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Exercise 12: Serological Testing: Activity 1: Using Direct Fluorescent Antibody Technique to Test for Chlamydia Lab Report

Pre-lab Quiz Results

You scored 100% by answering 4 out of 4 questions correctly.

1. Which of the following has an epitope? You

correctly answered: b. an antigen

2. Chlamydia trachomatis is
You correctly answered: c. a bacterium that reproduces inside its host cell.

3. The infectious form of Chlamydia that is spread from person to person is the You
correctly answered: d. elementary body that stains green in this activity

4. The goal of the direct fluorescent antibody test is to test for the presence of You
correctly answered: c. antigen.

03/28/17 page 1
Experiment Results
Stop & Think Questions:
The source of the patient samples is
You correctly answered: c. epithelial scrapings

What is the name for the specific part of the antigen that the antibody binds to?
You correctly answered: b. epitope

15. Drag the first slide (patient A) to the fluorescent microscope.

Count the number of elementary bodies you see through the microscope (recall that elementary bodies stain green), enter
the number of elementary bodies in the field below, and then click Submit to display your results in the grid. After you click
Submit, the slide will automatically be placed in the biohazardous waste disposal.
You answered: 0 elementary bodies

16. Drag the next slide (patient B) to the fluorescent microscope.

Count the number of elementary bodies you see through the microscope (recall that elementary bodies stain green), enter
the number of elementary bodies in the field below, and then click Submit to display your results in the grid. After you click
Submit, the slide will automatically be placed in the biohazardous waste disposal.
You answered: 15 elementary bodies

17. Drag the next slide (patient C) to the fluorescent microscope.

Count the number of elementary bodies you see through the microscope (recall that elementary bodies stain green), enter
the number of elementary bodies in the field below, and then click Submit to display your results in the grid. After you click
Submit, the slide will automatically be placed in the biohazardous waste disposal.
You answered: 1 elementary bodies

18. Drag the next slide (positive control) to the fluorescent microscope.

Count the number of elementary bodies you see through the microscope (recall that elementary bodies stain green), enter
the number of elementary bodies in the field below, and then click Submit to display your results in the grid. After you click
Submit, the slide will automatically be placed in the biohazardous waste disposal.
You answered: 19 elementary bodies

19. Drag the last slide (negative control) to the fluorescent microscope.

Count the number of elementary bodies you see through the microscope (recall that elementary bodies stain green), enter
the number of elementary bodies in the field below, and then click Submit to display your results in the grid. After you click
Submit, the slide will automatically be placed in the biohazardous waste disposal.
You answered: 0 elementary bodies

Experiment Data:

Sample Number of Elementary Bodies Chlamydia Result

Patient A 0 Positive
Patient B 15 Negative
Sample Number of Elementary Bodies Chlamydia Result
Patient C 1 Positive
Positive Control 19 Positive
Negative Control 0 Negative
Post-lab Quiz Results
You scored 100% by answering 5 out of 5 questions correctly.

1. In the serology test just performed, the fluorescence is found on the You
correctly answered: c. antibody

2. What would most likely happen if you forgot to fix the samples to the slide?
You correctly answered: a. They would all test negative because the washing steps would remove the samples.

3. Which sample showed some residual nonspecific binding after the washing steps? You
correctly answered: c. patient C

4. Which patient samples contained the Chlamydia-specific antigen? You

correctly answered: b. patient B

5. How is chlamydia disease transmission prevented?

You correctly answered: d. abstinence or faithful, mutual monogamy
Review Sheet Results
1. Describe the importance of the washing steps in the direct antibody fluorescence test.
Your answer:
Esm uy importante seguir las etapas de lavado en la prueba de fluorescencia directa de anticuerpos para eliminar cualquier
union no especifica que pueda haber ocurrido.

2. Explain where the epitope (antigenic determinant) is located.

Your answer:
Los epitopos estan situados en los antigenos de manera que los anticuerpos puedan unirse a ellos.

3. Describe how a positive result is detected in this serological test.

Your answer:
Los cuerpo elementale de Chlamydia trachomatis manchan verde dentro de celula huesped roja y la presencia de 10 o mas
cuerpos elementales en un campo de vision con un diametro de 5mm se considera un resultado positivo.

4. How would the results be affected if a negative control gave a positive result?
Your answer:
Esto seria un falso positivo que invalidaria todos los dems resultados.

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