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Hydrochloric Acid Plant

Submitted to:
Mr. Muhammad Khurshid Sheikh (HOD)
Training In-charge:
Mr. Malik Mansoob (Planning Specialist)
Submitted by:
Mr. Naeem Watto


Hydrochloric Acid Plant

Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................ 2
Properties................................................................................................................................................................ 2
Process Description ................................................................................................................................................. 2
Process Flow Diagrams ........................................................................................................................................... 3
Major Sections of Furnace ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Chamber.............................................................................................................................................................. 7
Absorber.............................................................................................................................................................. 8
Tail Tower............................................................................................................................................................ 8
Mass Balance .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Heat Calculations .................................................................................................................................................. 10
Nitrogen Tank Calculations ................................................................................................................................... 10
Interlocking for Furnace 16 ................................................................................................................................... 11
Safety at IEM Furnaces (13, 14, 15) ...................................................................................................................... 12
Start Up Operation ................................................................................................................................................ 12
Shut Down Operation ........................................................................................................................................... 13
Troubleshooting .................................................................................................................................................... 13
Filter Washing ................................................................................................................................................... 13
Burner Washing ................................................................................................................................................ 13
Descaling ........................................................................................................................................................... 14
Work on Hydrogen Line .................................................................................................................................... 15
Absorber Washing............................................................................................................................................. 15
Uses of HCL Acid ................................................................................................................................................... 15
Handling & Storage of HCL .................................................................................................................................... 15

Hydrochloric Acid Plant

The chemical compound hydrochloric acids is the aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride gas
(HCl). This strong acid is highly corrosive and must be handled with appropriate safety precautions. It
is the major component of gastric acid. It is routinely used in chemical research laboratories and
manufacturing plants. Its applications include the large-scale production of certain compounds such as
vinyl chloride for polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic, removal of rust and scale from metals, petroleum
production, and ore processing. Smaller-scale applications include the production of gelatin and other
ingredients in food, and leather processing.

The pure chlorine gas is combined with hydrogen to produce hydrogen chloride gas, according to
following reaction

Cl2(g) + H2(g) 2 HCl(g)

As the reaction is exothermic, the installation is called an HCl oven or HCl burner. The resulting
hydrogen chloride gas is absorbed in de ionized water, resulting in chemically pure hydrochloric acid.

Density 1.18 g/cm3@ 37% solution

Solubility in Water Fully Miscible

Melting Point -66 0C @ 35% solution

Boiling Point 48 0C @ 38% solution

Main Hazard Corrosive

Flash Point Non Flammable

Molar Mass 36.46 g/mol

Appearance Clear colorless to light-yellow

Table 1: Properties of HCl Acid

Process Description
Hydrogen and chlorine gases are produced as a byproduct in Ion Exchange membrane units.
These gases are used for the production of hydrochloric acid. Hydrogen gas comes directly from IEM 1
and IEM 2 plants to HCl production furnaces whereas chlorine gas from IEM plants goes to Chlorine
washing Tanks and then via Chlorine drying tanks it comes to HCl Furnaces. In chorine drying tanks
H2SO4 acid is used which absorbs the water content present in Cl2 gas.

Hydrochloric Acid Plant

There are two vertical filters installed for chlorine gas. It passes through these filters and
impurities get separated in this filter. Pressure difference across these two filters is monitored
regularly. When the pressure drop across these filters increases, they are washed to clear out the
blockage caused by impurities. Chlorine gas then pass through a seal pot which dissolves impurities
and also remove condensates present in chlorine gas. Hydrogen gas also passes through a seal pot.
After passing through these seal pots both gasses enter the production furnace where H2 is burnt in
the presence of Cl2.From the balance chemical equation the ratio for both gases is 1:1 but to ensure
the complete reaction and minimize the chances of any unburnt Cl2 gas going directly into atmosphere
H2 is given in 10% excess to Cl2.The resulting flame have a temperature ranging from 1800oC-2200oC.To
cool down the furnace cooling water is also provided. In case of any emergency all valves are shut off
and purging with N2 gas is done.

The parameters that are controlled here are:

HCl Concentration
Absorption water flow rate
Ratio of hydrogen and chlorine gases

Process Flow Diagrams

Figure 1: PFD of HCl Furnaces

Hydrochloric Acid Plant

Figure 2: HCl Furnace 16

Hydrochloric Acid Plant

Flow: 990 Nm3/hr

Pressure: 5.5 kPa

Flow: 900 Nm3/hr

Pressure: 5 kPa

Hydrochloric Acid Plant

Flow: 450 Nm3/hr

Pressure: 6.5 kPa

Flow: 435 Nm3/hr

Pressure: 6.5 kPa

Hydrochloric Acid Plant

Major Sections of Furnace

There are three major sections of HCl Furnace

Tail tower

Chlorine and hydrogen produced from the cell room flows to the furnace chamber where
combustion of hydrogen is done in the presence of chlorine. Resulting flame have a temperature of
about 2200oC.To cool down the furnace cooling water is provided in the jacket side of chamber. The
difference between chamber and jacket is approximately 2-2.5 inches. The milky appearance of the
flame indicates the production of HCl gas. This gas flows upwards to the absorber.

Chamber Material Graphite

Flame Color White/Milky Flame

Flame Temperature 2200 0C

Burner Material Glass/ceramic/graphite

Table 2: HCl Furnace Chamber Properties

Figure 3: Graphite Chamber Figure 4: Graphite Absorber Section

Hydrochloric Acid Plant

HCL gas produced in chamber flows to the absorber top where they strike the dome and flows
to the tubes at the side of absorber. These tubes are made of graphite. These tubes have V-notches at
their top end. The purpose of these v-notches is to equally distribute the HCl gas and absorption water.
Absorption water and HCl gas flows downwards in co-current flow. Weak acid produced in the tail
tower flows down in the absorber tubes with HCl gas to produce acid of conc. 34 %. And the
unabsorbed gases that are not absorbed in the absorber tubes flows to the tail tower. There are weirs
at the outer side of absorber where cooling water runs continuously to decrease the temperature of
absorption column.

Un absorbed gases from the absorber flows to the tail tower where absorption water is
showered on it to produce weak acid that flows to the top of absorber. The gases which are not
absorbed in the tail tower go to the vent. To protect the atmosphere from the hazardous gases ejector
is made. The unabsorbed gases from the tail tower are absorbed further by ejector water and drained
and remaining gases are vented to atmosphere. To increase the contact time of HCl gas with absorption
water C-PVC or PVC packing is filled in the tail tower.

Figure 5: Tail Tower Packing

Hydrochloric Acid Plant

Mass Balance

Unreacted Gases & Condensate

H2 = 560 m3/hr

34.6 % HCl @ 30 0C
Cl2 = 510 m3/hr

Absorption Water

() + () ()

2 = 0.089 3 2 = 3.214 3

2 = 565 3 0.089 3 = 50.28

2 = 510 3 3.214 3 = 1639.14

2 = = 24.94
2 = = 23.086

. () + . () . () Cl2 is Limiting

100 % HCl mass flow rate = 46.173 kgmol X 36.5 kg/kgmol

= 1685.313 kg/hr

Total production of HCl @ 34.6 % concentration = 1685.313 kg/hr 0.346

= 4870.85 kg/hr

Absorption Water Flow rate = 4870.85 1685.313

= 3185.5 kg/hr = 3.186 m3/hr

Volumetric Flow rate of 34.6 % HCl = 4870.85 kg/hr 1055.68 kg/m3

= 4.614 m3/hr

Production per day = 4.614 m3/hr X 24 hr/day = 110.736 m3/day

Production in Tons per day = 4870.85 kg/ hr X 24 hr/day 1000 kg/Ton

Hydrochloric Acid Plant

= 116.9 Ton/day


Amount of H2O can also be calculated using following

(Flow of Cl2 x 2 x36.5)/22.4 x 0.001 x 0.66/0.34 =H2O required

Flow of Cl2 x 0.00633 =H2O required m3/hr

Heat Calculations
Heat of Reaction of 100% HCl = 0.7 kWh/kg = 604 kCal/kg = 2520 kJ/kg

Total Heat generation by reaction per hour = 0.7 kWh/kg X 1685.313 kg/hr

Q = 1180 kWh/hr = 1.18 MWh/hr = 4247 MJ/hr

Mass flowrate cooling of water for chamber = Q / cp X dT = 4247000 KJ/hr (4.18 KJ/kg.0C x 5 0C)

= 203.2 m3/hr

Heat of Absorption of 100% HCl = 0.5 kWh/kg = 430.21 kCal/kg = 1800 kJ/kg

Total Heat generation by dilution per hour = 0.5 kWh/kg X 1685.313 kg/hr

Q = 842.6 kWh/hr = 0.843 MWh/hr = 3033 MJ/hr

Total heat of Absorption + Total heat of reaction (per hr) = 7280 MJ/hr

Total Mass flowrate of cooling water for F-16 = Q / cp X dT = 7280000 KJ/hr (4.18 KJ/kg.0C x 2.50C)

Total Mass flowrate of cooling water for F-16 = 700 m3/hr

Nitrogen Tank Calculations

Volume of Cylinder = . r2. h = (3.14) (0.4 m)2(1.83 m)

Volume of Cylinder = 0.92 m3

= =

At P = 2 bar and T = 25 0C

= (2 )(0.92 3 )(1)(0.0813 . 3 . )(298 )

= 0.0745 so, = 0.0745 28 /

= .

At P = 5 bar and T = 25 0C Mass of Nitrogen = 5.17 kg

Hydrochloric Acid Plant

Interlocking for Furnace 16

Interlocking of Operating Condition Tripping* Time Lag

PS-501H(AB) Cooling Absorber 1.9 kg/cm2 1.5 kg/cm2 1 Sec

Outlet Pressure

PS-502H(CH) Cooling Chamber 1.55 kg/cm2 1.4 kg/cm2 1 Sec

Outlet Pressure

FIC-502H Absorption Water 4000 Lit/hr 700 Lit/hr 10 Sec

TE-503H Absorber Outlet Water 25 0C to 30 0C 50 0C 1 Sec


TE-502 H Chamber Outlet Water 25 0C to 30 0C 50 0C 1 0C


IRS-500 H Furnace Flame Intensity Flame ON OFF 4 Sec

PT-505 H Main Inlet Cooling Water 2.75 kg/cm2 1.9 kg/cm2 (190kPa) 1 Sec
Line Pressure

PT-501 H Main Hydrogen Line 500 mmW - 600mmW (5 200mmW (2 kPa) 1 Sec
Pressure kPa to 6kPa)

PT502 H Main CL2 Line Pressure 500 mmW - 600mmW (5 200mmW (2 kPa) 1 Sec
kPa to 6kPa)

Shut OFF valve ZV-501 Hydrogen Malfunctioning 1 Sec &

Appear on

Shut OFF valve ZV-502 Chlorine Malfunctioning 1 Sec &

Appear on

Furnace Standard Time Flame Off 10Min

Furnace Status On When two KA load at Rectifiers is achieved

N2 Valve XCV 503 Opening time is 10 min when Furnace off. Maintain the Nitrogen
tank pressure at 5.5 kg/cm2 to 6kg/cm2
Hydrochloric Acid Plant

Table 3 : Interlocking of Furnace 16

*Furnace tripping mean simultaneous H2 Regulating (FV-501H), Shut off (ZV-501H) valve & Cl2 Regulating (FV-502H) Shut
off (ZV-502H) valve are closed &N2 valve ZV-502H is opened

Safety at IEM Furnaces (13, 14, 15)

Cooling water pressure (Should be >2.2 bar)
Absorption water (Should be > 1000 liter)
Flame sensor (Flame should be ON)
Skin Temperature (<120 C)
Outlet temperature of Cooling water (<50 C)
Minimum load at IEM cell room (7KA min)


Cooling water pressure (should be > 1.8)
Absorption water should be > 1000 liter
Skin Temperature (<120 C)
Outlet temperature of Cooling water (<50 C)
Minimum load at IEM cell room (2KA min)

Start Up Operation
1. Check Safeties of furnaces
2. Open the sight glass of Furnace
3. Exhaust of gases in the furnace is done by exhauster
4. After that ON the furnace from computer
5. Flushing of chlorine line from seal pot to panel is done by opening the hypo valve. During this
chlorine shut off valve and chlorine regulating valve 80 % are open (standard time 10 min after
that furnace trip automatically)
6. After that control valve is closed and inlet seal pot valve open and direct flushing is done from
seal pot to hypo (2-3 min)
7. Now ON the furnace and open hydrogen regulating valve to 15 %.
8. Open the hydrogen control valve such that hydrogen to burner pressure is same as in main
(During this panel valve is close)
9. Close the vent and Hydrogen control valve
10. Panel valve leakage is checked. Pressure drop and exhauster outlet is checked. If hydrogen
present in exhauster outlet or delta P decreases than leakage in panel valve or vent. If no
leakage and no delta P occurs, then furnace OK.
11. Fully open the vent to release pressure in the line.
12. Now open the control valve such that pressure in hydrogen to burner manometer is 50 mmWC.
After that control the vent such that pressure on the manometer is 150-200mmWC (2 min
hydrogen line purging) after that close the vent.
Hydrochloric Acid Plant

13. Fire the lance and put it in the furnace from side glass.
14. Now open the hydrogen panel valve slowly such that hydrogen to burner pressure shows to
suction. Flame will begin to appear as panel valve opens, when pressure hydrogen to burner in
suction fully opens the panel valve. Also Chlorine pressure to burner should be in suction as air
secondary valve is open.
15. Now open chlorine regulating valve to 20 %.
16. Fully open the chlorine control valve.
17. Now open the chlorine panel valve little to make the flame white (during this chlorine to burner
pressure should be in suction)
18. When flame appears white remove the lance from the sight glass and close the sight glass.
19. Close the air secondary valve and fully open the chlorine panel valve
20. Stabilize the flame by adjusting the ratio of Cl2 and H2
21. H2 should be in 10 % excess so that no unburnt Cl2 directly goes into atmosphere.

Concentration of HCl is controlled to 34 % by changing the absorption water flow rate. And if excess
chlorine is flowing to atmosphere then hydrogen is increased.

Shut Down Operation

1. When furnace is tripped or shut down then chlorine and hydrogen shut off valve will close
automatically and N2 auto valve will operate for 3 min and nitrogen is purged in the furnace to
remove all the mixtures in the furnace
2. After that close the manual valve and panel valve of hydrogen and chlorine and ON the
3. Open the hydrogen vent valve and after 10 min open air secondary valve and after 25 min open
the side glass.

Chlorine coming from the cell room IEM contains impurities like salt that stuck to the Filters due to
which pressure drop increases in the Filters. Also the Filter resists the passing of Chlorine gas due to
which washing of Filters is necessary one time in 24 hours. when washing is required water inlet at the
top of filters I opened for at least 20-30 mints. It can be done while the furnace is operational.

Chlorine coming from the cell room IEM contains impurities that stuck to the burner then
Furnace does not take proper load and chlorine to the burner pressure increased. Therefore, impurities
must be removed for proper operation of furnaces. Burner washing is done by inserting the water from
the side glass during the shutdown. During burner washing leakages in hydrogen line is also checked
as if leakage in line then air will can intake during the operation. Storage tank 10 and 11 (MOOCH)
Pump Safety Check

Hydrochloric Acid Plant

Storage tank pump safety is regularly checked in order to prevent pump to run empty. Safety operates
with the pressure switches connected to the tanks 10 and 11. When the pressure reaches to 1 bar,
pump will automatically trip. 1 bar indicates the minimum level of the tanks 10 and 11.

Sometimes scaling occurs on the v-notches as well as on shell side of Furnace due to different
reasons. Cooling water may contain some scaling materials which coagulate in the furnace. It also
occurs after a long time flow of cooling water as it may contain some rust particles from MS pipelines
and packing particles from cooling tower. When this situation occurs we have to clean it properly.

Figure 6: Scaling at Top of shell side of Chamber

Figure 7: Scaling on V-Notches

Hydrochloric Acid Plant


In order to do fire work (welding, cutting etc.) on hydrogen line, Line is flushed by filling water
in the hydrogen line to remove hydrogen pockets from the line.
Absorber of HCL furnace is washed block wise
Washing is done with hydrofluoric acid circulation.
Before washing leakage of hydrofluoric acid pump is checked by water circulation.

Uses of HCL Acid

It's used industrially to process steel, the material of choice for suspension bridges and cars and trucks.
Hydrochloric acid is also used in the production of batteries, photoflash bulbs and fireworks. It's even
used to process sugar and make gelatin. Hydrochloric acid, like last month's chlorine
compound, sodium chloride, is another "workhorse" chemical because it is incredibly useful in a wide
variety of ways.

Handling & Storage of HCL

This acid has a sharp, irritating odor and is highly corrosive, meaning; it damages most things it
touches. Metal containers are out for this acid, but plastic containers, such as those made of PVC
(polyvinyl chloride) stand up very well. Metal containers with rubber lining can also be used.


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