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American Political Science Review Vol. 99, No.

3 August 2005

Nested Analysis as a Mixed-Method Strategy

for Comparative Research
EVAN S. LIEBERMAN Princeton University

espite repeated calls for the use of mixed methods in comparative analysis, political scientists
have few systematic guides for carrying out such work. This paper details a unified approach
which joins intensive case-study analysis with statistical analysis. Not only are the advantages
of each approach combined, but also there is a synergistic value to the nested research design: for
example, statistical analyses can guide case selection for in-depth research, provide direction for more
focused case studies and comparisons, and be used to provide additional tests of hypotheses generated
from small-N research. Small-N analyses can be used to assess the plausibility of observed statistical
relationships between variables, to generate theoretical insights from outlier and other cases, and to
develop better measurement strategies. This integrated strategy improves the prospects of making valid
causal inferences in cross-national and other forms of comparative research by drawing on the distinct
strengths of two important approaches.

ong-standing methodological debates highlight- Although such back-and-forth debate has served to

L ing inherent tradeoffs in the main modes of com-

parative analysis have tended to force scholars to
choose between one of two imperfect approaches. On
illuminate the shortcomings in various methodological
approaches, it has also provided momentum for greater
synthesis of research styles and findings. Two decades
the one hand, even while defending its merits, Lijphart after publication of Lijpharts (1971) article, Collier
(1971, 685) succinctly identified the central shortcom- (1991) pointed out that advances in both statistical
ing of the comparative method as the problem of and small-N approaches, and evidence of increasing
many variables, small number of cases. In the years communication across the two approaches, held great
to follow, some scholars argued that such attempts to promise for scholarly progress. Both King, Keohane,
draw general conclusions from intensive analysis of one and Verbas Designing Social Inquiry (1994) and Brady
or a few cases have been flawed by various problems of and Colliers Rethinking Social Inquiry (2004) have
selection bias, lack of systematic procedures, and inat- demonstrated that each mode of analysis can be suc-
tention to rival explanations (e.g., Achen and Snidal cessfully used to achieve similar social scientific ends,
1989; Geddes 1990; King, Keohane, and Verba 1994). while using somewhat different tools. And yet, these
Alternatively, other scholars have argued not only that contributions have largely assumed that there will con-
some of the critiques of qualitative research may be tinue to be substantial divisions of scholarly labor, even
overdrawn and the contributions of these works un- as research findings across the methodological divide
derappreciated, but also that the complex phenomena are often ignored. In a somewhat different formulation,
and causal processes associated with big, national-level several scholars have called for greater integration of
outcomes require a more close-range analytic tool that methodological approaches (Achen and Snidal 1989;
is less likely to generate spurious results (e.g., Collier, Tarrow 1995) or the mixing of methods. Despite the
Brady, and Seawright 2004; Collier and Mahoney 1996; initially appealing nature of such a resolution, scholars
Munck 1998; Rogowski 1995). Qualitatively oriented have received little guidance about how to blend these
scholars have their own tradition of challenging the modes of analysis. As Bennett (2002) points out in a
statistical approach, including Sartoris (1970) power- paper reviewing some of the ways in which case study,
ful invective against conceptual stretching, which in statistical, and formal methods have been combined in
turn has been refuted by scholars such as Jackman political science, there is a need to focus on the ways
(1985), who argues that the comparative method is a in which such combinations could be increased and
weak approximation of the statistical method, (165) improved. Clearly, not all forms of mixed strategies
and that cross-national statistical analyses have a lot will provide greater insights into particular research
to offer (179). problems. In fact, some may simply generate more
confusion than clarity.
This article systematizes a unified mixed method
Evan S. Lieberman is Assistant Professor of Politics at Princeton Uni- approach to comparative research, which I call nested
versity, 239 Corwin Hall, Princeton, NJ 08544 ( analysis.1 It combines the statistical analysis of a large
Earlier versions of this paper were presented at the 2002 An-
nual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Boston,
MA, and at a 2004 Workshop on multilevel models at Princeton
University. In addition, Larry Bartels, Andrew Bennett, Nancy 1 In this article, I discuss Coppedges (2005) use of what he calls
Bermeo, David Collier, Michael Coppedge, John Gerring, Marc nested inference in an analysis of the breakdown of democracy
Morje Howard, David Laitin, Phil Shively, students in my Qualitative in Venezuela. Although he is methodologically self-conscious in de-
Methods graduate seminars at Princeton, members of the Princeton scribing how case study and quantitative/large sample analyses are
Comparative Politics Working Group, three anonymous reviewers combined in an application, that study represents one variation of
and the editor of the APSR all provided extremely helpful comments the approach I describe in this article, which attempts to anticipate
and suggestions. and systematize a broader range of research problems and strategies.

Nested Analysis for Comparative Research August 2005

sample of cases with the in-depth investigation of one paper, it is useful to make a general distinction: I define
or more of the cases contained within the large sample. LNA as a mode of analysis in which the primary causal
This would include the study of a nation-state nested inferences are derived from statistical analyses which
within an analysis of 50 nation-states; the study of two ultimately lead to quantitative estimates of the robust-
provinces nested within an analysis of 20 provinces; or ness of a theoretical model; I define SNA as a mode of
the study of an institution nested within an analysis analysis in which causal inferences about the primary
of 100 institutions. Although all of the examples dis- unit under investigation are derived from qualitative
cussed in the article are concerned with country- or comparisons of cases and/or process tracing of causal
national-level analyses, the strategies described here chains within cases across time, and in which the rela-
should apply to any comparative analysis of social tionship between theory and facts is captured largely
units for which both quantitative and in-depth case in narrative form.4 The strategy of combining the two
study data can be obtained. Thus, the approach could approaches aims to improve the quality of conceptu-
be applied to the analysis of individual behaviors or alization and measurement, analysis of rival explana-
attitudes, but only if the researcher were willing and tions, and overall confidence in the central findings of
able to gather new data about particular individuals a study. The promise of the nested research design is
through intensive interview or related approaches in that both LNA and SNA can inform each other to the
combination with quantitative analyses of large-scale extent that the analytic payoff is greater than the sum
surveys. If the study concerned specific, well-studied of the parts. Not only is the information gleaned com-
individuals, such as presidents or legislators, for which plementary, but also each step of the analysis provides
additional information could be gleaned from in-depth direction for approaching the next step. Most promi-
research of particular cases, the approach described nently, LNA provides insights about rival explanations
here would indeed apply.2 and helps to motivate case selection strategies for SNA,
I should be clear that the strategy described here whereas SNA helps to improve the quality of measure-
is quite distinct from the message outlined by King, ment instruments and model specifications used in the
Keohane, and Verba (1994). Rather than advocat- LNA.
ing that there are lessons useful for qualitative re- As a thumbnail sketch, the approach involves start-
searchers that can be gleaned from the logic of sta- ing with a preliminary LNA and making an assess-
tistical analysis (or vice-versa, an argument they do ment of the robustness of those results. If the model
not make) I show that there are specific benefits to is well specified and the results are robust, one pro-
be gained by deploying both analytical tools simulta- ceeds to Model-testing Small-N Analysis, and if not,
neously, and I emphasize the benefits of distinct com- to Model-building Small-N Analysis. In each case, as
plementarities rather than advocating a single style of shown in Figure 1, the analyst must again make assess-
research. Although the move from small-N analy- ments about the findings from such analysis, using di-
sis (SNA) to nested analysis obviously requires that rections and insights gleaned from the SNA, and those
one find additional cases (King, Keohane, and Verba assessments provide a framework for either ending the
1994, 20829), it assumes that it may be extremely analysis or carrying out additional iterations of SNA or
difficult and inefficient to gather perfectly equivalent LNA. Detailing the nature of the particular strategies
data for each case, and that the inferential oppor- for carrying out each type of analysis, as well as the
tunities from the large-N analysis (LNA) will be nature of the assessments, is the central goal of the
distinctive.3 remainder of the paper.
Nested analysis is resolutely catholic in its assump-
tions and objectives. It assumes an interest in both the
OVERVIEW OF THE NESTED ANALYSIS exploration of general relationships and explanations
APPROACH and the specific explanations of individual cases and
I describe a set of strategies for gaining maximum ana- groups of cases. For example, a nested research design
lytic leverage when combining SNA and LNA within a implies that scholars will pose questions in forms such
single framework (summarized in Figure 1). Although as What causes social revolutions?, while simultane-
there is an enormous variety of analytical strategies ously asking questions such as What was the cause
contained under these two subheadings, both in terms of social revolution in France? Nested analysis helps
of actual number of units analyzed and the scope of scholars to ask good questions when analyzing their
the time dimension considered, for the purposes of this data and to be resourceful in finding answers.
Before proceeding to detail the procedures asso-
ciated with nested analysis, it is important to situ-
2 However, for most analyses of individual behaviors or attitudes,
ate the strategy within the context of two other pro-
for which the large-N component of the data is contained in a
posals for alternative methodological approaches.
survey, I would not expect this approach to be feasible, because First, Charles Ragin (1987, 2000) attempts to steer a
scholars are unlikely to be able to conduct further in-depth research middle path between quantitative and qualitative
with the original respondents. Moreover, the prospect of explaining
the exceptional nature of a particular individual is unlikely to be of
intrinsic interest in the way scholars are likely to be interested in the 4 As is discussed in the text, qualitative analysis is the hallmark, but
particularities of larger social units, such as national states. not the defining feature of SNA. Within-case analyses may include a
3 By cases I mean the shared unit of analysis. In cross-national range of statistical analyses of data that are not available across the
research, each case is a country. larger sample of primary unit cases (i.e., countries).

American Political Science Review Vol. 99, No. 3

FIGURE 1. Overview of the Nested Analysis Approach

Start: Preliminary Large-N Analysis (LNA)

Assessment: Robust and satisfactory results?


Model-testing Small-N Analysis (Mt-SNA) Model-building Small-N Analysis (Mb-SNA)

Case selection: On-the-line only Case selection: On- and Off-the-line

Deliberate or random Deliberate only

Assessment: Does the SNA fit Assessment: Does the SNA suggest a
the original model? new, coherent model?



Assessment: Assessment:
Reasons for poor Possible to test new
fit in SNA? model with LNA?

c ca


al F


Model-testing LNA

End analysis ( I ) Repeat Do End analysis ( I I ) End analysis ( I I I ) End analysis ( IV)
Model-testing Model-building

research with his specification of a Boolean approach ment of theoretical findings.5 As such, both of these
and elaboration of a fuzzy set/Qualitative Compar- approaches may serve as partial correctives to cross-
ative Analysis (FsQCA). Ultimately, his strategy fo- country regression analysis, but neither is complete.
cuses on integrating close-range analysis to ensure the For the purposes of nested analysis, both FsQCA and
proper delineation of theoretically relevant popula- Bayesian approaches may be used in the LNA, and
tions and valid classification of cases, with an algorithm the guidelines developed here for combining such ap-
that finds the necessary and sufficient conditions asso- proaches with SNA should still apply.
ciated with particular sets of phenomena. Second, the It is also important to indicate that the nested anal-
Bayesian approach (Western and Jackman 1994), like ysis approach is agnostic with respect to the source
the FsQCA approach, and distinct from the classical of theory formation. Although others have explicitly
regression model, relies heavily on investigator knowl- included the development of formalthat is, math-
edge of cases and processes, but does this through the ematically specifiedtheory in their discussions and
formal introduction of subjective probability estimates. proposals for integrating approaches to the study of
However, neither the stated approaches to Bayesian comparative politics (Bates et al. 1998; Laitin 2002),
analysis nor FsQCA provide direction about how to the nested analysis approach has no particular affinity
gather additional research in the SNAthey assume for any single theoretical approach, except for a more
a seamless discovery process of outside knowledge, general positivist goal of causal inference. Such theory
with almost no focus on the specific role of gather- may be developed and conveyed in a nonmathematical
ing and reporting case materials. In making prescient form (i.e., No bourgeoisie, no democracy) or through
critiques of standard cross-country regression analy- the use of mathematical operators and proofs. Along
ses, advocates of both the Bayesian and the FsQCA these lines, the nested analysis approach allows for both
approaches allow for the inductive incorporation of
knowledge from cases, but as currently formulated, 5 Certainly, the nested analysis approach could be described as a
they provide little guidance about the cases we should folk Bayesian approach (McKeown 2004, 15862) in that it seeks
study or what role they ought to play in the assess- to formally introduce investigator knowledge of the world.

Nested Analysis for Comparative Research August 2005

the testing of deductively formed hypotheses and the have carried out SNA exclusively, the preliminary LNA
inductive generation of theory. Many of the benefits of requires explicit consideration of the universe of cases
nested analysis explicitly rest on the assessment that the for which the theory ought to apply, and identification
overall state of theory in cross-national research is rel- of the range of variation on the dependent variable. It
atively thin with respect to the questions being asked, also provides opportunities to generate clear baseline
and that empirical analysis is required both to develop estimates of the strength of the relationship between
hypotheses and to test them. Of course, the nature variables, including estimates of how confident we can
of the specific hypothesesincluding the reliance on be about those relationships given a set of assumptions
microfoundational or macrostructural mechanismsis about probabilities and frequencies. When scholars be-
likely to shape the evidentiary requirements, particu- gin with strong hypotheses and good data, the prelim-
larly in the SNA (as discussed later). In the remainder inary LNA can be understood as a more conventional
of the article, my use of the term model implies only a hypothesis-testing analysis.
general theoretical argument that relates explanatory The content of the LNA may take one of several
to outcome variables, and should not be taken to imply forms, depending on the availability of data, and the
a formal model. nature of the causal modelfor example, depending
The central objective of the remainder of the article on whether the outcome is understood to be graded
is to specify a set of procedures for integrating LNAs or dichotomous, and whether the hypothesized rela-
and SNAs. Although it is neither possible nor desirable tionship is understood in probabilistic or deterministic
to identify a cookie-cutter approach to analysis, the sys- terms. One may use multivariate regression analysis;
tematization of these steps should provide a clear logic fuzzy set/qualitative comparative analysis (FsQCA);
for integrating the two types of analyses and for iden- bivariate/correlational analysis, or simply descriptive
tifying the types of assumptions and justifications that statistics to analyze the scores on the dependent vari-
are required for analysis. As always, scholarly tastes able. Decisions about which brand of analysis to use,
and subjective judgments about the robustness of the and the nature of the modellinear or curvilinear, for
results influence how the nested analysis will proceed,6 examplemust be made with respect to available data
but it is important to ensure a high degree of trans- and theory. In any case, the goal of the preliminary
parency, particularly when adding complexity to the LNA is to explore as many appropriate, testable hy-
scope of analysis. potheses as is possible with available theory and data.
I use examples of published and unpublished studies Indeed, the very feasibility of nested analysis is a prod-
to demonstrate the use of various techniques within uct of the increasing availability of datasets produced
the larger approach of nested analysis, but the article is by other scholars and international organizations, obvi-
not intended to be a review of the literature as much as ating the need for independent data collection, at least
an outline for the execution of nested analysis. Indeed, at this preliminary stage. (Significant independent col-
because almost none of the examples actually employ lection of data at this stage can be justified only when
the specific language or framework developed here, a scholar has very strong initial hypotheses and great
I only claim that these examples help to clarify how confidence in how to measure key variables.) However,
aspects of the approach have been used in particular it is important to note that the preliminary LNA should
studies and with what benefit. avoid the insertion of any control variables that do not
have a clear theoretical justification, such as regional
dummy variables. Such variables are likely to soak up
STARTING THE ANALYSIS: some of the cross-country variance, leaving less to be
PRELIMINARY LNA explained in the SNA, but in the absence of good the-
Scholars engage new research projects with varying ory, such controls weigh against the nested approach,
levels of background information about a specific which aims to answer the very question of why groups
case or set of cases, but the nested analysis formally of countries might vary in systematic ways.
begins with a quantitative analysis, or preliminary A core strength of LNA relative to SNA is its ability
LNA. Thus, a prerequisite for carrying out a nested to simultaneously estimate the effects of rival explana-
analysis is availability of a quantitative dataset, with a tions and/or control variables on an outcome of inter-
sufficient number of observations for statistical analy- est. To a large extent, SNA in the field of comparative
sis,7 and a baseline theory. The preliminary LNA pro- politics has relied on variants of Mills methods in order
vides information that should ultimately complement to deal with country-level rival explanationsthat is,
the findings of the SNA, and that will guide the execu- scholars identify cases that score similarly on several
tion of the SNA. Particularly for scholars who would key variables, using shared traits as a basis for ana-
lytical equivalence approximating statistical control.8
Although the strategy of identifying cases with rela-
6 Indeed, there is no consensus about the robustness of a particular tively similar scores on such variables can be a pow-
R2 statistic, or what amount of process-tracing evidence should be erful one, in a nonexperimental setting, important dif-
considered persuasive. ferences among cases can almost always be identified,
7 There is no clear lower bound for the number of cases that can
be analyzed through a statistical analysis, but fewer cases obviously
reduce the degrees of freedom and intrinsic power of the analysis. It 8 See Gerring 2001 (20914) for a summary of these methods, often
is rare to see quantitative analyses of fewer than 12 cases in cross- understood as most similar and most different systems research
country regression analyses. designs.

American Political Science Review Vol. 99, No. 3

and these emerge as possible rival explanations. Re- tors of the outcome under investigation, even if they
gardless of whether ones causal model is probabilistic can account for only a limited portion of the cross-
or deterministic, some degree of covariance between country variance. For example, in a study of the de-
a rival explanatory variable and the outcome requires velopment of the tax state, Lieberman (2003) begins
attention within a SNA based on the juxtaposition of his analysis by demonstrating that approximately 40%
similar cases. One may attempt to draw on theory to of the cross-national variation in levels of income tax
argue why a particular variable is an implausible influ- collections is predicted by levels of GDP/capita. Al-
ence, but skeptics are likely to demand empirical proof. though this variable is essentially treated as a control
Moreover, one may attempt to carry out within-case variable throughout the book, it is extremely useful to
analysis (Collier 1999) to address rival hypotheses, but have an estimate of the extent to which such a vari-
again, there may be no over-time variation or other able helps to explain patterns of variation on the out-
relevant data to analyze; or, one may try to find an come. Much small-N research involves the comparison
additional similar case with less variation on the of- of similar cases. However, because we only observe
fending variable, but in a world with a limited number cases in which there is little to no variation on key
of highly heterogeneous countries, such options may control variables, we have little basis for making infer-
be limited. Alternatively, SNA scholars can ignore the ences about the need to control on those variables, or
cross-case variance or simply concede that there is no about how strong an influence we should expect those
way to address the problem with available data. Obvi- variables to have on the outcomes under investigation.
ously, these are not ideal solutions. The puzzle of a particular case or set of cases can be
Depending on the question or the cases under inves- made clear when we have some estimate of predicted
tigation, LNA may be able to lend a hand. Assuming outcomes given a set of parameter estimates and the
that the LNA is conducted as a regression, the relevant case scores on those variables.9
dependent variable can be regressed on measures of
the rival explanatory variable under investigation in
order to assess the strength of a relationship, particu-
larly when the SNA provides no solid basis for analysis.
For example, in her study of multilateral sanctions, Lisa
Martin (1992) precedes her analysis of four major case Beyond providing insights into the range of varia-
studies with a set of regression analyses, which allows tion on the dependent variable, and estimates of the
her to assess the general plausibility and implausibility strength of rival hypotheses and control variables, LNA
of several possible explanations of why states coop- also provides important information about how to
erate to impose economic sanctions. She argues that carry out the next stage of the analysisintensive ex-
this technique has allowed us to narrow the range amination of one or more cases. First, the scholar must
of hypotheses deserving more-detailed analysis by assess the findings: did the preliminary LNA provide
suggesting that some hypotheses . . . have little empir- strong grounds for believing that the initial theoretical
ical support (92). For example, she finds no support model explained the phenomenon being studied?
for Keohanes (1984) declining hegemony thesis in As noted previously, it is not possible to provide
the LNA (91), which allows her to focus her attention absolute criteria for answering the question about the
on other possible explanations in the subsequent SNA. robustness of the LNA results because subjective as-
In the absence of such LNA, Martin would have been sessments about the state of knowledge and what con-
forced to consider Keohanes (1984) important hypoth- stitutes strong evidence weigh heavily.10 Depending on
esis in the SNA, imposing analytic costs, and leaving the nature of the LNA, standard assessments about the
readers to wonder about the weight of this explanation strength of parameter estimates must be used to evalu-
in the larger sample. Alternatively, if the LNA had ate goodness of fit between the specified model and the
provided initial support for the Keohane thesis, Martin empirical data. Nonetheless, one important tool is cen-
either would have been forced to accept the usefulness tral to the nested analysis approach: the actual scores
of that modeland perhaps demonstrate that other of the cases should be plotted graphically relative to
complementary explanations were possibleor would the predicted scores from the statistical estimate,11 and
have been forced to demonstrate in quite convincing with proper names attached. This provides an oppor-
terms within the SNA why statistical relationships were tunity to make specific assessments of the goodness
likely spurious. Clearly the most powerful refutation of
a rival explanation is the presentation of disconfirming 9 Although it is true that these initial parameter estimates are likely

evidence in both LNA and SNA, but given data and to be biased because of model misspecifications, including missing
analytic constraints, the ability to rule out a hypothesis variable bias, our presumption is that when we do not have a fully
specified or complete theoretical model, it is useful to gain a sense
in the LNA provides sound justification for focusing on of what can be explained by the theory and data that are available.
other explanations in the SNA. 10 For a classic statement on the use of common sense and profes-
At least as important as its ability to dismiss rival sional judgment in the use of quantitative analysis, see Achen (1982),
explanations, LNA provides a unique instrument for especially pp. 2930.
11 At the extreme, if no statistical relationship is found between any
assessing the strength of partial explanations or con-
of the explanatory variables and the outcome of interest, one could
trol variables. Because country-level outcomes tend to simply use a central tendency of the data, such as the mean, as a
be the product of several factors, preliminary LNA is baseline model, and country cases could be plotted as deviations
likely to find that some variables are significant predic- from the mean.

Nested Analysis for Comparative Research August 2005

of model fit with the available cases. In combination SNA is to leverage its distinct complementarities with
with the parameter estimates generated from the LNA, LNA, not to try to implement it with the exact same
the scholar must decide if the unexplained variance is procedures as one would carry out regression analysis.
largely the product of random noise, or if there is rea- Although many small-N scholars may have an im-
son to believe that a better model/explanation could plicit regression model in their head when they carry
be formulated. As in any statistical analysis, diagnos- out their analyses, there are clear benefits to being ex-
tic plots may highlight suspect patterns of nonrandom plicit.15
variation in one or more casesthe identification of It is important to recall that the goal of a nested
outliers. However, unlike in surveys of individuals, analysis is ultimately to make inferences about the
where case identities are anonymous and thus irrel- unit of analysis that is shared between the two types
evant for analysis, in the study of nation-states and of analysistypically countries or country-periods. In
many other organization forms, the location of specific pursuing this goal, a nested analysis requires a shifting
cases with respect to the regression line may strongly of levels of analysis because the SNA component de-
influence ones satisfaction with the model. For exam- mands an examination of within-case processes and/or
ple, a scholar may feel unsatisfied with a model that variation.16 The SNA should be used to answer those
cannot explain a case perceived to be of great signif- questions left open by the LNAeither because there
icance within the scholarly literature (e.g., the French were insufficient data to assess statistical relationships
revolution in the study of revolutions), or the identi- or because the nature of causal order could not be con-
fication of an outlier case may immediately suggest a fidently inferred. For example, in a hypothetical study
new theoretical specification with potentially broader of the determinants of government policy, in which
application. If a scholar enters the research project with the LNA confirmed a hypothesized relationship be-
specific hunches about seemingly anomalous outcomes, tween institutional form and policy outcome, the SNA
analysis of the actual-versus-predicted-scores plot may would likely investigate the specific actions of groups
demonstrate that one or more cases are indeed outliers and/or individuals within a given country. This would
that may warrant more theoretical attention. Indeed, be done in an attempt to find specific evidence that the
Liebermans (2003) study was motivated by a hunch patterns of human organization hypothesized to have
that differences in the Brazilian and South African tax been influenced by the institutional form were actually
structures were striking and not readily explainable, manifest in reality. Moreover, the SNA is particularly
and the preliminary LNA confirmed that this was true useful for investigating the impact of rival explanations
even when key control variables were taken into ac- for which we lack good cross-country data.
count. Of course, such preliminary analysis could have The synergistic qualities of LNA and SNA reflect the
served to foreclose unnecessary research by demon- different types of data that each brings to the analysis
strating that a particular case was (surprisingly) well of a problem, and their relative strengths in the task of
explained by the existing state of theory. causal inference. Here it is extremely useful to highlight
Using such analyses, the scholar must answer the the distinction between a data-set observation, which
question: Were all of the most important hypotheses corresponds to a row in a rectangular dataset, and
tested and were the results robust/satisfactory? The a causal-process observation, which is the founda-
answer to this question informs the approach to the tion for process-oriented causal inference. (It) provides
nested case analyses, or SNA, as described in the fol- information about mechanism and context (Collier,
lowing section. Brady, and Seawright 2004, 253). We can say that LNA
is, by definition, comprised only of dataset observa-
tions, whereas the hallmark of SNA is a much smaller
NESTING INTENSIVE CASE STUDIES (SNA) number of dataset observations and a host of causal
INTO THE ANALYSIS process observations.17 Within-case analysis generally
The second major step of the nested analysis involves entails the scrutiny of a heterogeneous set of materials,
the intensive analysis of one or more country cases.12
Of course, there is nothing particularly distinctive almost by necessity, involves less methodological structure than LNA
about the simple combination of LNA and SNA; schol- because the analysis is strongly oriented toward discovery of novel
social and political processes that take place in distinctly different
ars have long recognized the value of triangulation ways across time and space. In recent years, there has been increasing
for descriptive and causal inference.13 My contention methodological attention to the different types of strategies used by
is that there are several important strategies that can scholars when studying one or a few cases intensively. However,
be gleaned from assessment of the LNA, which will echoing the statements made previously with respect to LNA, this
narrow the larger menu of options for executing the is not the place to review all of the distinctions about how such
work is carried out. See, for example, contributions in Mahoney
SNA.14 Moreover, I emphasize that the best use of and Rueschemeyer 2003, Brady and Collier 2004, and George and
Bennett (2005).
12 SNA involves multiple within-case observations, across space, 15 Thanks to Phil Shively for highlighting this central point.
time, and/or other dimensions. LNA may also involve multiple obser- 16 See Gerring (2004) for a discussion of within-unit analysis in case
vations of country cases when cross-sectional data are pooled across studies.
time. 17 The number of rows in a dataset is typically understood as the
13 See, for example, Ragin (1987, 6984) for an excellent analysis of
number of country cases, or N, that distinguishes small-N and
several combined approaches. large-N research. By now, most methodologists agree that a small-N
14 Just as there are many styles and strategies for statistical analysis, study will have many observations, but as Collier, Brady, and Sea-
there are at least as many approaches to SNA an approach that, wright (2004) point out, different inferential strategies are used to

American Political Science Review Vol. 99, No. 3

including printed documents, interviews, and other ob- powerful smoking gun evidence linking cause to ef-
servations that provide important information about fect, whereas others may simply serve as incremental
the social phenomena we seek to understand. Because steps that increase the plausibility of a set of theoretical
such materials are produced in such different shapes claims. Small-N analysis provides the opportunity to
and forms across time and space, it is often impossible implement various quasi-experimental explorations
to specify, a priori, a set of very precise coding rules that by looking at the impact of various shocks or treat-
would allow for an easily repeatable data collection and ments within the historical record.18
analysis process. These materials provide more fine- Particularly if one were to follow the recommenda-
grained measurements of a host of events and behav- tions of King, Keohane, and Verba (1994) to increase
iors, at both the micro- and macrolevels, and often in the number of observations, scholars might incorrectly
close temporal proximity to one another. Such data are conclude that the best strategy for the SNA compo-
virtually impossible to capture across large numbers of nent of the nested analysis would be to analyze as
countries in a consistent manner. Scholars gain analytic many country cases as possible. On the contrary, such
leverage when they scrutinize the theoretical implica- a strategy tends to lead to a diminution of the core
tions of these observations, either by testing existing strengths of the SNA. Increased degrees of freedom
hypotheses or by inductively developing new proposi- are provided by the LNA, and nested analysis should
tions about general relationships between causes and rely on the SNA component to provide more depth
effects. than breadththat is, given a fixed amount of schol-
Although the distinction between LNA and SNA is arly resources, more energy ought to be devoted to
generally between quantitative and qualitative modes identifying and analyzing causal process observations
of analysis, some aspects of SNA may involve quantita- within cases, rather than to providing thinner insights
tive analyses at different levels of analysis. For example, about more cases. Because the inherent weakness of
one could analyze a survey of individuals for a given SNA is its inability to assess external validity, there is
country if that analysis could shed light on the dynam- no point in trying to force it do this when the LNA
ics of the social or political process being studied for component of the research design can do that work.
the country at large. Analyses of individual behavior Notwithstanding this advice, it will almost always be
are specifically relevant to the nested approach only useful to evaluate more than one case in the SNA; the
to the extent that they shed light on the larger ques- elaboration of concepts and mechanisms can best be
tions being considered in the LNA. In a similar man- accomplished through comparison. A great strength
ner, the SNA might include time-series analysis (using of small-N analysis is the juxtaposition of both similar
country-year as the unit of observation) as a way of and contrasting cases, helping to make transparent the
linking cause to effect or for dealing with case-specific operationalization of concepts that are largely hidden
rival explanations, particularly when the LNA was car- in the analysis of a statistical dataset. Furthermore,
ried out as cross-sectional analysis. For example, in comparison provides an empirical basis for making
Lieberman (2003), time-series analyses of the produc- narrative assessments of counter-factual claimsthat
tion of government tax collections in the SNA of South is, an event would have happened a different way had
Africa helped to rule out the rival explanatory power the score on a key variable or set of variables been
of the role of early reliance on mining revenues, which different (George 1979).
would not have been possible in the cross-country To the extent that scholars increasingly employ vari-
LNA, for which comparable data were not available. ants of nested analysis, standards will need to be estab-
The inclusion of additional theoretically valid cases lished as to what constitutes an actual case study. For
is always preferred in LNA, but practical constraints on example, in studies that report statistical and case study
investigator skills and time as well as the desirability findings, Reiter and Stam (2002), and Huth (1996) de-
and feasibility of reporting in-depth analyses on mul- ploy what can be described as mini-case analyses.
tiple cases create important tradeoffs which must be These help to alert readers to examples of the argument
weighed by scholars when selecting cases for the SNA. being made by highlighting how well-known cases fit
There is no theoretical benchmark akin to probability within their typologies and the degree to which they
theory that small-N scholars can draw on to establish confirm to theoretical expectations. However, in these
precise guidelines about what constitutes compelling examples, the use of SNA is rather limited, and so little
evidence. The very nature of causal process obser- additional analytic value is gained. In these studies, the
vations is that they are highly heterogeneous: some case analyses provide proper names for the indepen-
documented observations may serve as particularly dent and dependent variable scores, but they do not
provide much elaboration about the alternative ways
in which these scores were measured in comparison to
the measurement procedures followed in the large-N
interpret such data. It is worth noting that even with these additional
observations, such research is dubbed small-N a convention that I dataset. Moreover, Reiter and Stam and Huth do not
use here. Meanwhile, the proliferation of TSCS analyses of country- proceed with process tracing, linking cause to effect
level data is widely touted as useful strategies for increasing analytic with any significant narrative. Just as statistical analyses
power through a larger N (e.g., Beck and Katz 1995), but as Western
and Jackman (1994, 4145) observe, the time-invariant quality of
many variables considered in cross-country analyses often implies 18 See Campbell and Stanley 1966. I develop a set of strategies for
that TSCS adds minimal additional analytic leverage for the overall exploring institutional hypotheses in small-N cross-country research
problem being studied. in Lieberman 2001a.

Nested Analysis for Comparative Research August 2005

must report on the sample size of the dataset, SNA de- studies are an important complement to both theory-
mands full and clear exposition of the array of sources building and statistical investigations . . . they allow a
consulted and the depth of the historical analysis con- close examination of historical sequences in the search
sidered prior to writing the narrative.19 As the number for causal processes . . . Comparison of historical cases
of cases in the SNA increases, the individual case anal- to theoretical predictions provides a sense of whether
yses are likely to become increasingly superficial, and the theoretical story is compelling.
the distinct advantages of SNA are likely to diminish. As the goal is to complement the LNA, the use of
Beyond emphasizing the general complementari- SNA in nested analysis should aim to gain contextu-
ties, it is also important to focus the SNA based on ally based evidence that a particular causal model or
the specific findings and analysis of the LNA. Recall- theory actually worked in the manner specified by
ing the question posed at the end of the previous the model. Can the start, end, and intermediate steps
sectionnamely, the analysts assessment of the ro- of the model be used to explain the behavior of real-
bustness of the preliminary LNASNA will then pro- world actors? Although this recommendation runs
ceed along one of two tracks. If the answer is yes, the counter to the admonitions of Przeworski and Teune
results were robust, as indicated in Figure 1, then the (1970), who argue that the ultimate goal should be to
goal of the SNA will be almost exclusively focused on eliminate such labels, I believe that the nested analy-
testing the model estimated in the LNA. On the other sis approach resonates more broadly with the general
hand, if the findings were not deemed to be robust, goals and expectations of scholars engaged in com-
or if one or more important hypotheses could not be parative research. That is, not only are we interested
explored, including if the analyst believes that the ap- in our ability to make sense of patterns of variation,
propriate theoretical model has not yet been specified, but also we would also like to use theory to account
the SNA will be oriented toward model building. As for decidedly important and seemingly anomalous out-
I detail in the sections that follow, the decision about comes in specific times and places. Moreover, unlike
whether to proceed with a model-testing Small-N Anal- in some forms of medical research, where researchers
ysis (Mt-SNA) or a model-building Small-N Analysis are more likely to be content to find that a cause
(Mb-SNA) will inform the scope of the analysis, the (say a drug used for minor pain relief) is related to
case selection strategy, and the analysis-ending criteria a particular effect (say, better coronary health), even
for the SNA. Practitioners may respond that SNA is it- if they cannot identify the causal pathway of this re-
self a mix of model building and model testing and that lationship, social scientists are much less likely to be
the dichotomy is a false one. Although it is true that content with analogous findings. A good social science
these may be ideal-type approaches, there is enor- theory should not merely predict a particular relation-
mous benefit to being self-conscious about the central ship between independent and dependent variables,
intention of ones research in the SNA stage, partic- but it should also explain how and why these factors
ularly because the nested approach provides distinct are related to one another (Gerring 2005), suggesting
sets of guidelines for the respective strategies. Assess- implications for what types of events and/or processes
ment of the preliminary LNA constitutes an important lie between cause and effect. SNA aims to make spe-
decision-point in how the nested approach will be car- cific observations between those two points, verifying
ried out (as depicted in Figure 1), providing important the plausibility of the stated mechanisms in terms of
guidelines for an appropriate analytic scope for the actions, outcomes, and/or perceptions. The SNA ought
SNA. to demonstrate within the logic of a compelling nar-
rative that in the absence of a particular cause, it
would have been difficult to imagine the observed
Model-Testing SNA (Mt-SNA) outcome.
When scholars decide they are content with both the In the case of Mt-SNA, scholars can justifiably fo-
specification and fit of the model specified in the LNA, cus their investigative resources on researching and
the main goal of the in-depth component of the nested analyzing the statistically significant results. The com-
research design is to further test the robustness of those bination of theory and statistical results compels us to
findings. Given the potential for problems of endo- gather evidencein the form of primary and secondary
geneity and poor data in statistical analyses carried out printed sources, interviews, surveys, and the other types
at the country level of analysis, statistical results alone of materials typically consulted for the development of
rarely provide sufficient evidence of the robustness of a an in-depth case analysisthat allows us to write a de-
theoretical model. Almost inevitably, strong questions tailed narrative from the vantage-point of the preferred
arise about causal order, heterogeneity of cases, and the model. The evidence required for the SNA depends
quality of measurement. SNA provides an important upon the nature of the theory. For instance, in a highly
opportunity to counter such charges. As Achen and structural argument, actors may not be very aware of
Snidal (1989, 16869) point out in an article otherwise the circumstances that shape their actions, and so evi-
quite critical of how such work is often practiced, Case dence of large-scale processes and events will be more
appropriate than in the case of agent-oriented models,
19 We should not establish as a standard for SNA that a longer nar-
in which we would expect evidence of individual-level
rative necessarily implies more careful research and/or analysis. Our
calculations and deliberate action.
assessment of the findings should be based on the methods used to While retaining a focus on assessing the plausibility
gather and to analyze such data. of the preferred model, Mt-SNA should also aim to

American Political Science Review Vol. 99, No. 3

address two types of rival explanations.20 First, if there adequately tested, the Mb-SNA approach invites re-
were strong hypotheses that could not be considered examination of all theoretically strong propositions to
in the LNA because of lack of cross-country data, the the extent that data are available.
analyst should try to assess the strength of the hypoth- Inevitably, close-range analysis of one or a few coun-
esis in the case study or studies. If cause and effect try cases entails making difficult choices about which
do not co-vary in the predicted manner, and/or if it materials to investigate and which leads to pursue.
is not possible to develop a coherent causal narrative Nevertheless, in most instances Mb-SNA has several
guided by the rival model, the rival hypothesis can advantages compared to SNA carried out in the ab-
be dismissed. Second, the scholar should verify that sence of a preliminary LNA (i.e., a nonnested design).
the cause preceded the effect. Cross-country statistical First, the scholar is equipped with useful, if partial,
databases (used in the LNA) are often highly limited information about the strength of rival explanations
in terms of temporal scope, and SNA can be used to and control variables. Of course, the reason for the
verify that prior historical factors did not produce the negative results may be due to the poor quality of the
observed result. data in the first place, but at the very least there is some
indication about the weakness of relationships. Sec-
ond, to the extent that the preliminary LNA provides
Model-Building SNA (Mb-SNA) a reasonable measure of the dependent variable, the
When the state of theory is initially weak or refuted Mb-SNA can focus on accounting for estimated differ-
by the LNA and/or the quality of the cross-country ences between cases, or between cases and some central
statistical data is not sufficient to adequately assess the tendency of the population, having controlled for the
chief hypotheses, the SNA will be called on to do more effects of other influences. Third, the nested approach
work. In this instance, the nested analysis approach may induce the analyst to specify clearer concepts
demands a more wide-ranging and inductive Mb-SNA. and models than conventional SNA, because even
Although scholars may initiate a research project with the anticipation of analyzing the results with statisti-
only general theoretical hunches, Mb-SNA involves cal/quantitative tools implies the need for careful delin-
using various case materials to develop well-specified eation of cause and effect. In this case, the SNA will be
theoretical accounts of cross-country variation on the carried out with an eye toward theoretical parsimony
outcome of interest. Moreover, the Mb-SNA ought to and clarity, which are not always hallmarks of the SNA
be used to identify measures that are valid and re- approach.
liable indicators of the analytic constructs within the
theoretical model. A clear shortcoming of LNA as it is
often practiced in cross-country research is that many CASE SELECTION STRATEGIES FOR SNA
off-the-shelf datasets tend to be used, and variables
may not actually measure what the theory describes.21 Nested analysis provides a solution to many of the ten-
Particularly in the instance of Mb-SNA, the investiga- sions that exist in the current state of methodological
tors proximity to a wide range of data sources should advice about case selection strategies: scholars often
facilitate the development of valid measures. justify intensive case study work because of a sense that
As stated at the outset, many scholars may eschew they lack sufficient data and analysis of such cases, and
the goal of identifying broadly generalizable theories yet most case selection strategies require that we justify
or covering laws22 and may use the LNA portion of the that selection at the outset based on what we think we
nested analysis approach simply to point out the limits know about a particular case or set of cases, often in
of existing data and theory, motivating a more inductive relation to a broader universe of cases. Nested analysis
search for explanations within a single case or small provides some assistance for squaring this circle, by
set of cases. Others seek more nomothetic findings. In detailing some guidelines for the daunting task of case
either case, the scholar engaged in Mb-SNA does not selection with respect to the findings of the prelimi-
proceed with the notion that a fully specified model is nary LNA. These strategies are useful when a scholar
available and must develop explanations for the puzzle enters a research project without a prior inclination to
of varied outcomes. Although the Mt-SNA approach investigate a particular case(s) and/or for assessing the
assumes that the refuted alternative hypotheses were analytic utility of certain case selection choices when
a scholar already has a predisposition toward those
cases prior to carrying out the preliminary LNA. In-
deed, the nested analysis approach can leverage the
20 For a fuller discussion of the use of qualitative research to address
accumulation of case-relevant skills and background
rival explanations, see Collier, Brady, and Seawright 2004. (including language skills, case familiarity, etc.) which
21 See, for example, Lieberman 2001b for a discussion of how cross-
country taxation data may (or may not) correspond with theoretical
are important assets for most qualitatively oriented
constructs about the relationships between state and society. Ragin scholars. There is rarely a perfect case selection strat-
(2000) makes an important point that the scale of country-level in- egy for SNA. Rather, there is a set of options and
dicators (e.g., GDP/capita) may not correspond to differences in the choices that, again, may be narrowed significantly by
underlying construct (e.g., level of development), and conceptually the LNA. Specifically, we can make informed choices
sensitive cutpoints and calibrations may be required.
22 For a thoughtful challenge to the notion that comparative analysis about whether to select cases based on predicted and
should always involve the pursuit of nomological covering laws, see actual scores on the independent or dependent variable
Zuckerman 1997. and whether or not to select cases randomly.

Nested Analysis for Comparative Research August 2005

Selecting Cases Relative to the Preliminary pursuit of cases that are not well predicted by the
Model (On- or Off-the-Line) model.
Moreover, when carrying out Mt-SNA, one should
Perhaps no aspect of the methodological literature on select cases based on the widest degree of variation on
case selection has left scholars engaged in small-N re- the independent or explanatory variables that are cen-
search more confused than the question of whether tral to the model. Because the goal is to demonstrate
to select cases based on values on the independent or the robustness of a particular causal argument, the onus
dependent variables. Particularly in the area of cross- on the scholar is to identify process-tracing evidence
national research, scholars have highlighted the pitfalls from cause to effect. The opposite approachof start-
of selecting a case based on an extreme score on the ing with the outcome and working backwardswould
dependent variable and attempting to infer general be much less efficient given the assessment of confi-
conclusions about the larger universe of cases (Geddes dence in the original model. By selecting cases with
1990). More recently, methodologists have highlighted varied scores on the explanatory variables, the scholar
a wider range of case selection options that will mit- can use the SNA to demonstrate the nature of the
igate such problems, including the explicit accounting predicted causal effect associated with the model in
of the selection mechanism (King, Keohane, and Verba contrasting contexts.
1994, 12837). More stridently, they recommend that Both Swank (2002) and Martin (1992) provide ex-
scholars should select cases based on scores on the amples of book-length studies in which early chapters
explanatory variablea strategy that does not lead to report statistical analyses that pave the way for Mt-
analogous pitfalls of selection bias (King, Keohane, SNA. According to Martin (1992, 92), For those vari-
and Verba, 1994: 13742)while insisting that such ables that showed statistically significant effects, the
cases be selected without knowledge of the dependent analyses complement the case studies by improving
variable scores (14246). Unfortunately, this solution, our confidence in the generalizability of our results.
which attempts to replicate the inferential logic of ex- In each case, LNA provides initial confirmations of
perimental research, is largely impractical. In the first the authors core hypotheses and dismisses several ri-
place, it assumes very strong theory, which is often val hypotheses. However, in both cases, the authors
not the case in cross-national research. In the sec- acknowledge that questions about causality arise and
ond, because qualitatively oriented scholars tend to that a range of possible mechanisms could be linking
approach research questions from the perspective of independent and dependent variables. As a result, they
trying to understand the determinants of puzzling out- both select cases based on different scores on the cen-
comes, they are almost certain to know the scores on tral hypothesized explanatory variables and demon-
the outcome variable. strate the plausibility of their hypotheses by tracing
A second issue that comes up is whether we should the impact of alternative scores on those variables to
investigate cases that are seemingly anomalous or cases predicted outcomes in the respective cases. (Graphi-
that prove a more general point. Is the role of in- cally, this would be akin to selecting cases such as B, D,
depth analysis to assess the value of preferred theories, E, and F from Figure 2, in which a range of predicted
to lead us to new propositions, and/or to gain better in- values are considered.) Both scholars are deliberate in
sights into cases deemed to be of intrinsic interest? The this approach For instance, Martin (1992, 11) writes,
nested analysis approach provides a strong foundation This quantitative work allows me to further refine
for adjudicating among the competing goals and in- these hypotheses and provide a framework for the case
ferential logic associated with case selection strategies, studies that follow. Both Swank and Martin report
asking the scholar to make decisions about case selec- additional findings and nuances about the cases they
tion in the context of the assessment of the preliminary describe beyond demonstrating the plausibility of hy-
LNA, which includes an assessment of confidence in pothesized relationships from the statistical results. For
ones theoretical model. example, Swank points out that large-scale variables
When carrying out Mt-SNA, scholars should only such as international capital mobility (captured in
select cases for further investigation that are well pre- the LNA) are connected to discrete policy outcomes
dicted by the best fitting statistical model. Recall here such as social expenditure through specific historical
that a decision has already been made that cases out- episodes (presumably distinct from an argument in
side the confidence interval are not of theoretical in- which the mechanism is through long-term trends, or
terest and should be treated as unexplained noise. slow shifts), such as German unification or Italian polit-
Country cases that are on, or close to, the 45-degree ical system restructuring (Swank 2002, 278). Within the
line (plotting actual dependent variable scores against case studies, we observe how actors behave, and we are
regression-predicted scores) should be identified as presented with a more transparent accounting of causal
possible candidates for in-depth analysis. As discussed mechanisms. Compared to an otherwise quite similar
previously, in this instance SNA provides a check for study such as Garretts (1998) examination of the role
spurious correlation and can help to fine-tune a the- of partisan politics in mediating the pressures of global-
oretical argument by elaborating causal mechanisms. ization, which presents only statistical findings, Swanks
Although intensive investigation of on-the-line cases uncovering of cases and mechanisms provides signifi-
may lead to the identification of alternative explana- cant additional evidence and insight. In the absence
tions, the primary goal is to assess the strength of a of such SNA, we would have been left to imagine the
particular model. As such, there is little value to the multiple causal pathways possibly associated with the

American Political Science Review Vol. 99, No. 3

FIGURE 2. Case Selection from a Hypothetical Regression Analysis


Actual value of dependent variable




0 10 20 30
Regression Adjusted Predicted Value

statistical associations, and with greater skepti- Only when the scholar has good reason to believe
cism about the general robustnessthat is, non- that a particular case is on-the-line for entirely spu-
spuriousnessof the results. rious reasons would it be useful to select such a case
On the other hand, a very different set of strategies for Mb-SNA. However, in such instances the heuristic
for case selection should be adopted in the case of Mb- value of the preliminary LNA becomes increasingly
SNA. First, at least one case that has not been well obscured, and hence, of limited value.
predicted by the best-fitting statistical model should In contrast to the Mt-SNA, case selection in Mb-
be selected. Although it may be useful to select addi- SNA involves selection of cases based on initial scores
tional cases that are on the best-fit line for comparative on the dependent variable. Because Mb-SNA proceeds
analysis, the assessment that the preliminary statistical with vaguer theoretical hunches, the central goal is to
model was not sufficiently robust or that there were try to account for important patterns of variation on
not sufficient data available to test certain critical hy- the outcome.23 Although it is important to try to en-
potheses compels the scholar to examine cases that sure that among the cases selected there is sufficient
are not explainable by the right-hand-side variables variation on the explanatory variables of greatest in-
included in the preliminary LNA. It is important to terest at the outset, this is of secondary concern because
keep in mind the distinction between cases that are not there is much less confidence at the outset of the SNA
well explained by the model (say, more than 2 standard that such variables will be significant when the research
deviations from the predicted value) and truly extreme and analysis are complete. The very nature of Mb-SNA
cases that are several standard deviations from any implies that we may lack the scores on the explanatory
other cases (e.g., case H in Figure 2). In the latter variables of interest at the outset of the project, making
instance, the extreme nature of the case placement it impossible to use the explanatory variables for case
makes it more likely that the outcome was produced selection. Although the strategy of selecting on the de-
by a different causal process than most of the other pendent variable has been a potential pitfall for much
cases in the population (and/or that some measurement small-N scholarship, the nested approach provides
error was involved). When such a distribution of cases
is presented, case selection will hinge on whether the
23 Certainly, much social science analysis begins with the question,
scholar is more interested in making sense of that de-
What is the effect of X?, but almost always, there is a clear Y or
viance, or of developing a general theory that directly outcome in mind. Such instances are examples of strong theory. It
accounts for greater numbers of (less extreme) country is very rare that a scholar will start with an explanatory variable, but
cases. search inductively for an outcome to explain.

Nested Analysis for Comparative Research August 2005

important correctives: the preliminary LNA provides with an intuition that a particular case defies conven-
a framework for selecting cases that vary widely on the tional wisdom or theorizing about a particular phe-
variables of interest, and to the extent that the scholar nomenon, and then proceed inductively to generate
hopes to draw general conclusions about the applica- explanations and theories that account for that excep-
tion of the resulting model, nested analysis involves tionalism. When using nested analysis, a potentially
the assessment of the hypothesis in subsequent LNA important finding of the preliminary LNA is that vari-
(discussed in the following section). Because causal in- ables ordinarily thought to be associated with the out-
ference in the nested approach does not rely solely on come turn out to be statistically unrelated in the large
the small-N portion, the standard pitfalls of selection sample. Alternatively, if the preliminary LNA demon-
bias are less likely to lead to faulty inferences. strates that the case was well predicted by conventional
Using nested analysis, the preliminary LNA can be variables, this would give good reason to rethink the
used to motivate structured comparisons for SNA, in- intuition of the cases uniqueness. If the LNA confirms
cluding a mix of on-the-line and/or off-the-line the cases outlier status, however, this provides strong
cases. In the simplest manifestation, when countries justification for intensive study.
that would ordinarily be predicted to have similar out- As an example of such a move, Coppedge (2005)
comes wind up with different outcomes, perhaps on motivates the question of patterns of regime change
either side of the regression line, and with at least one over-time in Venezuela through various engagements
case outside the confidence interval, scholars are pre- with theory and preliminary LNA.24 On the one hand,
sented with useful analytic puzzles that merit further he demonstrates that on its own, a variable measuring
examination (e.g., cases A, D, and C in Figure 2). Along over-time changes in level of economic development
these lines, the use of the nested approach could help to does a relatively good job of predicting democratic
expand the scope of structured focused comparisons. breakdown in that case. On the other hand, the in-
Although there is a long tradition of deploying variants clusion of other factors helps to provide a better fitting
of Mills method of difference to gain analytic lever- model of regime outcomes more generally (across a
age in cross-national comparative analysis, the require- large sample of approximately 4,000 country-years),
ment of identifying similar cases tends to limit schol- and such a model does not predict the observed over-
ars to comparing cases within regions, forcing certain time changes in Venezuelas political regime. From this
sets of comparisons to reemerge: France/Germany, perspective, the need for the case study is clear: existing
U.S./Canada, Brazil/Argentina, and so forth. To wisdom on the subject could not account for an impor-
a large extent, the underlying logic of such compar- tant political outcome, and there is room for a new
isons requires that the scholar make the implausible hypothesis or set of hypotheses to help address this
argument that the two or more countries are virtually conundrum. To accomplish this, Coppedge engages in
identical in every way except on the relevant indepen- an inductive Mb-SNA. (Incidentally, it is important to
dent and dependent variables. As typically practiced note that when using pooled time-series cross-section
(i.e., in the absence of LNA), the method virtually data, the country is still the unit about which one
precludes making comparisons of countries at differ- tries to make inferences, but the inclusion of historical
ent levels of economic development, because that fac- data implies an interest in accounting for dynamics or
tor is assumed to have a causal influence on most historical patterns that describe each country, in the
outcomes of interest to Political Scientists. For exam- context of time-varying parameters.)
ple, comparisons between the United States and India
might ordinarily be dismissed as not particularly useful
because of vast differences in levels of economic devel-
Selecting Cases Randomly or Deliberately
opment. However, within a nested analysis, one might Scholars using nested analysis also face choices about
find in the preliminary LNA that indicators of devel- whether the selection of cases should be done randomly
opment do not hold any explanatory weight for the or deliberately (nonrandomly). Again, the best strat-
outcome of interest, and that colonial legacy (Anglo in egy depends largely on the goals of the SNA and also
both cases) and state structure (federal in both cases) on scholarly tastes and the scholars familiarity with
are important predictors of the outcome, leading to
similar point estimates and compelling a focused analy-
24 My definition and label of the nested approach are somewhat
sis of the two countries. Alternatively, in a strategy that
different from Coppedges (2005). He explains, Nested induction
approximates Mills method of agreement, one might consists of a case study nested within a large-sample quantitative
select cases with differing regression predicted values, analysis. This method has three steps: 1) explaining the case of inter-
and attempt to explain similarities in outcomes (e.g., est as much as possible using large-sample empirical estimates of the
cases B and G). In either case, LNA can set the stage impact of general explanatory factors; 2) using the large-N estimates
for a comparative analysis that might otherwise seem to pinpoint what is not well explained by the general factors (the
residuals), and 3) using traditional case-study methods to propose
implausible. The juxtaposition of such country cases supplementary explanations for the residuals (1). My approach is
allows for the additional exploration of the role of rival more expansive, incorporating a wider variety of research problems
hypotheses that might not have been considered in the and results. Moreover, I opt for the label nested analysis instead
LNA because of lack of theory or data. of his nested induction because I see no reason to limit this form
of research necessarily to inductive theory-building. Although case
The nested analysis approach provides a self- analysis almost inevitably demands induction, there is no reason
conscious strategy for what many case-oriented schol- that this approach could not be used to examine deductively derived
ars already do in practice: begin a research problem propositions.

American Political Science Review Vol. 99, No. 3

and access to certain case materials. In most cases, de- be heavily biased by a particular theoretical bent.26
liberate selection will be the most appropriate strategy, This strategy may be particularly problematic when
but there may be specific instances when, in the course scholars carry out research in issue areas for which a
of carrying out Mt-SNA, random case selection can complete secondary literature does not exist (in the
be used to address specific concerns about investigator case of Fearon and Laitin (2005), their focus on civil
bias. In any event, explicit consideration of this option wars implies that this concern does not hold), requiring
forces us to reflect on potential sources of bias and mea- scholars to probe deeply into primary materials in or-
surement error in SNA, which should be considered in der to carry out the analysis. One solution would be to
all aspects of the nested analysis. enlist country experts to collaborate on country-based
Though rarely used in practice, when carrying out research generated from random selection and to ask
Mt-SNA, it may be desirable and appropriate to use a them to adjudicate among best-fitting models (while
random case selection strategy. In a work-in-progress, being blind to the preferred model). This is an ideal
James Fearon and David Laitin (2005) elect to further strategy from a methodological standpoint if such an
test their statistical model (2003) with narrative anal- opportunity is available and appeals to ones scholarly
yses of a set of randomly selected cases.25 Fearon and style, but it also imposes high research costs.
Laitin (2005) opt for this approach, arguing that the Although the random selection approach is an in-
deliberate selection of cases risks high levels of inves- triguing option, most scholars will likely opt for a delib-
tigator bias. In particular, they say that the random se- erate, or nonrandom, approach to the selection of cases.
lection of cases can provide an opportunity for a fresh Particularly because problems of selection bias do not
reading from the standard literature about a country. apply in the LNA component of the nested analysis
Moreover, they are concerned that in-depth investiga- research design, minimization of this bias in the SNA
tion of cases they know well will induce confirmation component is not likely to justify the costs associated
of theories based on the very information that was used with random case selection. Indeed, as stated at the out-
to derive the theory in the first place. Importantly, the set, many scholars are interested to see whether general
rationale for random selection is not the development theories can help to make sense of particular cases and
of a representative sample, as is the case in other forms do not view case analysis as merely a means for assess-
of research, including survey research. The number of ing general theories. When selecting cases deliberately,
cases involved is simply too small to generate a use- the standard benefits of SNA are much more likely to
ful representation of the entire population of country apply, including the ability of the scholar to gain access
cases. to (often highly heterogeneous) data and to sensitively
There are strengths and weaknesses associated with analyze such data with an appropriate degree of con-
the random case selection option. On the one hand, textual background to make valid comparisons across
there is good reason to believe that this strategy should cases. For example, evidence of the harsh exchange of
lead to less investigator biasHowever, it is only ap- words in various legislative contexts is likely to have
propriate when the model specified in the LNA pro- very different implications for how we interpret the
vides a good fit and when the investigator is less inter- degree of cohesion or polarization across polities, de-
ested in identifying new hypotheses than in assessing pending on the norms of parliamentary debate. Or, in
the degree to which the logic of the theory behind the case of racial/ethnic politics, the coding of bigoted
the statistical model actually resonates with causes and language and the subtle ways in which discriminatory
effects within particular case histories. If a scholar can practices get carried out may only be apparent to a
actually apply a model to a country with which he or she seasoned analyst. Valuable field research, the quality
had little initial familiarity, confirm the independent of which is greatly enhanced through language skills,
and dependent variable scores with new measures, and is more likely to be endeavored if country cases are
find theoretically predicted links between cause and deliberately selected.
effect, such findings would provide considerable con- Indeed, when engaged in Mb-SNA, random selec-
firmation of the robustness of the model. As Fearon tion of cases should absolutely be avoided because
and Laitin (2005) suggest, a good strategy is to stratify such an approach would be tantamount to saying, I
cases based on independent and dependent variable dont have a good theory, and I dont have an intuition
scores in order to ensure a wide range of variation in about why a particular case would be illuminating for
case scores while attempting to economize on the total constructing a theory, which is hardly a solid founda-
number of case studies carried out. tion for investigation. Of course, many scholars who
Despite certain appeal in the reduction of bias as- find themselves engaged in Mb-SNA will arrive at this
sociated with random selection, the promised benefits form of analysis because, as discussed in the previously
must be weighed against pragmatic investigator lim- cited examples, they had already identified cases of
itations. The very rationale of this strategy commits potential theoretical interest. Alternatively, such cases
scholars to cases where they may lack the technical will be selected because a scholar believes that he or
skills for careful readings of country data, and mostly, if she has a particular expertise, such as language skills,
not exclusively, to secondary sources that may already
26 For example, see Lustick (1996) for a discussion of the problems
of bias in secondary sources in political science research. For a more
25 However, they do not limit themselves to the selection of well- general discussion of the problem of random selection in SNA, see
predicted cases. King, Keohane, and Verba (1994, 12528).

Nested Analysis for Comparative Research August 2005

background, or historical knowledge, or because of a to effect in the expected manner, then the nested analy-
particular interest in a case. sis provides ringing support for the model (End analysis
When a scholar is intent on studying a particular case I in Figure 1). Although we do not know the exact
or set of cases, the nested analysis approach obviates sequence for how the analysis was actually carried out
the need to make the artificial claim that the case is the in these works, the Martin (1992) and Swank (2002)
best one for studying a particular research question. books appear to be examples of this route.
Rather, the approach allows the scholar to identify the At the other extreme, in the case of Mb-SNA, if
particular information that he or she wants to glean a coherent theoretical explanation for the outcomes
from the in-depth analysis of almost any case, and then cannot be formulated, this also implies a natural end-
to assess the potential added value of such analysis point (End analysis IV in Figure 1). In this situation,
relative to a larger body of theory and data. neither LNA nor SNA could generate a robust find-
Scholars engaged in Mt-SNA may also use deliberate ing, suggesting that either the research question was
case selection, but they should avoid using the specific poorly formulated or the outcome is generated by a
case or cases that informed the initial development largely random process. This implies the project should
of the theoretical model (i.e., prior to the preliminary be abandoned or substantially reconstituted to the ex-
LNA) as the basis for testing the model. Such a con- tent that it would be recognized as a new project. In a
straint may be highly prohibitive for scholars with a discipline that tends not to value negative findings or
wide-ranging knowledge of country cases, whose the- atheoretical analyses, it should come as no surprise that
orizing may be informed by several important cases. there are no published examples of such a project.28
A next best solution would be to try to gather new
information about the particular cases with which the
analyst is more generally familiar and to attempt to
When the Model-Testing SNA Fits Poorly
test the LNA-verified hypotheses with such data. In between these two extremes, as depicted in Figure 1,
Alternatively, the analyst may deliberately select a case there are a series of assessments that must be made to
of substantive interest, but with little prior knowledge establish the next steps and procedures for analysis.
of case specifics, capturing most of the benefits of the When engaged in Mt-SNA, if the analysis does not
random selection procedure. support the statistical model, the scholar must assess
the reason(s) for this poor fit. As in social science more
generally, assessments of the link between evidence
and theory contain a subjective element, and scholars
are likely to disagree about goodness of fit and the
Moving between SNA and LNA, when taken to the factors driving the distribution of the data. Although
extreme, could imply an endless loop of research, with the nested analysis approach cannot completely re-
the only end in sight being the intensive analysis of solve such debates, it specifies the parameters of the
every country case. Clearly, this is not a helpful vision assessment and the steps that ought to follow particular
of the nested approach, both because it is impractical conclusions drawn from the data and analysis.
and because it is likely to violate social scientific pref-
erences for parsimony (Gerring 2001, 1067). There is Idiosyncratic Cases. On the one hand, the scholar
always more to be learned, but it is necessary to es- may decide that the Mt-SNA did not support the model
tablish a set of criteria and procedures to conclude the because the selected case was clearly idiosyncratic in at
analysis, leaving unanswered questions to future re- least one important waythat is, some extremely rare
search. Again, just as there are no absolute answers historical event or set of circumstances obfuscated the
to such a question in the cases of LNA or SNA on types of social and political processes that were in the
their own, strict guidelines cannot be established for original model, or the variable scores were incorrectly
the nested analysis approach. Nonetheless, we can es- measured for some highly anomalous, case-specific rea-
tablish useful assessment criteria for making decisions son. Moreover, the scholar may decide that such unique
about when to end the analysis. Contrary to Lijpharts circumstances do not merit theoretical elaboration be-
original view of the possible interaction between differ- cause the epiphenomenal sequence of events is unlikely
ent types of research methods in comparative political to travel to other cases. In this instance, the scholar re-
analysisin which SNA was merely a way station for mains confident that the model estimated in the LNA
LNA27in the nested analysis approach, LNA serves is still a robust one and that the case selected for in-
as a way station for SNA at least as often as the reverse. depth SNA was found to be on the line, but not for
A fundamental interest in the understanding of specific the reasons justified in the model. Although it would
country cases helps to anchor the analysis in the nested be important to report the findings of the SNA in the
research design. analysis, the degree of emphasis on that narrative will
Two endpoints are clear: in the case of Mt-SNA, if be a question of scholarly tastesspecifically, a taste
one or more intensive case studies can demonstrate the for highlighting typical cases versus puzzling or deviant
validity of the theoretical modelwhich had already cases. Nonetheless, if the poor fit is due to factors not
passed muster in the LNAby plausibly linking cause
28 Often referred to as the file drawer problem, in which our ex-
posure to the full range of evidence is constrained by vast quantities
27 As analyzed by Collier (1991, 13). of unpublished, and therefore inaccessible, negative results.

American Political Science Review Vol. 99, No. 3

likely to be found in the larger sample, an additional other theoretical models cannot account for the spe-
case or set of cases should be selected for additional Mt- cific deviations of this case and by identifying a unique
SNA. If additional analysis again fails to confirm the set of causal conditions that are not captured in other
original statistical model, the scholar should become theoretic accounts. He leaves it for future research to
highly suspicious of the assessment of idiosyncrasy and determine whether the features identified as determin-
consider that the model may not be accurately cap- istic in Venezuela can be integrated into a more general
turing the general process it purports to explain. In theoretical model.
subsequent iterations the scholar might conclude that Alternatively, if it is possible and desirable to de-
the SNA undermined the robust findings of the LNA. velop measures of the new variable(s) and to deploy
reasonable statistical tests of the model, then a Mt-
Theoretical Flaws. Alternatively, the Mt-SNA may LNA is clearly in order. Not surprisingly, the findings
reveal important shortcomings in the initial model from SNA can form the basis for valid LNA. Close-
and/or the statistical results. In such an instance, the range analysis of one or a few cases can be akin to
Mt-SNA would reveal that the statistical correlation developing a survey instrument through open-ended
was in some way spuriousthe variables are not mea- interviews and focus groups using a small sample of
suring what they purport to measure, or it becomes cases before fielding a large-scale survey. That is to say
clear that the presumed causal order of the original that a scholar can evaluate and/or develop indicators
model is not in evidence in actual case analyses, or to be used for the measurement of a large number of
other variables not identified in the LNA specification cases through close-range measurement of one or a
are observed to be doing the causal work. For example, few cases.29 The scholar may build on the rectangular
suppose an initial theoretical model claims that pres- dataset used for the preliminary LNA and add variables
idential systems of government lead to personalistic or create new measures for old variables. Depending
styles of politics, and this is somehow confirmed by the on the new insights derived about the scope conditions
LNA. If the Mt-SNA shows clearly that cases of presi- for the modelthat is, the bounding of the population
dentialism tended to have personalistic political styles of cases to which the model ought to applythe scholar
even prior to the introduction of democratic politics, may add cases and/or remove cases from the LNA. The
we would have good reason to challenge the original SNA may suggest important, theoretically informed
model. What started as Mt-SNA would need to become control variables and interaction effects when close-
Mb-SNA. Additional inductive exploration, combined range study highlights the implausibility of a simple lin-
with appeal to a broader set of theoretical propositions, ear model applying across all country cases. Finally, the
is clearly necessary. scholar may test new model specifications derived from
the SNA within the LNA.30 Regardless of the findings,
When the Mb-SNA Suggests a New Model the completion of this LNA should be reported, ending
the nested analysis at endpoint II.
Looking at the Mb-SNA side of Figure 1, an additional An excellent example of the move from SNA to
assessment is also required when the Mb-SNA gener- LNA is presented in Lynchs (2002) study of the age-
ates a promising theoretical model. Having completed orientation of the welfare state in the advanced in-
intensive study of one or a few country cases, the inten- dustrialized countries. She derives a set of hypotheses
sive case analysis component of the nested analysis is about why some countries seem to favor older citizens
complete, and the only remaining assessment to make through intensive study of three policy areas in Italy
is whether the model can generate testable proposi- and the Netherlands. These are further explored in a
tions through additional LNA. pooled time-series cross-sectional (TSCS) analysis of
On the one hand, if the new model relies on explana- social spending in 20 Organization for Economic Coop-
tory variables that are difficult to measure across many eration and Development (OECD) countries between
cases (e.g., complex cultural, institutional, or historical 1960 and 1996. She is able to address the conventional
variables), it may not be possible to develop quantifi- wisdom generated from the welfare-state literature,
able indicators or a statistical estimator that captures ruling out several key rival hypotheses, from both a
the theoretical relationships. Or, a scholar may decide cross-sectional and a longitudinal perspectivethough
that he or she has uncovered an important theoretical she points out that there are some heroic assumptions
anomaly that is worth explaining, but for which further involved in the analysis of cross-national TSCS data.
LNA would provide no added value because no ad- The statistical analysis also confirms the relationships
ditional cases would score in the same way, meaning between her independent variables (program structure
no further testing of the hypothesis could be carried and mode of political competition) and an expendi-
out. Finally, a scholar may decide that the purpose ture measure of her dependent variable. Unlike other
of his or her scholarship is to use theory to understand
the puzzle of a case, rather than the reverse. In any of 29 For discussions of the relationship between alternative measure-
these instances, the scholar can report the findings of ment approaches and issues of measurement validity, see Coppedge
the preliminary LNA and end with the SNA. In the case (1999) and Adcock and Collier (2001).
30 Scholars should report findings based on the entire sample as well
of Coppedges (2005) study of democratic breakdown
as on the sample with the cases from the SNA removed from the
in Venezuela, this is clearly the path that is chosen, sample in order to assess the degree to which the cases that were
reflected in endpoint III. Coppedge is able to explain used to build the new model may be driving the results in the Mt-
the specific outcome in Venezuela by highlighting that LNA.

Nested Analysis for Comparative Research August 2005

studies in which LNA preceded SNA, Lynchs study is gies of large-N cross-country regression analysis, as
a clear example of SNA driving hypotheses and sta- well as small-N case study and comparative analysis,
tistical tests for the LNA. Indeed, it is much easier have each been found wanting. This article argues for
to interpret the results of the LNA having read the a combined approach. Some scholars may already be
intensive case analyses because one can understand practicing a variant of this approach in their analysis,
how the results reflect on the machinations of poli- but to a large extent, the steps involved in the anal-
tics and policy outcomes in the two countries of inter- ysis are not being fully reported. With the provision
est. In particular, Lynchs arguments about the central of a more complete specification of how this approach
determinants of policy development were motivated can work, scholars should find it easier to use the ap-
by close-range study, and it is hard to imagine that such proach in a self-conscious manner and to provide a
hypotheses would have been generated in the absence more transparent accounting of their research. This will
of such analysis. LNA allowed her to examine the ex- facilitate evaluation and replication of results, provide
tent to which such findings were unique to her initial greater analytic clarity (by demonstrating how various
two cases, or relevant to a wider group of countries. analytic results relate to one another), and provide a
As another example, Martin (1992) considers a new recognizable bridge between research traditions that
set of regression analyses after presenting her case often remain quite isolated from one another.
study of the Falkland Islands conflict. She realizes that Nested analysis provides a stronger basis for causal
a potentially unique factorthe impact of military in- inference than the sum of its small-N and large-N
volvement on sanctions cooperationneeds to be ex- parts. Rather than emphasizing the common infer-
plored. Having been convinced that military involve- ential logic of qualitative and quantitative research
ment affected this particular case, she moves back to strategieswhich is the hallmark of King, Keohane,
the LNA, but finds that military involvement had only a and Verbas (1994) influential treatment of research
negligible effect on sanctions in the larger sample (153 methodologythe nested analysis approach empha-
6). In this way, SNA helps to motivate the exploration sizes the complementary distinctiveness in these two
of rival explanations within particular cases, and more modes of analysis and strategies for causal inference.
generally. Similarly, in his comparative study of the The use of the mixed strategy helps to overcome poten-
politics of taxation, Lieberman (2003) raises the pos- tial sources of bias and to sort out spurious findings that
sibility that Brazils Catholic heritage had been a de- might be produced in either SNA or LNA when carried
termining factor in the development of a tax state that out in isolation. The approach is particularly well suited
was very different from South Africas. Although the to cross-national analysis, where investigators tend to
SNA uncovered no plausible evidence linking Brazil- be interested not only in general patterns (as one might
ian taxation to this legacy, this rival hypothesis could be in the study of, say, voting behavior) but also in the
be dismissed with additional confidence through fur- analysis of specific country cases.
ther LNA which provided no statistical support for the There are clearly real and perceived costs of inte-
alternative hypothesis. grating LNA and SNA. Perhaps most importantly, this
Again, it is important to emphasize that the nested seems to imply a substantial addition of work. Is this re-
analysis approach presumes interest in positive and ally two projects in one? Undoubtedly, more investiga-
negative findings, and in the analysis of general pat- tor effort is required than if the individual SNA or LNA
terns and of specific cases. If the Mt-LNA is robust, components were used in isolation, because nested
we have arrived at findings quite similar to those of analysis demands multiple forms of measurement and
endpoint I: two sets of empirical analyses confirm the causal inference, but it does not entail a simple addition
validity of the results and the scholar can feel extremely of effort. Rather, by highlighting the specific utilities of
confident in the general applicability of those results. If each analytic strategy, the approach lightens the infer-
the Mt-LNA is not robustif the new variables do not ential burden that would ordinarily be carried by SNA
predict what we had hypothesized or if the larger model or LNA when performed on their own. Moreover, the
falls apart, then the scholar is left to explain why those advent of the Internet and an accumulation of research
results might not have applied in the LNA. It is up to continue to expand the scope of available datasets that
the scholar to account for the more limited scope of the may be usable. For example, in the area of democratiza-
explanation, which needs to be understood in the con- tion research, the Freedom House, Polity, and a host of
text of the larger population of cases. Future research other datasets provide time-varying indicators across a
projects may be used to develop models with more large number of countries. For students of the political
general applicability, but in this instance, the scholar economy of development, the World Bank, the OECD,
should report what has been discovered through the and the International Monetary Fund publish time-
nested analysis. varying economic and other data across most coun-
tries for several decades. Similarly, not all in-depth
case analyses involve multiple years of field research.
As Fearon and Laitin (2005), Swank (2002), Adsera`
Despite the constraints of a relatively small, finite, com- and Boix (2002), and Reiter and Stam (2002) demon-
plex, and heterogeneous universe of cases for analysis, strate, at least some of the benefits of SNA can be
scholars continue to be interested in questions about captured using readily available data sources without
the causes and consequences of patterns of politics at extensive primary research. Again, increasing access to
the country level of analysis. To date, existing strate- a range of primary and secondary sources through the

American Political Science Review Vol. 99, No. 3

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