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Simon Haines, Vocabulary for Advanced (CAE)

Unit 1 Cities urban growth, urban living

English definition example German
Zurich is Switzerlands commercial cen-
commercial (adj.) related to buying and selling things Handels-; kommerziell
covering a large area with buildings Most American cities have sprawling
sprawling (adj.) zersiedelt; wuchernd
added in an uncoordinated way suburbs.
vibrant (adj.) energetic; exciting; full of enthusiasm London is a vibrant artistic centre. lebhaft; dynamisch; pulsierend
The resort is easily accessible by road,
accessible (adj.) able to be reached or easily got leicht zugnglich; gut erreichbar
rail or air.
describing buildings or areas that are The house looked run-down and ne-
run-down (adj.) heruntergekommen; verlottert
in very bad condition glected.
having a lot of money or owning a lot Switzerland is one of the most affluent
affluent (adj.) wohlhabend
of things countries worldwide.
of air, water, land etc. that has been
(seriously) polluted (adv. + adj.) The air in Beijing is seriously polluted. schadstoffbelastet; verschmutzt
made dirty by harmful chemicals
a substance that makes land, water, Phosphates are pollutants often found in
a pollutant Schadstoff
air, etc., dirty and not safe to use water.
with a lot of people living close to- Mexico City is one of the most densely
densely populated (adv. + adj.) dicht bevlkert
gether populated cities in the world.
welcoming (adj.) making you feel welcome She gave us a welcoming smile. freundlich; einladend
describing something harmful that is If the present trends continue un-
unchecked (adj.) ungehindert; ungehemmt
continuing without any limits checked, there will be a disaster soon.
completely surrounded in or defined geschichtstrchtig; durchdrungen
steeped in history The centre of Rome is steeped in history.
by history von Geschichte
Many youngsters here are used to an
urban (adj.) in, or of a city or town Stadt-; stdtisch
urban environment.
The area is still very rural and undevel-
rural (adj.) in, of, or like the countryside Land-; lndlich
the spread of a city into the areas sur- High cost of living in the city have pro-
urban sprawl (noun phrase) stdtische Zersiedelung
rounding it, often without planning duced ugly urban sprawl.
an area where people live rather than Hampstead is one of Londons most at-
a residential area (noun phrase) Wohngebiet
work tractive residential areas.
an area outside a city consisting mainly Winnetka is one of Chicagos wealthiest
a suburb (n.) Vorort; Vorstadt
of homes suburbs.
the parts of a city or town that are rela-
on the outskirts (noun phrase) Wollishofen is on the outskirts of Zurich. am Stadtrand
tively far from the centre
far away in distance or time, or not
remote (adj.) It happened in the remote past. abgelegen; weit entfernt
closely related
a group of houses built in a planned Flats in (council) estates are usually af-
an estate (n.) (Wohn-) Siedlung
way fordable and popular with families.
someone who lives in a particular
a resident (n.) She is a resident of New York. Einwohner; Bewohner
to reside (formal v.) to live in a particular place He still resides at his parents' house. wohnen; wohnhaft sein

a residence (n.) the place where someone lives Police surrounded the residence. Wohnsitz
the act or process of building some- The new school is now under construc-
construction (n.) Bau; Errichtung
thing (such as a house or road) tion.
deliberate destruction of a building or The old factory is scheduled for demoli-
demolition (n.) Abbruch; Zerstrung; Zertrmmerung
other structure tion next week.
to forcefully tear down or take apart (a Tons of explosives were used to demol-
to demolish (v.) abreissen; demolieren; zerstren
structure) ish the building.
someone travelling regularly between Trains into London are usually packed
a commuter (n.) Pendler
home and work with commuters in the morning.
a feeling of worry usually shared by They have expressed/voiced concern
concern(s) about/over something Besorgnis ber; Bedenken zu
many people about the cost of the project,
There are lots of trees in our towns local
the local environment our immediate surroundings unmittelbare Umgebung
to do with the (natural) world around
environmental (adj.) Umwelts-; umweltbedingt
someone who studies the environment Greenpeace is the best-known environ-
an environmentalist (n.) Umweltschtzer(in)
and tries to protect it mentalist organisation.
strong, unpleasant and sometimes Exhaust fumes are the main reason for
exhaust fumes Abgase
dangerous gas or smoke from engines the gigantic pollution in Bangkok.
an are where new houses are built to Lots of new developments have sprung
a development berbauung
make a profit up in Mumbais former slum areas.
a person or company that makes mon- A developer bought up all the property
a developer Bauunternehmer; Bauunternehmung
ey from buying land and building on it to build new exclusive homes.
of land that has not been built on or Outside the city there is still plenty of
undeveloped (land) unerschlossen; unbebaut
used for farming undeveloped land.
to decide what is most important so as
to prioritise You must learn to prioritise work. Vorrang geben
to deal with it first
The best way of combatting fatigue is to
to combat (a problem) to fight bekmpfen
go for a brisk walk.
a group of people elected to govern a The town council is responsible for keep-
a council Ratsversammlung; Stadtrat
particular area ing the streets clean.
traffic congestion roads blocked by traffic where move- Traffic congestion gets worse here in the Verkehrsstau
ment is slow and difficult summer.

a large number of cars close together I was stuck in a traffic jam for an hour on
a traffic jam Verkehrsstau
moving very slowly the way home.
a system of buses, trams and trains
Public transport in Switzerland is efficient
public transport that operate at regular times on fixed ffentliche Verkehrsmittel
and mostly punctual.
routes and are used by the public
Rick is an integral part of the team, with-
an integral part a necessary part of a whole ein unabdingbarer Anteil
out whom we couldnt do.
Some of the towns historic centre is now
a pedestrian area a traffic-free area for people to walk in Fussgngerzone
a pedestrian area.
for an area: without any or much traf- As cars are banned, much of the city
traffic-free verkehrsfrei
fice centre is now traffic-free.
an area around a city where many Londons commuter belt is larger than
a commuter belt stdtisches Einzugsgebiet
people who work in the city live Manchesters.
This community has always been close-
crime-free for an area: without any crime verbrechensfrei; straffrei
knit, which explains why it is crime-free.
Most of the town is car-free but you can
car-free for an area: without cars autofrei
ride a bike.
bike-friendly where bikes are allowed Copenhagen is a very bike-friendly city. radfreundlich; Rder erlaubt
As we take our dog on the trip, we have
pet-friendly where pets are allowed haustierfreundlich; Haustiere erlaubt
to find pet-friendly hotels to stay at.
Hes not just car-mad he is also a bore:
car-mad obsessed with cars autobesessen
you cant talk anything but cars with him!
Most of the staff here are totally work-
work-mad obsessed with work arbeitsbesessen; arbeitswtig
Hes gone completely football-mad late-
football-mad obsessed with football fussballbesessen
the hustle and bustle (of the city) noise and activity I love the hustle and bustle of bazaars. geschftiges Treiben; Trubel
to meet and learn about someone or In her job she comes into regular contact
to come into (regular) contact with in Berhrung kommen mit
something with scientists.
the time that you spend enjoying your- Its a fact that a good social life can help
(your) social life Privatleben
self away from work, with friends you cope with stress at work.
a set of similar things, sometimes on Switzerland produces a whole range of
a range Angebot; Palette; Spektrum
offer in a shop different watches.
the amount of money that a person
the cost of living The cost of living in Zurich is high. Lebenskosten
needs to live
Our local shop has very (in)convenient
(in)convenient (un)suitable for a particular purpose (un)praktisch
opening hours.
to hop on a bus/train/underground to get into a vehicle quickly Just hop on a train in Zurich, and youll einsteigen
be in the mountains two hours later.

the amount or number of times crime

the crime rate Johannesburg has a very high crime rate. Verbrechensrate
happens in a particular period.
All I want after a hard days work is a
in peace and quiet freedom from disturbance in Ruhe; ungestrt
little peace and quiet.
We debated the pros and cons of to-
pros and cons the good and the bad aspects Vor- u. Nachteile
days school education.
Theyve had their ups and downs, like
ups and downs a mixture of good and bad things Hhen und Tiefen
most other married couples.
if between people, each person allows In every friendship there has to be some
give and take Kompromissbereitschaft
the others to get something they want give and take.
Many Chinese cities have experienced
explosive growth rapid expansion ungehemmtes Wachstum
rapid growth in the past decade.
The ship's CCTV system offers the crew a
a system in which signals are transmit-
closed circuit television (CCTV) comprehensive picture of the situation berwachungskamera
ted from a camera to the receivers
inside and outside the ship at all times.
The psychological benefits of regular
(a) psychological benefit a positive effect on ones emotions exercise (such as better self-esteem) can psychologischer Nutzen
be as significant as the physical.
She took comfort in the belief that her
to take comfort in the belief that to find an idea reassuring den Gedanken trstlich finden, dass..
parents were thinking of her.
Football clubs have been helpful in curb-
to be helpful in doing sth to help to do sth sich als hilfreich erweisen bei etw.
ing hooliganism in stadiums.
Be sure to tune in to tomorrows News (Radio, TV) einschalten u. Sendung
to tune in to listen to or view a broadcast
at Night. mitverfolgen
the scientific study of crime and crimi- Criminology degrees are being offered
criminology Kriminologie
nals at many universities today.
The researchers are conducting a study
to conduct a study to carry out some specific research eine Studie durchfhren
on consumer behaviour.
Your diet has little or no impact on the
to have little impact on sth to have little effect on sth wenig Wirkung haben auf etwas
way your genes behave.
The company has experienced a signifi-
a significant drop in sth a noticeable reduction of something ein starker Rckgang/Fall von etw.
cant drop in sales.
A socially inclusive society is defined as one where all people feel valued, their
socially inclusive differences are respected, and their basic needs are met so they can live in dig- sozial integrativ

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