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Bab Chapter

Mikroorganisma Microorganisms and

dan Kesannya Their Effects on Living

ke atas Hidupan Things

Alga Algae Algae Alga
Konsep Bakteria Bacteria The Bacteria Bakteria
Proses pereputan Decaying process Food digestion
Decaying process Proses pereputan
Pencernaan makanan Food digestion Pencernaan makanan
Kulat Fungi Fungi Kulat
Keimunan Immunity Immunity Keimunan
Jangkitan Infection Infection Jangkitan
Kurap Ringworm
Mikroorganisma Microorganisms Microorganisms Mikroorganisma
Panau Tinea Ringworm Kurap
Tinea Panau

Soalan Tahun-tahun Lepas SPM SPM Past-year Questions

Kertas 2 Paper 2
Tahun Kertas 1 Year Paper 1
Bhg. A Bhg. B Bhg. C Sec. A Sec. B Sec. C
2005 S2427 S2 2005 Q2427 Q2
2006 S2428 S3 2006 Q2428 Q3
2007 S2527 S3 2007 Q2527 Q3
2008 S2327 S2 2008 Q2327 Q2
2009 S2529 S2 2009 Q2529 Q2
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Objektif Pembelajaran Learning Objective
1.1 Memahami pengelasan mikroorganisma 1.1 Understanding the classification of microorganisms

Aktiviti Pelbagai jenis mikroorganisma DISCUSSION Various types of microorganisms

1.1 Activity Mastery
Chapter 1
Microorganisms and Their

Effects on Living Things

Microorganisms and Their

Chapter 1
Effects on Living Things
Lengkapkan jadual di bawah tentang pengelasan mikroorganisma berdasarkan ciri-ciri sepunya. Complete the table below on the classification of microorganisms based on their common characteristics.
parasit saprofit unisel multisel belahan dedua mana-mana parasites saprophytes unicellular multicellular binary fission anywhere

pelbagai sel hidup gelap kristal klorofil lembap various living cells dark crystal chlorophyll damp
menggandakan elektron filamen pertunasan pembentukan spora sfera duplicating electron filament budding spore formation sphere
autotrof fotosintesis seni mati cahaya matahari air tawar autotrophs photosynthesis smallest dead sunlight fresh water

Saiz dan
Size and brief Method of
Jenis mikroorganisma penerangan Rupa bentuk Cara pembiakan Nutrisi Habitat Type of microorganism Shape Nutrition Habitat
explanation reproduction
(a) Bakteria Pelbagai Pelbagai Membiak mela- Hidup sebagai Boleh dijumpai (a) Bacteria Various Various Reproduce Live as Can be found
belahan parasit mana- through parasites anywhere
saiz bentuk lui di sizes shapes or
Mikroorganisma binary
dedua atau saprofit mana Unicellular saprophytes
unisel microorganisms fission
(Memakan (Feed on
kokus organisma coccus
vibrio dead
mati ) organisms)

(b) Virus Mikroorganisma Pelbagai Membiak dalam Hidup sebagai Hanya dapat (b) Viruses The Various Reproduce in Live as Can only be
yang paling sel hidup dijumpai di smallest living cells by found in
bentuk parasit shapes parasites
seni dengan dalam microorganisms duplicating living cells
menggandakan sel hidup Only can be
Hanya dapat itself Can form
seen through an
dilihat melalui dirinya Boleh memben- crystals
mikroskop electron
virus tuk kristal bacteriophage virus outside the
elektron microscope
sel di luar benda living living things
hidup hidup cell

(c) Kulat Pelbagai Mempunyai Membiak mela- Hidup sebagai Boleh dijumpai (c) Fungi Various Have Reproduce Live as Can be found in
pelbagai di tempat yang various through
saiz lui pertunasan parasit sizes parasites dark and
sporangium Tumbuhan yang bentuk seperti gelap sporangium Plants that do shapes such as budding

(yis) atau (kulat panau) dan (tinea fungi) or

tidak filamen spore not have filament (yeast) or
spora pembentukan atau saprofit lembap saprophytes places
mempunyai chlorophyll
(mukor) spore (mucor)
klorofil dan sfera spora hypha and sphere
yis hifa yeast
(mukor) mucor formation
(kulapok) (mould) (mucor)

(d) Protozoa Pelbagai Pelbagai Membiak mela- Hidup sebagai Boleh dijumpai (d) Protozoa Various Various Reproduce Live as Can be found

belahan saprofit through
saiz bentuk lui di air tawar sizes shapes saprophytes in fresh water
Haiwan (ameba dan dan tempat binary (Amoeba and
dedua Unicellular and damp
unisel paramesium) Paramecium)
yang lembap animals fission places
ameba paramesium dan parasit Amoeba Paramecium and parasites
(Plasmodium) (Plasmodium)
(e) Alga Pelbagai Pelbagai Membiak mela- Hidup sebagai Boleh dijumpai (e) Algae Various Various Reproduce Live as Can be found in

belahan autotrof di tempat through autotrophs , damp
saiz bentuk lui , sizes shapes
Tumbuhan lembap yang binary
dedua iaitu boleh mem- Unicellular that is, they can areas that
akuatik buat makanan menerima make their own receive
spirogira Spirogyra multi- fission
unisel melalui or food through
dan cahaya sunlight
klamidomonas Chlamydomonas cellular
multisel fotosintesis photosynthesis
aquatic plants

1.1 HP Menyenaraikan ciri-ciri pelbagai jenis mikroorganisma 1.1 HP Mengelaskan mikroorganisma kepada bakteria, kulat, 1.1 LO List the characteristics of various types of 1.1 LO Classify microorganisms into bacteria, fungi,
protozoa, virus dan alga microorganisms protozoa, viruses and algae
2 2

1.1 Understanding the classification of microorganisms 6 State the type of microorganism that can be cultured and crystallised outside living cells. (Virus)
DISCUSSION 7 State two examples of protozoa. (Amoeba and Paramecium)
1.1 Activity 1 State the tiny living things that can only be seen through a microscope. (Microorganisms)
8 State two examples of fungi. (Mucor and yeast)
2 State three types of microorganisms. (Viruses, bacteria and fungi/protozoa/algae)
9 State two examples of algae. (Spirogyra and Chlamydomonas)
3 State the smallest microorganism. (Virus)
10 State the microorganism that can make its own food through photosynthesis. Explain your answer.
4 State the microorganism that is classified as an animal cell. (Protozoa) (Algae. Algae contains chlorophyll.)
5 State the type of microorganism that can only live in living cells. (Virus)

2 2

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Aktiviti Pengelasan bakteria DISCUSSION Classification of bacteria
Chapter 1 1.2 PERBINCANGAN Masteri
1.2 Activity Mastery

Microorganisms and Their

Effects on Living Things

Microorganisms and Their

Chapter 1
Effects on Living Things
A Kaji foto bakteria di bawah dan jawab soalan yang berikut. A Study the photographs of the bacteria below and answer the following questions.



Kokus Vibrio Basilus Spirilum Coccus Vibrio Bacillus Spirillum

1 Apakah ciri bakteria yang boleh digunakan untuk pengelasannya? 1 What is the characteristic of the bacteria that can be used for classification purpose?
Rupa bentuk bakteria. shape
The of the bacteria.
2 Nyatakan rupa bentuk bakteria di dalam foto P, Q, R dan S dengan perkataan yang berikut. 2 State the shape of the bacteria in photographs P, Q, R and S with the following words.

Vibrio Basilus Kokus Spirilum Vibrio Bacillus Coccus Spirillum

B Rujuk laman web dibawah untuk maklumat mengenai kulapuk: B Refer to the website below for information on moulds:

Y: Spore Sporangium
Y: Spora X: Sporangium



Mikroorganisma di atas boleh dijumpai di permukaan makanan seperti roti berkulat dan buah reput. The above microorganism can be found on stale breads and rotting fruits.

1 Apakah nama mikroorganisma yang ditunjukkan? Kulapuk/Mukor 1 What is the name of the microorganism shown? Mould/Mucor
2 Label struktur-struktur X dan Y dalam rajah tersebut. 2 Label structures X and Y in the diagram.
3 Apakah fungsi Y? Untuk pembiakan 3 What is the function of Y? For reproduction
4 Bagaimanakah mikroorganisma ini mendapatkan nutriennya? Secara saprofit 4 How does this microorganism get its nutrient? Saprophytic
5 Namakan struktur Z yang membolehkan mikroorganisma tersebut menyerap nutriennya. 5 Name structure Z that enables the microorganism to absorb its nutrient.
Hifa Hypha

1.2 HP Menerangkan ciri-ciri bagi setiap kumpulan 1.2 LO Describe the characteristics of each group of
mikroorganisma microorganisms
3 3

11 State the method of reproduction for algae, protozoa and bacteria. (Binary fission) 16 State the shape of the bacteria below.
12 State the microorganisms that live as saprophytes. (Protozoa, fungi and bacteria) (a) (b) (c) (d)
13 State the microorganisms that live as parasites. (Viruses, protozoa, fungi and bacteria)
1.2 Activity 14 How can bacteria be classified? (Based on its shape)
15 State the possible shapes of bacteria. (Coccus, bacillus, vibrio and spirillum) (Vibrio) (Coccus) (Bacillus) (Spirillum)

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Objektif Pembelajaran Learning Objective
1.2 Mensintesiskan idea tentang kesan faktor yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan mikroorganisma 1.2 Synthesing ideas on the factors that affect the growth of microorganisms
Eksperimen PEKA Kesan pH terhadap pertumbuhan mikroorganisma GUIDED Effect of pH on the growth of microorganisms
1.3 TERBIMBING Inkuiri-penemuan
1.3 Experiment PEKA Inquiry-discovery
Chapter 1
Microorganisms and Their

Effects on Living Things

Microorganisms and Their

Chapter 1
Effects on Living Things
1999 Sec. A, Q2 2007 Sec. A, Q3
1999 Bhg. A, S2 2007 Bhg. A, S3

TUJUAN Mengkaji kesan faktor pH terhadap aktiviti mikroorganisma C1P1 AIM To study the effect of pH factor on the growth of microorganisms C1P1

HIPOTESIS Bakteria sesuai hidup dalam keadaan neutral tetapi tidak dalam keadaan yang HYPOTHESIS Bacteria thrive in neutral conditions but not in conditions that are very
sangat berasid atau beralkali . C1P2 acidic alkaline C1P2
or .

PEMBOLEH (a) yang dimalarkan: Kuantiti bakteria VARIABLE (a) that is kept constant: Quantity of bacteria/Volume of nutrient agar
Nilai pH/ Keadaan agar-agar nutrien C1P3 (b) that is manipulated: pH value/Condition of the nutrient agar C1P3
(b) yang dimanipulasikan:
Bilangan koloni bakteria/Bilangan tompok putih (c) that responds: Number of bacterial colonies/Number of white spots
(c) yang bergerak balas:

BAHAN Agar-agar nutrien yang steril, kultur bakteria (Bacillus subtilis), air suling, asid hidroklorik MATERIALS Sterile nutrient agar, bacteria culture (Bacillus subtilis), distilled water, 1 mol dm3
1 mol dm3, larutan natrium hidroksida 1 mol dm3 hydrochloric acid, 1 mol dm3 sodium hydroxide solution C1P4
RADAS Piring Petri dan penutup steril, picagari, penitis, pita selofan
APPARATUS Sterile Petri dishes and lids, syringes, dropper, cellophane tape

agar-agar nutrien nutrient agar
C1 + C1 +
P kultur bakteria P bacteria culture
1 1
2 A B C 2 A B C
3 3
4 piring piring Petri 4 Petri dish Petri dish
5 5
keadaan berasid keadaan beralkali keadaan neutral acidic condition alkaline condition neutral condition
S (larutan natrium hidroksida) S (hydrochloric acid) (sodium hydroxide solution) (acts as the control)
(larutan asid hidroklorik) (sebagai kawalan)
(air suling) (distilled water)


C2P4 C2P4
1 Masukkan 5 cm3 agar-agar nutrien panas ke dalam piring Petri A, B dan C. 1 Put 5 cm3
of hot nutrient agar into Petri dish A, B and C.
2 Biarkan agar-agar menjadi pepejal sebelum menambah 1 cm3 larutan kultur bakteria ke 2 Let the agar solidify before adding 1 cm3 of bacteria culture solution on the surface of the
C2 atas permukaan agar-agar tersebut. C2 solidified agar.
P 3 Masukkan 1 cm3 asid hidroklorik dalam salah satu piring Petri, 1 cm3 larutan natrium P 3 Add 1 cm3 of hydrochloric acid into one Petri dish, 1 cm3 of sodium hydroxide solution
1 hidroksida dalam piring Petri kedua dan 1 cm3 air suling dalam piring Petri ketiga dengan 1 into the second Petri dish, and 1 cm3 of distilled water into the third Petri dish
2 menggunakan picagari. 2 using syringes.
3 4 Tutup piring Petri dengan penutup dan lekatkan penutup itu menggunakan pita selofan. 3 4 Cover the Petri dishes with lids and seal the lids using some cellophane tape.
4 5 Letakkan ketiga-tiga piring Petri A, B dan C secara terbalik dalam almari gelap selama 4 5 Place the three Petri dishes A, B and C inverted in a dark cupboard for two to three days.
S dua hingga tiga hari. S 6 Record your observation on the growth of bacteria at the end of the experiment.
6 Catatkan pemerhatian anda ke atas pertumbuhan bakteria pada akhir eksperimen.

CARA KERJA 1 5 cm3 agar-agar nutrien panas dimasukkan ke dalam setiap piring Petri A, B dan C. STEPS 1 5 cm3 of hot nutrient agar was put into Petri dish A, B and C.
2 Agar-agar dibiarkan menjadi pepejal sebelum 1 cm3 larutan kultur bakteria 2 The agar was allowed to solidify before adding 1 cm3 of bacteria culture
ditambahkan ke atas permukaan agar-agar tersebut. solution onto the surface of the solidified agar.

1.3 HP Mengenal pasti faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi Rujuk kepada Essential Science Form 5, Eksperimen 1.3 LO Identify factors that affect the growth of microorganisms Refer to Essential Science Form 5, Experiment 1.1,
pertumbuhan mikroorganisma 1.1, hlm. 11; Essential Science SPM, Experiment 9.1, Design an experiment to study how pH affects the p. 11; Essential Science SPM, Experiment 9.1,
Mereka cipta satu eksperimen untuk mengkaji kesan 4 hlm. 259 growth of microorganisms 4 p. 259
nilai pH terhadap pertumbuhan mikroorganisma

1.2 Synthesising ideas on the factors that affect the growth of 3 What happens to microorganisms at temperatures of below 18 oC? (Microorganisms are still alive but do
not grow or reproduce)
4 Explain why a temperature of 100 C cannot kill off all the bacteria. (Bacterial spores can still live till 120C)
1.3 Experiment PEKA 1 State five factors that affect the growth of microorganisms. (Nutrients, humidity, light, temperature and pH
5 State the conditions that are suitable for the growth of bacteria and fungi. (Dark and damp)
1,4 Experiment PEKA 2 What happens to microorganisms in conditions that are too acidic or too alkaline? (Microorganisms are 6 State the type of ray in sunlight that can kill microorganisms. (Ultraviolet ray)
Experiment PEKA
killed.) 7 Explain why Mucor cannot grow on dry bread. (Mucor needs water to grow)

4 4

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3 1 cm3 asid hidroklorik, 1 cm3 larutan natrium hidroksida dan 1 cm3 air suling 3 1 cm3 of hydrochloric acid, 1 cm3 of sodium hydroxide solution, and 1 cm3 of distilled
masing-masing dimasukkan dengan menggunakan picagari ke atas permukaan water were added using syringes, onto the surface of the agar in Petri dishes A, B and
agar-agar dalam piring Petri A, B dan C. C respectively.

4 Piring Petri ditutup dan penutup dilekat dengan menggunakan pita selofan. 4 The Petri dishes were covered and the lids were sealed using some cellophane tape.
5 All Petri dishes A, B and C were inverted and kept in a dark cupboard for
5 Semua piring Petri A, B dan C diterbalikkan dan disimpan dalam almari gelap

two to three days.
selama dua hingga tiga hari.
6 Observation on the growth of bacteria was recorded at the end of the experiment. C1P5
6 Pemerhatian ke atas pertumbuhan bakteria dicatatkan pada akhir eksperimen. C1P5

OBSERVATION Condition of the nutrient agar Number of bacterial colonies
Piring Petri Keadaan agar-agar nutrien Bilangan koloni bakteria C3
C3 A Acidic None
P A Berasid Tiada 1
B Alkaline None
1 2
B Beralkali Tiada
3 C Neutral Many
3 S
C Neutral Banyak
S C3P1 C3P2 C3P3
C3P1 C3P2 C3P3 ANALYSIS 1 From the observations, state the conditions and pH values that are suitable and not
ANALISIS 1 Daripada pemerhatian, nyatakan keadaan dan nilai pH yang sesuai dan yang tidak sesuai suitable for bacterial growth. Then, give an inference for your answer.
untuk pertumbuhan bakteria. Kemudian, berikan inferens bagi jawapan anda.
Condition pH value Inference
Keadaan Nilai pH Inferens
Suitable for 7 Bacteria are
Sesuai untuk bacterial growth Neutral pH
Bakteria terbunuh destroyed
pertumbuhan Neutral pH 7
bakteria dalam keadaan yang C4
Acidic less than 7 in conditions that are
P Not suitable for pH
terlalu berasid too acidic
C4 Tidak sesuai bacterial growth
P Berasid pH kurang daripada 7 atau terlalu
Alkaline more than 7 alkaline
untuk pertum- 2 pH or too .
1 buhan bakteria beralkali
Beralkali pH lebih daripada 7 . 3
S 2 (a) Predict the condition of the nutrient agar if the experiment
S 2 (a) Ramalkan keadaan nutrien agar jika eksperimen diulang dengan menggunakan is repeated using vinegar. Give one reason. Predicting

cuka. Berikan satu sebab. No bacterial colony. Vinegar is acidic .

Tiada koloni bakteria. Cuka bersifat asid . Meramal
(b) Tick in the box for the use of vinegar based on its property.
(b) Tandakan dalam petak bagi kegunaan cuka berdasarkan sifatnya. To preserve food To strengthen To add colour
such as fruit natural rubber to canned food
Untuk mengawet Untuk menguatkan Untuk menambahkan
makanan seperti getah asli warna kepada TSTS
3 Based on the experiment, state the operational definition of
buah-buahan makanan dalam tin (a) neutral condition Defining operationally

3 Nyatakan definisi secara operasi bagi KBSB has many bacterial colonies
Mendefinisi secara operasi
Neutral condition is the condition that .
(a) keadaan neutral
(b) bacterial growth
Keadaan neutral adalah suatu keadaan yang mempunyai banyak koloni bakteria . growth of the most
Bacterial growth is a process which causes the
(b) pertumbuhan bakteria bacteria colonies at neutral condition (or at pH 7).
pertumbuhan .
Pertumbuhan bakteria adalah satu proses yang menyebabkan C4P2
koloni bakteria yang paling banyak dalam keadaan neutral (atau pada pH 7 ) . 4 Can the hypothesis that you formed earlier be accepted? Yes

4 Bolehkah hipotesis yang dibuat dapat diterima? Ya

C4P2 CONCLUSION What conclusion can be made from this experiment?
KESIMPULAN Bacteria thrive in neutral conditions but will not survive in conditions that
Apakah kesimpulan yang dapat dibuat daripada eksperimen ini?
neutral are too acidic or alkaline . C4P3
Bakteria sesuai hidup dalam keadaan tetapi tidak dalam keadaan
yang sangat berasid atau beralkali . C4P3

5 5

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Larutan iodin ialah asid lemah yang pH 5.5 dan ke bawah
Iodine solution is a weak acid that acts pH 5.5 and below are not
tidak menggalakkan suitable for the growth of
bertindak sebagai antiseptik untuk menghalang pertumbuhan bakteria as an antiseptic to prevent the growth of bacteria but encourage
tetapi menggalakkan bacteria in body wounds.
pertumbuhan bakteria pada bahagian luka. pertumbuhan dan
the growth and
reproduction of fungi.
pembiakan kulat.

REFLEKSI Makanan seperti buah-buahan dan sayur-sayuran boleh diawet dalam larutan REFLECTION

Food such as fruits and vegetables can be preserved in concentrated sugar

gula dan garam pekat. and salt solutions.



Kesan suhu terhadap pertumbuhan mikroorganisma
1.4 TAK TERBIMBING Inkuiri-penemuan
1.4 Experiment PEKA
Effect of temperature on the growth of microorganisms

2000 Bhg. A, S3 2003 Bhg. A, S4 2000 Sec. A, Q3 2003 Sec. A, Q4

TUJUAN Mengkaji kesan suhu terhadap pertumbuhan

AIM To study the effect of temperature on the growth
mikroorganisma C1P1
of microorganisms C1P1
The growth and cultivation
HIPOTESIS Bakteria tumbuh dan membiak dengan pesat pada suhu bilik Pertumbuhan dan
of microorganisms are
suhu yang sangat rendah atau sangat tinggi mikroorganisma HYPOTHESIS Bacteria grow and reproduce quickly at room temperature but influenced by
tetapi tidak pada . dipengaruhi oleh suhu. temperature. Food that is
C1P2 Makanan yang disimpan not at very low or high temperatures. C1P2 kept in the fridge lasts
PEMBOLEH dalam peti sejuk tahan longer because of the low
UBAH (a) yang dimalarkan: dengan lebih lama
VARIABLE (a) that is kept constant:
temperature. Dishes that
kerana suhunya rendah. are left overnight without
Kuantiti bakteria/Jenis Bakteria Lauk-pauk yang Quantity of bacteria/Type of bacteria being reheated will
dibiarkan semalaman normally turn bad on the
(b) yang dimanipulasikan: tanpa dididihkan lagi following day.
biasanya akan menjadi
(b) that is manipulated:
Suhu basi pada keesokan hari. Temperature
(c) yang bergerak balas: (c) that responds:
Bilangan koloni bakteria/Bilangan tompok putih C1P3 Number of bacterial colonies/Number of white spots C1P3

BAHAN Agar-agar nutrien steril, kultur bakteria (Bacillus subtilis), kertas label MATERIALS Sterile nutrient agar, bacteria culture (Bacillus subtilis), labels

RADAS Piring Petri dan penutup steril, picagari, pita selofan, peti sejuk, ketuhar C1P4 APPARATUS Sterile Petri dish and lid, syringes, cellophane tape, refrigerator, oven C1P4

Sebelum Anda Mulakan

Before You Begin
1 Pelajar-pelajar dibahagikan kepada beberapa kumpulan.
1 Students are divided into several groups.
2 Setiap kumpulan dikehendaki merancang prosedur eksperimen bagi menunjukkan
2 Each group is required to plan the procedures of the experiment to show the effect
kesan suhu terhadap pertumbuhan bakteria dengan berpandukan rajah yang berikut.
of temperature on bacterial growth based on the following diagram. C2P4
moist nutrient agar
agar nutrien lembap C1
1 A B C D
2 A B C D 1 Petri Petri
3 dish dish
piring 2
4 Petri 3 5 C room 37 C 70 C
5 temperature
5 C suhu bilik 37 C 70 C 4
S piring (30 C)
(30 C) 5
1.4 HP Mengenal pasti faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi Rujuk kepada Essential Science Form 5, Eksperimen 1.4 LO Identify the factors that affect the growth of Refer to Essential Science Form 5, Experiment 1.1,
pertumbuhan mikroorganisma 1.1, hlm. 11; Essential Science SPM, Experiment 9.1, microorganisms p. 11; Essential Science SPM, Experiment 9.1,
Mereka cipta satu eksperimen untuk mengkaji kesan 6 hlm. 259 Design an experiment to study how temperature affects 6 p. 259
suhu terhadap pertumbuhan mikroorganisma the growth of microorganisms

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1 Pelajar-pelajar dalam kumpulan dikehendaki mengkaji semula sama ada rancangan 1 Students in the group are required to check through their planning to determine
yang dibuat boleh dijalankan untuk menguji hipotesis. whether the experiment can be used to test the hypothesis.
2 Tunjukkan rancangan eksperimen kepada guru anda untuk mendapat persetujuan 2 Show the plan to your teacher for approval before carrying out the experiment.
sebelum memulakan eksperimen.

1 Carry out the experiment as planned.
1 Jalankan eksperimen seperti yang dirancang. 2 Record and tabulate your observation.
2 Catat pemerhatian dalam jadual yang disediakan.

STEPS 1 Four sterile Petri dishes containing sterile nutrient agar were labelled as A, B, C and D
CARA KERJA 1 Empat piring Petri steril yang mengandungi agar-agar nutrien steril dilabel sebagai respectively.
A, B, C and D masing-masing. 2 Using a syringe, 1 cm3 of bacteria culture solution was added onto the agar surface
2 Dengan menggunakan picagari, 1 cm3 larutan kultur bakteria ditambah ke atas in each Petri dish.
permukaan agar-agar pada setiap piring Petri. 3 The Petri dishes were covered with lids and sealed using cellophane tape.
3 Piring Petri ditutup dengan penutup dan penutup dilekatkan kepada piring Petri 4 The Petri dishes were inverted and placed in various places as stated below:
dengan pita selofan. (a) Petri dish A in a refrigerator set at 5 C.
4 Piring Petri diterbalikkan dan diletakkan pada tempat yang berlainan seperti yang (b) Petri dish B in the laboratory at room temperature which was approximately 30 C.
dinyatakan di bawah: P (c) Petri dish C in an oven set at 37 C.
C2 1
(a) Piring Petri A dalam peti sejuk pada suhu 5 C. 2 (d) Petri dish D in an oven set at 70 C.
1 3
(b) Piring Petri B dalam makmal pada suhu bilik kira-kira 30 C. 5 The Petri dishes were left for two days.
2 4
3 (c) Piring Petri C dalam ketuhar dengan suhu yang ditetapkan pada 37 C. S C1P5
6 The number of bacterial colonies were observed and recorded.
(d) Piring Petri D dalam ketuhar dengan suhu yang ditetapkan pada 70 C.
S OBSERVATION Temperature (C) Number of bacterial colonies
Petri dish
5 Kesemua piring Petri dibiarkan selama dua hari.
C3 A 5 None
6 Bilangan koloni bakteria diperhatikan dan dicatat. C1P5
P B 30 Many
Piring Petri Suhu (C) Bilangan koloni bakteria 2 C 37 The most
A 5 3
C3 Tiada D 70 None
P B 30 Banyak
1 C3P1 C3P2 C3P3
2 C 37 Paling banyak
3 D 70 1 From the observations, state the temperatures that are suitable and not
Tiada Making inference
S suitable for bacterial growth. Then, give inferences for your answer.
C3P1 C3P2 C3P3
ANALISIS 1 Daripada pemerhatian, nyatakan suhu yang sesuai dan yang tidak sesuai untuk KBSB Temperature Inference
pertumbuhan bakteria. Kemudian, berikan inferens kepada jawapan anda. Membuat inferens
Most suitable for bacterial growth 37 C Bacteria become
Suhu Inferens inactive under
Paling sesuai untuk Bakteria menjadi
37 C Suitable for bacterial growth 30 C cool conditions.
pertumbuhan bakteria
tidak aktif dalam
Sesuai untuk pertumbuhan Bacteria are killed
30 C keadaan sejuk.
bakteria Not suitable for bacterial growth 5 C and 70 C under hot conditions.
Tidak sesuai untuk pertumbuhan Bakteria terbunuh
5 C dan 70 C
bakteria dalam keadaan panas. C4P1

7 7

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2 (a) Ramalkan suhu optimum bagi bakteria parasitik yang hidup dalam 2 (a) Predict the optimum temperature for parasitic bacteria that live
badan manusia. inside the human body.
Meramalkan Predicting
37 C 37 C
(b) Give an inference to your answer. TSTS
(b) Berikan inferens kepada jawapan anda. KBSB 37 C is the human body temperature . Making inference
37 C merupakan suhu badan manusia. Membuat inferens C4
3 How should the nutrient agar be sterilised? TSTS


3 Bagaimanakah agar-agar nutrien disterilkan? KBSB an autoclave/ Making decision

2 By heating the nutrient agar in
Dengan memanaskan agar-agar nutrien dalam autoklaf/ Membuat keputusan
3 a pressure cooker at 120 C for 20 minutes.
periuk tekanan pada suhu 120 C selama 20 minit. S
4 Tick the temperature in which the bacteria are still alive but do not reproduce.

P 4 Tandakan bagi suhu yang bakteria masih hidup tetapi tidak membiak. Meramalkan
1 Above 40 C 05 C Below 18 C
2 Di atas 40 C 0 5 C Di bawah 18 C
3 5 Based on the experiment, state the operational definition for the bacterial growth.
S 5 Berdasarkan eksperimen, nyatakan definisi secara operasi bagi pertumbuhan bakteria. Bacterial growth is a process which causes the growth of the most bacteria
Pertumbuhan bakteria adalah satu proses yang menyebabkan pertumbuhan TSTS
colonies at 37 C/the least bacteria colonies at 5 C (or 70 C)
Defining operationally
koloni bakteria yang paling banyak pada 37 C/ paling kurang koloni bakteria
6 State two precautionary steps taken in this experiment.
pada 5 C (atau 70 C). KBSB
(a) Washing hands before and after carrying out the
Mendefinisi secara operasi

6 Nyatakan dua langkah berhati-hati dalam eksperimen ini. experiment.

sebelum selepas (b) Do not touch the nutrient agar in the Petri dish.
(a) Membasuh tangan dan menjalankan
eksperimen. Yes
7 Can the hypothesis made be accepted?
(b) Jangan sentuh agar-agar nutrien di dalam piring Petri. C4P2

7 Bolehkah hipotesis yang dibuat dapat diterima? Ya C4P2

CONCLUSION What conclusion can be made from this experiment?

KESIMPULAN Apakah kesimpulan yang dapat dibuat daripada eksperimen ini? Bacteria grow and reproduce quickly at room temperature but become inactive at a
Bakteria tumbuh dan membiak dengan pesat pada suhu bilik tetapi menjadi tidak aktif very low or high temperature.
pada suhu yang sangat rendah atau sangat tinggi.

APLIKASI IDEA Makanan yang disimpan di dalam bahagian oF IDEA Food that is kept in the can last longer
pendingin beku peti sejuk tahan lebih lama compared with food that is taken out from the fridge. This is
because there are still microorganisms alive
jika dibandingkan dengan apabila makanan ini dikeluarkan
daripada peti sejuk. Ini adalah kerana makanan itu masih in the food.
mengandungi mikroorganisma hidup .

REFLECTION Autoclave is used to sterilise materials using steam under

REFLEKSI Autoklaf digunakan untuk mensteril bahan dengan stim high pressure at 130 C. Autoclaving can kill all
di bawah tekanan tinggi pada 130 C. Cara ini spores
microorganisms including their (can still live
dapat membunuh semua mikroorganisma termasuk till 120 C ).
sporanya (dapat hidup sehingga 120 C ).

8 8

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Eksperimen PEKA Kesan cahaya terhadap pertumbuhan mikroorganisma UNGUIDED Effect of light on the growth of microorganisms
1.5 TAK TERBIMBING Inkuiri-penemuan
1.5 Experiment PEKA Inquiry-discovery

AIM To study the effect of light on the growth of microorganisms

TUJUAN Mengkaji kesan cahaya terhadap pertumbuhan mikroorganisma C1P1
Cahaya mempengaruhi The intensity of light
C1P1 pertumbuhan dan

affects the growth of

Bacteria grow quickly in the dark but become microorganisms.
HIPOTESIS Bakteria tumbuh dan membiak dengan pesat dalam keadaan mikroorganisma.
Mikroorganisma seperti bright light Microorganisms such as
gelap tetapi menjadi tidak aktif dalam keadaan bakteria dan kulat inactive under the . C1P2 bacteria and fungi have a
membiak dengan cepat high growth rate in dim
cahaya terang dalam keadaan malap. light. The ultraviolet rays
. C1P2
VARIABLE (a) that is kept constant: Quantity of bacteria

Sinaran ultraungu dalam from sunlight can kill
cahaya terang dapat these microorganisms.
PEMBOLEH (a) yang dimalarkan: Kuantiti bakteria membunuh (b) that is manipulated: Light
UBAH mikroorganisma.
(b) yang dimanipulasikan: Cahaya (b) that responds: Condition of nutrient broth

(c) yang bergerak balas: Keadaan bubur nutrien C1P3 MATERIALS Bacteria culture (Bacillus subtilis), label, sterile cotton wool, sterile nutrient broth

BAHAN Kultur bakteria (Bacillus subtilis), kertas label, kapas steril, bubur nutrien steril APPARATUS Sterile test tubes, 10 ml measuring cylinder, electric lamp . C1P4

RADAS Tabung uji steril, silinder penyukat 10 ml, lampu elektrik . C1P4
Before You Begin

Sebelum Anda Mulakan

MERANCANG EKSPERIMEN 1 Based on the materials and inside a closed under the
in the laboratory
cupboard sunlight
1 Berdasarkan bahan dan radas yang A B C apparatus supplied by your
sterile cotton sterile
dibekalkan oleh guru anda dan di dalam di dalam makmal di bawah teacher and the arrangement of cotton
almari gelap cahaya matahari apparatus for the experiment, you
susunan radas bagi eksperimen ini, kapas steril kapas
anda dikehendaki berbincang steril
are required to discuss in groups
C1 on how to plan the experiment.
secara kumpulan untuk merancang
P 2 List the steps to test your
eksperimen. 5 cm3 nutrient broth
1 hypothesis.
C1 2 Senaraikan langkah-langkah untuk +
2 1 cm3 bacteria culture
P menguji hipotesis anda.
5 cm3 bubur nutrien 3 CARRYING OUT THE EXPERIMENT
1 cm3 kultur bakteria 4 C2P4
2 1 Carry out the experiment as planned.
3 1 Jalankan eksperimen seperti yang dirancang. C2P4 2 Record your observations in the table prepared. (Your teacher only acts as a facilitator.)
4 2 Catat pemerhatian anda dalam jadual yang disediakan. (Guru hanya memainkan
5 peranan sebagai fasilitator.)
S STEPS 1 5 cm3 of sterile nutrient broth and 1 cm3 of bacteria culture solution were added into

1 5 cm3 bubur nutrien steril dan 1 cm3 larutan kultur bakteria dimasukkan ke dalam three sterile test tubes labelled A, B and C respectively as shown in the diagram.
tiga tabung uji steril yang berlabel A, B, dan C seperti yang ditunjukkan pada rajah. C2 2 The mouth of all the test tubes were stuffed with some sterile cotton wool.
2 Setiap mulut tabung uji disumbat dengan kapas steril. P
3 Each test tube was incubated differently as shown below:
C2 1
3 Tiga tabung uji itu dieram dalam keadaan yang berlainan seperti yang berikut: 2 (a) Test tube A was placed inside a closed cupboard.
1 (a) Tabung uji A diletakkan di dalam almari gelap. 3
2 4 (b) Test tube B was left in the laboratory.
(b) Tabung uji B diletakkan di dalam makmal. S
3 (c) Test tube C was left under the bright light (outside the laboratory during the daytime
4 (c) Tabung uji C diletakkan di bawah cahaya terang (di luar makmal pada waktu
S siang dan di bawah lampu terang pada waktu malam). and under the light of an electric lamp at night).
4 Keadaan bubur nutrien diperhatikan selepas dua atau tiga hari. 4 The condition of the nutrient broth was observed after two or three days.
C1P5 C1P5

1.5 HP Mengenal pasti faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi Rujuk kepada Essential Science Form 5, Eksperimen 1.5 LO Identify factors that affect the growth of Refer to Essential Science Form 5, Experiment 1.1,
pertumbuhan mikroorganisma 1.1, hlm. 11; Essential Science SPM, Experiment 9.1, microorganisms p. 11; Essential Science SPM, Experiment 9.1, p. 259
Mereka cipta satu eksperimen untuk mengkaji kesan
cahaya terhadap pertumbuhan mikroorganisma
9 hlm. 259 Design an experiment to study how light affects the 9
growth of microorganisms

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PEMERHATIAN Tabung uji Keadaan Keadaan bubur nutrien OBSERVATION Test tube Condition Condition of nutrient broth
C3 C3
A Gelap Sangat keruh A Dark Very cloudy
1 B Sedikit cahaya Keruh sedikit 1 B Dim light Slightly cloudy
2 Terang Tidak keruh 2
C C Bright light Clear
3 3
S C3P1 C3P2 C3P3 S C3P1 C3P2 C3P3


ANALISIS 1 Berikan inferens kepada pemerhatian anda dalam eksperimen ini. C4P1
ANALYSIS 1 Give an inference to your observation in this experiment. C4P1
Bakteria gemar hidup di dalam keadaan gelap dan menjadi tidak aktif dalam
Bacteria thrive in dark conditions and become inactive in bright
cahaya terang

keadaan . conditions.
2 Mengapakah alga hidup dengan subur di tempat yang bercahaya? KBSB
Menjanakan idea 2 Why do algae thrive well in a bright condition? TSTS
Boleh melakukan proses fotosintesis .
They are able to carry out photosynthesis . Generating idea

3 Tandakan bagi jenis sinar dalam cahaya matahari yang menyebabkan bakteria menjadi 3 Tick the type of ray in sunlight that causes the bacteria to become inactive and may
tidak aktif dan mungkin terbunuh. even die.

Sinar inframerah Sinar ultraungu Sinar X Infrared ray Ultraviolet ray X-ray

4 Berdasarkan eksperimen, nyatakan definisi secara operasi bagi pertumbuhan bakteria. 4 Based on the experiment, state the operational definition for the bacterial growth.
Pertumbuhan bakteria adalah satu proses yang menyebabkan bubur nutrien nutrient broth to become
C4 Bacterial growth is a process which causes the
menjadi sangat keruh dalam keadaan gelap KBSB P very cloudy in dark condition TSTS
. Mendefinisi secara operasi
. Defining operationally
C4 1
P 5 Apakah faktor-faktor lain yang mempengaruhi aktiviti mikroorganisma selain nilai pH, 2 5 What are the other factors that influence the activities of microorganisms besides pH
1 suhu dan cahaya? Terangkan secara ringkas. 3 value, temperature and light? Explain briefly.
Kelembapan Menjanakan idea Humidity water
3 (a) . Semua mikroorganisma memerlukan Membuat inferens (a) . All microorganisms need and live Generating idea
Making inference
S air lembap humid
dan hidup dalam keadaan yang . in conditions.
(b) Nutrien . Kekurangan nutrien menyebabkan
(b) Nutrients . The lack of nutrients stops the growth of microorganisms
pertumbuhan mikroorganisma terganggu manakala nutrien yang berlebihan
whereas excessive nutrients cause the rapid growth of microorganisms.
memesatkan pertumbuhan mikroorganisma.
Ya 6 Can your hypothesis be accepted? Yes C4P2
6 Bolehkan hipotesis anda diterima? C4P2

CONCLUSION What can you conclude from this experiment?

KESIMPULAN Apakah kesimpulan yang dapat dibuat daripada eksperimen ini? Bacteria grow and reproduce quickly in the dark but become inactive under the bright
Bakteria tumbuh dan membiak dengan pesat dalam keadaan gelap tetapi menjadi C4P3
tidak aktif dalam keadaan cahaya terang. C4P3


CABARAN SPS! Blankets are sometimes exposed to
Selimut kadangkala dijemur di bawah cahaya Rancang eksperimen Plan an experiment to .
matahari yang terik untuk membunuh sunlight to kill microorganisms . study the effect of
untuk mengkaji kesan
mikroorganisma kelembapan dan nutrien humidity and nutrients
padanya. on the activities of
terhadap pertumbuhan
mikroorganisma. REFLECTION microorganisms. Prepare
REFLEKSI Sediakan satu laporan a complete report for
Cendawan gemar tumbuh pada celah-celah Mushrooms thrive on dead woods the experiment.
yang lengkap untuk
kayu mati yang tidak terdedah kepada that are not too exposed to
eksperimen yang
cahaya matahari . dijalankan. sunlight .

10 10

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Objektif Pembelajaran Learning Objective
1.3 Menggunakan pengetahuan mengenai mikroorganisma berfaedah 1.3 Applying knowledge about useful microorganisms
Aktiviti PUSTAKA Kegunaan dan peranan mikroorganisma berfaedah RESEARCH Uses and roles of beneficial microorganisms in daily life
1.6 PENYELIDIKAN dalam kehidupan STM
1.6 Activity LIBRARY STS
Chapter 1
Microorganisms and Their

Effects on Living Things

Microorganisms and Their

Chapter 1
Effects on Living Things Dapatkan maklumat daripada pusat sumber atau layar laman web tentang jenis, kegunaan dan peranan
mikroorganisma dalam bidang-bidang di bawah dan lengkapkan pernyataan berdasarkan maklumat yang diberi.
Get information on the types, uses and roles of microorganisms in these fields from the resource centre or
by accessing relevant websites, and complete the statements based on the given information.

1 Pencernaan makanan
1 Food digestion
selulosa selulase bakteria protozoa

cellulose cellulase bacteria protozoa
Bakteria yang hidup dalam sistem pencernaan
haiwan herbivor merembeskan enzim yang dipanggil Bacteria living in a herbivorous animals digestive
selulase . Enzim ini membantu mencernakan cellulase
system secrete an enzyme called . This
selulosa . cellulose
enzyme helps to digest .
protozoa protozoa
Sama seperti bakteria, , iaitu Similar to the bacteria, , a type of
sejenis mikroorganisma yang hidup dalam sistem pencernaan microorganism that lives in the digestive system of termites
anai-anai membantu anai-anai untuk mencernakan selulosa kayu. helps to digest wood cellulose.

2 Proses pereputan
2 Decaying process
bakteria kulat menyuburkan menyingkirkan penguraian
bacteria fungi fertilises eliminates decomposition
Organisma mati seperti tumbuhan dan haiwan mengalami proses
yang dipanggil penguraian . Proses ini disebabkan Dead organisms such as plants and animals undergo a process
bakteria kulat called decomposition . This process is caused by
oleh mikroorganisma seperti dan .
Proses ini penting kerana ia: microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi .
(a) menyuburkan tanah dengan menambah nutrien This process is important as it:
kepada tanah. (a) fertilises the soil by replenishing it with nutrients.
(b) menyingkirkan bahan organik yang tidak eliminates
(b) unwanted organic matter, therefore
dikehendaki supaya tidak mencemarkan bumi. preventing it from polluting the Earth.


3 Perubatan
penyakit virus bakteria penisillin beta-karotin 3 Medicine
protein kanser vaksin vitamin B asid lemak diseases viruses bacteria penicillin beta-carotene
protein cancer vaccines vitamin B fatty acids
Mikroorganisma seperti bakteria dan virus

memainkan peranan yang penting dalam penyediaan vaksin . bacteria viruses

Microorganisms such as and
Vaksin membantu melindungi manusia daripada penyakit
play an important role in the preparation of vaccines .
Penisilin Vaccines help to protect humans from certain . diseases
yang dihasilkan daripada sejenis kulat tertentu membantu untuk
menghasilkan antibiotik. Penicillin , which is produced from a certain type of fungus helps us to produce antibiotics.
Beberapa mikroorganisma membekalkan nutrien untuk membantu manusia hidup dengan sihat.
Sebagai contoh: Some microorganisms provide nutrients to help humans stay healthy. For example:
vitamin B protein (a) Yeast (a type of fungus) is rich with vitamin B and protein .
(a) Yis (sejenis kulat) adalah kaya dengan dan .
beta-karotin kanser (b) Certain algae produce beta-carotene to prevent cancer and help
(b) Sesetengah alga menghasilkan untuk mencegah dan
asid lemak to prevent heart attacks by eliminating fatty acids from the body.
menghalang serangan sakit jantung dengan menghapuskan dalam badan.
1.6 HP Menyatakan contoh-contoh kegunaan 1.6 HP Mencadangkan kegunaan berpotensi mikroorganisma 1.6 LO State examples of the uses of microorganisms 1.6 LO Suggest potential uses of microorganisms in various
mikroorganisma dalam pelbagai bidang Explain with examples the roles of useful fields
Menerangkan dengan contoh peranan
mikroorganisma yang berfaedah
11 microorganisms 11

1.3 Applying knowledge about useful microorganisms 6 State one microorganism that lives in the root nodules of leguminous plants and in soil, fixes nitrogen gas
in the atmosphere and converts it into nitrate. (Nitrogen-fixing bacteria)
1.6 Activity LIBRARY 1 State the enzyme secreted by bacteria in the digestive tract of herbivores that helps to digest cellulose. 7 State the microorganism that is used to make bread and cake dough rise. (Fungi/Yeast)
8 State the gas released when yeast reacts with carbohydrate; that causes bread dough to rise. (Carbon
2 State two microorganisms that decompose dead organic substances to simpler substances that can be
absorbed by plants for growth. (Bacteria and fungi)
3 State two microorganisms that are used to prepare vaccines. (Bacteria and viruses) 9 State the microorganism that is used to make alcoholic drinks. (Fungi/Yeast)
4 State one microorganism that is used to produce antibiotics such as penicillin. (Fungi) 10 State the microorganism that is used to make food such as vinegar, yogurt and cheese. (Bacteria)
5 State the microorganism that contains chemicals such as beta-carotene and fatty acid. (Algae)

11 11

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4 Pertanian 4 Agriculture
Chapter 1 nitrogen akar nitrat humus saprofit pengikat nitrogen nitrogen roots nitrate humus saprophitic nitrogen-fixing

Microorganisms and Their

Effects on Living Things

Microorganisms and Their

Chapter 1
Effects on Living Things
Bakteria pengikat nitrogen ialah mikroorganisma Nitrogen-fixing bacteria are microorganisms that
yang hidup di dalam nodul akar tumbuhan kekacang. Bakteria live in the nodules of legumes. These bacteria help to bind
ini membantu untuk mengikat nitrogen dari atmosfera nitrogen from the atmosphere and convert it to

dan menukarkannya kepada nitrat dalam tanah dan nitrate in the soil, which is then absorbed by
kemudian diserap oleh akar
tumbuhan. the roots of plants.
saprofit Saprophitic

Bakteria menguraikan jirim organik kepada bacteria decompose dead organic matter
humus dalam tanah. into humus in the soil.

5 Industri 5 Industry
bakteria kulit yis (kulat) penapaian bacteria skins yeast (fungi) fermentation
Dompet dan tali pinggang kulit adalah diperbuat daripada skins
kulit Bakteria Leather wallets and belts are made from the of
haiwan. digunakan untuk Bacteria
merawat kulit itu untuk menyingkirkan tisu dan lemak. animals. are used to treat these skins to
Yis (Kulat) eliminate tissues and fat.
bertindak ke atas karbohidrat untuk Yeast (Fungi)
menghasilkan karbon dioksida. Gas ini menyebabkan roti dan acts on carbohydrate to produce carbon
yis (kulat) dioxide. This gas causes breads and cakes to rise. Through the
kek naik. Melalui proses yang sama, bertindak yeast (fungi)
ke atas larutan glukosa untuk menghasilkan alkohol. Proses ini same process, acts on glucose solution to
penapaian produce alcohol. This process is called fermentation .
dipanggil .

Jenis mikroorganisma Type of

Makanan/Minuman Food/Drink
yang digunakan microorganism used
Roti dan kek Yis (Kulat) Breads and cakes Yeast (Fungi)
Mentega dan keju Bakteria Butter and cheese Bacteria
Bir dan wain Yis (Kulat) Beer and wine Yeast (Fungi)


Objektif Pembelajaran Learning Objective

1.4 Menganalisis kesan berbahaya mikroorganisma 1.4 Analysing the harmful effects of microorganisms
Aktiviti PUSTAKA Kesan berbahaya mikroorganisma ke atas manusia RESEARCH The harmful effects of microorganisms on humans
1.7 PENYELIDIKAN Konstruktivisme
1.7 Activity LIBRARY Constructivism

Discuss the harmful effects of microorganisms. Use the following points as your discussion guidelines.
Bincangkan tentang kesan berbahaya mikroorganisma. Gunakan kata kunci berikut sebagai garis panduan
Based on your discussion, proceed to fill in the blanks.
perbincangan anda. Berdasarkan pada perbincangan, isikan tempat kosong.
1 Microorganisms that are harmful to humans are called pathogens .
1 Mikroorganisma yang berbahaya kepada manusia dipanggil patogen .
2 Vektor ialah agen yang membawa penyakit. Vector
cirit-birit 2 is an agent that carries diseases.
parasit diarrhoea
3 Patogen hidup sebagai dalam badan manusia. parasit parasites parasites
muntah 3 Pathogens live as in the human body.
4 Bakteria berbahaya dalam sistem pencernaan boleh menyebabkan vomiting
vektor food poisoning vector
keracunan makanan keracunan makanan 4 Harmful bacteria in the digestive system can cause .
. food poisoning
sakit perut stomach ache
5 Seseorang yang sakit kerana keracunan makanan menunjukkan simptom-simptom 5 A person suffering from food poisoning shows symptoms such as
patogen pathogens
seperti muntah , sakit perut , dan cirit-birit . vomiting , stomach ache and diarrhoea .
1.7 HP Menyatakan kesan mikroorganisma yang berbahaya 1.7 LO State the harmful effects of microorganisms on
kepada manusia human beings
12 12

1.4 Analysing the harmful effects of microorganisms 1.9

Activity LIBRARY 6 State the disease where a patient suffers from itchy red spots that spread on the body. (Ringworm)
1 Name the harmful microorganisms that can cause diseases. (Pathogens) 7 State the disease where a patient suffers from high fever, yellowish white eye, jaundice and severe pain
1.7 Activity LIBRARY
below the rib cage. (Hepatitis B)
1.8 Activity 2 State four diseases caused by bacteria. (Tuberculosis, cholera, syphilis and gonorrhoea)
8 State the disease where a patient suffers from fever, headache, sore throat and runny nose. (Common cold)
3 State five diseases caused by viruses. (Common cold, dengue fever, hepatitis B, AIDS and measles)
9 State the disease where a patient suffers from diarrhoea, dehydration and vomiting without nausea.
4 State two diseases caused by fungi. (Tinea and ringworm) (Cholera)
5 State two diseases caused by protozoa. (Malaria and dysentery)

12 12

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Aktiviti Jenis mikroorganisma dan penyakit yang DISCUSSION Types of microorganisms and the diseases caused by it
1.8 PERBINCANGAN disebabkan olehnya Masteri
1.8 Activity Mastery

2001 Bhg. B, S3(a) 2001 Sec. B, Q3(a)

Chapter 1
Microorganisms and Their

Effects on Living Things

Microorganisms and Their

Chapter 1
Effects on Living Things
Bincang dan kenal pasti penyakit yang disebabkan oleh setiap jenis patogen. Discuss and identify the diseases caused by each type of pathogens.
Taun Cholera
Menyebabkan penyakit Selesema Diseases caused Common cold

Disenteri Dysentery
Bakteria Tibi Bacteria Tuberculosis, cholera, gonorrhoea, Tuberculosis
Tibi, taun, gonorea, sifilis
Poliomielitis syphilis Poliomyelitis
Hepatitis A dan B Hepatitis A and B

Selesema, demam denggi, Demam campak Common cold, dengue fever, Measles
Jenis Virus hepatitis A dan B, demam Demam denggi Viruses hepatitis A and B, measles, Dengue fever
Panau Type of Tinea
patogen campak, poliomielitis, beguk, AIDS poliomyelitis, mumps, AIDS
Beguk pathogens Mumps
Malaria Malaria
Kulat Kurap, panau Kurap Fungi Ringworm, tinea Ringworm
Gonorea Gonorrhoea
Protozoa Malaria, disenteri Sifilis Protozoa Malaria, dysentery Syphilis

Aktiviti PUSTAKA Gejala penyakit yang disebabkan oleh

1.9 PENYELIDIKAN mikroorganisma Kontekstual
RESEARCH Symptoms of diseases caused by microorganisms
1.9 Activity LIBRARY Contextual

Dapatkan maklumat tentang jenis dan gejala penyakit yang disebabkan oleh patogen dari pusat sumber. Gather information on the types and symptoms of diseases caused by pathogens from the resource centre. Then,
Kemudian, nyatakan penyakit yang berkaitan. state the relevant diseases.

1 Bakteria 1 Bacteria

Gejala penyakit Penyakit Symptoms of disease Disease

(a) Cirit-birit, muntah tanpa rasa meloyakan, otot kejang dan penyahhidratan Taun (a) Diarrhoea, vomiting without feeling nauseous, muscle cramp and dehydration Cholera
(b) Batuk, kahak berdarah, kehilangan berat secara mendadak Tibi (b) Cough, phlegm with traces of blood, losing weight drastically Tuberculosis
(c) Peringkat pertama: Kawasan kemaluan mula berasa sakit (c) First stage: Genital area starts to feel sore
Peringkat kedua: Keletihan, hilang selera makan, demam, otot dan Sifilis


Second stage: Tired, loss of appetite, fever, muscle and joint pain and Syphilis
sendi sakit dan sakit kepala headache
(d) Peringkat awal: Berasa sakit apabila membuang air kecil, (d) Early stage: Feeling pain when urinating, penis secreting pus, fever and
zakar mengeluarkan nanah, demam dan sakit kepala Gonorea headache Gonorrhoea
Peringkat akhir: Testis atau tiub Fallopio membengkak Late stage: Swollen testis or Fallopian tube

2 Protozoa 2 Protozoa

Gejala penyakit Penyakit Symptoms of disease Disease

(a) Demam panas berulang, sakit kepala, sakit otot dan menggigil Malaria (a) Recurring high fever, headache, muscle pain and shivering Malaria
(b) Demam, rasa letih, muntah, rasa loya, cirit-birit dan najis berdarah Disenteri (b) Fever, feeling tired, vomiting, nauseous, diarrhoea and blood in faeces Dysentery

3 Kulat 3 Fungi

Gejala penyakit Penyakit Symptoms of disease Disease

(a) Tompok-tompok merah yang gatal Kurap (a) Itchy red spots Ringworm
(b) Tompok-tompok putih yang gatal Panau (b) Itchy white spots Tinea
1.8 HP Menghubungkaitkan jenis mikroorganisma dengan 1.9 HP Menerangkan gejala penyakit yang disebabkan oleh 1.8 LO Relate each group of microorganisms to the diseases 1.9 LO Describe the major symptoms of diseases caused by
penyakit yang disebabkan olehnya mikroorganisma they cause microorganisms
13 13

Activity 10 What is the organism that transfers pathogens to humans? (Vector) 15 State two diseases that can spread through contaminated food. (Cholera and dysentery/hepatitis A)
11 State two diseases that can spread through air (water droplets). (Common cold and tuberculosis/mumps/ 16 State two diseases that can spread through sexual contact or blood transfusion. (AIDS and hepatitis B)
measles) 17 State two diseases that can spread through sharing of contaminated needles. (AIDS and hepatitis B)
12 State two diseases that can spread through mosquitoes. (Malaria and dengue fever) 18 State two diseases that can spread through contact such as sharing of clothes and towels. (Tinea and
13 State two diseases that can spread through houseflies. (Cholera and dysentery) ringworm)
14 State two diseases that can spread through contaminated water. (Cholera and dysentery/hepatitis A/ 19 Name the mosquito that spreads malaria. (Anopheles mosquito)
poliomyelitis) 20 Name the mosquito that spreads dengue fever. (Aedes mosquito)

13 13

F5MR-ch1(1-28).indd 13 7/23/10 11:02:36 AM

4 Virus 4 Viruses

Gejala penyakit Penyakit Symptoms of disease Disease

(a) Demam, sakit kepala, sakit kerongkong dan hidung berhingus Selesema (a) Fever, headache, sore throat and runny nose Common cold
(b) Bintik merah pada kulit, sakit di belakang mata, sakit otot dan sendi yang teruk Demam denggi (b) Red spots on skin, pain at the back of the eyes, intense muscle and joint pain Dengue fever

(c) Letih, bahagian putih mata kelihatan kuning, hati bengkak, sakit teruk (c) Feeling tired, the white tissue of the eye turns yellowish, swollen liver,

Hepatitis B Hepatitis B
di bawah sangkar rusuk intense pain below the ribcage
(d) Ruam seluruh badan, demam, batuk dan mata merah Demam campak (d) Body rash, fever, cough and red eye Measles

(e) Deman panas, sakit kepala, sakit kerongkong dan anggota menjadi lumpuh Poliomielitis (e) High fever, headache, sore throat and crippled limb Poliomyelitis
(f) Pipi, rahang bawah, dan kelenjar air liur membengkak Beguk (f) Swollen cheeks, lower jaw and salivary gland Mumps
(g) Lumpuh sistem keimunan badan tanpa sebab, kehilangan berat secara (g) Failing of the immue system without reason, drastic weight loss,
mendadak, cirit-birit kronik dan demam serious diarrhoea and fever

Cara-cara jangkitan penyakit
STM DISCUSSION Ways of disease infection
1.10 Activity STS

2001 Bhg. C, S3(b) 2002 Bhg. C, S2(a)

2001 Sec. C, Q3(b) 2002 Sec. C, Q2(a)


Jenis penyakit: Bincangkan bagaimana Discuss the various

penyakit boleh merebak Types of diseases: ways diseases can
(a) Malaria melalui pelbagai cara. (a) Malaria spread. Identify the
(b) Demam denggi Kenal pasti penyakit yang diseases that can
boleh merebak melalui (b) Dengue fever spread through the
(c) Taun cara-cara yang telah anda ways that you have
bincangkan tadi. (c) Cholera mentioned.
(d) Disenteri (d) Dysentery
Jenis penyakit: Types of diseases:
Jenis penyakit: Types of diseases:
VEKTOR (a) Taun TORS (a) Cholera
(a) Tibi VEC
(a) Tuberculosis
(b) Disenteri

(b) Dysentery

(b) Selesema (b) Common cold


(c) Hepatitis A
U D AR A /

Cara-cara (c) Hepatitis A

(c) Demam campak

(c) Measles Ways of

jangkitan (d) Poliomielitis
penyakit disease (d) Poliomyelitis



Jenis penyakit: Jenis penyakit: Types of diseases: Types of diseases:

(a) AIDS (a) Panau (a) AIDS (a) Tinea
(b) Hepatitis B (b) Kurap (b) Hepatitis B (b) Ringworm

1.10 HP Menghuraikan cara jangkitan penyakit yang 1.10 LO Describe the various ways that microorganisms can
disebabkan oleh mikroorganisma cause an infection
14 14

F5MR-ch1(1-28).indd 14 7/23/10 11:02:36 AM

Objektif Pembelajaran Learning Objective
1.5 Menganalisis cara-cara mencegah jangkitan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh mikroorganisma 1.5 Analysing the ways to prevent infection caused by microorganisms
Aktiviti Pengawalan vektor: Nyamuk DISCUSSION Vector control: Mosquitoes
1.11 Activity Mastery
Chapter 1
Microorganisms and Their

Effects on Living Things

Microorganisms and Their

Chapter 1
Effects on Living Things
2001 Bhg. C, S3(b) & S3(c) 2008 Bhg. C, S11(b) 2001 Sec. C, Q3(b) & Q3(c) 2008 Sec. C, Q11(b)

jaring halus larva Aedes tiruk ikan dewasa fine nettings larva Aedes Anopheles fish adult

racun serangga telur pupa bertakung minyak patogen insecticide eggs pupa stagnant oil pathogens

Rajah di bawah menunjukkan kitar hidup bagi 4 Lengkapkan jadual di bawah untuk menunjukkan The diagram below shows the life cycle of a mosquito. 4 Complete the table below to show the mosquito
nyamuk. Jawab semua soalan. kaedah kawalan nyamuk pada peringkat P, R, Answer all the questions. control method at stages P, R and S.

dan S.
Control method
Kaedah kawalan
P P Stage P
Peringkat P insecticide
(a) Spray
(a) Menyembur racun serangga
(b) Install fine nettings at doors or
(b) Memasang jaring halus pada pintu windows
R atau tingkap R
Stage R and S
Peringkat R dan S 1 Name stages P, Q, R and S. (a) Rear fish in ponds
1 Namakan peringkat P, Q, R dan S.
Dewasa Larva (a) Memelihara ikan di dalam Adult Larva
P: R:
P: R:
kolam (b) Clear out stagnant water by burying
Telur Pupa Eggs Pupa
Q: S: Q: S: empty containers to prevent the
(b) Hapuskan air bertakung
dengan breeding of mosquitoes.
2 Name the types of mosquitoes which cause
2 Namakan jenis nyamuk yang menyebabkan menanam bekas-bekas kosong untuk
Anopheles (c) Spray oil on the surface of
Tiruk mencegah pembiakan nyamuk (a) malaria:
(a) malaria:
water in drains or ponds (to prevent the
Aedes (c) Menyembur minyak di permukaan (b) dengue fever: Aedes
(b) demam denggi: larva and pupa from rising to the surface
air longkang atau kolam (untuk
3 How do mosquitoes spread diseases? of the water to breathe)
3 Bagaimanakah nyamuk dapat menyebarkan penyakit? menghalang larva dan pupa daripada
Mosquitoes transfer pathogens to humans
patogen naik ke permukaan air untuk bernafas)
Nyamuk memindahkan ke badan through bites.
manusia melalui gigitan.
DISCUSSION Vector control: Houseflies


Pengawalan vektor: Lalat rumah 1.12 Activity Mastery


body contaminate cholera garbage bin legs cover clean 1996 Sec. B, Q3
1996 Bhg. B, S3
badan mencemarkan taun tong sampah kaki tutup kebersihan
Study the life cycle of a housefly and answer the following questions.
Kaji kitar hidup lalat rumah dan kemudian jawab soalan-soalan yang berikut. 1 Name one type of disease spread by houseflies.
1 Namakan satu jenis penyakit yang disebarkan oleh lalat rumah. Cholera
2 Why is a housefly considered a vector?
2 Mengapakah lalat rumah dianggap sebagai vektor? Adult
A housefly carries pathogens on its body and housefly
badan Lalat rumah Eggs
Lalat rumah membawa patogen pada dan dewasa legs contaminate Pupa Larva
Telur . These pathogens will the
kaki mereka. Patogen ini akan Pupa Larva food that the housefly lands upon.
mencemarkan makanan yang dihinggapi oleh lalat rumah. 3 State three ways in which the disease in 1 can be controlled.
3 Nyatakan tiga cara bagaimana penyakit di 1 dapat dikawal. (a) Cover the food.
(a) Tutup makanan clean
(b) Keep the house and its surroundings . A female housefly is able
Seekor lalat rumah betina
(b) Jaga kebersihan rumah dan di sekelilingnya garbage bin to produce 1 000 eggs in
berupaya mengeluarkan (c) Throw food residue in a covered . their life cycle.
1 000 telur dalam kitar
(c) Buang sisa makanan ke dalam tong sampah bertutup hidupnya.

1.11 HP Menyenaraikan cara-cara mencegah jangkitan melalui 1.12 HP Menyenaraikan cara-cara mencegah jangkitan 1.11 LO List ways to prevent infection by vectors 1.12 LO List ways to prevent infection by vectors
vektor melalui vektor Relate the control of vectors to their habits and life Relate the control of vectors to their habits and life
Menghubungkaitkan pengawalan vektor dengan tabiat dan 15 Menghubungkaitkan pengawalan vektor dengan
tabiat dan kitar hidupnya
cycles 15 cycles
kitar hidupnya

1.5 Analysing the ways to prevent infection caused by microorganisms RESEARCH

1.13 Activity LIBRARY 4 Name the process used to kill microorganisms including their spores. (Sterilisation)
1 State two methods to control mosquito larvae or pupae. (Spray oil on the surface of water in drains and 5 State a device that can be used to sterilise materials using steam under high pressure. (Autoclave)
1.11 Activity
rear fish such as guppies in ponds to eat the larvae or pupae) 6 State a chemical that is commonly used to prevent bacterial growth. (Antiseptic)
2 State two methods to control adult mosquitoes. (Spray insecticide and use mosquito coils/Fix door and 7 State a chemical that is used to kill microorganisms at home. (Disinfectant)
window netting) 8 State one ray that can be used to destroy all bacteria and viruses including bacterial spores. (Gamma ray/
1.12 Activity 3 State two methods to control houseflies. (Cover food and keep the house and its surroundings clean/ Ultraviolet ray)
Throw food residue in a covered garbage bin)

15 15

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Aktiviti PUSTAKA Kaedah pensterilan RESEARCH Sterilisation methods
Chapter 1 1.13 PENYELIDIKAN STM 1.13 Activity LIBRARY STS

Microorganisms and Their

Effects on Living Things

Microorganisms and Their

Chapter 1
Effects on Living Things
Pensterilan ialah satu proses memusnahkan mikroorganisma. Sterilisation is a process of killing microorganisms.

Gather information on sterilisation methods from the resource centre. Then, fill in the following spaces using

Kumpulkan maklumat tentang kaedah pensterilan daripada pusat sumber. Isi maklumat ke dalam ruang

dengan perkataan yang sesuai. suitable words.

sporanya mikroorganisma stim alat pembedahan agar nutrien sudu spores microorganisms steam surgical tools nutrient agar spoon
luka botol susu lantai tisu badan cadar iodin wounds milk bottle floor body tissue bed sheet iodine

virus barangan plastik bakteria tekanan tinggi formalin udara viruses plastic items bacteria high pressure formalin air

Method of Brief explanation

Kaedah pensterilan Penerangan ringkas sterilisation
Penggunaan haba (a) Pendidihan (b) Autoklaf Using heat (a) Boiling (b) Autoclave

Pendidihan bahan dalam air selama Mensteril bahan dengan stim Boiling substances in water for 20 Sterilising substances with steam
minutes can kill all
20 minit dapat membunuh semua di bawah tekanan tinggi (suhu under high pressure (temperature
mikroorganisma mencapai 130 C) dapat membunuh microorganisms except their reaching 130 C) can kill all
mikroorganisma spores microorganisms
sporanya semua including
sporanya spoon their spores
Mensteril sudu dan termasuk Sterilises and
botol susu alat pembedahan milk bottle Sterilises surgical tools
dan agar nutrien and nutrient agar

Penggunaan (a) Antiseptik (b) Disinfektan Using chemicals (a) Antiseptic (b) Disinfectant
bahan kimia


Mencegah pertumbuhan Dapat memusnahkan Prevent the growth of Can kill microorganisms but
mikroorganisma tanpa mikroorganisma tetapi boleh microorganisms without also destroys our body tissue
tisu badan merosakkan tisu badan kita body tissue Example: Formalin and lysol
memusnahkan kita. destroying our .
Contoh: Formalin dan lisol bed sheet
Contoh: Larutan iodin Example: Iodine solution Sterilises and
Mensteril cadar dan lantai floor
Mensteril luka Sterilises wounds

Penggunaan (a) Sinaran (b) Sinaran Using radiation (a) Gamma (b) Ultraviolet
sinaran gama ultraungu rays rays

Dapat memusnahkan semua virus Dapat memusnahkan semua Can destroy all and
Can kill all microorganisms
dan bakteria termasuk sporanya mikroorganisma bacteria including their spores.
Sterilises the air in
Mensteril alat pembedahan Mensteril udara dalam Sterilises surgical tools operating theatres
dan barangan plastik bilik pembedahan and plastic items

1.13 HP Menerangkan dengan contoh pelbagai kaedah 1.13 LO Explain with examples the various methods of
pensterilan sterilisation
16 16

1.14 Activity LIBRARY 9 What is the biochemical reaction that enables the body to build immunity against diseases? (Immunisation) 14 State the type of immunity obtained when someone has been cured from chickenpox. (Natural active
10 State the most common practice used in the process of immunisation. (Vaccination)
15 State the type of immunity obtained when the body produces antibodies after vaccination. (Artificial active
11 Name the substance that contains weakened or dead pathogens. (Vaccine) immunity)
12 What is produced by white blood cells to kill the pathogens that invade the body? (Antibody/Antitoxin) 16 State the type of immunity obtained by a baby through mothers milk. (Natural passive immunity)
13 State two types of immunity. (Active immunity and passive immunity) 17 State the type of immunity obtained when somebody receives an antiserum that contains antibodies.
(Artificial passive immunity)

16 16

F5MR-ch1(1-28).indd 16 7/23/10 11:02:37 AM

Aktiviti PUSTAKA Keimunan RESEARCH Immunity
1.14 Activity LIBRARY Mastery

2000 Bhg. B, S3 2002 Bhg. C, S2(c)

Chapter 1
Microorganisms and Their

Effects on Living Things

Microorganisms and Their

Chapter 1
Effects on Living Things
2000 Sec. B, Q3 2002 Sec. C, Q2(c)

A Graf di bawah menunjukkan perubahan kepekatan antibodi dalam badan seorang pelajar selepas
A The graph below shows the changes to the antibody concentration in the body of a student after a
diberikan suntikan vaksin untuk memperoleh keimunan aktif buatan.
vaccine injection to obtain artificial active immunity.

kepekatan antibodi
dalam badan
antibody concentration
in the body

aras keimunan
immunity level
suntikan kedua first
second injection

masa/ hari
10 20 30 40 50
10 20 30 40 50
1 Nyatakan maksud bagi yang berikut
1 State the meaning for the following.
Keimunan Kemampuan badan untuk melawan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh patogen .
Immunity The ability of the body to resist diseases caused by pathogens
Vaksin Bahan yang mengandungi patogen yang mati atau lemah .
Vaccine A substance that contains dead or weakened pathogens
Antibodi Bahan yang dihasilkan oleh badan untuk melawan patogen .
Antibody A substance produced by the body to fight the pathogens
2 Mengapakah suntikan kedua diberikan kepada pelajar tersebut?
Untuk meningkatkan kepekatan antibodi di dalam darah. 2 Why is a second injection given to the student?
To increase the antibody concentration in the blood.
3 Berikan satu contoh penyakit yang memerlukan lebih daripada satu suntikan untuk
memperolehi keimunan.
3 Give one example of a disease that requires more than one injection to obtain immunity.


Hepatitis B/Tifoid
Hepatitis B/Typhoid

B Berdasarkan maklumat yang diberi, padankan dengan betul jenis-jenis keimunan. B Based on the given information, match correctly the types of immunity.
aktif buatan pasif semula jadi aktif semula jadi pasif buatan artificial active natural passive natural active artificial passive
cacar air tetanus anjing gila tibi chicken pox tetanus rabies tuberculosis

Jenis keimunan Types of immunity

Keimunan aktif Keimunan pasif Active immunity Passive immunity

Aktif semula jadi Aktif buatan Pasif semula jadi Pasif buatan Natural active Artificial active Natural passive Artificial passive

Diperoleh apabila sese- Diperoleh apabila badan Bayi memperoleh Seseorang disuntik dengan Obtained when the body A person is injected with
Obtained when someone A baby obtains
menghasilkan antibodi keimunan melalui antiserum untuk merawat produces antibodies after antiserum to cure diseases
orang sembuh daripada has been cured from a immunity through
setelah menerima sunti- susu ibu an injection of a vaccine
penyakit tertentu seperti penyakit seperti tetanus certain disease such as its mothers milk such as tetanus
kan vaksin seperti BCG such as BCG to prevent
cacar air chicken pox
untuk mencegah tibi dan anjing gila tuberculosis and rabies

1.14 HP Menyatakan maksud keimunan 1.14 LO State what immunity is

Menyatakan dengan contoh jenis keimunan State with examples the various types of immunity
Menyatakan kepentingan keimunan 17 State the importance of immunity 17

18 State one example of a disease that requires more than one injection to obtain immunity. (Hepatitis B) 1.15
Activity 20 Between active immunity and passive immunity, which one lasts longer? (Active immunity)
19 Explain why more than one injection is needed to obtain immunity for certain diseases. (To increase the 21 Between active immunity and passive immunity, which one is given to people who are suffering from a
concentration of antibodies in the blood) disease? (Passive immunity)
22 State two methods to prevent cholera. (Drink boiled water and control the population of houseflies/
Consume cooked or clean food)

17 17

F5MR-ch1(1-28).indd 17 7/23/10 11:02:37 AM

Aktiviti Perbandingan jenis keimunan yang berbeza DISCUSSION Comparison of the different types of immunity
1.15 PERBINCANGAN Konstruktivisme
1.15 Activity Constructivism

Compare and contrast artificial active immunity with artificial passive immunity. 2008 Sec. C, Q11(a)
Chapter 1
Microorganisms and Their

Effects on Living Things

Microorganisms and Their

Chapter 1
Effects on Living Things
Bandingkan dan bezakan keimunan buatan aktif dengan keimunan pasif buatan. 2008 Bhg. C, S11(a)

bacteria antibody pathogens animal has been infected Tetanus

bakteria antibodi patogen haiwan dijangkiti Tetanus
viruses longer does not serum has not been infected Hepatitis B

virus lebih lama tidak serum belum dijangkiti Hepatitis B

antigens prevent immediate antibodies treat longer
antigen mencegah serta-merta antibodi merawat panjang

Artificial active Similarity Artificial passive

Keimunan aktif Keimunan pasif

buatan (dengan Persamaan buatan (dengan immunity (with immunity (with
Fight pathogens
vaksin) antiserum) vaccine) antiserum)
Menentang patogen
Bacteria or Serum containing
Bakteria atau Serum yang Contents of substance
viruses that are a specific antibody
virus Kandungan bahan antibodi injected
yang mengandungi killed or weakened that is extracted from an
yang disuntik
mati atau dilemahkan khusus yang diekstrak animal
daripada haiwan
Stimulate the body to The animals antibody
Merangsang badan Antibodi
produce antibody Function of substance in pathogens
menghasilkan antibodi Fungsi bahan daripada haiwan melawan to fight the the body
fights the
untuk melawan dalam badan patogen in the body
dalam pathogens
Type of substance Antibodies
Antigens received by the body
Antigen Jenis bahan yang diterima Antibodi
oleh badan Treat
Prevent Objective of immunity diseases
Mencegah Merawat diseases
penyakit Tujuan keimunan penyakit
One who has not has been
Seseorang yang One who
Seseorang yang been infected The person who is given
belum dijangkiti Jenis orang yang diberi by infected by
dijangkiti penyakit the immunity
keimunan the disease (prevention) the disease (treatment)

penyakit (pencegahan)

Longer Time taken to acquire
Masa yang Masa yang diambil untuk time Immediate
Serta-merta immunity
panjang memperoleh keimunan
Longer lasting Duration of immunity Does not
lebih lama Ketahanan keimunan Tidak last long
Tahan tahan lama
Contoh penyakit yang Hepatitis B Example of disease that Tetanus
Hepatitis B boleh dicegah atau Tetanus can be prevented or cured

Learning Objective
Objektif Pembelajaran 1.6 Understanding how diseases caused by microorganisms are treated
1.6 Memahami cara merawat penyakit yang disebabkan oleh mikroorganisma
Aktiviti Cara mencegah atau cara merawat penyakit yang DISCUSSION Ways to prevent or treat diseases caused by

1.16 PERBINCANGAN disebabkan oleh mikroorganisma Konstruktivisme

1.16 Activity microorganisms Constructivism

2002 Sec. C, Q2(c)(ii)

2002 Bhg. C, S2(c)(ii)
Collect information from the resource centre or the internet on ways to prevent or treat diseases caused by
Kumpulkan maklumat dari pusat sumber atau internet tentang cara mencegah atau merawat penyakit yang microorganisms. Then, fill in the blanks with suitable words.
disebabkan oleh mikroorganisma. Kemudian, isi tempat kosong dengan perkataan yang sesuai
1.15 HP Membandingkan dan membezakan pelbagai jenis 1.16 HP Menyatakan cara merawat penyakit yang disebabkan 1.15 LO Compare and contrast the various types of immunity 1.16 LO State the ways to treat diseases caused by
keimunan oleh mikroorganisma microorganisms
18 Menyatakan kesan antibiotik terhadap
18 State the effects of antibiotics on microorganisms

1.6 Understanding how diseases caused by microorganisms are treated 4 State two diseases that do not have specific treatments yet. (Dengue fever and hepatitis B/other diseases
caused by viruses)
1.16 Activity 1 Name the substance produced by fungi that can be consumed to kill bacteria but not viruses. (Antibiotic) 5 State the treatment that uses herbs to treat diseases. (Traditional treatment)
2 Name the substance extracted from animal blood and injected into the patients body to treat diseases like
tetanus. (Antiserum)
3 State the method in which gamma ray is used to kill cancerous cells. (Radiotherapy)

18 18

F5MR-ch1(1-28).indd 18 7/23/10 11:02:37 AM

BCG antibodi merangsang bawang putih patogen bakteria BCG antibody stimulates garlic pathogen bacteria
virus merawat darah kunyit hidup penisilin tibi viruses treat blood raw turmeric penicillin tuberculosis
dikeluarkan streptomisin digantikan Penicillium notatum herba kulapuk removed streptomycin replaced Penicillium notatum herbs mould

Cara mencegah penyakit Ways to prevent diseases

Penggunaan vaksin Use of vaccine

merangsang antibodi

(a) Vaksin badan menghasilkan
(a) Vaccine stimulates the body to produce antibody to
untuk menentang penyakit tertentu.
fight against a certain disease
(b) Sebagai contoh, vaksin BCG mencegah penyakit

tibi (b) As an example, vaccine prevents
tuberculosis .
Cara-cara merawat penyakit
Ways to treat diseases
1 Penggunaan antiserum 2 Penggunaan antibiotik
1 Use of antiserums 2 Use of antibiotics

(a) Haiwan seperti kuda diberi suntikan (a) Antibiotik ialah bahan kimia yang diekstrak
patogen daripada organisma hidup yang dapat
tertentu menyebabkan (a) An animal, such as a horse, is injected with (a) An antibiotic is a chemical extracted from a
membunuh bakteria tetapi tidak
badannya menghasilkan antibodi . pathogen bacteria
a certain that causes its living organism to kill
dapat membunuh virus .
(b) Antiserum yang mengandungi antibodi body to produce an antibody . viruses
but not .
(b) Sebagai contoh, penisilin mengubati
kemudian diekstrak daripada darah penicillin
(b) The antiserum that contains the antibodies is (b) As examples, cures
kuda dan disuntik ke dalam badan pesakit streptomisin blood streptomycin
sifilis dan mengubati tibi. then extracted from the of syphilis and cures
untuk merawat penyakit tertentu kulapuk the horse and injected into the body of a tuberculosis.
(c) Penisilin dihasilkan oleh yang
(contoh: tetanus dan penyakit anjing gila). treat mould
patient to certain (c) Penicillin is produced by a
dikenali sebagai Penicillium notatum .
diseases (example: tetanus and rabies).
called Penicillium notatum .
3 Pembedahan 4 Rawatan tradisional
3 Surgery 4 Traditional treatment

Tisu atau organ yang rosak atau dijangkit (a) Rawatan tradisional biasa dijalankan
penyakit dikeluarkan atau dengan menggunakan herba . The tissues or organ that is damaged or infected (a) Traditional treatment is commonly carried
digantikan kunyit hidup by disease is removed or out using herbs .
. (b) Sebagai contoh,
bawang putih replaced . (b) As examples, raw turmeric treats
merawat kurap dan
merawat tekanan darah tinggi. ringworm and garlic treats
high blood pressure.

19 19

F5MR-ch1(1-28).indd 19 7/23/10 11:02:37 AM

Eksperimen PEKA Tindakan antibiotik terhadap bakteria GUIDED Action of antibiotic on bacteria
1.17 TERBIMBING Inkuiri-penemuan
1.17 Experiment PEKA Inquiry-discovery

2004 Bhg. A, S2 2005 Bhg. A, S2 2004 Sec. A, Q2 2005 Sec. A, Q2

TUJUAN Mengkaji tindakan antibiotik terhadap bakteria C1P1

AIM To study the action of an antibiotic on bacteria C1P1


HIPOTESIS Antibiotik menghasilkan kawasan jernih pada permukaan agar-agar. HYPOTHESIS Antibiotic clear area
produces a on the surface of the agar. C1P2

PEMBOLEH (a) yang dimalarkan:
Kuantiti agar-agar nutrien/Jenis bakteria/Suhu VARIABLE (a) that is kept constant: Quantity of nutrient agar/Type of bacteria/Temperature
(b) yang dimanipulasi: Kehadiran antibiotik (b)that is manipulated: The presence of an antibiotic
(c) yang bergerak balas: Kawasan jernih pada permukaan agar-agar (c) that responds: Clear area on the surface of the agar C1P3

BAHAN Agar-agar nutrien steril, ceper penisilin, pita selofan, kertas label, larutan kultur bakteria MATERIALS Sterile nutrient agar, penicillin discs, cellophane tape, label, bacteria culture solution
(Bacillus subtilis) (Bacillus subtilis)
RADAS Piring Petri dan penutup steril, forsep steril, picagari steril C1P4 APPARATUS Sterile Petri dish and cover, sterile forceps, sterile syringe C1P4

PROSEDUR 1 Sediakan dua piring Petri steril yang

ceper penisilin PROCEDURE 1 Prepare two sterile Petri dishes
berlabel A dan B. agar-agar penicillin disc
2 Isi piring Petri A dan B dengan agar- nutrien labelled A and B respectively. nutrient
C1 agar
agar nutrien yang lembap. + 2 Fill both Petri dishes, A and B, with
P +
3 bakteria damp nutrient agar.
C1 3 Masukkan 1 cm larutan kultur 1 bacteria
P bakteria ke dalam setiap piring Petri. 3 Put 1 cm3 of bacteria culture solution
1 4 Letakkan ceper penisilin di atas into each Petri dish.
2 permukaan agar-agar nutrien dalam 4 Place the penicillin disc on the
A B 4
3 piring Petri B dengan menggunakan (sebagai kawalan) surface of the nutrient agar in Petri A B
5 (acts as a control)
4 forsep steril. dish B using sterile forceps.
5 5 Tutup piring Petri A dan B dengan penutup dan lekat dengan pita selofan. C2P4 5 Cover Petri dishes A and B and seal C2P4
S 6 Telangkupkan kedua-dua piring Petri dan dibiarkan pada suhu bilik. them with cellophane tape.
7 Catat dan lukis pemerhatian tentang keadaan agar-agar nutrien selepas dua atau tiga hari. 6 Keep the two Petri dishes inverted and leave them at room temperature.
7 Record your observation on the condition of the nutrient agar after two or three days in
the form of a drawing.

CARA KERJA 1 Dua piring Petri steril yang berlabel A dan B disediakan. STEPS 1 Two sterile Petri dishes labelled A and B respectively are prepared.
2 Piring Petri A dan B diisikan dengan agar-agar nutrien yang lembap. C2 2 Petri dishes A and B are filled with damp nutrient agar.
3 1 cm3 larutan kultur bakteria dimasukkan ke dalam setiap piring Petri. P
P 3 1 cm3 of bacteria culture solution is added to each Petri dish.
1 1
4 Ceper penisilin diletakkan di atas permukaan agar-agar nutrien dalam piring Petri B 2 4 Two penicillin discs are placed on the surface of the nutrient agar in Petri dish B using
3 dengan menggunakan forsep steril. 3
4 sterile forceps.
5 Piring Petri A dan B ditutup dengan penutup dan dilekat dengan pita selofan. S
5 Petri dishes A and B are covered and sealed with cellophane tape.
6 Kedua-dua piring Petri ditelangkupkan dan dibiarkan pada suhu bilik.
6 Both Petri dishes are inverted and left at room temperature.
7 Pemerhatian tentang keadaan agar-agar nutrien dicatat selepas dua atau tiga hari
7 The observation on the condition of the nutrient agar is recorded after two or three days
dalam bentuk lakaran.
in the form of a drawing.

C1P5 C1P5

1.17 HP Menyatakan kesan antibiotik terhadap Rujuk kepada Essential Science Form 5, Eksperimen 1.17 LO State the effects of an antibiotic on microorganisms Refer to Essential Science Form 5, Experiment 1.2,
mikroorganisma 1.2, hlm. 31; Essential Science SPM, Experiment 9.2, p. 31; Essential Science SPM, Experiment 9.2, p. 279
20 hlm. 279 20

F5MR-ch1(1-28).indd 20 7/23/10 11:02:37 AM

Piring Petri Pemerhatian Petri dish Observation

(Tiada antibiotik) (Without antibiotic)

tompok bacterial

bakteria spots


Banyak tompok bakteria terbentuk Many bacterial spots are formed

(Ada antibiotik) (With antibiotic)
tompok bacterial
bakteria spots

C3 C3
kawasan clear
jernih areas
1 1
2 2
3 3
S Kawasan jernih kelihatan di sekeliling ceper penisilin S Clear area is found surrounding the penicillin discs

C3P1 C3P2 C3P3 C3P1 C3P2 C3P3

ANALISIS 1 Berikan inferens kepada pemerhatian pada piring petri B. KBSB

ANALYSIS 1 Give an inference to the observation on Petri dish B.
killed TSTS
Bakteria terbunuh pada kawasan jernih. C4P1 Membuat inferens
The bacteria is in the clear area. C4P1 Making inference

2 Berikan definisi secara operasi bagi antibiotik. 2 Give an operational definition for antibiotic. TSTS
menghasilkan kawasan jernih KBSB produces a clear area on Defining operationally
Antibiotik adalah bahan yang An antibiotic is a substance which
di permukaan agar-agar secara operasi the surface of the agar .
. C4
P 3 Predict the observation if the concentration of the penicillin used is higher.
P 3 Ramalkan pemerhatian jika ceper penisilin yang lebih pekat diguna. KBSB Predicting
1 lebih besar Meramal
A bigger clear area is formed.
Kawasan jernih yang terhasil. 2
3 4 Predict the relationship between the concentration of the antibiotic and TSTS
3 4 Ramalkan hubungan antara kepekatan antibiotik dan kawasan jernih yang terbentuk.
S Predicting
S pekat besar the clear area formed.
Semakin antibiotik, semakin KBSB
The higher the concentration of the antibiotic, the bigger
kawasan jernih yang terbentuk. Meramal
the clear area formed.
5 Tandakan dalam petak bagi jenis penyakit yang dapat dirawat dengan antibiotik.
Berikan satu sebab. 5 Tick in the boxes for the type of diseases that can be treated with antibiotics.
Give one reason.
Tibi Hepatitis B AIDS Taun
Tuberculosis Hepatitis B AIDS Cholera
Sebab: Antibiotik hanya boleh merawat penyakit yang disebabkan oleh Reason: Antibiotics can only treat diseases caused by bacteria and not
bakteria tetapi bukan penyakit yang disebabkan oleh virus . viruses .
6 Adakah hipotesis yang dibuat diterima atau ditolak? Diterima C4P2
6 Can the hypothesis be accepted or rejected? Accepted C4P2

CONCLUSION What conclusion can be made from this experiment?

KESIMPULAN Apakah kesimpulan yang dapat dibuat daripada eksperimen ini?
Antibiotics can kill bacteria. C4P3

Antibiotik dapat membunuh bakteria. C4P3

21 21

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APLIKASI IDEA Contoh-contoh penyakit yang dapat disembuhkan dengan mengambil APPLICATION Example of diseases that can be cured with antibiotics include
oF IDEA tuberculosis syphilis gonorrhoea
antibiotik termasuk tibi , sifilis , dan Selain kulat, bakteria dalam , , and . Other than fungi, bacteria
kumpulan Streptomyces dan from groups Streptomyces
gonorea Bacillus juga dapat and Bacillus can also be
. digunakan untuk REFLECTION Antibiotics cannot be used to cure diseases that are caused by used to produce antibiotics
menghasilkan antibiotik
such as streptomycin to
REFLEKSI Antibiotik tidak dapat digunakan untuk menyembuhkan penyakit
seperti streptomisin untuk viruses . cure tuberculosis and
mengubati penyakit tibi dan
tetrasiklina untuk mengubati tetracycline to cure


yang disebabkan oleh . penyakit taun. cholera.

Aktiviti ICT Bahaya rawatan tanpa pengawasan dan preskripsi


RESEARCH Dangers of using unauthorised prescriptions and
Kaji gambar foto di bawah. 1.18 Activity ICT unsupervised treatments STS

Study the photo below.

doktor penisilin dibunuh

patogen antibiotik alergi
doctor penicillin killed
maut hati ubat sintetik
pathogen antibiotic allergies
ginjal dadah
death liver synthetic medicine
kidneys drugs
Layari laman web atau kumpulkan maklumat daripada pusat sumber untuk melengkapkan rencana pendek
tentang bahaya rawatan tanpa pengawasan dan preskripsi doktor.
Visit relevant websites or gather information from the resource centre to complete the short article below,
1 Pengambilan antibiotik on the dangers of unsupervised treatment and unauthorised prescriptions.
Antibiotik seperti penisilin hanya boleh diambil atas pengawasan dan preskripsi doktor . 1 Use of antibiotics
Seseorang yang mempunyai alergi kepada antibiotik tertentu mungkin membawa penicillin doctors
Antibiotics such as can only be taken when prescribed and supervised by .
maut . allergies
A person who is allergic to a certain antibiotic may suffer from that could
lead to death .
2 Kepentingan memakan antibiotik dalam jumlah yang ditentukan oleh doktor
Antibiotik yang diberikan oleh doktor perlu dimakan dalam masa dan jumlah yang ditetapkan. Ini adalah 2 Importance of consuming the prescribed amount of antibiotics
untuk memastikan semua patogen penyakit itu telah dibunuh oleh antibiotik itu. Jika tidak, Antibiotics given by a doctor must be consumed based on the allocated time and quantity. This is to
patogen yang masih hidup di dalam badan akan membina ketahanan terhadap antibiotik tersebut. killed
ensure that all the pathogens causing the disease are by the antibiotic. Otherwise, the
Maka antibiotik yang sama tidak dapat menyembuhkan penyakit yang sama pada masa akan datang. surviving pathogens will develop a resistance towards the antibiotic. Hence, the same
antibiotic will not be able to cure the same disease in the future.
3 Pengambilan ubat sintetik
Ubat sintetik seperti parasetamol yang digunakan untuk demam dan sakit kepala perlu diambil 3 Use of synthetic medicine
berdasarkan preskripsi doktor sahaja. Ubat sintetik merupakan sejenis dadah yang Synthetic medicine such as paracetamol, which is taken to relieve fever and headaches,
boleh memudaratkan kesihatan badan jika diambil dalam kuantiti berlebihan. Sebagai contohnya, must only be consumed based on a doctors prescription. These drugs are harmful to the body if
pengambilan aspirin yang terlalu banyak dalam tempoh yang lama akan merosakkan ginjal
taken in excess amounts. For example, over-consumption of aspirin in the long run can damage the
dan hati . kidneys liver
and .
1.18 HP Menerangkan bahaya menggunakan dadah tanpa 1.18 LO Describe the dangers of using drugs without medical
pengawasan dan preskripsi doktor advise and through unauthorised prescriptions
22 22

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SPM Kunci Kejayaan
Soalan-soalan berikut melibatkan konsep atau fakta yang
kerap ditanya dalam peperiksaan SPM. Pastikan anda
boleh menjawab semua soalan berikut. SPM Key To Success
Questions in this section contain concepts and facts that
are frequently tested in the SPM exam. Make sure you can
answer all the questions correctly.

1 Namakan mikroorganisma berikut dan labelkan struktur pada mikroorganisma jika diperlukan. 1 Name the following microorganisms and label its structure if required.

Kulat Fungi

Bakteria Virus Yis Mukor Bacteria Virus Yeast Mucor

Protozoa Algae
Protozoa Alga

Paramecium Amoeba Spirogyra

Paramesium Ameba Spirogira

2 State five factors that affect the growth of microorganisms.

2 Nyatakan lima faktor yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan mikroorganisma.
(a) pH value (c) Humidity (e) Nutrients
(a) Nilai pH (c) Kelembapan (e) Nutrien
(b) Temperature (d) Light
(b) Suhu (d) Cahaya
3 State the beneficial microorganisms in the following situations.
3 Nyatakan mikroorganisma yang berfaedah dalam situasi berikut.
(a) Pencernaan makanan dalam usus haiwan herbivor Bakteria (a) Digestion of food in a herbivores intestine Bacteria
(b) Menaikkan adunan roti atau kek Kulat (yis) (b) Raising the dough when making bread or baking a cake Fungus (yeast)
(c) Mengikat nitrogen dalam nodul akar tumbuhan kekacang Bakteria (c) Binding nitrogen in the nodules of leguminous plants Bacteria
(d) Menyediakan vaksin Bakteria/Virus (d) Preparation of vaccines Bacteria/Virus
4 Nyatakan patogen yang menyebabkan penyakit yang berikut: 4 State the pathogens that cause the following diseases:
(a) Tibi Bakteria (e) Taun Bakteria (a) Tuberculosis Bacteria (e) Cholera Bacteria
(b) Malaria Protozoa (f) Hepatitis B Virus (b) Malaria Protozoa (f) Hepatitis B Virus
(c) Demam denggi Virus (g) Panau Kulat (c) Dengue fever Virus (g) Tinea Fungus
(d) Selesema Virus (h) Kurap Kulat (d) Common cold Virus (h) Ringworm Fungus
5 Tentukan jenis penyakit berdasarkan simtom yang diberi: 5 Determine the types of diseases based on the given symptoms:

(a) Tibi (b) Taun (c) Hepatitis B (d) Demam denggi (a) Tuberculosis (b) Cholera (c) Hepatitis B (d) Dengue fever
Kurus Muntah Hati bengkak Sakit sendi Weight loss Vomiting Swollen liver Joint pain
Kahak berdarah Cirit-birit Letih Tompok merah pada kulit Phlegm with blood Diarrhoea Feeling tired Red spots on skin
(e) Selesema (f) Panau (g) Kurap (h) Demam campak Common cold Tinea Ringworm Measles
(e) (f) (g) (h)
Sakit kerongkong Tompok putih Tompok merah Demam Sore throat Itchy white spots Itchy red spots Fever
Hidung berhingus yang gatal yang gatal Ruam badan Runny nose Body rash
6 Nyatakan cara jangkitan penyakit. 6 State the method of disease infection.
(a) Taun Makanan tercemar (d) Panau Sentuhan (a) Cholera Contaminated food (d) Tinea Touch
(b) Hepatitis B Pemindahan darah (e) Tibi Udara (b) Hepatitis B Blood transfusion (e) Tuberculosis Air
(c) Selesema Udara (f) Demam campak Udara (c) Common cold Air (f) Measles Air

23 23

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7 Nyatakan vektor yang menyebabkan penyakit-penyakit yang berikut: 7 State the vectors that cause the following diseases:
(a) Demam denggi Nyamuk Aedes (a) Dengue fever Aedes mosquito
(b) Taun Lalat rumah (b) Cholera Housefly
(c) Malaria Nyamuk tiruk (c) Malaria Anopheles mosquito
8 Nyatakan dua kaedah untuk mengawal populasi lalat rumah (untuk mencegah penyakit taun). 8 State two methods to control the population of houseflies (to prevent cholera).
(a) Membuang sampah ke dalam tong sampah bertutup (a) Dispose of garbage in covered garbage bins
(b) Tutupkan makanan/Menjaga kebersihan di sekeliling rumah (b) Cover the food/Keep the house area clean

9 Nyatakan dua kaedah untuk mengawal populasi nyamuk (untuk mencegah demam denggi). 9 State two methods to control the population of mosquitoes (to prevent dengue fever).
(a) Membela ikan gapi di kolam (a) Rear guppy fish in ponds
(b) Selaputi permukaan kolam dengan minyak/Menyembur racun serangga/Hapuskan air bertakung (b) Cover the surface of ponds with oil/Spray insecticide/Clear out stagnant water

10 Isikan tempat kosong dengan perkataan yang sesuai tentang pengimunan. 10 Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words regarding immunisation.
(a) (a)
pengimunan The BCG injection process is called vaccination .
Proses suntikan BCG disebut .

vaksin tibi BCG is a vaccine used to prevent tuberculosis .

BCG ialah sejenis untuk mencegah .

antibodi BCG stimulates the body to produce antibodies .

BCG merangsang badan menghasilkan .
Orang sihat Healthy person

(b) (c) (b) (c)

air Antiserum
Antiserum yang that water
mengandungi Pesakit perlu antibodies
contains Patient needs to
antibodi mengambil is derived from
diambil daripada haiwan antibiotik animals such as horses. consume antibiotics
seperti kuda. in order to get better.
untuk memulihkan
Pesakit tetanus Pesakit tibi Tetanus patient Tuberculosis patient

11 Lengkapkan jadual yang berikut dengan istilah yang sesuai. 11 Complete the following table with the suitable terms.

Vektor Pensterilan Pemvaksinan Patogen Vaksin Antigen Antiserum Antibiotik Vector Sterilisation Vaccination Pathogen Vaccine Antigen Antiserum Antibiotic

Pernyataan Istilah Statement Term

(a) Proses untuk membunuh mikroorganisma Pensterilan (a) A process to kill microorganisms Sterilisation

(b) Agen yang membawa penyakit Vektor (b) An agent that carries diseases Vector

(c) Mikroorganisma berbahaya yang menyebabkan penyakit Patogen (c) Harmful microorganisms that cause diseases Pathogen

(d) Bahan yang mengandungi patogen yang dilemahkan Vaksin (d) Substance containing weakened pathogens Vaccine

(e) Patogen atau mikrob dalam darah Antigen (e) Pathogens or microbes in blood Antigen

(f) Proses suntikan vaksin Pemvaksinan (f) Process of injecting vaccine Vaccination

(g) Bahan yang digunakan untuk membunuh bakteria Antibiotik (g) Substance which is used to kill bacteria Antibiotic

(h) Bahan yang mengandungi antibodi haiwan Antiserum (h) Substance containing an animals antibodies Antiserum

24 24

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SPM Sudut Pengukuhan 1 SPM Enhancement Corner 1
Tiap-tiap soalan yang berikut diikuti oleh empat pilihan jawapan, A, B, C dan D. Pilih jawapan yang terbaik. Each question is followed by four options A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer.

1 Apakah suhu optimum untuk Mikroorganisma 11 Rajah 2 menunjukkan hubungan 1 What is the optimum temperature Microorganism 11 Diagram 2 shows the relationship
pertumbuhan patogen yang X Gas Y antara bilangan koloni bakteria dan for the growth of pathogens that X Gas Y between the number of bacterial
menyebabkan penyakit? A Yis Karbon dioksida suhu. cause diseases? A Yeast Carbon dioxide colonies and temperature.
A 5 C B Bakteria Karbon monoksida bilangan koloni bakteria A 5 C B Bacteria Carbon monoxide number of bacterial
2006 2008 2006 2008
B 30 C C Yis Oksigen B 30 C C Yeast Oxygen colonies
C 37 C D Mukor Karbon dioksida C 37 C D Mucor Carbon dioxide
D 60 C D 60 C
2002 2007 2008 A 2002 2007 2008 A
2 Rajah 1 menunjukkan satu eksperi- temperature
men untuk mengkaji pertumbuhan suhu 2 Diagram 1 shows an experiment
6 Antara penyakit yang berikut, yang 6 Which of the following diseases is 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 that was carried out to study
manakah disebabkan oleh bakteria? caused by bacteria?
bacterial growth. Diagram 2
A Beguk C Malaria Rajah 2 A Mumps C Malaria
almari gelap D
B Kurap D Tibi Antara yang berikut, yang manakah B Ringworm D Tuberculosis Which of the following is the
dark cupboard
kapas suhu optima bagi pertumbuhan optimum temperature for the
2004 2006 2004 2006 D
bakteria? cotton growth of the bacteria?
bubur A 10 C wool A 10 C
nutrien 7 Apakah cara yang paling sesuai B 37 C nutrient broth
7 Which method is the most suitable B 37 C
+ 2007 2007
untuk mengawal populasi lalat C 40 C + way to control the population of C 40 C
kultur bakteria bacteria culture
rumah (mencegah penyakit taun)? D 75 C houseflies (to prevent cholera)? D 75 C B
A Kebersihan kawasan A Keeping the surroundings clean
Rajah 1 2003
B Suntikan vaksin B Vaccine injection
Apakah faktor yang dikaji dalam C Pensterilan 12 Seorang pelajar mempunyai gejala- Diagram 1 C Sterilisation 12 A student has been suffering from
2008 A
eksperimen ini? D Kawalan vektor A gejala yang berikut. D Vector control the following symptoms:
2003 What factor is being studied in
A Suhu C pH
2009 this experiment? 2003 2008 2009
B Cahaya D Nutrien Demam panas berulang 2003 Recurring high fever
B A Temperature C pH
Menggigil Shivering
B Light D nutrient
8 Seorang individu boleh memperoleh B 8 An individual can acquire artificial
Antara yang berikut, yang manakah Which of the following can spread
3 Antara mikroorganisma yang berikut, keimunan aktif buatan setelah active immunity after
boleh menyebarkan penyakit ini? this disease?
yang manakah hanya tumbuh dan A sembuh daripada suatu penyakit A recovering from a disease
A Melalui pemindahan darah A Through blood transfusion
membiak di dalam sel hidup? B disuntik dengan antiserum 3 Which of the following micro- B being injected with antiserum
2008 B Melalui gigitan nyamuk B Through mosquito bites
A Kulat C Virus C disuntik dengan vaksin organisms only grows and C being injected with vaccine
2006 C Minum air yang tercemar C Drinking contaminated water
B Bakteria D Alga D meminum susu ibunya reproduces in living cells? D drinking mothers milk C
C D Melalui titisan air dalam udara 2008 D Through water droplets in the
A Fungi C Virus
C 2006 air
2008 B B Bacteria D Algae C 2008 B
4 Antara berikut yang manakah 9 The microorganism which helps to
9 Mikroorganisma yang membantu
menerangkan sebab buah-buahan 13 Mikroorganisma yang manakah bind nitrogen from the atmosphere 13 Which microorganism is a protozoa?
mengikat nitrogen daripada atmosfera 4 Which of the following explains
disimpan dalam peti sejuk? adalah protozoa? and convert it to nitrate in soil is A C
dan menukarkannya kepada nitrat why fruits are kept in the fridge?
A Untuk memusnahkan enzim A C A bacteria
dalam tanah ialah A To destroy the enzyme 2006
B Untuk membunuh mikroorganisma B alga
A bakteria B To kill microorganisms
C Untuk meneutralkan asid dalam 2006 C virus
B alga C To neutralise the acid in the
buah D fungi A
C virus fruits
D Untuk melambatkan kadar
D kulat A D To slow down the growth rate of B D
pertumbuhan mikroorganisma
B D microorganisms D
D 2009 10 Which of the following diseases is
spread by the mosquito?
10 Antara penyakit berikut, yang
A Cholera
manakah disebarkan oleh nyamuk? 2009
5 Satu mikroorganisma X mem- 5 Microorganism X releases gas B Malaria
A Taun
2009 Y that makes bread dough rise. C Tinea
bebaskan gas Y yang menaikkan B Malaria B 2009 C
adunan roti. Apakah mikro- 2009
What is microorganism X and gas Y? D AIDS
C Panau C
organisma X dan gas Y? B

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Bahagian A Section A
Jawab semua soalan dalam bahagian ini. Answer all the questions in this section.

1 Rajah 1.1 menunjukkan dua piring Petri, X dan Y, yang mengandungi agar-agar KLON KLON 1 Diagram 1.1 shows two Petri dishes, X and Y, containing nutrient agar and CLONE CLONE
nutrien dan bakteria dibiarkan selama tiga hari di dalam makmal. 2004 Bhg. A, S2 2005 Bhg. A, S2 bacteria that are left for three days in the laboratory. 2004 Sec. A, Q2 2005 Sec. A, Q2

(a) Nyatakan satu pemerhatian daripada eksperimen ini. (a) State one observation from this experiment.

clear area
Terdapat kawasan jernih di sekeliling kawasan There are clear areas surrounding the bacteria containing
tompok jernih Petri dish
piring Petri spot penicillin
cakera antibiotik bakteria antibiotic discs.
nutrient antibiotic
agar-agar cakera (b) State the hypothesis of this experiment.

agar disc
(b) Nyatakan hipotesis bagi eksperimen ini. nutrien antibiotik Antibiotic forms clear areas on the +
+ X
Antibiotik menghasilkan kawasan jernih bacteria Y
X bakteria Y surface of the agar.
pada permukaan agar-agar. Rajah 1.1 Diagram 1.1
(c) State the variable that
(c) Nyatakan pemboleh ubah yang
(i) is kept constant: Quantity of bacteria culture solution
(i) dimalarkan: Kuantiti larutan kultur bakteria
(ii) is manipulated: The presence of antibiotic
(ii) dimanipulasikan: Kehadiran antibiotik Clear area on the surface of the agar
(iii) responds:
(iii) bergerak balas: Kawasan jernih pada permukaan agar-agar
(d) State an inference for the observation in Petri dish Y.
(d) Nyatakan inferens bagi pemerhatian pada piring Petri Y. Penicillin/Antibiotic prevents the growth of bacteria.
Penisilin/Antibiotik menghalang pertumbuhan bakteria.
(e) State the operational definition for an antibiotic.
(e) Nyatakan definisi secara operasi bagi antibiotik. An antibiotic is a substance which produces a clear area on the surface of the nutrient agar.
Antibiotik ialah bahan yang menghasilkan kawasan jernih pada permukaan agar-agar.
(f) Diagram 1.2 shows microorganisms P, Q, R and S.
(f) Rajah 1.2 menunjukkan mikroorganisma P, Q, R, dan S. (i) Classify microorganisms P, Q, R and S into bacteria
(i) Kelaskan mikroorganisma P, Q, R dan S and virus.
kepada bakteria dan virus. Bacteria: P and Q
Bakteria: P dan Q Virus: R and S P Q R S
Virus: R dan S P Q R S Diagram 1.2
(ii) State the microorganisms that can be killed by antibiotics.
(ii) Nyatakan mikroorganisma yang dapat dibunuh oleh antibiotik. Rajah 1.2 P and Q
P dan Q

2 Rajah 2 menunjukkan eksperimen untuk mengkaji kesan suhu ke atas proses penapaian. Isi padu karbon dioksida yang 2 Diagram 2 shows an experiment to study the effect of temperature on the fermentation process. The volume of carbon
terhasil selepas 10 minit pada suhu yang berbeza dicatat dalam Jadual 2. KLON KLON
dioxide produced after 10 minutes for different temperatures are recorded in Table 2. CLONE CLONE
2008 Bhg. A, S4 2009 Bhg. A, S2 2008 Sec. A, Q4 2009 Sec. A, Q2

gas yang dikumpul gas collected after

selepas 10 minit 10 minutes
Temperature Volume of gas
Suhu Isi padu gas (C) (cm3)
(C) (cm3) burette
30 5
30 5
35 15
35 15 conical
kelalang flask 40 25
kon 40 25
water 45 35
air 45 35 solution
glukosa +
+ Table 2
yis Jadual 2 yeast
Diagram 2
Rajah 2

(a) Berdasarkan keputusan dalam Jadual 2, nyatakan satu inferens. (a) Based on the results in Table 2, state one inference.

Yis adalah lebih aktif pada suhu yang lebih tinggi. The yeast is more active at higher temperatures.

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(b) Berdasarkan keputusan dalam Jadual 2, lukis satu graf isi padu gas (b) Based on the results in Table 2, draw a graph of the volume of gas
melawan suhu. against temperature.
40 40
(c) Apakah hubungan antara isi padu karbon dioksida yang terhasil dengan (c) What is the relationship between the volume of carbon dioxide
suhu (hipotesis)? produced and temperature (hypothesis)?

Volume of gas (cm3)

30 30

Isi padu gas (cm3)

Apabila masa bertambah, isi padu karbon dioksida As time increases, the volume of carbon dioxide
yang terhasil bertambah. 20 produced increases. 20

(d) Nyatakan pemboleh ubah bagi eksperimen ini. (d) State the variables for this experiment.
10 10
(i) Pemboleh ubah dimanipulasikan: (i) Manipulated variable:
Suhu 0
Temperature 0
30 35 40 45 50

30 35 40 45 50
(ii) Pemboleh ubah bergerak balas: Suhu (C) (ii) Responding variable: Temperature (C)

Isi padu gas Volume of gas

(e) Nyatakan definisi secara operasi bagi penapaian. (e) State the operational definition for fermentation.
Penapaian adalah proses pembebasan gas karbon dioksida. Fermentation is the process of releasing carbon dioxide gas.
(f) Ramalkan isi padu gas yang terhasil pada suhu 25 C. (f) Predict the volume of gas produced at 25 C.
Kurang daripada 5 cm3 Less than 5 cm3

Bahagian B KLON Section B

2006 Bhg. A, S3 CLONE
Jawab semua soalan dalam bahagian ini. Answer all the questions in this section. 2006 Sec. A, Q3

3 Suatu eksperimen dijalankan untuk mengkaji kesan suhu terhadap pertumbuhan bakteria. Jadual 3 menunjukkan 3 An experiment is carried out to study the effect of temperature on bacterial growth. Table 3 shows the results
keputusan eksperimen. of the experiment.
(a) Dengan menggunakan data dalam Jadual 3, lukiskan graf diameter koloni bakteria melawan suhu dalam kertas graf di (a) Using the data given in Table 3, draw a graph to show the diameter of the bacterial colonies against temperature using
bawah. the graph paper below.
diameter 18
diameter 18
Diameter koloni 16 Diameter of bacterial of
Suhu/C bakteria/mm Temperature/C 16
bakteria/mm colonies/mm bacterial
colonies/mm 14
0 0 12 0 0 12
10 4 10 4 10
20 8 6 20 8
30 12 4 30 12 4
40 16 2 2
40 16
Jadual 3 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 suhu/C Table 3 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 temperature/C

(b) Nyatakan hubungan antara bilangan koloni bakteria dengan suhu.

(b) State the relationship between the number of bacterial colonies and temperature.
Apabila suhu bertambah, bilangan koloni bakteria bertambah. As the temperature increases, the number of bacterial colonies increases.

(c) Diameter koloni bakteria adalah paling besar pada 40 C. Berikan satu inferens.
(c) The diameter of bacterial colonies is the biggest at 40 C. Give one inference.
40 C adalah suhu optimum bagi pertumbuhan bakteria 40 C is the optimum temperature for bacterial growth.
(d) Nyatakan pemboleh ubah bagi eksperimen ini.
(i) Pemboleh ubah dimanipulasikan: (d) State the variables for this experiment.

Suhu (i) Manipulated variable: Temperature

(ii) Responding variable: Diameter of bacterial colonies
(ii) Pemboleh ubah bergerak balas:
Diameter koloni bakteria

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Bahagian C (v) Penjadualan data: Section C (v) Tabulation of data:
Jawab soalan yang berikut. Tabung uji Cahaya Kekeruhan campuran
Answer the following questions.
Test tube Light Cloudiness of mixture
4 Kaji pernyataan yang berikut. X 4 Study the following statement. X
Faktor cahaya mempengaruhi pertumbuhan Y Y
Light is a factor that influences the growth of
Z microorganisms.
Anda diberi dua bahan, iaitu bubur nutrien dan larutan

(vi) Kesimpulan: Bakteria tumbuh dan membiak You are given two substances, nutrient broth and bacteria
kultur bakteria. (vi) Conclusion: Bacteria grow and reproduce quickly
dengan pesat dalam keadaan gelap tetapi culture solution.
(a) Cadangkan satu hipotesis yang sesuai untuk in the dark but become inactive under bright light.
menjadi tidak aktif dalam keadaan cahaya (a) Suggest one suitable hypothesis to investigate the
menyiasat pernyataan itu. [1 markah]
terang. statement. [1 mark] 5 (a) State two differences between artificial active
(b) Huraikan satu eksperimen untuk menguji hipotesis

anda di 4(a) berdasarkan kriteria berikut: 5 (a) Nyatakan dua perbezaan antara keimunan aktif (b) Describe an experiment to test your hypothesis in immunity and artificial passive immunity. Include
(i) Tujuan eksperimen [1 markah] buatan dengan keimunan pasif buatan. Sertakan satu 4(a) based on the following criteria: one example of a disease which can be prevented or
(ii) Pengenalpastian pemboleh ubah [2 markah] contoh penyakit yang dapat dicegah atau dirawat (i) Aim of the experiment [1 mark] treated by the mentioned immunisation. [4 marks]
(iii) Senarai radas dan bahan [1 markah] oleh setiap jenis pengimunan ini. [4 markah] (ii) Identification of variables [2 marks] (b) An outbreak of the dengue fever was detected in a
(iv) Prosedur atau kaedah [3 markah] (b) Satu wabak demam denggi telah dikesan di sebuah (iii) List of apparatus and materials [1 mark] village. Explain how the villagers can overcome the
(v) Penjadualan data [1 markah] kampung. Terangkan bagaimana penduduk kampung (iv) Procedure or method [3 marks] problem of the disease outbreak. Your answer should
(vi) Kesimpulan [1 markah] itu dapat mengatasi masalah merebaknya wabak itu. (v) Tabulation of data [1 mark] include the following:
Jawapan anda hendaklah mengandungi perkara- (vi) Conclusion [1 mark] Identify the problem [1 mark]
Jawapan: perkara berikut: Clarification of the problem [1 mark]
4 (a) Hipotesis: Mikroorganisma seperti bakteria Kenal pasti masalah [1 markah] Answer: Solving methods [3 marks]
tumbuh dengan pesat dalam keadaan Penjelasan masalah [1 markah] 4 (a) Hypothesis: Microorganisms such as bacteria Choose the best method and explain your choice
gelap tetapi menjadi tidak aktif dalam Kaedah-kaedah penyelesaian [3 markah] thrive in the dark but become inactive [1 mark]
keadaan cahaya terang. Pilih kaedah terbaik dan jelaskan pilihan anda under bright light.
Answer: CLONE
(b) (i) Tujuan: Mengkaji kesan faktor cahaya [1 markah] (b) (i) Aim: To study the effect of the light on 2008 Sec. C, Q11
5 (a)
terhadap pertumbuhan bakteria bacterial growth
Jawapan: KLON
(ii) Pemboleh ubah 2008 Bhg. C, S11 (ii) Variable Artificial active Artificial passive
5 (a) that is kept constant: The volume of
yang dimalarkan: Isi padu bubur immunity immunity
nutrien/Kuantiti bakteria Keimunan aktif buatan Keimunan pasif buatan nutrient broth/Quantity of bacteria
that is manipulated: Light Using bacteria or viruses Using serum (blood plasma)
yang dimanipulasikan: Cahaya
Menggunakan bakteria atau Menggunakan serum that responds: Bacterial growth/Cloudiness that are dead or weakened of animals that contain
yang bergerak balas: Pertumbuhan
virus yang mati atau (plasma darah) haiwan yang of mixture antibodies
bakteria/Kekeruhan campuran
dilemahkan mengandungi antibodi (iii) List of apparatus and materials: Sterile test Stimulates the body to Antibodies of animals fight
(iii) Senarai radas dan bahan: Tabung uji steril,
lampu elektrik, silinder penyukat 10 ml, Merangsang badan meng- Antibodi haiwan melawan tubes, electric lamp, 10 ml measuring produce antibodies to fight pathogens in the body
bubur nutrien, larutan kultur bakteria hasilkan antibodi untuk patogen dalam badan cylinder, nutrient agar, bacteria culture pathogens
(iv) Kaedah: melawan patogen solution
(iv) Method: Immunity lasts long Immunity does not last long
X Y Z Pengimunan yang tahan Pengimunan yang tidak
lama tahan lama To prevent hepatitis B/ To treat tetanus/rabies
kapas kapas X Y Z
5 cm3 bubur steril steril Untuk mencegah hepatitis Untuk merawat tetanus/ sterile sterile
nutrien B/Poliomielitis/Tibi penyakit anjing gila cotton cotton
+ 5 cm3
1 cm3 kultur nutrien + 5 cm3 nutrient (b) Identify the problem
bakteria 1 cm3 kultur broth 5 cm3 nutrient The outbreak of dengue fever
(b) Kenal pasti masalah + broth +
Jangkitan demam denggi 1 cm3 bacteria 1 cm3 bacteria Clarification of the problem
culture culture Dengue fever spreads through Aedes mosquito bites
Penjelasan masalah
Demam denggi merebak melalui gigitan nyamuk Solving methods
5 cm3 bubur nutrien steril dan 1 cm3
Aedes 5 cm3 of sterile nutrient broth and 1 cm3
of Do not allow stagnant water to collect around the
larutan kultur bakteria dimasukkan ke
Kaedah-kaedah penyelesaian bacteria culture solution are added into all house/Bury the empty containers
dalam tiga tabung uji steril X, Y dan Z.
Jangan membiarkan air bertakung di sekeliling three sterile test tubes X, Y and Z. Spray insecticide
Setiap mulut tabung uji disumbat dengan
rumah/Menanam bekas-bekas kosong The mouth of each test tube is stuffed with Cover the surface of drains or ponds with oil
kapas steril.
Sembur racun serangga sterile cotton wool. Rear guppy fish in ponds
Tabung uji X diletakkan di dalam almari
Sembur minyak di permukaan air di longkang Test tube X is kept in a dark cupboard. Fix nettings on the doors and windows
Tabung uji Y diletakkan di dalam makmal. atau kolam Test tube Y is left in the laboratory. (Any three)
Tabung uji Z diletakkan di bawah cahaya Membela ikan gapi di kolam Test tube Z is left under bright light. Best method and explanation
terang. Pasang jaring halus pada pintu dan tingkap The condition of the nutrient broth is recorded Do not allow stagnant water to collect around the
Pemerhatian tentang keadaan bubur (Mana-mana tiga) after three days. house to prevent mosquitoes from breeding
nutrien dicatat selepas tiga hari. Pilihan kaedah terbaik
Jangan biarkan air bertakung di sekeliling
rumah untuk mencegah pembiakan nyamuk

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