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Exhibit List Case T No 05-1-0101 1st Circuit Court Hawaii Hearing July 8-9 2010

Petitioner List Nanci Meek, attorney in Pro Se

State of Hawaii
Circuit Court of the First Circuit

Petitioner’s Exhibit List Case Number #T. NO. 05-1-0101

(Trust Proceeding)

Petitioner Petitioner’s Attorney

Nanci Meek Nanci Meek

(760) 413-5660
Petitioner in Pro Se
Dates of Trial: July 8 – 9, 2010
Exhibit Letter Description of Offered for ID Received Withdrawn
Exhibit in
A 9/19/07
1st Amendment to
Elvin R Meek Family
Trust with forged
B 11/10/05 Affidavit of
Robert Jones stating
1st Amendment signed
in California 3 days
after Hawaii signing
C 2/20/04 Certification
of Trust for Elvin &
Elizabeth Meek Living
Trust 1/10/1992
D 6/14/96 Declaration of
Partial Revocation of
E 4/4/09 Reed Hayes
Cvr Ltr & Forensic
Report 1st Amendment
F 8/15/03 Letter Boone
County Tax collector
from Elvin Meek
(unsigned) re
Arkansas Property
G 8/26/94
1st Amendment to
Elvin Meek &

Exhibit List Case T No 05-1-0101 1st Circuit Court Hawaii Hearing July 8-9 2010
Petitioner List Nanci Meek, attorney in Pro Se
Elizabeth Meek Living
Trust dated 1/10/92
H 12/2/03 Card/Env E
Meek to M Meek
I 7/19/2000 Application
for Annuity
J 5.27.2005
E mail from Ralph
K 9/13/2005 E mail N
Meek to R Shumway
L 6/1/2005 E mail R
Shumway to N Meek
M 10/29/04 Transcript
Telephone conv w/R
Shumway by Atty
N First pages of Estate
tax returns for years
2004, 2005, 2006 and
O 4/21/09 Order
Denying Motion to
Compel Discovery
P 4/2004 Asset Analysis
Bank of Hawaii
Q 3/23/05 Declaration N
Meek re Arkansas sale
R 8/26/04 Letter to
Elizabeth from N
Meek w/RtnReceipt
S 7-14-97 to 2-9-98
Notarial record S
Strong BOH
T 11/15/05 Affidavit of
Elizabeth Meek
U 2005 Accounting
(draft) prepared by
Grigger Jones
V 8/12/04 Pettion for
Ref or Trust
Agreement filed in CA
W 6/28/05 Ltr Wes
Stewart to Elizabeth
X 9/8/04 Ltr Jones to
Melvin & Nanci

Exhibit List Case T No 05-1-0101 1st Circuit Court Hawaii Hearing July 8-9 2010
Petitioner List Nanci Meek, attorney in Pro Se

Y 10/4/08 Affidavit of
Robert Jones
Z 3/15/05 Acceptance by
Bank of Hawaii as co-
trustee of Trusts
AA 5/22/07 Ltr Bank of
Hawaii advising of
BB 6/4/05 Fax from N
Meek to Notary M
CC 9/24/07 Ltr from
Richard Diehl to
Robert Jones
DD 2nd Amended Pet for
Reformation of Trust
filed Hearing CA
EE 8/2/09 and 9/14/09
News articles re Jones
and Pe Ji Ho Ta
FF 8/2/04 Ltr R Jones
Notification of Trust
GG 4/13/04 Ltr R Jones re
CA Probate Appraisal
HH 4/26/04 Union
Bankcal Stocks Check
payable to Elvin &
Elizabeth 1992 Trust
II 9/13/04 Ltr to City of
Rialto from Jones
JJ 3/12/07 Power of Atty
Jane Peebles
KK 11/2/04 Ltr from Jones
to Atty Weilbacher
LL 3/4/05 Ltr from Boone
Tidwell to Jones
MM 7/1/08 Ltr to Jones
w/Cert Receipt
NN 2/25/09 Ltr to Jones
from N Meek
OO 3/9/09 Ltr to Michael
Gould cc Jones
w/envelope marked

Exhibit List Case T No 05-1-0101 1st Circuit Court Hawaii Hearing July 8-9 2010
Petitioner List Nanci Meek, attorney in Pro Se

PP 3/16/09 E mail from

Jones to Meek
QQ 10/1/09 E mail
Griswold to Meek
RR 11/2/07 Ltr to Atty
Diehl from Griswold
SS 8/30/07 IRS letter to
Michael Gould re
Estate audit
TT 5/5/05 Ltr to Atty
Weilbacher from
Jones re Arkansas
UU 9/2/05 Objection to
Petition to remove
Elizabeth filed in CA
by Jones
VV 7/8/05 Order and
Judgment on 2nd
Amended Pet for Ref
in CA
WW Melvin Meek phone
XX Liz Meek phone
records landline and
cellular with attached
breakdown identifying
calls made to relatives
and friends
YY 6/14/06 Ltr from Atty
Chapman to J Ashford
re Motion to Compel
for discovery
ZZ 6/14/06 Ltr from Atty
Chapman re conflict
of interest re Jim
Stanton acknowledge
withdrawal as counsel
AAA 8/19 /09 E mail to
Arlene at Cades Shutte
re copy of
Amendment signed in
BBB 1/28/07 S Gelb Report
Forensic Evaluation of
Medical records on
Elvin Meek

Exhibit List Case T No 05-1-0101 1st Circuit Court Hawaii Hearing July 8-9 2010
Petitioner List Nanci Meek, attorney in Pro Se

CCC 9/9/03 Dr Zerez

Discharge report
DDD 9/09/09 Elvin Straub
Hospital discharge
instructions w/notes
EEE 9/17/03 Dr. Zerez
report and surgery
notes w/medical charts
FFF 9/17/03 Dr. Hayashi
report with med charts
GGG 9/20/03 Dr Zerez
HHH 10/2/03 Dr. Yanami
III 10/2/03 Dr. Lee report
w/hospital charts
JJJ 10/9/03 St Francis
Hospice family profile
KKK 10/15/03 Physicians
MMM 9/20/03 Patient
discharge forms
NNN 9/20/03 Adv Directive
OOO 5/2/06 E mail to N
Meek from Kaleb
Udui re Elizabeth’s
PPP 5/4/07 E mail from
Wes Stewart to N
QQQ E mails from
Armstrong, Lola’s
husband to N Meek
RRR 5/7/06 Ltr to N Meek
from Armstrong
SSS 2006 E mails from
Rose Tsuneo to N
TTT 2007 E mails to N
Meek from Miriam
UUU 8/31/05 E mail to n
Meek from Fritha

Exhibit List Case T No 05-1-0101 1st Circuit Court Hawaii Hearing July 8-9 2010
Petitioner List Nanci Meek, attorney in Pro Se

VVV E mail to N Meek

from Atty Nakamura
WWW E mails to N Meek
from Wes Stewart
XXX 10/22/04 Declaration
of Elizabeth Meek
YYY 12/21/05 Notice of
Default Foreclosure
Victorville property
ZZZ 2/1/06 Notice Power
Sell tax defaulted
AAAA 12/2003 Pacific
Magazine article re
BOH opening in Palau
BBBB 1/14/04 Allianz Ltr to
Elizabeth Meek
CCCC 3/25/08 Ltr to Liz
Meek Diversified
Collections re unpaid
student loan
DDDD 1/17/91 Decree of
Adoption for Lola
EEEE 5/12/94 Registration
of Birth Lola Meek
FFFF 3/27/07 Web page for
North Beach Cottages
GGGG 3/30/07 Marianas
Variety obituary
Johnny Reklai
HHHH Page 1 Year 2005
Accounting filed 2008
IIII Page 6 Year 2004
from Accounting filed
JJJJ Page 1 Year 2005
2008 accounting
General accounting
KKKK 4/19/10 Ltr to N Meek
from Nikki Daniels re
LLLL E mails from M
Brennler to Grigger

Exhibit List Case T No 05-1-0101 1st Circuit Court Hawaii Hearing July 8-9 2010
Petitioner List Nanci Meek, attorney in Pro Se

MMMM 7/27/09 Cal Coast

News article re
Grigger accused of
NNNN 4/28/09 Article re
Jones and Indian
Casino Fraud
OOOO 9/10/09 Internet
posting to N Meek
from BJ Pacas re
PPPP 8/2/07 Affidavit of
Wes Stewart
QQQQ 3/7/08 E mail Jane
Peebles to N Meek
RRRR Page 1 Accounting
Jan-Dec 2004
SSSS Page 1 Accounting
Jan-Dec 2006
TTTT Page 6 Accounting of
Estate Jan-Dec 2005
UUUU 2008 Accounting of
VVVV Page 6 Accounting of
Estate Jan-Dec 2007
WWWW 9/6/03 Adv Directive
XXXX 9/16 & 9/17/03
Consent to Operate
YYYY 9/16/03 Straub clinic
Risk Assessment
ZZZZ 9/17/03 Med Social
Work Psycho Social
assessment Straub
AAAAA Deposition transcript
of Elizabeth Meek
taken 5-28-10

Revised 6/29/10

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