Sheet 1

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Faculty of computers & information Digital Signal Processing (IT 341)

Information Technology Department Sheet 1 Spring 2017

Information Technology Department

1- A discrete-time signal x[n] is shown below. Sketch and label each of the following signals.

a. [ 2] b. [ + 2] c. [] 2
d. [] + 2 e. [2] f. [ ]
g. 2[] h. [] i. []. []

2- Sketch and label the even and odd components of the signals below.

a. b.

3- Determine whether or not each of the following signals is periodic. If a signal is periodic, determine its fundamental period.

a. [] = cos( ) + sin( )
3 4
b. x[n] = cos( )
c. [] = 4

d. cos 2( )
e. [] = { /12 } + { /18 }

4- For each of the systems below, x[n] is the input and y[n] is the output. Determine which systems are homogeneous, which
systems are additive, and which are linear.
a. [] = log([]).
b. [] = 6[ + 2] + 4[ + 1] + 2[] + 1.
c. [] = {[]}.

5- Determine whether or not each of the following systems is Time-Invariant.

a. [] = [] + [ 1] + [ 2].
b. [] = [][].
c. [] = [2 ].
d. [] = []2 .

6- Given that x[n] is the system input and y[n] is the system output, which of the following systems are causal.
a. [] = []2 [].
b. [] = [||].

Asso. Prof. Rowayda A. Sadek. TA. Islam Zakaria

Faculty of computers & information Digital Signal Processing (IT 341)
Information Technology Department Sheet 1 Spring 2017

Information Technology Department

c. [] =
= [ ].
d. [] = [ 1] + [].
e. [] = [ + 1] + [].

7- Determine which of the following systems are stable.

a. [] = []2 .
b. [] = cos([]).
c. [] = [][].
d. [] = log10 [||].

8- Listed below are several systems that relate the input x[n] to the output y[n]. For each, determine whether the system is
linear or nonlinear, shift-invariant or shift-varying, stable or unstable, causal or non-causal, and invertible or non-invertible.
a. [] = [] + [].
b. [] = =0 [].

9- Determine whether the following signals are energy signals, power signals, or neither.
a. [] = (0.5) [].
b. [] = [].
(53)2 , 0 < 8
c. [] = {
0 ,

10- Compute the output y[n] for a discrete-time LTI system whose impulse response h[n] and the input x[n].
a. [] = []. [] = []. 0<<1
1 6 1
b. [] = ( ) []. [] = ( ) [ 3].
6 3

11- Consider a discrete-time LTI system with impulse response h[n]. Determine the causality and stability of the system.
a. [] = [].
b. [] = ( ) [ + 1].

Asso. Prof. Rowayda A. Sadek. TA. Islam Zakaria

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