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ASCA National Model

A Framework For School Counseling Programs

Executive Summary

School counselors design and deliver comprehensive is based on data-driven decision making
school counseling programs that promote student is provided by a state-credentialed school counselor
achievement. These programs are comprehensive in
scope, preventive in design and developmental in na- Effective school counseling programs are a collaborative
ture. The ASCA National Model: A Framework for effort between the school counselor, parents and other ed-
School Counseling Programs outlines the components ucators to create an environment that promotes student
of a comprehensive school counseling program. The achievement. Staff and school counselors value and re-
ASCA National Model brings school counselors to- spond to the diversity and individual differences in our
gether with one vision and one voice, which creates societies and communities. Comprehensive school coun-
unity and focus toward improving student achieve- seling programs ensure equitable access to opportunities
ment. and rigorous curriculum for all students to participate
fully in the educational process.
A comprehensive school counseling program is an inte-
gral component of the schools academic mission. School counselors focus their skills, time and energy on di-
Comprehensive school counseling programs, driven by rect and indirect services to students. To achieve maximum
student data and based on standards in academic, ca- program effectiveness, the American School Counselor As-
reer and personal/social development, promote and en- sociation recommends a school counselor to student ratio
hance the learning process for all students. The ASCA of 1:250 and that school counselors spend 80 percent or
National Model: more of their time in direct and indirect services to stu-
ensures equitable access to a rigorous education for dents. School counselors participate as members of the ed-
all students ucational team and use the skills of leadership, advocacy
identifies the knowledge and skills all students will and collaboration to promote systemic change as appro-
acquire as a result of the K-12 comprehensive school priate. The framework of a comprehensive school counsel-
counseling program ing program consists of four components: foundation,
is delivered to all students in a systematic fashion management, delivery and accountability.

School counselors create comprehensive school coun-

seling programs that focus on student outcomes, teach
student competencies and are delivered with identified
professional competencies.
Delivery is
Program Focus: To establish program focus, school 80% or
counselors identify personal beliefs that address how more of the
all students benefit from the school counseling pro- activity in
gram. Building on these beliefs, school counselors cre- the ASCA
ate a vision statement defining what the future will National
look like in terms of student outcomes. In addition, Model
school counselors create a mission statement aligned
with their schools mission and develop program goals
defining how the vision and mission will be measured.

Student Competencies: Enhancing the learning

process for all students, the ASCA Mindsets & Behav-
iors for Student Success: K-12 College- and Career-
Readiness for Every Student guide the development of
effective school counseling programs around three do-
mains: academic, career and social/emotional develop-
ment. School counselors also consider how other
student standards important to state and district initia-
tives complement and inform their school counseling

Professional Competencies: The ASCA School Coun-

selor Competencies outline the knowledge, attitudes
and skills that ensure school counselors are equipped to
meet the rigorous demands of the profession. The
ASCA Ethical Standards for School Counselors specify or more of the school counselors time to direct and
the principles of ethical behavior necessary to maintain indirect services with students
the highest standard of integrity, leadership and profes- Annual agreements developed with and approved
sionalism. They guide school counselors decision-mak- by administrators at the beginning of the school year
ing and help to standardize professional practice to addressing how the school counseling program is
protect both students and school counselors. organized and what goals will be accomplished
Advisory councils made up of students, parents,
teachers, school counselors, administrators and
MANAGEMENT community members to review and make
recommendations about school counseling program
School counselors incorporate organizational assess- activities and results
ments and tools that are concrete, clearly delineated Use of data to measure the results of the program
and reflective of the schools needs. Assessments and as well as to promote systemic change within the
tools include: school system so every student graduates college-
School counselor competency and school and career-ready
counseling program assessments to self-evaluate Curriculum, small-group and closing-the-gap
areas of strength and improvement for individual action plans including developmental, prevention
skills and program activities and intervention activities and services that measure
Use-of-time assessment to determine the amount the desired student competencies and the impact on
of time spent toward the recommended 80 percent achievement, behavior and attendance
individual student academic program coordinating paperwork and data entry of
planning all new students
interpreting cognitive, aptitude and coordinating cognitive, aptitude and
achievement tests achievement testing programs
providing counseling to students who signing excuses for students who are tardy
are tardy or absent or absent
providing counseling to students who have performing disciplinary actions or assigning

disciplinary problems discipline consequences

providing counseling to students as to sending students home who are not

appropriate school dress appropriately dressed

collaborating with teachers to present teaching classes when teachers are absent
school counseling core curriculum lessons
analyzing grade-point averages in computing grade-point averages
relationship to achievement
interpreting student records maintaining student records
providing teachers with suggestions for supervising classrooms or common areas
effective classroom management
ensuring student records are maintained as keeping clerical records
per state and federal regulations
helping the school principal identify and assisting with duties in the principals office
resolve student issues, needs and problems
providing individual and small-group providing therapy or long-term counseling in
counseling services to students schools to address psychological disorders
advocating for students at individual coordinating schoolwide individual
education plan meetings, student study teams education plans, student study teams and
and school attendance review boards school attendance review boards
analyzing disaggregated data serving as a data entry clerk

Annual and weekly calendars to keep students, Direct Student Services

parents, teachers and administrators informed and Direct services are in-person interactions between
to encourage active participation in the school school counselors and students and include the
counseling program following:
School counseling core curriculum: This

curriculum consists of structured lessons designed to

DELIVERY help students attain the desired competencies and to
provide all students with the knowledge, attitudes
School counselors provide services to students, parents, and skills appropriate for their developmental level.
school staff and the community in the following areas: The school counseling core curriculum is delivered
throughout the schools overall curriculum and is tion and collaboration with parents, teachers, other edu-
systematically presented by school counselors in cators and community organizations.
collaboration with other professional educators in
K-12 classroom and group activities.
Individual student planning: School counselors ACCOUNTABILITY
coordinate ongoing systemic activities designed to
assist students in establishing personal goals and To demonstrate the effectiveness of the school counseling
developing future plans. program in measurable terms, school counselors analyze
Responsive services: Responsive services are school and school counseling program data to determine
activities designed to meet students immediate needs how students are different as a result of the school counsel-
and concerns. Responsive services may include ing program. School counselors use data to show the im-
counseling in individual or small-group settings or pact of the school counseling program on student
crisis response. achievement, attendance and behavior and analyze school
counseling program assessments to guide future action and
Indirect Student Services improve future results for all students. The performance of
Indirect services are provided on behalf of students as a the school counselor is evaluated on basic standards of
result of the school counselors interactions with others practice expected of school counselors implementing a
including referrals for additional assistance, consulta- comprehensive school counseling program.


The ASCA National Model: A Framework

for School Counseling Programs (third
edition) is $34.95 for ASCA members or
$44.95 for nonmembers. Bulk pricing of
CA National Mo $29.95 is available for 10 copies or more.
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Order no. 289325.
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