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initially random formation of putative terminals. The current live-imaging study 1. Niell, C.M., Meyer, M.P. & Smith, S.J. Nat. Neurosci.
7, 254260 (2004).
synapses followed by the retraction of all thus supports this synaptotropic model put
2. Wong, R.O.L & Ghosh, A. Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 3,
filopodia that failed to make contactthus, forth a number of years ago based on elec- 803812 (2002).
synapses appear to stabilize dendrites. tron microscopy observations12. This model 3. Montague, P.R. & Freidlander, M.J. Proc. Natl. Acad.
The study by Niell et al.1 is perhaps the first might explain, in part, how asymmetrically Sci. USA 86, 72237227 (1989).
4. McAllister, A.K. Cereb. Cortex 10, 963973 (2000).
to actually watch potential synapse loss dur- organized dendritic arbors are established in 5. Cline, H.T. Curr. Opin. Neurobiol. 11, 118126
ing synaptogenesis in the CNS. As in cultured some sensory systems such as the retina and (2001).
neurons9, the authors found that synapse dis- barrel cortex where preferred afferents are 6. Lohmann, C., Myhr, K.L. & Wong, R.O.L. Nature 418,
177181 (2002).
assembly, suggested by a significant decrease organized into specific subregions of the tis- 7. Marrs, G.S., Green, S.H. & Dailey, M.E. Nat.
in PSD-95-GFP puncta fluorescence, seemed sue2,14. Further live-imaging studies of den-
2004 Nature Publishing Group

Neurosci. 4, 10061013 (2001).

to take place before dendrites retracted. Why dritic behavior and synapse development, in 8. Okabe, S., Kim, H.D., Miwa, A., Kuriu, T. & Okado,
H. Nat. Neurosci. 2, 804811 (1999).
would synapse disassembly cause dendritic circuits where one can distinguish between 9. Okabe, S., Miwa, A., & Okado, H. J. Neurosci. 21,
terminals to retract? One possibility is that appropriate and inappropriate presynaptic 61056114 (2001).
resources needed to maintain or extend new terminals, should provide a deeper insight 10. Ziv, N.E. & Smith, S.J. Neuron 17, 91102 (1996).
11. Jontes, J.D. & Smith, S.J. Neuron 27, 1114
dendrites may be limited; therefore, retrac- into how some connections are maintained
tion in regions with undesired inputs would and others eliminated. Given that zebrafish 12. Vaughn, J.E. Synapse 3, 255285 (1989).
facilitate dendritic extensions elsewhere. are an excellent model for studying circuit 13. Ebihara, T., Kawabata, I., Usui, S., Sobue, K. &
Reiterations of this process would tend to development in vivo, such imaging studies Okabe, S. J. Neurosci. 23, 21702181 (2003).
14. Wong, R.O.L. & Lichtman, J.W. in Fundamental
bias dendritic elaboration and growth toward using this model system will undoubtedly Neuroscience 2nd edn. (eds. Zigmond, M.J. et al.)
regions containing appropriate presynaptic be fruitful. 533554 (Academic, San Diego, 2002).

Just one word: plasticity

Andrew R Blight
A new study shows that after injury of the corticospinal tract in the rat spinal cord, spontaneous recovery of function involves
extensive plastic changes in the connectivity of multiple types of neurons distributed throughout the central nervous system.

The ability of the adult mammalian central These new data present an encouraging substituting an indirect pathway for the nor-
nervous system (CNS) to recover from injury vision of what might be possible with addi- mal direct innervation of lumbar motor cen-
is sometimes remarkable and at other times tional therapeutic intervention. They should ters. This would seem to require an
frustratingly limited, but in either case it also stimulate us to reevaluate some of the unexpected degree of goal-directed reorgani-
remains poorly understood. Nowhere has the existing literature in the field of spinal cord zation.
frustration and lack of understanding been injury with a new appreciation for the poten- A more likely substrate for recovery of
greater than in the case of the injured spinal tial complexity of functional reorganization. function is provided by compensatory
cord, where limitations on recovery seem In their study5, Bareyre et al. revisit a sprouting of the ventral CST, which con-
particularly severe. Plasticity of connections familiar experimental model: dorsal hemi- tributes to the recovery of forelimb function1
in the spinal cord provides some capacity for section of the lower thoracic spinal cord in after a similar transection of the dorsal CST in
adaptation to injury1,2 and represents a target rats. Their laboratory and many others have the cervical spinal cord. It is relatively simple
for therapeutic manipulation3,4. When one used this model, in which the upper half of to visualize how this kind of sprouting might
pathway from the brain to the motor systems the spinal cord is surgically transected, to be organized, based on a commonality of tar-
of the spinal cord is interrupted, another par- examine interventions that might stimulate gets for the damaged and sprouting parts of
allel pathway can take over the role of the regeneration of central axons in the dorsal the same corticospinal system (Fig. 1). This
missing projection, by a process of collateral corticospinal tract (CST), which is com- ability of partially damaged systems to com-
sprouting. In this issue, Bareyre et al.5 pletely severed by the injury. Under normal pensate may represent a beneficial extension
demonstrate a surprisingly extensive capacity circumstances, the CST does not regenerate of normal processes of synaptic turnover and
for spontaneous functional reorganization in through or around the hemisection lesion. maintenance in adult CNS, though it seems
spinal circuits. This plasticity does not occur However, it does show modest sprouting of limited to injuries in which there is some sur-
at one level of the neural network, but crosses collaterals into the gray matter from surviv- viving component of the damaged projection
over to parallel pathways and extends to both ing axons proximal to the injury. Dorsal that can be expanded.
upstream and downstream components. hemisection produces functional deficits in Bayere et al. found, however, that the num-
the hindlimbs, particularly a loss of tactile ber of collaterals from hindlimb motor cortex
placing responses, which partially recover neurons to the cervical spinal gray matter
Andrew R. Blight is at Acorda Therapeutics, Inc., over several weeks. The possibility that proxi- increased fourfold in the 3 weeks after tho-
15 Skyline Drive, Hawthorne, New York 10532, mal sprouting of the CST might contribute racic CST transection (Fig. 1). About half of
USA. to this recovery has generally seemed this initial increase was lost by 12 weeks, but
e-mail: unlikely, given the complexity implicit in the authors were able to show that most of the



a One additional finding emerged from the

studies. Retrograde labeling with pseudora-
bies virus from the periphery revealed an
upstream reorganization of corticospinal
connections. Approximately a quarter of the
labeled neurons in the cortex of animals
recovering from the dorsal CST lesion were
outside the normal hindlimb area; most were
found in the forelimb area of the cortex, but a
few came from outside the motor representa-
2004 Nature Publishing Group

tion altogether. Therefore, the processes of

b reorganization started by the dorsal hemisec-
tion spread well beyond the neurons that
were directly damaged, including other path-
ways within the local spinal cord, the target
motor systems in the lumbar cord, and
related populations of cells in the motor cor-
tex of the brain.
Changes in connectivity are likely to be
even more widespread than the Bareyre et al.
study has revealed. Compensatory sprouting
of the ventral CST has already been detected
in cervical cord, and is likely to occur in this
model too, though it was not possible to
resolve such changes here, perhaps because of
the modest contribution of the ventral CST
Figure 1 Observations of Bareyre et al. (a) The rat corticospinal motor system, including to the hindlimb motor system. There are also
pyramidal cells in the motor cortex, lumbar motoneurons and cervical propriospinal interneurons, likely to be changes in other ascending and
which project either to cervical or lumbar motor pools. The precise nature of neuronal projections,
descending projections that were not exam-
including the branching site of new collaterals and the degree to which synapses are formed
directly on motoneurons12 is not entirely clear and much more complex than illustrated here. (b)
ined, but which are damaged by the hemisec-
After dorsal hemisection of the lower thoracic spinal cord, involving complete transection of the tion lesion2. Some of these may contribute to
dorsal corticospinal tract, increased synaptic projection (blue) was seen from hindlimb motor the overall functional recovery that is seen.
cortex to long propriospinal interneurons projecting to lumbar motor pools (1), from those same This, however, does not diminish the remark-
propriospinal neurons, within the lumbar motor system (2), at 3 weeks after injury, from hindlimb able extent and apparent functionality of the
motor cortex to short propriospinal interneurons within the cervical cord (3, though many of these changes that were measured.
presumably inappropriate connections appeared to be lost again at 12 weeks); and from forelimb
motor cortex to hindlimb motor pool (4), most likely through sprouting at the level of propriospinal
The human CNS may be very different in
neurons in the cervical cord. Pronounced sprouting was not seen from the ventral CST (5), though its responses to injury, as compared to the
some sprouting may occur, based on earlier findings with cervical transection of the CST injury1. rat. Nonetheless, there is evidence of wide-
spread reorganization of connections in
human CNS derived from studies in people
new connections that were lost during this Partial functional recovery of the hindlimb with spinal cord injury. Precise interpreta-
time projected to short propriospinal neu- placing responses developed gradually over tion of these changes is difficult, given the
rons, whose axons remain within the cervical the weeks after the CST lesion, consistent complexity and severity of spinal lesions in
spinal cord. Connections to long pro- with a functional benefit of the increased such cases68.
priospinal neurons, projecting to the motor cortico-spinal connection. Unilateral tran- The signaling process responsible for these
pools of the lumbar cord, apparently the most section of the pyramidal tract in the brain- widespread changes is not at all clear. Still
useful, were retained. The investigators were stem produced a significant loss of that more obscure is the mechanism that allows
then able to show that the long propriospinal recovery on the affected side, indicating that newly formed connections to be retained or
axons themselves increased their projections the recovery of placing was dependent on lost, based on their overall usefulness, as
in the lumbar motor pool. To provide addi- new projections of the CST. The increased seems to be the case with the new connec-
tional evidence that a new intraspinal path- projection from cortex to lumbar motor sys- tions to the short propriospinal interneu-
way had been formed by this combination of tems was also confirmed electrophysiologi- rons. If a feedback mechanism exists to signal
first- and second-order sprouting, they did cally. Microstimulation of the cortex whether a neural connection is right or
transynaptic retrograde tracing by injecting produced hindlimb muscle activation in wrong, it seems to require integration at the
pseudorabies virus into the hindlimb mus- uninjured animals and, at slightly higher very highest level. Intuitively, such a mecha-
cles. They saw a 45 fold increase in the label- threshold and latency, in animals at 12 weeks nism seems to be in action under conditions,
ing of pyramidal cells in the motor cortex after injury, but not in animals after only such as amateur athletics, that test the per-
with virus injected at 3 or 12 weeks after dor- 3 days or 3 weeks of recovery. Again, this elec- formance of our sensorimotor systems. This
sal hemisection, in addition to the expected trophysiological recovery could be abolished is expressed with characteristic remorse by
labeling of long propriospinal interneurons by a second, unilateral transection of the CST the poet Philip Larkin9 as he describes toss-
in the cervical spinal cord. in the brainstem. ing an apple core at a waste basket:



Watching the shied core plasticity of existing connections would have zation of spinal cord circuitry. Their work
Striking the basket, skidding across the floor, relatively little to offer, without first regenerat- should help to reinvigorate interest in this
Shows less and less of luck, and more and more ing some connection across the gap between area, and if one were obliged to offer dinner-
Of failure, spreading back up the arm brain and distal spinal cord. However, most party advice to a current graduate in neuro-
spinal injuries are neurologically incomplete science, it would be reasonable to point to
Over the last century, research on improv- and therefore susceptible to improvements in this important, fascinating and slightly mys-
ing recovery from spinal cord injury has con- residual connections. Similarly, it is likely that terious area with just one word: plasticity.
centrated on regenerationthe concept of any success that we have in regeneration will
1. Weidner, N., Ner, A., Salimi, N. & Tuszynski, M.H.
recapitulating developmental growth of long also be incomplete. Therefore, plasticity is Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 98, 35133518 (2001).
axons in the nervous system. Relatively little likely to be an important adjunct therapy, even
2004 Nature Publishing Group

2. Raineteau, O., Fouad, K., Bareyre, F.M. & Schwab,

M. Eur. J. Neurosci. 16, 17611771 (2002).
attention has been directed to the processes if we are eventually successful in stimulating
3. Thallmair, M. et al. Nat. Neurosci. 1, 124131 (1998).
of plasticity by which the nervous system partial regeneration of the type seen in lower 4. Chuah, M.I. et al. Exp. Neurol. 185, 1525 (2004).
fine-tunes structure and function to meet the vertebrate spinal cord. Growth inhibitors such 5. Bareyre, F.M. et al. Nat. Neurosci. 3, 269277 (2004).
6. Topka, H., Cohen, L.G., Cole, R.A. & Hallett, M.
demands of the body in its environment. as Nogo and the chondroitin sulphate proteo- Neurology 41, 12761283 (1991).
This is at least in part because they involve glycans in the central nervous system, initially 7. Calancie, B., Lutton, S. & Broton, J.G.
smaller-scale, shorter collateral growth and of interest for their potential impact on regen- Electroencephalogr. Clin. Neurophysiol. 101,
304315 (1996).
synaptic changes that are much harder to eration, have shown increasing evidence of 8. Calancie, B., Molano, M.R. & Broton, J.G. Brain 125,
visualize and quantify. Indeed, Bareyre et al. parallel inhibition of spontaneous plastic- 11501161 (2002).
have achieved something of a technical tour ity3,10,11. We may find that enhanced plasticity 9. Larkin, P. As bad as a mile in Collected Poems
(Faber and Faber, London, 1988).
de force by combining multiple types of rather than regeneration is the main justifica- 10. Pizzorusso, T. et al. Science 298, 12481251
anterograde and retrograde staining with the tion for developing blockers of growth inhibi- (2002).
available functional measures. tion as therapeutic agents for CNS injury. 11. Rhodes, K.E. & Fawcett, J.W. J. Anat. 204, 3348
In the most severe types of spinal injury, Bareyre et al. have expanded our apprecia- 12. Yang, H.W. & Lemon, R.N. Exp. Brain Res. 149,
involving complete transection, it seems that tion of the capacity for meaningful reorgani- 458469 (2003).

Understanding awareness: one step closer

Steven J Luck

Attention enhances neural and behavioral responses to visual objects, but how does this affect our conscious perception?
Attending to an object increases our subjective experience of stimulus contrast, reports a study in this issue.

How does the biophysical machinery of the In this issue, Carrasco and colleagues3 pro- ble to know whether they really experienced
brain evoke our rich phenomenological expe- vide a step toward a richer and yet still rigor- it as being visually brighter. It is always possi-
rience of the world? This question was once ous description of awareness. This study ble that attention did not influence their per-
thought to be beyond the range of scientific addresses phenomenological experience in ceptual experience, but rather that
inquiry, but leading neuroscientists have the context of a very old question about per- preconceptions about attention led them
begun to find interesting answers by studying ception: does paying attention to an object intentionally or unintentionallyto report it
the neural correlates of awareness1,2. Most of change its appearance? Attention is often as being brighter. Carrasco and colleagues
these experiments examine how brain activity likened to a spotlight4 or zoom lens5 that have developed a new procedure for assessing
differs when an observer reports being aware brightens or sharpens our perception, but no an observers experience that markedly
versus unaware of a given sensory input. one has convincingly shown that attention reduces the influence of bias on such reports.
However, these studies ignore the quality of actually changes our phenomenological In this procedure (Fig. 1), observers were
our phenomenological experience (for exam- experience of the world. Many studies have shown two oriented gratings and asked to
ple, the difference between what its like to see shown that attending to an object amplifies report the orientation of the higher-contrast
blue and what its like to see red). This and sharpens neural representations of the grating (the one with brighter brights and
approach to awareness is a bit like an art critic object68, leading to an improved ability to darker darks). Thus, the observers explicitly
classifying Van Goghs Starry Night as a dark detect the object and report its properties9,10. reported the orientation of a grating, and
picture and Monets Garden at Giverny as a However, these studies do not show that we their decision about which grating was
light picture, ignoring the dimensions of actually experience attended objects differ- higher in contrast was implicit rather than
color, technique, composition and expression. ently from unattended objects. explicit. Attention was manipulated by pre-
The ever-present problem in studies of ceding one of the two gratings with a small
awareness is that observers reports of their dot that automatically attracted attention.
Steven Luck is in the Department of Psychology, experience are very easily biased by a variety When the two gratings differed greatly in
University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa 52242-1407, of cognitive and affective factors. If observers contrast, the attention-capturing dot had no
USA. report that an attended object seems brighter effect: observers simply reported the orienta-
e-mail: than an ignored object, it is usually impossi- tion of the higher-contrast grating. When the


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