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Univ. Press of Mississippi

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2 Super Heroes: A Modern Mythology

Richard Reynolds
Univ. Press of Mississippi, 1992 - 134
2 Recenzje
The superhero has been the staple of the modern comic book since the late 1930s. The phenomenally successf
characters ever created. Yet to relatively few aficionados are they known at first hand from their appearances

Super Heroes: A Modern Mythology explores the origins of the superhero by documenting how heroes emerg

To show some of the most influential and paradigmatic figures, this study focuses on the texts of three comic
mythologize both the role of the hero and the nature of consensus, authority, and moral choice.

Blending academic scholarship with specialized knowledge of the comic book medium, Super Heroes: A Mod
books has focused on history rather than on cultural analysis, this book will be of great value to scholars of po

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2.1.1 Co mwi ludzie - Napisz recenzj

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2.1.2 Ksiki pokrewne

On Doctoring
Richard Reynolds, John Stone

On Guerrilla Gardening
Richard Reynolds

Coping with Multiple Sclerosis

Cynthia Benz, Richard Reynolds

Passion, Pain, Punishment

Richard Reynolds

Letters to William Frend from the Reynolds family of Little
Paxton and John Hammond of Fenstanton 1793-1814
William Frend, Richard Reynolds, Mary C. Reynolds, John
Hammond, Frida Knight

Letters of Richard Reynolds

Richard Reynolds

Fragments to the memory of the late Richard Reynolds ...

including ... Montgomery's poem; together with anecdotes
and reflections, in prose and verse, the sequel to
Excitements to beneficence
Richard Reynolds, James Montgomery

Excitements to beneficence, held out to mankind in the
character ... of Richard Reynolds
Richard Reynolds

The Retributions of Charity. A Sermon Preach'd Before the

Lord-Mayor ..., Tom 11
Richard Reynolds

A Sermon Preached Before the Lords Spiritual and

Temporal, in the Abbey-Church at Westminster, January the
30th, 1721. Being the Anniversary of the Martyrdom of King
Charles the First. By ... Richard, Lord Bishop of Bangor
Richard Reynolds

Letters of Richard Reynolds

Richard Reynolds, Hannah Mary Rathbone

The best of Mother Jones

Richard Reynolds

2.1.3 Spis treci


Costumed Continuity

Deciphering The Myths

Three Key Texts


Further Reading


Prawa autorskie

2.1.4 Kluczowe wyrazy i wyraenia

Action Comics Alan Moore Alpha
Flight artwork Asgard Avengers Batman and Robin Batman

Stories battle become Black Freighter Bruce

Wayne Byrne Byrne's Captain America Captain

Marvel character's Clark

Kent clearly Colossus Colossus's Comedian comic book Comics

Journal conflict continuity costumed

Dark Knight
characters crime cultural CyclopsDaredevil

Returns Detective Comics Detective Comics

500 Dick Earth evil example fans Fantastic Four Golden

Age graphic

novel identity intertextualIron issues Joker Krypton Lois Luthor magic Mag

neto Marvel Comics Marvel Entertainment Group Marvel

Universe mask menace metatext Miller mutant Mxyzptlkmyt
h mythology Nite
Owl Norse original panel parents plot popular powers protagonist publis
hed reader reading Scarlet Witch sexual She-
Hulk signs social society Spider-Man Stan
Lee Steve storyline strength structure super superhero
comics superhero genre superhero stories superhero
team superheroines Superman superpowerssupervillain t
eam-up theme Thor's titles Two-Face Veidt vigilante villains Watchm
en Wolverine Wonder Woman X-Men York World's Fair

2.1.5 Popularne fragmenty

Strona 43 - The necessity that he shall conform, that he shall
cohere, is not onesided; what happens when a new work of
art is created is something that happens simultaneously to all
the works of art which preceded it. The existing monuments

form an ideal order among themselves, which is modified by
the introduction of the new (the really new) work of art among
Wystpuje w 283 ksikach z lat 1892-2008
Strona 43 - The existing monuments form an ideal order
among themselves, which is modified by the introduction of
the new (the really new) work of art among them. The existing
order is complete before the new work arrives; for order to
persist after the supervention of novelty, the whole existing
order must be, if ever so slightly, altered; and so the relations,
proportions, values of each work of art toward the whole are
readjusted; and this is conformity between the old and the
Wystpuje w 502 ksikach z lat 1892-2008
Strona 62 - I have mentioned, then, the child's imagination
becomes engaged in the task of getting free from the parents
of whom he now has a low opinion and of replacing them by
others, who, as a rule, are of higher social standing.
Wystpuje w 57 ksikach z lat 1932-2007
Strona 62 - Small events in the child's life which make him
feel dissatisfied afford him provocation for beginning to
criticize his parents, and for using, in order to support his
critical attitude, the knowledge which he has acquired that
other parents are in some respects preferable to them.4 So
the 'family romance...
Wystpuje w 13 ksikach z lat 1954-2006
Strona 67 - Criminals are a superstitious, cowardly lot, so I
must wear a disguise that will strike terror into their hearts! I
must be a creature of the night, like a ... a ..." ("And, as if in
answer, a winged creature flew in through the open window!")
"A bat! That's it! It's like an omen! I shall become a bat!
Wystpuje w 13 ksikach z lat 1932-2008
Strona 50 - This grandiloquence is nothing but the popular
and age-old image of the perfect intelligibility of reality. What
is portrayed by wrestling is therefore an ideal understanding
of things; it is the euphoria of men raised for a while above

the constitutive ambiguity of everyday situations and placed
before the panoramic view of a univocal Nature, in which
signs at last correspond to causes, without obstacle, without
evasion, without contradiction.
Wystpuje w 18 ksikach z lat 1970-2006
Strona 19 - Japanese art stuffed in dealers' closets or
apartments. Everything somehow finds it way here. For LeVi-
Strauss New York in the 1940s is a wonderland of sudden
openings to other times and places, of cultural matter out of
place: New York (and this is the source of its charm and its
peculiar fascination) was then a city where anything seemed
possible. Like the urban fabric, the social and cultural fabric
was riddled with holes. All you had to do was pick one and
slip through it if, like Alice, you...
Wystpuje w 9 ksikach z lat 1988-2003
Strona 10 - I conceive a character like Samson, Hercules and
all the strong men I have ever heard tell of rolled into one.
Only more so. I hop right out of bed and write this down, and
then I go back and think some more for about two hours and
get up again and write that down." 3 By the next day he and
his partner had fashioned the first twelve "Superman...
Wystpuje w 6 ksikach z lat 1981-2004

2.1.6 Odniesienia do tej ksiki

Encyclopedic Dictionary of Semiotics, Media, and Communications
Marcel Danesi
Ograniczony podgld - 2000

Black Superheroes, Milestone Comics, and Their Fans

Jeffrey A. Brown
Ograniczony podgld - 2001

Wszystkie wyniki z usugi Ksiki Google »

2.1.7 Informacje bibliograficzne

Tytu Super Heroes: A Modern Mythology

Batsford cultural studies
Studies in popular culture
Autor Richard Reynolds
Wydanie ilustrowane, reprint
Wydawca Univ. Press of Mississippi, 1992
ISBN 0878056947, 9780878056941
Liczba stron 134

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