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Final Essay 15%

Name:__Guillermo Len Uribe Jimnez______________________________________________

ID ____3481794____________

Write a five-paragraph essay taking into account the structure of the paragraph with a clear
topic sentence and the supporting sentences for each one.

Title: _____Reducing the environmental impact on the planet is everyone's


Type of essay: ___Argumentative__________

1- Since the industrial revolution the earth's temperature has
accelerated by increasing greenhouse gas emissions
generated by human activities such as burning fossil fuels-oil,
gas and coal-and the removal of forests. These emissions
impact the global climate balance causing adverse effects on
the conditions for the survival of life on the planet. As
temperatures rise, poles melt, sea levels rise and coastal
populations are affected. Agriculture suffers and is
threatened by food security. The climatic phenomena are
more intense, frequent and unpredictable. There is an urgent
need for a transition towards a low carbon development
model and changing to alternative sources of energy such as
solar wind energy, among others, this will lead to climate
change and sustainable development. The term greenhouse
refers to the retention of the Sun's heat in the Earth's
atmosphere by a layer of gases in the atmosphere. The
industrialized world has made the concentration of these
gases increase in a high range since the last century, without
human action, nature would be in charge of balancing the
environment. But the man who only seeks economic benefits,
passes over everything and leave to future generations, a
world without life, if we do not act fast by and changing to
alternative sources and more ecological forms there will be
no return and what will await for future generations a world
without water and inert.


2-The industrial revolution is the beginning of the use of

fossil fuels in the world and its increase to the present day
has generated a high impact in the current climate that has
triggered a change in the planet. The use of fossil fuels: such
as coal, gas, oil, used as energy sources to produce
electricity, Are very used nowadays, which made us very
dependent on these sources of non-renewable and very
polluting energies, and do not think about other sources of
clean energy such as solar, wind and tidal, among others,
which are clean and can give equal and even better
performance without the need to damage the environment;
also with deforestation activities, agriculture and livestock
are the main causes of the greenhouse effect. These activities
are concentrating a layer of gases too dense in the
atmosphere that do not allow the adequate amount of heat
produced by the sun to leave, generating an increase in the
concentration of greenhouse gases that produces an
imbalance in the thermal balance of the planet, which
translates into an increase of its temperature producing
changes and alterations in the climate of the land known as
climate change.

3-The environmental impact on the planet is very serious,

can affect people, due to lack of potable water, also the loss
of crops will have great consequences because people die of
hunger, with the melting of poles and increase of the ocean
level which will cause many populations to face the need to
migrate to higher but less fertile parts due to global
warming, which will lead to severe droughts and heat waves,
public health problems and food problems. In short, climate
change is not only an environmental problem, but also brings
with it major social and economic problems.

4-The poorest countries, which are not prepared to cope with

rapid changes in climate, will be the that suffer the worst
consequences of the phenomenon. Other impacts generated
by climate change will be the extinction of species due to the
rapid change that will have of the earth, the threat in the
health of the people by the increase of tropical diseases and
malnutrition, as is has been determined by the world health
organization, a reason that forces countries to confront
climate change by adapting to the phenomenon, according to
studies carried out by institute of hydrology meteorology and
environmental studies, Colombian coastal and insular areas
are highly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, for
the following reasons: flood threat on crop and grassland
areas in the coastal zone, high vulnerability of the majority of
the areas occupied by the manufacturing industry in the
terrestrial zone of the coast. Flooding of the territory,
affecting main roads, airport, hotel infrastructure and the
population located near the coastal area. The aquifers of the
island would also be affected by saline intrusion, which
supply water for human consumption.


5-We as human beings must respect and care for our planet
as we have already seen and spoken these changes produce
many irregularities, as for example we hear in the news that
sometimes peasants lose their crops because of the heat that
There is or because of the lack of rain, often called droughts
and this in much of the country and the world is reflected as
also in animals since some are endangered by not having
their habitat to which they were accustomed; That is why we
must help to not contribute more to air pollution for the
welfare of the world and ourselves in the future.

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