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AIN'T NOBODY BUT Nl AMERICA C'EST LE B THE QUIETEST MOME BYE STRANGER IT’S | LOGICAL SONG LORD US WAITING SO LON( RIGHT BREAKFAST IN DREAMER EVENs#<5) ALITTLE BIT G WAY HOME TV lu E BABAJI BLOODAE CRIME OF THE! re FOOL'S OVERTUR' ING AGAIN KNOW WH MINE TAKE THE LONG NOBODY BUT AMERICA C’ THE QUIETE: BYE STRANG LOGICAL SON US WAITING Si RIGHT BREAKFA CRIME OF THE CENTU FOOL'S OVERTURE Gi ING AGAIN KNOW WH MINE TAKE THE LONG NOBODY BUT ME BA| AMERICA C'EST LE BI THE QUIETEST MOME BYE STRANGER IT’S | LOGICAL SONG 122" US WAITING SO “=” RIGHT BREAKFAN DREAMER EVEN; A LITTLE BIT G YOU ARE LADY WAY HOME DREAMER EVEN IN TI A LITTLE BIT GOODB YOU ARE LADY THE L WAY HOME TWO OF i: - o: ont. «some TAMER E.) + fits! BIT Gg gio LADY )OL’S OVERTURE Gl & AGAIN KNOW W! INE TAKE THE LO! N’T NOBODY BUT | JERICA C’EST LE Bi IQUIETEST MOMEN STRANGER IT’S RA ICAL SONG LORD IS TING SO LONG All RIGHT BREAKFAST Y DREAMER EVEN E ALITTLE BIT GOt D YOU ARE LADY Ti » WAY HOME TWO | ll BLOODY WE OF THE CENTU! ‘TEST MOMEN ‘ANGER IT’S RA SONG LORD IS IG SO LONG AlN KiGHT BREAKFAST Y DREAMER EVEN IE A LITTLE BIT GOC D YOU ARE LADY TI s WAY HOME TWO ¢ ABAJI BLOODY WE THE CENTUI OVERTURE Gil IN KNOW WE TAKE THE LOD =;OBODY BUT N F~__ OVERTURE Gil pf AGAIN KNOW WE MINE TAKE THE LON l’T NOBODY BUT N ee a ee le ee Oe a ee. g.usvs psraaroRS Ses me 9 FETH STAEET, LONDON WV 37, NOLAND iC SALES PTY RNID 120 ROTHSCHILD AVENUE, BOEREAY NSW 2018 AUSTRALIA Tris BOOK 6 COPYRIGHT 1088 BY hse PUBLICATIONS seh 079.0901 URTORDER NO. AM e38!9 DESIGNED BY PEARCE MARCHANN STUDIO "COMPILED BY PETER EVANS. yuo sues coup.ere oraLoour Lists THoUsaNns OF "FROM Yous COGAL MUSIC BOOK SAGE, SAFC, FROM MUSIC SA'ES LIED LEASE gr & PRELUE Gn TOSTAL ORDER FON S120 On NOSTADE YO MOBIC SALES CMMTED, au FATT STREET CONDON VS D ar>ngnucTiO 7s SUBLCATON BP Ay MEANS IC gGR ekrocoryns SAN INFRINGEMENT OF COPY PAINTED AND BOUND IN GREAT OAITAIN BY DOTESIOS LTD. THOWSAIDGE, Wi PSHE AIN'T NOBODY BUT ME BABAJI BLOODY WELL RIGHT BREAKFAST. IN AMERICA CESTLE BON CRIME OF THE CENTURY DREAMER EVEN IN THE QUIETEST MOMENTS FOOL'S OVERTURE GIVE ALITTLE BIT GOODBYE STRANGER IT’S RAINING AGAIN KNOW WHO YOU ARE LADY THE LOGICAL SONG LORD IS iT MINE TAKE THE LONG WAY HOME TWO OF US WAITING SO LONG RIME OF THE CENTU DOLS OVERTURE Gl IG AGAIN KNOW Wh INE TAKE THE LONG OBODY BUT ME BA MERICA C'EST LE IGHT BREAKFAS REAMER EVEN IN LITTLE BIT GOOD OU ARE LADY THE L VAY HOME TWO OF ABAJI BLOODY WEL RIME OF THE CENTU OOLS OVERTURE Gi iG AGAIN KNOW WH lINE TAKE THE LONG OBODY BUT MEBAI MERICA C'EST, HE QUIETEST YE STRANGE) OGICAL SON' IS WAITING © IGHT BREAKFaAT REAMER EVEN IN Ti _ LITTLE BIT GOODB) OU ARE LADY THE Li VAY HOME TWO OF ABAJI BLOODY WEL IN’T NOBODY BUT NN (MERICA C’EST LE B HE QUIETEST MOME YE STRANGER IT’S | OGICAL SONG LORD, IS WAITING SO LONG IGHT BREAKFAST IN REAMER EVEN IN TI | LITTLE BIT GOODB) OU ARE LADY THE UJ i, ee ee QUIETEST MOMENTS STRANGER IT’S RAIN CAL SONG LORD ISI NITING SO LONG AIN" BREAKFAST IN AMER EVEN It ITTLE BIT GOOL ARE LADY THE / HOME TWO Of OSI BLOODY WEL! IME OF THE CENTUR! DOU'S OVERTURE GIVI G AGAIN KNOW WHC MINE TAKE THE LONC N’T NOBODY BUT MI ERICA C’EST LE BOI “"IETEST MOMENTS °° RANGER IT’S RAI , SONG LORD IS I’ AG SO LONG AIN" * BREAKFAST It AMER EVEN It |< ALITTLE BIT GOOI D YOU ARE LADY THI B WAY HOME TWO Of ;ABAJI BLOODY WEL IME OF THE CENTUR' DOU'S OVERTURE GIVI G AGAIN KNOW WHC CINE TAKE THE LON (, 3ODY BUT Mi J}. CEST LE BO! Se) BREAKFAST I FAMER EVEN II ITTLE BIT GOO! D-YOU ARE LADY TH B WAY HOME TWO 0 !ABAJI BLOODY WEL IME OF THE CENTUR' DOL'S OVERTURE GIV J AGAIN KNOW WH MINE TAKE THE LON or RINDARY DIIT IMI Se ee ee ae Or we re SS ae ee a ee ee oe Se oe BLOODY WELL RIGHT leerme piano sole a Wi aut6O08) pettoan) ny aeishoas iuhas) oe i ie iif cobs) ayi8hOs) pe git B astthten py i hos) ae oben sation i © cory te nonnor MUSE 4oHOW ED DELTE MUSCITO 4 Instrumental solo satan bi remo suoen aE suites ee " “on a obtawy ir aco te aacghtas) tt autho » sycshoes) iit zB End solo. GB fi fam @ a fo, you thnk yeuratet-ngs rho, T gues ifs hand not to a Write your prob: leme.down In deal, fie them tov "s hgh-et a hae & Hox & an aR You sy it all — de- pends—on im You'vehad your ery— no I should - alt say wal S =: #8 88 sedwho ia your family tee —— Right, right, you're blood: y well right, you the mean time, hush your face, —— (Quite) & * & ee know you got a right to say you're blood-y well right, you know yougot « rightto sy. HB af ae ri Ha ha, you're bloody well right, you know you're right to say. ‘Yen,yeb, you're bloody well-right, you know you're right to say a oven) a pba To insrumencal fade ad tb, ae You got a blood-y say DREAMER \Worns & MUSI: RICK DAVIES ANO ROGER HODGSON Ha} a sit a Wellyoucan put your hands in yourhead, oh ar’ és ae” you're noth-ing but a dream = er, Wellyou can put your sxwie 9) hands in your head, oh 0, © copyRaiT 1974 RONDOR Music LONDON) LTD E DELCATE MUSICLTO. LE MicrTs MENTED. NTERAATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. ayear, a ite it is mo ann) eyae 9) sie, Hy ‘well you know youhad ago ow youputyour head ono, {in your hands, oh no, ah ee ee ee ee eee eae ee pitt) on now there's not pst) wellyou know At coming to lot team Anserumencal Well work itout someday, 410 ie you, cbs) FE Teould'sce some thing, (Well Yours see ‘ikingyou want boy.) Cchoin) peicoae HT T could be some - one.(Youcanbe an. y-one, (Groin) a could do some - thing, (wellyou can do some. thing)If 1 coulddo an-y-thing-(well you can do some thing (Choin, (Chott) Dreamer 7-4 Ml ico of this world) —___ wich) welltake a dreamon a Sun welltake a life, take a hol be tay, cb i Take a lie, take a dream ‘sigs (Chit) (Dream) dream (dream) dream (dream) dream (dream) dream (con a aa a ax o ee aie" sco a” ay (Croiny dream 4 -Jong (comes - long) co s sr" cou eae” ake and 13. gr) ae” a you know you are a dream y rear i ‘Can you put your ie a fe c you're noth-ing but EE ae fan you putyour hands inyourhead oh (nseramental) ci a CRIME OF THE CENTURY © copymatr 1976 Rondon muss LONDON LT & DELICATE MUSIC LTD, il RIGHTS RESERVED. ROTENNATIONAL COPYRIGHT SEGURED. 15 ques 0, How they've gone from bad 16 But that's not 7 1s (To fade) AINT NOBODY BUT ME Moderately slow, in 4 ET me tell you where I'm way out of — range.. : ——S== = pire oe SS = fe "9 rea j= mt i ee ae = > Pie (© COPYRIGHT 1976 RoNDOR MUSIC LONDOW LID &DELICATE MUSICLTD, "AL aGHTS RESERVED. NTESOATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. 0 ‘Then heav-en help.the ones you love; there's no one needs the stars ug ET gi Well, you can run you know hel find you; You see, I got a double dis-po -i - tion; it, don't mat - ter now, just look be - hind you. some-times I'm mean,some-times I'm vi = cous. an You had your warn - ing, you knew the score; Tm Doc - tor Je kyll and Mis - ter Hyde; you got her drunk, and that means. war. so if you want to stay a = live, Bb? fa to treat_me rough; you've got to give your ex - pla-na- tion's not_e-nough. ‘and then per-haps.I'l let you live. 20 me gonna ti for you, gon-na_ die for you. ¢ é Ain't. no fish gon-na sigh foryou, foryou, gon-na_ lie for you, gon-na die____ for you. foryou, ——gon-na for you, =~ for: you. Four times a Db Eg ] 7 (Whisper:) (Hush,) Now ba - by, stop your ery-in’. (Oh, yes.) 1 know that I've been ly -in’ Four times Gb Db Ed a no. (Hush,) Now ba - by, stop your cryin’ ‘Repeat and fade ET ria Repeat and fade 24 TWO OF U: Worn & MUSIC RIEK DAVIES AND ROGER HODGSON Moderately Guitar —+ 4 Phin 71A {Capo 1s fret apo ——» Fa Gmt/7Bb Look at_me— I'm a speck of and T'mbuild - ing dreams in a Ev - ‘ry time— that I'm feel - in’ well, they pick me up. and they Pala BA ie cm7/Bb Eb/Bb + en's land. Tell_me, why do I care, tell me, why me round. Tell me, where do we 0, tell me, where © copymiict 1979 RoNDOR MuSie LoNDOR) LTD & DeLIcATE Music 1D. "ALLIIGHTS RESOIWED WTESOATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. 25 Gy Sc 1 ‘Db ‘ae DE What are we gon-ma find out, what are we gon - na When is man gon - na find a gon - na ys I find dut in the wil - der - ness that this Ione - ti - ness find out what the uu - ni - verse is just wait - ing to ale ae we ed yy Frnaj7 3 2G Gheayz Just as long as there's two. : just as long as there's 3 age agi zed] D9. Cc ‘ETsus4 a. "oe + D Finis Won't you hold. ae et) 26 7 AMIE Ti D.S.$ al Coda Dm? Fomaj? Bomt/¥ 3— chmaye just_as long as there’s two. well car = ty 27 ‘WORDS & MUSIC: FISK DAVIES AND ROGER HODGEON Bm Moderately fast ¥ Et A(adaB) well, don't you think you you bet- ter get a be wait~ ing a while? you bet - ter walk straight. (© commie 3978 noNDOR MUGiC LONDON LTD & DELICATE MUSICLTD. IE Marts RESERVED TERNATIONAL COPYEIGHT SECURED. 28 Are you act = ing 1 sid, Ta = dy, is noth-ing gon-na won't youtake me as you hold. you find. me? where to on what your heart has told_you; ‘oh,take me if you want_me; Bm ie from fij-ing a way2___ Ah ha, Oh, I'm need-ing your love. so bad, fly- ing a - I'm need-ing your though the road _— oS a ‘And the far : ther you g0, a you. is out stretch~ ing be - fore. noth- in’ gon- na get you noth in’ gon = na get you to that there’ssomethin’be ~ tween And you know gi ; Ea tell that you're not gon- na turn well, I can tell that you're not gon- na tum back, and don’t you D Deust tak- in” the long way,she's tum you're tak- in’ the long way, she’s ay takin’ the long way,she's tum-in’_a- bout; you're tum in? a + bout. Bm— bm bm bm tak = in? the long wayshe’s turn-in’ a= bout, You're tak: in’ the long way, she’s tum: in’ a - bout; you're tak- in’ the long. way.— 33 EVEN IN THE QUIETEST MOMENTS Moderately gid bass) Aiba zi cin t = E+ ven In The Quiet est Mo = ments TPowish f knews, E - venthough, the stars are lis tening and the oceans deep.— 3 P——P yop gipeem ipa what 1 had 1 just go 1f—? Abas) and oe though— the sn is ning, And then 1 ate the = ie 2, gone sy you'be- come. the — ? gD bam nu{D bus) n(G tos) you showed 35 AniG tas) poiFtios) Ffoss) of tune for there's a — and a my heart was out laugh - ter brings. me joy, your aes) aor = & boy: Wd you too, Tit - te let -ting me na = tare’ shadow of doubt. that's not wonder of fel» ing I'm potas ime. the sie that — you gave. The mu the tears— keep fall a” Es Jan - guage of my soul, —___ Lord, 1 wan-na be with-you, won't you rain - ing from the sky. Well, there’s2 lot of_ me got to go ted Jet me come in—— from the der be-fore— 1 get eats 9) FEED be —— you let the —— you let the 37 (ada 9) a iD bas you let the — sun you let the sun (sao) ——__—~" ty é won't you ing, mo, you rst ae <——————y . = Eee at Hpi easier Saas eo fe] EE can't be leaving my that you won't be leaving my i mom Fe is s =e Se + f= = =} ¥ a life. Say won't you please, say. won’'tyou please. Lord won't you please, Say won't you please, say won't you life? Lord won't you asa fa i en come and getin - Si won't you please, come and get in won't you please, i geo fy And ¢ ven when the song. is gi bw e, where have c was it just a gio bus AD base gid tas = aa goose nei bss fa BABAJI ‘WoRds & MUSIC: ROK DAVIES ARD ROGER HODGSON Medea Tom aaa ; asic tas) that you were list « cw 265) ico) wateh-ing for ways to help— s2iCtas in tune, © SoPYRIGIT 1577 MMO MUSIC CORP & DELICATE MUSIC, USA ‘GHTS FOR THE UK ANO Eine CONTROLLED BY RONDOR MUSIC CONDON) LTD. ‘ALL HONS RESERVED. "SOPYRIGHT SECURED. a ae a i zg E Lord of ‘my dreams,______________al-though con = fur-sion keeps try -ing to de-ceive, — of it that makes me be. 42 ce iC bas) oh, won't you come to it's not ‘too good. for have you a song for help me to face — float inthe sea world of its guard ~ : oh, Bring it ‘oh, won't you to be a to tell the ‘oh, how you 0 we can es sing it’ out, com -fort me sing it’ out. At Your At fone to keep. — that you know for de - lu be ~ fore. we lose___ its a dif Frent sto re ~ main a stran- night Tight night you from com it is how sion to dis and there's no, and I know and T long — when the stars are near in the dark is real ‘when the stars are near ing here 1 feet ap + pear, st a is To Coda one to ahd — me before your eye — the re-flee = tion that's in your eyes, — the re-flee - tion that'sin your eyes, it time — is it time it mine, is it mine, 45 pris DAS. alt Coda Focal Improvization ae Repeat and fade a7 GIVE ALITTLE BIT MUSIC: RIK DAVIES AND ROGER Moderately Slow oa Ti Give A Lit - te Bit, Til Give A Lit te Bi TilGive A. — of my love. to you. tle Bit of my life. for you. Totomn & ‘There's so much that we need Uo share, — send asmile and show_ ‘Now's the time — that we need to share, — %0 7 ts yu care 2. PNGive A Lit - Ue Bit, A Little Bit_ of my_ life for you. So,Give A Lit the Bit. ¢ Pe i iH if ett = = = : S ae. 2 = take hivhand, youl ben HHH Give A Litde Bi-4-3 yourself, we're on our way ack homie go-in’ home. Oh, yeah, _ we got -tasing, 51 FOOLS OVERTURE "WORDS MUSIC RICK DAVIES AND ROGER HODGEON E es D.C. al Coda 5 times and fade out. Bode ce cgaisrnen =. sob 4 tempo, Moderately (4 lunes) Half Tempo (J-J ) Strong Beat “se a ah ae? a pea bas) great_the fall_ean be, — stripped him of — his pride. — ev - ‘ry-bod -y'ssleep - ing the boats put out to sea Ey ~ ‘ry-one was laugh - ing up un-til the day_— he died. fe = borne___on the wings itseemed_ the an ‘Oh, — tho’ the wound —still__ he's eall - Gms g swers were soca - sy to find hate”, the prophets of our sleep. friends we're not a- the is - land's sinking let's take to. the sky he waits. in si-lenee to tead us all home. é 3 So youtell me that youtfind it hard grow, well, | know, TE know. fknow And you tell me that you've man-y seeds fo sow well know, : «utd 9) se ey eee eas ie 2 Pfft Se — == = a ee 87 exiF ban loco tempo, Moderately Can you hear. So you found — what rm say - Can you — your sm - Wo + what ill —— that Pim play ing? Ho Wyman, rock «ee man, con - ti = bu = tion? Live it up, rip it up, come on queen ie, je + ker man, spi - der ma why 50 oso pi it dish blue eyed ‘mean ie, let's go era ry, yeah! BREAKFAST IN AMERICA ca look at my__ giel- friend kip-pers for break-fast, 8 bo B Res, see the girls in Cal-i- fornia, I'm hop-ingit’s going to come true, but there’s not a lot. I can do. T'm_a loser, whata jok-er. I'm play-ing my jokes.up-on you while there’s noth-ing het - ter to do. —— 4 + to Coded cm ion BE -ba- da. dow,— ba-dow-ba-ba - dow -di-dow di-dow.— Ba-ba-da-dow,__ba-badow-ba-ba- dow - di-dow__di- dow, Coda ms ty DS. % at @Code @ fi it (3rd verse) * == —— 4H e ore a mana na na ne Bu-bada-dow,-_ba-badow-bubs = 62 oh ores oh, hey_ oh, —— hey. oh. Nana ba-ba-dow-bacba Hey_ ca iat = dow-di-dow - di dow.— rot hey. oh, —— = oh, hey po se Grd Verse Don’t you look at my gielfriend: she's the only one I got Not much of a girlfriend, Inever seem to get a lot. Take a jumbo ’cross the water, like to see Amer see the girls in California. I'm hoping it’s going to come true, but there's not a lot Ican do. 63 THE LOGICAL SONG USI: RISK DAVIES AND ROGER HODGSON Moderate Rock en | was young... it seemed that life was so d mica = way to teachme how to be sensi ble, And all the a mir. a - cle, oh, it was beau-ti- ful, mag- i+ cal. if And they Tog i - eal, th,__re sponsible, prac ti - cal. birds in the trees, well they'd be singing so hap- pi- ly, oh, joy-ful- showed me's _worliz where could ‘be go” de - pendva - Bk, Sac al .© ;oPrmIoT 1979 ALMO MUSIC CORP & DELICATE MUSIC, USA, IGHTSFOR THE Ok AND ERE CONTHOLLED BY RONDOR MUS LONDON) LTO, ALT mics RESERVED. NTERRATIONAL COPY RIGNT SECURED. 64 oh, play- ful - ly watch-ing me. fob, in-tel - lee - tu -al, eyn- i cal. 2 x when all the ques - tions run too. deep. Db mic bm Fav/ay a 65 tell me what we've learned? — Fmvay Db Fave Bom Emvas Sed Verse said, Now watch what you say or they'll be calling you a radical, liberal, oh, fanatical, criminal. Oh, won't you sign up your name, we'd like to feel you're acceptable, respectable, oh, presentable. A vegetable! ath Verse INSTRUMENTAL (To 2nd Chorus) 7 GQODBYE STRANGER Moderate Rock aS Pe It was an ear-ly_morn-ing Doe fore. the dawn. 1 believe. in you say spa = ted truth — joyed my stag my own way. © coprmiitt 1979 ALMO MUSIC CORP & DELICATE MUSIC, USA smn Ea AE coo oy Moon DON. OTS RESERVED. NTENRATIONAL COPYRIGHT SECURED. 68 Abrich oot King with- outa cas = tle, “tke. @ queen without a throne, Iman ship with out an an- chor, ike 2 slave. with- outa _ chain, just the ear-ly_mom-in’ lov-er and I must be movin’ on,— Now thought of those. sweet ladies sends a ASG shiv-er veins. And I will go on shin -ing— —shinvin’—_like-brand new.. Ma Abrsich a : ic Good - byestran - ger, it’s been nice. Hope you'll find your Tried to see your point of view, hope your dreams ‘will par- a dis. Good - bye Mary, good bye Jane all come tgue.— tion, W’s not for me, Just give me mo a : i 2 dd of did Feel no sor - row, Will weev- er meet pate id the landand the 0- cean, Jara - tion ‘and set me free, — on Fai ff Apiiab oe dd no shame, is the life Poe chaser 1 feel a 3 AbTOGE ‘Bom a meet a+ gain? Coda A, da Good - bye Mar tion leavin’, =. so 2 abrejch pa ‘ie 1 4 a i's nol for me.— got to go, — to Coda! 2D > 2 a feel no pain, —___ 2x And sweet de-vo - iq ev-ry day. of 18.5 ot Pode (3rd verse) take 2nd endings Now di 4 a4 weev ser and set me free Will PUsay it once @ good - bve Jane. Just give me mo - tion hit the road, n Bon Eb Ay Abtsic a 7 ae ial ro Da pete Di vi Ds meet a- gain?__ Feel no sor - row, feel no shame. ‘And thelandand the 0 -cean, fara - way, — ts the life I've gain. Oh yes I'm leavin’, kot to go, — got to i 2 ek & ds 3 vw it 24 Come to-mor - 10%, Teel no pain, cho-sen es E And now I'm — Good- byeMar - y, ry day y go. Vm sorry 1 must tell you. Good-bye Mar = good-bye meeye oe see se E fae Ta de A 2 oy good - bye Jane, Will oweev - er meet a- gain? Jone” Will we ev- er meet again? a Abma i> fa Repeat and fade 3rd Verse Now some they do and some they don’t and some you just can’t tell. ‘And some they will and some they won't. With some it’s just as wel You can laugh at my behavior, that'll never bother me. the devil is my saviour, Dut I won't pay no heed. (To cHoRUS) 73 TAKE_THE LONG WAY HOME cm aye Moderately : m Frc © pyc © Ra a re & (Play 22's) Bene eal & Soyou think you'rea Ro - me-0-— play-ing apart in a pic - tureshow, well take the When lone-ly days turn to lone - ly ” nights youtake a trip tothe cit - y lights, and take the 7 can, s nf pyc c long way home, take the long way home. long way home, take the long way home, ¥ An f diet a ‘And then your wife seems to think you're part___ ofthe furn - i - ture,- But then your wifeseemsto think you'relos - ing your san - i - ty, r ; pat ig 2 = « 00d, well take the lery, youtake the Cause you're the joke of the neigh-bor-hood,— Younev-er see what youwantto see, why should you care _if you're feel for - ey ~er play - ing to the gal ¥ f t c ee Jong way home, Jong way home. long way home, long way home. 2F F errr, Eve E0770 ee Butthere are times that youfeel you're part. of the seen. -e ‘And when you're up on the stage it's co _un-be - liev - 5 76 So, when the day comestoset - tle down. ‘well, who's to hlame if you'renot _a-round? You took the yc Aye atm long way home, youtookthe long way home. re Vere at Ee Jong way home, youtookthe long way home, you took the 7 q SS . = (teyavn) FR al home,— long way F longway —home.— f 3rd Chorus Well does it feel that your life's become ‘a catastrophe, oh it has to be for you to grow,boy. When you look through the years and see what you could have been, ‘oh what you might have been if you had hhad more time. LORD IS IT MINE, ‘Daddd > Moderately Slow Rallad git (L)1 know that there's a rea + son why 1 when T feel a - fraid_ to face the D iB a need to be. a- lone,— need to find a si ~ lent place that bat - tles of this life, you show me there's. a way to li a 1 can call my own) Is it’ mine, is it hove the cit - y's strife. EP —F When ev = y= thing’s dark eae eae 2 Daado es and there's no Coda Ds Bors Verse, 2nd EEE ending) al Coda @) faabe > if tala Ga feel your sweet = ness thru We love that shines a So give us know what 82 round me could. be ai on a BoA ‘There must be 3rd Verse I never seem to wonder at the ‘cruelty of this land, but it seems a time of sadness isa time to understand. sit mine, oh Lord, is it mine? 83 IT’S RAINING AGAIN Moderate'y # =120 witha steady beat qe fe SF inst. solo ad tb Ing a~ gain. love's. at an end. Oh no. it's rain- ing a~ gain. los ing, a friend And you know_____ it's hard to pre - tend. Oh no it's ‘Oh, will. my heart _ev>gp mend, (2 copymoit 1902 peucAre Music USA, au sions AownaraneD By ALM MUBC CORP -aGHTS FoR THEUK AND Ee CONTROLLED BY RONDOR MUSK: LONDON) LTD. "ALL maive Rested TERNATIONAL COPrRDGHY SECURED. 84 eb cmt ri You're old___ ple say, tho signs, and walk ly time_ that heals_ B cnt ft ff 7A fie a and makes. the sun___ come out__ a ~ gain. cm 7 ab eb fl Ee He fe af ae rain - ing a ~gain. love's__ at an end, 2nd time inst. solo ad ib 3 wa Fr Be eh cmt mr Too bad, area eer Eb ‘oka =. : Bn n ‘cnt iit Aa He A Jos - ing a friend, Da da dada da da da— Whoa. ‘end solo 2nd time i Ebrna7/Bb da da da___ da da da___ da da. da__ hms Bb Ebmai7/B> a rr ie EE dada da da da da. (Bkgrd.) Ab. AWB Ebmai7/ Bb get Ht Be IS Come on you lit - tle FF9sus F cmt er, EBS oR Ee Ht Bal i fight ~ ers no need to get up tight -er. cmi/E F Fas 5 Ret beck — up. i of 2 87 Bt WB ae Eemai7/D ‘CaTiEb cerese. poco a poco a 2 Repeat ad Wb ond fade Bb kb ‘oath ca Bb cmt een = He il i Esl sempre staccato = 3 — Did you get all_ you want? __ 2. (see additional lyrics) i (crosshands) © copymair 1982 DeLesTE Music usa ADMINISTERED BY ALO Mus CORP, RIGHTS FoR THEUK AND ERE CONTROLLED BY RONDOR MUSK: LONDON) TO, we used to know? 3 mem-o- ries fade —— —S love those old days — not strong. - © icine = L Et Fr 2. Did you Noth- ing new, it’s just the same old thing. — a1 zee fire; Emr 4, (See additional lyrics) ‘sempre staccato ven then — they sound painted fac 92 es filled with rage; Ma R i sim. a [must be set in my—old ways. 5. Yes,l've been waiting such along time just for some thing to ring — rath - er taste the old — than mess around with some-thing 93 the blind-ness goes the blind-ness goes —3I— —3— the blind -ness goes on, — —3— the blind-ness goes —3— Verse 25 Did you say what you mean? Do you mean what you say? About this new scene, Isit really that way? But the blindness goes on, The blindness goes on. You say it’s not so, But what do you know. ve been waiting so long; 'm not feeling so strong Verse 4: If this world is unimpressive, It’s been that way for quite a while. I don’t need no heavy message. Just turn me on and make me smite. 95 GESTLE BON. Moderately J=72 Gmajt 6 Gmajt C(sd83/G (2 copymair 1982 beuewe: omic coae, aon sas Fon THU AND EE OONT ROLLED BY Reno MLE: LONDON LD Aa pnts Reserved TERY Gmaj7 ar ca a 1. 1 mev- er knew what a man was sup- posed__— tobe 21 took a tip from the man from the min - — is - try. 3. (See additional lyrics) Cl, 1 nev -er want-ed the re - spon - si - bil He said, “My son bet - ter work in the fac - Gmaj? or | still re- mem ber what they tried to make of me. Well, there _were days, can tell you quite hon - cst - ly. = = = 3 c/s ‘i They used to won- der why they could- n't get through to. me, "cause 1 saw my- self wind - ing up in the mil - i+ try; so 7 was this all this 1G, had was this have—— allthis + ning— through — me. + ning — through me. ae ANG. c/s watch - ing the mov - G Aus. watch - ing the mer c/s, G Amt you'reneed- ed : ‘cause there's a Disus — their heart flowers and — small child — , Ji 100 ple who've they don't __ Amt Cest_ le bon; — Crest le sail - ing Crest le bon; 101 on 6 D/E Em cmajt Gmajt Am-8/6 c ac ¢ Repeat a ib faa Gnd fade Verse 3: Sometimes | wonder where my life is taking me. Sometimes | wonder what they all expect of me. Well, there are days, I can tell you quite honestly, 1 sec myself ending up in the monastery, *Cause all that | have is this music A-coming to me, And all that | have is this rhythm ‘Actunning through me. 103 KNOW WHO YOU ARE SWonSS asic ex DANES AND ASEEN ODEON Moderately, with expression d= 66 Chmo/B ckmyp —chm9/B cimys BE i | = yp Reloads at CHni-5)/B FHmT{add1oVA eer iH if sy Hotiagat3)/A Film/a weet chmict climigagaych (add chmore chmie cmeys cay nessa ih | FH who you all you there’s a let your world heart ca pre toy = — pe chmy/B chm/ct — ctmoe SS = = pe fe i at — == = china a Sisyat MS pa avag a aI me =a ——— — = I = nee . ia or ke Femiladdis)/A Fin pmifada sya ay Fimi/A Chm(adgo)/ok 105 Eh H ctmaagovct chm/ot —|chmedasvoh cmc amir ae SOO ges ete a = i Bring it} our — {Sing it SS es s Fimajv/et 4 When you smile —____________ we _ can see______.._ the sun. eer Et = == = Ea Fait if ) FE Filmaji/ef chasus/FR at a Dex i) be-cause you've so — Chiadasyet ga and there's much— to know. But if you and there's much to do. And ev - chosus/FR Gas =| 2 a ee en — ¥ wait for your mo - ment, well, it z ‘ry- one’s__ wait = ing. Yes, it’s ove Se ee = == aH — —— nev- er_—__ show. up—— to you. 107 ay Chron chat syst Ee iS = GEE ae a Pitmt{adai3)/a Ffmaa FEmtiadai3)/A Phm/a cHhmiada9/o% chavoh fa Ae GHB fe Ge He = cHhmiasaoyct chm/ck — chmss ckmye — Chms/B chm faye et ii hinted a chmcsyan Chala at cm si/ak Pmt{addiovAa Ha ae tH E E iH let the there’s a 108 To Coda. Famifadaay/a faa ngage — cHmigagoi/ck chict = i, ie 4 chmo/s cdma Chm cman Hrtaegiyat cm pygat fe lf HEB Ba da da da da da dow i ba da da da da da ey) & TR TH | Cm(adas alt chime sya tmt{aaaisva Fhni/a Flmifaasiaya Fhma chmigagoyct i wn chm cms chmo/B cm/s potent fim -s)/aRFHmt{add 13/0 ca chm(-s)/Al at eet RE iH ¢ ba da dow dow PHmatadd13)/a FRmv/A cmiadgayct chm/ch —— Chmisagyot ctmict DS. Ge ae EB E Hid 110 chm/E CHrp{adda/E Cfm/E chmiadg9/E fae Hf iH Na na— na na ul C$m9/B Cimy/B Chm9/B chm/B Fihmriadd13)/a Fin Chmigdgoyot cim, a fe fy molto rit ------ 12 12912884)

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