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Chapter 1 - Soil Mechanics Review Part A

1.1 Introduction

Geotechnical Engineer is concerned with predicting / controlling

Failure/Stability Deformations Influence of water (Seepage etc.)

Soil behavour is complex:

- Anisotropic
- Non-homogeneous
- Non-linear
- Stress and stress history dependant

Complexity gives rise to importance of:

- Theory
- Lab tests
- Field tests
- Empirical relations
- Computer applications
- Experience, Judgement, FOS

Unlike steel, soil properties cant be easily determined with a

single grade#: - the best we can do:
Soil Texture Phase relationships Atterberg Limits
Clay mineralogy Fabric and structure Genetic Factors

1.2 Soil Texture

Particle size, shape and size distribution
- Coarse-textured (Gravel, Sand)
- Fine-textured (Silt, Clay)
- visibility by the naked eye (0.05mm is the approx limit)

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There are several Classification systems with some differences: we
use USCS:
Particle size distribution
- Sieve/Mechanical analysis or Gradation Test
- Hydrometer analysis for smaller than .05 to .075 mm (#200 US
Standard sieve)
Particle size distribution curves
D 60
- Well graded Cu =
- Poorly graded

Cu & Cc together provides a better indication of if a soil is well


Particle Shape:
Roundness vs Angularity
Higher angularity tends to give higher strength for gravels and sands.
Modulus: Not certain

Table 1.1 Effect of Particle size:

Gravels, Sands Silt Clay

generally generally generally
High Strength Lower strength Lowest strength
High modulus Lower modulus Lowest modulus
High permeability Lower permeability Lowest permeability

Granular Granular Non-granular

Cohesionless Cohesionless Cohesive
Effect of water Effect of water important Effect of water v.
unimportant (except important
for cyclic loading)

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Particle size distribution:

Important for gravels and sands - well graded material gives higher
strength and higher modulus

For some sands D10 can be related to Permeability, but D10 relates
poorly to K for silts and clays

Soil is Particulate in Nature

Properties of interest strength (stability) and compressibility


Phases solid, liquid, vapour and others?

1.3 Basic Volume/Mass Relationships

The three main physical phases of soil can be represented in
graphical form:

Figure 1.1 Volume/Mass Relationships.

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Based on the volume/mass relationships the following
relationships can be defined:

Void ratio, e =

Porosity, n(%) = x100%

Degree of saturation, S(%) = x100%

Water content, (%) = x100%

Volumetric water content, (%) = x100%
Density, =

Dry density, dry =

Specific gravity of solids, G s =
water Vs

Based on the above definitions the following relationships may

be derived:

s 1 + Se / Gs
d = B =
1+ e 1+ e
B = d (1+w) Se = wG s
e n
n= e=
1+ e 1 n

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When solving problems with phase relations:

if possible, choose one quantity to be UNITY and determine the

remaining quantities similar to solving a crossword puzzle (i.e. filling
the remaining blanks on the phase diagram)

Void Ratio:

Generally (for the same soil)

- modulus increases with decreasing void ratio

- strength increases with decreasing void ratio
- provides an indication of stress history

Moisture content:

Saturated moisture content is directly proportional to void ratio.

Given that Gs is typically between 2.6 to 2.8, all other phase relations
depend on w and e.

Generally, water content or void ratio alone may not tell much
about soil properties when comparing two soils.

1.4 Atterberg Limits

Atterberg limits are defined as limits of engineering behavior
based on water contents

Liquid limit (LL) the water content, in percent, at which the soil
changes from a liquid to a plastic state

Plastic limit (PL) the water content, in percent, at which the soil
changes from a plastic to a semisolid state

Shrinkage limit (SL) the water content, in percent, at which the

soil changes from a semisolid to a solid state

Plasticity index (PI) the difference between the liquid limit and
plastic limit of a soil, PI = LL PL

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Figure 1.2 Definition of Atterberg Limits.

1.5 Clay mineralogy

Clay fraction, clay size particles

Particle size < 2 m (.002 mm)

Clay minerals
Kaolinite, Illite, Montmorillonite (Smectite)
- negatively charged, large surface areas

Non-clay minerals
- e.g. finely ground quartz, feldspar or mica of "clay" size

Implication of the clay particle surface being negatively charged

- double layer

Exchangeable ions
- Li+<Na+<H+<K+<NH4+<<Mg++<Ca++<<Al+++

- Valance, Size of Hydrated cation, Concentration

Thickness of double layer decreases when replaced by higher

valence cation - higher potential to have flocculated structure

When double layer is larger swelling and shrinking potential is larger

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Soils containing clay minerals tend to be cohesive and plastic.

Given the existence of a double layer, clay minerals have an affinity

for water and hence has a potential for swelling (e.g. during wet
season) and shrinking (e.g. during dry season). Smectites such as
Montmorillonite have the highest potential, Kaolinite has the lowest.

Generally, a flocculated soil has higher strength, lower compressibility

and higher permeability compared to a non-flocculated soil.

Sands and gravels (cohesionless ) :

Relative density can be used to compare the same soil. However, the
fabric may be different for a given relative density and hence the

Effect of moisture content on strength of Cohesive Soils

Lower water content

more elastic, more brittle, stiffer and of

higher strength (compared to the same
soil with higher water content)

Higher water content (same material)

more plastic, less stiff and of lower strength

(compared to the same soil with lower water

Plasticity - material can be molded to various

shapes without breaking it.

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Atterberg Limits are water contents, simple and inexpensive

Plastic Limit (PL, wP)

Liquid Limit (LL, wL)
Plasticity index (PI, IP) = LL - PL

Water content itself does not tell the whole story about two soils
Engineering behaviour expressed by relative position of water content

Liquidity Index (LI, IL) = (w-PL)/PI

IL<0 = w<PL - brittle, stiff, high strength
0<IL<1 = PL<w<LL - plastic, lower stiffness, lower strength
IL>1 = w>LL - viscous liquid or quick clay
Ultra sensitive (Quick) w > LL or LI > 1

Plasticity (PI = LL - PL) increases with %clay - depends on clay mineral

Activity = slope of the PI vs % Clay plot

Depends on - type of clay mineral present (not just % clay)

Sodium smectites A>4
Calcium smectites A 1.5
Illite A = 0.5-1.3
Kaolinite A = 0.30.5
Quartz A=0

Swell Potential depends on: Type of Clay mineral and % clay

A soil that would develop to a thicker double layer:

Higher LL and Higher PI
Higher PL - not certain
There is a relationship between PI and LL indicated the type of clay
mineral. Knowing index properties (PI, LL, PL, LI) we have a better
idea about the 3 main properties

e.g. LI - Strength and modulus, Swell Potential

Some empirical relations use PI etc to estimate Strength or modulus

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1.6 Soil Classification Systems
Classification may be based on grain size, genesis, Atterberg
Limits, behavior, etc. In Engineering, descriptive or behaviour-
based classification is more useful than genetic classification.

American Assoc of State Highway & Transportation Officials (AASHTO)

Originally proposed in 1945
Classification system based on eight major groups (A-1 to A-8)
and a group index
Based on grain size distribution, liquid limit and plasticity indices
Mainly used for highway subgrades in USA

Unified Soil Classification System (UCS)

Originally proposed in 1942 by A. Casagrande
Classification system pursuant to ASTM Designation D-2487
Classification system based on group symbols and group names
The USCS is used in most geotechnical work in Canada

Figure 1.3 Plasticity Chart for Clays and Silts.

Group symbols G (gravel), S (sand), M (silt), C (clay), O (organic

silts and clay), Pt (peat and highly organic soils), H (high
plasticity), L (low plasticity), W (well graded) and P (poorly graded)
Group names several descriptions
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Table 1.2 Group Symbols According to the UCS.

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Table 1.3 Group Names for Course Grained Soils.

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Table 1.4 Group Names for Inorganic Fine Grained Soils.

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Table 1.4 (cont) Group Names for Organic Fine Grained Soils.

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Table 1.5 Flow Cart for USCS (from Codutto, 2001)

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1.7 Permeability & Seepage
Flow through soils affect several material properties such as shear
strength and compressibility
If there were no water in soil, there would be no geotechnical
Darcys Law

Developed in 1856
Unit flow, q = K
Where: K = hydraulic conductivity
h =difference in piezometric or total head
L = length along the drainage path

Figure 1.4 Definition of Darcys Law.

Example: For a sandy sample with K=3E-03 cm/s, if h =0.1 m

and L = 1 m, what is Q ?

q = Q/A = k h / L = 3E-05 m/s x 0.1 = 3E-06 m/s (i.e. m3/s/m2)

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1-D Seepage Q=kiA i = hydraulic gradient =h /L
h = change in TOTAL head
Downward seepage increases effective stress
Upward seepage decreases effective stress

2-D Seepage (flow nets)

elevation = 168

140 m Tailwater Elevation 139

40 metres ASL


Bedrock Elevation variable,

i t l 95 ASL

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1.7 Effective Stress
Effective stress is defined as the effective pressure that occurs at
a specific point within a soil profile

The total stress is carried partially by the pore water and partially
by the soil solids, the effective stress, , is defined as the total
stress, t, minus the pore water pressure, u, ' = t u

Changes in effective stress is responsible for volume change

The effective stress is responsible for producing frictional

resistance between the soil solids

Therefore, effective stress is an important concept in geotechnical


Overconsolidation ratio, OCR =
' z

Where: c = preconsolidation pressure

Critical hydraulic gradient =0 when i = (B-w) /w = 0

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Example: Determine the effective stress distribution with depth if
the head in the gravel layer is a) 2 m below ground surface b) 4 m
below ground surface; and c) at the ground surface.

Steps in solving seepage and effective stress problems:

1. set a datum
2. evaluate distribution of total head with depth
3. subtract elevation head from total head to yield pressure head
4. calculate distribution with depth of vertical total stress
subtract pore pressure (=pressure head x w) from total stress


Sandy silt till

B=19 kN/m3

Sandy Gravel
B=21.5 kN/m3

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