- 1984o) i.e. those with high F values in equation (1),
synthesis (and growth) in the Dinophyta (but see is increased, using resources previously unaccounted
Samuelsson & Prezelin, 1985; Samuelsson ct al. for in the analysis of constraints on //, of dinophytes.
198.1). Another datum which hears on the ratio of Such an outcome would decrease the Q^^.^ of //j,, of
plastidial catalysts to other catalysts is the ratio of dinophytes (genotypic or phenotypic) to values
plastid volume to the volume of the rest of the cell. lower than those of diatoms or green algae. This
Table 2 shows values, based on quantitative electron suggestion has two main flaws. One is that there is no
microscopy, for the volume of plastid as a fraction of evidence for a lower (3,,, for//,,,, in dinophytes than in
the volume of the rest of the cell, with the volume other, faster-growing, micro-algae (e.g. Meeson &
occupied hy e.xtracellular wall (and other) materials, Sweeney, 1982, Thomas, Dodson & Linden, 1973).
vacuoles, and polysaccharide storage deposits (starch niie other flaw, which nature ignores (at least in
in the chloroplasts of members of the Chlorophyta; ectothermic animals), is that the increased /i \'akie
starch or a-l,3-glucan outside the two-membrane (or, for an adult determinate-growth animal, in-
portion of the plastid envelope in other divisions) creased metabolic activity) at low temperature is
being excluded. It will be seen that the single obtained at the expence of //, (or rate of
representative of the Dinophyta has a ratio of O32, metabolism) at the optimal temperature. This latter
while members of other algal divisions represented point has been forcibly made by Hoehaehka &
range from ()-26 to 0-60; the upper and lower limits Somero (1984) in the context of ectothermic animals.
are delined by members of the Chlorophyta and
Dinophyta respectively. Peridininm is thus at the
lower end of the range found for the faster-growing V. Till'. OBSKRVi:n tiFI'-HCTS OF T H M P E R A T U R E
green algae and diatoms, in general accord with the ON KKSOIMU-I-;-LI M ITEl) ALGAL ( i R O W T H
notion that Dinophyta ha\e a smaller fraction of 1. Light lirtiitation
their catalytic volume occupied by photosynthetic There is considerahle variation in the effect of
machinery. temperature on specific growth rate under light-
Table 2 also gives data on plastid volume as a limited conditions and under nutrient-limited
fraction of total cell volume uncorrected for these growth.
porticMis of the cell occupied by walls, storage We deal first with the effect of temperature on
products or vacuoles. The organisms listed all have light-limited growth. The ' expeeted' eflect is for
small tractions of the cell volume occupied by cell light-limited growth to be much less temperature-
walls or vacuoles. The polysaccharide storage in sensitive than is resource-saturated growth (see
chlorphyte plastids inflates the plastid fraction of section 11). This sort of result is indeeci found in a
total cell volume in these cells relative to the other number of investigations. I^^xamples are the data on
algal Divisions where the storage polysaccharides are Ccratiiwt furca (Ehrenherg) Claparode & Lachmann
outside the plastids. On this basis it is clear that the and (jonyattlax polvedra Stein (Meeson & S\veen>',
Dinophyta are at the lower end ol the range, along 1982), Oscillatoriti redekei van Cjoor and Oscillatoria
with lutf>len(i )>racilis Klebs which also has a lowajJardhii Gom. (Foy, 1983) and Phaeodactyluni
(relative to the fastest-growing members of the Iricortttitufii (Fawley, 1984).
Chlorophyta and Hacillariophyta) specific growth 1 lowever, in other cases the specific growth rate at
rate (Raven, 1986, 1987, and references therein). limiting photon flux densities is relatively tempera-
These data, together with those on photosynthetie ture sensitive; sometimes the light-limited specific
units c|uoted above, permit the tentative conclusion growth rate is as temperature-sensitive as is the
that one limitation on /^,,, in the Dinophyta might be light-saturated growth rate. One example is the
a low \aluc of B [ec|uation (1)J, for catalysts of cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa Kutz L'\ -
photosynthesis. This conclusion does not, of course, 007 (Kruger & Klofi, 1978) where growth at two
rule out a decreased B lor other catalysts downstream different light-limiting photon flux densities is \ery
of ph(>tos\nthesis. In view of the 'normal' (for temperature-sensitive, albeit not showing 'classical'
microalgae) C/N ratio of the dinophytes (Falkowski exponential increase in // with temperature. While
('/ al., 1985), and the apparent ahsence of massive .N quotation of a Q^^^ is, then, not appropriate, we note
reserves in non-catalytic proteins or other forms, we that an increase in growth temperature from 15 to
may reasonably (albeit rhetorically) ask what much 25 C causes at least a doubling in the light-limited //.
of the N in dinophytes is doing. A further example, and one for which data on
!K potential implication of this allocation of light-limited as well as light-saturated growth are
resources in the Dinophyta growing at //,, at the available, is the diatom Leptocylindrus danictis (Verity,
optimal growth temperature is that it could permit 1982/j). Mere the dependenee on //, and of the initial
some offset of the effect of suh-optimal temperatures slope of the // vs. photon flux density cur\e on
on specilic growth rate. This result requires that the growth temperature are both sigmoidally related to
value of B for rate-limiting catalysts (Kacser & temperature in the range 5-20 ''C. The Q,,, for //,,
Burns, 1973; Heinrieh et al., 1977; Raven, 1981, estimated from exponential equations fitted to the
Temperature and algal growth 453

ex: OH


r (19

O c c
OJ oo CO
E c CO

"a ra ' ' T3 -0 -6 a


ins on. _^ o c
c E o
o c a;
OJ 6 o

_c 3
3 c c_
CO to CH C/^

"a ra' ' ^

^ ra
ra 'f)

c. c
1 ^

~ ':i o
CJ .- .^

.3 ?^
J3 ""

JZ X. ^.

o ^ S ^ - _
c/: ^ "
C ra' o UH " U. ^
Ti >-. !fl o
ra J ' UH O UH g a
= r^ ~
OH c
Chi ore

vac uol

O^ - ~ 00 ..^ (^1 rv]

"- ~ -t ;z, -I- -t

c t:

bO 3 j3
Q ^ S s.^

- -? Q

^ ~ UJ
t^ .A; -t G, - cc
-CL -,; ^ ~. ~H HH .~ ra c

s3 ~^
,s c
"3 a
2 o
ra . 2 "
g 'o

-5 -5

o a o
' ^ ail ^. s.
o ;^ CJ O
a On , c o CO
454 . A. Raven and R.J. Geider

data, IS 4-4 (5 20 C) and 8-S ( 5 - 1 5 C ) . For temperature for//,,,. At lower temperatures, as Geider
limited growth, the corresponding y,,, values are 3-8 (1987) points out, tbe value ot // at a gi\-en incident
and 4-0 (Verity, 1982/;, p. 212). pboton tlux density is higher. This means tbat the
ratio of catalysts of (temperature independent) light
harvesting and primary photochemistry and of
2. l.itnilation hv chemical resources (temperature independent) downstream thermo-
The effect of temperature on the specilic growth rate chemistry is decreased lor plants growing at lower
i)i' microalf^^ac under nutrient-limited conditions is temperatures. 'Phe changed ratio again can be
less consistent than is that of temperature on light- construed as matching the input of photochemical
limited specilic growth rate. In ^'cneral, it is possible energy to its consumption in growth processes. T b e
to assert that nutrient-limited specific growth rate is acclimatory changes in the ratio of catalysts with
less temperature-dependent than is //, (e.g. for different Q,,, values leads to an increaseci /i value
nitrate-limited growth o'i Dunaliella sp. And (iynmo- (relative to that of organisms with invariant ratios) at
dinium splendens Lebour or SiO.^-limited growth of lower temperatures. However, the changes cannot
Slephanodiscus miiiiitus (irun and Asterionella for- maintain // at the values found at higher teni-
niosa Haas: Thomas & Dodson, 1974; Mechling & perattires, although the difference is much smaller at
Kilham, 1982; Tilman, Mattson & Langer, 1981), low photon t1ux densities.
although this is not always so, at least over the entire However, we have seen (section V) that in a
temperature range studied (e.g. for SiO^^-limited number of cases tbere is a \ ery substantial tempera-
growth of I'halassiosira noidenskioeldii Cleve and ttire effect on tbe light-limited growth rate. We
AslerioneUa forviosti, or phosphate-limited growth concentrate on the data of Verity (1982/;) witb
of the ( yanobactcrium Oscillatoria ai>ardhii Paasche, respect to growth rate of Leptocylindrus danicus.
1975; Ahlgrcn, 1978; Tilman et al. 1981). The Verity (1981fl) had previously shown that rate of
detailed work of Rhec & Cjotham (1981) on Asterio- photosynthesis, measured at the growth tempera-
nella formosa ami Scendesmiis sp. showed that the ture, varied markeclly with growth temperature
elTccts of low temperature and of low concentrations under light-limiting as well as under light-saturated
of N- and P-containing nutrients were more than conditions. When grown under long daylengths
additixc, where not multiplicative. This is the (15L>:9D, or 12L:92D), P,,,,,,, i.e. the light-saturated
opposite of the first case discussed above, i.e. the pbotosynthetic rate (on a chlorophyll a basis) in-
U-ss-than-additi\'e effects of low temperature and low creased 9-55 fold in the range 5-20 C, while the
concentrations of nutrient solutes. initial slope of the photosynthesis photon Hux density
ctirve (also on a chlorophyll basis) increased 4-1-told
over the same temperature interval. The // \alues
VI. i ; x I M . A N A T I O N O I ' r i l l ' i; I ' I ' i : ( T s o i . - provided by Verity (198^ a) allow conversion of the
| ' I ; M i ' i ; i ! A I I HI-: O N H h : . s ( ) u R C i : - 1 . 1 M I r i u ) A I . ( ; A I . photosynthetic data to a cell C basis for comparison
(; n o W T i l with the data on // in Verity (1982/j). Such conversion
I. Lii;lit limitation to a C basis shows that temperattire effects on
Light limitation of growth in algae is generally photosynthesis are similar to those on growth, and
related to an increased allocation ol resources to that the large temperature dependence of light-
limited specific growth rate is not a function of
pigments and polypeptides related to light harvesting
temperature dependences ol excretion of t:)rganic C
with generally tliminishcd changes in allocation to
(Verity 1981/)) or of dark respiration (Verit\-,
cataKsts of downstream reactions. Phis change m
allocation can be construed as optimising the balance
of the rate of energy sujiply from primary photo- How can the substantial temperature sensiti\ ity of
chemistry and the rate ol energy consumption in ligbt-limited pbotosynthesis (and growth) be ex-
downstream reactions. 'I'his matching has two plained ? The photosynthesis- (and growth-) limiting;
potential advantages. One is that, at low incident processes at low photon Hux densities relate to light
photon Hux tlcnsitics, the conversion of incident absorption and the eHicient transfer of the resultinu
photons into cellular material is increased by the excitation energy to operational and eHicient reaction
higher ratio of light-harvesting pigments to down- centres and downstream reactions. Hoiking these
stream cataKsts in cells acclimated to low photon three partial processes in ttirn, , , the absorption of
Hux densities. 'Phc other potential advantage is that light on a cell C basis is determined by tbe absorptioti
algae acclimated to high photon flux densities, with cross-section (m' mg C '), since a given incident
a lower ratio of light-harvesting pigments to down- pboton Htix density (//mol m " s ') multiplied by the
stream catalysts, should have less tendency to exhibit absorption cross-section yields an absorption rate in
photoinhibition at a given, bigh incident pboton Hux //mol mg C ' s '. Absorption eross-section on a C
density (sec (Jeidcr, 1987). basis IS related to absorption cross-section of chlor-
'Ilic discLission above is implicitly conducted in ophyll c/,,||| (the effective specitic absorption co-
terms of a tcmpcrattirc similar to the optimal elHcient of chlorophyll /// vivo: m~ mg chl a^') \ ia f.
Temperature and algal grcnvth 455

We have already seen that light-limited photo- .'\fter assimilation, the resource participates in
synthesis, on a chlorophyll a basis, is lower I'or cells structural, catalytic anci storage components of the
grown at lower temperatures. .A.ccordinKly, if light organism. The relation of specific growth rate to
absorption l.s the cause of the lowered phofosynthetic nutrient supply is most immediately expressed in
rate, it must be a result of a decrease in c;,. via a terms of the internal t]uantity of the ntitrient, i.e. the
decrease of a,.,,!- ''i <>the'' words, the achieved //; vivo cell quota (see Morel, 1987). Specific growth rate is
absorption coefficient is lower in the low-tem- hyperbolically related to the cell quota of those
perature cells. Variations in ,,, reitect changes in nutrients whose concentration is relatively elastic.
'self-shading' (package eflect), and can be detected These nutrients include N and P, which onK'
\ ia measurements of / " ?''7.'o absorptance combined contribute 0-1 or less to the dry weight of the
with cell pigment analyses (Osborne & Raven, 1986). organism. Carbon occupies up to half of the cell dry
In view of the magnitude of elfects on a,,,,, of a given weight; accordingly, there is no hyperbolic relation-
increment in cell size, shape or intracellular pigment ship between cell C c]uota and growth rate. For N
distribution (Osborne & Raven, 1986) it is unlikely and P growth rate is zero at a Hnite cell (juota (the
that the magnitude of the temperature efTect in minimtim cell quota); increasing cell quota permits
increasing specific growth rate, with decreasing
Leptoevlindrus danieiis is a function of a change in
increments of growth rate with increments of cell
a In anv case, ,.,,| would be expecteci to increase
quota tmtil no further increase in growth rate occurs
in cells grown at low temperature due to a reduction
with increasing cell quota the phenomenon of
in self-shading consequent on the lower pigment
' luxur\' accumulation '.
Excitation energy transfer is an intrinsicalh' more The effect of temperature on ntitrient-linuted
malleable process than is light absorption. Relatively growth rate, considered from a cell C]uota \ iewpomt,
minor changes in the arrangement of the various will be consitiereti in terms of the data of Rhee &
light-harvesting pigment-protein complexes could (jotham (1981) on the growth of Seenedesnius sp.
substantially decrease the efficiency ol excitatiorn under nitrogen and phosphorus-limiting conditions
energy transfer to reaction centers I rom its achie\- at a range of temperatures. 'Phe minimum cell (.|uota
able value, for high pigment: reaction centre ratios of for nitrogen and phosphortis increased with de-
greater than 95",,. i^ very high ratio of antenna creasing growth temperature. 'Phis increase is con-
pigment to functional reaction centres at low tetnpera- sistent with a requirement for more nitrogen and
tures could decrease the chance oi the excitation phosphorus at lower temperatures; this effect is more
energy corresponding to a given photon absorption marked for nitrogen than for |")hosphortis (Rhee tV
e\-ent resulting in photosynthetically useful photo- (iotham, f98l). In general terms we can account for
cbemistry. Distinction between efficiency of excita- this difference between the two elements in terms of
tion energy transfer per se and the presence of the greater catalytic use of nitrogen than of phos-
sufficient effective reaction centres requires measure- phorus. 'Phus a relatively large fraction of cell N is
ments of Huorescence, and of the total pig- m catahtic proteins (light-har\ estiiig pigment
ment: reaction centre ratio. 'These measurements, protein complexes, soluble cnz\mes/membrane-
together with the absorptance measurements men- associateil transjiorters) and catahtic nucleic acids
tioned earlier, would permit partitioning of the rather than structural and storage components; a
decrement of photosynthetic efficiency on an in- rather smaller fraction of cell P ma\' be found m
cident light basis between the three patial processes catalytic nucleic acids, etc. relatix e to structural P in
mentioned above. It must be emphasised that, e\en phospholipids.
though the control strength of 'downstream' photo-
'Phe rationale for the argtiment about cell t]uota
SN'nthetic reactions is low at low photon flux
antl temperature for cataKtic components is as
densities, sufficiently large decrements m their
follows. Por organisms which are capable of growing,
acti\ ity could restrict the rate of photos\ nthesis (see
under optimal resource suppl>' conditions, at specific
Kacser & Burns, 197.3; Heinrich el al., 1977).
growth rates close to the 'theoretical' maximum
considered by Raven (1984(i, f98(), 1987^;; and see
section I\'), the activity of the nitrogen-containing
2. Limitation bv eheniieal resources catalysts in the cells are working at close to their
Turning to limitation on the supply of chemical achievable maximtim rate. .Accordingly, growth
resources, the resource has to mo\'e from the bulk under nitrogen-limiting conditions coLild not in\<)l\ e
pbase of the medium to the stirface of the organism substantial increases in the catalytic capacity of
through whatever boundary (unstirrecl) layer is nitrogenous macromolccules. I^^xtending this argu-
present, to pass through the membrane by diffusion ment to changed growth temperatures, substantial
through the lipicl part of the membrane, or by temperature dependence of N-limited growth might
mediated transport in\ol\ing speciHc membrane- be expected, provided N supply to catalyst synthesis
located proteins, and then be assimilated inside the were not constrained by relatively temperature-
cell. independent transport processes (see abo\e).
456 . A. Raven and R.J. Geider

The temperature dependence of cell synthesis on a would expect that such processes would ha\e
cell N basis can be computed from T\ible 1, and fig, temperature dependences similar to tbose of re-
2 of Rhee & Cotham (1981), The parameter actions catalysed by soluble enzymes (see Stein,
computed is nitrogen use efficiency ot C assimilation 1986), 'ilie situation is of course, potentially com-
in units of mol C assimilated into cell material per plicated hy the possibility o f adaptations ' to tempera-
mol cell N per second, Tbe relatively limited range ture variations by changes in tbe quantity of porter
of cell C content as a lVaetion of cell dry weight in present in unit area of tbe plasmalemma, and/or tbe
microalgae means tbat cbanges in tbe N use eBieiency aliinity of tbe porter for the transported substrate.
in tbe units quoted abo\ e are essentially proportional Increases in eitber or both of tbese parameters would
to tbe value in g dry weight gain per mol cell N per belp offset tbe intrinsic temperature elTect in terms
second. Tbe nitrogen use elficicncies computed Irom of nutrient uptake from growtb-iimiting concen-
tbe data of Rbee & (iotbam (1981) apply to growtb trations of nutrient. An increase in area densitv- of
at a given specific growtb rate (0-5 d ', or ,S-8 x porters at lower temperatures could be accomplished
10 ''s ') at two temperatures (11 and 2(1 C;) witb with a relatively minor reallocation of resources since
tbe growtb rate determined by N sujiply. the piasnialemma proteins are, in sum, a small
The computed efliciencics are 42 //mol C (mol cell traction ol the total cell mass or C, It is important to
N) ' s ' a t 1 1C: and 1 30/miol C (mol cell N)"' s ' at realize that, in whole cell experiments (whetber
20 C, a y,,| value of 3-S, However, it is clear (tigs 1 short-term uptake or long-term growth are measured
and 5 of Rbee & Ciotbam, 1981) tbat 0-5 d"' is close as a tunction ot nutrient concentration) it is not easy
to II at 1 1 C', so tbat changes in // lor increments oi to separate an increased afiinity of the porter from an
cell N c]uota are diminished relative to etfects in cells increase in tbe amount of porter unless tbe in-
growing at O'.S d ' at 20 C, Tbe (->, value is tbus an vestigator bas eliminated tbe possiblity of an excess
overestimate. It is better, where possible, to det- potential at substrate saturation o\'er wbat is ex-
ermine N use etiiciency during growtb at a constant pressed. In practice, we rely bere on estimates of the
fraction of /', at tbe several growtb temperatures. concentration (KJ whicb yields half of the maximum
However, tbis policy is not possible with the data to specific growtb rate at a given temperature. No clear
band. pieture emerges trom investigations of /i tis. nutrient
We tnay , tben, conclude tbat (as expected) tbe cell concentration as a tunction of temperature, Tbus,
t|uota needed to achieve a given N-limited // value is from data obtained by Mechling & Kilbam (1982\
higher at lower temperatures. For organisms wbicb and literature values in Table 1 of tbeir paper, tbere
can maintain a given N cell c|uota, at a range of are three cases in which A.,, increases (i,e, aflinit>
growtb temperatures, a high (P,,, for N-bmited decreases) with growtb temperature, three in which
growtb would be expected. it decreases or goes tbrough a minimum value, and
Tbe data of Rhee & Gotham (1981) permit one 111 which there is nc, clear trend. The extent to
computations of tbe catalytic cOictcncy of I' in RNA which these variations can be attribtited to the
of Scc7U'desnius growtb at difierent temperatures (see difierent nutrients investigated (NO.|~, SiO., and
tbeir tigs 1 and 11). I'Or P-sutficient cells, tbe Q^^^ ot HPO," ), to tbe difTerent culture metbods used
tbe protein syntbesis rate per unit P in RNA is 3-0, (batcb, semi-continuous and cbemostat), and/or to
Tbus for a cell wbicb can maintain a given P cell tbe use ot seven species Irom tour major taxa (tbree
([uota over a range of growtb temperatures, a bigb algal classes, and tbe cyanobacteria) is not clear.
()i,i for P-limited growtb is predicted, More detailed studies are needed before any tirm
conclusions as to general beha\'iour patterns can be
Tbese considerations ot the effects of cell C]uota tor
drawn, especially since these studies do not dis-
N and P on //, lead us to a consideration of factors
tinguish the membrane transport from the unstirred
wbicb alter acquisition ol N and P for cells growing
layer transport steps.
at difierent temperatures.
Diffusion through the boundary layer may exert Transport of some important solutes across tbe
some limitation on tbe rate at which low concen- algal plasmalemma occurs at a significant rate by a
trations ot solutes can he assimilated (see Raven, 'lipid solution' mecbanism. Examples of sucb sol-
1986, I987r) since the temperature etfect on the utes are CO^ (with lipid solution Hux either as tbe
ditiusion of solutes through this boundary layer as sole means ol transport, or, perbaps more commonly,
well as tbe boundary layer tbickness, is smaller tban as a leak in parallel with an inorganic carbon pump)
tbe eflects on the (tbermocbemical) aspects of cell urea (as N source for many microalgae), and glycollic
metabolism, it would be expected that the boundary acid (a re-usable organie excretion product): see
layer limitation would be relatively less important at Raven (1984c;, 1987c7,r), In experiments on giant
lower temperatures. internodal cells of ebaracean algae (Wartiovaara,
Transport across tbe plasmalemma is, for N i l , / , 1942, 1949; see discussion by Stein, 1986), tbe effect
NO, , I1.,PO, /HPO,,- and (in many cases) CO,,/ ol temperature on the 'lipid solution' permeability
HCO., , tbe responsibility of proteinaceous catalysts coefficient of a range of organic compounds is less
(see Raven, 19766, 1980/), 1984fl, 1987r). One marked for the smaller and more lipid-soluble
Temperature and ali>al 457

molecules than i'or examples which are hufjer and higher ratio of CO.^ solubility to O. solubility, at low
less lipid-soluble (Table 1). These experiments temperatures. I lowexer, the significance ol this is
were, howe\'er, carried out o\x'r times which prob- obscured by the probable occurrence ol a COo
ablv did not permit ' homeoviscous adaptation' to concentrating mechanism in this alga (Iverb\' &
the different temperatures vised, so the behaviour oi Raven, 1985).
lipid-solution permation in cells frenotypically of Data from micro-algae also bear on the extent to
phenotypically acclimated to \'arious temperatures is which RL'BISCO acti\ ity may be related to tempera-
unclear. ture effects on photosynthesis and growth. Li &
Regardless of the tnechanism ol organic excretion, Morris (1 982) give data on the diatom Phaeodactylum
it is interesting that Verity (1981 b, 1982/;) found that tricarnutuni which relate growth temperature to
the specific excretion rate [mol C (triol Cell C) ' s '] specific growth rate, specific photos> nthetic rate,
of Leptocylindrits danieus is independent of growth and the speeific acti\'ity of the carboxylases RI H-
temperature. However, the greater surface area per ISCO and I'RPcase, all presented as pg C incor-
unit cell C means that the area based flux of organic porated (pg cell C)"' day''. The data relate photo-
C is greater at the lower temperatures. synthesis at both the growth temjierature and the
F o r the assimilation process once the nutrient has optimal temperature for photosynthesis to the speci-
entered the cell, an enzyme is, of course, invoked. fic growth rate at a gi\en temperature. The carboxy-
Raven (1976/;, ]9H0b) has argued that transport lase data are gi\en as the activity at the optimum
(mediated) of solutes such as NO.-, NH,,', \\.,P()^ / temperature for the carboxylase for extracts of algae
H P O / " , and CO.j/HCO;," into algal cells against a grown at each experimental temperature; from the
concentration gradient represents a means of econo- activation energy data provided it is possible to
mizing on resource alloeation to the machinery of compute the specific reaction rate at the growth
nutrient influx and the initial assimilation process. temperature. The RUBISCO data show that the
Less energy, C and N are, apparently need to activity at the optimal temperature of 40 C, and on
provide, and operate, concentrative transport plus a cell C basis, increased with a decrease in growth
the assimilation process than would be needed if the temperature in the range 25 10 C, with a decrease
assimilation process had to deal with tiie exogenous on a further lowering to 5 C. These changes were
concentration of the nutrient. However, it is not interpretted b\- Li & Morris (1 982) as a conipensation
clear if the concentrative transport process, operating phenomenon (see section II), i.e. more RL'BISCO
at low but 'natural' nutrient concentrations, can give activity per unit cell C at lower temperatures.
a steady-state concentration of nutrient which satur- How e\ er, it is not immediately ob\ ious that compen-
ates the assimilatory enzyme. This is an important sation is \ ery effective in I^haeodactytuni tricoruutum.
question in terms of the impact ot changes with The Q,|, of RUBISCO from this organism is 21 (Li
temperature in the affinity of the assimilatory & Moi'ris, 1982), and the increase in enzyme acti\it>'
enzyme for its substrate (cf. Hochachka & Somero, per cell C" at the temperature optimum is 2'5-fold
1984). The best data for an algal enzyme eatalysing over the range 25 15C, so that the RIU5ISCO
the initial biochemical step ol assimilation are for the activity at the growth temperature is 1-2-fold higher
carboxylase activity of RUHISCO frorn Larriiiuiria for 15 C cultures than for 25 C cultures. Howe\'er,
saccharina (Davidson, 1987). He found that, as with //, decreases 1-2-fbld (\'ia the maximum at 20 C)
the higher plant enzyme, the affinity for CO.^ over this range. Furtherniore, over the range 15 5 C ,
increased with decreasing assay temperature. With /', decreases more than 3-5-fold, while photo-
subsaturating external CO.^ concentrations this effect synthesis deereases 2-6-fold, and Rl'BISCO activity
would, if it applied to the enzyme from plants grown decreases 2-3-fold. ()\er the intermediate range
at different temperatures, help to offset the decreased 20-10 C, //, decreases 2-4-fold, while RUBISCO
substrate-saturated specific reaction rate of the activity decreases 1-2-fold. Compensation is most
enzyme at the lower temperatures and help to marked near the temperature optimum for growth,
maintain the rate of assimilation per unit enzyme as while compensation is inverse at lower temperatures.
temperature is decreased. Furthermore, Daxison & The data of Li & Morris (1982) do not support the
r3a\-ison (1987) found a greater substrate-saturated view that RUBISCO is present in large excess of that
carboxylase activity (on a fresh weight basis) of needed to account for photosynthesis; the activities
Larninaria saccharina RUBISCO in thalli acclimated reported are inadequate (when corrected from the
to lower temperatures. temperature optimum to the growth temperature) to
account for the observed rate of photosynthesis.
For an organism with difiusi\e entry of C()^ the
above mentioned temperature ellects on the kinetics As with the Laniiiiaria saccharina data discussed
of Latniuaria saccharnia might be aided in main- earlier, interpretation in terms of restriction ot
taining the rate of photosynthesis at lower tempera- photosynthesis by CO., transport relative to that by
tures in air-equilibrated sea water by the increased RUBISCO activity under natural conditions is
CO., solubility and, in terms of the carboxy- complicated by the likelihood that Phaeodactylum
lase: oxygenase aeti\ity ratio of RL'HISCO, the tricornutuni has a CO., concentrating mechanism
458 J. A. Raven and R.jf. Geider

(Burns & Beardall, 1987; cf. Patcl & Merrctt, ehanges in allocation of resources between, or within,
1986). catalysts, barriers, structures and stores.
Data from microalgae are also available for natural, From data discussed elsewhere (Ra\'en, 1984rt,
multispecics marine populations (Li et al., 1984; 1986, 1987c/) it would seem that, at //,, the fastest-
Smith & Platt, 198.S). These studies show a greater growing microalgae are close to the //, permitted by
response of RUBISCO activity to temperature in the intrinsic capacity of their catalysts, the dictates of
arctic than in tropical phytoplankton. Further, it metabolic regulation, and need for structural and
appears that the arctic populations do not apparently storage materials. Decrease in temperature bas one
respond to a lower temperature by an increase in widespread response. The ratio of catalysts dealing
RL'BISCC) activity per unit photosynthetic pigment, with steps of photosynthesis from light absorption
although interpretation of data from natural popu- through to primary photochemistry, i.e. those which
lations may well be confounded by variation in, for are temperature-insensitive, to those of downstream,
example, nutrient availability. temperature-sensitive reactions, is decreased. This
In attempting to draw conclusions as to the role ot decrease appears to bring these two steps into balance
resource reallocation in accounting for the Q^ ot and may also serve to oflset photoinhibition. Any
nutrient-limited micro-algal growth we are, ol substitution of catalysts as a response to temperature
course, faced with the problem of variability in the change is not well documented for microalgae.
phenomenon to be explained (section V above), i.e. a Where the analysis of resource allocation and
decrease in the (P,,, of /J as a result of nutrient properties of catalysts tails down is in explaining,
limitation for some genotypes, but little etieet in mechanistically, why some organisms ha\'e intrinsic-
others. I'^or planktonic microalgae the dependence of ally low //, values at their temperature optimum, and
//,,, on cell size (/(, smaller for larger-celled geno- do not show a decreased Q^^ of // at suboptimal
types) is less than that for the impediment to temperatures.
dilVusion to the cell surface through unstirred layer For growth in suboptimal resource supply condi-
(greater impediment for larger cells): see Raven tions the analysis of resource allocation and intrinsic
(1986, 1987r). Other things being equal, diffusion catalytic capacities and kinetics gives a satisfactor\'
through unstirred layers is more likely to limit explanation ot the low Q,,, for // under light-limited
nutrient-limited growth in larger-celled microalgae. conditions. Explanation of the low (P,,, for /( under
Since the C-'io "^ dilTusion of nutrients in aqueous nutrient-limited conditions is less certain.
solution is lower than that of the great majority of
catalysed cellular process (Table I), we might expect
A f K N O W L !; U C; F. M ! N T S
larger cells to have a less temperature-dependent /i
under nutrient-limited conditions than would smal- Richard (jcider was supported by NF.RC (jriint GR3,
ler cells il' diffusion through the unstirred layer were .S9()() awarded to H.S.C. Lcadbcater.
a significant constraint on nutrient-limited //. This is
not obviously so for the examples quoted in section K K I' i; H Ii N c V. s
V. There is thus little ground for attributing the
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culture. 2. nupondcncc of growth con.slants on temperature.
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unstirred (boundary) layers, especially in view of the und AnfJi'ivandli' t^imnoto^ie 21. 88 102.
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or^anelles durin),' the eell cycle of Chtoreila studied by
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