The Boy in The Stripped Pijamas

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The Boy in the Striped Pyjama

Student: Espinoza Aponte Jose Andres

This is a sad story, about Bruno. One boy that he born in Alemania, he is a
German soldiers son, one Nazi exactly. In his family there are six people: His
father is a German soldier, his mother is a housewife, his sister is a little girl,
his grandfather and his grandmother doesnt live with they and he. His
Sister is twelve years and he is eight years.
The story starts in the age when existed Hitler and the Nazis. The Brunos
family live in one Alemanias city. He was playing with his Friends outside.
When he arrives to his house, her mother says his that they going to have a
party because her father its an important soldier now, and they have to
move at Berlin. Bruno doesnt want to move, because he going to miss his
friends, but finally they move.
In the new house there are a lot of soldiers and Brunos mom tries to do
happy at her family with the decision. Bruno is an explorer boy, and as miss
his friend, he wants to meet the new children in the city, but there was a
problem. Bruno finds a farm between the house and he want to go there,
but her mom doesnt lets go, because she knows that it isnt a farm, it is a
prison. That prison is for Jew people.
In the house there are a Jew, this is Pavel, he helps to Bruno when he hurts
his knee. Bruno ask to Pavel, what does he do? and Pavel answer that he
was a doctor, then Brunos mother, Elsa, arrive. Brunos Sister, Gretel, and
Bruno need go to the school, but there arent a school there, so their father,
Ralph, hires a teacher. He is Herr Listz and he teach the German History.
Gretel start to read about that.
In the house there are one area that Elsa doesnt want that Bruno goes, but
Bruno goes there, Here, he finds a window, where he can escape and go to
the camp. He walks a lot and arrive to the prison, here he finds another boy,
that is Shmuel, a Jew. Shmuel starts to talk about the things that they do it,
but Bruno thinks that Shmuel was playing.
Bruno starts to escape to talk with Shmuel, he brings food for Shmuel. Bruno
ask about the Shmuels family and why they need to wear striped pyjamas.
Shmuel answer that he has his father here, and all need to wear that
pyjamas because the soldiers have their clothes.
Another day, Bruno ask to her mother why the air smells bad then Kotler, a
soldier in the house talk with Elsa about the situation, and this day starts the
problems in the family. Elsa talk with Ralph about his work, and she was
crying. Bruno see that. The Grandfather arrive, and the family have a dish.
Here Pavel was hit for Kotler. The next day, Shmuel are in the house
cleaning the cups, and Bruno talk to he and give his food. Kotler see that
and ask to Bruno if he know to Shmuel, and Bruno said no.
Elsa choose to move to another place. Bruno goes to the prison all of times
and when he finds to Shmuel he says sorry. Bruno talk to Shmuel about he
going to move another place. And Shmuel talk about he cant find his father.
Bruno choose to get in the prison with a striped pyjama. When Bruno get in
prison he and Shmuel starts to search Shmuels father but the soldiers took
people to a room. That are the problem. The Ralphs work is kill Jew people
in the room that Bruno is. When The mother search Bruno, she cant find he.
And see the door that Bruno use for go to the prison. When Ralph arrive to
the room, was last and Bruno had died.
The end.

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