Lu2 U9-12 Listening Testb CLASE

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Units 912: Listening Test B

9TH COURSE 4 What time does Carol get up?

a At 8:15.
Listen to the conversation and answer the b At 8:30.
questions. Underline the correct answers.
c At 7:15.
Carol is a ________.
d At 7:30.
a chef
b student
5 Carol walks to school with her ______.
c teacher
a brother
d doctor
b parents
c sister
1 Carol lives with her sister and her ______.
d friends
a grandma and grandpa
b mother and father
6 What does Carol do in the evening?
c brothers
a She watches DVDs.
d uncle and aunt
b She listens to music.
c She plays computer games.
2 Where does Carols brother live?
d She watches TV.
a New York.
1 point for each correct answer. TOTAL ____ / 6
b Boston.
c Los Angeles.
d Chicago.

3 Carol sees her ______ on Sundays.

a uncle and aunt
b friends
c grandma and grandpa
d brother

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